Aglibot V Santia
Aglibot V Santia
Aglibot V Santia
Before the Court is a Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45 of the 1997 Rules
of Civil Procedure seeking to annul and set aside the Decision1 dated March I 8, 2008 of
the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. 100021, which reversed the
Decision2 dated April 3, 2007 of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Dagupan City, Branch
40, in Criminal Case Nos. 2006-0559-D to 2006-0569-D and entered a new judgment.
The fallo reads as follows:
WHEREFORE, the instant petition is GRANTED and the assailed Joint Decision dated
April 3, 2007 of the RTC of Dagupan City, Branch 40, and its Order dated June 12,
2007 are REVERSED AND SET ASIDE and a new one is entered ordering private
respondent Fideliza J. Aglibot to pay petitioner the total amount of ₱3,000,000.00 with
12% interest per annum from the filing of the Informations until the finality of this
Decision, the sum of which, inclusive of interest, shall be subject thereafter to 12%
annual interest until fully paid.
On December 23, 2008, the appellate court denied herein petitioner’s motion for
Antecedent Facts
Upon presentment of the aforesaid checks for payment, they were dishonored by the
bank for having been drawn against insufficient funds or closed account. Santia thus
demanded payment from PLCC and Aglibot of the face value of the checks, but neither
of them heeded his demand. Consequently, eleven (11) Informations for violation of
Batas Pambansa Bilang 22 (B.P. 22), corresponding to the number of dishonored
checks, were filed against Aglibot before the Municipal Trial Court in Cities (MTCC),
Dagupan City, Branch 3, docketed as Criminal Case Nos. 47664 to 47674. Each
Information, except as to the amount, number and date of the checks, and the reason
for the dishonor, uniformly alleged, as follows:
That sometime in the month of September, 2003 in the City of Dagupan, Philippines and
within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named accused, FIDELIZA J.
AGLIBOT, did then and there, willfully, unlawfully and criminally, draw, issue and deliver
to one Engr. Ingersol L. Santia, a METROBANK Check No. 0006766, Camiling Tarlac
Branch, postdated November 1, 2003, in the amount of ₱50,000.00, Philippine
Currency, payable to and in payment of an obligation with the complainant, although the
said accused knew fully well that she did not have sufficient funds in or credit with the
said bank for the payment of such check in full upon its presentment, such that when
the said check was presented to the drawee bank for payment within ninety (90) days
from the date thereof, the same was dishonored for reason "DAIF", and returned to the
complainant, and despite notice of dishonor, accused failed and/or refused to pay
and/or make good the amount of said check within five (5) days banking days [sic], to
the damage and prejudice of one Engr. Ingersol L. Santia in the aforesaid amount of
₱50,000.00 and other consequential damages.5
Aglibot, in her counter-affidavit, admitted that she did obtain a loan from Santia, but
claimed that she did so in behalf of PLCC; that before granting the loan, Santia
demanded and obtained from her a security for the repayment thereof in the form of the
aforesaid checks, but with the understanding that upon remittance in cash of the face
amount of the checks, Santia would correspondingly return to her each check so paid;
but despite having already paid the said checks, Santia refused to return them to her,
although he gave her assurance that he would not deposit them; that in breach of his
promise, Santia deposited her checks, resulting in their dishonor; that she did not
receive any notice of dishonor of the checks; that for want of notice, she could not be
held criminally liable under B.P. 22 over the said checks; and that the reason Santia
filed the criminal cases against her was because she refused to agree to his demand for
higher interest.
On August 18, 2006, the MTCC in its Joint Decision decreed as follows:
On appeal, the RTC rendered a Decision dated April 3, 2007 in Criminal Case Nos.
2006-0559-D to 2006-0569-D, which further absolved Aglibot of any civil liability towards
Santia, to wit:
Santia’s motion for reconsideration was denied in the RTC’s Order dated June 12,
2007.8 On petition for review to the CA docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 100021, Santia
interposed the following assignment of errors, to wit:
"In brushing aside the law and jurisprudence on the matter, the Regional Trial Court
seriously erred:
1. In reversing the joint decision of the trial court by dismissing the civil aspect of
these cases;
2. In concluding that it is the Pacific Lending and Capital Corporation and not the
private respondent which is principally responsible for the amount of the checks
being claimed by the petitioner;
3. In finding that the petitioner failed to exhaust all available legal remedies
against the principal debtor Pacific Lending and Capital Corporation;
In its now assailed decision, the appellate court rejected the RTC’s dismissal of the civil
aspect of the aforesaid B.P. 22 cases based on the ground it cited, which is that the
"failure to fulfill a condition precedent of exhausting all means to collect from the
principal debtor." The appellate court held that since Aglibot’s acquittal by the MTCC in
Criminal Case Nos. 47664 to 47674 was upon a reasonable doubt10 on whether the
prosecution was able to satisfactorily establish that she did receive a notice of dishonor,
a requisite to hold her criminally liable under B.P. 22, her acquittal did not operate to bar
Santia’s recovery of civil indemnity.
