Roc F7Cr & Roc F9Cr: Atlas Copco Surface Drill Rigs
Roc F7Cr & Roc F9Cr: Atlas Copco Surface Drill Rigs
Roc F7Cr & Roc F9Cr: Atlas Copco Surface Drill Rigs
New standards of performance and pro- for better guidance when collaring, op- pressor for air flushing, ensuring clean
ductivity Atlas Copco’s ROC series of timizes the drill pattern for low drilling holes that are easier to charge with ex-
crawler rigs have earned an enviable and blasting costs plosives
reputation for outstanding performance • Exceptionally durable COP 2150 and • Heavy duty tracks that give superb
in the toughest conditions. COP 2550 rock drills, which incorporate tramming, making it easy to reach the
Following on this success, we are Atlas Copcos unique double dampen- work site quickly and safely
proud to present the ROC F7CR and ing system, ensuring longer drill string
ROC F9CR – drill rigs that are not only life and higher penetration rates. These Designed with service in mind
the most powerful in their class, but also rock drills can also be fitted with TED, Like all our crawlers, the ROC F7CR
incorporates our unique COPROD sys- our innovative system for preventing the and ROC F9CR have been designed for
tem for straight-hole drilling. The re- drill string from getting stuck ease of maintenance with ready access
sult sets new standards of performance • A rugged Caterpillar diesel engine to all service points. And it uses stand-
and productivity for aggregate quarry- with more than enough power to drill ard parts, which makes for reliable and
ing work. straight holes fast in the toughest rock fast delivery of spares worldwide. That’s
conditions something we take for granted in Atlas
COPROD brings you the best of both • An onboard Atlas Copco screw com- Copco, but never pay lip service to.
Take the benefits of tophammer drilling, Vertical and horizontal drilling to a
and forget the drawbacks. Then take the depth of 30 meters (98 feet)
accuracy of down the-hole drilling, and The new rig comes with single-sec-
forget the drawbacks. Pool the benefits tion boom developed for quarries that
of the two methods and you have place very high demands on productiv-
COPROD, the most exciting develop- ity. Equipment for horizontal drilling is
ment in decades. standard for extra flexibility. The abil-
ity to place the feed horizontally also
Ergonomics and safety makes it easier to service the feed and
Add to all of the above a touch of spe- rock drill.
cialist know-how in ergonomics and
safety – most noticeable in the design
of the operator’s cabin – and you have a
worthy contender for the title of “indus-
try best of breed”.
COP 2150CR and COP 2550CR series
High performance rock drills anism that generates reverse percussion. The benefits of COPROD with the
Atlas Copco’s well-known COP 1800- This is transmitted through the housing COP CR-series
series is now supplemented with COP into the drill string and bit, knocking it • High penetration rates
2000-series of rock drills. free. Yet another Atlas Copco innovation • Unique, self-regulating reflex damper
This includes also the high- that adds real value to your operation! in the rock drill for long service life
performance COP-CR series. The COP • Impact piston matched to the drill rod
2150CR and COP 2550CR, which to- Additional drill-string sizes dimension for optimum energy trans-
gether with their respective COPROD Success of the original COPROD sys- mission
drill strings provide a fast and reliable tem has stimulated further development • Adaptable impact power to suit differ-
means of working in even the most de- of rock drills and additional drill-string ent rock formations
manding rock formations. sizes. For the 90–105 mm (31/2"–41/8") • A pressure-lubrication system that
hole range, the COP 2150CR and COP keeps dirt out of the rock drill and pre-
Stepped-up torque reduces risk of 2550CR rock drills can be combined vents wear between hammer sections
jamming... with COPROD 76 and for 105–127 mm and contamination from the outside
COP CR-series of rock drills are (41/8"–5") with COPROD 89. • Impact rods without threads, giving
equipped with hydraulic rotation mo- long service life
tors with a stepped-up torque output • TED for the near elimination of jam-
well suited to their respective hole-di- ming and hence higher productivity
ameter ranges. High rotational torque
like this significantly reduces the risk of
jamming and gives smooth rotary action
that eases stress to the equipment.
