P.E Year 2 Body Shapes and Action Time All
P.E Year 2 Body Shapes and Action Time All
P.E Year 2 Body Shapes and Action Time All
I. Objectives:
1. Describe the proper body mechanics while standing.
2. Move the body properly in response to sounds and music.
3. Engage in fun and enjoyable physical activities.
(Note:The teacher must explain the concept of mirror image and refere to the
pictures in the LM, while giving instructions to the student.)
A. Routinary Activities:
DRAFT 1. Checking of attendance and PE uniform (appropriate attire for physical activities)
2. Warm-up activities
d. Head Twist
e. Shoulder circle
Start with hands down at the sides.
forward (4 counts) with hands down at the sides
backward (4 counts) with hands down at the sides
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f. Trunk Twist
g. Knee stretching/Pushing
(count 4)
Back to position
After all the activities, cool down with simple stretching and breathing.
B. Preparatory Activities:
Direction: Introduce the song and the action or if the pupils are familiar with the
song let them sing with you.
C. Developmental Activities:
Activity 1: Popcorn
A. Papara – Stand with arms on side
B. Papap – side lunge
Note: You may vary the sequence of the words alternately.
Ask the following questions
Our bodies can perform different shapes and lines such as straight, curled and
twisted.It can also show different shapes and actions.
If you can move your body and form shapes in many ways, you will enjoy
Values Infusion
Cooperation, self discipline, and initiative are important in doing varied activities.
E.. Application:
Station 1 J Station 2
DRAFT Station 4
Station 3
E. Closing Activities:
(Note to the teacher: This activity allows you to correct pupil’s posture problems.)
IV. Assessment:
Yes No
1. Did you perform correctly?
a. feet together (parallel)
b. stride stand
c. side lunge
V. Assignment:
A. Ask the pupils to practice at home the different body shapes and body actions .
B. Ask the pupils to list down five exercises that show flexibility.
I. Objectives:
A. Routinary Activities:
1. Checking of attendance and PE uniform (appropriate attire
for physical activities)
2. Warm-up activities
Sideward right with hand support (4 counts)
Back to position (4 counts)
d. Head Twist
e. Shoulder circle
Start with hands down at the side
forward (4 counts) with hands down on the side
backward (4 counts) with hands down on the side
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f. Trunk Twist
g. Knee stretching/Pushing
(Note: Point out that the knees should
not go beyond the toes.)
j. Long Sitting position. Close legs together, bend forward, stretch both hands and
reach for your feet . (Count 6 times hold)
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k. Stride position. Spread legs apart. Bend forward, stretch both hands forward as far
as you can. (Count 6 times hold)
3. Review:
Ask your pupils to recall the different body shapes and actions and
perform these.
Feet together, arms raised Stride stand. Lean trunk forward, keeping
upward. Twist trunk to the right your back straight, and raise
Raise arms sideward. arms forward.
B. Preparatory Activities:
Tell the pupils to look at the illustration and ask the following:
What is the farmer doing?
(Repeat III)
What kind of body movements do you do when planting rice?
Can you show how proper bending is done?
C. Developmental Activities:
(Note to teacher: Do the warm–up activities here)
(The procedure should be delivered in MTB)
Directions: Group the class into four columns. Ask the pupils to do the following
positions.The pupils must wait for the teacher’s Go signal and freeze for five
Groups who did the positions correctly will move 1 step forward until a group
reaches the finish line. (Note to the teacher: Use the following commands).
1. Pick up things from the floor.
2. Reach upward to pick mangoes from the tree.
3. Sway from side to side like a bamboo tree.
4. Pass the ball backward to a friend.
5. Guard your line in patintero.
Chinese Gets-up
Directions: Find a partner and together sit on the floor, back to back with arms elbows
With your partner, sit back to back on the floor, with arms locked together. Stand without
releasing you hold on your partner and bring feet closer.
1 2
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Ask: How many were able to do it and how did you do it?
D. Generalization
Bending and stretching are movements that improve flexibility. The proper way of doing
these movements can prevent injury.
A flexible person can do many movements safely and assume good posture at all times.
E. Application
Directions: Group pupils into three big groups or small groups with 3 members each.Ask
them to perform the activity written on the activity cards. As the teacher claps
each group will transfer to the next base in a counter-clockwise manner.
1 2 3
Note: The teacher can modify these movements and use songs in the region.
IV. Assessment:
2. Lateral trunk flexion
Stand straight with hands on waist, feet shoulder-width apart.
Bend at the waist and lean to the side. Return to straight
position, then lean to the other side.
Repeat movement with the side
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3. Bend the trunk forward
and back.
Iv. Assessment:
A. Check the box on the self assessment portion that matches to your peerformance.
3 - Very good
2 - Good
1 - Needs improvement
ACTIVITIES Self Assessment
1. Bend forward
2. Bend backward
3. Bend sideward
Check one:
Very good
Needs improvement
V. Assignment:
A. Practice the different exercises that you learned.
B. List down five walking movements done with body shapes.
I. Objectives
1. Walk in different directions with proper body mechanics
2. Move in different directions in response to sounds and music
3. Perform flexibility exercises while singing
4. Enjoy and have fun in walking activities
III. Learning Activities:
A. Routinary Activities:
1. Checking of attendance and PE uniform (appropriate attire for physical activities)
2. Warm-up activities
(Note to the teacher: warm –up activities must be done before the
activity )
Figure A-B
1. (Starting Position) Stride stand
2. Bend trunk sideward Right, with the left arm overhead ( Hold for 6 counts)
3. Back to starting position (Hold for counts 7-8)
4. Bend trunk sideward left, with the right arm overhead ( Hold for 6 counts)
5. Back to starting position (Hold for counts 7-8)
Figure C
1. (Starting Position) Stride stand
2. Raise heels, raise arms upward, hold hands together, (Hold for 6 counts)
3. Back to Starting Position (for counts 7-8)
Figure D
1. (Starting Position) Stride stand
2. Hands on waist (Hold for 6 counts)
3. Back to Starting Position (for counts 7-8)
4. Repeat from A-D
5. Inhale and exhale (8 counts)
B. Preparatory Activities:
Ask the pupils to perform any movement based on the following song:
Song: Tong tong tong tong Pakitong kitong
Tong tong tong tong Pakitong kitong
Alimango sa dagat, malaki at masarap
Mahirap mahuli, sapagkat nangangagat. (Repeat)
(Sing this using different vowels.)
Ask: What animal was mentioned in the song?
What actions can you create for the song?
What parts of your body did you use in doing the movements?
Are these movements locomotor or non- locomotor? Why?
C. Developmental Activities:
Show pictures of
What can you see in the pictures?
A and B? Boy walking w/ Incorrect posture/Hunchback Boy
C and D? Boy walking w/ Correct posture/Boy w/ knocked
Compare the pictures A and B. These both Boy show incorrect posture.
Who walks properly, the boy in picture C? or the one in picture D?
Who can demonstrate proper walking?
Pupil will demonstrate proper body mechanics.
(Note for the teacher: The activity should allow you to identify pupils with postural problems.)
What can you say about walking activity?
D. Generalization:
E. Application
Wring the Dishrag
Choose a partner.
Face your partner and join hands.
Raise one pair of your joined hands while lower the other.
D. Closing Activity:
Now, let’s sing a song with actions.
2. Sitting
1. Do you walk with arms raised upward? _______
2. Do you walk crisscrossed? _______
3. Do you walk with knees bent? _______
4. Do you walk with arms swinging on the sides? _______
5. Do you walk in a straight line? _______
V. Assignment:
A. Use proper body mechanics while walking.
B. Practice at home the flexibility exercises that you have learned.
References: Fitness for Health & Sports by: Patricia G. Avila, M.D
Fitness for Children by Curt Hilton, Copyright 1995
April 11, 2014
I. Objectives
1. Describe flexibility and conditioning exercises in kneeling position
2. Perform kneeling exercise with proper body mechanics
3, Engage in fun and enjoyable kneeling activities
A. Routinary Activities:
1. Checking of attendance and PE uniform (appropriate attire for physical
2. Warm up activities
Refer to Lesson 3 on warm up exercises. (You may use music to accompany the
B. Preparatory Activities:
Figure A-B
1. (Starting Position) Stride stand
2. Bend trunk sideward right, with the left arm overhead ( Hold for 6 counts)
3. Back to starting position (Hold for counts 7-8)
4. Bend trunk sideward left, with the right arm overhead ( Hold for 6 counts)
5. Back to starting position (Hold for counts 7-8)
Figure C
1. (Starting Position) Stride stand
2. Raise heels, raise arms upward, ( Hold for 6 counts)
3. Back to Starting Position (for counts 7-8)
Figure D
1. (Starting Position) Stride stand
2. Hands on waist, (Hold for 6 counts)
3. Back to starting position (for counts 7-8)
4. Repeat from A-D
5. Inhale and exhale (8 counts)
C. Developmental Activities:
(Note: The procedures should be delivered in MTB)
Ask the pupils to imitate the following pictures:
Ask the pupil to practice doing the positions.
Challenge them to create arm movements.
Ask how many did the positions and movements correctly.
45 23 Only 1
Just like feet knees can also be used as base of support. You can
create flexibility exercises while kneeling. Kneeling exercises focus on
flexibility, balance and strength
E. Application
ACTIVITY 2: Kneeling Challenge
In a group of 5, let pupils to create an exercise with different kneeling positions.
Next, they have to do half kneeling challenge,they should also do the kneeling
position with arm movements while singing “BAHAY KUBO”.
F. Closing Activity
The pupils will sing together the following songs.
Kumusta ka,ako ay masaya
Umikot ng umikot at humanap na iba
(Find a partner and repeat)
IV. Assessment:
Self Rating
After doing the activities, put a check ( ) on the space before the number if the picture shows
proper kneeling and put a cross (X) if it does not.
1. _____ 2. _____
2. _______ 4. _____
V. Assignment:
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I. Objectives:
1. Perform different sitting positions with correct body
2. Form different shapes out with one’s body while sitting
3. Enjoy and have fun participating in simple relay/race
physical activities)
2. Warm – Up Activities
The pupils do the following bending, stretching, twisting, and
balancing exercise:
Jog in place – 16 counts
Bend at the waist forward and backward, side to side – 32 counts
Activity 2: Look at Me
Sitting Positions:
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Hurdle sitting Cross sitting
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures.
Demonstrate the different sitting positions. Ask the pupils to observe and imitate. Ask
them do it by groups.
Directions: Select three sitting positions and form shapes with your body.
Activities Scores
Create at least three body shapes
Create at least two body shapes
Create at least one body shapes
Now that you have done the different sitting positions, let us now answer this question.
D. Generalization
E. Application
Prepare the venue for the activity. Ask the pupils to assume sitting position.
(Note: Make sure the floor surface is appropriate for the activity.)
Demonstrates Hip walk, forward/backward and cricket walk to the pupils
Ask them to do the activities by lines and wait for the signal.
Hip walk forward
Hip walk backward
Did you do the activity correctly?
