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Corazon M. Nera Director of Libraries, Lyceum of The Philippines Member, Board of Librarians, PRC

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The Philippine Librarianship Act of

2003 (RA 9246) and the Policies and

Standards for the Bachelor of
Library and Information Science
(BLIS): Bases for Staffing Structure
and Training in the Philippines
Corazon M. Nera
Director of Libraries, Lyceum of the Philippines
Member, Board of Librarians, PRC
Chronology of Events:

December 2, 2003 – House Bill (HB) No. 5351 An Act

Moderning the Practice of Librarianship in the
Philippines thereby Repealing RA 6966 was passed by
the House of Representatives.
December 16, 2003 – Senate Bill (SB) No. 2579 (Senate
version) was passed by the Senate.
February 19, 2004 – The Consolidated HB No. 5351 and SB No.
2579 entitled, An Act Modernizing the Practice of
Librarianship in the Philippines thereby Repealing
Republic Act No. 6966, Appropriating Funds Therefor
and For Other Purposes was signed and approved by
President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo as RA 9246.
March 1, 2004 – RA 9246 was published in the Manila Times, a
national newspaper of general circulation.
March 17, 2004 – Effectivity date of RA 9246 fifteen (15) days
following its publication in the Manila Times.
September 19, 1990-Approval of the repealed law RA 6966,
An Act regulating the Practice of Librarianship and
Prescribing the Qualifications of Librarians by President
Corazon C. Aquino.
December 5, 1990 – Effectivity date of RA 6966 and reckoning
date for the compliance of requirements (e.g. years of
experience in librarianship) for registration without
Republic Act No. 9246
Section 1. SHORT Title. – This Act shall be known as
“The Philippine Librarianship Act of 2003.”

SEC. 2. Statement Policy. – The State recognizes

the essential role of librarianship as a profession in developing
the intellectual capacity of the citizenry thus making library
service a regular component for national development. It shall
through honest, effective and credible licensure examination
and regulatory measures, undertake programs and activities
that would promote and nurture the professional and well-
rounded librarians whose standards of practice and service
shall be characterized by excellence, quality, and geared
towards world-class global competitiveness.
Sec. 3. Objectives. – This Act shall govern the
(a) National examination for licensure, registration of
librarians, issuance of Certificate of Registration and
Professional Identification Card;
(b) Supervision, control and regulation of practice of
(c) Integration of librarians under one national
organization; and
(d) Development of professional competence of
Sec. 5. Scope of the Practice of Librarianship. –
Librarianship shall deal with the performance of the librarian’s
function, which shall include, but not limited to the following:

(1) Selection and acquisition of multi-media sources of

information which would best respond to clientele’s need for
adequate, relevant and timely information;

(2) Cataloguing and classification of knowledge or

sources of information into relevant organized collections and
creation of local databases for speedy access, retrieval or
delivery of information;

(3) Development of computer-assisted/computer-

backed information systems which would permit online and
network services;
4) Establishment of library systems and procedures;
dissemination of information; rendering of information;
reference and research assistance; archiving; and education of

(5) Teaching, lecturing and reviewing of library,

archives and information science subjects, including subjects
given in the licensure examination;

(6) Rendering of services involving technical

knowledge/expertise in abstracting, indexing, cataloguing and
classifying; or the preparation of bibliographies, subject
authority lists, thesauri and union catalogues/lists;
(7) Preparation, evaluation or appraisal of plans,
programs and/or projects for the establishment,organization,
development and growth of libraries or information centers,
and the determination of library requirements for space,
buildings, structures or facilities;

(8) Provision of professional and consultancy services

or advice on any aspect of librarianship; and

(9) Organization, conservation, preservation and

restoration of historical and cultural documents and other
intellectual properties.
SEC 6. Creation and Composition of the Board. –
There is hereby created a Professional Regulatory Board for
Librarianship, hereinafter called the Board, under the
administrative supervision and control of the Professional
Regulation Commission, hereinafter referred to as the
Commission, to be composed of a Chairperson and two (2)
members who shall be appointed by the President of the
Philippines from among the list of three (3) recommendees for
each position submitted by the Commission from among the
list of five (5) nominees for each position submitted by the
accredited, integrated national professional organization of
librarians from among the librarians of recognized standing
who qualify under Section 7 of this Act. The new Board shall
be constituted within three (3) months from the effectivity of
this Act.
SEC. 7. Qualifications of Members of the Board. – The
Chairperson and members of the Board, at the time of their
appointment, shall possess the following qualifications:

