S4 Aceiteka 2017 Accounts
S4 Aceiteka 2017 Accounts
S4 Aceiteka 2017 Accounts
Signature ……………………………………………………….
Principles of Accounts
This paper consists of two sections A and B
Answer all questions in section A and any other four questions in section B
All questions in section B carry equal marks
A: (i) and (iii) B:( i) and (ii) C: (iii) and (iv) D: (ii) and (iv)
3. Determine the cost of sales given opening stock shs 950,000 withdraw of goods shs 140,000
purchases shs 1,900,000, Returns inwards shs 150,000 and closing stock shs 1,210,000
A: shs 1,500,000 B: shs 1,350,000 C: shs 1,650,000 D: shs 1,630,000
4. What is the effect on the Balance Sheet if the owner of the business pays a creditor from personal
A: liabilities decrease; capital increases B: both liabilities and capital decrease
C: liabilities increase; capital decreases D: both liabilities and capital increase
5. Which account records the debit entry when goods are sold on credit?
A: Sales account B: Purchases account
C: Cash account D: Debtors’ personal account
6. Determine circulating capital given stock shs 2,000,000 debtors shs 1,200,000 Bank shs
5,000,000 and cash shs 1,800,000
A: shs 10,000,000 B: shs 8,000,000 C: shs 6,000,000 D: shs 3,600,000
8. Given credit purchases amounting to shs 1,400,000 subject to 5% cash discount if payment is
made within one month, and 2 ½ % within two months. How much was paid if the debtor paid
after two months?
A: Shs 1,330,000 B: shs 1,365,000 C: shs 1,400,000 D: shs 1,295,000
9. A firm bought a motorvan for shs 6,400,000 on January 1st 2013. If depreciation is charged at a
rate of 25% using the declining balance method, determine the book value of the asset as at
December 31st 2014.
A: shs 3,200,000 B: shs 3,600,000 C: shs 4,000,000 D: shs 4,800,000
10. Which of the following describe the Income and Expenditure account?
(i) It is a real account
(ii) It records only revenue items
(iii) It reveals a surplus or deficit
(iv)Income is debited to this account.
A: (i) and (iv) B: (ii) and (iv) C: (ii) and (iii) D: (i) and (ii)
11. The amount of money value that the business owes the investors is referred to as
A: drawings B: liability C: capital D: assets
12. Determine the Bank statement balance given cash deposits shs 6,000,000 withdraws shs
1,500,000 , cheques banked shs 2,000,000 and bank charges shs 100,000.
A: shs 6,400,000Cr B: shs 6,400,000Dr
C: shs 5,600,000Dr D: shs 5,600,000Cr
13. Determine the amount to be transferred to the profit and loss account given that on 1/1/2015
debit balance in salaries account shs 500,000 salaries paid during the year shs 9,500,000 and
salaries accrued at the end of the year shs 400,000.
A: shs 8,600,000 B: shs 9,600,000 C: shs 10,000,000 D: 10,400,000
14. In case discount allowed is undervalued, what effect will this have on the affairs of the business?
A: Net profit will be understated B: Gross profit will be understated
C: Net profit will be overstated D: Gross profit will be overstated
15. Which one of the following provides information to be recorded in the purchases journal?
A: duplicate copies of invoices received B: original copies of invoices issued
C: duplicate copies of invoices issued D: original copies of invoices received
16. What are the correcting entries if shs 200,000 received from Kirabo was debited to her account?
A: Dr: Suspense Account shs 200,000 , Cr: Kirabo’s account shs 200,000
B: Dr :Cash book shs 200,000 Cr: Kirabo’s account shs 200,000
C: Dr: Suspense Account shs 400,000 Cr: Kirabo’s account shs 400,000
D: Dr: Cash book shs 400,000 , Cr: Kirabo’s account shs 400,000
18. Which one of the following accounts is prepared to determine a surplus or deficit?
A: Receipts and Payments account B: Subscriptions account
C: Accumulated fund account D: Income and Expenditure account
19. Which one of the following is debited to Income and Expenditure account?
A: Donations received B: Interest received on bank deposits
C: Subscriptions received D: Payment of salaries
20. How much should be posted to the suspense account if payment of cash shs 400,000 to a creditor
was debited to cash book?