Did you enjoy the activity?
F. Closing Activities
Ask the pupils to sing the song “Look at Me”
IV. Assessment
With the same groups, ask the pupils to demonstrate the body positions that
they have learned.
Activities Yes No
4. Participated in relay and races actively
5. Worked cooperatively with the group
V. Assignment
Ask the pupils practice at home the different sitting positions.
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I. Objectives:
1. Describe correct body mechanics in doing simple static and dynamic flexibility
2. Perform simple static and dynamic flexibility exercises while seated
3. Enjoy fun games that develop flexibility
1. Checking of Attendance and PE Uniform (appropriate attire for physical activities)
2. Warm up Activities: Refer to Lesson 1 on warm up exercises. You may use
music to accompany movement).
You must do the warm-up before performing the activity. Warm up can
be done within 5 minutes.
Tuck Sitting Side Sitting
B. Preparatory Activity:
1. Activity 1:
Ask the pupils to sit on the floor and sing the action song.
(Row, Row, Row your Boat)
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream
C. Developmental Activities
Note: The procedure should be delivered in MTB
1. Presentation
Note: At least one day before, assign the pupils a day before to bring
a half meter of rubber or garter.
Present a piece of garter to your pupils. Ask them to stretch the garter/rubber
to its maximum length and release it. Repeat the activity twice until the pupils
have fully understood the concept of flexibility.
Note: When passing under the garter, you must bend backward or forward.
Let’s do “Limbo Rock”
How to do it:
Time Allotment: 5 minutes
When passing under the garter.The pupils must bend backward or forward. The
teacher may play music during the game. Make sure the pupils do not injure
What is flexibility?
What are the two kinds of flexibility?
How do you show each kind of flexibility?
C. Generalization
Activity 1
Activity 2
Flexibility Exercise on Seated Position
(Dynamic Flexibility) a
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d. Long sitting rest
Ask the pupils if they can still improve their ability in doing dynamic and static
Ask them to follow the directions below.
Thigh Stretch Dynamic Flexibility
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Reach only for the most comfortable position.
Hold position count 7, 8
Move hands walking backward until you reach the original sitting position 8 counts
Repeat the activity 16 counts)
a. Slowly bend your body forward, extending your arms and hands to reach for the
right toe. Do not bend your knees. Hold position for 8 counts. Repeat position
with the left toe. Hold position for 8 counts a
Repeat the activity for 16 counts
D. Closing Activity
The pupils form a column in a heel sit position.Ask them sing Leron, Leron
Sinta using these steps.
cts.) Repeat all movement on the left hand repeat all R and L (12 counts.)
IV. Assessment:
Assess yourself:
5 – Excellent 2 - Fair
4 – Very Satisfactory 1 – Need Improvement
3 – Satisfactory
V. Assignment:
A. Ask the pupils to practice the different movements .
B. Ask them to draw symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes in their notebooks.
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I. Objectives
A. Routinary Activities
1. Checking of attendance
2. Warm Up Activities
Do the following exercises:
A. Refer to Lesson 1 for warm up exercises. You may use music to
accompany movement. (Note: Warm up must be done before the actual
activity .)
1. What can you say about the pictures?
2. Can you describe the movements in the pictures?
3. What other body parts can you use as base of support?
4. Can you perform these movements?
Unlocking of Difficulties:
Note: Show pictures of symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes Explain to
the pupils the meaning of the following words:
Symmetrical shape
A shape that shows formal balance. Both sides form a line of
symmetry and if divided into two will form an identical shape.
Asymmetrical shape
Shape that shows informal balance. Both sides do not form a line of
symmetry and if divided into two will form different shapes.
C. Developmental Activities:
1. Presentation:
Activity 1: TRAVELOGUE (10 minutes for the whole activity)
a. Divide the class into five groups. Each group will select a leader.
b. Each group will perform the activity given by the teacher.
c. Recall some safety precautions while performing the activity.
d. The groups will perform.
Station I
a. Stride Standing b. Side Lunge Standing
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Station II
a. Stride Kneeling b. Half Kneeling
Station III
a. Side Sitting b. Frog Sitting
Station IV -
a. Side Lying b. Prone Lying
Station V
a. Dog stand b. Knee Scale
D. Generalization
Symmetrical shape
A shape that shows formal balance. Both sides form a line of symmetry
and if divided into two both sides will form an identical shape.
Stride standing, stride kneeling, frog sitting, prone lying and dog stand
are body shapes/actions that show symmetrical shapes.
Asymmetrical shape
A shape that shows informal balance. Both sides do not form a line of
symmetry and if divided into two, both sides will form different shapes.
Side lunge, half kneeling, side sitting and knee scale are body
shapes/actions that show asymmetrical shapes.
E. Application
Ask the pupils to choose partners. One will be the sculptor while the other will
play the statue. When the music plays, the sculptor will create the statue/shape
shown on the teacher’s flashcard. When the music stops the statue must stop
moving and freeze. The sculptor must say his/her creation is asymmetrical or an
asymmetrical shape.
1 2
1. Did you enjoy the activity?
2. Were you able to quickly form the shape before the music stopped?
F. Closing Activity:
Let the pupils form two separate circles. Let them sit like Indian.
Let them sing Leron-Leron Sinta while clapping.
IV. Assessment:
Demonstrate the body shapes or actions Check ( ) Yes if you performed well
and check ( ) No if not.
3. Frog Sitting
4. Dog Stand
5. Prone Lying
V. Assignment.
1. Ask the pupils to collect pictures with symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes
and paste these in their notebook..
2. Let the pupils collect some pictures of flexibility exercises.
I. Objectives
A. Routinary Activities:
Checking of attendance and proper attire for physical activity for safety and ease of
1. Warm Up Activities
Do the warm up exercises in Lesson 1
a. Refer to Quarter 1 lesson 1 on warm-up exercises
Toe Touch
Toe touch on the right
Toe touch on the left
Double toe touch open sitting position
(repeat chorus 2x)
C. Developmental Activities:
(Note: The procedure should be delivered in MTB)
Show picture:
Ask the pupils to guess the words related to the pictures shown.
m c e
t e c h g
l e i b
5. e i s
(Key: 1. muscle, 2. body 3. stretching 4. flexible
5. exercise)
a. Seated L (Sit on the floor with one leg straight and the other bent, with foot
against the inside of the straight leg. Reach both hands toward the floor or
ankle of the straight leg. Hold. Switch legs and repeat on the side
b. Seated Straddle (Sit on the floor with legs spread. Reach with both hands
toward one foot or ankle. Hold and then reach with both hands toward the other
foot or ankles. Hold).
c. Seated toe touch (sit on the floor with legs straight ahead (it is best not to lock
the knees) and feet together. With both hands, slowly reach out towards both
feet or ankles. Hold
d. Bear Hug (stand straight with hands on the hips. Step forward with the right
foot and wrap the arms under the right thigh. Release the arms and return to
the starting position. Repeat with the left leg.)
e. Crossed-Leg-Stretch (Sit on the floor with legs crossed (Indian-style). Slowly
lean forward, extending the arms out on the floor as far as possible. Hold
f. Run/March in Place (Alternate lifting the knees, swinging the arms in
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Which body parts are stretched?
Can you perform this kind of movement?
Ask the following questions:
a. What flexibility exercise did you perform?
b. Which body parts did you use in the first and second exercises?
c. How did you feel while doing the activity?
d. Which part of your body was stretched?
e. Do you think this activity will be useful to improve body posture? How?
D. Generalization:
E. Application
Let’s Move
form a straight line
2. Collect bottle caps or tanzans equivalent to the number of group
3. Draw a starting and end line 6 to7 meters apart.
4. At a given signal, each starter player leaps toward the end line. Upon
reaching the line, the player turns around kneels, and stretches his/her
body and right arm backward, searching for a tanzan inside the square.
Once a tanzan is taken, the starter returns to the starting line leaping.
F. Closing Activity
Ask the pupils to form a big circle. Ask them do the sitting position with open
legs but not too widely. Tell them to sing the song Toe Touch with actions.
IV. Assessment:
Study the illustrations. Put a double check ( ) if it shows body conditioning
and flexibility and a single check ( ) if not.
1. Run/March in place
2. Seated toe touch
3. Seated Straddle
4. Side Sitting
5. Crossed-Leg-Stretch
(Key to Correction)
II. Assignment:
1. Ask the pupils practice at home the proper execution of conditioning and flexibility
exercises that they learned.
Ask them to study about locomotor and non-locomotor movements in personal and
general space.
I. Objectives:
1. Define personal space
2. Identify the different non-locomotor movements
3. Execute properly the non-locomotor movements
4. Work cooperatively with others
III. Learning Activity:
A. Routinary Activities
1. Checking of attendance and PE uniform (appropriate attire for
physical activities)
2. Warm-up Activities
Bend sideward right with hand support (4 counts)
Return to position (4 counts)
d. Head Twist
e. Shoulder circle
f. Trunk Twist
g. Knee stretching/Pushing
Repeat with the left foot.
B. Preparatory Activity
Present to the class the different positions shown below. Ask the class to
demonstrate the movements.
a. Half kneeling position
c. Long sitting position
After the class has demonstrated the positions ask the following:
1. What can you say about the four positions? Were you able to perform the different
positions properly?
4. Did you perform the movements in place? Or did you transfer places?
Tell to the class that the focus of the lesson is moving in personal space and non-
locomotor movements.
C. Developmental Activity
Note: The procedure should be delivered in MTB
1. Discussion
Discuss briefly to the class the concept of personal space and non-
locomotor movements.
1.Bending is a movement of the body or a part of the body around a joint. To bend is to
flex or curve the body forward, backward, and sideward. You may try bending your head,
trunk, and your knees.
If you bend your body ,can you move it in different directions?
2.Stretching is to extending any joint of your body using your muscles to lengthen
the body parts. You can stretch your arms sideward and upward .
If you stretch your body what parts are extended? (joints) Can you move in different
directions?? (sideward, upward, backward
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4.Twisting is moving a body part around its long axis. You can twist your neck, hips,
ankles, and the joints of your wrist from left to right.
If you twist or turn like this, what parts of your body are involved? (neck, hips, ankles,
5. Pushing is exerting force upon or against an object to move it away from
the body.
Can you identify his direction if he pushes this object? (forward)
When you do pull ups, in which direction are you going? (move it toward the body).
DRAFT 7. Turning is moving the body from one direction to the opposite direction
8. Swaying moving back and forth from side to side or to one side.
Where is our direction if we sway our hands this way? (back and forth)
9. Swinging is moving backward and forward rhythmically
If you swing your body like this, which directions are emphasized? (Backward and
D. Generalization
After the personal space awareness activity, gather the pupils in their class formation
and ask the following:
D. Generalization
E. Application
Direction: Ask the pupils to sing an action song to the tune of “Shake Shake”
Up and Down
by:Virgina T. Mahinay
Up and down and bend, bend, bend
Up and down and stretch, and stretch
Twist to the right and twist to the left
Turn around and sway and swing
Ask the pupils to answer the following questions after the activity.
