Ivy Viis U3 Ei8075 Foli 2020 2021
Ivy Viis U3 Ei8075 Foli 2020 2021
Ivy Viis U3 Ei8075 Foli 2020 2021
CO6: Students will gain ability to apply laser theory for the selection of lasers for a specific medical applications
Remembering Applying Evaluating
Understanding Analyzing Creating
PART A (5 x 2 = 10 marks)
CO5 A 1. Classify the common types of lasers used for material processing. (2)
CO5 R 2. Define laser vaporization (2)
CO5 An 3. What are the features of laser melting (2)
CO6 An 4. List the types of laser used in Brain Tumor Treatment. (2)
CO6 An 5. Summarize the advantages of laser surgery. (2)