TED, tube extraction device, is mounted directly on the drill string. This unit generates reverse
percussion meaning that the drill string cannot get stuck.
ROC F7CR + COPROD = Hole quality ROC F9CR + COPROD = High productivity
• The COPROD drill string provides straight holes and • COP 2550CR rock drill with double dampening sys-
sturdy hole walls for easier charging with explosives. tem is increasing productivity and still providing very
• The double drill tube guides also contribute to drilling straight holes,
straight holes and to an excellent hole quality. • The rock drill can also be fitted with TED, tube ex-
• The COP 2150CR rock drill with double dampening tracting device, for drilling in fissured and trouble-
system for smooth and reliable drilling, can also be fit- some rock conditions.
ted with TED, tube extracting device, for drilling in • COPROD drill string providing straight holes fast and
difficult conditions. easy.
• The double drill tube guides also contribute to drilling
ROC F7CR is equipped with the COP 2150CR rock drill straight and fast.
this combination give very straight holes also in de-
manding rock conditions. ROC F9CR has more power than the ROC F7CR. That
means that both the rock drill COP 2550CR and the drill
rig itself are more productive.
4500 4500
4000 4000
3500 3500
3000 3000
2500 2500
2000 2000
1500 ø 1500 ø
90 95 105 115 127 mm 90 95 105 115 127 mm
31/2 3 3/4 41/8 41/2 5 inch 31/2 3 3/4 41/8 41/2 5 inch
• Operator can monitor and control the
entire drilling process without chang-
ing body position. Relieves neck,
shoulders and back from strain.
• Vertically and laterally adjustable, er-
gonomically designed seat with col-
lapsible arm rests.
• ontrol levers and control panel locat-
ed in close proximity to the arm rests.
• ow noise level approx. 80 dB.
• Very efficient air conditioning system
(cooling and heating).
• More surfaces now textile covered for
greater comfort.
• Rubber-damped cab mounted directly
on the chassis reduces vibration and
gives greater comfort during tram-
• Adjustable sun protection for cab win-
• Cab complies with European and in-
ternational safety demands: Roll-
Over Protective Structure (ROPS) and
Falling Object Protective Structure
Monitoring Tramming Drilling
Technical data ROC F7CR & ROC F9CR
Recommended hole range Standard equipment
COPROD 76 mm 90–105 mm 31/2"–41/8" Tube handling system with permutation capacity of 8 COPROD-sections
COPROD 89 mm 105–127 mm 41/8"–5" Fuel saving device
Hole Depth 30 m 98' Two-speed traction
Cabwindows tinted
Compressor Engine pre-heater
Atlas Copco, screw type compressor Dust collector and pre-separator
Illustrations and photos in this brochure may show equipment with optional extras. Specifications and equipment subject to change
* option on F9CR
Feed length, total 8 100 mm 26'7" Optional equipment
Travel length 4 770 mm 15'8" Central lubrication system
Feed extension 1 300 mm 4'3" TED extracting unit
Feed rate, max. 0.92 m/s 180 ft/min Track chains with triple grouser pads
Feed force, max. 20 kN 4 500 lbf
Tramming speed, max. 3,6 km/h 2.2 mph
Traction force 112 kN 25 200 lbf
Hill climbing ability 20°
Track oscillation ±10°
without prior notice. Consult your Atlas Copco sales company for specific information.
Ground clearance 405 mm 16" Transport position
Transport dimensions
Weight, optional equipment excluded
ROC F7CR, approx. 15 800 kg 34 800 lb
ROC F9CR, approx. 17 300 kg 38 100 lb
Width 2 490 mm 8’2”
Length* 12 300 mm 40’4”
Height* 3 200 mm 10’6”
* Feed dumped
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