1. What movements you can do while staying in place? (bending, stretching,
twisting, circumduction, swaying & swinging )
2. What parts of the body is/are used in doing each movement? (head, neck,
trunk, leg)
5. Did you transfer from one place to another place while doing those
movements? (no)
F. Closing Activity
List the different parts of the body which can perform the different non-locomotor
IV. Assessment:
Give the assessment tasks to the class.
2. Self-Assessment
Direction: Answer the following:
3. On a scale of 1-5, with 1as the lowest and 5 as the highest, how would you rate your
5 stars Excellent
3 stars Good
2 stars Fair
1 star Poor
V. Assignment:
A. Ask the pupils to practice the different movements that they learned.
I. Objectives:
1. Define the meaning of general space
2. Identify basic locomotor movements
3. Execute properly the different locomotor
4. Participate cooperatively in all activities
A. Routinary Activities
2. Warm-up Activities
Sideward right with hand support (4 counts)
Back to position (4 counts)
d. Head Twist
e. Shoulder circle
Start with hands down at the side
forward (4 counts) with hands down on the side
backward (4 counts) with hands down on the side
g. Knee stretching/Pushing
not go beyond the toes.)
B. Preparatory Activity
Show the following illustrations to the class. Ask the class if they can identify the
movements. Call for volunteers who can perform these movement.
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Ask the following:
2. Did you move from your own position or did you transfer places? (transfer places)
3. Where do you usually use these movements?(in playing, dancing, and other
physical activities including household chores)
After the activity, introduce the lesson and tell the class that the focus of the lesson is
moving in general space including the locomotor skills.
C. Developmental Activity
Note: The procedure should be delivered in MTB
A. Discussion
General space is an unlimited area where you move from one place to
another. It is the entire space within a room, gymnasium, an outdoor space,
Locomotor movements are generally used in defining general space.Then
movements you perform in transferring from one place to another are called
locomotor movements.
B. Demonstration
After a short discussion on the idea of general space, ask the pupils to
perform the following locomotor movements. Give a demonstration of each
movement skill and the pupils will make a counter-demonstration of each movement.
Provide proper cueing for the different movements. You may use folk music to
accompany the movement activity.
Emphasize that proper posture should be observed while performing the different
locomotor movements.
2. Running
It is a series of continuous, faster and longer steps
or strides with high knees in front.
To execute the proper way of running, we keep our
back straight as we slightly lean our bodies forward.
We bend our arms and allow them to swing freely at
the side of our bodies in he opposite direction of our
feet movement.
3. Jumping
We jump by springing from one or both
feet, and then landing on both feet. We do
this comfortably by bending our knees.
Then we swing our arms backward, and
then forcefully forward and upward to
create momentum, springing with our feet.
This movement allows our body to stretch
as if reaching upward. Then we land on
both feet with bent knees for safe landing.
4. Hopping
Hopping is springing with one foot, then
landing on the same foot. We can swing our
arms and bend our hips, knees, and ankles to
hop higher or further. We should always
remember that to land safety, we land with our
toes, followed by the balls of our feet while
slowly bending our knees.
5. Galloping
It is a combination of a step (full transfer of
weight on the other foot) and a cut by the
transfer of weight on the other foot. A cut is a
displacement of one foot with the other foot.
6. Sliding
It is when the lead step is quickly followed by the
7. Skipping
A skip is just a combination of a step and a
hop. We do this by first stepping one foot
forward and then hopping on the same foot.
This can also be done with the opposite foot.
We should observe balance while skipping.
8. Leaping
It is to spring or bound upward from one foot from the
ground and landing on the opposite foot
C. Practice
Divide the class into four groups. Assign a space for each group .Ask the class to explore the
general space by using the different locomotor movements. Play music during the activity.
Teaching variations:
1. In a mass formation, pupils can execute locomotor movements in any given space.
2. Assign each group with a given space design or pathway (ex. moving in circular pattern,
moving in square pattern, moving zigzag pattern etc.)
3. Assign each group to move in various levels( ex. moving in low,middle level, or high level,
or combination of the three.)
After the practice activity, gather the pupils and ask the following:
Sum up the responses of the pupils and tell to the class that mastery of the locomotor
movements will surely guide them in moving properly in general space.
General space is an unlimited area where you move from one place to
another. It is all the space within a room, gymnasium, an outdoor space, or a boundary
that a body can occupy. Locomotor movements are generally used in defining the
general space. Locomotor movements are movements that transfer the body from one
place to another. Some examples of these are walking, running, jumping, hopping,
skipping. Sliding, and leaping.
E. Application
Tell the pupils to stay with their groupmates and present this challenging activity.
With the same set groups, ask each group to form a straight line. A chair can be
used as the turning point for each group for the locomotor race.The groups will
compete each member of the group will do the locomotor movements that the
teacher will identify. Each player will move from the starting line, go around the chair,
return to the line and tag the next person. The first group to finish the race for each
locomotor movement gets a point.
Emphasize the proper execution of the locomotor movement and ensure safety
during the performance.
Group 2 Pupils in line
F. Closing Activity
After the activity ask the class to form a circle. Lead the class in the loosen up activity (cool
down/stretching exercise) activity. Play relaxing music.
IV. Assessment:
Match the words in column A with the movements in column B.
Write the letter of the correct answer on the line before the number.
______3. Run c. continuous step in any
______4. Jump d. movements that transfer
the body from one
another place
______5. Hop e. to spring on one foot and
land on the same foot
______6. Skip f. continuous, transfer, and
______7. Slide g. involves gliding the sole of one foot along the f
h. It is to spring or bound upward from one foot
______8. Leap from the ground and landing on the opposite
3. On a scale of 1 5, with 1 as the lowest and 5 as the highest, how could you rate your
performance in all the activities?
4. Color the stars that will describe your overall performance.
5 stars Excellent
2 stars Fair
1 star Poor
V. Assignment:
A .Ask the class to cut five pictures of physical activities that show different locomotor
movements. Paste it on bond paper. Tell them to submit the work next meeting. Ask them to
do advance reading of the next lesson.
Ask the following:
Can you identify the tempo of the music?
Is it fast or slow?
Can you clap underplaying beat?
Can you identify the time signature?
Can you count the rhythmic pattern?
C. Developmental Activities
Note: The procedure should be delivered in MTB
Ask: How did you feel while doing the activities?
Did you enjoy dancing?
Did you perform the steps properly?
How did you appreciate our Philippine culture through Folk
D. Generalization The dance Tiklos is in 2 4 time music with
countings of 1 2, 1 and 2, in a measure. The
common dance steps of Tiklos are change
step, heel and toe change step, cut step and
point step.
E. Application
Ask the pupils to perform the different steps of the dance.
F. Closing Activities
Ask the pupils sing any song they learned from Lesson 2.
IV. Assessment:
Needs Improvement
Very Good
V. Assignment:
B. Skill/s: Dancing
(Background Information for Teacher
2. Warm-up activities
There teacher will review dance steps to the tune of “It’s A Small World”
Steps Step pattern
Heel and Toe - heel place, point toe
The pupils must choose their partners and form _____ columns.
Upon the signal of the teacher,
each column must perform the steps.
D. Developmental Activities:
Note: The procedures should be delivered in MTB
Teacher will lead the pupils in dancing Tiklos.
FORMATION: Partners must stand opposite each other at adistance of six feet . When
facing audience, the girl stand at the boy’s right side. Any number of pairs may join this
Vol. 2
-- I --
Music A. Partners face front. Throughout this figure Girls holds her skirt, Boy
places hands on waist.
(a) Starting with R foot, take two heel and toe changes steps forward. . . . . 4 M
(b) Execute change step sideward, R and L. . . . …………………………….. 2 M
(c) Starting with R foot, take four steps backward to proper places. . . . . . . . . 2 M
(d) Repeat all (a-c). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …………………………... 8 M
Music B. Partners face front. The same hand position as in figure I.
(a) Cut L backward (ct. 1), cut R forward (ct. 2). Repeat all (cts. 1, 2). ……... 2M
(b) Take 3 galop steps sideward right (cts. 1, ah,
2, ah, 1 ah) step R foot sideward (ct. 2). . . .. . …………………………….. 2M
(c) Repeat (a), starting with R cut backward. . . . ……………………………… 2M
(d) Repeat (b), going sideward left. . . . . . . . . . . . …………………………….. 2M
(e) Repeat all (a-d). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …………………………... 8M
Music A. Partners face each other. Throughout this figure clap hands in front
of chest in this manner: Clap three times (cts. 1, and, 2), clap twice (cts.1, 2). Do this for
sixteen measures.
(a) Execute change step sideward, starting with R foot (cts. 1, and, 2). hop on R
and raise L knee in front swinging L foot obliquely right backward across R
knee in front
(ct. 1), hop on R and swing L foot obliquely left
forward (ct. 2). ……………………………………………………………….. 2 M
(b) Repeat (a) starting with the L foot. . . . . . . . . ……………………………... 2 M
(c) Execute a three-step turn right in place
(cts. 1, and 2). Point L in front (ct. 1), point the
same foot close to R (ct. 2). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …………………………… 2 M
(d) Repeat (c), starting with L foot and turning left. ……………………………. 2 M
(e) Repeat all (a-d). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …………………………... 8 M
-- I V --
Music B.
Partners face each other. The same position of hands as in figure I.
(a) Take two touch steps in front (R, L). . . . . . . . . . …………………………… 2M
(b) Jump to cross R in front of L (ct. 1), jump to
cross L in front of R (ct. 2), jump to cross R in
front of L (ct. 1), jump to close R to L
(ct. 2). . . . . . . . . . . . . . ………………………... . . …………………………. 2M
(c) Repeat (a) and (b), starting with L foot. . . .. . . …………………………….. 4M
(d) Repeat all (a-c). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ………………………….. 8M
Did you enjoy dancing the Tiklos?
How does it feel to dance one of our Philippine folk dances?
E. Generalization
Tiklos is a dance which originated from peasants who agree to
work together weekly to clear the forest and prepare the soil for planting.
The dance has four figures done in 2 4 time music. The basic steps are
change step, heel and toe change step, changing step, point step and
cut step.
E. Application
After the pupils have learned the danceTiklos group them into four. Each group will be
assigned to a station. At each station they will dance to a figure of the dance tiklos.
Station 1 – Figure 1
Station 2 – Figure 2
Station 4 – Figure 4
After a certain period, ask the groups to proceed to the next station until all groups
have been to all the stations.
F. Closing Activities:
Play the music of Tiklos again. Each group must perform some stretching exercises
as cool down..
IV. Assessment:
Answer the following questions:
3. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 as the lowest and 5 as the highest, how will you rate your
dance performance?
5 stars Excellent
3 stars Good
2 stars Fair
1 star Poor
V. Assignment:
Ask the pupils to practice and be familiar with the different Tiklos dance steps.
I. Objectives:
1. Familiarize basic rhythmic positions
2. Perform rhythmic routines using bao
3. Demonstrate different steps confidently
2. Warm Up Activities
Ask the pupils do the warm up exercises on LM pp.85-87.