It is axiomatic that the "extinction of penal action does not carry with it the eradication of
civil liability, unless the extinction proceeds from a declaration in the final judgment that
the fact from which the civil liability might arise did not exist. Acquittal will not bar a civil
action in the following cases: (1) where the acquittal is based on reasonable doubt as
only preponderance of evidence is required in civil cases; (2) where the court declared
the accused’s liability is not criminal but only civil in nature[;] and (3) where the civil
liability does not arise from or is not based upon the criminal act of which the accused
was acquitted."11 (Citation omitted)
The CA therefore ordered Aglibot to personally pay Santia ₱3,000,000.00 with interest
at 12% per annum, from the filing of the Informations until the finality of its decision.
Thereafter, the sum due, to be compounded with the accrued interest, will in turn be
subject to annual interest of 12% from the finality of its judgment until full payment. It
thus modified the MTCC judgment, which simply imposed a straight interest of 12% per
annum from the filing of the cases on November 2, 2004 until the ₱3,000,000.00 due is
fully paid, plus attorney’s fees of ₱30,000.00 and the costs of the suit.
Now before the Court, Aglibot maintains that it was error for the appellate court to
adjudge her personally liable for issuing her own eleven (11) post-dated checks to
Santia, since she did so in behalf of her employer, PLCC, the true borrower and
beneficiary of the loan. Still maintaining that she was a mere guarantor of the said debt
of PLCC when she agreed to issue her own checks, Aglibot insists that Santia failed to
exhaust all means to collect the debt from PLCC, the principal debtor, and therefore he
cannot now be permitted to go after her subsidiary liability.
The RTC in its decision held that, "It is obvious, from the face of the Promissory Note x
x x that the accused-appellant signed the same on behalf of PLCC as Manager thereof
and nowhere does it appear therein that she signed as an accommodation party."12 The
RTC further ruled that what Aglibot agreed to do by issuing her personal checks was
merely to guarantee the indebtedness of PLCC. So now petitioner Aglibot reasserts that
as a guarantor she must be accorded the benefit of excussion – prior exhaustion of the
property of the debtor – as provided under Article 2058 of the Civil Code, to wit:
Art. 2058. The guarantor cannot be compelled to pay the creditor unless the latter has
exhausted all the property of the debtor, and has resorted to all the legal remedies
against the debtor.
It is settled that the liability of the guarantor is only subsidiary, and all the properties of
the principal debtor, the PLCC in this case, must first be exhausted before the guarantor
may be held answerable for the debt.13 Thus, the creditor may hold the guarantor liable
only after judgment has been obtained against the principal debtor and the latter is
unable to pay, "for obviously the ‘exhaustion of the principal’s property’ — the benefit of
which the guarantor claims — cannot even begin to take place before judgment has
been obtained."14 This rule is contained in Article 206215 of the Civil Code, which provides
that the action brought by the creditor must be filed against the principal debtor alone,
except in some instances mentioned in Article 205916 when the action may be brought
against both the guarantor and the principal debtor.
The Court must, however, reject Aglibot’s claim as a mere guarantor of the
indebtedness of PLCC to Santia for want of proof, in view of Article 1403(2) of the Civil
Code, embodying the Statute of Frauds, which provides:
Art. 1403. The following contracts are unenforceable, unless they are ratified:
(2) Those that do not comply with the Statute of Frauds as set forth in this number. In
the following cases an agreement hereafter made shall be unenforceable by action,
unless the same, or some note or memorandum thereof, be in writing, and subscribed
by the party charged, or by his agent; evidence, therefore, of the agreement cannot be
received without the writing, or a secondary evidence of its contents:
a) An agreement that by its terms is not to be performed within a year from the
making thereof;
b) A special promise to answer for the debt, default, or miscarriage of another;
d) An agreement for the sale of goods, chattels or things in action, at a price not
less than five hundred pesos, unless the buyer accept and receive part of such
goods and chattels, or the evidences, or some of them, or such things in action,
or pay at the time some part of the purchase money; but when a sale is made by
auction and entry is made by the auctioneer in his sales book, at the time of the
sale, of the amount and kind of property sold, terms of sale, price, names of
purchasers and person on whose account the sale is made, it is a sufficient
e) An agreement for the leasing of a longer period than one year, or for the sale
of real property or of an interest therein;
On the other hand, Article 2055 of the Civil Code also provides that a guaranty is not
presumed, but must be express, and cannot extend to more than what is stipulated
therein. This is the obvious rationale why a contract of guarantee is unenforceable
unless made in writing or evidenced by some writing. For as pointed out by Santia,
Aglibot has not shown any proof, such as a contract, a secretary’s certificate or a board
resolution, nor even a note or memorandum thereof, whereby it was agreed that she
would issue her personal checks in behalf of the company to guarantee the payment of
its debt to Santia. Certainly, there is nothing shown in the Promissory Note signed by
Aglibot herself remotely containing an agreement between her and PLCC resembling
her guaranteeing its debt to Santia. And neither is there a showing that PLCC thereafter
ratified her act of "guaranteeing" its indebtedness by issuing her own checks to Santia.
