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Full Text 02
Per Gunnvard
Per Gunnvard
The master thesis is the final part of my five year education at the programme Civil
Engineering at Luleå University of Technology, corresponding to 30 credits. The
investigation has been done on behalf of Trafikverket.
I would like to thank my supervisor Hans Mattsson from Luleå University of Technology for
the guidance during these months and for inspiring me to pursue the field of geotechnology. A
special thanks to Nicklas Thun from Trafikverket for giving me the chance to work on this
project and the support during my work. Not to forget Hjalmar Törnqvist, ÅF, for the help
with evaluating the material parameters and being a helpful sounding board. I would also like
to send my appreciation to MRM for providing laboratory data, and my class mates
Alexandra Edlund, Daniel Jergling and Rebecka Westerberg for the insight into their work to
base my work on.
Per Gunnvard
Luleå, February 2016
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
Road 685 between Vibbyn and Skogså in the Boden municipality has, due to large quantities
of sulphide soil and a nearby creek, been subjected to large settlements over the years.
Trafikverket allowed for a reinforcement of the road with the settlement reducing method
light embankment piling (also known in Sweden as the Norrland method), where a pile group
consisting of trunks is driven down into the underlying soil, on which the road embankment
will rest. A geogrid is laid in the lower part of the road embankment to stiffen the
embankment material, but also to create a more stable arching between the piles. There have
however been a few questions regarding at what degree the geogrid grants these effects, and
Trafikverket allowed, with the help of Edlund et al. (2015), for finite element computations in
2D. The investigation showed that 1.2 m pile spacing, as used on road 685, is too narrow for
the geogrid to have an impact on the settlements.
With this in mind, the question arouse at Trafikverket if the newly standardized triangular
piling pattern truly is superior to the former, square, pattern (which was used on road 685).
Within this work a number of simulations were done in the finite element program PLAXIS,
based on the work by Edlund et al. (2015), of the road embankment on road 685 with both
triangular and square pile group patterns. The simulations were mainly done in 3D, with 2D
as verification. The results show no difference in settlement reducing ability between
triangular and square patterns. However, a triangular pattern put the geogrid under slightly
more stress. The pile group on road 685 had a narrower spacing between the two outer most
columns to design for a hang-up effect by the adjacent soil when it settled. Based on the
simulations, where the outer distance was constant, the load distribution in a pile row and
displacements in the underlying soil appeared as uneven.
No field measurements were conducted on road 685 to calibrate the simulations, but the
results suggest a piling pattern with equal pile spacing. Depending on the allowed settlements,
with regards to the load on the pile group, there is a potential for an increase of the pile
spacing up to roughly 1.5 m from the standard of 1.2 m as maximum. However, more field
tests, numerical computations and laboratory models are needed to confirm the results.
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
Väg 685 mellan Vibbyn och Skogså i Bodens kommun har, p.g.a. stora mäktigheter av
sulfidlera och en närliggande bäck, utsatts för stora sättningar under åren. Trafikverket lät
förstärka vägen med den sättningsreducerande metoden lätt bankpålning (även kallad
Norrlandsmetoden), där en pålgrupp av trästammar slås ner i den underliggande jorden på
vilket vägbanken sedan vilar. Ett geonät läggs till i underkanten av vägbanken för att styva
upp bankmaterialet, men också för att skapa stabilare valvverkan mellan pålarna. Det har dock
funnits en del frågeställningar om hur mycket geonätet uppfyller någon av dessa effekter och
Trafikverket lät med hjälp av Edlund et al. (2015) utföra finita elementberäkningar i 2D.
Utredningen visade att 1,2 m pålavstånd, som det i väg 685, är för litet för att geonätet ska ha
någon större påverkan på sättningarna.
Med bakgrund av detta växte hos Trafikverket frågan om det nyligen standardiserade
triangulära pålningsmönstret verkligen är bättre än det förra, kvadratiska, mönstret (som
användes på väg 685). Inom detta arbete gjordes ett flertal simuleringar med finita
elementprogrammet PLAXIS, med arbetet av Edlund et al. (2015) som grund, av vägbanken
på väg 685 med både triangulära och kvadratiska pålgruppsmönster. Huvudsakligen utfördes
simuleringarna i 3D, med 2D som verifikation. Resultatet visade ingen skillnaden på den
sättningsreducerande förmågan hos triangulära och kvadratiska mönster. Dock påfrestade ett
triangulärt pålningsmönster geonätet aningen mer. Pålgruppen på väg 685 hade ett mindre
avstånd mellan de två yttersta kolumnerna för att dimensionera för en upphängning av den
omkringliggande jorden när den sätter sig. Utifrån simuleringarna, där det yttre avståndet
hölls konstant, uppstod ojämnheter i kraftfördelningen i pålraden samt ojämna sättningar i
jorden under vägbanken.
Inga fältmätningar utfördes på väg 685 för att kalibrera simuleringarna, men resultaten talade
för ett pålmönster med lika avstånd mellan pålarna. Beroende på de tillåtna sättningarna, med
avseende på belastning av pålgruppen, finns det potential att öka pålavståndet till omkring 1.5
m från standarden på max 1.2 m. Dock behövs fler fältundersökningar, numeriska uträkningar
och laboratoriemodeller för att verifiera resultaten.
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 1
3 PLAXIS ...................................................................................................................................................15
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................... 73
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
1.1 Background
Piled embankments are commonly used in Sweden. Outside of Boden, road 685 between
Vibbyn and Skogså is regarded as an important stretch with approximately 80 heavier trucks
per day (Hugosson & Nilsson, 2014). The road suffered from large settlements due to large
quantities of sulphide soil, which is highly compressible. The Swedish road administration,
Trafikverket, decided to reinforce the road to meet the demand for passing of heavier
vehicles. The large quantities of sulphide soil in the area made it suitable to reinforce the
embankment with wooden piles (further explained in chapter 2.2).
The piled embankment on road 685 is constructed according to the Swedish standard TK
Geo 11 (Trafikverket, 2011) for wooden piling, i.e. with a square piling pattern with c/c-
distance 0.8-1.2 m. The cross section is shown in Figure 1.1. The following regulations, TK
Geo 13 (Trafikverket, 2014), changed the standards to a triangular pattern (explained in
chapter 2.2). The basis for this change is the theory of a triangular pattern superseding a
square pattern in displacement reduction. This is further explained in chapter 2.4.
Figure 1.1. Cross section of the piled embankment on road 685 (provided by the contractor, Vectura Consulting
The embankment is roughly 1.6 m high (from the ground surface) and 16 m wide. The
geosynthetic reinforcement, GR, (shown in Figure 1.1 as three bold horizontal lines) plays an
important role when designing the embankment. It helps distributing the load into the piles
through arching effect between the piles (further explained in chapter 2.3.1). In an
investigation done by Edlund et al. (2015) it was shown that the designed pile spacing on
road 685 was too narrow for the GR to have any effect on the total displacement (their work
is presented in chapter 5.2). Embankment settlements were unnoticeably reduced by adding
the GR. This raised the question of what the optimum pile spacing is, and also if the recently
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
standardized triangular pattern reduces the displacements more efficiently than the previous
used square pattern. In this thesis, the reconstruction of road 685 was used as the basis in an
attempt to answer the questions at hand.
1.2 Aim
Research questions:
Does a triangular pile installation pattern reduce the settlements of a piled
embankment more than a square pattern?
What is the best suited installation pattern when using geosynthetic reinforcement?
The tool used to answer the research questions was a finite element program called PLAXIS.
Both 2D and 3D simulations were used.
1.3 Limitations
In some cases of piled embankments, like the one modelled, the wooden piles are typically
driven down into the underlying moraine. Commonly the sulphide soil is lying on top of
moraine. The idea of the method used is almost pure frictional bearing of the piles, no end
bearing, like they are floating. Driving the piles into the moraine gives, depending on the
moraine, a great increase in end bearing capacity. This reduces the total displacement of the
embankment. However, in order to mobilize a full arching effect the displacement needs to
be large enough (further explained in chapter 2.3). The comparison between square and
triangular pattern is based on the theory of the latter yielding stronger arches, therefore the
piles are not extended down to the moraine in the finite element model.
The finite element method contains errors, like other man-made computer models.
Therefore, it is necessary to verify the calculation output with preferably field measurements.