Jog in place 16 cts.
Breathing exercise 16 cts.
Stand in stride positions, place hands
on waist, head bending forward,
B. Preparatory Activities
Group Activity:
After the warm-up, the teacher will demonstrate the bao movements by
Clicking forward Clicking behind Clicking obliquely
Clicking overhead Clicking under Clicking sideward left
your knee
How did you feel while performing the activity?
C. Developmental Activities
(Note: The procedure should be delivered in MTB)
Figure 1
Starting position: Stand straight and face the audience.
a. Step right foot forward ct. 1, click hands forward feet together..ct. 2
b. Repeat with the left foot forward..cts 3 – 4
c. Step right foot backward..ct.5, clap hands forward feet together..6
d. Repeat to the left foot..cts 7 – 8
e. Step right foot sideward..ct. 1, click hands overhead feet together..ct. 2
f. Do it two times alternately with the left.
Figure 2
Starting position: Stand straight and face the audience.
a. Take two stride steps to the right,
arms sideward. ct. 1
b. Click bao on the chest, feet together. cts. 2 ct. 3-4
c. Repeat with the left foot
d. Repeat (a-b) 16 cts.
e. Do it forward and backward
Stride step to the right, arms in diagonal
position, (R) arm up, weight on right leg ct.1
f. Raise and bend left knee in front, click
hands on chest ct. 2
g. Repeat with the left foot cts. 3- 4
h. Do it alternately sideward to form a
square and back to starting position. 16 cts.
g. Do it two times. 16 cts.
Figure 3
a. Start with your right foot, step sideward ct. 1 and hop on the same foot twice, clap
hands obliquely upward (cts.2,3)
b. Repeat with your left foot
c. Do it alternately forward and backward
d. Starting with your right foot, take three steps, (cts.1,2,3)
raise left knee and in front, click hands once under
your knee. (ct. 4)
e. Repeat with your left foot.
f. Do a 3-step turn to the right in place (cts,1,2,3),
and face front ct.4
(Repeat Figures 1 to 3 )
Ask these questions after the activity.
1. What implements were used in the activity? (bao)
2. What locations are involved in performing?(in front, overhead, under)
3. What directions did you use in performing? forward, backward, sideward, upward)
4. What levels were applied in performing the activity?(high, middle, low)
D. Remember:
We used coconut shells (bao) in our activity. Performing the activity properly
confidently and working cooperatively develops poise and leads to better
E.. Application
Group the class into four. Ask each group create and perform their own bao
F. Closing Activities
Ask the pupils to spell the word coconut by singing a song.
by: Marybeth Jito
N – u – t, n – u – t
IV. Assessment
Ask the pupils perform the figure while singing “Jack and Jill”
After the pupils perform the bao rhythmics, grade them according to the criteria
Activities Score
V. Assignment
1. Ask the pupils to practice the different figure that they learned.
2. Ask them to study locations, directions, levels, pathways and planes involves
in bao rhythmics.
I. Objectives
1. Describe correct way of handling a ball during rhythmic routines
2. Perform correct way of handling a ball during rhythmic routines.
3. Have fun in handling a ball during rhythmic routines.
2. Warm-up Activities
Refer to the warm up exercises on pages 85 to87 of the Lesson 1. You may
play background music.
You must do the warm up before performing the activity.
B. Preparatory Activity
Direction: The teacher will do a lecture -demonstration on hand and feet
movements with the use of a ball.
Figure I
S.P. Stand with feet together, hands on chest level ,palms facing down
,elbows out
a. Half-knee bend, raise your hand
Forward at chest level palms
facing down counts 1, 2
b. Position counts 3, 4
c. Heels raise hands overhead counts 5, 6
d. Position counts 7, 8
Figure II
S.P. Stand with feet together hands on chest level elbows out
a. Stride stand position, arms sideward counts 1, 2
b. Bend trunk to right, bring left arm
close to the right on an overhead
position counts 3, 4
c. Return to original position counts 5, 6
d. Close right foot to left foot, hands
on chest level elbows out counts 7, 8
e. Repeat all a to d to the left
Figure III
S.P. Stand with feet together ,hands on chest level elbows out
a. Step right foot forward,
hands overhead count 1
b. Kick left foot forward, hands
forward at shoulder level count 2
c. Repeat a and b
starting with the left foot counts 3, 4
d. Repeat a to b counts 5, 6
e. Cross left foot over right,
toe touching the floor,
hands on chest count 7
f. Tip toe turning right ,
finish facing opposite direction count 8
g. Repeat all to f end
facing original position 8 counts
C. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
Say: The ball is an implement that can serve as an extension of our bodies.
Remember to use the ball carefully and purposely. Our targets for this
activity,aside from the rhythmic routines are locations, directions, levels and
Locations - refer to behind, infront, under, over, personal space, and general
Directions - refer to linear-forward and backward, lateral sideward and multi-
Levels - refer to high, middle, low
Planes - refer to diagonal, horizontal, vertical, rotational
Figure I
S.P. Stand with feet together ,with ball on chest level elbows out
a. Move ball forward count 1
b. Position count 2
c. Move ball upward count 3
d. Position count 4
e. Repeat all a to d 4 counts
Figure II
S.P. Stand with feet together ,ball on chest level elbows out
a. half-knee bend, move ball forward
with elbows straight at counts 1, 2
b. Position counts 3, 4
c. Raise heels, ball upward
(overhead) counts 5, 6
d. Position counts 7, 8
e. Repeat a to d 8 counts
Figure III
S.P. Stand with feet together ,ball on chest level elbows out
a. Step right foot sideward,
raise arms sideward with ball on the
right hand counts 1, 2
b. Bend trunk to right,
bring left arm close to the right on an
overhead position counts 3, 4
c. return to a, counts 5, 6
d. Close right foot to left foot,
ball on chest counts 7, 8
e. Repeat all a to d to the left
What pathways are implemented?
Straight? (High, middle, low)
What planes were applied?
(Horizontal, Vertical, Rotational)
What did you do while your teacher was giving instructions?
(Listened and cooperated actively)
Did you enjoy performing rhythmic routines?
D. Remember
Ribbons, hoops, balls, wands, and any indigenous or improvised material are
simple implements which enhance body movements and develop body coordination,
balance and flexibility during rhythmic exercises. These materials can serve as
extensions of our body.
vertical and horizontal
E.. Application
Group the class into four. Let each group create and perform their own ball
IV. Assessment
Assess yourself:
2. What did you observe about following parts of your body while doing Figure II
Head ____________________________________
Eyes ____________________________________
Feet ____________________________________
Arms ____________________________________
Trunk ____________________________________
3. Why do you need proper warm up before doing the different figure?
4. Did you find the activities easy or difficult to do?Check ( )the box that marches
your performance.
Activities Easy Difficult
Half-knee bend
Heels raise hands over head
Stride stand position
Cross left foot over right
V. Assignment:
A. Ask the pupils to practice the different movements that they learned.
B.Tell the pupils to bring pictures of a basketball player in action.
I. Objectives
1. Describe proper throwing and catching of a ball
2. Demonstrate properly the basic throwing and catching positions at different levels
and directions.
3. Participate actively in throwing and catching the ball
Lead-up Game – means a highly organized game that focuses on sports skills
without actually playing the sports in its entirety
Catching – means receiving and controlling of an object by the body or its parts.
Passing/Throwing – means transferring an object to another player in the same
B. Preparatory Activity
What actions are shown in the pictures?
Can you identify the movements
What object is in the pictures?
Do you think you can perform shown the correct ways of catching and throwing?
Bounce Catch
Ask the pupils to form a circle and select a leader. The leader throws a
rubber ball into the air and calls a number. The pupils try to catch the ball after the
leader says the number of times it should bounce. For example, if the leader yells the
number 5, then the players will try to catch the ball after it hits the ground 5 times or
before it hits the ground on the 6th time. The pupils will compete one another The
player who correctly catches the ball become the next leader.
2. Ask:
What actions are shown in the picture?
Can you identify the movement?
What object is shown in the pictures?
Do you think you can perform the correct ways of catching
and throwing?
C. Developmental Activity
Note: The procedure should be delivered in MTB
A. Activity 1: Let’s Play!
Lead-up games
Title: Catch and Pass Relay
Materials: whistle, rattan ball/plastic ball
Playing area: playground covered court
No. of participants: Two teams (Class)
Fitness Component: Strength, Agility, Flexibility
Rules: Arrange two teams in files. The teams must stand behind the
starting line. The opposing teams must face each other or a distance
of 5 meters.
Mechanics of the game:
1. The starter play of both teams holds the
rattan/plastic ball and throws to his team mates.
2. The second player will catch the flying ball down the
line, and throw to the next player who are now on
the opposite ends.
3. The third player of both teams will repeat the
movement then, and so on.
4. The last player who will catch and hold the ball will
run at the back of the starting line and give the ball to the starter
player of each team.
5. The team that finishes first wins.
The teacher will explain and demonstrate the proper ways of catching and
throwing/passing of a ball. Ask the pupils to do the correct movements correctly.
- Get a partner. Your partner will throw or pass the ball to you.
Note: The manner of catching the basketball depends on the height of the ball and
the route where it is intercepted
Look at the ball.
Try to open your arms and hands and get ready to catch the ball.
There should be a coordination of the eyes and the movement of arms and hands.
The legs must be in a stride position with knees slightly bent.
Note: The two-hand over arm pass is used for shorter passes.
The ball is held overhead with arms slightly bent.
Note: The chest pass is the most effective pass; It is commonly used and done in
short distances.
Use your fingertips in holding the ball
Elbows must be pointed out and kept close to the sides of the body
With thumbs downward, push the ball forward. Take a fast release with a quick snap
of the wrists.
The ball rebounds at the waist level of the catcher.
Do you really know the proper ways of catching and passing/throwing? If you do, you
can apply these well in the different lead –up games that you will play.
D. Generalization
Proper ways of throwing and catching a ball at
different levels and directions will help develop strength,
agility and flexibility. It will also improve your skills in
playing ballgames like softball, baseball and basketball.
E. Application
Enjoyable Game
Passing and Catching by Rows
Materials: whistle, rubber ball, plastic ball
Note: Play lively background music to make the game lively
Divide the class into four equal groups.
Make four columns with 3 to 4 meters apart.
Columns 1 and 2 must face each other and compose Team A.
Columns 3 and 4 must face each other and compose Team B.
Ask the first player of the group to hold the rubber ball.
At a given signal, the first player of the group tosses the ball to his/her
partner. The partner catches the ball and tosses it to the next member of
the team. When the ball reaches the last player, he/she tosses it back
until it reaches the first player.
If the ball falls, the member who loses it, picks it up, returns to his/her
place, and starts tossing again.
The group that finishes first wins the game.
Did you like the game?
F. Closing Activity:
Ask the pupils to form a square and sing the following song with actions to
the tune of Kumusta Ka.
Magmartsa ka (2X)
Humarap sa katapat
At tingnan mo siya.
