Johnson Workbook 2015
Johnson Workbook 2015
Johnson Workbook 2015
Business Workbook
Table .of .Contents
Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 The Offer:
Evaluating .and .Negotiating .Job .Offers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29-30
Preface: . . . . . . .Exercise: .Evaluating .Your .Offers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
Introduction .to .the .Career .Management .Center . . . . . . . . . . . .2 . . . . .Accepting .or .Declining .an .Offer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Overview: . Appendix A:
The .MBA .Job .Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-4 List .of .Resources .and .Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
. . . . .CareerLeader® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
The Process: . . . . .CareerBeam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
5 .Steps .to .Success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 . . . . .Johnson .Talent .System .(JTS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Step .1: .Self-Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 . . . . .JConnect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
. . . . .Exercise: .Understanding .Your .CareerLeader® .Results . . . .5 . . . . .Management .Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
. . . . .Exercise: .Introspective .Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 . . . . .Capital .IQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
. . . . .Exercise: .Job .Envy .vs . .Job .from .Hell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 . . . . .Bigdough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Step .2: .Explore .your .Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 . . . . .Vault .com .Online .Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Step .3: .Focus! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 . . . . .GOINGLOBAL .Career .Guides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Step .4: .Make .Yourself .a .Strong .Candidate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 . . . . .JPay+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Step .5: .Convince .Employers .that .You’re .a .Great .Candidate . . .7 . . . . .MBAExchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Individual .Career .Plan .(ICP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-8 . . . . .Other .Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Mapping .Your .Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Requesting .the .Informational .Interview—
The .Networking .Email . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Informational .Interview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
. . . . .Thank-You .Email . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
MBA .Career .Fairs .- .Get .Face .Time .with .Recruiters . . . . . . . .18
. . . . .Before .the .Conference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
. . . . .At .the .Conference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-19
. . . . .After .the .Conference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Be Prepared:
Problem-Action-Result .(PAR) .Stories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
. . . . .PAR .Samples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
PAR .Worksheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21-22
Interview .Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
. . . . .Exercise .1: .Know .the .Job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
. . . . .Exercise .2: .Know .the .Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
. . . . .Know .the .Interviewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23-24
. . . . .Exercise .3: .Research .the .Interviewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
. . . . .Types .of .Interviews .and .Sample .Questions . . . . . . . . .24-27
. . . . .A .Note .About .Phone .and .Other .Virtual .Interviews . . . . . . .27
. . . . .Interview .Follow-Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Thank-You .Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
. . . . .Thank-You .Letter .Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
. . . . .Sample .Thank-You .Email . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Each student has a different learning style. Therefore, the CMC has developed
an integrated career management program in collaboration with clubs, faculty,
library staff, and students themselves. You will have opportunities to talk
privately with experienced advisors, to discuss your job search in a small work
group, and to hear from alumni in large lecture halls. At every point, we want
what you learn in one setting to be reinforced by what you hear in other settings
and by your own hard work and practice.
Warm regards,
Cynthia Saunders-Cheatham .
Executive Director of the Career Management Center
Johnson’s .Career .Management .Center .(CMC) .provides . • . publishes .reports .that .allow .students .to .
outstanding, .personalized .customer .service .to .alumni, . understand .the .success .of .prior .classes .and .the .
students, .and .corporate .recruiters .to .facilitate .the . history .of .our .relationships .with .leading .employers
best .possible .matches .between .our .students .and . • . collaborates .with .student .clubs .and .Student .
alumni .and .potential .employers . .Our .mission .is .to . Council .so .that .everyone’s .efforts .to .aid .students . .
help .students .and .alumni .develop .careers .that .will . is .maximized
provide .long-term .satisfaction .and .growth .and .to .help .
companies .identify .candidates .who .can .enhance .and . • . selects .and .trains .second-year .Career .Work .Group .
promote .their .success .in .the .marketplace . leaders .and .organizes .the .groups
• . understands .and .develops .best .practices .in .career .
The CMC is committed to helping each student: management .through .participation .in .the .MBA .
• . identify .a .career .path .that .is .consistent .with .his/ . Career .Services .& .Employer .Alliance .
her .interests, .values, .and .abilities CMC’s .main .office .is .located .in .202 .Sage .Hall, .though .
• . create .a .plan .for .finding .the .job .on .which .that . some .advisors .have .offices .outside .the .suite . .The .office .
career .can .be .launched is .open .from .8 .a .m . .until .5 .p .m . .on .weekdays . .Students .
• . present .himself/herself .as .a .strong .candidate .in . may .drop .in .whenever .the .office .is .open .to .speak .with .
the .marketplace . a .staff .member .at .the .front .desk . .Students .may .make .
appointments .with .advisors .by .using .the .Scheduling .
We expect each student to be committed to: Assistant .feature .of .Outlook .or .by .dropping .by .and .
asking .a .staff .member .at .the .front .desk .to .schedule .a .
• . fully .examining .his/her .capabilities, .interests, . meeting . .We .can .be .reached .via .telephone .at .607-255-
values, .and .traits 4888, .email .cmc@johnson .cornell .edu, .or .the .web .at .
• . developing .and .managing .a .plan .to .find .a .job .and . www .johnson .cornell .edu/Career-Management .
launch .a .career .
The .CMC .communicates .regularly .with .students .
In keeping with our mission and in recognition of the through .the .Career .Network .News .(CNN) .e-newsletter . .
varying needs of our clients, the Career Management This .is .our .primary .mechanism .for .announcing .
Center offers a range of services. The CMC: workshops .and .programs .and .reminding .students .
of .various .application .and .registration .deadlines . .It’s .
• . offers .confidential .one-on-one .meetings .with . important .to .make .a .habit .of .reading .CNN . .We .also .
professional .advisors post .notices .on .Facebook . .For .some .events, .we .expect .
• . manages .on-campus .recruiting .bringing . students .to .register .through .CampusGroups; .this .will .
companies .to .campus .(and .virtually) .for .briefings . be .clarified .when .programs .are .announced . .Many .tools .
and .interviews that .you’ll .find .useful .in .your .job .search .are .posted .
in .“Blackboard” .under .Career .Management .Center . .
• . provides .online .tools .for .self-assessment, .skill- There .you’ll .find .the .recruiting .calendar, .diversity .
building, .researching .companies, .identifying . conference .dates, .and .substantial .content .related .to .
contacts, .and .preparing .for .interviews job .searches .in .particular .functions . .Under .“Tools .and .
• . hosts .workshops .to .teach .job-search .skills .and . Resources,” .there .is .a .folder .containing .documents .
provide .opportunities .for .students .to .practice .in .a . that .will .be .especially .helpful .to .students .who .are .not .
safe .environment authorized .to .work .in .the .United .States . .You .should .
become .familiar .with .the .organization .of .CMC .content .
• . engages .outside .speakers .to .augment .our .training .
in .Blackboard .so .that .you .can .find .material .quickly .
and .to .inspire .job .seekers
when .you .need .it .
• . organizes .support .for .students .attending .career .
fairs .hosted .by .third .parties
• . cultivates .relationships .with .alumni .and . .
corporate .recruiters
The job search starts as soon as you become a Johnson student. Very soon
after arriving in Ithaca — and often before — you’ll be meeting alumni and
corporate recruiters and will be expected to make a good impression.
orientation, you’ll be meeting — The CMC will host short,
Internship classmates and learning team- intensive workshops so that you
THROUGHOUT Preparation
building skills that should can practice key skills essential
serve you for life. You’ll also for a successful job search.
Check JTS
JAN. - FEB. often OCT. - NOV. meet alumni and be exposed • OCTOBER AND NOVEMBER —
to important information about Second-year students will lead
Interview Practice career paths. small functionally focused Career
• EARLY SEPTEMBER — You will Work Groups so that you can
Apply sign up for a Career Work Group further practice skills needed for
based on your functional and securing and acing interviews in
industry interest. Career Work the field you’re pursuing.
FIRST-YEAR MBA CAREER CYCLE: Groups are groups of five or so • DECEMBER — Many internships
The first year of your MBA program will help first-year students led by second- filled through on-campus
you lay the foundation for your post-MBA career. year students who work on all
From core classes, core teams, and Career recruiting have application
Work Groups, everything happens in due time to matters of career preparation, deadlines in December. Many
prepare you to excel at your internship and get including résumés, pitch, investment banks may actually
the job you seek in the fall. networking, and mock interviews. conduct first-round and final
• EARLY SEPTEMBER and interviews in December.
continuing — The CMC hosts • JANUARY AND FEBRUARY
company briefings in which — Interviews take place on-
you’ll have opportunities to campus for summer internships.
meet alumni and learn about
a company’s organization, • THROUGHOUT THE YEAR
products, career paths, and — Jobs will be posted on
culture. Most companies offer Johnson Talent System (JTS)
post-briefing receptions so that that will be filled outside on-
you can speak personally with campus recruiting.
representatives. • JUNE — You begin your .
• Also in SEPTEMBER — Clubs summer internship!
will welcome you as new
members and offer valuable
assistance and support in your
job search.
For students in the One-year MBA program, a general timeline looks like this:
For second-year students in the Two-year MBA program, the timeline aligns
with One-year MBA students from early September on.
Understand Explore Focus Make Convince
Shortly after arriving at Johnson, 5. convince employers that you’re
you should start developing a sound a terrific candidate.
plan for conducting your job search.
The process of finding a job is You will likely work on the fourth
basic in theory but requires energy and fifth steps at the same time,
and persistence to implement and continue to work on the fourth
successfully. In broad strokes, it is a step even after accepting a job. If a
five-step process: summer internship does not turn
out quite as well as you hoped, you
1. understand your goals, values, may revisit steps one and two in the
and skills fall of your second year. The path is
2. explore your options not always linear.
Understand Explore Focus Make Convince
Self-assessment is the first and possibly the most List five of your high-match careers.
important step in planning your career. You are more
likely to be happy and fulfilled in your vocation if it Make some notes about business cultures that are
is based on your interests, values, and skills. MBA consistent with your values, skills, and interests.
graduates often choose their careers based on what
• Based on your CultureMatch results in
they are “good” at, but the most important question
CareerLeader®, reflect on the culture of the work
is “What interests you?” You probably fall into one of
environment you just came from. Do the results
three categories, all of which can benefit from self-
explain why you were happy or unhappy with the
culture there?
• clear idea of your goals • Based on your results, in what types of corporate
• idea about a few industries or job functions you cultures will you be happiest or most productive?
might consider
• Based on these results, what industries and job
• unsure where you fit best. functions are you most interested in pursuing?
If you’re in the first category and have a clear idea of EXERCISE: INTROSPECTIVE QUESTIONS
your career plans, you’ll use self-assessment to help
link your interests, values, and skills to the job you’re Spend some time thinking about the following:
seeking. For the other two categories, self-assessment
can help clarify one or even a few career directions that • Describe one or two of the most important
might appeal to you. If you are a career switcher, self- experiences in your career. Why were these
assessment will be particularly valuable in ensuring experiences so important to you?
that you’re headed in the right direction! The following • In your work experiences to date, of what
exercises can help you in that process. accomplishments are you most proud and why?
EXERCISE: UNDERSTANDING YOUR CAREERLEADER® • With whom have you enjoyed working, or not? Why?
RESULTS • Think about the individual tasks of past jobs. Which did
you find engaging and inspiring? Which did you not?
Based on your CareerLeader® results, write down your
three main interests, top three motivators, and top five EXERCISE: JOB ENVY VS. JOB FROM HELL
abilities. Ask yourself:
(Adapted from Discovering Your Career in Business by
• What are your three strongest business interests Timothy Butler and James Waldroop)
(per the Detailed Summary)? What are your
thoughts about why these came up as your strongest Imagine your ideal job. What features of this job make it
interests? Do these interests relate to the work you attractive to you? Why? Describe your ideal job in detail.
did before? Do they reflect your current interests? Where are you working? What is your day like? What are
your interactions like throughout the day? What are your
• What are your three most highly valued work rewards main activities?
(per the Detailed Summary)? In previous jobs, how
were these met? Most jobs involve making trade-offs Now recall or imagine a work situation that was or
among different rewards. Which of your highly valued would be particularly distasteful to you. What tasks or
rewards are you willing to defer for now? Why? circumstances did or would you dislike the most? Why?
• Review your abilities and reflect on your five Be as specific as possible about what you dislike about
greatest abilities. How could you apply them in your this job.
post-MBA position?
If you are having difficulty getting clarity about your
• Are there any inconsistencies or tensions between interests, values, and skills, discuss your CareerLeader®
your interests or abilities? For instance, you have a results with a CMC advisor and try to attend a career
weak interest in creative production but put a high self-assessment workshop. You may find it helpful to
estimate on your ability to be creative. How is this read Discovering Your Career in Business and complete
possible? This example highlights the difference Chapter 3 exercises.
between an interest and ability: We are skilled at
many things that we have little interest in actually
doing as a career.
Understand Explore Focus Make Convince
Ideally you should understand most of your options events. To thoroughly explore all options, prospective
when you apply to business schools, and the exploration and new students should:
can continue after you are accepted and through the • pay attention to descriptions of job functions offered
first weeks of school. The leading job functions that in CareerLeader®
MBA students fill, typically, are consulting, one of the • attend Career Path presentations by CMC staff
several areas of finance, consumer product marketing, during Orientation
and technical product management. New graduates are • attend alumni career panels hosted by the CMC
especially drawn to leadership-development programs during Orientation
that allow them to continue to practice in several • speak with second-year students, alumni, friends,
functional areas before specializing. family, and colleagues about their jobs
• read biographies of successful businesspeople,
We urge you to be open-minded about job functions in industry news, and various guides to job functions
the first few weeks at Johnson. You might be surprised and industries
by what you like and don’t like in coursework or in • attend corporate briefings hosted by the CMC
interactions with professional clubs and recruiting • read Vault’s MBA Career Bible, available online
. through the Management Library.
Understand Explore Focus Make Convince
Your joint efforts in exploring interests and Even traditional MBA roles, such as investment banking
understanding the MBA job market will soon lead you or consulting, are highly competitive. Inevitably even
to decide what kind of job you want to pursue. The more well-prepared students are excluded from these jobs.
focus you demonstrate, the more likely you are to be
successful in your job search — to a point. Some job For these reasons, we urge all students to have
functions pursued by MBA students are highly refined or backup plans. A good backup plan may be just a more
are in areas with little turnover, which means there are roundabout route to your original goal, or it may be
few job openings in a given year. different goal. This is a good topic for discussion with a
CMC advisor or your Career Work Group leader.
Understand Explore Focus Make Convince
Much of the work in making yourself a desirable research about what that job entails for that particular
employee lies outside the direct purview of the Career employer.
Management Center.