In this thesis however, no verifying field data was available. Instead analytical analyses and
complementary numerical analyses have been done.
The factor of creep is in the case of a compressible soil, like sulphide soil, highly influential.
No field or laboratory tests have been performed as part of this work and the parameters
were derived from back calculation, experience and empirical formulas based on previous
tests. In order to keep the thesis within reasonable time limits, no creep parameters have
been calculated and used.
Temperature has a great impact on the behaviour of a piled embankment. The road is
situated in a part of Sweden with sub-zero temperatures during a large part of the year. The
geosynthetic reinforcement becomes more brittle in sub-zero temperatures and
freezing/thawing of the embankment and adjacent soil might cause a reduced bearing
capacity over time. Also, sulphide soil slightly changes its properties in higher temperatures,
like that of a warm summer. In order to keep this thesis within time schedule, the factor of
temperature was neglected.
The chapter touches the basics of piled embankment, the light embankment piling method
and some commonly applied analytical analyses.
2.1 Introduction
Traditional embankment piling is used to more or less prevent the displacement of a road or
railway embankment. Piles are installed beneath the planned embankment of granular
material, down onto firm bottom (in best case bed rock). The weight of the embankment and
the traffic load is to some part transferred onto the piles that are carried by cohesion/friction,
instead of fully compressing the soil. This reduces the displacement in the soil and thus of
the embankment as a whole. Pile caps are placed on top of the pile heads in order to increase
the effective area of the piles, transferring more loads onto them. The method is cheaper than
excavating and refilling the looser soil with less settlement susceptive soil.
Soil has low tensile strength. Between the piles the soil has no support and the weight of the
embankment pushes the soil down, generating tensile stresses. As a basal reinforcement, GR
is placed just above the pile caps to increase the tensile strength of the soil. Also the Young’s
modulus is increased, stiffening the embankment.
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
Figure 2.1. The wooden piles installed and cut to preferred height with the concrete pile in the background
(Hugosson & Nilsson, 2014).
The wooden piles are driven into the soil by a wheel loader or excavator. No pile caps are
used. Figure 2.1 shows the installed piles after being cut to preferred height. The space
between the piles may be filled with moraine or silt, and then 2-3 layers of GR are laid on
top of the pile heads (Trafikverket, 2014). The high capillarity of the moraine keeps the piles
saturated, preventing them from rotting. Load distributing layers and the pavement are then
The outer two columns of the pile group in Figure 1.1 have a pile spacing of 1.0 m instead of
1.2 m. When the soil settles the soil will hang-up on the piles, due to negative skin friction,
which in turn increases the load on the piles. The load on the outer most pile columns is
assumed as the largest, due to the largest quantities of subsoil hanging up on the piles. In
order to increase the bearing capacity, with the hang-up in mind, the spacing between the
outer two pile columns is reduced.
A principal sketch of the embankment construction is shown in Figure 2.2. As mentioned,
according to the most recent constructing regulations by Trafikverket (2014), called TK Geo
13, the piles should be installed in a triangular pattern with a c/c-distance of
0.8-1.2 m. Two layers of geogrid helps stiffen the embankment into beam lying on the piles,
making the pile caps unnecessary.
Figure 2.2. Principal sketch of light embankment piling with wooden piles (Trafikverket, 2014).
The method of light embankment piling only reduces the settlements; therefore it cannot be
included in bearing or stability calculations. However, through experience Trafikverket has
found a stabilizing effect of the piling. (Hugosson & Nilsson, 2014)
Figure 2.3. Load parts defined in the reinforced embankment. Arching (A), GR force (B) and subsoil support (C).
(Van der Peet & Van Eekelen, 2014)
The embankment is constructed so that the main load is “rerouted” onto the piles through
arching (load part A), just like the foundations of an ancient roman arch bridge. This requires
a minimum height of the embankment, which Trafikverket (2014) has set to 1.5 m. Without
the arches shaping, the weight of the soil between the piles would almost exclusively transfer
onto the GR and subsoil. Arches allow wider spacing between the piles with equal total
displacement, making it more cost effective to build.
As mentioned previously, GR is often installed in piled embankments. The GR is an
important contribution to the bearing capacity, since it is the main support for the arches
between the piles (load part B). The GR stabilizes the arches as they form and transforms the
load under the arches onto the piles. Constructing the embankment as shown in Figure 2.2
above creates a horizontal beam with increased stiffness, which rests on the piles.
One support that often is neglected, as a “worst case scenario”, is the soft subsoil (load part
C). However, later studies by Zhuang et al. (2013) and Van Eekelen et al. (2011) shows that
the subsoil has a greater contribution to the overall bearing capacity than expected. The
subsoil supports the GR “strips” and “square”, viewed in Figure 2.4.
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
Figure 2.5. Principal stress directions between two neighbouring piles before (a) and after (b) ULS are reached (Van
der Peet & Van Eekelen, 2014).
Figure 2.6. The soil wedge held up by the GR. Figure 2.7. Load distribution area in 3D.
The wedge’s top angle is kept constant at 30°, which gives a pre-defined height even if the
embankment on top of the piles is lower. The embankment height is recommended by
Swedish standards as at least 1.2 times the distance between the pile caps (Ruin & Jönsson,
2015). The model does not consider the mechanical properties of the soil, such as the friction
angle of the soil. Van Eekelen et al. (2012) found that a higher friction angle of the fill gives
more arching during consolidation, which implies that the neglecting of the friction angle is
a drawback of the model.
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
Figure 2.8. 2D schematization of the (a) Hewlett & Randolph model, (b) Zaeske model and (c) Concentric Arches
model (Van der Peet & Van Eekelen, 2014).
The analytical models assume a limit state. ULS is however not reached at all times
throughout the embankment. In the 3D finite element simulations by Van der Peet (2014),
ULS was only reached in the absence of the support of the soil under the embankment
Figure 2.9. An illustration of the arches with crown and toe element according to the Hewlett & Randolph model
(Van Eekelen et al., 2013).
When the embankment is sufficiently high for the arch to fully develop, the entire load from
embankment weight and traffic is transferred onto the piles. The GR is therefore only
subjected to the weight of the soil below the arches. (Van Eekelen et al., 2011)
The pressure on the centre of the GR is based on the equilibrium of the crown element and
the weight of the soil beneath it. Assuming this pressure acts on the entire GR, the remaining
load on the piles is calculated. The tangential stress in the crown is assumed to be equal
throughout the arch, thus the load on the piles can be calculated. The lowest calculated value
of the two pile loads is used as the arching load.
Content about the Zaeske model is collected from Van der Peet (2014).
The Zaeske model (also known as EBGEO/CUR-model) is a widely used equilibrium model
and adopted in e.g. the German EBGEO and Dutch CUR226 guidelines. It was developed in
2001. The theory assumes the formation of multiple arches in the diagonal between piles, as
shown in Figure 2.10.
Figure 2.10. The diagonal arch of the Zaeske model with a centred crown element(Van Eekelen et al., 2013).
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
Like the Hewlett & Randolph model, the radial stress in the crown of the upper arch is
extended downwards onto the centre of the GR between the four piles. This stress is assumed
constant over the GR, thus the residual load is equal to the arching load that acts on the piles.
Concentric Arches
Content about the Concentric Arches model is collected from Van Eekelen et al. (2013).
The Concentric Arches model is a newly developed analytical model from 2013 based on the
two models mentioned above. It consists of a set of concentric 3D hemispheres that transfers
their load to a set of 2D arches between adjacent piles. The arches transfer the load onto the
piles. The characteristic of the model is shown in Figure 2.11.
Figure 2.11. The Concentric Arches model with the load transferred by 3D hemispheres and 2D arches (Van Eekelen
et al., 2013).
The forming of multiple Concentric Arches implies that the inner hemispheres are based on
top of the GR. Assuming that the tangential stress is constant throughout each arch; the
stress on the GR is known for each location. The load on the GR is, in this model, mostly
focused on the strips with and approximately resembles an inverse load distribution. Figure
2.12 shows the formation of the concentric arches, propagating inwards as the GR deforms.
Figure 2.12. Increasing GR deflection results in the arches propagating inwards (Van Eekelen et al., 2013).
Figure 2.13. A comparison between the vertical stress distribution for the numerical calculation and the results of
the three analytical models (Van der Peet & Van Eekelen, 2014).