IV - Assessment:
Directions: Get a partner. You and your partner must do the task properly. After
showing the skills, rate each other.
5 – Excellent
4 – Very Satisfactory
3 – Satisfactory
2 – Good
1 – Poor
V. Assignment
DRAFT Ask the pupils to practice throwing and catching a ball at home.
I. Objectives
1. Describe how the game Karera ng Bao is played
2. Play the “Karera ng Bao”or coconut stilts using levels and directions.
3. Engage in fun and enjoyable physical activities.
Note: Tiyakad is a native game that uses bamboo or coconut stilts.
Kahandakan-in Mindoro
Tiyakad-in Tagalog
A. Standing:
a. Hands on waist, inhale and exhale ……. 8 cts
b. Hands on waist, half knee bend …… 8 cts
c. Jumping Jack ……16 cts
B. Knee bend
a. Half knee bend walking forward …… 8 cts
b. Half knee bend walking backward ……8 cts
c. Full Knee bend walking forward ..... 8 cts
d. Full Knee bend walking backward ……8 cts
B. Preparatory Activities
1. Presentation
Show a picture of Tiyakad Race.
Ask the pupils to study the pictures and answer the questions below.
a. Are you familiar with this picture?
(Note: Point out the difference of Tiyakad with bamboo stilts and Tiyakad with
coconut stilts)
C. Developmental Activities
Activity 1: Walking Relay
Walking on Straight Line
(Preparatory for activity 2)
Arrange two teams in files. The teams must stand behind the starting
line. The opposing teams must be 5 meters away from each other.
(Note: The number members of the team will depend on number of the class)
Rules: The feet must be on the line while walking.
1. The first player holds his/her knees while walking down the line
on the way to the goal mark
2. Upon reaching the goal, the player touches the line with both
hands, turns around and returns to the starting line with heels up
and then walks on toes.
3. The first player tags the second player and goes to the end of the
4. The second player repeats the first player is actions then tags the
third player, and so on.
5. The team that finishes first will be the winner.
Did you like the game?
What are the directions of movement in the game?
Which part of the game has a forward direction?
Did you still remember the levels of movement?
Did you perform the levels of movement in the game?
What level? Was it high? low? medium?
How did you go on the line?
Which part of your body felt the balance?
Activity 2:
Each player must have a pair of coconut stilts. This is made by boring a
hole into one of the “eyes” of half of a coconut shell. A string, about one or
two meters long, depending on the height of the player is pulled through
the hole and a big sturdy knot is tied inside the shell at the bottom end.
Ground preparation: Two parallel lines are drawn 10 meters apart. One is
the starting line and the other is the finish line.
1. The two players stand side by side on the starting line.
2. Each player puts coconut shells under the feet, pulling the string
between the big toe and holding the loose ends.
3. At a given signal, the two players will walk with their coconut stilts toward
the goal line at high level position.(hold the string in a chest level
4. Upon reaching the goal line, player will turn around with stilts and return
to the starting line at a low level position.(hold the string at chest level)
5. The first player to reach the starting line will be the winner.
1. How is the “Karera ng Bao” played?
2. What materials were used in this game?
3. Was the game enjoyable?
4. For the winning group, what did you do to win?
5. What values did you show during the game?
6. Did you show alertness and self-discipline during the game?
7. If you are in the losing group, what will you do better next time?
Indigenous games refers to traditional games that reflect some cultural traits
of a group and show a flavor of local culture in the form of exercises. Karera
ng Bao is one of these games. It uses two pairs of Bao with strings.
Level defines the relationship of the body to the floor , apparatus or height
in space whether it is low, medium or high.
E. Application
Divide the class into four. Make four columns. Ask each group to perform the Karera ng
Bao or a low level position.
F. Closing Activity
Ask the pupils form an oval shape and sing the song with actions to the tune
of “Dito ay Masaya”.
Maglaro Tayo
by: Sonny F. Meneses Jr.and Rhodora B. Pena
Lahat tayo’y
Tumatalon –talon
At lumakad- lakad
Tumalon -talon at lumakad -lakad
IV. Assessment:
A. Put a check ( ) mark on the space provided for if the statement describes the
game Karera ng Bao. Put cross (X) mark if does not.
_____1. Karera ng Bao is a kind of indigenous game.
_____2. A ball is used as a material for the game.
_____3. Each player puts coconut shells under the feet, pulling the string
between the big toe and holding the loose ends
_____4. Balance of the body is required in the game.
_____5. Karera ng Bao needs leg strength.
V. Assignment:
Ask the pupils to do research for some indigenous games that are unique to
your region.
I. Objectives:
1. Describe the speed and direction of movement when a person travels from one
place to another
2. Show varied ways of movement in response to various tempos
3. Associate and enjoy in doing the activities with group mates
Divide the class into small groups. Ask the groups to imitate a slow
or fast animal movement when the teacher calls the group.
(Thechildren will do the action as the teacher calls the group.)
2. Warm-Up Activities
Tell the class to do the activities in Lesson 1 of the Quarter 3 LM.
B. Preparatory Activities
Use the same groups,
First Round:
All groups will imitate the movement of an elephant (walking).
Second Round:
All groups will imitate the movement of a rabbit (hop or leap).
Third Round:
All groups will imitate the movement of a horse (gallop).
Group A
Group B
Group C
Ask the 3 groups to perform the gallop movement to the music “Sitsiritsit” (If there is
no music, let the children sing.)
Round I
In Fast Movement
This time the children will move like turtle to“Bahay Kubo” music.
Round II
In Slow Movement
How did you perform the movement while moving with fast and slow music?
D. Generalization:
E. Application
Using flash cards, ask the groups to identify and execute
the movement sof the animals in the pictures.
Identify animals and mechanical objects that move in various tempos. Write inside the
correct boxes
D. Closing Activity:
IV. Assessment:
3. Turn _____________________
V. Assignment:
Tell pupils to cut two pictures: a slow moving vehicles and a fast moving vehicle.
Paste it on a short bond paper.
I. Objectives:
1. Form three groups with the following names: Catching, Throwing, and
Rolling. Let them sing “Where is the Catching Group” to the tune of “Are You
How many members are there in the catching group? (We are ten
lacking two because each group is composed of twelve members)
How about the throwing group? How many are you there? (We are
Rolling group, how many are you there? (We are eleven)
How many are present? How many are absent?
(Integration: Following directions, counting numbers and telling time.)
2. Warm-up activities:
Test for Accuracy: Wall Pass Test
Position: Hold a basketball.Stand facing the wall behind the line..
Movement: Throw the ball against the wall, and catch. Repeat as quickly as
possible. You must stay behind the line all the time. You can
throw the ball any way you want. Score: Your score is the number
of hits on the wall in fifteen seconds.
Rhythm: Rhythm refers to a relationship of time and force. Have you heard
a bird sing, heard or someone typing? These events took a
certain length of time, had a beginning and an end, had a
variation in force, intensity, and accent. The relationship of time
and force is called rhythmic organization. Your movement has a
rhythmic organization, a beginning and an end, and varying
degrees of intensity of force.
3. Review
If the song is Bahay Kubo, what speed/ tempo would you be using?
(slow movement)
If the song is Sitsiritsit, what speed/ tempo should you use? (fast
Look at the pictures below. What do you see in the pictures? What are the
children doing? Can you also do it?
C. Developmental Activity
Let the pupils sing “Catching, Throwing and Rolling” to the tune of” Are you
Sleeping?” with the time signature of 44 .
What movement skills did you hear in the song? (catching,
throwing, rolling)
How did you perform the movements?(some are fast and
some are slow)
What directions were given?(forward, backward, sideward,
upward, right, left)
Did you enjoy it? (yes) ? (very much)
DRAFT D. Generalization:
Tell your pupils to form two lines facing each other at a distance of 3 to 5 meters.
: Throw and catch the ball (junior size) with your partner in a slow
manner. Direct your throw to your partner so he/she can catch it.
Second Round : Throw the ball upward. Your partner should catch it on its way
down so it will not fall.
F. Closing Activity:
Let the pupils sing again for mastery “Catching, Throwing and Rolling
IV. Assessment:
Evaluate your skills based on your performance for manipulative movements. Put a smile
figure on the space that matches to your answer.
Two smiles for the group who performed with more than
five errors
V. Assignment:
They learned.
B. Ask them cut pictures of children throwing, catching or rolling any
I. Objectives:
1. Identify the dance steps in Kunday-kunday
2. Execute change step, point step, kumintang, arms in lateral position and arms in
reverse T- position correctly.
3. Enjoy practicing the dance steps and arm movements and positions learned
Kunday means to move the hands gracefully similar to kumintang is used in
dances in the Tagalog regions.
Learning Activities:
A. Routinary Activities
1. Checking of attendance and P.E. uniform
B. Preparatory Activities
Ask how the pupils feel after doing the activity. Give brief comments on their
performance as a class. If the first performance was not good then you could
give another chance.
C. Developmental Activities
1. Introduce the new dance by playing the music of Kunday-kunday.
a. Ask whether the music is slow or fast.
b. Ask them to move their body parts in time to the music.
c. Ask them to feel the rhythm by clapping their hands softly to the
2. Introduce the meaning of Kunday, its nature and description.
(Note to the Teacher)
April 11, 2014
Arms in Lateral Position – place both arms at one side, either sideward right
or sideward left
Arm in Reverse T-Position – Place the arms at the side horizontally, the
elbows bent at a right angle, the forearms parallel to the head, and the palms
forward or facing inward.
Change Step – Step right foot sideward, close left to the right and step in
place with the right foot
Step right foot Close left foot to Step right foot in
Touch Step. Point right foot forward, close right to the left. Repeat with your
left foot.
D. Remember
E. Application
Group the pupils into four. Let them perform arm position/movements and the
dance steps of Kunday-Kunday
F. Closing Activity
Let them share their experiences in performing position/ movements and the dance
steps of Kunday-Kunday.
IV. Assessment:
Ask the pupils to:
Combine the movements learned with 16 counts each
Move in time with the music after practice time
Do each task properly and ask your partner to rate your performance by using the
following ratings:
5 – Excellent 2 – Somewhat Dissatisfactory
4 – Very Satisfactory 1- Dissatisfactory
5 4 3 2 1
1. Change Step
2. Touch Step or Point step
3. Kumintang
4. Arms in Lateral Position
5. Arms in Reverse T Position
V. Assignment:
Let the pupils practice the different arm positions/ movements and the dance
steps of Kunday-Kunday at home.
I. Objectives:
1. Learn to appreciate the values of folk dancing.
2. Dance Kunday Kunday properly.
3. Develop good coordination of body movements while dancing Kunday
kunday. It is used in Tagalog regions in connection with hand movements. The Kunday
movements isnoticeable in this dance.
a. Use the arm movements and the dance steps learned. Use the
music of Kunday kunday so the students will be familiar with the
music and the rhythm.
C. Developmental Activities
Teach Figure IV. Let the students dance figure IV by counting
and then with music.
g. Let the pupils dance Figures I to IV with music.
h. Let the students dance Kunday kunday,this time considering the
directions where they are facing.