As a student, you will develop knowledge and acquire
To be a strong candidate, you must know the industry. technical skills through coursework, Leadership Skills
This is particularly important if you are looking for a job Programs (LSPs), Managerial Skills Programs (MSPs),
in which you would be managing products or marketing and hours of practice and review. For many jobs, this will
campaigns. In those cases, you should be familiar with entail becoming an expert user of PowerPoint and Excel,
industry trends and leading products. Many technology or mastering case frameworks, or developing strong
companies, for example, expect candidates to be stock pitches. Immersion faculty and Career Work Group
users of their services and products. The Management leaders can offer advice on skills you’ll need.
Library (see Appendix A) can teach you how to research
industries you’re targeting. Employers look for candidates with strong “soft” skills in
communication, negotiation, time management, cross-
You should also understand the role(s) you want to fill. cultural understanding, and teamwork. These skills will
If you explored your options, you already have a good come through your coursework, LSPs and MSPs, club
understanding of typical MBA roles. When applying activities, and some CMC programs.
for a specific role, you may need to conduct additional
Understand Explore Focus Make Convince
When you’re focused and confident that you are framework. Once you are focused, you can use Dalton’s
developing skills needed to succeed on the job, you should recommendations to create your own list of companies.
develop a plan for actually looking for a job. We urge all
Johnson students to read The 2-Hour Job Search by Steve Other tools that you will need in your search will be
Dalton and to follow his recommendation for developing described in this section. The order in which they are
a list of companies at which you’ll look for opportunities. described may not be the order in which you will need to
Ideally, students should read this book once before create them or use them, but you should understand all
arriving at Johnson to become familiar with the of them.
To be successful in your job search, you need a well- will help you organize the plan for your job search. Your
thought-out, systematic plan for targeting people, ICP is not a static document. It will change over time as
companies, and positions. In the job search, you are you learn more about the job function you’re targeting or
a “brand.” You are packaging and selling your unique as your personal interests and needs change. The “Target
qualities and attributes. Therefore, you need to be very Company List” will flow from the exercises in The 2-Hour
specific about what you are looking for and what you can Job Search.
offer. This template for an Individual Career Plan (ICP)
2 10
3 11
4 12
5 13
6 14
7 15
8 16
We .have .all .read .about .first .impressions .and .the .impact . • . Practice a firm handshake .with .both .men .and .
they .can .have .on .your .professional .success . .Most . women . .Ask .friends .and .CMC .staff .if .it .is .too .firm .or .
professionals .agree .that .within .two .minutes .you .have . not .firm .enough .
already .been .evaluated . .Some .argue .that .it .happens .even . • . Remember .to .have eye contact .during .your .
faster .than .that .— .within .seconds . .People .evaluate .your . conversations . .If .this .does .not .come .naturally .to .
appearance .in .its .entirety . .They .observe .your .demeanor, . you .for .personal .or .cultural .reasons, .ask .a .CMC .
mannerisms, .and .body .language, .and .even .assess .your . staff .member .or .CWG .leader .to .prompt .you .until .it .
grooming . .Within .seconds, .you .have .moved .from .being . becomes .natural .
a .neutral .candidate, .assessed .only .by .a .résumé, .to .a .
probable .or .improbable .candidate . .You .might .argue . • . Smile and be expressive .when .you .are .introduced . .
that .you .have .the .best .skills .among .all .the .potential . to .someone .
candidates . .But .you .will .never .get .to .prove .that .if .the . • . Read How to Win Friends and Influence People .by .
initial .impressions .you .make .are .poor . .Yes, .a .candidate . Dale .Carnegie . .Carnegie’s .book .has .been .the .classic .
can .overcome .a .bad .first .impression, .but .it .is .an .uphill . guide .for .business .behavior .in .the .United .States .for .
battle . .If .you .are .impressive .in .the .first .two .minutes, . more .than .50 .years . .Even .if .your .interviewers .do .
research .has .shown .that .interviewers .will .give .you .the . not .practice .the .ideas .in .this .book, .they .know .that .
benefit .of .the .doubt .on .the .more .problematic .parts . good .professionals .do . .Read .this .book .and .use .its .
of .your .résumé . .There .are .two .reasons .for .this . .First, . suggestions .
people .prefer .to .hire .people .they .like .— .people .who .will .
• . Read How to Talk to Anyone by .Leil .Lowndes . .This .
get .along .with .the .team .and .not .strain .the .social .fabric . .
is .a .newer .book .that .is .particularly .useful .if .you .
Second, .regardless .of .your .initial .position, .you .are .being .
don’t .have .a .lot .of .experience .with .the .well-heeled .in .
assessed .on .your .ability .to .make .a .good .first .impression .
finance, .consulting, .and .C-level .circles .
on .clients . .That .will .help .close .sales .and .result .in .
greater .customer .satisfaction . .The .bottom .line .is .that .if . • . Practice! Practice .informally .by .putting .these .ideas .
you .fail .the .two-minute .test, .you .will .likely .have .a .long . to .work .with .your .friends .on .a .day-to-day .basis . .Be .
and .difficult .job .search . sure .to .ask .for .their .evaluations .
Here .are .some .tips .to .help .you .make .a .good .first .— .and .
lingering .— .impression .
The manner in which you introduce yourself is critical in Use the following template and examples to help refine
leaving a strong first impression. Your self-introduction your pitch. Consider creating a couple of versions, since
is often referred to as your “pitch.” Your pitch should you will need to adjust your pitch for different industries
be succinct, memorable, and relevant. You will use it at or functions.
corporate briefings, at networking events, in conversations
on planes, or wherever you want to quickly summarize You will see variations of this model, some of which are
your unique qualifications and career aspirations. It is quite effective. Develop a pitch that feels natural and
an art to be able to use your pitch in a way that sounds comfortable to you and that you think strongly conveys
genuine and fluid and not overly rehearsed. your energy, character, and interests.
Introduction Identify who . “Hello. I’m Jane Smith, a “Hello. My name is José
you are first-year MBA student at Mendez. I am a first-
Johnson at Cornell.” year MBA student at
Johnson at Cornell.”
The .purpose .of .your .résumé .is .to .draw .the .attention .of . WHAT TO OMIT
recruiters .so .that .you .will .be .invited .for .interviews . .Your .
résumé .is .an .essential .tool .in .your .job .search . .Not .only .is .it . The .standard .professional .résumé .in .the .United .States .
read .by .employers .seeking .candidates .for .open .positions, . does .NOT .include .any .of .the .following:
it .is .also .used .as .a .“calling .card” .when .you .meet .people .in .
• . photo
your .field . .A .great .résumé .describes .your .achievements .
and .skills .in .such .a .way .that .readers .can .quickly . • . height, .weight, .or .other .physical .features
understand .your .strengths .and .easily .infer .your .interests . • . marital .status
The .standard .Johnson .School .résumé .is .a .one-page . • . objectives
document .summarizing .your .education, .professional . • . executive .summary
experience, .related .skills .and .interests, .and .personal .
interests . .Employers .in .business .favor .a .straightforward, . • . citizenship .(but .you .may .include .work .authorization) .
reverse .chronological-order .document . .Therefore, .we . FORMATTING SPECIFICATIONS
discourage .using .a .“functional .résumé” .format . .For .the .
JTS .résumé .database .(still .sometimes .called .a .résumé . • . use .one .sheet .of .8 .1/2” .x .11” .paper
“book”), .you .are .required .to .use .the .template .we .have .
• . use .a .clear, .simple .font, .such .as .Arial, .Palatino, .or .
prepared . .This .same .template .may .serve .you .well .
Times .Roman
throughout .your .career .
• . use .a .10-, .11-, .or .12-point .font
The .résumé .is .not .written .in .complete .sentences, .but .
• . margins .should .be .1” .or .1 .25” .all .around
in .short .phrases . .These .phrases .should .convey .a .lot .
in .a .few .words . .Insofar .as .possible, .the .phrases .in . • . do .not .use .oversized .type .for .your .name .or .change .
the .“professional .experience” .section .of .the .résumé . type .size .or .style .within .the .document; .stick .to .one .
should .summarize .your .achievements . .Begin .these . font .style .for .a .clean, .crisp .appearance
phrases .with .strong .past-tense .verbs, .such .as .achieved, . • . section .headings .should .be .in .the .left .margin
managed, .coordinated, .led, .oversaw, .and .facilitated . .
Whenever .possible, .quantify .the .results .of .your .work: . • . use .bold .or .italic .to .highlight .schools, .titles, .or .
e .g ., .did .you .reduce .costs, .increase .sales, .reduce .lead . company .names
time, .reduce .staff .turnover, .or .improve .client .satisfaction . • . use .a .list .format .with .bullets .to .set .off .short .
ratings? .Edit .ruthlessly .and .annihilate .all .unnecessary . descriptive .phrases
words .and .sentences .
• . Name, .email .address, .and .preferred .telephone .
Most .employers .use .computerized .scanning .systems .to . number . .For .your .email .address, .use .your .Cornell .
search .for .keywords .in .the .thousands .of .résumés .they . email .unless .there .is .a .good .reason .to .do .otherwise; .
receive . .To .maximize .your .chances .of .scoring .with .these . for .example, .if .you .are .sending .your .résumé .to .
systems, .incorporate .keywords .and .describe .your .work . Google, .use .your .Gmail .address .for .your .résumé .
experience .in .a .manner .that .is .meaningful .to .your .target . • . Education .— .List .institutions .and .degrees .in .reverse .
industry . .Develop .your .keyword .list .through .research . chronological .order, .including .the .month .and .year .
conducted .in .informational .interviews .and .by .reading .job . you .graduated .or .expect .to .graduate . .If .space .allows .
descriptions, .browsing .trade .organization .materials, .and . and .these .are .notable, .also .include:
reviewing .company .web .sites . .This .is .an .important .step .
to .follow . .Often, .a .live .person .does .not .review .résumés . o . majors, .minors, .concentrations, .Johnson .School .
that .do .not .pass .through .the .computer .screening . immersions
process . .It .is .important .to .get .through .this .screen . o . honors .and .awards
o . named .scholarships
o . excellent .GPA
o . GMAT, .in .some .cases
o . special .programs .and .study .abroad .experiences .
• . Work .experience .— .Jobs .held .are .listed .in .reverse . Caroline Lefwander, MBA ’16 .— .Caroline .came .to .
chronological .order . .Include .name .of .company, .job . Johnson .interested .in .CPG .and .used .this .résumé .to .
title, .and .dates .held . obtain .a .brand .management .internship .with .Reckitt .
o . For .companies .that .are .not .well-known, .add .a . Benckiser .in .the .summer .of .2015 . .She .is .not .authorized .
short .description .including .industry, .size, .and . to .work .in .the .United .States .
target .market . Thomas Palmer, MBA ’14 .— .Tom .used .this .résumé .
o . Convey .achievements .in .concise .descriptive . during .his .search .for .a .full-time .job .following .
statements .using .strong .past-tense .verbs; .for .a . his .summer .internship .in .a .boutique .investment .
list .of .verbs .to .try, .see .www .quintcareers .com/ management .firm . .He .is .now .an .Associate .in .Equity .
action .skills . Research .at .JPMorgan .Chase .in .New .York .City .
o . Demonstrate .results, .not .just .tasks .and . Derek Shimozawa, MBA ’14 .— .Derek .was .in .the .One-
responsibilities . year .MBA .program .and .interviewed .for .consulting .roles .
as .well .as .jobs .in .technology . .He .is .now .quite .satisfied .
o . Quantify .results .as .much .as .possible . with .his .position .as .a .Product .Manager .for .Samsung .in .
o . Write .for .the .reader .by .identifying .skills .useful .in . South .Korea . .Derek .is .Canadian .
the .position .for .which .you’re .applying .and .citing . “Johnson Student,” MBA ’16 .— .This .student .came .
examples .of .achievements .that .demonstrate . to .Johnson .with .interests .in .consulting .and .general .
those .skills . management . .He .will .be .working .for .Deloitte .in .
o . If .you .are .a .career .switcher, .make .sure . summer .2015 .
the .reader .understands .the .significance .of . Renato Diogo Taira, MBA ’15 — .Diogo .started .his .first .
your .accomplishments .and .can .imagine .you . year .with .a .variety .of .interests .and .secured .a .summer .
transferring .your .skills; .avoid .jargon . internship .in .treasury .at .SanDisk . .This .résumé .was .
• . Languages, .including .level .of .proficiency developed .in .his .second .year .and .was .helpful .in .securing .
a .full-time .position .with .Amazon . .He .is .Brazilian .and .not .
• . Professional .affiliations .or .certifications
authorized .to .work .in .the .United .States .
• . Community .service
• . Athletic .and/or .artistic .interests
• . Hobbies .that .you .can .discuss .knowledgeably When .you .have .developed .a .good .draft .of .your .résumé .
by .following .these .guidelines, .ask .your .Career .Work .
• . Interests .that .distinguish .you .and .catch .the .eye .of .
Group .leader .to .review .it .and .ask .three .or .four .peers .with .
the .reader .
experience .or .familiarity .with .your .target .job .function .
SAMPLE RÉSUMÉS to .read .it .as .well . .Career .Management .Center .advisors .
will .usually .make .time .to .look .over .résumés .but .prefer .
In .Appendix .B .you’ll .find .good .examples .of .one-page . to .see .them .after .some .work .has .been .put .into .them . .At .
Johnson .résumés .from .the .following .Johnson .students . some .point, .however, .you .will .be .receiving .increasingly .
and .alumni: idiosyncratic .feedback, .and .you .will .have .to .stop .making .
changes .and .upload .it .
Brendan Condit, MBA ’15 .— .Brendan .developed .this .
résumé .in .his .first .year .and .through .extensive .personal . Keep .in .mind .that .for .purposes .of .the .MBAFocus .résumé .
networking .obtained .a .summer .internship .with . “book,” .you .will .have .one .active .résumé .in .the .system .
Patagonia . that .will .be .visible .to .any .employer .who .purchases .the .
Brad Hess, MBA ’14 .— .Brad .incorporated .his .summer . Johnson .database . .You .will .receive .an .automated .email .
internship .into .his .second-year .résumé . .He .used .this . message .when .your .résumé .has .been .approved .by .a .
version .in .the .job .search .that .led .him .to .accept .his . CMC .staff .member .for .the .book . .Later, .for .any .particular .
current .role .as .a .Senior .Financial .Analyst .with .Disney . job .for .which .you .apply .through .JTS .you .can .upload .a .
Parks .and .Resorts .in .Orlando . unique .résumé .tailored .to .that .job .
