What Is Partnership?:, JV Is Ordinarily Limited
What Is Partnership?:, JV Is Ordinarily Limited
What Is Partnership?:, JV Is Ordinarily Limited
▪ Industrial partner shall not be liable for ▪ A new partner is liable for the
losses unless he also contributed capital obligations already contracted before
his admission but only to the extent of
What if the agreement is not valid? this contribution.
- As if NO agreement or stipulation. The apply ▪ A new partner is liable to the extent of
the rule when there is no agreement his personal property (if general partner)
for subsequent obligations like an
original partner.
▪ Responsible to the partnership for ▪ Associate shall not be admitted to the
damages suffered by it through his fault. Partnership without the consent of ALL
(Article 1794 ) the partners
▪ Every partner must account to the ▪ Can be done without the consent of the
partnership for any benefit, and hold as other partners
trustee for it any profits derived by him ▪ Does not dissolve the partnership,
without the consent of the other unless there is an agreement.
partners from any transaction
connected with the formation, conduct, ▪ Does not entitle the assignee to
or liquidation of the partnership or from interfere in the management and
any use by him of its property. (Article administration of the partnership affairs.
1807) ▪ Assignee merely receives his share in
▪ The capitalist partners cannot engage profits in accordance with what the
for their own account in any operation assigning partner would have received.
which is of the kind of business in which ▪ IN CASE OF FRAUD, assignee may ask for
the partnership is engaged, unless there the dissolution of the partnership
is a stipulation to the contrary. through a court decree.
INTEREST: upon due application to a competent
▪ Can be done without the consent of
other partners
▪ Court may charge the interest of the -A partner cannot possess the partnership
debtor partner with payment of property for any other purpose other than
unsatisfied amount of such judgment partnership purpose without the consent of
debt with interest thereon. ALL the partners
▪ Court may appoint a receiver of the -Not subject to attachment or execution except
debtor partner’s share in profit for the on a claim against the partnership.
benefit of the judgment creditor
II. Partner’s Interest in the Partnership.
- Share in Profits and surplus
- Partnership Surplus is equivalent to
▪ Interest charged may be redeemed at
Partnership Assets – Partnership
any time before foreclosure, or in case
of a sale being directed by the court:
• is the change in the relation of the • By the expulsion of any partner from the
partners caused by any partner ceasing business bona fide in accordance with
to be associated in the carrying on of such a power conferred by the
business as distinguished from the agreement between the partners;
winding up of the business. b. Dissolution Effected in Contravention of
WINDING UP – Partnership Agreement:
• On the other hand, is the process of • By the express will of any partner at any
settling business affairs after dissolution. time
c. A partner has been guilty of such a. By any act appropriate for winding up
conduct as tends to affect prejudicially partnership affairs or completing
the carrying on of the business; transactions unfinished at dissolution
When dissolution is caused in contravention (a) Those owing to creditors other than
of the partnership agreement the rights of the partners,
partners shall be as follows: (b) Those owing to partners other than for
capital and profits,
a. Partners who have not caused the
(c) Those owing to partners in respect of
dissolution wrongfully shall have (Innocent
(d) Those owing to partners in respect of
i. The right to the surplus of the profits.
partnership assets after paying all the
Where a partner has become insolvent or his
partnership liabilities
estate is insolvent, the claims against his
ii. The right to damages against the partner separate property shall rank in the following
who wrongfully dissolved that order:
(a) Those owing to separate creditors;
iii. The right to continue the partnership if
(b) Those owing to partnership creditors;
all the other partners decide to do so
provided the partnership indemnify the (c) Those owing to partners by way of
guilty partner of his share of the contribution.
partnership assets less damages.
b. Partner who caused the wrongful
A limited partnership is one formed by two or
dissolution shall have (GUILTY PARTNER):
more persons under the provisions of the
1. The right to the surplus of the following article, having as members one or
partnership assets after paying all the more general partners and one or more limited
partnership liabilities subject to liability partners.
for damages.
2. If the business is continued, is entitled to CONTRIBUTIONS OF A LIMITED PARTNER
indemnity from the continuing partners. Maybe cash or property but NOT services.
Rules in settling accounts between the (Article 1845)