Milltronics: Weighfeeder 1200
Milltronics: Weighfeeder 1200
Milltronics: Weighfeeder 1200
Safety Guidelines: Warning notices must be observed to ensure personal safety as well as that of
others, and to protect the product and the connected equipment. These warning notices are
accompanied by a clarification of the level of caution to be observed.
Qualified Personnel: This device/system may only be set up and operated in conjunction with this
manual. Qualified personnel are only authorized to install and operate this equipment in accordance with
established safety practices and standards.
Unit Repair and Excluded Liability:
• The user is responsible for all changes and repairs made to the device by the user or the user’s
• All new components are to be provided by Siemens Milltronics Process Instruments Inc.
• Restrict repair to faulty components only.
• Do not reuse faulty components.
Warning: This product can only function properly and safely if it is correctly transported, stored,
installed, set up, operated, and maintained.
This product is intended for use in industrial areas. Operation of this equipment in a residential area
may cause interference to several frequency based communications.
Dimensions ........................................................................................................................ 18
Open Unit .................................................................................................................................................18
Enclosed Unit ..........................................................................................................................................19
Milltronics Weighfeeder 1200 Series
Milltronics Weighfeeder 1200 is a high capacity, heavy-duty weighfeeder for macro
ingredient additives. It is designed for industrial applications such as mining, aggregates,
cement, minerals, and other process industries.
Weighfeeder 1200 comes with weigh bridge, speed sensor, and test weights. An
integrator is required to complete the system.
Safety Notes
Special attention must be paid to warnings and notes highlighted from the rest of the text
by grey boxes.
WARNING means that failure to observe the necessary
precautions can result in death, serious injury, and/or considerable
material damage.
Note: means important information about the product or that part of the operating
The Manual
• The Milltronics Weighfeeder 1200 product is to be used only in the manner
outlined in this instruction manual.
• This product is intended for use in industrial areas. Operation of this equipment in
a residential area may cause interference to several frequency based
This instruction manual covers the operation, installation, and maintenance of a model
1200 Weighfeeder. Specific information for your Weighfeeder model is also included such
as: motor, reducer, testing documents, customer application data, spare parts.
Adhering to the installation and operating procedures will ensure a quick, trouble-free
installation and allow for the maximum accuracy and reliability of your weighfeeder.
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about the manual contents, please
email us at
For the complete library of Siemens manuals,
go to www.
ALWAYS STOP the belt, lock-out, and/or place a "Do Not Energize"
tag on the main disconnect before working on or around the
Note: A weighfeeder can be dangerous. Pinch points exist along the conveyor belt.
Operating Temperature
• -10 to +60 °C (+14 to +140 °F) with higher temperatures available
• mild steel with stainless steel/AR contact parts optional
Load Cells
• stainless steel strain gauge load cell(s) with mechanical overload protection
• non-linearity: ± 0.02%
• non-repeatability: ± 0.02%
Speed Sensor
• industrial duty, digital optical encoder, tail shaft mounted/mag p/u motor coupled
• cantilevered painted mild steel structural frame for quick and easy belt
• 305 mm (12") crowned with 10 mm (3/8”) rubber lagging on drive pulley for
maximum traction and minimum belt tensions, 12” crowned tail
• larger sizes available Specifications
Idlers mmmmm
• heavy duty 100 mm (4") CEMA C with precision ground ball bearings and triple
labyrinth seals for longer life
• SBR rubber belting, 220 PIW 2-ply vulcanised endless with ’B’ section (standard)
• up to 75 mm (3”) corrugated sidewalls (optional)
Belt Tension
• screw type, telescoper module with 203 mm (9") to 305 mm (12") travel
• 0.37 kW (0.5 HP), TEFC, 208/230/460/575 V AC, three phase or 90/180 V DC
permanent magnet - both with shaft mounted gear reducer
• larger motor sizes and other drive packages available
Shipping Weight
• 820 kg (1800 lbs) minimum
• for use in hazardous rated areas, consult factory
Weighfeeders weigh bulk material while it is conveyed. An accurate rate of flow and
totalized weight measurement is received without interrupting the flow of material in
process. A weighfeeder can also control the rate of flow of the conveyed product.