Most, .though .not .all, .employers .require .applicants .to . should .fit .easily .on .one .page, .be .well-organized, .and .
submit .cover .letters .with .their .job .applications . .Your . should .include .in .the .final .paragraph .a .specific .next .step . .
cover .letter .is .an .extension .of .your .résumé .and .reflects . Read .your .letter .carefully .and .correct .any .misspellings .
your .knowledge .of .a .specific .employer’s .needs . .It .should . or .errors . .If .you .are .applying .for .a .job .at .company .X, .
demonstrate .that .you .are .able .to .communicate .clearly . make .sure .that .you .refer .to .company .X .in .the .body .of .
and .concisely, .that .you .are .sincerely .interested .in .this . the .letter .and .that .the .letter .is .addressed .to .a .person .at .
particular .job, .and .that .you .are .well .suited .for .the . that .company . .It .is .a .good .idea, .as .well, .to .use .a .filename .
job . .Employers .look .for .enthusiasm .for .the .industry, . for .the .electronic .version .of .the .letter .that .names .the .
company, .and .position . .Because .employers’ .needs .are . company . .In .the .rare .case .that .the .letter .is .going .by .
different, .you .should .write .a .unique .cover .letter .carefully . postal .mail, .it .should .be .printed .with .black .ink .on .high-
tailored .to .each .individual .employer . quality .paper .and .your .signature .should .be .in .black .ink .
Read .every .job .description .carefully .and .make .sure . Cover .letters .go .wrong .in .several .common .ways, .
that .you .address .in .your .cover .letter .the .primary .skills . including .the .following:
required .for .each .role . .As .much .as .possible .without .
writing .in .a .stilted .manner, .incorporate .the .exact .words . • . Having the wrong company name or contact
used .in .the .description .so .that .your .letter .will .pass . person’s name .in .the .cover .letter . .This .happens .
automated .scanning .and .keyword .search .systems . more .frequently .than .you .might .expect . .We .are .
all .guilty .of .this .kind .of .oversight, .but .it .is .always .
COVER LETTER FRAMEWORK embarrassing .nevertheless .
A .cover .letter .typically .comprises .three .parts: • . Over-the-top or cliché language. .Don’t .say .that .
you’ve .always .had .a .passion .for .the .durable .goods .
1 . . Introduction: Capture .the .employer’s .interest! . manufacturing .industry .if .you .don’t .truly .love .
Identify .the .position .for .which .you .are .applying, . washing .machines .and .dishwashers . .
tell .how .you .found .information .about .the .job, .and . • . “It’s all about me.” .Make .a .case .for .how .you .can .add .
describe .your .interest .in .the .position . .If .appropriate, . value .to .the .company; .do .not .simply .expand .on .the .
you .may .even .identify .second-year .students .or . ways .that .the .company .can .help .you .develop .your .
alumni .that .you .know .there . career .and .enrich .your .life .
2 . . Specifics: .Explain .how .your .qualifications .relate .to .
the .opportunity . .Include .examples .of .measurable . For .additional .information, .your .Career .Work .Group .
results .from .past .jobs .that .make .you .a .particularly . leader .can .review .your .letter .and .offer .suggestions . .
strong .candidate . Also, .books .on .cover .letters .are .available .in .the .Career .
Management .section .of .the .Management .Library . .In .
3 . . Closing: .Ask .the .employer .to .agree .to .a .date .for .the . particular, .we .recommend .Cover .Letters .That .Knock .’em .
two .of .you .to .meet .for .an .interview . .In .cover .letters .for . Dead .by .Martin .Yate .and .the .Vault .Guide .to .Résumés, .
on-campus .interviews, .say .that .you .look .forward .to . Cover .Letters, .and .Interviews, .which .is .available .online .
seeing .him/her .when .the .employer .comes .to .campus . through .the .Management .Library . .If .English .is .not .your .
first .language, .seek .assistance .from .the .International .
Before .you .start .to .write .your .letter, .answer .the .following .
Writing .Assistant .
questions .to .yourself .for .each .cover .letter .that .you .need .
• . Why .did .you .choose .this .industry? In .Appendix .C .you’ll .find .good .examples .of .cover .letters .
• . Why .are .you .interested .in .this .company? from .these .Johnson .students .and .alumni:
• . What .about .this .position .appeals .to .you? Nneka Ejim, MBA ’15 — .Nneka .is .in .the .One-year .MBA .
• . Why .should .the .company .hire .you? program .Class .of .2015 .and .submitted .this .letter .in .her .
application .to .Emerson, .where .she .accepted .a .permanent .
Before .you .send .your .cover .letter, .ensure .that .your .letter . position .as .a .Corporate .Strategic .Planner .in .Houston .
is .carefully .tailored .to .each .individual .employer . .Each .
Brad Hess, MBA ’14 .— .Brad .used .this .cover .letter .to .
letter .should .demonstrate .your .knowledge .of .the .target .
apply .for .the .job .he .accepted .as .a .Senior .Financial .
company .and .position . .Also, .make .every .effort .to .address .
Analyst .with .Disney .Parks .and .Resorts .in .Orlando .
your .letter .to .a .person .by .name .instead .of .to .“Dear .
Sir/Madam” .or .“To .Whom .It .May .Concern .” .Your .letter . James Kerr, MBA ’16 .— .James .searched .aggressively .
for .an .investment .banking .internship .and .accepted .a . permanent .position .with .Deloitte, .where .she .accepted .an .
position .with .Bank .of .America .Merrill .Lynch . .He .says . offer . .Yana .is .not .authorized .to .work .in .the .United .States .
that .to .prepare .this .cover .letter, .he .researched .the . Arnav Sawhny, MBA ’15 .— .Arnav .relied .primarily .on .
bank’s .recent .awards .and .culture .and .made .efforts .to . focused .networking .as .he .was .targeting .a .niche .industry .
refer .to .them .in .the .letter . in .which .most .companies .do .not .recruit .on-campus .or .
Janaki Palaniappan, MBA ’16 .— .Janaki .used .this .cover . sponsor .work .visas . .He .used .this .letter .for .successful .
letter .to .obtain .a .summer .internship .with .the .Accenture . application .for .a .summer .internship .with .LVMH .in .New .
Development .Partnerships .program . York . .Arnav .will .be .working .at .Deloitte .in .Amsterdam .
Thomas Palmer, MBA ’14 .— .Tom .wrote .this .cover .letter . after .graduation .
for .his .successful .application .for .an .equity .research . “Johnson Student,” MBA ’16 .— .Johnson .has .a .summer .
position .at .JPMorgan .Chase . 2015 .internship .with .Deloitte . .He .used .this .letter .to .apply .
Fred Rollins, MBA ’14 — .Fred .was .in .the .Ithaca .One-year . for .an .internship .with .GE .and .received .an .offer .
MBA .in .Ithaca .Class .of .2014 .and .submitted .this .letter . Mary Zabriskie, MBA ’15 .— .Mary .worked .for .IBM .in .
in .his .application .to .PricewaterhouseCoopers . .He .later . summer .2014 .and .accepted .a .permanent .role .with .Intel .
accepted .a .consulting .role .with .L .E .K . .Consulting . after .graduation .
Yana Routshtein, MBA ’15 .– .Yana .held .a .summer .
internship .at .Verizon .and .used .this .letter .to .apply .for .a .
We urge all Johnson students to read The 2-Hour Think broadly of three levels of connections:
Job Search by Steve Dalton. The book offers a clear
and simple guideline for organizing and managing • First-degree networking connections (those closest
a job search and for using social media and search to you) are strong. These include your family and
engines without being overwhelmed by them. As soon friends, former colleagues at work, and — an
as possible, read that book and begin to practice the important networking resource — your classmates.
techniques recommended by Dalton. The following • Second-degree connections include people you
section is a brief overview of networking and offers have never met but with whom you have a mutual
additional advice for your benefit. connection. These include acquaintances, referrals
from friends or other acquaintances, guest lecturers
A job search is not an individual task; rather, it requires in class, alumni of the Johnson School (or other
you to ask for a lot of help and to reach out to a lot of educational institutions you attended), and people in
people. Networking is a systematic approach to building virtual networks such as LinkedIn.
relationships with other people. Some of you may
have already developed an extensive network through • Third-degree connections are weakest. These include
your undergraduate college or university and work people with whom you have no personal connection
experience, friends, and family. Others of you may shun but with whom you are affiliated, perhaps through a
networking and look at a room of strangers with anxiety. professional association or a common interest.
Whether you’re an old pro or a networking novice,
Making a list of contacts should not take you days and
growing your network will become a crucial part of your
days; you should be able to come up with a good list in an
MBA experience, job search, and career progression.
hour. Spend ten minutes on each of the following:
The purpose of networking is to provide you with facts,
• Dream companies. Make a list of the companies you
perspectives, and referrals to key people. Networking
would most like to work for.
can help you gather information about a job function,
industry, or geographic area. It can give you an • Alumni. Scroll through some quick searches on
understanding of an organization’s culture and the LinkedIn and the alumni directory in JConnect and
skills required for a certain job. It can help give you a write down all of the companies in your field with
competitive edge in interviews, enabling you to carry on Johnson alumni.
a deeper conversation because you know more about • Job boards. Search LinkedIn,, or another
a position or company. Furthermore, networking can job board for companies in your field that are hiring.
lead to referrals for positions within an organization or
in other organizations. To hire appropriate candidates, • Google. Google “X Industry Trend” and find
many types of organizations depend more on referrals companies mentioned in articles or press releases.
from colleagues than they do on-campus recruiting. To find email addresses or phone numbers for people
If you’re uncomfortable asking others for help you should you hope to reach, use:
remember two important things: • Johnson Talent System (JTS)
• Everyone likes to be considered an expert. By • database of alumni from your undergraduate institution
asking others for help, you are deferring to their • social networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter.
expertise, which makes them feel good. Look for second-degree connections or better
• Asking for help is reciprocal. People like to know •, a site that shares the
that they helped other people so that they feel they format of email addresses at a particular company
have a safety net in place when the tables turn.
• classmates and professors
Map your network by listing people and companies • past clients or vendors
that can be helpful to you in your job search. Be sure to
consider the strength of your connections and the degree • affinity groups
to which each connection is a good match in the industry • family and friends.
or function of primary interest to you. When starting out,
you should aim to have at least 40 people in your network Develop a systematic way that works for you to maintain
map (although more exclusive industries, such as private a list or database of the people you plan to contact. Most
equity, may require as many as 100 contacts). people find a spreadsheet helpful.
After .creating .a .list .of .people .who .could .be .interesting .or . day .after .the .original .message . .If .you .still .do .not .
helpful, .you .will .need .to .reach .out .to .them . .Execution .is . connect, .move .on .to .another .contact . .(For .further .
critical . .Every .interaction .you .have .with .someone .in .your . explanation, .see .Chapter .7 .“Track” .in .The .2-Hour .
network .should .be .viewed .as .a .potential .job .connection, . Job .Search .by .Steve .Dalton) .
and .you .must .be .extremely .professional . .Email .is .often .
the .first .and .best .way .to .establish .a .connection .with . See .the .following .examples .of .email .messages .asking .
someone; .however, .you .must .remember .that .people .get . for .informational .interviews .
hundreds .of .emails .a .day, .and .if .you .don’t .catch .their .
attention .your .email .is .likely .to .go .into .their .spam .or .
trash .folder . .Follow .these .guidelines .for .emails: Dear .Vishal,
• . Be concise. Keep .your .emails .SHORT . .Remember . I .enjoyed .your .Net .Impact .webinar .on .sustainability .
that .most .people .read .emails .on .smartphones .with . practices .within .the .wine .and .spirits .industry . .I .was .
small .screens, .so .make .it .easy .for .them . particularly .intrigued .by .Brown .Forman’s .success .with .
Jack .Daniel’s .zero .waste .initiative .
• . Use judgment in choosing the salutation. .If .you .
think .that .the .reader .is .significantly .older .than .you, . I .am .a .first-year .MBA .student .at .Johnson .at .Cornell .
use .Mr . .or .Ms . .after .making .certain .of .the .gender . . University . .Before .coming .to .Johnson, .I .worked .for .two .
Otherwise .most .alumni .prefer .that .you .simply . years .in .the .waste .management .industry .in .operations .
address .them .by .their .first .names . .Sometimes .the . management . .I .would .like .to .learn .more .about .incorporating .
alumni .directory .gives .guidance .on .this . sustainability .initiatives .with .a .brand .management .role .
• . Make it unique. Start .your .email .with .something . I .will .be .in .Your .City .the .week .of .March .1 . .Please .let .
about .your .addressee . .Starting .an .email .with .“I .am .a . me .know .if .you .are .available .that .week .for .a .brief .
first-year .student .at .Johnson .and .would .like .to .talk .to . conversation .in .your .office . .I .look .forward .to .hearing .your .
you .about .X” .is .okay .but .will .not .get .their .attention . insights .on .brand .management .
• . Closing. .Don’t .ask .yes .or .no .questions . .If .you .want .to .get . Regards,
on .their .calendar, .ask .them .how .(not .if) .you .can .do .so . Joe .Cool
• . Attachments/Graphics. .Make .sure .that .your .email .does . SAMPLE 2:
not .contain .any .graphics .or .attachments .that .could .
make .the .email .unreadable .on .a .BlackBerry .or .iPhone . Dear .John,
• . Signature. .Your .signature .should .be .only .a .few . Congratulations .on .your .recent .acquisition .of .Best .Buy! .
lines . .Include .your .name, .email .address, .phone . I .worked .in .consumer .products .for .five .years .before .
number, .and .class .year . .There’s .no .need .to .include . starting .business .school .and .would .love .to .hear .more .
a .fax .number .or .a .space-eating .logo . .Also .consider . about .the .deal . .If .you .have .time, .it .would .be .great .to .set .
including .a .link .to .your .LinkedIn .profile .so .that .the . up .a .brief .conversation . .What .is .the .best .way .for .me .to .
recipient .can .look .you .up .before .talking .to .you . .Make . get .on .your .calendar?
it .easy .for .him/her .to .find .you .and .make .sure .your . Regards,
LinkedIn .profile .showcases .you .in .your .best .light .
Jane .Doe
• . PROOFREAD. .Sending .out .an .email .with .typos .or .
grammatical .errors .is .the .kiss .of .death . .Not .only .will .it . SAMPLE 3:
preclude .you .from .getting .a .job .with .the .recipient, .but .
Dear .Monica,
it .will .ensure .that .s/he .does .not .refer .you .to .others .and .
may .in .fact .tell .others .about .your .poor .behavior . .Alumni . I .am .a .first-year .MBA .student .at .Johnson .at .Cornell .
talk .frequently .among .themselves, .and .one .bad .email . University . .Jack .Black, .alumnus .of .Johnson, .suggested .
can .spread .like .wildfire . .Furthermore, .if .the .reader .has . that .I .contact .you .to .learn .more .about .the .financial .services .
any .relationship .with .the .CMC .or .Johnson .faculty, .we . industry .and .about .corporate .finance .roles .at .American .
will .likely .hear .about .the .incident .immediately . Express, .particularly .in .risk .management . .Would .you .be .
available .the .week .of .October .1 .for .me .to .call .you?