A: shs 800,000Cr B: shs 400,0000Cr
C: shs 800,000Dr D: shs 400,000Dr
Post the above transactions to the relevant ledger accounts, balance off the accounts and extract a
Trial Balance. (19 marks)
22. (a) State any four (4) causes of depreciation. (04 marks)
(b) KIKU TRANSPORTERS LTD who are dealers in second hand motor vehicles bought a
motor vehicle on Jan 1st 2013 at a cost of shs 12,000,000 and another on April 1st, 2014 at shs
8,000,000 all paying by cheque.
The policy of the firm is to maintain one motor vehicle account and depreciate all motor vehicles
at a rate of 10% pa using the straight line method.
If the accounting year ends every December 31st , prepare the following accounts and extracts for
the first three years.
(i) Motor vehicle account (04 marks)
(ii) Provision for depreciation account (05 marks)
(iii) Profit and loss account extract (02 marks)
(iv) Balance sheet extract (05 marks)
23. The trial balance below was extracted from the books of NABIMANYA RETAILERS as at
December 31st 2016.
Purchases and sales 7,950,000 14,550,000
Stock Jan 1st, 2016 2,550,000
Returns 300,000 450,000
Drawings 600,000
Motor vehicle 12,000,000
Furniture 3,000,000
Motor expenses 900,000
Debtors and creditors 4,500,000 6,750,000
Electricity 450,000
Discounts 540,000 660,000
Bad debts written off 360,000
Commission received 1,050,000
Provision for bad debts 390,000
Cash balance 3,750,000
Bank balance 3,000,000
Capital 10,050,000
36,900,000 36,900,000
Additional Notes:
(i) Closing stock was valued at shs 1,900,000
(ii) Commission income due and not yet received shs 150,000
(iii) Charge a provision of 3% on debtors for bad and doubtful debts.
(iv) Depreciate all fixed assets by 10% on cost
(a) Trading, Profit and Loss account for the year ended using the Vertical format.(11 marks)
(b) Balance sheet as at that date. (09 marks)
24. (a) State any 2 errors which do not affect the agreement of the trial balance. (02 marks)
(b) The trial balance of MUTOORO INVESTMENTS prepared on June 30th 2015 failed to agree
with an amount of shs 390,000 appearing as a shortage in the debit column.
The book-keeper posted the difference to the suspense account; and thereafter prepared an
Income Statement which revealed a Net profit of shs 5,900,000. On investigation, the
following errors were discovered.
(i) Pass journal entries to correct the above errors (Ignore narration) (05 marks)
(ii) Prepare the suspense account (04 marks)
(iii) Show the effect of each error on the reported Net profit, and prepare a statement of
revised net profit. (09 marks)
25. A firm makes a provision for bad debts and discount allowed at a rate of 10% and 5% of debtors
respectively. The debtors balances as at December 31st were as follows;
Prepare the following accounts and extracts for the years 2014, 2015 and 2016
26. (a) Give any three reasons why there is need to prepare Control accounts (03 marks)
(b) The following balances were obtained from the books of MITI AND SONS for the year 2012
2012 SHS
July Balance on purchases ledger 2,065,200
1st Balance on sales ledger 2,902,800
1st Purchases during the year 24,093,100
30th Sales during the year 25,075,000
30th Purchases returns 24,700
30th Sales returns 47,300
30th Cash paid to suppliers 22,903,500
30th Cash received from customers 33,917,900
30th Discount received 476,300
30th Discount allowed 593,200
30th Bad debts w/o 27,800
30th Purchases ledger transferred to sales ledger
30th Closing balances : 383,700
30th Purchases ledger balance 2,370,100
30th sales ledger balance 3,009,200
(i) Purchases ledger control Account (07½ marks)
(ii) Sales ledger control Account (09½ marks)