As seen in Figure 2.13, the Hewlett & Randolph model greatly underestimates the load
found in the numerical analysis, since the GR is assumed to take much more of the load. The
Zaeske model is misleading in the triangular load distribution between the piles, since the
stresses in the numerical results shows an inversed triangular load distribution.
The Concentric Arches model captures the inversed triangular load distribution. Based on
the numerical results the model performs equal to, or better than, the Zaeske model in
accuracy and outperforms the Hewlett & Randolph model. From this, the arching of the case
described in this thesis is distinguished using the models of Zaeske or the Concentric Arches
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
Figure 2.14. Distribution of the load on the GR strips: (a) triangle, (b) equally distributed, (c) inversed triangle (Van
Eekelen et al., 2014).
A triangular load distribution is commonly used in analytical models when calculating the
stress in the GR. It is adopted by e.g. German EBGEO and Dutch CUR226 guidelines. The
Zaeske model uses a triangular load distribution, as seen in Figure 2.13. (Van Eekelen et al.,
British BS8006 and French ASIRI assume an equally distributed load on the GR strip by
adopting the Hewlett & Randolph model. Also, BS8006 assumes no subsoil support to stay
on the safe side. The load distribution results in a deformed GR that is closer to reality than
the triangular load distribution. (Van Eekelen et al., 2011)
In the model tests and field measurements done by Van Eekelen et al. (2014), the load
distribution resembles an inverse triangular more than the other two in cases of no or very
limited subsoil support on the GR strips between adjacent piles. Further, significant subsoil
support leads to a uniform load distribution. It was also shown that the triangular load
distribution overestimates the necessary GR strength of about 50%.
triangular pattern (as seen in Figure 2.15) results in a shorter span length of the soil arching,
and hence a stronger soil arching is possible. The tributary area that a single pile supports in
a triangular pattern is, as shown in Figure 2.15c, hexagonal in theory.
Figure 2.15. Piling patterns (a) square and (b) triangular and (c) the effective diameter (Gangatharan, 2014).
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
A piled embankment consists of many complicated stress and strain relations due to the
geometry and the difference in material properties. Thus, using analytical analyses to answer
the research question of the most optimum pile pattern becomes difficult. PLAXIS is a
numerical analysis program based on the finite element method (FEM). It is developed for
analysis of deformation, stability and groundwater flow in geotechnical engineering with
implementation of construction elements, e.g. piles or sheet pile walls. PLAXIS offers
modelling in both 2D and 3D.
3D FE modelling is still rare in comparison to 2D. The reason is that the 3D programs, in
general, have yet to find the stability and accuracy of the 2D counterparts. However, 2D
modelling is limited to problems that can be simplified into plane strain or axisymmetric
Figure 3.1. The triangular element in PLAXIS 2D with (a) 15 nodes and (b) 6 nodes (Brinkgreve et al., 2013).
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
The main calculation in PLAXIS is, like FEM programs in general, based on a global
iteration process on the equilibrium equations. It reduces the so called global error to an
error margin of choice. The accuracy is increased by refining the mesh, essentially adding
more measuring points to the iteration process. Thus, the global error is reduced with less
iteration, but every iteration takes longer time.
3.1.2 Interfaces
A tool to give further realistic behaviour when modelling soil-structure interaction is to add
an interface. It consists of a thin zone of joint elements that are added to i.e. plates and
geogrids. As seen in Figure 3.2, the interface splits a node into a so called node pair. The
interaction with the interface consists of two elastic-perfectly plastic springs, one modelling
the gap displacement and the other modelling the slip displacement. Thus, the interface
allows the structure to displace (slipping/gapping) relative to the soil. (PLAXIS, 2012)
3.2 3D vs 2D
PLAXIS 3D keeps many of the features in 2D. The coordinate system is rotated in 3D, with
x- and y-coordinates as the horizontal plane and the z-coordinate being the vertical direction.
It is possible to import 3D CAD models, e.g. topography, into the program. However,
PLAXIS 3D is equally limited as 2D in modifying a model.
Using 2D limits the geometry to plane strain or axisymmetry, as shown in Figure 3.3. In
plane strain the strains out of plane (z-direction) are assumed as zero, therefore the depth of
the model is set as zero. The 2D model is the cross section of an infinitely long model.
Modelling axisymmetrically allows for a circular 3D model by revolving a 2D model 360°
around the vertical axis. This is useful when modelling e.g. a circular footing or a single pile.
Figure 3.3. Example of a plane strain (left) and axisymmetric problem (right) (Brinkgreve et al., 2014).
In 3D, the triangular elements become tetrahedrons. Therefore, one 3D-element has four
sides and edges. A mesh often contains flattened or stretched tetrahedrons. This increases the
difficulty of creating a good quality mesh for the iterations to cope with reducing the global
error. Thin soil layers, sharper edges and close sitting structures are more difficult for the 3D
tetrahedrons to adapt to then 2D triangles. This results in the 3D models becoming less
detailed than the 2D models in general. Due to the increased complexity of a 3D mesh, a 2D
model is more accurate and faster in its computations. Therefore, a 3D model is less
effective to use when the problem can be simplified into a sufficient 2D model.
3.2.1 Arching
By modelling in 2D, arches are able to form in plane. However, plane strain assumes the
strains and displacement as zero in the out of plane-direction. Therefore, only a cross section
of the arch is evaluated in 2D and the influence of adjacent piles out of plane is neglected.
An axisymmetric model is able to simulate simplified 3D problems, since a 2D plane can be
revolved around a pile. The revolution around the y-axis implies that the revolved surface is
continuous. This makes it impossible to simulating a pile group, like the one in Figure 2.15c.
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
the name). The 2D plate elements stretches out of plane, as shown in Figure 3.4, making
them behave like beam elements in plane.
In 3D the piles are created by two lines, a geometry line and the embedded pile. When
generating a mesh in PLAXIS, two sets of elements (edges and nodes) are generated along
the geometry line. The pair of sets is then connected with interface elements. The embedded
interface acts as a spring element, using the mechanics of the node-to-node anchors in
PLAXIS. (Sluis, 2014)
The geometry line of the 2D pile shares nodes with the mesh (as seen in Figure 3.2).
However, the embedded interface allows the pile interface elements to flow through the
surrounding mesh. This is most evident in 3D, where the piles pierce the finite elements of
the surrounding soil. Because of the combination of plate and node-to-node anchors, the
embedded pile row element largely overcomes the drawbacks of each component. (PLAXIS,
Sluis (2014) conducted a validation of the 2D embedded pile rows used in PLAXIS 2D,
comparing the behaviour of a laterally loaded embedded pile in PLAXIS 3D. The model is
presented in Figure 3.5 along with the displacement curves in 2D and 3D. The 3D soil
displacement in the Y-plane (blue dashed line) is averaged (olive dashed line). The dashed
curves in the figure are further presented in the diagram of Figure 3.6. It was found that the
2D soil displacement is an average of the out of plane soil displacement. Figure 3.6 also
shows that the correlation is independent of embedded interface stiffness.
Figure 3.6. 2D soil displacement at surface level for varying interface stiffness, compared to 3D soil displacement
(Sluis, 2014).
The equality of the average out of plane displacement (in 3D modelling) and the in plane
displacement (in 2D modelling) can be explained by realising that the same amount of force
per unit meter is transmitted to the soil in 2D and an equivalent model in 3D. This gives the
same deformations.
A plane strain model can be used in the case of square piling pattern, since every row is the
same. When modelling a triangular pattern, however, every other row is offset in plane. This
contradicts the plane strain assumption of “indefinite” cross section out of plane. By using an
axisymmetric model, only a part of the embankment is modelled. Therefore, an embankment
reinforced with piles in a triangular pattern is a true 3D problem. A limitation with PLAXIS
2D and 3D is that there exists no feature of pile caps, but it would be possible to draw plates
with equivalent dimension on top of the piles.
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
In the FE computations done in PLAXIS, the constitutive models used are the Mohr-
Coulomb and Soft Soil models (both described more in detail below). To the constitutive
models in PLAXIS it is possible to specify undrained behaviour in an effective stress
analysis using effective model parameters. This is done by setting the material models
drainage type as Undrained (A), Undrained (B) or Undrained (C). The pore pressures are
generated on the basis of phreatic levels.