• . Follow up. If .you .don’t .hear .back .from .the .person, .
wait .three .business .days .and .try .again, .but .do . Regards,
not .reference .your .prior .attempt . .If .you .still .get . Sally .Jones
no .response, .try .again .on .the .seventh .business .
Once .the .recipient .agrees .to .a .meeting, .you .will .need . • . I .read .that .your .company .recently .expanded .into .
to .prepare .yourself .for .the .informational .interview . . North .Africa .for .the .first .time . .Are .you .shifting .your .
You .conduct .an .informational .interview .to .learn .more . strategy .to .focus .more .on .developing .nations?
about .a .job .function, .industry, .or .company . .During .an . • . How .did .you .get .your .start .in .this .career?
informational .interview, .you .don’t .ask .for .a .job .— .but .you .
do .ask .for .advice, .information, .and .additional .contacts .to . • . What .have .you .found .to .be .the .greatest .challenges .
continue .doing .your .job .research . and .rewards .working .this .field?
• . What .do .you .like .least .about .this .job?
An .informational .interview .is .valuable .because .it .
provides .you .with .two .important .things: .(1) .information . • . How .do .you .spend .your .time .in .a .typical .day?
about .the .person .and .company .and .(2) .an .opportunity . • . How .much .travel .is .required .each .month?
to .showcase .your .knowledge .and .interest .in .the .
• . How .did .you .get .hired .for .your .first .position .after .you .
company .so .that .you .may .be .considered .for .a .position .
finished .school?
in .the .future . .It .is .essential .that .you .ask .informed, .
thoughtful .questions .that .demonstrate .your .knowledge . • . What .are .the .critical .skills .most .needed .to .be .
of .and .commitment .to .the .industry .or .company . .In . successful?
every .interaction, .it .is .important .that .you .know .your . • . How .would .you .describe .the .company .culture?
audience . .If .the .person .you .are .meeting .wants .to .steer .
the .conversation .one .way .or .another, .follow .along . .Don’t . • . What .are .the .greatest .challenges .facing .this .
feel .the .need .to .stick .to .any .script .or .set .agenda . .Don’t . company .right .now?
ever .ask .for .a .job .or .internship .during .an .informational . • . What .are .the .opportunities .for .MBAs .entering .this .
interview; .it .is .understood .that .if .you .weren’t .interested . field?
in .opportunities, .you .would .not .be .there . .Still, .it .is . • . I’ve .read .that .generic .brands .have .grown .since .the .
important .to .remember .to .treat .informational .interviews . economic .downturn . .What .are .some .things .that .
the .same .way .as .you .would .a .formal .job .interview .and . your .company .is .doing .to .combat .this? .What .other .
to .present .yourself .as .well-informed, .curious, .well- industry .trends .have .most .affected .the .company?
groomed, .and .respectful .
Always .end .with .something .like .this: .“Thanks .so .
Before .conducting .an .informational .interview, .do . much .for .meeting .with .me . .Is .there .anyone .else .you .
research .on .the .industry, .the .company, .and .the .person . recommend .I .speak .with .to .learn .more .about .your .
you .will .be .talking .to . .Generate .several .insightful . industry/function, .etc .?”
questions .that .show .you .took .time .to .research .the .
company . .Don’t .ask .questions .that .you .can .easily .find . THANK-YOU EMAIL
answers .to .on .the .corporate .web .site .
After .meeting .with .someone, .you .should .send .a .thank-
The .following .are .a .few .sample .questions .to .start .your . you .note .within .24 .hours . .Again, .the .email .should .be .
conversations: very .short .and .should .thank .him/her .for .his/her .time .
and .advice . .There .is .never .a .downside .to .being .gracious . .
• . I .read .in .your .bio .that .you .spent .five .years .on .the .sell . People .love .helping .and .like .to .feel .that .their .time .
side .before .moving .to .the .buy .side . .I’ve .heard .that . was .well .spent .and .appreciated . .As .soon .as .possible, .
the .jobs .are .similar, .even .though .the .mandates .are .a . also .follow .up .on .whatever .suggestions .you .received . .
bit .different . .Was .this .your .experience? Let .the .person .know .how .you .followed .up .on .his/her .
• . Given .[name .of .new .federal .regulation], .are .you . recommendations .and .what .you .learned . .People .like .to .
changing .the .way .you .underwrite .deals? hear .that .their .advice .was .used .and .was .beneficial .
There .are .a .number .of .MBA .career .fairs .that .take .place . o . describe .your .target .function .and .why .it .
during .the .fall .semester . .Career .fairs .can .be .great .ways . interests .you
for .you .to .network .with .companies .that .don’t .come .to . o . briefly .highlight .your .work .experience
Johnson .to .recruit . .Often, .interviews .are .conducted .at .
these .fairs .and .various .networking .events .are .held . o . include .a .memorable .point .about .yourself
o . explain .why .you .are .enthusiastic .about . .
Career .fairs .are .usually .part .of .a .larger .conference . the .company
held .by .the .sponsoring .organization . .The .conference .
itself .can .run .over .several .days . .However, .if .you .go, .we . o . mention .that .you .would .like .to .hear .about . .
recommend .that .you .attend .only .the .career .fair .portion . career .opportunities .within .your .target . .
because .of .your .demanding .academic .schedule . function .at .the .company .
• . Apply .for .jobs .on .the .career .fair .web .site .a .couple .of .
The .following .are .some .of .the .larger .career .fairs . . weeks .before .the .career .fair . .This .is .another .way .that .
These .fairs .are .open .to .all, .regardless .of .ethnicity .or . you .may .be .able .to .get .on .the .closed .interview .list .
sexual .orientation . before .you .get .to .the .conference .
• . Asian .MBA .Conference • . Complete .your .PAR .(Problem-Action-Result) .worksheet .
• . National .Black .MBA .Conference on .page .20 . .Do .mock .interviews . .Practice .case .questions .
• . National .Society .of .Hispanic .MBAs • . Participate .in .preconference .training .sessions .that .
may .be .offered .by .the .sponsoring .organizations, .the .
• . Reaching .Out .MBA .Conference .(LGBT) CMC, .or .clubs . .It .would .be .great .to .be .able .to .tell .
• . National .Association .of .Women .MBAs the .recruiter .what .you .learned .by .participating .in .
their .webinar .
• . Net .Impact .(Sustainability)
• . Prepare .as .you .would .for .on-campus .interviews .in .
The .guidelines .below .are .also .applicable .to .any .industry . January! .The .interviews .will .be .as .rigorous, .and .the .
conference .or .Cornell-sponsored .career .fair . recruiters .expect .candidates .to .be .prepared, .regardless .
of .the .fact .that .you .are .just .starting .your .core .classes . .
BEFORE THE CONFERENCE Be .prepared .for .functional-specific .questions .
• . Update .your .LinkedIn .profile .and .clean .up .your . AT THE CONFERENCE
Facebook .page .
• . Review .the .list .of .companies .participating .in .the . Conduct .yourself .professionally .at .all .times .during .the .
career .fair . .Determine .your .target .companies . conference . .You .should .even .be .careful .about .what .you .
say .in .restrooms .and .in .lines .because .you .are .projecting .
• . Send .email .messages .to .representatives .at .the . an .impression .of .yourself .and .Johnson .at .all .times . .You .
companies .you .are .targeting . .Briefly .introduce . may .run .into .recruiters .throughout .your .time .at .the .
yourself . .Let .them .know .that .you .are .looking .forward . conference . .Be .prepared .to .make .small .talk .
to .stopping .by .their .booth .at .the .conference . .This .
may .lead .to .their .scheduling .an .on-site .interview . Familiarize .yourself .with .the .career .fair .layout .by .
with .you .before .you .arrive .at .the .conference . studying .the .diagram .in .your .conference .handbook . .
• . Determine .the .order .in .which .you .plan .to .visit . Locate .and .highlight .your .target .companies .on .the .map . .
company .booths . .Consider .visiting .a .couple .of .your . Get .to .the .fair .early . .Be .there .when .the .doors .open . .
“B” .companies .first .for .practice . .Then .tackle .your .“A” . Often, .on-site .interview .slots .fill .up .quickly . .Getting .
companies .when .you .feel .confident . there .early .will .help .increase .your .chances .of .landing .an .
interview .slot .
• . Research .your .target .companies . .Use .the .
Management .Library .databases, .especially . Plan .to .meet .with .your .“A” .companies .when .you .have .the .
Thomson .One, .the .Vault .Guides, .Hoover’s, .and . most .energy .and .feel .the .most .prepared . .If .a .booth .is .
Factiva . .Remember .to .read .the .corporate .web .sites, . extremely .crowded, .visit .the .next .company .on .your .list .
especially .10Ks .and .press .releases .
At .the .booth, .remember .these .tips:
• . Consider .using .Twitter .and .Facebook .to .follow .the .
various .conferences .and .companies . • . Expect .to .talk .to .company .representatives .for .about .
• . Perfect .your .30- .to .60-second .introduction: five .minutes . .Prepare .two .or .three .insightful, .well-
thought-out .questions .to .ask . .Questions .should .
o . state .where .you .are .going .to .school
show .that .you .thoroughly .researched .the .company .
• . Maintain .good .eye .contact .and .enthusiasm . If .your .target .companies .have .corporate .receptions, .
• . Ask .for .a .business .card .and .offer .your .résumé .but . plan .to .attend . .If .the .company .invites .you .to .an .
don’t .be .alarmed .if .the .recruiter .doesn’t .have .a .card . invitation-only .event, .plan .to .attend . .Bring .business .
to .give .you . .Recruiters .frequently .limit .the .number . cards .to .the .receptions .
of .cards .they .distribute .so .that .they .won’t .have . Similarly, .plan .to .attend .the .Johnson .alumni .receptions, .
hundreds .of .messages .when .they .return .to .their . if .applicable . .You .may .have .less .than .24 .hours .between .
offices . .With .a .little .detective .work, .you .can .often . the .interview .invitation .and .the .actual .interview . .
figure .out .their .email .addresses .after .the .fair . Nevertheless, .if .you .are .invited .to .interview, .make .sure .
• . Ask .about .next .steps .in .the .process . you .prepare .thoroughly . .Try .to .do .a .few .mock .interviews . .
• . Take .notes .after .each .visit; .you .will .use .your .notes .in . Thoroughly .research .the .company . .Find .out .the .
your .follow-up . company’s .typical .interview .questions .and .format .from .
JPay+, .other .students, .alumni, .or .the .CMC .
• . Try .to .speak .to .two .or .three .people .at .each .company .
• . Thank .them .for .their .time . AFTER THE CONFERENCE
• . Visit .some .of .the .other .companies .at .the .fair .after . The .day .after .the .career .fair, .or .within .a .few .days, .send .
you .have .met .with .your .target .companies . .You .never . short .email .messages .to .the .company .representatives .
know .— .one .of .these .companies .may .turn .out .to .be .a . that .you .met . .As .you .do .this, .review .your .notes, .refer .to .
great .fit .for .you . your .conversation, .and .emphasize .the .strengths .that .
• . If .you .had .a .phone .interview .with .a .company .before . you .would .bring .to .the .company .in .a .given .role . .Tell .
the .conference .and .didn’t .make .it .to .the .second . each .person .what .you .want; .e .g ., .“I .am .interested .in .
round .or .your .initial .booth .conversation .did .not .go . the .marketing .internship .position .” .Ask .when .you .are .
as .well .as .you .hoped, .consider .stopping .by .the .booth . likely .to .hear .about .next .steps . .You .may .also .send .any .
and/or .attending .their .reception .to .reiterate .your . additional .documentation .or .evidence .of .your .interest .
interest . .Students .sometimes .land .interviews .and . or .ability .to .perform .the .job . .Periodically, .within .reason, .
offers .after .a .second .try . write .to .the .recruiter .to .remind .him/her .of .your .interest .
and .to .ask .about .your .status .
• . Save .the .“shopping” .(picking .up .freebies) .for .after .
your .networking . .You .don’t .want .to .lug .around .a .lot . Separately, .contact .alumni .in .the .company . .Tell .them .
of .bags . how .interested .you .are .in .the .opportunity .at .the .company .
Staff .members .from .Johnson .will .have .a .booth .at .many . and .share .your .enthusiasm .about .it .
of .the .conferences . .Visit .the .Johnson .booth .for .moral .
support, .to .rest .your .bag, .and .for .advice .or .a .quick .
mock .interview .
A typical 30-minute first-round interview will include • The action you took (told in 1–2 minutes)
several questions designed to assess how you behave in
various kinds of situations; these are called behavioral • The result (summarized in 30 seconds).
interview questions. An example might be: “Tell me Explain why this result was significant to the
about a time when you disagreed with your boss.” It’s organization.
best to anticipate these questions and be prepared with
Most of your PARs should be work related. Nevertheless,
clear anecdotes.
feel free to incorporate good stories from outside the
PAR stories will help you immensely in preparing for work environment. Consider extracurricular activities,
these interviews and in creating your résumé. You school, and volunteer work. In all cases, your stories
should develop at least two stories for each skill that is should be concise, clear, and specific.
critical for the job for which you are interviewing, as the
Review the following sample PAR stories — one on
interviewer will often say, “Give me another example.”
leadership and one on teamwork — then complete your
For each skill, develop the following: PAR worksheet on the following page.
Worked in a Team, .
Especially a Cross-Functional
or Global Team
Showed Leadership
Took Initiative
Quantitatively Analyzed a
Tell me about a time that you
Problem Action Result
demonstrated/dealt with/had:
Managed Conflict
A .job .interview .can .be .a .life-changing .event . .Most .first- have .worked .in .this .company . .Ask .them .for .their .
round .interviews .for .MBA .candidates .are .only .30 .minutes . perspectives .on .the .position .and .make .notes .about .
long, .so .it’s .critical .that .you .are .ready .and .confident . their .responses .
and .able .to .make .a .strong .positive .impression .quickly . . • . List .the .key .skills .and .attributes .the .company .is .
You’ve .worked .hard .to .get .to .this .point .by .focusing .on . seeking .in .candidates .for .this .role . .Refer .to .the .job .
your .interests, .researching .job .functions .and .industries, . description .and .to .the .conversations .with .people .who .
networking, .and .conducting .informational .interviews . .You . have .worked .there . .Make .notes .about .how .you .meet .
cannot .go .into .a .job .interview .with .the .plan .of .improvising . those .requirements .
or .being .spontaneous; .you .must .be .prepared .
Many .recruiters .tell .us .that .the .impression .you .make .in .
the .first .two .minutes .can .be .the .lasting .impression .of .the . • . Research .the .company .in .publications .such .as .the .
remaining .28 .minutes . Wall .Street .Journal, .Bloomberg, .BusinessWeek, .and .
Factiva .and .LexisNexis . .Make .notes .about .the .latest .