In-motion weighing requires accurate transmission of the product load to a strain gauge
load cell(s). The resulting voltage signal corresponding to weight is transmitted to the
integrator and becomes one of the two inputs required for integration.
Unlike static weighing, in-motion weighing integration requires a second input: a pulse
signal proportional to the speed of the conveyor belt. Each belt speed sensor pulse
represents a fixed distance of the belt travel.
Since the force measured by the load cell is represented as weight per unit length, it can
be multiplied by the distance of belt travel (one speed sensor pulse) to provide product
weight for that segment of the belt (lbs/ft x ft = lbs or kg/m x m = kg).
Adding the samples provides total throughput weight of product across the scale. With
proper scaling and calibration, the total weight can be displayed in kilograms, pounds,
short tons, long tons, metric tons, or other appropriate units.
your weighfeeder. The containers are packed to separate each item and provide
protection during shipping.
Note: Do not remove equipment from shipping crates or boxes until you check for
possible shipping damage. Contact the carrier immediately if damage is noted.
Your weighfeeder has been designed, assembled, and factory tested for your specific
• Refer to the mechanical drawings sent with this manual prior to commencing with
• Do NOT weld on or near the weighfeeder while the load cells are connected to
the electronic integrator. Damage to the integrator may result if the load cells are
not disconnected from the integrator.
• Follow a scheduled, preventative maintenance program to ensure optimum
performance and long equipment life.
Installation shall be in accordance with local regulations, standards and established
safety practices. Read and understand the instructions before installing, operating or
maintaining the equipment.
1. Align the in-feed section of the weighfeeder with the discharge of the feed device.
Prevent twisting or misalignment that could induce stress on the weighing section.
2. Securely fasten the unit to a rigid, level structure. Use a level for verification and
shim as necessary. Prevent any twisting of the frame that may affect weighfeeder
3. Construct the necessary support framework to provide a sturdy, rigid base. Vibration
isolators are recommended if the location is subject to moderate or heavy vibration.
4. Inlet and discharge will not support load.
Note: If your system has a permanently lubricated gear motor, disregard Step 5.
5. Check the gear reducer oil level. See the gear reducer manual for further details on
6. The weighfeeder in-feed and discharge flanges are not meant to support any load.
The connecting equipment should be self supporting.
7. Flexible in-feed connections are REQUIRED for all applications where there is
expected high deflection due to bin loading. Flexible discharge connections may
also be considered if there are concerns regarding shifting of down stream chute
8. Connect the proper electric supply to the motor and/or motor controller, following
the interwiring diagram supplied with this manual. The AC/DC motor controller (if
present) must be grounded to minimize noise to the electronic integrator. Refer to
the applicable wiring diagram to make all electrical connections between the
electronic integrator and the weighfeeder.
9. Before starting the machine, make a final check to see that the conveyor belt is free
from all tools and foreign objects.
Test Load
The test load value for your Milltronics Weighfeeder 1200 is given on the accompanying
test sheet. The value is already entered into the dedicated programming parameter of the
integrator, in kilograms per meter or pounds per foot.
Perform the zero calibration as described in the Calibration section of the integrator
The test load used in the calibration procedure is a set of factory sized and supplied test
weights (2 to 4).
Perform the span calibration as described in the Calibration section of the integrator
instruction manual.
After the span calibration has been completed, remove the test load and store it.
R R B B W G W G E E junction box
‘A’ ‘B’ ‘A’ ’B’ ’A’ ’A’ ’B’ ’B’ ’A’ ’B’
+ - - + - + S
to integrator
TB 1 +Excitation
TB 2 +Sense
TB 3 -Sense Black
TB 4 -Excitation
TB 5 +Load Cell A Green
TB 6 -Load Cell A White
TB 7 +Load Cell B Green
TB 8 -Load Cell B White
TB 9 SHIELD Yellow
TB 10 Speed Excitation Red
TB 11 Speed Common Black
TB 12 Speed Signal White
WARNING: Turn off and lock out all power sources before
correcting rotation. On DC motors, reverse the armature wires. On
AC motors, reverse 2 of the 3 motor wires.
Start the belt again and observe the machine as it is running. If the belt is not tracking
correctly, see Belt Tracking on page 11.
Shear Gate
The shear gate on the inlet of the weighfeeder needs to be set to allow the maximum
feedrate capacity requested by the customer. Consult your Siemens representative if
feed rate changes are required.