3. Repeat the dance two or three times so that the pupils will learn the
dance well and find it interesting.
(Francisco Reyes Aquino)
Vol. ____
FORMATION. Partners stand about six feet apart, facing audience, Girl at the right of the
Music introduction.
Point R foot in front (ct. 1), point sideward (ct. 2), point in front (ct. 1), close R to L (ct.
2) Girl holds skirt, Boy places
hands on waist................................................................................................................. 2M
- I -
Music A.
Partners face front.
(a) Starting with R foot, take four change steps forward. Kumintang R and L hand
alternately at every measure, free hand on waist, Kumintang hand two times for every
measure ( 1ct. for each
kumintang)....................................................................................................................... 4M
(b) Step R foot backward (ct. 1), point L in front (ct. 2), Kumintang R hand, L hand on
waist................................................................................................................................ 1M
(c) Repeat (b), three more times L, R, L. Reverse position of hands every
measure........................................................................................................................... 3M
(d) Repeat all (a-c)............................................................................................. 8 M
- III -
Music A.
Partners face each other.
(a) Change step forward R (cts. 1, and , 2). Hands as in
figure I (a).................................................................................. ............... 1M
(b) Point L in front (cts. 1, 2). R arm in reverse “T” position (no kumintang), L hand
on waist....................................................1 M
Turn right about.
(c) Repeat (a) and (b), starting with L foot to meet at center. Reverse position of
hands........................................................................ ...................................................... 2M
(d) Repeat (a-c), moving backward to proper places ........................................ 4 M
(e) Repeat all (a-d)............................................................................................. 8 M
- IV -
Music B.
Partners face front.
(a) Starting with R foot, take three steps forward (cts. 1, 2, 1), close L to R (ct. 2). L
hand on waist, R arm in reverse “T” position and kumintang on ct. 2 of second
measure......................................................................................................................... 2M
(b) Repeat (a), starting with L foot. Reverse position of arms......................... 2M
(c) Change steps sideward R and L. Hands as in figure I (a)......................... 2M
(d) Four-step turn right about in place. Girl holds skirt, Boy places hands on
waist.............................................................................................................................. 2M
(e) Repeat all (a-d). Finish with a bow to partner on last count of last
measure............................................................................................. ........................... 8M
D. Generalization:
artistic hand movement, they are asked to kunday. It is used in
Tagalog regions in connection with hand movements. The Kunday
movement is noticeable in this dance.
E. Application
Repeat the dance two or three times so that you will learn the interesting dance well.
IV. Assessment:
Activities 5 4 3 2 1
1. I executed the following steps correctly
a. Change step
b. Point step
2. I executed the following arm position
movements correctly.
a. Kumintang
b. Arms in lateral position
c. Arms in reverse T position
3. I mastered the sequence of the dance.
4. I enjoyed the dance with my partner.
5. I find the dance interesting and enjoyable.
V. Assignment
Let the pupils practice Kunday kunday at home.
April 11, 2014
I. Objectives:
1. Identify basic movement skills using rings
2. Perform rhythmic routines with rings
3. Enjoy creative works with the use of rings
develops body coordination, gracefulness, and confidence. It also measures how well
the body moves to the rhythm of the music.
It is important that one should understand and master the proper use of the
ring. The elements of time, force, and flow can be used in simple rhythmic routines.
Column A Column B Column C
Hold ring forward Hold ring upward Hold ring obliquely right
April 11, 2014
Hold ring sideward
Hold ring downward Hold ring on chest
Hold ring upward Hold ring sideward Hold ring sideward
left left
How did you feel while doing the proper way of handling the ring?
B. Developmental Activities:
Rhythmic exercises with ring.
The teacher will show the ring to the pupils .
Demonstrate to the pupils the skills and figures.
Ask the pupils to perform the movements with ring. (Pupils counter
The teacher will guide properly the same groups in executing the figures.
4. What flow is applied?(smoothness of movement)
5. Where you able to perform the figures properly?
C. Generalization
D. Application
With the same groups, repeat the movements with the ring and execute
the figures well.
E. Closing Activity
“Jake and Jean “
(To the tune of Jack and Jill, By: Voltair C. Asildo)
(Ulitin hanggang matapos ang figure 4)
IV. Assessment:
The teacher will rate the pupils according to their performance by using the following
5 – Excellent
4 – Very Good
3 – Good
2 – Fair
1- Needs Improvement
Activities 5 4 3 2 1
Executed the proper way of
manipulating the ring
Followed the steps accurately with
Performed and moved the body to the
rhythm of the music
Showed cooperation in working with
the group
V. Assignment:
I. Objectives:
1. Describe the correct body mechanics in doing rhythmic routines with a ball
2. Perform rhythmic routines with a ball
3. Enjoy performing rhythmic routines with a ball
Time- refers to slow, slower, slowest/ fast, faster, fastest
Force- refers to light, lighter, lightest/ strong, stronger, strongest
Flow- refers to smoothness of movement
B. Preparatory Activity:
The teacher will first do the lecture-demo on hands and feet movements with
proper posture.
Let the pupils perform hand and feet movements
Figure I
Standing Position: Stand feet together hands on chest level palms
facing down elbows out
a. Bounce ball count 1
b. Catch ball count 2
c. Repeat a and b counts 3, 4
Figure II
Standing Position: Stand feet together hands on chest level elbows
a. Swing ball circle to the right, ball backward-forward
counts 1,2
b. Repeat to the left counts 3, 4
c. Repeat all 4 counts
Figure III
Standing Position: Stand feet together hands on chest level elbows
a. Throw ball upward, raising arms obliquely
Upward count 1
b. Catch count 2
c. Single bounce on the floor, swing arm
Sideward-downward count 7
d. Catch count 4
C. Developmental Activity
1. Presentation
Say: We will use this ball in rhythmic routines in response to time, force and
flow. Emphasize the following qualities of effort:
Lecture – Demo the movements by figure and afterwards let the students have
enough practice time.
Rhythmic Exercises with Ball in response to Time, Force and Flow
Figure I
Standing Position: Stand feet together with ball on chest level elbows out
a. Bounce ball, swing arms downward-sideward count 1
b. Catch ball count 2
c. Repeat a and b counts 3, 4
d. Half-knee bend trunk slightly leaning forward,
bounce ball 3 times with both hands counts 5, 6
e. Position 7, 8
Figure II
Standing Position: Stand feet together ball on chest level elbows out
a. Half-knee bend, twist trunk to the right,
swing the ball circle,backward-forward counts 1, 2
b. Repeat to the left counts 3, 4
c. Throw ball upward (overhead), raising arms
obliquely upward count 5
d. Catch count 6
e. Single bounce on the floor, swing arm
sideward-downward count 7
f. Catch to position count 8
Figure III
Standing Position: Stand feet together ball on chest level elbows out
a. Starting with the R foot take 3 steps
forward (R,L,R) walk forward with
bent knee and stretching slowly in
every step counts 1,2,3
b. Hop on right, bend left knee forward,
ball in upward position count 4
c. Full turn right, walk backward starting
with the left foot (L,R,L) pulling ball
slowly downward towards the chest in
every step counts 5,6,7
d. Close right foot to left foot ,ball on chest count 8
Figure IV
Standing Position: Stand feet together ball on chest level elbows out
a. From starting position, step right foot
sideward, swing ball to the right count 1
b. Close left foot to right foot, swing ball
to the left count 2
What implements did you use?
Which part of the figure is fast?
Half-knee bend trunk while bouncing the ball
Walk forward with bent knee
Step right foot sideward, swing ball to the right
Do you think you can dance gracefully? (Pupils will talk about the
process )
What did you do while your teacher shared the steps in rhythmic
activities? (Listen to your teacher and participate actively)
D. Generalization
E. Application
Use a ball and let the pupils perform again the rhythmic routines in
response to time, force and flow.
F. Closing Activity
Let the pupils sit down in a circle formation while singing Jake &
Jean (Refer to in Quarter 3 of TG)
IV. Assessment:
Standing Position:
Stride sitting position, ball on chest level elbows out
a. Sway body right and left
b. Twist trunk to the right, swing the ball
4 counts
Perform the rhythmic exercises with a ball preferably with music suited to the
Activities Score
Feet movements are done accurately
Hand movements are done correctly
Implements are well applied in every hand
Performed the whole rhythmic activity with
3- Very Good
2- Good
1- Fair
V. Assignment:
Let the pupils practice the different movements which they learned.
April 11, 2014
I. Objectives:
1. Describe the proper dribbling and shooting position.
2. Execute correct dribbling and shooting in a fun game.
3. Participate actively in dribbling and shooting activity.
dribbling hand in front and head up with eyes looking forward.
2. With very little arm motion, the ball is pushed with the
fingertips with a cupped and relaxed hand.
3. Practice dribbling alternately with both hands.
Shooting is an intricate skill in which players need to develop
consistent and proper techniques.
B. Preparatory Activity
1. Presentation:
Who among you love basketball?
Do you play basketball?
Do you watch basketball together with your family?
Let them share their experiences in watching basketball.
C. Developmental Activity
Activity 1
Performing the correct dribbling
Show pictures(high dribbling)
Explain to the pupils:
Head level – refers to dribbling the ball at the head level/head and
waist in between.
Waist level – refers to dribbling the ball at the waist level/waist and
knee in between.
Knee level – refers to dribbling the ball at the knee level/below.
Explain and execute the movements to pupils and let them follow.
1. Grip the sides of the ball
2. Let the ball bounce
3. Fingers are spread
4. Step into stride position
5. Follow through
Height level of dribbling is performed either slow or fast and depends on the
rhythm, speed and force.
The height of the ring depends on the height of the pupils.
Activity 2:
Performing Correct Shooting of the Ball
Teacher demonstrates the skills.
Process of shooting:
Activity 2:1
Materials: whistle, junior size basketball ball, pail
Playing area: Playground, covered court
No. of participants: 5 players
Fitness Component: accuracy
Direction: Arrange two teams in files. Teams stand behind the starting line.
Opposite is 10 meters away. (Note: 5 members in every team)
Mechanics of the game:
1. The first player of both teams holds the plastic ball and runs while
dribbling the ball (5 meters) towards the given line; The player stops
and immediately shoots the ball into the pail (another 5 meter
2. The second players of the teams will repeat the movement.
3. The team that finishes first wins.
Note: (1) ball for every player
Did you enjoy the game?
Were you able to bring the ball forward?
What do you need to do to score a point?
E. Application:
(Note: The teacher will describe the levels of dribbling during the game)
At a given signal the first player will dribble the ball according to the level of
dribbling assigned by the teacher in a zigzag direction towards the goal mark,
then turn around back to the starting line with the same movement.
The rest of the members will do the same .
The group that finishes first wins the game.
1. Did you enjoy the game?
2. Did you execute the proper way of dribbling?
3. Did you show sportsmanship in the game? How?
F. Closing Activity:
Let the pupils take a rest. Let them form a big circle sit “Indian style”.