To .provide .a .crisp .and .confident .presentation, .you .need . news .
to .know .your .direction .and .skills .and .be .able .to .argue .
that .you .are .focused .on .this .role . .You .must .understand . • . If .the .company .is .public, .read .its .annual .report, .
the .job, .company, .and .industry . .And .insofar .as .possible, . particularly .the .Chairman’s .Letter .to .Shareholders . .
you .should .know .something .about .the .interviewer .so .that . This .letter .will .reveal .something .about .the .
you .can .try .to .relate .to .him/her .and .ask .good .questions . . company’s .recent .successes .and .failures, .as .well .as .
This .is .not .always .possible, .since .the .CMC .usually . its .strategy . .This .information .should .drive .several .
does .not .know .in .advance .who .is .coming .on .campus .to . of .your .questions . .Make .notes .summarizing .this .
conduct .interviews . information .
• . Continue .conducting .research .to .answer .the .
As .you .prepare, .try .to .reach .beyond .the .job .description .or . following .questions .about .the .company . .Consider .
title .to .reflect .a .true .understanding .of .the .job .tasks .and . resources .such .as .Datamonitor .Reports .
responsibilities . .The .most .successful .candidates .speak .to .
several .people .about .the .position .in .order .to .develop .a .good . o . Who .are .the .company’s .competitors .in . .
understanding .of .it . .Your .questions .in .the .interview .will . this .industry?
reflect .more .than .a .superficial .knowledge .of .the .position . o . What .differentiates .the .company’s .products . .
from .its .competitors’ .products?
The .art .of .the .interview .lies .in .providing .convincing .
proof .that .you .are .indeed .a .good .fit .for .the .firm . .Every . o . What .are .the .industry .trends?
interview .ideally .becomes .a .two-way .conversation . .You . o . What .are .the .greatest .challenges .the . .
should .convey .your .excitement .in .the .form .of .stories . company .faces?
about .past .experiences; .these .are .the .PAR .stories .that .
o . What .are .the .greatest .opportunities .the . .
you .have .been .practicing . .An .interviewer .also .wants .to .
company .faces?
see .your .excitement .through .your .body .language .— .your .
eyes .light .up, .you’re .on .the .edge .of .your .seat, .your .hands . o . What .does .the .current .sell-side .analyst .community .
move . .When .two .people .being .interviewed .for .the .same . believe .about .the .company .and .its .prospects?
position .have .roughly .equal .qualifications, .the .one .who .
appears .more .passionate .gets .the .job . .Passion .can .even . The .Management .Library .at .Johnson .is .a .tremendous .
trump .qualifications . .And, .the .interviewer .is .more .likely . resource .for .uncovering .information .on .companies .
to .converse .with .you .than .fire .question .after .question . and .industries . .For .more .information .about .conducting .
when .you .show .commitment .to .the .job .and .company . research .through .the .library, .see .the .Appendix .
• . Contact .up .to .three .alumni .at .the .company .and .ask . Companies .usually .do .not .tell .the .Career .Management .
them .to .explain .their .perspectives .on .the .position . Center .in .advance .who .will .be .representing .them .as .
interviewers . .However, .for .second-round .interviews .and .
• . How .does .this .job .fit .within .the .division? interviews .taking .place .off-campus, .you .often .will .be .
• . Where .does .the .division .fit .within .the .company? informed .of .the .identity .of .the .interviewers .
• . Search .the .Johnson .School .résumé .database . Knowing .the .interviewer .will .help .you .connect .with .him/
and/or .LinkedIn .to .see .what .people .in .your .class . her .during .what .can .be .a .stressful .situation .for .many .
candidates . .The .more .information .you .have .about .the . Depending .on .your .background .and .experience, .you .may .
person .interviewing .you, .the .better .you .will .be .able .to . want .to .highlight .a .few .of .these .points:
ask .insightful .questions .relating .to .his/her .work .and .the .
more .prepared .you’ll .seem . • . Where .you .were .brought .up .and .went .to .school
• . Where .you .started .your .career
• . Why .you .moved .to .different .types .of .positions .or .
Search .for .the .interviewer’s .name .on .LinkedIn .or .Google . companies
to .answer .these .questions: • . A .major .accomplishment
• . What .jobs .has .this .person .held .in .the .past? • . Your .short- .and .long-term .goals
• . Where .did .the .interviewer .attend .college .and . • . How .business .school, .and .specifically .Johnson, .will .
graduate .school? help .you .reach .your .goals .
• . Are .there .any .news .stories .about .this .person? What are your short-term, medium-term, and long-
term career goals?
The .main .dilemma .with .this .question .is .figuring .out .the .
In .a .behavioral .interview, .the .recruiter .is .looking .for . answer .— .no .small .feat . .Spend .time .developing .a .brief .
examples .from .your .work .experience .that .provide . answer .(no .more .than .30 .seconds) . .As .a .guide, .research .
evidence .that .you .have .the .necessary .skills .for .the .job . . successful .people .at .the .company .who .entered .five .or .ten .
Your .PAR .worksheet .is .critical .in .helping .you .prepare .for . years .ago .and .analyze .their .progression .within .the .company .
behavioral .interviews .
What are your three greatest strengths?
In .a .case .interview, .you .must .demonstrate .your .ability .
to .frame .a .complex .problem .and .analytically .come . Give .your .three .greatest .strengths, .but .be .prepared .in .
to .a .conclusion, .usually .with .limited .information .and . case .you .are .asked .for .a .fourth .or .fifth .strength . .Give .
in .a .short .period .of .time . .Often, .there .isn’t .a .right . some .thought .to .the .connection .between .your .pitch .and .
or .wrong .answer . .The .interview .is .more .focused .on . your .strengths . .Everything .should .fit .together .
how .you .approach .solving .the .problem . .You .will .have . What are your three greatest weaknesses?
opportunities .to .learn .several .consulting .frameworks .
in .courses, .CMC .workshops, .and .Consulting .Club . This .is .obviously .a .difficult .question .to .answer . .You .want .
programs . .Practicing .case .interviews .is .essential .for . to .be .genuine .without .actually .revealing .any .serious .
success .in .consulting .and .increasingly .important .for . weakness .you .may .have . .An .effective .approach .is .to .
success .in .interviews .for .product .management .roles .and . highlight .three .areas .where .you .have .successfully .
some .finance .positions . improved .over .time . .The .idea .is .to .develop .an .answer .
in .which .you .focus .on .areas .of .improvement, .rather .
Here .are .a .few .typical .interview .questions .and .a .few . than .truly .currently .weak .areas . .This .lends .a .positive .
recommended .responses . .You .can .research .actual . connotation .to .your .response .and .shows .that .you .are .
questions .asked .by .recruiters .in .JPay+ . both .self-aware .and .proactive . .An .example .might .be .that .
Walk me through your résumé. you .were .having .trouble .with .time .management .and .took .
a .class, .received .coaching, .and .are .now .managing .your .
You .must .be .prepared .with .a .brief .summary .statement .(no . time .much .more .effectively .
more .than .two .minutes) .that .is .similar .to .your .“elevator .
pitch” .but .with .a .little .more .detail . .Don’t .simply .explain . Give an example of when you were an effective leader.
what .you .did .in .each .position .you .held; .rather, .share .how . You .should .have .at .least .three .of .these .stories .developed .
these .experiences .affected .you . .Although .your .response . and, .ideally, .offered .in .different .contexts . .For .instance, .
will .change .from .interview .to .interview, .the .essence .of .the . in .one .example .you .may .have .demonstrated .leadership .
response .should .remain .the .same .and .communicate .who . by .identifying .an .opportunity .and .convincing .a .group .of .
you .are, .where .you .hope .to .go, .and .why . people .of .its .value . .In .another, .you .may .have .exercised .
It .is .also .important .to .identify .the .common .themes .of .your . leadership .through .a .more .formal .managerial .role . .It .is .
journey .and .to .communicate .how .the .journey .led .you .to . helpful .to .have .several .diverse, .effective .leader .stories .
your .interest .in .this .position, .company, .and .industry . so .that .you .are .prepared .for .any .situation .
Give an example of when you came up with a creative • . Describe .your .thought .process .in .bringing .closure .to .
solution to a problem. a .difficult .decision .that .you .made .in .your .last .job .
This .is .similar .to .providing .examples .of .leadership; .you . • . What .three .words .would .your .best .friend/colleague .
should .have .at .least .three .examples, .and .they .should .be . use .to .describe .you?
different .from .each .other . .It’s .okay .if .they .overlap .with . • . What .three .words .would .you .choose .to .best . .
your .leadership .stories; .however, .be .sure .to .prepare . describe .yourself?
multiple .stories, .because .an .interviewer .who .hears . • . What .are .Johnson’s .greatest .strengths?
an .amazing .story .that .encompasses .both .leadership .
and .creativity .will .invariably .ask .for .a .second .example . . • . What .is .one .of .Johnson’s .weaknesses, .and .how .
Note .that .being .creative .can .also .mean .that .you .came . would .you .address .it?
up .with .a .unique .or .novel .approach .to .a .situation . .This . • . What .did .you .learn .from .your .last .job?
request .also .provides .an .excellent .opportunity .for .you .to .
• . What .do .you .do .outside .of .school/work?
tell .a .memorable .story .that .will .allow .your .interviewer .
to .easily .recall .you . .Be .brave .and .have .some .fun . .The . • . How .did .you .get .your .summer .internship? .Last .job?
interview .is, .among .other .things, .a .competition .for . • . Why .should .we .select .you?
attention, .and .a .particularly .creative .experience .is .apt .to .
have .staying .power .in .an .interviewer’s .mind . • . What .are .your .strengths?
Give an example of a time when you failed. Knowledge of the function, company, and industry:
• . Why .do .you .want .this .job? .Why .do .you .want .to .work .
There .is .nothing .wrong .with .failure . .In .fact, .failure . at .this .company?
is .widely .thought .to .be .the .most .effective .form .of .
learning . .However, .there .is .something .wrong .with .not . • . Why .do .you .want .to .work .in .(this .job .function)?
learning .from .your .failures, .and .that .is .the .point .of .this . • . Who .is .our .competition, .and .what .do .you .see .as .our .
request . .Have .a .few .examples .of .failures, .but .be .sure . competitive .advantage? .Disadvantage?
to .concentrate .on .the .analysis .of .what .went .wrong .and . • . What .do .you .like .about .our .product(s)? .What .
what .you .learned .from .the .experience . suggestions .would .you .make .to .improve .it/them?
What makes you unique? • . Where .do .you .see .the .greatest .opportunities .in . .
our .industry?
Contrary .to .popular .belief, .this .is .not .the .same .as .“What .
are .your .strengths?” .Good .communication .and .analytical . Leadership skills:
skills .and .being .a .fast .learner .don’t .make .you .unique .— . • . To .what .activity .outside .of .school .or .your .jobs .have .
they .make .you .an .MBA . .Everyone .interviewing .for .a .job .out . you .made .the .greatest .contribution?
of .business .school .either .has .or .will .claim .to .have .these .
skills . .You .need .to .find .those .two .or .three .things .that .give . • . How .do .you .motivate .people?
you .a .perspective .or .skills .different .from .the .30 .other . • . Tell .me .about .a .time .when .you .championed .an .idea, .
people .with .whom .you .are .being .compared . .Maybe .this .is . cause, .or .a .project . .Describe .what .you .accomplished .
time .spent .in .an .industry .or .a .perspective .from .another . and .how .
industry .(good .for .career .switchers) .or .an .unusual .skill .or .
• . Tell .me .about .a .time .when .you .had .to .sell .your .idea .
life .experience . .Whatever .it .is, .figure .it .out, .and .make .sure .
it .is .consistent .with .your .elevator .pitch . Accomplishments:
Here .is .a .list .of .other .possible .interview .questions: • . What .is .your .greatest .accomplishment? .Tell .me .
about .another .accomplishment .
General topics:
• . What .is .the .most .significant .problem .you’ve .faced .in .
• . Tell .me .about .a .situation .where .you .had .to .persuade . your .life .so .far, .and .how .did .you .address .it?
a .team .to .see .things .your .way .
• . Give .me .an .example .of .a .tough .decision .you .faced . .
• . Describe .a .situation .where .you .had .to .use .good . How .did .you .tackle .it?
judgment .to .solve .a .problem .
Team and interpersonal skills:
• . Tell .me .about .a .time .when .you .had .to .use .creativity .
and .initiative .to .reach .your .goal . • . Describe .a .situation .in .which .you .didn’t .get .along .
with .a .coworker, .boss, .or .someone .who .reported .to .
you .— .and .how .you .resolved .the .situation . Marketing questions:
• . Give .me .an .example .of .how .you .work .in .a .team . • . What .was .the .bottom .line .or .specific .improvement .
• . With .what .kinds .of .people .do .you .work .best? you .achieved .related .to .one .specific .project .you .
worked .on?
• . Did .you .ever .have .to .fire .someone? .How .did .you .
manage .the .process? • . You’re .a .brand .manager, .and .you .have .three .doors .
you .can .open . .Behind .the .first .is .a .great .established .
Work environment and corporate culture: product, .and .you .have .a .chance .to .push .it . .Behind .
the .second .is .a .product .with .great .potential, .but .it’s .
• . What .did .you .like .and .dislike .about .your .last .job?
not .working . .Behind .the .third .is .a .new .idea, .but .no .
• . Describe .your .ideal .boss . product . .Which .door .would .you .choose? .Why?
• . In .what .type .of .work .environment .do .you .flourish? • . Provide .feedback .on .an .advertisement .that . .
you .presented .
Analytical and problem-solving skills:
• . What .would .you .do .if .you .were .a .new .brand .manager .
• . Give .an .example .of .your .analytical .skills/problem- and .learned .that .a .product .had .been .losing .market .
solving .abilities . share .for .the .last .three .years?
• . Why .are .manhole .covers .round?
High Tech product management questions:
• . How .would .you .determine .the .number .of .basketball .
courts .in .the .United .States? • . Provide .an .example .of .how .you .used .analytics .to .
solve .a .problem .
• . Describe .as .many .uses .for .ping-pong .balls .as .you .can .
• . Give .me .an .example .of .how .you .worked .with .
• . What’s .your .favorite .commercial? .Why? engineers .and/or .customers .
Career goals: • . Walk .me .through .how .you .would .determine .the .
• . Why .did .you .choose .Johnson? feasibility .of .launching .a .new .product .or .service .
Finance questions: • . Which .would .you .rather .have, .more .creativity .or .
more .intelligence, .and .why?
• . Regarding .your .previous .experience .with .statistical .
surveys, .describe .your .use .of .statistical .methods . • . If .you .could .ask .one .question .of .the .CEO .of .this .
company, .what .would .it .be?
• . What’s .the .derivative .of .x .to .the .x, .where .x .is .the .variable?
• . What .is .your .life .purpose?
• . What’s .the .present .value .of .happiness?
• . How .would .you .value .Sage .Dining’s .snack .bar? Case questions (from
• . Your .client .is .a .company .that .makes .specialist .