The skirtboards have also been factory set to proper specifications. Note that near the
inlet, the skirtboards are very close to the belt. However, toward the discharge end of the
weighfeeder, the skirtboards are 1/8" to 3/16" higher off the belt. This tapering improves
material flow and will help the product move down the belt without "bottlenecking."
Adjustments of the skirtboards should not be necessary but if they are required, set the
skirtboards at the heights described above.
framework is not designed to support the operating weight of the feeder and material
when the access side support legs are removed. Remove the legs only when
removing the belt. Immediately re-install the legs after the belt has been changed.
Support the side of the feeder frame with a fork lift or other support while the access
side support legs are removed.
1. Open and remove the access and non-access side covers (omit this step on open
construction models).
2. Mark the position of the telescopers for reference. This will be handy when you re-
install the belt. Loosen the telescopers to remove tension from the belt.
4. Remove support posts on the access side, remove rail end extensions.
5. From the access side of the feeder at the discharge end, grab the edge of the belt on
the top and bottom. Gently pull the belt over the side rail, making sure that the
leading edge of the belt does not catch on the side rail.
6. Now repeat Step 4 on the inlet end of the feeder. Again, be careful not to cut or
scrape the belt on the side rail.
7. When both ends have been pulled to the outside of the side rail, you may grab the
belt in the middle and slowly remove the belt. As the belt is removed, mark the
direction the belt was rotating. This mark will allow you to re-install the belt in the
same direction. Take care when storing the belt to prevent kinks or other damage.
8. With the belt removed, inspect the feeder for material build up, lodged particles, and
signs of wear, paying close attention to the weigh section. Take care when cleaning
the weigh section area, as 25 lbs. (or less) pressure placed on the weighbridge
could cause load cell damage.
Note: On a new replacement belt, there may be an arrow printed on the underside of
the belt. This arrow indicates what direction the belt should rotate when it is installed.
If there is no arrow, rotation of the belt may be in either direction. Whenever a new
belt is installed, perform the belt tracking procedure (see Belt Tracking on page 11).
slipping on the drive pulley. The tension minimizes the effect of the belt on weighing
accuracy. Often, the sole cause of an inaccurate weighfeeder is excessive belt tension.
Specific belt tension cannot be given because the weighfeeder could be mounted in
various applications. As a general guideline, the bottom of the belt should droop 1-2
inches over the length of the weighfeeder. This is only an approximate specification, as
your application may require more or less tension due to varying belt loading and other
operating characteristics.
Belt Tracking
1. Before attempting to track the belt, be sure:
• the belt scraper and belt ploughs (if applicable) are in place
• the belt tension is near guidelines suggested on page 11
Telescoper Adjustment
1. Determine which side of the machine you want to adjust. Compressing the
telescoper on one side will cause the belt to drift toward that side of the machine.
Conversely, extending the telescoper will cause the belt to drift away from that side
of the machine.
2. Loosen the jam nut.
3. Turn the adjusting screw in the desired direction. Often times, only a small amount
of adjustment (1 turn or less) will be required.
jam nut
adjusting bolt
tail pulley
Note: As you extend or compress the telescoper, you may be changing the belt
tension. If belt tension has increased (or decreased) considerably while attempting to
track the belt, then compress (or extend) both telescopers and complete the belt
tracking process again. To avoid this problem, extend one telescoper while
compressing the other to obtain proper belt tracking.
5. Re-tighten the jam nut located on the telescoper to maintain the new telescoper
position after completing the tracking procedure.
6. If you are having problems tracking the belt, consult your Siemens representative.
Common causes of belt tracking problems are: uneven or improperly distributed
product loading, twisted frame, or product build up on head or tail pulleys.
If a load cell on Milltronics Weighfeeder 1200 has been damaged and is not functioning or
if you are changing the capacity, you will need to replace one or all load cells.
Note: Please read and understand all of the instructions before proceeding with the
replacement. Contact your Siemens representative for assistance if you have any
questions or problems.
2. Install the two front load cell mount bolts. Tighten them by hand.
3. Start with the bottom load cell mounting bolts and tighten them to 200 in-lb
torque. Now tighten the two front load cell mounting bolts to 200 in-lb torque.