IV – Assessment:
Choose a partner. You and your partner will do the task and answer the
Ask your partner to rate your performance.
3 – Excellent
2 – Good
1 – Satisfactory
No Skills 3 2 1
1 Do the low level dribbling.
2 Do the waist level dribbling.
3 Do the head level dribbling
4 Do the shooting of the ball at a far distance.
5 Do the shooting of the ball at a close distance.
V – Assignment:
Let the pupils read stories about indigenous games.
April 11, 2014
I. Objectives:
1. Describe the skills used in Tumbang Preso.
2. Walk, run and dodge in slow, moderate and fast pace in varying directions.
3. Play Tumbang Preso with vigor and enthusiasm
Give the children alternatives as a variation of ways to knock down
or make up the cones stand(either with their feet, heads, elbows,
knees etc.)
Explain to the pupils the meaning of the following:
Time demonstrates slow, slower, slowest/fast, faster, fastest
Force demonstrates light, lighter and strong movement.
Ankle rotation 8 counts 8 counts---16
Breathing (inhale, exhale) 8 counts 8 counts---16
B. Preparatory Activities:
1. Presentation:
Present a picture of creative game called Crazy Can.
Let the pupils describe and analyze the picture below
C. Developmental Activities
NOTE: This activity should be performed twice
Procedures should be delivered in MTB
Walking for slow moving
Running for fast moving
Crazy Can
Arrange two teams in files.( Be sure the teams are equal).
Teams stand behind the starting line.
Arrange 10 cans in two straight lines 5ft. apart and with 5 cones in
every line (Note: The number of members in a team will depend on
the class size.)
Rule: Do it with honesty.
1. When the music starts, the first player WALKS towards the file of
cans and knocks them down one by one. He then RUNS back to
the starting line to tag the next players who will now return the
cans to its upright position..
2. Knockdown all cans that are standing, while the buddy (partner)
will walk right after he/she is tagged by the starting player and
tries to return to upright position all the cans that are lying down.
The game continues up to the last player.
3. The team that finishes first wins.
a. What movements did you use in playing Crazy Can?
b. Did you enjoy playing the game?
c. What values did you practice while playing the game?
April 11, 2014
Let’s the pupils play Tumbang Preso. Let them use the skills they learned in Crazy
Activity 2. Tumbang Preso
upright position. Then the player will get the slipper and return to the starting line,
provided that he can escape being tagged by the “IT”.
Note: The “IT” cannot tag the player if the empty can is thrown outside the circle.
Did you play Tumbang Preso?
What skills did you apply while playing the game?
What are the important things to remember in playing Tumbang Preso in order to
play it better?
D. Generalization
Tumbang Preso is a game that calls for agility, accuracy
and speed. To do this, you need to walk, run and dodge in
in varying directions and speeds to avoid being tagged by
the “IT”. Your honesty, sportsmanship and self discipline
are tested.
E. Application
Let the pupils play another game.Invite your classmates to play Hilahang
Lubid (Tug of War) and use the skills you learned from the previous games.
April 11, 2014
Note to the teacher: The procedure should be delivered in MTB.
Two teams composed of 4 or more players form a row facing each other and grasp
each end of the rope. They stand at equal distance from the marked line at the
At the signal GO, both teams tug the rope to pull the other players over to their side.
They continue pulling against each other until one team crosses the marked line. The
team that entire pulls the other team over the line scores a point. The team players
repeat the whole procedure. The team that scores three points first wins the game
E. Closing Activity:
Let the pupils sing any song that they learned from past lesson.
IV. Assessment
Answer the following questions:
Note: (The assessment should be delivered in MTB)
V. Assignment:
Ask the pupils learn about other indigenous games in their locality.
Tell them to ask about the rules and materials of the games and write these in their
P.E. notebooks.
April 11, 2014
I. Objectives:
1. Describe locomotor and non locomotor movements in performing
2. Perform combined movements with partner and in group
3. Participate in fun and enjoyable physical activities
A. Routinary Activities
1. Checking of attendance
Ask the class to count off.
2. Warm Up Excercise
Refer to Quarter 1 TG Lessson I.
3. Review
Let the pupils recall the games they played last meeting.
B. Preparatory Activities
After doing the action song, did you stay at the same place?(No, we moved
to other places)
How do you call these two groups of movements put together?
(combination of Locomotor and Non-locomotor )
C. Developmental Activities
Note: The procedure should be delivered in MTB
Activity 1:
Ask the class to find a partner and form three groups. Let the pupils do the
activity while singing Sit-si-rit-sit.
Hold hands with your partner.
Walk towards the first cone and do you trunk bending.
Proceed to second cone and twist body from left to right.
Continue walking with partner .
Turn around the chair, run, hop, jump back to the line and tap the
next players.
The team whose players completes movements first wins.
In doing the activity were all the movements the same? Why? (No,
because we bend, hop, we walk)
What movements did you do in personal space?(bending, twisting)
How about in general space?(walking, running, jumping and
What types of movements did you combine?(locomotor and non
locomotor )
D. Generalization
E. Application
Action Song
Ask the pupils to form four circles.Let them do the movements while
singing the song “A Jumping We Will Do” to the tune of “A Hunting We Will
Note: The teacher will have to explain the context of this jumping activity.
(Note to teacher: You can change the song)
What movements did you perform while singing “ A Jumping We Will Do”?
( bend, walk, twist)
What did you do with the movements when you put these together?
Did you enjoy singing while moving?( yes)
F. Closing Activity
Let the pupils sing an action song with partner.
(Replace the underlined phrase with the Flying Birds, the Swaying Trees
and the Swimming Fish. )
IV. Assessment:
V. Assignment:
I. Objectives:
a. Familiarize manipulative skills with relationship to objects.
b. Perform the common manipulative skills correctly.
c. Enjoy the activities for fitness and fun.
d. Show self-determination in doing the activities.
A. Routinary Activity:
1. The teacher checks the attendance by counting off.
2. Warm up Excercise
Refer to Quarter 1 TG Lesson 1
3. Review
Show flash cards with different combined movements and ask the
pupils to perform the following:
B. Preparatory Activities:
The teacher holds a ball and shows it to the class
C. Developmental Activities
Note: The procedure should be delivered in MTB
Activity 1: Double Dribble
(Note: The teacher demonstrate the proper way of double dribble)
(Note: The procedures should be delivered in MTB.)
Mark a distance of at least ten meters between the starting line and
turning point.
The players must stand in the column behind the starting line.
Each player kicks the ball until the turning point and dribbles up to
the starting line.
The starting player will pass the ball to the does next player.
The second player catches the ball and the same activity as fast as
The first team to finish wins.
Pass the ball to the chosen player.
The chosen player catches and dribbles the ball three times.
The first player throws the ball back to the leader.
The Leader chooses again another player to do the same until all
members have played.
The member who does not catch and dribble the ball properly will be
asked to step out.
April 11, 2014Ask : What movements did you perform in doing the game? (dribble,
catch, throw)
Did you enjoy playing with your classmates? Why? (Yes, because
we learned to perform the skills with our classmates.)
D. Generalization
Manipulative skills are done with the use of light implements. These skills can
also be a combination of locomotor and non-locomotor movements.
For fun and excitement it is also important to interact with people while playing .
E. Application
“Pass it Please”
Form three big circles with the pupils with standing side by side.
When the music starts, pass the ball clockwise.
When the music stops, the pupil who holds the ball stops out of the
Play the music again and start passing the ball until all the players
are done .
F. Closing Activity:
Excellent Good Fair
Tell the pupils to be ready with your dance activity next meeting.
Quarter 4
I. Objectives:
1. Introduce the dance mixer to meet new partners.
2. Learn to appreciate the values of meeting new friends through a dance mixer
3. Have fun and enjoy performing a dance mixer
advanced partners.
Photos of: Pupils form two (2) big circles with boys in the
inside circle and facing counterclockwise, while girls are
in the outside circle and facing clockwise.
2. Instruct the pupils to move to the teacher’s counting.
3. The pupils should move clockwise and counter clockwise.
C. Developmental Activities
The teacher asks the pupils to sing Leron Leron Sinta several times.
Isang pinggang pansit ang aking kalaban
Let the pupils clap their hands as they sing the song.
Ask the pupils to march in place as they sing the song.
(Shaking Hands)
Ask the pupils:
D. Generalization:
Dance Mixers are fun and enjoyable because these create
camaraderie among the participants.
Value Infusion:
Participate and cooperate in the Dance Mixers to meet
new partners and make new friends.
E. Application
Ask the pupils to perform Dance Mixer using different types of music.
F. Closing Activity
Let the pupils share their experiences in meeting new friends through Dance Mixer.
IV. Assessment
Put a check ( ) if you agree with the faces that describe your answer and put an ( X
) if not
V. Assignment:
1. Tell to the pupils to introduce Dance Mixers to their friends and playmates.
2. Let them practice with their playmatesin their communities.
Quarter 4
Lesson 4: KAIBIGAN
Time allotment: 40 minutes
I. Objectives:
1. Learn the basic steps of Kaibigan.
2. Execute the dance movements correctly and with ease.
3. Enjoy performing the dances while listening to the musical beat.
A. Routinary Activities:
1. Checking of attendance and uniform
2. Warm-up Activities
Execute the following steps:
Step hop
Step swing
Walking clockwise
B. Preparatory Activities
Let the pupils sing the song:
Paruparong Bukid
(by: Jeorge Hernadez)
Sing it several times to be familiarize with the song.
The dancers should sing aloud as they perform the dance.
C. Developmental Activities
Note: The procedure should be delivered in MTB
Boy starts with the left foot and girl, with the right.
Music used is Paruparong Bukid. It is divided into two parts: A and B, played
Count one, two, three to a measure.
Couples are scattered informally around the room. Any number of participants
may take part in this dance.
Music Introduction
Figure I
Music A
(a) Partners hold in close ballroom dance position.
Execute fourteen waltz steps around the room going to any
direction...........................................................................................14 M
(b) Partners release hold. Boy places girl at his side.............................2 M
Figure II
Music B
Join inside hands, free hands down at sides.
(a) Starting with the R foot, take two steps-swings forward.................2 M
The dance may be repeated as many times as desired.
D. Generalization:
Kaibigan is one of the Dance Mixers that help pupils show their skills in following
directions.They meet new partners help create a comfortable atmosphere, and make
any socialization activity a success.
E. Application
Let the pupils look for another partner and perform the Kaibigan Dance Mixers.