Sales and trading questions: batteries .for .mobile .homes .in .the .United .States . .
• . How .would .you .describe .Option .Delta .to .a .person . The .batteries .are .powerful .and .long-lasting . .New .
on .the .street .who .knows .nothing .about .it? .Option . industry .conditions .are .occurring, .and .motor-home .
Gamma? .Option .Theta? dealers .are .starting .to .use .a .cheaper .battery .as .the .
“factory .standard” .in .an .attempt .to .lower .the .overall .
• . Pitch .me .a .stock .
price .of .homes . .Your .client’s .product .is .now .offered .
only .as .an .added .feature, .for .which .the .customer .
must .pay .an .extra .$500 . .How .should .your .client . helps .put .them .in .interview .mode . .Listen .carefully .to .
maintain .profits, .given .these .new .market .conditions? the .questions .and, .as .in .any .interview, .take .your .time .to .
• . Estimate .the .market .for .energy-efficient .light .bulbs . collect .your .thoughts .before .responding .
in .Kenya . For .Skype, .Google .Hangouts, .FaceTime, .or .
• . You .have .a .3-liter .bucket .and .a .5-liter .bucket . .How .will . videoconference .interviews, .make .sure .your .audio .
you .measure .out .exactly .4 .liters .of .water? .Assume .you . works .well . .Consider .using .a .headset .for .the .interview .
have .an .endless .supply .of .water .and .no .markings .on . to .ensure .clearer .communication . .Minimize .sound .and .
the .buckets . visual .distractions .in .the .room . .Make .sure .to .log .on .a .
few .minutes .in .advance .of .the .meeting .to .ensure .that .
At .the .end .of .the .interview, .you’ll .probably .be .asked .if . any .software .installations .or .updates .are .done .and .don’t .
you .have .any .questions . .Be .prepared .with .questions . delay .the .start .of .the .interview .
about .which .you .are .genuinely .curious .and .that .cannot .
be .answered .with .simple .Internet .searches . .Your . INTERVIEW FOLLOW-UP
questions .should .demonstrate .your .knowledge .of .the .
industry .and .company .and .your .curiosity . .You .may .also . Immediately .following .the .interview, .jot .down .notes .
be .asked .if .there .is .anything .that .you’d .like .to .add .that . about .what .was .discussed .and .what .questions .took .you .
wasn’t .covered .in .the .interview . .This .is .an .opportunity .to . by .surprise . .What .did .you .answer .well, .and .what .should .
talk .about .one .of .your .experiences .or .strengths .that .you . you .continue .to .work .on .to .improve .your .answer .for .
weren’t .able .to .address .earlier, .as .well .as .to .restate .and . future .interviews? .How .does .this .company .compare .to .
reinforce .your .interest . others .with .which .you .have .interviewed? .As .soon .as .you .
are .able, .record .your .interview .questions .in .JPay+ . .While .
A NOTE ABOUT PHONE AND OTHER it .is .fresh .on .your .mind, .record .what .you .expect .happens .
VIRTUAL INTERVIEWS next .and .what .your .understanding .is .of .the .company’s .
timeline .for .further .screening .and .hiring .
Phone .interviews .are .often .used .to .screen .a .larger .
number .of .candidates .prior .to .face-to-face .on-site . Write .a .thank-you .note .within .24 .hours .highlighting .
meetings . .There .are .some .clear .disadvantages .to .phone . points .of .discussion .and .include .anything .you .left .out .
screenings, .but .there .are .other .factors .that .you .should . that .the .interviewer .needs .to .know . .Restate .your .interest .
use .to .your .advantage . .Have .your .résumé, .PAR .worksheet, . in .the .position . .The .thank-you .note .can .be .sent .by .email . .
and .other .materials .you .might .need .in .front .of .you, .but .be . If .you .have .not .heard .from .the .company .within .the .
careful .not .to .be .noisy .when .shuffling .papers . .Have .a .pad . specified .time .frame, .follow .up .with .a .telephone .call .to .
and .pen .nearby .for .note .taking . .Find .a .quiet .place .with . the .person .who .committed .to .getting .back .to .you . .Be .
limited .distractions . .To .convey .your .energy, .try .to .stand . courteous .and .professional . .The .interviewers .could .be .
up .during .the .conversation .and .smile .as .you .speak . .Some . making .a .decision .that .very .day .— .and .every .interaction .
people .say .that .dressing .as .if .for .an .in-person .interview . you .have .with .them .reinforces .their .impressions .of .you .
Thank-you .letters .are .required .after .every .interview, . After .talking .with .your .staff .and .learning .more .about .
including .phone .interviews . .It .is .now .common .to .send .an . Kraft .Foods’ .expansion .into .the .freeze-dried .business, .
email .thank-you .note, .but .a .handwritten .note .on .tasteful . I .am .even .more .excited .about .the .position . .I .believe .
stationery .can .be .sent .in .special .cases . .If .you .meet .with . it .offers .a .great .opportunity .to .combine .my .skills .and .
a .panel .interview, .you .should .send .an .individual .thank- experience .in .sales .and .marketing .to .build .a .dynamic .
you .note .to .each .panel .member, .tailoring .your .note .to . brand .platform .that .can .make .a .real .and .lasting .impact .
the .panel .member’s .specific .interests .or .functional .role . on .Kraft .Foods’ .business . .I .would .very .much .like .to .join .
within .the .team . the .team . .[This .section .summarizes .qualifications .and .
answers .why .you .are .the .best .person .for .the .job] .
Thank-you .letters .should .accomplish .the .following:
I .look .forward .to .hearing .from .you .soon .regarding .your .
• . convey .your .appreciation .for .the .time .the .employer . decision .
spent .in .the .interview
• . restate .your .interest .and .qualifications Sincerely,
All .your .hard .work .has .paid .off, .and .you .received .a .job . to .ask .for .an .additional .week .of .vacation .than .an .extra .
offer! .Now .you .need .to .decide .if .you .will .accept .it, .and .if . $5,000 . .Or .it .may .be .easier .to .obtain .a .higher .signing .
so, .on .what .terms . .Whether .you .are .evaluating .one .offer . bonus .than .a .higher .base .salary .
or .comparing .several, .it .is .important .to .think .carefully .
and .clearly . .Negotiation .is .not .an .adversarial .part .of . Keep .in .mind .what .the .employer .wants . .Show .the .
business . .In .fact, .when .done .politely, .it .can .be .critical . employer .how .meeting .your .request .is .in .his/her .interest .
to .a .successful .career . .We .encourage .you .to .make .an . insofar .as .you .will .feel .well-rewarded .and .loyal . .Reinforce .
appointment .with .a .counselor .in .the .Career .Management . your .interest .in .the .company’s .goals, .the .skills .and .
Center .to .discuss .your .situation .if .there .is .something . experience .you .offer, .and .your .desire .to .be .part .of .their .
about .your .offer .that .concerns .you . .Shortly .after .you . team . .At .all .times .in .the .conversations, .maintain .your .
receive .any .formal .offer, .you .should .enter .it .in .JPay+ . . professional .demeanor . .If .you .accept .the .job, .you .want .to .
Every .student .is .responsible .for .maintaining .an .accurate . start .with .a .reputation .of .being .assertive .but .agreeable, .
record .of .his/her .employment .status .in .JPay+ . and .not .greedy . .Above .all, .do .not .present .alternatives, .
such .as .the .threat .that .you .will .go .elsewhere, .unless .you .
When .you .receive .an .offer, .thank .the .employer .and . are .ready .to .follow .through .with .them .
express .your .interest .in .the .position . .This .will .lay .the .
groundwork .for .a .positive .discussion .if .you .pursue . Understand .the .constraints .of .your .hiring .manager .and .
the .position .and .decide .to .negotiate . .It .will .also .help . the .HR .person .who .represents .him/her . .Employers .are .
maintain .the .company’s .relationship .with .the .school .if . usually .reasonable .and .sometimes .willing .to .negotiate .
you .decline .the .job . .It’s .best .not .to .accept .the .position . full-time .offers, .but .rarely .for .summer .offers . .However, .
on .the .spot . .Even .if .you .know .that .you .will .accept .the . if .you .are .entering .a .rotational .program .or .a .“class .of .
position, .ask .for .time .to .consider .the .offer .to .make .an . MBAs .of .the .same .level,” .salaries .are .set .at .the .same .
informed .decision . .This .request .is .customary; .it .gives . level, .and .there .is .very .little .room .for .negotiation .
you .bargaining .room, .and .it .allows .you .time .to .think .
For .every .job .offer .you .receive, .know .the .following .
clearly . .If .your .offer .resulted .from .on-campus .recruiting, .
aspects .of .the .offer .so .that .you .can .evaluate .each .offer .
refer .to .the .CMC .policy .for .deadlines .for .acceptance . .
and .distinguish .between .offers . .Take .notes .during .your .
Keep .your .options .open . .Continue .to .interview .other .
conversations .and .from .the .documents .that .you’ll .receive .
firms .until .you .have .all .the .information .needed .to .make .a .
final .decision . .However, .once .you .have .accepted .an .offer, . • . What .is .your .job .title?
all .other .scheduled .interviews .must .be .canceled .
• . Ask .what .your .major .job .responsibilities .will .be, .
Always .get .a .full-time .offer .in .writing .before .you .formally . what .projects .you’ll .have, .and .who .your .manager .will .
accept . .Tell .the .employer .that .you .will .consider .the .offer . be . .Up .to .this .point, .the .company .might .have .been .
and .ask .to .have .the .written .offer .and .benefits .package . considering .you .for .one .of .several .assignments . .
mailed .to .you .before .you .make .a .decision . .When .you . What .you .do .for .your .first .assignment .can .be .part .of .
are .weighing .an .offer, .keep .in .mind .all .aspects .other . your .bargaining .package .
than .base .salary .and .bonuses . .Accept .the .position .that . • . Make .sure .it’s .clear .what .your .base .salary .will .be, .
excites .you .most, .where .the .work .itself .is .compelling, . whether .bonuses .are .paid .on .performance, .how .
where .long-term .opportunity .is .greatest, .and .where .the . often .performance .reviews .held, .and .what .typical .
environment .is .the .best .“fit” .for .you . .This .type .of .job .will . salary .increases .are . .Are .there .stock .options?
reap .financial .benefits .down .the .road .
• . Does .the .position .carry .a .signing .bonus .(and .how .
If .you .do .decide .to .negotiate .the .compensation, .you .must . much .is .it)?
be .prepared . .Research .salaries .at .similar .firms, .in .the . • . Are .relocation .expenses .covered? .If .yes, .what .
same .job .function, .and .in .the .same .industry . .Much .of . specifically .is .covered? .Is .moving .household .goods .
this .research .can .be .done .on .JPay+ .and .by .consulting . covered? .Are .house-hunting .trips .covered? .Are .
the .past .year’s .employment .report . .Reference .staff .in . brokers’ .fees .or .closing .costs .covered?
the .Management .Library .can .also .direct .you .to .web .
sites .with .salary .data .or .with .cost-of-living .data . .Prior .to . • . Most .benefits .packages .are .described .in .the .
your .conversation, .think .about .the .alternative .you .want . documents .you’ll .receive . .Read .them .carefully .before .
the .employer .to .consider . .Effective .negotiation .is .not .an . asking .questions . .You .should .understand .how .much .
“either/or” .discussion . .Weigh .several .areas .on .which .you . vacation .time .you’ll .have .and .how .it .is .accrued . .You .
are .willing .to .negotiate . .For .example, .it .may .be .easier . also .need .to .know .details .of .employee/employer .
contributions to the medical insurance plan and • Do I feel comfortable there? Is it a good fit for me?
the level to which the company will match your Location
contributions to a 401(k).
• Is it likely that my partner or spouse can find
• Ask or read your documents to determine your employment in this community?
start date and whether there is any flexibility. For a
summer internship, the term of your appointment • What is the cost-of-living in the area? Does the
should be clear. community offer opportunities for recreation,
cultural enrichment, education, and other social
• Note when the company needs a response. Students outlets?
often want more flexibility on this than other aspects
of a job. CMC advisors can help you frame a request • Would I be too close to or too far away from my
for an extension. extended family?
Salary and Benefits Package
There are many factors that you should take into
account when choosing among offers. This can be a • Are the salary and benefits acceptable?
very difficult time for many students, and we encourage
you to discuss your opportunities with family members,
faculty, staff, and colleagues to get as much feedback as • Revisit your values and goals from CareerLeader®
possible. But remember, in the end, the decision is yours as well as your answers to questions on the
to make. Ask yourself these questions as you think about preceding page.
your offers:
• Customize the following chart to include only the
The Company factors that are the most relevant to you in selecting
a job (one or several of your CareerLeader® values,
• Is the company strong and stable?
location, salary, benefits job responsibilities, family
• Where does this company fall in size range (huge factors, company mission.)
multinationals to tiny startups)?
• Assign a weight to each factor. (Percentages are your
• Do I have a strong preference for a particular point in
choice, but weights must total 100 percent.)
that range?
The Job • Rate each job offer based on these factors, using
a rating scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high). For example, if
• Will I find this job appropriately challenging?
a company is in the exact city in which you’d like
• Are the mission of the company and the job function to live, assign it a 5. If it’s in a place that’s not your
in keeping with my values? favorite but would still be acceptable, assign it a 3.
• Is this job a logical stepping-stone to my overall
• To compute the company’s score for each factor,
multiply the company’s rating on each factor by the
The People at the Job assigned weight.
• Based on what I know, do I like my hiring manager?
• Add the total scores for each company (maximum
• Do my prospective colleagues seem interesting and score = 5.0) to assess your offers.
knowledgeable? If teamwork is required, do they
seem to demonstrate a strong team spirit? Use the chart below to evaluate your offers.
Total 100
ACCEPTING OR DECLINING AN OFFER As .soon .as .possible .after .accepting .one .offer .and .
declining .others, .update .all .your .offers .in .JPay+ .to .
If .after .careful .reflection .you .decide .to .accept .an .offer, . record .the .final .terms .of .the .job .you .accepted .and .to .
follow .closely .the .employer’s .instructions .for .signing . note .that .you .declined .the .others . .All .offer .information .
and .returning .paperwork . .Be .absolutely .sure .that .you . is .kept .confidential, .and .salary .statistics .are .reported .in .
intend .to .take .this .job . .After .you .accept .a .job, .you .cannot . aggregate .only . .Data .collected .in .JPay+ .enable .Johnson’s .
continue .to .interview .and .should .decline .all .further . CMC .to .identify .students .who .need .additional .support .
interview .invitations . and .help .us .complete .our .annual .Employment .Report .
as .well .as .surveys .conducted .by .external .organizations .
If .you .decide .to .decline .an .offer, .the .guiding .principle .