4. Route the load cell cable to the junction box and connect the load cell according
to the supplied interwiring diagram. Repeat for other load cells if necessary.
5. Perform a load cell balancing procedure as described in the integrator
instruction manual.
1. Power up the integrator and using the appropriate integrator menu, verify that
the new load cell(s) are operating correctly.
2. Zero calibrate the unit. using the integrator manual for reference. Record zero
calibration procedure results.
R2 R1 A1 A2
Mechanical Troubleshooting
Review mechanical installation procedures and perform a thorough visual inspection to
be sure the operating error is caused by a mechanical problem. Then review and check
the common problems listed below.
Note: If you have difficulty determining the cause of the problem you are
experiencing, contact your Siemens representative. Be sure to have the Model
Number and Serial Number of your system and all of the calibration and set up
parameters available before calling.
gize" tag on the main disconnect before working on or around the weigh-
Preventative Maintenance
The maintenance schedule below is recommended to maintain top performance and
accuracy of the system. Weighfeeders mounted in severe weather or dusty conditions
may require a more rigorous maintenance schedule.
Make sure the weighing element is aligned with the approach and retreat sections for
accurate weighing. Periodic measurement to verify alignment is recommended.
should be removed to minimize potential damage to the mechanical components and
scale accuracy.
Abrasions, cuts, or ragged edges on the belt will create performance problems. Replace
the belt if it becomes ragged or torn.
All head and tail pulley bearings are pre-greased at the factory. These bearings should be
field greased periodically. Lubrication frequency may vary; dry, dusty applications may
warrant weekly greasing, while less harsh applications may need greasing only once or
twice a year. Do not exceed 10,000 hours of operation between re-greasing.
If there is a gear reducer supplied with your weighfeeder, it has an initial break-in period.
After the first 250 hours of operation, the gear box(es) should be drained and refilled to
the proper level(s). Subsequent oil changes should be done every 2500 hours. See the
gear reducer manual provided for further details.
If there is a gear motor (motor and reducer all in one housing) supplied with your unit, it is
permanently lubricated. No lubrication is necessary.
To prevent oxidation, place a desiccant or moisture removal material in all electrical
junction boxes and component cabinets. This includes the load cell junction box, the
integrator cabinet, and the motor speed controller enclosure (if present).
Grease all greasable points.
Belt Care
Reduce belt tension to a minimum to prevent belt damage and re-adjust belt tension at
Note: Do NOT store the weighfeeder in direct sunlight, as this will cause premature
breakdown of the belt.
Open Unit
241 mm (9.5”)
varies per drive
belt width
1140 mm (45”) 2134 mm
max. inlet (84”)
1035 mm
123 mm
1524 mm
Open Unit
Belt Width A B
457 mm (18”) 1092 mm (43”) 838 mm (33”)
610 mm (24”) 1245 mm (49”) 991 mm (39”)
762 mm (30”) 1397 mm (55”) 1143 mm (45”)
915 mm (36”) 1549 mm (61”) 1295 mm (51”)
1067 mm (42”) 1702 mm (67”) 1448 mm (57”)
1219 mm (48”) 1854 mm (73”) 1600 mm (63”)
Note: Also available in 1370 mm (54”) and 1525 mm (60”) belt widths
belt width
3664 mm (144.25”)
2134 mm (84”)
inlet discharge
1035 mm
745 mm
1524 mm (60”)
Enclosed Unit
Belt Width A B
457 mm (18”) 1092 mm (43”) 838 mm (33”)
610 mm (24”) 1245 mm (49”) 991 mm (39”)
762 mm (30”) 1397 mm (55”) 1143 mm (45”)
914 mm (36”) 1549 mm (61”) 1295 mm (51”)
1067 mm (42”) 1702 mm (67”) 1448 mm (57”)
1219 mm (48”) 1854 mm (73”) 1600 mm (63”)
Note: Also available in 1370 mm (54”) and 1525 mm (60”) belt widths
Siemens Milltronics Process Instruments Inc. Siemens Milltronics Process Instruments Inc. 2008
1954Technology Drive, P.O. Box 4225 Subject to change without prior notice
Peterborough, ON, Canada K9J 7B1
Tel: (705) 745-2431 Fax: (705) 741-0466 Rev. 2.2
Printed in Canada