When modelling with Undrained (A), the strength parameters are based on effective
cohesion and friction angle. A non-zero dilatancy may lead to unrealistically large shear
strength. Also, effective stiffness parameters (Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio) are
used. The advantage of using effective strength parameters in undrained calculations during
loading is that the increase in shear strength, after consolidation, is obtained. Sometimes this
increase could also have incorrect magnitude, as explained in chapter 4.1 below. (Brinkgreve
et al., 2013)
Some models (e.g. Mohr-Coulomb and Hardening Soil) offer the Undrained (B) drainage
type. The undrained effective stress analysis has a direct input of the undrained shear
strength, i.e. the friction angle is set to zero and the cohesion equals to the undrained shear
strength. Stiffness parameters must be effective values. (Brinkgreve et al., 2013)
Undrained (C) uses a total stress analysis with all parameters specified as undrained.
Stiffness is modelled using an undrained Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio. The strength
parameters contain undrained shear strength and a friction angle set to zero. This is only
available when using the Mohr-Coulomb model or the so called NGI-ADP model. An
undrained total stress analysis comes with the disadvantage that there is no distinction made
between effective stresses and pore pressures. As output data, effective stresses is interpreted
as total stresses and the pore pressures is equal to zero. A consolidation analysis therefore
loses its point. (Brinkgreve et al., 2013)
4.1 Mohr-Coulomb
The content about the Mohr-Coulomb model is collected from Bringreve et al. (2013).
Soil behaviour is highly non-linear and irreversible. The Mohr-Coulomb model assumes a
linear elastic perfectly plastic behaviour of the soil, which implies a linear unloading and
reloading (as seen in Figure 4.1). The strains are decomposed into an elastic and a plastic
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
To model the soil behaviour, the following five parameters are used in the
Mohr-Coloumb model:
E : Young’s modulus [kN/m2]
ν : Poisson’s ratio [-]
c : Cohesion [kN/m2]
φ : Friction angle [°]
ψ : Dilatancy angle [°]
where and defines the elasticity and , and defines the plasticity.
Figure 4.1. Basic idea of an elastic perfectly plastic model (Brinkgreve et al., 2013).
Figure 4.2. Illustration of stress paths; reality vs Mohr-Coulomb model (Brinkgreve et al., 2013).
Although the Mohr-Coulomb model only includes a limited number of features of the real
soil behaviour, it is a good first approximation when modelling. The input parameters are
basic parameters, which are often evaluated from field tests or from experience.
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
Figure 4.3. Logarithmic relation between volumetric strain and mean stress (Brinkgreve et al., 2013).
and can be obtained from an isotropic compression test including isotropic unloading
(e.g. isotropic triaxial test), as well as a one-dimensional compression test (e.g. oedometer
test). The model is a Cam-Clay type model and there is a relationship to the Cam-Clay
parameters and :
where is set as either the initial void ratio or the average void ratio during the test.
In contrary to the Mohr-Coulomb model the yield surface of the Soft Soil model increases in
size in the effective stress space during plastic loading (so called strain hardening
behaviour), whilst the Mohr-Coulomb yield surface remains constant during plastic loading
(i.e. perfectly plastic). The height of the ellipse is determined by the parameter , based on
the critical state frictional angle, . The -line is referred to as the critical state line and
represents stress states at post peak failure. However, in the Soft Soil model failure is not
necessarily related to critical state. The Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion is based on and ,
which might not correspond to the -line. The Soft Soil model is based on a 1D model,
extended to a 3D model on the basis of Modified Cam-Clay ellipses.
Figure 4.4. Yield surface of the Soft Soil model in p'-q-plane during triaxial stress state (Brinkgreve et al., 2013).
Stress points within the cap and below the Mohr-Coulomb failure line, i.e. the yield contour,
give only elastic strain response. The change in soil behaviour occurs when the stress point is
situated on the cap and the stress increment is directed outwards, which causes plastic
response and an increase of the yield surface (i.e. the ellipse grows). This behaviour is
known as hardening. Meanwhile, the failure line is fixed. In tension, the ellipse extends to
. The value of is determined by volumetric strain following the hardening relation,
and increases exponentially during compaction (decreasing of the volumetric strain).
The basic parameters of the Soft Soil model are:
: Modified compression index [-]
: Modified swelling index [-]
: Cohesion [kN/m2]
: Friction angle [°]
: Dilatancy angle [°]
Poisson’s ratio for unloading/reloading, , the coefficient of lateral stress in normal
consolidation, , and , function of , are advanced parameters. It is recommended to
use the default settings for these parameters in PLAXIS. The parameter determines the
height of the ellipse, shown in Figure 4.4, which is responsible for the ratio of horizontal to
vertical stresses in primary one-dimensional compression, since . can
therefore be chosen such that a known is matched in primary one-dimensional
compression. In addition to the mentioned parameters, the modified creep index, , is used
in the Soft Soil Creep model. An undrained analysis using the Soft Soil model only offers
the Undrained (A) drainage type in PLAXIS, further explained in chapter 0.
The Soft Soil model should be used solely in situations that are dominated by compression.
The utilization of the model in excavation problems is not recommended, since even the
basic Mohr Coulomb is hardly surpassed by it in unloading problems. Although the
Hardening Soil model has better modelling capabilities in general, the Soft Soil model
outperforms it at compression of very soft soils (e.g. sulphide soil).
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
The ground in this area near the bridge consisted mostly of a 10 m thick layer of loose
sulphide silt and sulphide clay, with a filling material closest to the surface. The groundwater
level was assumed relatively high due to the adjacent creek. The soil profile is further
described in detail in chapter 6.1.
Figure 5.2. Undrained shear strength collected from CPT results (Hugosson & Nilsson, 2014).
They believe that the undrained shear strength was increase due to the piles displacing a soil
volume corresponding to the pile volume. This action indirectly forces the soil volume into
the adjacent soil, causing a disturbance. In the case of Skogså the pile spacing is 1.2 m,
which results in a relatively large pile to soil ratio within the pile reinforced soil volume. The
disturbed zone is therefore larger compared to cases with wider pile spacing. Hugosson &
Nilsson states that the correlation between the disturbance and increase of undrained shear
strength could be due to three different reasons:
The sulphide soil is often stratified with particle size varying between silt and clay.
These layers form zones with lower strength. When piling, the layering is in theory
disturbed and a more homogenous structure with fewer weak zones is formed.
Through stirring and structural breakdown, the soil reconsolidates to a firmer
layering with higher strength. However, the disturbance could greatly reduce the
strength depending on sensitivity. Also, the CPT results show a fairly homogenous
structure of the studied sulphide soil.
Sulphide soil is classified as something in between cohesive and frictional soil. It
contains silt, and sometimes greater fractions, that has an internal friction. A
dominant fraction of silt generates behaviour closer to a frictional soil. Piling in a
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
frictional soil contributes to a compaction of the sulphide soil adjacent to the piles,
which would most likely increase the undrained shear strength. However, the routine
tests show no increase in density.
The disturbance that occurs when the soil is pushed aside during piling might
contribute to increased vertical stresses and most formerly increased horizontal
stresses on the soil in between the piles. The horizontal stresses acts as a radial
compression of the sulphide soil with subsequent consolidation. The increased pore
pressure changes the stress condition in the adjacent soil. In time the soil
reconsolidates and the effective stresses will increase as the excess pore pressure
reduces to zero. In connection to the decrease of the pore pressure, the soil particle
skeleton carries more of the initial load that was carried by the pore water. If the new
stress condition in the sulphide soil after consolidation exceeds the highest stresses
the soil has ever been subjected to, the soil particle skeleton will be permanently
compressed to a denser structure than it has been before. This would increase the
preconsolidation pressure and thus result in an increase of the undrained shear
Evaluation of the efficiency of the geosynthetic reinforcement is done by calculating phase
4-8 with and without the geogrid activated. The number of piles is divided in half as a
second analysis. Screenshots of the model during the calculation phases are shown in
APPENDIX D. The following phases were used to simulate the construction of the
embankment, traffic load and consolidation:
1. Initial phase
The computationss are done with K0 procedure, since the initial surface is horizontal.
2. Excavation
Soil is excavated down to the pile cut-off level. Plastic staged construction is used and the
displacements are reset to zero.
3. Piles
The piles are installed as staged construction of one day of consolidation.