(such .as .BusinessWeek) .
in .your .interactions .is .to .not .burn .bridges . .You .never .
know .when .you .may .want .an .offer .in .the .future, .and . If .after .careful .thought, .you’re .unhappy .with .an .offer .that .
displaying .a .positive .and .professional .approach .in .your . you .have .accepted, .you .are .urged .to .discuss .the .situation .
correspondence .will .help .you .develop .your .professional . with .a .CMC .advisor .before .taking .any .action . .Reneging .
network . .Express .appreciation .for .the .opportunity .to . on .an .offer .that .you’ve .accepted .is .a .violation .of .CMC .
interview .with .the .company . .Explain .briefly .that .you . policy .and .Johnson .Honor .Code . .If .you .intend .to .renege, .
have .accepted .another .offer . .Be .prepared .to .say .why . you .must .meet .with .the .Executive .Director .of .the .Career .
you .made .that .decision, .although .you .don’t .have .to .offer . Management .Center .and .write .a .formal .letter .of .apology .
this .information .if .you .prefer .not .to . .If .you’re .declining . to .the .company . .Each .case .will .be .evaluated .individually . .In .
an .internship, .close .the .conversation .by .expressing .an . many .cases, .however, .reneging .on .a .job .offer .will .result .in .
interest .in .future .full-time .opportunities .— .but .only .if . suspension .of .on-campus .recruiting .and .alumni .privileges .
this .is .true .
This .manual .has .offered .practical .advice .about .your .job . include .accounting, .corporate .data, .finance, .investments, .
search .and .shown .you .how .to .develop .the .unique .set . management, .and .marketing . .Electronic .resources .are .
of .tools .you .need .to .succeed . .At .Johnson, .you .have .a . in .high .demand .by .today’s .business .researchers, .and .
number .of .general .resources .at .your .disposal .to .assist .in . the .Management .Library .provides .an .extensive .list .of .
your .job .search . .See .the .following .list . electronic .business .resources . .In .addition .to .the .widely .
available .online .business .information .databases, .such .
CAREERLEADER® as .Factiva, .LexisNexis, .and .ProQuest .Direct, .the .library .
also .offers .access .to .specialized .electronic .services .
CareerLeader® .is .a .web-based .career .assessment .tool .
such .as .Bloomberg .and .Datastream, .which .distribute .
based .on .over .20 .years .of .scientific .research .and .used .
price .and .volume .data .on .publicly .traded .securities, .
by .over .400 .leading .business .schools .and .corporations .
news .stories, .and .investment .advice . .Analyst .reports, .
worldwide . .CareerLeader® .measures .your .interests, .
recommendations, .and .ratings .are .available .from .
your .abilities, .and .what .you .find .most .motivating .in .
Thomson .One .Banker .and .Investext .Plus . .The .highly .
a .work .environment . .It .also .includes .descriptions .
sophisticated .but .user-friendly .CareerSearch .enables .
of .MBA .job .functions .and .includes .profiles .of .MBA .
students .to .quickly .identify .companies .— .even .hard-
graduates .working .in .those .roles . .To .register, .go .to .www .
to-find, .small-growth .companies .— .that .match .their .
careerleader .com/sign-in . .In .the .“New .User” .field .enter .
specific .career .interests .
Johnson’s .Registration .Key, .johnson-smile . .You .will .then .
be .able .to .create .your .own .password . One .of .the .integral .services .offered .by .the .Management .
Library .staff .is .instruction . .The .library’s .instruction .
team .provides .course-specific, .job .search, .and .general .
CareerBeam .is .a .comprehensive .virtual .career .service . research .skills .instruction .to .the .Johnson .community . .
center . .It .includes .assessments, .tools .to .help .you .develop . Instructors .work .with .faculty .members, .school .staff, .and .
résumés .and .cover .letters, .descriptions .of .job .search . club .officers .to .prepare .customized .training .sessions . .
strategies, .and .research .databases . .CareerBeam .is .your . In .addition, .the .library .offers .more .than .80 .scheduled .
best .resource .for .industry .knowledge . .Log .in .by .searching . workshops .each .year .to .provide .business .students .
in .the .“Search .for .Databases” .box .on .the .home .page .of . with .the .research .skills .they .need .while .students .and .
the .Management .Library’s .website . throughout .their .careers . .Meet .with .the .Management .
Library .staff .for .more .information .
The .library .home .page .https://johnson .library .cornell .
Johnson .Talent .System .is .an .integrated .online .system . edu/ .contains .quick .links .to .“Popular .Databases” .and .
essential .for .your .job .search . .CMC .staff .manages .on- “Guides .and .FAQs” .that .provide .information .to .give .you .
campus .recruiting .through .JTS . .You .will .use .JTS .to .sign- an .edge .during .interviews .
up .for .briefings, .apply .for .jobs .that .will .be .filled .through .
on-campus .recruiting, .and .find .company .contacts . .You’ll . CAPITAL IQ
also .find .over .a .thousand .postings .for .jobs .for .which .
Capital .IQ .provides .easy-to-use .financial .analysis .
companies .are .hiring .directly . .In .JTS, .you .will .submit .
tools .for .financial .statement .analysis, .analysis .of .
your .résumé .for .the .Johnson .School .résumé .book . .JTS .is .
comparables, .financial .modeling, .sector .analysis, .
a .Johnson-branded .system .purchased .from .MBAFocus . .
and .charting, .plus .high-level .overviews .of .industries, .
The .CMC .will .send .instructions .for .accessing .JTS .
financial .markets, .and .regional .economies . .Capital .IQ .
JCONNECT is .a .premier .financial .database .deployed .by .more .than .
1,500 .leading .financial .institutions, .advisory .firms, .and .
You .will .have .access .to .Johnson’s .online .alumni .directory . corporations . .Register .for .Capital .IQ .via .the .Johnson .
in .JConnect .after .you .matriculate . Management .Library .website .
The .Management .Library .at .Johnson .is .a .tremendous . Use .Bigdough .during .your .job .search .to .screen .for .
resource .for .uncovering .information .on .companies .and . companies .and .people .in .the .financial .services .industry, .
industries . .The .library’s .on-site .collection .includes .more . including .hedge .funds . .On .the .Management .Library’s .
than .55,000 .volumes, .more .than .860,000 .microtexts, .and . home .page .enter .“Bigdough” .in .the .“Search .for .
more .than .1,000 .print .subscriptions .— .including .serials, . Databases” .box .
periodicals, .and .newspapers . .Topics .covered .in-depth .
Vault .provides .company .and .industry .information .to .help . In .addition .to .the .services .above .to .which .Johnson .
job .seekers .determine .what .it’s .really .like .inside .specific . subscribes, .we .also .recommend .that .you .become .
companies . .Vault .publishes .career .guides .and .offers . familiar .with .these .sites .for .job .postings .and .career-
information .on .interviewing, .pay, .benefits, .and .corporate . related .information .
culture .at .various .companies . .On .the .library’s .home .page .
enter .“Vault” .in .the .“Search .for .Databases” .box . .You .will . www .indeed .com
need .to .create .a .personal .account, .but .once .you .have . www .SimplyHired .com
your .own .login, .you .can .use .all .of .the .career .information .
www .linkedin .com
embedded .in .Vault .
www .theladders .com
www .nshmba .org
www .nbmbaa .org
GOINGLOBAL .contains .resources .for .finding .
http://www .reachingoutmba .org
employment .at .home .and .abroad . .The .site .has .
information .regarding .employment .opportunities .and . Sustainability/Nonprofit Jobs
trends, .work .permits .and .visa .regulations, .and .provides .
cultural .and .interviewing .advice . .To .create .an .account, . www .netimpact .org
go .to .http://online .goinglobal .com/default .aspx .and . www .idealist .org
click .“Create .Personal .Account” .while .you .are .in .the .
Sage .network . . .After .creating .the .account .you .can .use . MBA Nonprofit Connection — listed in JTS
the .site .anywhere .you .have .internet .access .
Finance Jobs
www .efinancialcareers .com
JPay+ .is .a .Johnson-branded .product .of .12Twenty . .The .
www .glocap .com
CMC .uses .this .tool .for .collecting .employment .data .and .
generating .reports . .Students .have .access .to .aggregated . Marketing Jobs
anonymous .data .helpful .for .researching .compensation . .
In .addition, .students .can .enter .interview .questions .and . www .marketingpower .com
search .the .store .of .questions .entered .by .others . .Enter .
JPay+ .through .your .JTS .dashboard .or .JConnect . High Tech and Startup Jobs
304 Linn Street, Ithaca, NY 14850
100 Fairview Square, Apt 6B, Ithaca, NY 14850
(267) 882-5000 /
June 2013- Equity Research Intern – Small Cap Value and Small Cap Core
Aug 2013 • Performed detailed fundamental research on potential portfolio holdings, working directly under
portfolio manager Alvin Marley, who has a 20+ year track record of producing over 350 bps of
annualized outperformance versus the Russell 2000 Value index
• Developed two detailed investment research reports for stocks that were formally presented to the
SCV/SCC investment team and were subsequently voted into the portfolios by the team members
• Met with over a dozen company management teams and sell-side research analyst with various
members of the Lombardia investment team
Personal • Member: CFA Institute, CFA Society of Philadelphia, National Association of Securities Professionals
• International Travel, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Muay Tai Kickboxing, Value Investing
• Experience with Microsoft products, Factset, Capital IQ, and eVestment Alliance
112 Valentine Place, Apt #842, Ithaca, NY 14850
Experience OLSON ZALTMAN ASSOCIATES (OZA) – research-based consumer insights consultancy Pittsburgh,
2013-2014 Senior Research Associate PA
Uncovered unconscious frames of mind and drivers of consumer behavior to support
recommendations for branding, positioning, communication and innovation strategies
Completed over 20 research projects for a global client base of companies, such as Kimberly
Clark, PepsiCo, Whirlpool, L’Oreal, Starbucks, IBM and Pfizer
Co-directed the Biometric Initiative, evaluating biometric methodologies and bringing new
products to market. Grew initiative into a substantial part of the company’s revenue stream.
Launched and developed a new firm capability translating consumer insights into visual concepts
and package design to aid innovation for clients such as PepsiCo, Frito-Lay and Merck
Managed teams for quick turnaround research projects, including setup, data collection, analysis,
production of deliverables and presentation to client
2011-2012 Research Associate
Trained in ZMET (Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique) developed at HBS
Collaborated in teams collecting, analyzing and translating data into marketing recommendations
Communicated with clients through day-to-day updates and final presentation of deliverables to
research, marketing, and innovation teams, as well as third-party advertising agencies.
2011 TOBII TECHNOLOGY - world leader in eye tracking and gaze interaction Stockholm,
Marketing Assistant, Marketing Intern Sweden
Conducted quantitative customer analysis with excel and SPSS for sales and marketing
Collaborated with cross-functional teams around the world to produce six customer case studies
highlighting eye tracking in marketing, usability and academic research
Generated web content, sales and promotional materials for new and current service offerings
Participated in developing direct marketing campaign in a cross functional team
Personal Classically trained mezzo soprano. Love art, skiing, biking, yoga and Guns n’ Roses karaoke
Background as producer and production manager for film and stage in Stockholm, as well as copy
writer and graphic designer in Europe
131 East Green Street, Apartment 505, Ithaca, NY 14850
115 Fayette St., Ithaca, NY 14850
Personal • Triathlon: NCCP certified triathlon coach (2012), Ironman Canada finisher (2011),
Queen's University Varsity Triathlon Team (2004)
• Union Gospel Mission: Distributed food/clothing hampers to those in need (2009-2012)
38 • Other Activities: Played lead guitar/piano for two local alternative bands (2006-2010)
503 E. Buffalo St., Apt. #1, Ithaca, NY 14850
2012-2014 Coda Global Fellow, Internal Strategy, Risk Reduction and Resilience Strategy Development Arlington, VA
Led strategic development of North American business plan around risk, infrastructure, water and
economic resilience, a new area of work for TNC and industry at large
Drove selection of twenty-two pilot sites after conducting extensive research on historical loss data,
high risk coastal and riverine infrastructure, and legislative opportunity
Coordinated efforts of cross-functional team to define engagement strategy with public agencies
FEMA and USACE, a top 3 global reinsurer and a top 5 global engineering firm
Collaborated with over thirty project managers to develop plan’s $167M budget; hailed as best in show
among nine emerging strategies for integrative inter-departmental model
Leadership BRTech Consultant: conducting feasibility analysis and exploring commercialization opportunities for
and Service Cornell Tech’s Metal CO2 Battery, a cell that generates electricity via carbon sequestration
TNC Diversity Program Advisor: worked with HR Management Team to showcase diversity internship
program successes and foster sponsorship opportunities for celebration event
University of Michigan Natural History Museum: led tours for primary school children in the
prehistoric life section of museum, with focus on the Pleistocene Epoch
Personal Certified Advanced open-water SCUBA diver with 70+ international dives; Adirondack 46er
Interests The Spanish Civil War; Middle-Eastern Politics; Southeast Asian culture; Evolutionary Biology
423 Oak Ave Apt D1N, Ithaca, NY 14850
(607) 793-3152 _
Nneka O. Ejim
MBA Class of 2015
87 Uptown Road, Apt G-203
Ithaca, NY 14850
T: 651-497-5933
I am a second year MBA student at the Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University,
and I am writing to express my interest in the MBA Leadership Program at Emerson. Over the past
several months, I have had the opportunity to learn about Emerson through resources at the Johnson
School, and extensive further research on the company. Through these learnings, I have developed a
stronger appreciation for the culture and professional environment at Emerson, as well as the company’s
outstanding capabilities.
Prior to attending Cornell, I worked as a certified public accountant (CPA) and consultant in the business
advisory services division of Ernst & Young. In particular, I played supervisory roles and had direct
oversight in risk assessment, risk management, process optimization and operational improvement,
contract risk compliance and internal controls over financial reporting for major Fortune 100 and Fortune
500 companies within the energy, banking, consumer goods, and non-profit industries. These highly
project-oriented assignments allowed me to draw on quantitative capabilities from my professional
accounting training and also develop the additional capabilities for qualitative analysis of business
From my research, I have learned that Emerson’s culture is rooted in the pursuit of industry excellence
and leadership. Through my experience as a professional accountant and business advisory consultant, I
have developed a strong ability to work efficiently, handle demanding and changing deadlines, present
key business information to senior management of client companies, and establish rapport with clients.
I believe that the skills that I have, as well as my passion for the industry and the company, will allow me
to make meaningful contributions as a Program member at Emerson. To this end, I would very much
appreciate an opportunity to interview with you for this position.
Nneka Ejim
Brad V. Hess, MBA Class of 2014
100 Fairview Square, Apt 6B
Ithaca, NY 14850
Phone: (267) 882-5000
I am a second year MBA student at the Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University and
I am writing to apply for the Sr. Financial Analyst position at Lake Buena Vista, FL.