F. Closing Activity
Let the pupils form a circle and be seated. Let them sing the song “Paruparong
IV. Assessment:
Answer the following questions: (Please see LM)
5 stars Excellent
4 stars – Very Good
3 stars Good
2 stars Fair
1 star Poor
V. Assignment:
1. Tell the pupils to get a partner and review the steps.
2. Let them present the dance gracefully to the class next meeting.
April 11, 2014
Quarter 4
I. Objectives:
1. Be familiar with the rhythmic movements of maracas.
2. Perform rhythmic routines with music using improvised maracas.
3. Demonstrate different steps of maracas rhythmic movements confidently.
A. Routinary Activities:
1. Checking of attendance( The teacher checks the attendance by counting
2. Warm – Up Activities (Please refer to Lesson 1 of Quarter 1)
( Ask the pupils to do the warm up exercise)
B. Preparatory Activities:
Note: All procedures will be delivered in MTB
Column A Column B Column C
Hold maracas both arms Hold maracas forward Hold maracas on chest
to right downward
Hold maracas upward Hold maracas sideward Hold maracas both arms
left to the left
Upward sideward left both arms to
the left
Hold maracas both arms Hold maracas on chest Hold maracas 0bliquely
to the left sideward –upward left
C. Developmental Activities:
Ask the pupils to perform movements with improvised maracas.
Use the same groups. Let the pupils execute the figures.
Guide them properly.
Figure 1
Starting position: Stand straight and face the audience.
a. Shake maracas forward cts. 1-2
b. Shake maracas sideward cts. 3-4
Figure 3
Starting position: Face your partner.
a. Roll hands clockwise holding maracas
clockwise in front at chest level Ct. 1
across the body in front, left hand
on waist. ct. 2
c. Repeat( a) ct. 3
d. Repeat (b) with the left foot
reverse arm position. ct. 4
e. Repeat all (a-d) three times. 4 cts.
Figure 4
Starting Position: Stand straight, face audience .
a. Jump to right two times, shake
maracas in reverse “T” position. cts. 1-2
b. Repeat (a) to the left . cts. 3-4
c. Turn right(R,L,R, close) arms sideward. ct. 5-6
d. Bend knees halfway, shake maracas
down in front ct. 7
e. Extend knees or stand up, shake maracas
In front. ct. 8
f. Repeat (a-e)
2. In which part of the steps did you have partners?
3. Where did you perform the activity?( indoor, outdoor )
4. Where you able to perform the figures correctly?
D. Generalization
E. Application
Let the pupils perform the figure while singing “Jake and Jean”. Repeat the
song until figure 4.
F. Closing Activity
Divide the class into groups. Practice the different positions to the rhythm
of the music.
IV. Assessment:
Let the pupils perform the figures with music.
The teacher will grade the pupils according to the following criteria:
3 – Very Good
2 – Good
1 – Needs Improvement
Activities Score
Followed the steps accurately with confidence
Performed and moved the body to the rhythm of
the music
Showed cooperation in working with the group
V. Assignment
Ask the pupils memorize the figures at home.
April 11, 2014
I. Objectives:
1. Describe the correct the way of manipulating sticks in a rhythmic routine.
2. Perform the correct way of manipulating sticks in a rhythmic routine.
3. Have fun manipulating sticks while doing a rhythmic routine.
2. Warm-up activities (Refer to lesson 1 of Quarter 1)
B. Preparatory Activity:
The teacher will present a lecture-demonstration on hand and
feet movements with sticks.
The pupils will counter-demonstrate hand and feet movements.
Figure I
(SP) Starting Position
Stand feet together sticks down at the sides
Figure II
(S.P) Starting Position
Stand feet together sticks down at the sides
Figure III
Stand with feet together sticks down at the sides
C. Developmental Activities
Note: The procedures should be delivered in MTB
1. Presentation
Note: At least one day before the activity, assign pupils to bring two flat
sticks (preferably 1 ½ width and 1 foot length) .
Present sticks to the pupils. Ask them to hold their individual sticks.
Objects refer to ribbons, hoops, balls, and any available indigenous or
improvised materials, sounds and environment (indoor or
outdoor settings)
The teacher will lecture-demonstrate the figures.
The pupils will counter-demonstrate the figures.
Figure I
(Change step kick) count 1 and 2 and S.P. Stand with feet together
sticks down at the sides
a. Step right foot sideward,
strike sticks together right at
shoulder level count 1
b. Close left to right,
sticks right at shoulder level count and
c. Leap on right, kick left sideward,
strike sticks to the right count 2
d. Repeat (a to c) to the left counts 3, 4
e. Repeat all (a to d) 3 times
Figure II
(Running forward-backward) count 1 and 2 and .S.P. Stand with feet
together sticks down at the sides
a. Take 6 running steps forward
starting with the right foot,
Bend trunk forward arms
obliquely sideward-backward counts 1 and 2 for every run
b. Close left foot to right foot,
Stand straight, strike sticks
Overhead, pause counts 7 and 8
c. Repeat (a and b) moving back 4 counts
d. Repeat all (a to c) 8 counts
Figure III
(Hop turning right and left) count 1, 2 S.P. Stand feet together sticks
down at the sides
Hop on right turning right, right arm
raise sideward, left arm overhead 4 counts
Repeat turning left, reverse arm
position 4 counts
c. Repeat (a and b) 8 counts
Figure IV
(Gallop) count 1 and 2 and /M.S.P. Stand feet together sticks down
at the sides
a. Step right foot sideward,
cross arms down in front count 1
b. Cut right foot with left foot,
arms remain in cross position count and
D. Generalization
E. Application:
Pupils form a column in a heel sitting position. Let them sing Leron, Leron
Sinta uding these steps:
b. Repeat with the left count 3, 4
c. Repeat a and c 4 counts
d. Bring sticks downward-forward 4 counts
e. Arms sideward count 5
f. Arms forward count 6
g. Arms overhead count 7
h. Position count 8
IV. Assesssment:
Perform the rhythmic exercises with ball preferably with suitable music suited .
3- Very Good
2- Good
1- Fair
Activities Score
Feet movements are done accurately.
Hand movements are done correctly.
Implements are well applied in hand
Performed the whole rhythmic activity with
Have fun in doing the activity.
V. Assignment:
April 11, 2014
I . Objectives:
1. Participate in simple lead up games.
2. Demonstrate and execute the proper way of playing lead up games.
3. Enjoy playing lead up games.
A.Standing position:
a. Standing with arms in upward kumintang
position (moving outside) 8 cts
b. Repeat A inside direction 8 cts
c. Standing with arms in downward
kumintang position (moving inside) 8 cts
B. Preparatory Activity
1. Presentation:
Have you experienced dancing or playing with a partner?
Have you joined group activity ?
How did you feel while working or playing with them?
Have you experienced playing alone?
How did you feel when you played alone?
Note: Emphasize to pupils that it is very important to interact with people you
play with. It is also necessary to relate with the objects or materials you use
when moving or playing. In other words,a relationship with an object or with a
person or group of persons should be learned by all.
C. Developmental Activity
(Note: All procedures will be delivered in MTB)
A. Activity 1
Lead-up games
Rules: Arrange two teams in files. Teams stand behind starting line. Opposite in 5
meters away. (Note: Touching of the ball is prohibited, Maintain air speed and ball
control. Use only the prescribed material)
Did you like the game? Did you enjoy it?
What part of your body was mostly used in fanning the ball?
What objects were used in the game?
Did you perform some levels of movement?
Can you demonstrate proper fanning?
D. Generalization.
E. Application:
Push me Pull me
1. Get a partner and do cross sitting position while facing each other.
2. Place both palms together and hold on to each other
3. On the given signal, push and pull each other alternately and slowly like swaying.
F. Closing Activity:
Let the class form four small circles. Ask them to sing the song “Sitsiritsit” while
putting hands together in front and side.
IV. Assessment:
Check the appropriate column based on your performance in playing lead up
games. (Please refer to LM/Q4/Lesson 7)
V. Assignment:
Ask the pupils practice at home the different wrist movements that they learned
from the discussion.
I . Objectives:
1. Describe Luksong-Tinik.
2. Demonstrate “Leaping ”in Luksong Tinik.
3. Engage in fun and enjoyable physical activities.
B. Preparatory Activities:
1. Presentation:
Warm- Up Activities:
Do the following exercises:
A. Standing:
a. Jumping jacks in place 16 cts.
b. Breathing Exercise 8 cts.
c. Head/leg stretching 8 cts.
d. Side bending left and right 8 cts.
e. Back and front bending 8 cts.
f. Knee stretching 8 cts
g .Ankle stretching 8 cts.
1. Divide the class into two groups
2. Mark a distance of 10 meters between the starting line and turning point
3. The players of each team stand in two columns behind the starting line.
4. Number the players of the team consecutively.
5. The player of each team whose number is called leaps and jumps from starting line to the
turning point and back to the starting line.
6. The player who crosses back to the starting line first gets a point for his team.
7. The first team to get 10 points wins the game.
a. How did you feel while doing the relay?
b. What different skills did you apply in playing the relay?
c. Did you enjoy doing the relay?
d. What values did you learn from doing the relay?
C. Developmental Activities
Note: Minimum number of players:
Usually 3 but 2 can also work
Having more players is more fun!)
Equipment required: rubber mat or grassy field
Recall the safety precautions while playing.
1. First the children decide among themselves who will jump first and who will be the two
who will act as the “thorns” . Thorns have a very important task in the game. Jumpers
take turns passing the levels. The jumpers form a line and the thorns take their position.
5. Then both A and B’s feet alternate to create level 4. Then it is all four feet plus thorn A’s
hand: Level 5. A &B’s feet and one hand each: Level 6. A&B’s feet and two of A’s hands
and B’s one hand: Level 7.
Finally ,level 8 has all four hands and feet alternating.
6. Successful jumpers are cleared and pass the next level. The group decides how many
will be given for each attempt. For example, you get one more try. So if you were
unsuccessful the first attempt, you step aside and wait till everyone has jumped over the
“thorns”. After this, all the unsuccessful ones take their second attempt. If you still did not
clear that level, you are out of the game and spend the remaining time watching the rest
of the kids complete all the rounds. Then you might replace the thorns so that the thorns
of the current game can take their turn as jumpers in the next game.
2. Discussion:
How did you feel after the game? Did you enjoy it?
What movements were used in the activity?
Can you demonstrate the correct way of jumping?
How about leaping?
Did you perform on various levels of movement?
How about the direction of movement?Is there different
directions of movement in the game?
How did you leap in the Luksong Tinik?
How did the game become successful?
D. Generalization:
Note: Apply this activity as your assessment of the leaping levels of individuals.
- 1/ft
- 2/ft
- 3/ft
E. Application
Chinese Garter
Two pupils hold both ends of a stretched garter (2 meter long) horizontally while the
others attempt to cross over it. The goal is to cross without tripping over the garter. With
each round, the garter's height is brought higher than the previous round. The game starts
with the garter at ankle-level, followed by knee-level, until the garter is positioned above the
head. The higher rounds demand dexterity, and the players generally leap with their feet first
in the air, so their feet cross over the garter, and they end up landing on the other side.
F. Closing Activity
Ask the pupils form a circle and be seated. Sing the song Sitsiritsit.
IV – Assessment:
No. Yes No
1 Luksong Tinik consists of two
players who serve as the base of
the tinik using their feet and hands
2 Luksong Tinik usually has three
3 I executed the leaping skills
properly .
4 I executed the jumping skills
5 I enjoyed playing luksong tinik
V – Assignment:
Tell the pupils to bring pictures that show different indigenous games.