4. Foundation
The granular soil foundation is added on top of a 10 cm layer of moraine. The geogrid is
added within the granular foundation, 10 cm above the moraine. The computations are done
with a half day of consolidation with staged construction.
5. Embankment
The last part of the construction, the granular soil embankment, is added. The computations
are done with a half day of consolidation with staged construction. Displacements are reset
to zero.
6. 45 days consolidation
After constructing the piled embankment, the subsoil is left to consolidate for 45 days before
applying the traffic load. Staged construction is used as loading type.
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
7. Traffic load
The traffic load of 20 kN/m is applied on top of the embankment. The computations are done
with one day of consolidation.
8. Final consolidation
To receive the final settlement of the embankment, the subsoil is consolidated until the
excess pore pressure is less than 1 kPa. At this stage, the subsoil is assumed as fully
consolidated. Verification in 3D
In order to verify the results by Edlund et al. (2015), a 3D model was done within this thesis
with the same cross section geometry and material parameters. To generate a mesh with
sufficient quality, the moraine layer was removed in the 3D model and the granular soil
foundation stretched down to the pile cut-off level. The measuring points, A and B, are
shown in Figure 5.4. The locations of both points are the same in the 2D and 3D model. The
results of the comparison of the displacements in point A and B for the 2D and 3D model are
shown Figure 5.5-5.6 The difference between the 2D and 3D model is about 3% when
comparing the displacement in point A and B. The consolidation is however slower in the
3D computations.
Displacement, point A
Time [day]
0 5000 10000 15000
Geogrid 2D
No geogrid 2D
Displacement Geogrid 3D
0,10 No geogrid 3D
Displacement, point B
Time [day]
0 5000 10000 15000
0,03 Geogrid 2D
0,04 No geogrid 2D
Displacement Geogrid 3D
No geogrid 3D
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
The material parameters used in the modelling in this thesis are divided into soil and
structural parameters. The soil parameters were evaluated using the field and laboratory
results from Hugosson & Nilsson (2014). The structural parameters were provided by the
contractor, Vectura, and were the same used in the 2D model by Edlund et al. (2015).
Characteristic values were used in the simulations based on the reasoning in chapter 3.1.
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
σ'v [kPa]
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
4.03 m 6.03 8.03 m
ε [%] 25
Figure 6.1. CRS test results of the three levels, collected from results in APPENDIX C.
The compression curves of the samples at 6.03 and 8.03 m in Figure 6.1 are closely together.
The combined soil layer should ideally have the curvature in between these two. The
parameters of this layer was an average of the two, but adapted to find the correct behaviour.
The compression modulus for CRS, , changes during increased stresses, as shown in
Figure 6.3. In the stress interval the modulus is constant, . In the stress
interval the modulus is again constant, . When the modulus
increases as , where is the modulus number that mostly depends
on the soil porosity. For saturated clays (where is the natural water
content), but the relationship has a big spread. (Olsson, 2010)
Figure 6.4. Diagram illustrating the definitions of the various stiffness parameters, where σ is the vertical effective
stress and p' the mean effective stress (Gustafsson & Tian, 2011).
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
Table 6.1 and 6.2 shows mathematical relationships between various stress-strain parameters
for confined compression. The expressions for Soft Soil swelling and compression index are
according to Brinkgreve et al. (2013). An assumption of = 0.2 and = 5-10 is
made. is the one-dimensional compression index and is the one-dimensional swelling
index. The presented mathematical relationships are very sensitive since the choice of the
average vertical stress, σ or σ , greatly effects the calculated values (Olsson, 2010).
Table 6.1. Relationships between various stress-strain parameters for confined compression in the over consolidated
region (Olsson, 2010).
SS swelling
Note, σ denotes an average stress in the range before the preconsolidation pressure.
Table 6.2. Relationships between various stress-strain parameters for confined compression in the normal
consolidated region (Olsson, 2010).
Oedometer modulus Compression index SS compression index
Note, σ denotes the average between the preconsolidation pressure and the current vertical
stress after reaching the preconsolidation pressure.
One dimensional compression tests like CRS tests only allows vertical strain of the test
sample. The volumetric strain therefore equals the vertical strain, and thus
4.03 80 1.53
In Figure 6.5 the void ratio, , was plotted against the logarithm of the vertical effective
stress, , based on the CRS results in APPENDIX C and equation (3) and (4). The plot was
based on the test results of the soil sample from 4.03 m depth. As seen in Figure 6.4a,
Table 6.1 and 6.2, and can be evaluated through the compression index, , and the
swelling index, , by drawing tangents to the curve on each side of the preconsolidation
pressure. However, this method gives a rough approximation, since the correlations used are
sensitive to the tangent inclination. Also, the ratio of was below the assumed range of
5-10 for the tests at 6.03 and 8.03 m. Therefore, this method was solely used as a first guess
of and .
2,1 Cc
e 1,5
0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0
Figure 6.5. Plot of e and log(σ v) based on CRS test done on the sample collected at 4.03 m depth at the reference
point, BH104.
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
As a more precise method the CRS tests are back calculated, using the Soft Soil model, to
give the parameters describing the behaviour observed in the performed CRS tests.
Simulations were done, and by varying the parameters this curve would match the CRS test
result. The Soft Soil parameters are five in total, making the back calculation depend on five
variables. This makes the results less predictable and time consuming, since unrealistic
parameters may give the same CRS curve in the simulation as the real test. Deriving the
friction angle and cohesion from CRS is unreliable, since the soil sample in a CRS test does
not go to failure and these parameters are connected to the failure criterion. Therefore, the
cohesion and dilatancy angle were assumed and the friction angle was calculated using the
CPT results in APPENDIX A and the empirical correlation in Figure 6.6. These values are
shown in Table 6.5.
Figure 6.6. Diagram for evaluation of the effective friction angle (here φ’) from CPT results in the case of pore
overpressure during the test (Larsson, 2015).
where = difference between pore pressure at the current depth and initial pore
pressure at the surface,
= total point pressure at the current depth,
= vertical pressure,
= vertical effective pressure,
= strength parameter based on cohesion and consistency in Figure 6.4, set as
5 kPa for loose/semi-firm silt.
Table 6.4. Evaluation of the strength parameter, , based on soil consistency and effective cohesion
(Larsson, 2015).
Table 6.5. Constant parameters for back calculation of the Soft Soil parameters. SoilTest
There exists a plug-in to PLAXIS 2D and 3D that allows straight forward simulation of
triaxial, oedometer, CRS and DSS (direct simple shear) tests. The computations are based on
the same iterative procedure as the main model computations. The parameters are still input
values with corresponding laboratory diagrams as output, from which parameters can be
evaluated with traditional methods.
When using SoilTest to back calculate the CRS tests in Appendix A3, the output vertical
preconsolidation pressure was slightly lower than the input value (10-15 %). This is a
problem since the preconsolidation pressure plays an important role in Soft Soil modelling.
Also, fitting the SoilTest curves to the curves from laboratory tests proved to be difficult,
since the SoilTest curves were relatively angular. Therefore, a CRS test was modelled and
the SoilTest results were used as a first approximation on the input parameters.
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method 2D simulation
At first glance a CRS test might seem to be a 3D problem. However, the cylindrical shape of
the soil sample equals a revolved 2D cross section, which is the case of axisymmetric
models. This allows the CRS test to be modelled in 2D, thus reducing the calculation time in
comparison to a 3D model.
When setting up a CRS test as a 2D axisymmetric model in PLAXIS 2D, the vertical
boundaries are fixed in x-direction and free in y-direction. The top is free and bottom fixed
in both x- and y-direction. Only the top boundary is open for drainage. A uniform prescribed
displacement is applied along the top border, corresponding to 0.0024 mm/min.
The 2D model attempt failed when iterating the constant strain stage, possibly due to the lack
of knowledge by the user. Olsson (2010) managed to model a CRS test as an axisymmetric
2D model in PLAXIS in a similar fashion. A 3D model was attempted, described in the next
subchapter. This model gave satisfying iterations.
Table 6.6 shows the test run settings for each sample. Firstly, an initial stage was calculated
with K0 procedure since the sample has a horizontal top surface, after which the
displacements were reset to zero. The actual compression phase was done as a staged
construction with plastic computations. No phreatic level was added since the soil was set as
undrained, using Undrained (A) for the material parameters.