This past summer, I interned as an Equity Research Analyst for Lombardia Capital Partners. While I
enjoyed my time at Lombardia, there is no doubt that my interests are more aligned with the Sr. Financial
Analyst role at The Walt Disney Company. After my internship ended, I realized that I was much more
interested in the internal aspects of businesses as opposed to analyzing them from the outside. Additionally,
I am seeking a more team-based environment, as opposed to the individualized nature of equity research,
which has led me to pursue a role in corporate finance.
I believe my skills and experience are perfectly tailored for this role. Throughout my career as a Chartered
Financial Analyst and during my time at Johnson, I have acquired top notch financial modeling and
financial statement analysis skills. My prior experience at FIS Group included formally presenting
numerous investment recommendations to the investment committee of the firm. In that same role, I have
also led presentations which demonstrated the value and top-notch research my firm could provide to some
of the largest pension funds in the United States, including CALPERS, CALSTRS and the New York State
Common Fund. I feel that these are strong examples of the interpersonal and communication skills needed
to be successful in this position at Disney. Further, my work history shows that I have a proven ability to
influence key decision makers.
I also have a very strong personal connection to the Orlando area. My fiancée is currently completing her
training in pulmonary medicine at the University of Florida and has recently accepted a full-time position
at Orlando Health. We will be married in July 2014 and are excited about starting this new chapter of our
lives by laying down roots in Orlando. I cannot think of a better company to work for than Disney to help
establish myself in this new phase of my life.
I am convinced that Disney is a perfect place for me to take my career to the next level. I remember how
excited I was when I first experienced Walt Disney World and Epcot as a child. Disney is a brand that
brings happiness into my life and I think that this phenomenon is similar for most people who interact with
the brand. Bringing happiness to countless numbers of people is, in my mind, the noblest of corporate
objectives and one that I would be excited to promote.
I am confident that my experience and abilities will allow me to make an immediate positive impact at
Disney. Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to hearing back from you.
Brad Hess
James Kerr
MBA Class of 2016
112 Valentine Place, Apt. 909
Ithaca, NY 14850
t: 607.379.5229
I recently read that Bank of America Merrill Lynch was the first firm to be named both Best
Global Investment Bank and Best Global Transaction Services House by Euromoney and would
like to commend you on this achievement. My name is James Kerr and I am currently a first-
year MBA candidate at the Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University. I
was recently introduced to you and your firm during our Fall 2014 Investment Banking Trek and
was impressed by Bank of America Merrill Lynch’s culture of partnership, accountability and
diversity. I have enjoyed getting to know more about at your firm over the past few months
through informational interviews with professionals such as Kenneth McPhail, Aaron Packles
and Paul Sowell. I am interested in pursuing a Summer Associate position at your firm’s New
York City office and have enclosed my resume and background information below.
I have a total of four years of experience in the financial services industry, both in the United
States and abroad. Most recently, I worked in a treasury capital markets and investor relations
role at Interbank, a leading commercial bank in Peru. There, I gained significant transaction
experience through the execution of over $1.2 billion worth of capital-raising deals for the bank
and related companies. In said role, I was responsible for each deal’s offering memorandum,
roadshow presentation and all internal financial modeling. In addition, my duties also included
managing transaction deliverables with other members of the working group while ensuring that
senior management’s expectations were appropriately managed and met in a timely fashion.
Furthermore, in various instances I also had the pleasure of interacting with some of Bank of
America Merrill Lynch’s Latin America-focused professionals, such as Antero Carrillo, Jean
Diego Banon and Eduardo Nunez.
James Kerr
Janaki Palaniappan, MBA 2016
Samuel Curtis Johnson
Graduate School of Management
131 E Green St.
Apt 317
Ithaca, NY 14850
Telephone: 510.565.0478
Rizzalyn Burke
Campus Recruiting Specialist
1345 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10105
I am a first year MBA student at Cornell University writing to express my interest in the Strategy MBA
Intern position with Accenture. My interest in Accenture originated from my attendance at the Accenture
Fall Opening event at Johnson, followed by my participation in the case competition and the corporate
presentation and has further solidified through my conversations with Kimberly Mark, Brian Acampora,
Eric Chapman and Donna Peters. Accenture’s collegial culture with its focus on career development, team
work and intellectual curiosity align with my personal interests and background.
Throughout my career I have displayed core consulting skills. While working at UCLA, I had to leverage
my communication and presentation skills to convince both large and small audiences to work toward a
singular goal. I persuaded these stakeholders with a clear, concise message and data driven
recommendations. By employing and exemplifying these skills, I have had successes in convincing
students to attend the university, chart a path for their future careers, perform well in their courses and
finally, become advocates for the program and university.
At benefitsCONNECT, I was able to develop and solidify my leadership, strategy, and analytical skills. As
part of the Professional Development Program, I rotated quarterly in various departments where I actively
found inefficiencies and worked with the C-level executives to draft new and effective workflow strategies.
I then implemented those strategies by first aligning the management and employees toward the common
goal and then phasing out the existing approaches while simultaneously replacing them with the new
policies, which resulted in efficient workflow and significant cost savings.
At Accenture I hope to leverage my communication, strategy and analytical skills to creatively solve
complex business problems. My personal experience and leadership ability align well with what is
expected for a successful career at Accenture.
Janaki Palaniappan
January 17, 2014
Lisa Cartwright
Associate Director of US Equity Research
383 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10179
I would like to apply for the Food/Food Retail Associate position at J.P. Morgan. Through my conversations with
Josh Levine and John Faucher and by researching the firm, I have come to realize that J.P. Morgan is a strong fit for
my careers aspirations. My academic and professional experiences have provided me the opportunity to work on both
the sell-side and the buy-side. I have come to realize that my ideal role is one where I am able to leverage both the
analytical skills that I have cultivated through my educational and internship experiences over the past year and also
the communication skills that I developed over six years as a sell-side institutional salesman. I cannot think of a better
firm at which to begin my research career than J.P. Morgan and its top-ranked research team.
My accomplishments professionally and academically demonstrate my commitment to and aptitude for a career in
equity research. I joined Roth Capital Partners, a boutique investment bank, as an institutional salesman shortly after
completing my undergraduate education. Within two years, I began to independently provide sales coverage to select
institutional clients. At the time of my departure from Roth, I led institutional sales coverage for the Southeastern
US territory. My role at Roth allowed me to develop the communication and analytical skills that are necessary to
succeed as a sell-side analyst. These skills were key to my rapid ascension at Roth. As an effective salesman, I also
learned to supplement Roth’s research product with insights of my own. Ultimately, however, I was marketing the
research of others. I realized that my ideal position was a research role where I develop and communicate investment
I returned to business school to enable the transition from salesman to research analyst. At Johnson at Cornell
University, I have excelled in and out of the classroom. I am also Co-President of the Investment Management Club
and a portfolio manager responsible for the technology industry on the Cayuga Fund. This June, I plan to take the
Level II of the CFA exam.
This past summer I worked as an equity analyst on the small-cap and mid-cap value funds at Chartwell Investment
Partners in Berwyn, PA. Analysts on Chartwell’s value team are generalists, so I was able to research eight
companies across seven sectors ranging from consumer staples (Flowers Foods) to chemicals (LSB Industries) to
restaurants (Ruby Tuesday, CEC Entertainment). This role provided me the opportunity to thoroughly research a
company, prepare written analysis, and present my work to the investment team. These experiences will help me to
meaningfully contribute to a research team’s coverage as I start my career in the coming year.
Thank you for the opportunity to apply for J.P. Morgan’s Food/ Food Retail Associate position.
Thomas Palmer
Zachary Student
M. Perlstein
MBA Class of 2016
503 E. Buffalo St.
Ithaca, NY 14850
January 4, 2015
My name is Zachary Perlstein. I am an MBA candidate at the Johnson Graduate School of Management at
Cornell University. I am writing to express my interest in GE’s Experienced Commercial Leadership
Program. I have had a wonderful experience learning about ECLP as a member of Cayuga Partners, the
Runner-Up in the GE Northeast Regional ECLP Case Competition, through organizing and attending the
Johnson Day at GE at the Schenectady Campus on December 12, and through conversation with Annie
Qian and Erin Bina.
I grew up in the GE town of Niskayuna in Schenectady County. I played baseball adjacent to Knolls
Atomic Power Lab, for years peering past the armed guards with a sense of awe of what lay beyond. My
mother was a part of the Financial Management Program in the early 80’s, and as controller and COO of
the family business, she is quick to admit she uses skills learned at GE every single day on the job.
Working for GE has always been the Holy Grail, and for this reason the ECLP opportunity has enormous
personal and professional significance.
I believe I have the skills, experience and drive to be a game-changing addition to GE through the ECLP
program. My professional experiences in strategy, marketing and business development have taken me
from the remote altiplano region of Peru to the coastal swamps and barriers islands of Louisiana. In Peru,
I led a cross-functional team of University of Michigan students to implement clean burning jet-stove
technology in Quechua and Aymara communities through a local grass-roots campaign. Deploying this
technology helped underserved indigenous communities address significant human and environmental
health issues. In Louisiana, and across twenty one other project sites in the U.S. and the Caribbean, I led
strategic development of a business plan to integrate ecosystem risk mitigation factors into actuarial
analyses. Conservation was our product, and I worked diligently to build TNC’s market-entry and
business development strategy, identifying key partners, levers, and strategic advantages in this cutting-
edge field.
Our collective future depends on companies like GE to question the status quo and develop products and
solutions that create value for consumers, add to the bottom line and rigorously pursue a sustainable
future. The industrial internet is perhaps the most exciting initiative to this end. My experience,
combined with my effective leadership and communication style, analytical fortitude, customer service
approach, and intellectual curiosity could help position GE as the leader in the union of information
technology and big iron. As an ECLP, I would be grateful and proud to serve the team that helps develop
and deploy the 21st century’s most radical business transformations.
Thank you for your time and consideration of my application. I look forward to hearing from you.
Zachary M. Perlstein
Frederickk Rollins
202 Fayeette St, Apt 3
Ithaca NYY, 14850
Septeember 22, 20
Mr. Will
W Beasley y
300 Madison
M Aveenue
New York, NY 10017
As you know,
k I amm a student at the Johnnson Schoool at Cornelll Universityy,
uing my MB BA. I am wriiting to exprress my inteerest in the S
Senior Associate positioon
withiin the Health
h Industries practice of PwC.
P I joineed Johnson last May as a member oof
the Accelerated
M prograam. Prior to Johnson, I w worked as a research sciientist at Colld
ng Harbor Laboratory, th he institution where I reeceived my PhD, and w where I wrotte
my dissertation on
o multiple aspects
a of lunng cancer.
My reseaarch has ideentified thatt PwC is ann ideal firm m for me. T The ability tto
leverage the size of PwC willl allow me to t work in hhealthcare frrom the top tto the bottom m
of thee industry, with
w large cllients, and on n impactful projects. Thhe career proogression annd
trainiing, in additiion to the project work, will
w fulfill mmy desire to keep learninng throughouut
my career. The people
p that I’’ve met and spoken to frrom PWC cllearly love thheir jobs, annd
I hav
ve heard storiies about ho ow well PwC C cares for itts people. I aam excited ffor the chancce
to woork and interract with meembers of th he PwC, andd the opportuunity to deliver impactfuul
workk. I am look king forward d to the inteerview proccess with Pw wC. Thank you for youur
Fredeerick Rollinss
Yana Routshtein, MBA 2015
Samuel Curtis Johnson
Graduate School of Management
Ithaca, NY 14850
Deloitte Consulting LLP
25 Broadway New York, NY 10004
From my research and interactions with Deloitte, I believe the firm is a great cultural fit for me.
I will bring the following skills to the company and to its clients: problem solving,
communication and an ability to learn quickly.
In the recession of 2009, I had the opportunity to demonstrate my problem solving skills
working as a Sales Manager at XXX. By changing the company’s focus from driving customer
traffic to increasing revenue per customer I helped the business recover and grew revenue by
10% annually for the next three years.
Over 4 years in client facing roles in the retail and tech industries have allowed me to develop
strong communication skills. I have created and maintained relationships with clients in the
Middle East, Europe, Asia and North America and pitched new services to executives
My career has allowed me to experience several different industries, which always required fast
learning and rapid adaptation. During my internship at XXX, I had to evaluate a technological
enhancement with no prior experience in telecommunications. I was able to successfully
complete my assignment in 6 weeks instead of 10.
I believe that my experiences, coupled with the business acumen that I am currently developing
at Johnson, can bring immediate and long-term value to Deloitte’s clients. Please find my
resume enclosed. I look forward to discussing my qualifications further. Thank you for your
time and consideration.
Yana Routshtein
Arnav Sawhny, MBA ’15
Johnson Graduate School of
Management, Cornell University
423 Oak Ave, Apartment D1N
Ithaca, NY 14850
Telephone: 607-229-7685
January 8, 2014
Elise Kahn
Associate Manager- Human Resources
Moet Hennessy USA and Millennium Maison
85 Tenth Avenue
New York, New York 10011
Mary Zabriskie
MBA Class of 2015
911 East State Street, 734
Ithaca, NY 14850
Cory Wiltbank
Intel Corporation
My summer internship with IBM’s Extreme Blue program allowed me to work in a fast-paced
environment, think through strategic product decisions and manage a team of software
engineers. This allowed me to put skills that I learned in business school into practice and has
helped me become a stronger leader. Prior to pursuing an MBA at Johnson, I worked as a
senior consultant for a boutique project, program and portfolio management-consulting firm,
focused on implementation and process development work. For the three years previous to
this role, I worked as a project manager at Cisco Systems, primarily restructuring challenged
projects. These experiences have allowed me to develop a strong attention to detail and an
analytical mindset while focusing on cultivating key client relationships, all of which are
integral to consulting. While at Pcubed, I was the client lead for multiple projects, including
developing a number of processes for a healthcare client as well as managing an acquisition of
another healthcare company. I managed our client relationship as well as a team of
consultants, ensuring that we were delivering in budget and on time. My focus was on
providing content-rich deliverables as well as managing key stakeholders throughout the
organization, ensuring that they understood the project’s goals to ensure success. My
experiences have provided me the opportunity to develop strong leadership skills and learn to
solve complex problems effectively and efficiently and solidified my desire to implement these
skills throughout my career.
Given the nature of the program and my background, I firmly believe Intel’s Accelerated
Leadership Program is a great fit for me. My previous roles focused on driving change within
organizations and moving projects forward, key skill sets that the Accelerated Leadership
Program will continue to hone. Intel is a leader in technology, an industry that is constantly
changing. With my background in technology and project management, I am positive I can
help drive that change forward. This opportunity would allow me to help solve problems for
the organization, which is integral to what I am looking for in my next opportunity.
I am very excited about the opportunity at Intel and look forward to hearing from you.
Mary Zabriskie
Contact Us
Career Management Center .
202 Sage Hall .
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Monday through Friday .
(607) 255-4888 .