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QUARTER 4 : SCIENCE 9 (UNIFORMLY ACCELERATED MOTION) Wn 1 or a therff fo u, equ ation;~ [ocJ , 6Q1<lt1 11r '10~ o , anab•e ~t7r'\g ...

equ ation;~ [ocJ , 6Q1<lt1 11r '10~ o , anab•e ~t7r'\g ... \C' 11ng pfO~ ~
d2!,;m1, r r wt'\/~ r, __:0t1(,h,.-, ~ r <>" 1-1,,,. r !i_e r~ I" ,-;~e tr ~~~e ~c: ,r.;t -or _

Uniformly Accelerated Motion Along ~a!_o..!!,_N~. · ___ EquaHon , - -~sslng Varlabl!._~

). I \I I + QJ
a Straight Line or Horizontal
Dimension ?

o ccelerotlon is a cons la n f
tt1c a cce1era1,on vec to r hes In the lint? o r lhe d isplacement vec tor.
--- ---- - ,- -
1 ;, • v,' , 2 ud I

The oescnpt1on~ m o ffon dbc u 1..~ed so tar

o -.: c elerot,on and veloc lly f,nilia l and tlno lJ
o re flm e . d isp ltxemenl . 1-- - - - - - - - - - -
-- -
v,1 + 2 al ·
' . I
- ---.---- -- - - - -.
f:nct ve.oo · 1 ...f

lei 4 - a c cele rat,on fr'1/;''I

t ~ t,rne fs) ~
flj = final veloci ty fm/s ) An Individua l sta rling at resl travels 7'cJ!'l"l at a corr;ton ! =celeroiior of , 0
m/s1 . How long does this tal<e?
V ; • initial ve!oclty tm/s J
tf = displac ement fm)
Missing Variable: VI (Use equation 4)

Using ~se variables and other concepts, we w/11 now proceed to

Given : 'II; · Om/1
derive the four equations of uniformly accf!llerated motion.
a = 20m
a = IOmls'
EQUATION 1 The equation for acceleration is given by
v, - v,
a = -
1 Re q uire d : t= ?
Doing algebraic manipulation results in
at =,., - v, Equat,on : d = vJ + ½at 2
Q/ + V, = V f
So lu tion.
j,,, =v, +atl 20 m =~
20 m = 15 m/s2) t 1
I t )•½ ( 10 m/;') t2

EQ.UATION 2 If the velocity vis constant. the d isplacement a is 4= t2

computed by multiplying the veloc ity by the time 2= t
d = vt Answ er
t =21
If the velocity is not constant. w e use the average
velocity, " •• to compute for the displacement a
d = v•..., •t Uniformly Accelerated Motion
(FREE FALL: Vertical Dimension)
But Galileo 1tudied the motio n of falling bodies. He could not directly study
the motion of bodie s falling straight d own, s.o he rolle d b a lls down w o o der·

d=l( 2v1 +v_:_ Jf

So inc li ne s. a nd timed them using a w a ter c lock.
Our senses te ll us that heavie r objecls. like thick book fo l! fos1e• thar lig~ ier
ones . like a sheet o f p aper tf hea vy objects indeed fa n fos te r than li g ~.t
o bje cts, then ob jects of the same mass sho uld foll at the scroe ra:e .

EQUATION 3 The e qua tion for ac c e le ra tion is g iven by

What causes some bodies to tall fmter than others. even though they have
a = ~L:_ ~ /he same mau?
The answer is AIR RESISTAtK E. A l a lnr g b ody coiHd e , witr. count1ess P0't,c ies
lntercnonging the p ositio ns of a a nd t , we get
of a ir, slowing down its fo ll. G e ne rally. the ta sl er the speed and •he greoie,
f = ~-:- ' ', the surfac e area, the more a ir resistance a fa lfin g body e nco1..~ters.
Taking Equation 2 pieviously d e rived a nd highlighting t In the absenc e o f air resi1ta nce. a falung body, reg a rdless o f r ,ow hea vy 1! ,;

d ;
-'-- I
will inc rease Its velocily b y 9.80 •/s af1er every seco nd. The v olue of 9.80
•/sJ is c a ned the a ccelera tion d ue to g rav ity s,nce th, " a ✓er ; ire .por 'on 1
const a n t In p r,ysic s. 11 has bee n assigne d its own srnbol 9
Substitut ing the e, p~ession for t in Equa tion 2. w e obtain
;4ccelerotion ll)ue to fir,i-vit v
o =9.80•/r

Trier\ d01ng brtl'Y:lr a lqebrOJc manipulaflon lead, to Solving frH Fall Problems
J.ad =v ~- v,~ To solve tree tall r:-,roblerns using our p r~vtous e quations. simply le! a ~ B
= 9.80 •/s2. The acceleration d ue to g a v1ly 9 . is a lways direc tad downwa•a .
2ad .,_ v.2 = v;
Equoiloni of E.q~ ns ol ff'
+ 2cu1 1 Uniforml y
>. cc-'.,ot..d Mo4t-<)n

f9 UATIOH vf = v 1 + a ( · 1•, +gt

4 ".•

,1 . (·· 2 - _r I
"~(' z. '.}
• I'

:: _,r,.-.t1t _l1ng i ~~ \o!·JA ( l 'ef = 1.11 + at fr orr- Equ•:,!1 o n 1 I

i ,,.vio c1~1 ,- d .. r . 9 ,1 ,ve 9"'' -
Iv; -= v,'' 1- 2ud v; - v, '
+2 ·
"/ + \ at ' d ~ 1·,t + \ R
I,__d "'------ - -- . -
Ball's Location or Condition Equations of Free
Compare tne two sets of equations. In the equations for uniformly
accelerated motion on the left column. the acceleration variable " o " only
Fall ·- --
hos one specific v alue: = 9 = 9.80 ■/i1 directed downward v,
Time to Reach Maximum Height t = -
Going Up Then Down g
An initial upward velocity will be given to the object before It falls back
dovvn again. All vector quantities directed upward will be considered
POSITIVE while oil v ector quantities directed downward will be considered
Maximum Height Reached d = }{_
NEGATIVE. Therefore, in deriving equations in this lesson, we will le t a = -g.