Table 6.6. Test run settings for each sample to provide 0.0024mm/min.
To allow vertical compression but no horizontal strains, the mantle of the sample was fixed
in x- and y-direction and free in z-direction. The top was also fixed in x- and y-direction and
prescribed in z-direction according to
Table 6.6.
The mesh had an element size of 3.7 mm (corresponding to the default setting of medium
sized mesh) and the surfaces were refined by a factor of 0.4. A finer mesh gave no
significant difference to the results. The measuring point was placed on the top centre of the
model, marked with a red dot in Figure 6.7. The displacement was relatively evenly graded
through the model, as seen in Figure 6.8.
Figure 6.7. CRS model mesh and test point location. Figure 6.8. Displacement distribution with red as the
prescribed displacement and dark blue as zero.
Plots of the CRS 3D modelling are shown in APPENDIX D. The smoothness of the curves
generated by the 3D model was somewhere in between the SoilTest and laboratory results.
The results along with the routine tests, in APPENDIX B, shows similar behaviour between
the soil at 6.03 and 8.03 m depth, therefore these two were combined into one layer.
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
Preconsolidation pressure
The preconsolidation pressure was defined using pre-overburden pressure, POP. The
alternative is over consolidation ratio, OCR. They are defined as (Brinkgreve et al., 2013)
Figure 6.9. Principals of using (a) OCR and (b) POP to define the preconsolidation pressure (Brinkgreve et al.,
The permeability, , for the sulphide soil is evaluated from the CRS tests in APPENDIX C.
Permeability of the moraine and granular soil was the default values of “medium fine” and
“coarse” soil respectively in PLAXIS.
The final material parameters are shown in Table 6.7. “Su - top” is the soil material
parameters from 4.03 m depth. “Su - bottom” is the combination of samples from 6.03 and
8.03 m depth. According to Brinkgreve et al. (2013) the ratio should range between
2.5 and 7, and the parameters had a ratio of 2.7 and 3.4 respectively. The given ratio could
be the reason for the unsuccessful evaluation using the correlations in chapter 6.1.2, where
the formulas are based on an assumption of a ratio between 5 and 10.
15 13.4** 20 23 kN/m3
- - 0.25 0.2 -
3 3 0 0 kN/m2
36 35** 40 45 °
0 0 0 0 °
0.117 0.136 - - -
0.035 0.05 - - -
0.15* 0.15* - - -
POP 38 41 - - kN/m2
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
Timber piles
The timber pile material parameters are presented in Table 6.8. Calculated values were given
by equation (10)-(14).
Table 6.8 Input parameters of the timber piles.
Young’s modulus
The Young’s modulus of the timber piles, E, was set as 2200 MPa corresponding to the
Swedish standard of K12 timber (Carling, 1992).
The density of the piles, , was given by (Carling, 1992)
The pile toe diameter, specified by the contractor Vectura, is 0.15 m. Since timber piles are
conical, the overall pile diameter was approximated as 0.20 m.
Bearing capacity
Vectura has according to Eurocode calculated the structural bearing capacity, RS, as 106 kN.
The geotechnical bearing capacity, RG, was calculated as 107 kN.
PLAXIS defines the geotechnical pile bearing capacity as a combination of skin resistance
and pile toe bearing capacity, where skin resistance is a function of the soils undrained shear
strength. Therefore, the geotechnical bearing capacity was recalculated using (Eriksson, et
al. 2004)
The skin resistance is assumed linear from the top of the pile to the bottom. and
are evaluated in the soil surrounding the top and bottom of the pile respectively.
PLAXIS defines the total pile bearing capacity, Npile, as (Brinkgreve et al., 2013)
where the point bearing capacity, , usually is neglected in the case of friction piles in soft
soil (Alén, 2012). Therefore in the input parameters.
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
The undrained shear strength was evaluated from another master thesis about the same
construction site written by Hugosson & Nilsson (2014). They found an increase of the
undrained shear strength after installation of the timber piles, shown in Figure 5.2. However,
the reason for the phenomenon was not established. In this thesis the undrained shear
strength was set as the average of in-situ strength and the one observed after the piles had
been installed.
Adhesion factor of the timber pile, , was calculated using (Eriksson et al., 2004)
7.1 Work layout
The following chapter contains the work layout of the numerical analyses, which consists of
the chosen patterns and how the results were evaluated.
7.1.1 Patterns
The aim was to examine which pattern is better, square or triangular, and what the optimum
pile spacing should be. The pattern suggested for road 685 by the contractor was a square
pattern with a c/c-distance of 1.2 m and a spacing of 1.0 m between the two outer most
Figure 7.1 is a sketch of the used square and triangular pile pattern, where is the pile
spacing. The triangular pattern was based on TKGeo 13 (Trafikverket, 2014). For equal c/c-
distance, , and for an outer distance of 1.0 m, . This way four different pile
patterns were modelled. The triangular pattern is generated by offsetting every other pile in
each row of the square pattern with m, creating two “sub-rows”. Thus, the square
pattern and this triangular pattern use the same amount of piles, but the triangular is thought
to generate higher arching effect and further reduce the displacements.
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
Three rows were used in the 3D model, since it is the minimum amount of rows required to
achieve a hexagonal tributary area around the centred pile, implied by Figure 2.15c. This
triangular pattern does not give equilateral triangles, as Figure 2.15b, but triangles with a top
angle of 53° instead of 60°.
As the pile spacing increases the depth of the model (y-direction) increases accordingly. The
number of piles in one column (11 to start with) is reduced when the total width of the pile
group exceeds 12 m, since the GR (which is 13 m wide) requires 0.8-1.2 m excess width for
proper fastening at the sides. Otherwise the GR will be pulled through the embankment.
7.1.2 Evaluation
In order to differentiate the four patterns, key behaviours were compared. Since no field
measurements of the actual embankment behaviour have been conducted, verifications using
the analytical method of Concentric Arches and a 2D model were used. As a control, a
model without piles was modelled and the degree of settlement reduction for each pattern
was evaluated.
As found by Van der Peet and Van Eekelen (2014), the arches can be observed in the
principal stress direction in a cross section of the FEM simulation. When ULS has been
reached the stresses form arches (as seen in Figure 2.5). Since the aim of the piled
embankment is to receive arches within the embankment, the principal stress directions were
observed to evaluate the effectiveness of different pile spacing.
The light embankment piling method is a settlement reducing method, and therefore it was
viable to compare the total and differential settlements that the different patterns generate.
The displacement contours in the model were compared between the used pile patterns. The
measuring points were placed in locations according to Figure 7.2. Differential settlements
on the pavement (point A and B) were compared. Also, calculations done by the contractor
suggests that the maximum allowed vertical displacement of the subsoil, adjacent to the pile
group, is approximately 10 cm. This is to prevent a larger hang-up on the piles. However,
since no calibrations with field measurements have been available this limit was regarded as
a guide value, rather than a design value, for the displacements in point C.
Figure 7.2. Measuring points (red dots) in the 3D model; A, B and C (counted from the right).
As stated in chapter 2.3, the load transferred onto the piles is a measurement of the amount
of arching in the embankment. The axial pile load was compared between the different
patterns, both utilization rate (percentage of structural bearing capacity) and the amount of
load carried by the piles. The load distribution along a pile row was compared between the
four patterns to evaluate the effectiveness of closer spacing between the outer columns.
The length of the piles was an average of the estimated pile lengths from the contractor
(Hugosson & Nilsson, 2014), set as 13 m. With increasing pile spacing the number of piles
in a row was reduced to fit the pile group within the width of the geogrid. The number of
piles, , for each pile spacing used is shown in Table 7.2. In the case of the pattern with
1.0m outer spacing, the spacing was only increased up to 1.6 m since the middle piles would
be too few to give a proper bearing capacity. The equal spacing was increased up 2.0 m to
get the general trends.
Table 7.2. Number of piles, , for each pile spacing used.
Pile spacing
[m] 1.0 m outer spacing equal spacing
1.2 11 11
1.3 11 10
1.4 10 9
1.5 10 9
1.6 10 8
1.8 - 7
2.0 - 7
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
The use of an interface on both sides of the geogrid allows relative displacement between it
and the granular soil. Since the purpose of the geogrid is to interlock with the particles in the
granular soil in the embankment, no interface was used in these simulations. The geogrid
was therefore not allowed to slip and the element nodes were shared between the geogrid
and soil.