Thus did the CA reject the RTC’s ruling that Aglibot was a mere guarantor of the
indebtedness of PLCC, and as such could not "be compelled to pay [Santia], unless the
latter has exhausted all the property of PLCC, and has resorted to all the legal remedies
against PLCC x x x."22
Section 185 of the Negotiable Instruments Law defines a check as "a bill of exchange
drawn on a bank payable on demand," while Section 126 of the said law defines a bill of
exchange as "an unconditional order in writing addressed by one person to another,
signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay on
demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money to order or to
The appellate court ruled that by issuing her own post-dated checks, Aglibot thereby
bound herself personally and solidarily to pay Santia, and dismissed her claim that she
issued her said checks in her official capacity as PLCC’s manager merely to guarantee
the investment of Santia. It noted that she could have issued PLCC’s checks, but
instead she chose to issue her own checks, drawn against her personal account with
Metrobank. It concluded that Aglibot intended to personally assume the repayment of
the loan, pointing out that in her Counter-Affidavit, she even admitted that she was
personally indebted to Santia, and only raised payment as her defense, a clear
admission of her liability for the said loan.
The appellate court refused to give credence to Aglibot’s claim that she had an
understanding with Santia that the checks would not be presented to the bank for
payment, but were to be returned to her once she had made cash payments for their
face values on maturity. It noted that Aglibot failed to present any proof that she had
indeed paid cash on the above checks as she claimed. This is precisely why Santia
decided to deposit the checks in order to obtain payment of his loan.
The facts below present a clear situation where Aglibot, as the manager of PLCC,
agreed to accommodate its loan to Santia by issuing her own post-dated checks in
payment thereof. She is what the Negotiable Instruments Law calls an accommodation
party.23 Concerning the liability of an accommodation party, Section 29 of the said law
An accommodation party is one who has signed the instrument as maker, drawer,
indorser, without receiving value therefor and for the purpose of lending his name to
some other person. Such person is liable on the instrument to a holder for value,
notwithstanding such holder, at the time of the taking of the instrument knew him to be
only an accommodation party. In lending his name to the accommodated party, the
accommodation party is in effect a surety for the latter. He lends his name to enable the
accommodated party to obtain credit or to raise money. He receives no part of the
consideration for the instrument but assumes liability to the other parties thereto
because he wants to accommodate another. x x x.25 (Citation omitted)
The relation between an accommodation party and the party accommodated is, in
effect, one of principal and surety — the accommodation party being the surety. It is a
settled rule that a surety is bound equally and absolutely with the principal and is
deemed an original promisor and debtor from the beginning. The liability is immediate
and direct.26 It is not a valid defense that the accommodation party did not receive any
valuable consideration when he executed the instrument; nor is it correct to say that the
holder for value is not a holder in due course merely because at the time he acquired
the instrument, he knew that the indorser was only an accommodation party.27 1âwphi1
Moreover, it was held in Aruego that unlike in a contract of suretyship, the liability of the
accommodation party remains not only primary but also unconditional to a holder for
value, such that even if the accommodated party receives an extension of the period for
payment without the consent of the accommodation party, the latter is still liable for the
whole obligation and such extension does not release him because as far as a holder
for value is concerned, he is a solidary co-debtor.
The mere fact, then, that Aglibot issued her own checks to Santia made her personally
liable to the latter on her checks without the need for Santia to first go after PLCC for
the payment of its loan.28 It would have been otherwise had it been shown that Aglibot
was a mere guarantor, except that since checks were issued ostensibly in payment for
the loan, the provisions of the Negotiable Instruments Law must take primacy in