A baUis thrown upward witt1 an Initial velocity Vi. Derive an expression for 2v
Tota l Tim e of Flight I =--'
I. lhe time to reach the maximum heigh! g
2. the maximum height reached
3. the time before the boll returns to the origin
4. the v elocity with which 1he ball re1urns to 1he origin Re turn Velocity vr = - v1
When the boll reaches its peak, it stops . At maximum height therefore, the
v elocity at the top, V,or, is zero. Using Equation 1 and setting V,or, = 0, we have

V,op = v, - gt Example: A ball is thrown upward with a velocity of 30.0 m/s. Compute fo r:
a. the time to reach the maximum height
o v, - gt b. the maximum height reached
gt v, c. the time before the boll re turns to the origin
d. the velocity with which the ball returns to the origin

1/=~I a . the lim;, to,wach the maximum height

1 = --'- =l30.0 m/sl =3.06 s
g l9 ,80 m/s 2) •
When the ball reaches iis peak, ii stops. At maximum height therefore , the
velocity at the top V1op is zero. Using Equation 3 and setting V1op = 0, we have b . the maximum height reached
v' =/30.0 m/s\2 = 45.92 m
V,op2 = v,
- 2gd d = -;fg 2(9 .80 m/s 2)

o = v,' - 2gd c . the lime before the boll returns to the origin
=~ T =3.06 S X 2 = 6. 12 S
E =v}] 1
8 or

g d . the velocity with which the ball returns to the origin

v, = - v, = - 30.0 m / s downward

When the boll returns to the origin, its displacemen t is zero. Using Equation 4
and setting d = 0, we hove .

d =v,r -½ gt '
O= v,t - (½)gt '
v,t = (½)gt2
2v,t = gt '
2v, = gt

12;· =II
Using another v ariable T, defined as the lime it takes to return to the origin
and sub stituting ii for t , we hove

The total time T is twice the time it tokes the ball to reach its maximum
height. Therefore. the time fOf the ball to go up is the some time for the boll
to rel1..m to the ground from its .maximum height.

It it takes 3.0 s for the boU to go up, it also takes 3.0 s for the ball to go down.
The total time the ban Is ln the air Is 6,0 s.

When !he ball returns to !he origin with o v elocity, V,, its dlsplocement is ze<0.
using the Equolon 3 and setting d = o, we hove

v;: v; - 2gd
v~ = v 2
' I

(negative sign because th e return veloctty i• downward )

fJ Name:
Grade & Sectfon::------- --------- Subject: AJaj!ng Pa11!.!R!JJ.l1m 9 Clan No.
------- -
- -------- ·- lkaapat na Markahan
Gu ro: Gng. Nancy V. M atibag


~ :_-_[-cSroro
' 1
Quin~ ~·
1·1 I
Post Tests -
lr' Ar,1nt r. Signnturc No
Outputs/ Assignments :
Scom fParAnt tl Gignnturd' Uo
' -, 1
R•ct1on Pa.,;..s
[l'mP.nl'~ :i~{jflfJ1~rr,
r No
Group ktivitles
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7 , 7
B--- -· - - -~- - - Pertodkal Exam / 8
'9-=---~----___ _j
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t No

Mtni Oktionary 8
Seo<e Pm:fl':: Signature- g - " ·-

9(Jt)I,_ - - -- -t -H••.-.1 ... TCP •~
_( __
Performance Stubs
ACTIVITIES Jan.21-24 , Jan.27-31 Feb.3-7 l Feb.10-14 Feb.17-21 Feb.24-28 Mar.2-6 Mar.9-13 Mar.1~20 Total
I Recitations
I Quizzes --+---· ----. --- I
,·- --f - - - -+---·- - - - -

_ _j __
Post Tests .i------t-- - '--
r O;;--utpu
tsl..,.,A::-s-s _--,..- - - - - - 1 - - - - _ ; _ ._ _ _ ~I- ·- ---- -· I
I Group Activities --,--- --i - -
Mini Dictionary
Periodical Exam ,
Tota! -r I

Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ Subject: EsP 9 Class No. _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Grade & Section: _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ lkaapat na Markahan Guro: Gng. Nancy V. Matibag


Quizzes I
I Post Tests Outputs/ Assignments Reflection Papers 1 Group Activities :
: No ! Score l Parent's Signature j No ! Score 1Parent's Signature No. Score !Parent's Signature No. / $CO(e jParent's Signature No Score :Parent's SignallKe .
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8 I
! No
Periodical Exam
/ Score PafP..nfs Signature
I g 1 No
Thoughts to Ponder ' 8
Score ;rarenl's S~ature , 9
9 1

10 I
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Performance Stubs
Jan.21-24 Jan.27-31 ' Feb.3-7 Fe:b.10-14 i Feb.17-21 l feb.24--28 Mar.2--6 l Mar.9-13 ; Mar.16-20 . Total
, Recitations !
' Post Tests
' Outputs/AS$.
_,__ __ _ __ __ -----t------+-- -
' Group Activities ,
;-Tuoogtits to-~orule
- -r_,___ __ >-------- - - - ~ --
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