7.2.3 Mesh
When generating the mesh in PLAXIS the relative size of a mesh element is adapted to the
overall model size. Thus, the same default setting results in different relative element size for
models with different overall size. For this model the element size used was 5.25 m using a
default setting of a medium sized mesh, and the refinement factors are shown in Figure 7.5.
The refined volumes were chosen to refine the mesh in the embankment and pile group,
since these were the areas affected by displacements with the most complex geometry.
The medium sized mesh was the largest element mesh size that generated an overall
sufficient mesh quality. Using a fine mesh setting, with the same refinement factors as in
Figure 7.5, the difference in settlement magnitude was ~3%. Also, the calculation time was
almost doubled when. Therefore, the medium sized mesh was used. The generated mesh is
viewed in Figure 7.6.
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
4. Foundation
The foundation, including geogrid, was installed during one day time interval with plastic
staged construction.
5. Embankment
The embankment was installed during one day time interval with plastic staged construction.
6. 45 days consolidation
A 45 day consolidation stage was added before the traffic load was applied to allow the
excess pore pressure from the construction stages to decrease. During phase 2-5 the piled
embankment was constructed. These were a simplification of the real construction stages and
the displacements during these phases were regarded as irrelevant. Therefore, the
displacements were reset to zero in order to neglect the occurred displacements up to the
7. Traffic load
The traffic load was applied as a plastic staged construction with a zero time interval.
8. Final consolidation
In order to reach as good as full consolidation of the sulphide soil, a final consolidation stage
was added with a limit of a minimum excess pore pressure of 1 kPa.
A safety analysis was added at the very end. However, only trivial slip surfaces were found
in the embankment, even with an altered geometry. The analysis of the safety factor was
therefore neglected.
7.3 Results
The results are divided into arching, total and differential settlement, pile axial load and GR
axial load. An analytical analysis was done to verify the pile axial loads. A 2D model was
modelled to verify the results of the arching and total and differential settlements. The 3D
model was based on the 2D model by Edlund et al. (2015). Nevertheless, modifications have
been made of the original model and therefore there was a need for verification. The 2D
model was of the square pattern with equal c/c-distance of 1.2 m, with an identical cross
section as the 3D model.
The final consolidation phase took about ten years to complete, i.e. until the excess pore
pressure decreased to 1 kPa. The time interval is normal for an impermeable soil like
sulphide soil.
7.3.1 Arching
Figure 7.8 and 7.9 show the directions of in the cross section of the models using square
pattern with 1.2 m and 2.0 m spacing. A collection of the cross section of each of the models
can be found in APPENDIX F. The behaviour observed by Van der Peet (2014) (shown in
Figure 2.5), with clearly visible arches between the piles, were absent in all of the models.
Instead, large concentric arches were formed across the whole embankment in between the
outer two pile columns.
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
Figure 7.8. Cross section of the embankment showing the directions of σ1. Square pattern with 1.2 m equal spacing.
Figure 7.9. Cross section of the embankment showing the directions of σ1. Square pattern with 2.0 m equal spacing. Arching in 2D
The absence of arching in the 3D model made it viable to use a 2D model to verify the
results, since 2D makes the computations with a different approach due to the assumption of
plane strain. The result showed several arches forming between the pile heads and the
geogrid, with two of them marked in Figure 7.10. The two centred gaps between the piles
showed no evident arching, which could mean that this part has not reached the ULS. The
arches appeared like concentric arches, mimicking the theoretical behaviour observed by
Van der Peet (2014).
Figure 7.10. Directions of σ1 where the middle of the embankment meets the subsoil. The yellow line is the geogrid.
Observed arches are marked with black lines.
Figure 7.11. Cross section of the embankment showing directions of σ1. Plates in longitudinal direction with 1.2 m
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
0,100 A-1.0m
0,110 A-Same
|u| [m] 0,130
Figure 7.12. Displacements in the measuring points, with both equal spacing and 1.0 m between the outer columns.
0,100 A-1.0m
0,110 A-Same
|u| [m] 0,130
Figure 7.13. Displacements in the measuring points, with both equal spacing and 1.0 m between the outer columns.
Since the light embankment piling method is a settlement reducing method, the degree of
settlement reduction was evaluated for each pattern. In Figure 7.14 the average reduced
displacement of the three measuring points was plotted against the c/c-distance. The plot
shows no difference in average settlement reduction when using a triangular or square
pattern. The use of 1.0 m outer spacing resulted in smaller displacement, due to at least one
more pile being used in the pile row. However, at 1.5 m spacing, there is almost no
difference. After this point, the reduced displacement drops.
1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2
c/c-distance [m]
Figure 7.14. Average reduced displacement of point A, B and C plotted against the c/c-distance for the four cases.
Contours of the total displacement, , are shown in Figure 7.15-7.15. Red coloured area
shows the maximum displacement. Results showed uneven displacements beneath the
embankment of the smallest pile spacing, as viewed in the centre of the Figure 7.15, for all
four cases. When increasing the c/c-distance of the piles, this displacement contour evened
out. But comparing the 1.6 m equal pile spacing model (Figure 7.16) to the model with 1.6 m
spacing and 1.0 m outer spacing (Figure 7.17), the displacement contours were only evened
out in the case of equal spacing. For the case of narrow outer spacing, there still existed a
differential displacement in the soil beneath the embankment. However, the embankment
itself suffered no uneven settlement at any pile pattern and spacing.
Figure 7.15. Cross section of the embankment showing the total displacement distribution. Square pattern with 1.2
m equal spacing.
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
Figure 7.16. Cross section of the embankment showing the total displacement distribution. Square pattern with 1.6
m equal spacing.
Figure 7.17. Cross section of the embankment showing the total displacement distribution. Square pattern with 1.6
m spacing and 1.0 m outer spacing.
Utilization rate of 60
the pile bearing Sq-1.0m
capacity [%] 50 Sq-Same
40 Tri-1.0m
1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2
c/c-distance [m]
Figure 7.18. Utilization rate of the pile bearing capacity plotted against c/c-distance for the four cases.
The arching effect was evaluated as the percentage of the embankment weight (plus traffic
load) carried by the piles. In Figure 7.19, the percentage is calculated as the weight of the
embankment carried per pile by dividing the average load, carried by the piles, with the
average embankment weight (including traffic load). The load carried by the piles were
collected after the final consolidation, since the largest change of arching occurring would be
after that stage. The results show that there is no evident difference in maximum applied
axial pile load between the use of equal c/c-distance and an outer pile spacing of 1.0 m.
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
60,00 Sq-1.0m
Weight of
embankment 50,00 Sq-Same
carried by the pile
group [%] 40,00 Tri-1.0m
1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2
c/c-distance [m]
Figure 7.19. Average weight of embankment carried by one pile plotted against the c/c-distance for the four cases.
To evaluate the necessity of a smaller spacing between the outer columns, the hang-up effect
was evaluated with 1.0 m outer spacing and equal spacing. The plots in Figure 7.20 and 7.20
are the axial pile force of each pile in a row. Since the hang-up effect occurs indirectly
because of settlements in the surrounding soil, the collected axial forces were the ones acting
on the piles after the final consolidation. The results were similar in the three pile rows, and
the middle row was the one plotted.
The square and triangular pattern with equal spacing and 1.0 m outer spacing shows similar
results respectively. The maximum pile force is in the outer pile at narrower pile spacing and
in the centre at wider pile spacing.
80 2.0m
Axial pile force, 1.6m
F [kN]
60 1.4m
-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8
Distance from center [m]
80 2.0m
Axial pile force , 1.6m
F [kN]
-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8
Distance from center [m]
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
65 1.6m
Axial pile force, 1.5m
F [kN]
55 1.3m
-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8
Distance from center [m]
65 1.6m
Axial pile force , 1.5m
F [kN]
55 1.3m
50 1.2m
-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8
Distance from center [m]
A [kN/pile]
Simulation Concentric Arches
1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,7 1,8 1,9 2
c/c-distance [m]
Figure 7.24. Force per pile, A, plotted against c/c-distance for the FE simulations and analytical analyses using
Concentric Arches.
