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Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) could be described as orderly simplification of interrelated

measures. EFA, traditionally, has been used to explore the possible underlying factor structure of a
set of observed variables without imposing a preconceived structure on the outcome (Child, 1990).
By performing EFA, the underlying factor structure is identified.

Exploratory Factor Analysis

E wc1

E wc2

E oc1

E oc2

Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) is a statistical technique used to verify the factor structure of a set
of observed variables. CFA allows the researcher to test the hypothesis that a relationship between
observed variables and their underlying latent constructs exists. The researcher uses knowledge of
the theory, empirical research, or both, postulates the relationship pattern a priori and then tests
the hypothesis statistically. The process of data analysis with EFA and CFA will be explained.
Examples with FACTOR and CALIS procedures will illustrate EFA and CFA statistical techniques.

Confirmatory Factor Analysis





CFA and EFA are powerful statistical techniques. An example of CFA and EFA could occur with the
development of measurement instruments, e.g. a satisfaction scale, attitudes toward health,
customer service questionnaire. A blueprint is developed, questions written, a scale determined, the
instrument pilot tested, data collected, and CFA completed. The blueprint identifies the factor
structure or what we think it is. However, some questions may not measure what we thought they
should. If the factor structure is not confirmed, EFA is the next step. EFA helps us determine what
the factor structure looks like according to how participant responses. Exploratory factor analysis is
essential to determine underlying constructs for a set of measured variables.

2) Basic step for CFA

1. Developing a theoretically based model.

 In confirmatory factor analysis can be illustrated by a synthesis of the

principal components common factor analysis.

 For example, brand awareness, brand loyalty and brand image are
the sub-factor of brand equity.

2. Checking the assumption.

 Outlier

การเชค outlier ใช้ spss ในการเชค

 Multivariate Normality.

- Select data file ก่อน

- Analyze properties เลือก test normal and outlier
- กด calculate estimate
- View text – assessment of normality
ดูค่า cr.

Assessment of normality (Group number 1)

Variable min max skew c.r. c.r.
CL3 3.000 5.000 -.008 -.041 -.095 -.262
CL2 3.000 5.000 .086 .472 -.390 -1.067
CL1 3.000 5.000 -.031 -.169 .148 .404
CS3 2.000 5.000 .132 .720 -.316 -.866
CS2 2.000 5.000 -.255 -.182 -.499
CS1 2.000 5.000 .204 1.120 -.738 -2.020
PM1 3.000 5.000 -.101 -.554 -.884 -2.422
PM2 3.000 5.000 -.209 -.807 -2.211
PM3 2.000 5.000 -.379 -.362 -.990
SQ1 3.000 5.000 .122 .666 -.344 -.942
SQ2 2.000 5.000 -.164 -.898 .845 2.314
SQ3 3.000 5.000 .268 1.466 .237 .648
SQ4 3.000 5.000 .166 .909 -.004 -.011
SQ5 3.000 5.000 .180 .984 .846 2.317
16.003 5.072

ไม่ สีเหลืองก้ สีแดงไห้ อย่ างไดอย่ างนึงมีค่าไนช่ วง -1.96 ถึง 1.96 แสดงว่ า normal

วีทีคือ: ลบไปเรื่ อยๆ คลิก Observations farthest from the centroid ดูคา่ Mahalanobis d-squared ที่มากสุด และไป
ลบข้ อมูลตัวนันที
้ ่ spss กด save ด้ วยไน spss อะ
3. Evaluating goodness-of-fit criteria

 Absolute fit (GFI, RMSEA)

GFI and AGFI must be greater than 0.9.

RMSEA should be less than 0.05 while

 Incremental fit (TLI, NFI)

NFI and TLI (NNFI) should be greater than 0.9.

 Parimonious fit (CMIN/DF)

n > 100

It is the ratio of the chi-square divided by the degrees of freedom.

Accepted at 1-3 or 1-5

Ho: Model is fit to data.

Ha: Model is not fit to data.

P must be greater than 0.05 in order to accept Ho.

CMIN/DF must be less than 2.00.

4. Interpreting and modifying the model

 Unstandardized and standardized

 Model respecification

2) Basic step for SEM

1. เปิ ด estimate ดูเอาเส้ นที่มากกว่า .05 ที่ p value ออก

จาก hypothesis
Ho: XX has no effect on YY

Ha: XX has effect in YY

2 เอาที่เหลือมา run ว่า model fit ป่ าว

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