3.6. Materials:: Ferrous 50% Fe
3.6. Materials:: Ferrous 50% Fe
3.6. Materials:: Ferrous 50% Fe
Until now, there have been 13 types of materials popularly used in fabricating chemical
vessels, namely:
Carbon steel
Stainless steel
Nickel and alloys
Aluminum and alloys
Copper and alloys
Lead and alloys
Plastic materials
Composite materials
When choosing the materials for chemical vessels, there are seven criteria needed to be
concerned, namely, corrosion, design temperature, design pressure, abrasive
environment, ease of fabrication, availability of standard equipment and cost.
For the limitation of this project, only the ferrous material is shown in detail:
A) Carbon steel
Low < 0.3% C
Medium 0.35-0.55% C
High 0.6-1.5% C
B) Low Alloy (Chrome and Cr-Mo)
<5% addition of alloy, i.e., Mn, Ni, Cr, etc.
C) High Alloy
>10% addition of alloy composition
Stainless steel
Austenitic (stabilized, low carbon, high carbon)
D) Cast Iron >1.5% C
Common names for non-ferrous alloys include Inconel, Incoloy, Monel, Carpenter 20,
Cupronickel, Hastelloy, etc.
Clad material is a combination of base material and some alloy cladding or welding
SUS304 is the most versatile and widely used in fabricating pressure vessel. Sometimes,
it is still referred to its old name 18/8 derived from the composition of type 304 being
18% Chromium and 8% Nickel. SUS 304 is an austenitic grade that can be severely deep
drawn, highly ductile, tough, excellently resistant to corrosion in environment,
inexpensive, easy to be fabricated and cleaning, ... those are the reasons why SUS304 is
chosen for our heat exchanger design.
According to PD5500 code, for carbon and low-alloy steels, where severe
corrosion is not expected, a minimum allowance of 2.0 mm should be used; where
more severe conditions are anticipated this should be increased to 4.0 mm. Most
design codes and standards specify a minimum allowance of 1.0 mm.
On the other hand, if the manufacturers follow the ASME code (Section VIII
Division 1):
The user or his designated agent shall specify corrosion allowances other than
those required by the rules. Where corrosion allowances are not provided, this
fact shall be indicated on the Data Report.
Vessels or parts of vessels subject to thinning by corrosion, erosion, or
mechanical abrasion shall have provision made for the desired life of the
vessel by a suitable increase in the thickness of the material over that
determined by the design formulas, or by using some other suitable method of
From the standpoint of corrosion, pressure vessels may be classified under one of the
following groups:
E-2: When the rate of corrosion is closely predictable, metal thickness that required for
the initial operating conditions should be provided.
E-3: When corrosion effects are indeterminate prior to design of the vessel, or when
corrosion is incidental, localized, and/or variable in rate and extent, according to the
designer’s judgment to establish a reasonable shell thickness.
E-4: When corrosion effects can be shown to be negligible or entirely absent, no excess
thickness need be provided.
E-5: When a vessel goes into corrosive service without previous experience, it is
recommended that inspections be frequently made.
E-6: For parts which are essential to vessel strength such as stiffener rings, the
attachment of the part to the shell must provide adequate corrosion allowance to assure
the required strength.
Material added for these purposes need not be of the same thickness for all
parts of the vessel if different rates of attack are expected for the various parts.
No additional thickness need be provided when previous experience in like
service has shown that corrosion does not occur or is of only a superficial
Telltale Holes. Telltale holes may be used to provide some positive indication
when the thickness has been reduced to a dangerous degree. Telltale holes
shall not be used in vessels that are to contain lethal substances, except as
permitted for vent holes in layered construction. When telltale holes are
provided, they shall have a diameter of 1/16 in. to 3/16 in. and have a depth
not less than 80% of the thickness required for a seamless shell of like
Openings for Drain. Vessels subject to corrosion shall be supplied with a
suitable drain opening at the lowest point practicable in the vessel; or a pipe
may be used extending inward from any other location to within 1/4 in. of the
lowest point.
In another way, Ho Le Vien code illustrate the other way to estimate this kind of
In this shell-tube heat exchanger, the condensation of FO-R oil occurs inside the tubes,
while water used to condense the fuel oil (FO) flows outside.