When looking at the embankment weight carried by the piles (A%), shown in Figure 7.25,
the analytical analysis subsequently overestimates the weight carried by the piles. While A is
doubled in the analytical analysis, A% is only 50% higher than the numerical results, which
is due to the percentage being calculated differently in CA and the processing of the
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
numerical output results. The CA calculations use an average height of the embankment plus
traffic load as the total load over an area that affects one pile, and therefore calculates the
load on the piles in the centre part of the embankment as a worst case. The numerical pile
force results were summarized over the middle pile row and divided by the actual
embankment weight and traffic load that acted on them and the subsoil. With this in mind
the numerical modelling was regarded as reliable, since the analytical model used simplifies
the model into a segment with equivalent embankment height and rigid piles.
A% [%]
Concentric Arches Simulation
1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,7 1,8 1,9 2
c/c-distance [m]
Figure 7.25. Percentage of embankment weight carried by the piles, A%, plotted against c/c-distance for the FE
simulations and analytical analyses using Concentric Arches.
15,00 Sq-1.0m
Ntrans,max 14,00
13,00 Tri-Same
No piles
1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2
c/c-distance [m]
Figure 7.26. Maximum transversal tensile forces in the geogrid plotted against the c/c-distance.
Figure 7.28. GR strip overlapping in triangular piling pattern (Van Eekelen & Bezuijen, 2009).
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
The plot of the longitudinal forces showed irregular changes over increased pile spacing,
with no distinct trends. The magnitudes were only a few percent of the transversal forces,
acting as compression forces at narrower pile spacing and tensile forces at wider pile
spacing. However, the peaks of the longitudinal forces were found near the piles as seen in
Figure 7.29. The peaks are closer together in Figure 7.29b than in Figure 7.29a since the
piles are closer together when viewing the pile group from the side.
a) b)
Figure 7.29. Distribution of longitudinal tensile forces in the geogrid (viewed from the side) for a) square pattern
and b) triangular pattern.
The CA model contains the ability to calculate the axial force in the GR. The feature is based
on the calculation steps applied when analysing the pile axial load, shown in APPENDIX H.
A calculation of the GR axial load was however not included in this thesis, due to lack of
knowledge of how to apply this part of the CA model onto the piled embankment in mind.
8.1 Square vs triangular pattern
The research questions to answer are:
Does a triangular pile installation pattern reduce the settlements of a piled
embankment more than a square pattern?
What is the best suited installation pattern when using geosynthetic reinforcement?
The conclusion of the results is that there is no evident difference between the used square or
triangular patterns, other than the axial forces being higher in the geogrid when using a
triangular pattern. The differences were shown when comparing the equal pile spacing to the
one with 1.0 m outer pile spacing. The displacements were overall lower in the latter case.
However, the use of narrower outer pile spacing to counter a hang-up is, according to the
observations, ineffective. The consequence is an uneven pile force distribution in the pile
row, where the maximum pile force still was the same. There were differential
displacements within the soil beneath the embankment, while the equal spacing patterns
evened out the displacements. Comparing the weight carried by the piles showed practically
no advantage of using narrower outer pile spacing, even though at least one more pile is used
in the row since the utilization was the same for the four patterns. The recommendation is to
discard the use of narrower outer pile spacing in favor of equal pile spacing.
There can be no final conclusion of the best suited pile spacing since the results only present
trends, due to the lack of verification. The attempt of the 3D models gave inconclusive
results on at what pile spacing ULS is reached for this specific case, which is the key point at
which arches appear. No actual field measuring have been conducted to verify that the
displacements numerically calculated are close to the reality. However, based on the trends,
the displacement measurements showed that the equal pile spacing was most efficient up to
1.5 m. After this point, the displacements increased at a greater rate. Based on the measured
pile forces, a spacing of 1.5 m or more resulted in a more even distribution in a pile row.
This concludes that the most efficient pile spacing is around 1.5 m for this case.
What it comes down to is what the limit of the embankment settlement is. There existed no
uneven development of settlement on the surface when increasing the pile spacing. No pile
spacing over 1.3 m resulted in a displacement less than 10 cm at the surface of the subsoil
adjacent to the pile group (measuring point C). However, 1.5 m equal c/c-distance resulted in
just above 10 cm displacement. Whether or not the calculated value of 10 cm is the true limit
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
is questionable, due to the lack of large hang-up loads on the outer piles. But if this is the
true limit, than the pile spacing should not exceed 1.5 m.
The initial void ratio was calculated on the basis of density, water content and solid density,
where the latter was assumed. Also, the formula used assumes that the particles are free of
pores and cracks. A proper way of evaluating the void ratio would to base it on the porosity.
Brinkgreve et al. (2013) states that the void ratio is assumed as constant when applied in the
relationships between various stress-strain parameters for confined compression, that is used
to evaluate and . The initial void ratio or an average during the test should be used. In
reality the void ratio will change during a compression test, which is evident in the
conducted CRS tests where it ranges from ~2.2 to ~1.0 from start to finish.
Figure 8.1. Side view and top view of test set-up by Van Eekelen et al. (2012).
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
While the set-up does not capture the behaviour of the in-situ subsoil at the construction site,
it does capture the arching of different pile patterns during consolidation (which is of interest
in the case of light embankment piling). To include in-situ subsoil behaviour, a field test site
is needed.
A test set-up of a triangular pattern is yet to be done. FEM calculation have been performed,
e.g. by Bezuijen & Van Eekelen (2009), but even numerical analyses of triangular piling
patterns are few in number amongst published research. The recommendations from these
researches are that more work needs to be done on triangular patterns to compare it to square
patterns. Since the mechanics of square patterns are covered by several researchers, e.g. by
Van Eekelen et al. (2012), the mechanics of triangular patterns are the next step. This could
be done by changing the position of the piles in the presented set-up above, and adding piles
to allow a hexagonal tributary area (as in Figure 2.15c).
The piles in the light embankment piling method are allowed to settle, which is uncovered by
analytical methods. From the simulations conducted in this thesis, there exists a large
difference in the results between numerical and analytical analyses when comparing the
amount of arching taking place. A test that allows a varied vertical displacement of the pile
group could capture the degree of load transfer onto the subsoil. This could be added to the
model set-up.
8.4.3 Verification
Every site is unique in its own way. The trends observed may not be applicable to other sites
that utilises the light embankment piling method. A test with fewer variables, like the
laboratory test set-up mentioned above, could verify the observed similarity between the
square and triangular pattern.
Whether or not the testing is restricted to numerical FE modelling or not, field tests should
be conducted to calibrate the model. Geometry and parameter simplifications (mesh and
constitutive models) and the risk of calculation error take the numerical analyses further
away from the real case. Therefore there is a need of calibration with field results.
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Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
Figure D. 1. Initial phase: Piles, geogrid and traffic load are deactivated.
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
ε [%]
Figure E. 1. CRS test results from laboratory data, SoilTest and 3D-modelling.
Labdata SoilTest 3D-modelling
ε [%] 25
Figure E. 2. CRS test results from laboratory data, SoilTest and 3D-modelling.
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
ε [%] 25
Figure E. 3. CRS test results from laboratory data, SoilTest and 3D-modelling.
Figure E. 4. CRS test results from SoilTest and 3D-modelling, along with laboratory data of 4.03, 6.03 and 8.03 m
sampling depth.
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
Figure G. 5. Pile spacing: 1.2 m. y = 1.5 m cross section. Figure G. 6. Pile spacing: 1.6 m. y = 2.5 m cross section
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
Figure G. 7. Pile spacing: 1.2 m. y = 1.5 m cross section. Figure G. 8. Pile spacing: 1.6 m. y = 2.0 m cross section.
Figure H. 1. Principal sketch of the Concentric Arches model with notations (Van Eekelen et al., 2013).
Input parameters
Diameter pile 0,2 m
Height embankment 2,5 m
Lateral c/c-distance piles 1,2 m
Longitudinal c/c-distance piles 1,2 m
Unit weight 20 kN/m3
Surcharge load 20 kPa
Cohesion 0 kPa
Internal friction angle 45 °
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
Part 2 of force on area inside
Lx3D·Lx3D square, but outside 18,86 kN/pile
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method
Determination of the force exerted by the 2D arches on the GR strips (no surcharge load
yet: p = 0) and no load outside the arches on the GR strip.
Total force on GR strips FGRstrips 8,765 kN/pile (H6)
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Standardized Norrland Method