(a) A natural born citizen and resident of the

(b) A good reputation and moral character;
(c) A librarian as defined in “Section 4(a)” of this Act;
(d) Active in the practice of librarianship for at least ten
(10) years, five (5) years of which is in a managerial position;
(e) Must not be a member of the faculty of a university,
college, school or institution conferring the academic degree
on librarianship, or offering review classes for librarian
licensure examination; nor a person who has a direct or
indirect precuniary interest in any such institution; and
(f) Must not be an incumbent officer of the accredited,
integrated national professional organization of librarians.
SEC. 8. Powers, Functions and Duties of the Board. –
The Board shall exercise executive/administrative, rule making
and quasi-judicial powers in carrying out the provisions of this
Act. It shall be vested with the following specific powers,
functions, duties, and responsibilities:
(a) To promulgate and administer rules, and regulations
necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act;
(b) To administer oaths in connection with the
administration of this Act;
(c) To adopt an official seal of the Board;
(d) To issue, suspend or revoke the Certificate of
Registration and Professional Identification Card or grant or
cancel a temporary/special permit;
(e) To look into the conditions affecting the practice of
librarianship, and when necessary, adopt such measures as may
be deemed proper for the enhancement and maintenance of
high ethical, moral and professional standards of librarianship
(f) To adopt policies and set the standards for all types
of libraries, librarians and the practice of librarianship;
(g) To ensure, in coordination with the Commission on
Higher Education (CHED), that all institutions offering library,
archives and information science education comply with
prescribed standards for curriculum, faculty and facilities for
course offerings of library science, or library and information
(h) to adopt and prescribe a Code of Ethics and a Code
of Technical Standards for Librarians;
(i) To hear and decide administrative cases involving
violations of this Act, its Implementing Rules and Regulations
or the Code of Ethics of the CodeTechnical Standards for
Librarians; and for this purpose, issue subpoena ad
testificandum and the presentation of documents in connection
(j) To prescribe guidelines in the Continuing
Professional Education (CPE) in coordination with accredited
and integrated association for professional librarians;
(k) To prepare, adopt, issue or amend the syllabi or
terms of specification of subjects for the librarian licensure
examination consistent with the policies and standards set by
the CHED; and
(l) To discharge other powers and duties as the Board
may deem necessary for the practice of librarianship and the
continued growth and development of librarians, libraries and
library education in the Philippines.

The policies, resolutions, rules and regulations issued

or promulgated by the Board shall be subject to review and
approval of the Commission. However, the Board’s decision,
resolution or order rendered in administrative case shall be
subject to review only if on appeal.
SEC. 9. Term of Office. – The Chairperson and the
members of the Board shall hold office for a term of three (3)
years until their successors shall have been appointed and duly
qualified: Provided, that members of the first board to be
appointed after the approval of this Act shall hold office for the
following terms:

the Chairperson for three (3)years, one member for two (2)
years and the other member for one (1) year: Provided,
further, that the Chairperson or any member may be
reappointed for another term of three (3) years but in no case
shall the whole term exceed six (6) years. Interim vacancies in
the Board shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term
only. Each member shall take the proper oath of office.
SEC. 11. Removal or Suspension of Board Members. –
The Chairperson or any member of the Board may be removed
or suspended by the President of the Philippines on
recommendation of the Commission if found guilty after a
proper administrative investigation, based on the following
grounds: neglect of duty, incompetence, unprofessional,
unethical, immoral or dishonorable conduct; any violation of
this Act, or the Code of Ethics and the Code of Technical
Standards for Librarians; or commission or toleration of
irregularities in the examination such as manipulation, rigging
of examination results, disclosure of secrets and information on
examination questions prior to conduct of examination,
tampering of grades or final judgment, or criminal offense
involving moral turpitude
Licensure Examination and Registration
SEC. 14. Examinations – Applicants for registration,
except those specifically allowed under Section 19 of this Act,
shall be required to undergo a written licensure examination to
be given by the Board in such places and dated the
Commission may designate subject to compliance with the
requirements prescribed by the Commission.

SEC. 15. Qualifications of Applicants. – Applicants for

licensure examination must meet the following qualifications
at the time of filing of applications:

(a) Citizen of the Philippines or a foreign citizen whose

country has a reciprocity with the Philippines as regards the
practice of librarianship;
(b) Good health and good moral character; and
(c) Graduate of Bachelor’s degree in Library Science
and Information Science: Provided, That a holder of a
master’s degree in Library and Information Science shall be
allowed to qualify for application to the licensure examination:
Provided, further, That within five (5) years from the
effectivity of this Act, holders of the following degrees shall
also be allowed to qualify for application to the licensure
(1) Bachelor of Science in Education or Elementary
Education; or Bachelor of Arts with a major or specialization
in Library Science;
(2) Master of Arts in Library Science or Library and
Information Science; or
(3) Any masteral degree with concentration in Library
SEC. 16. Scope of Examination. – The licensure
examination for librarianship shall consist of the following
(1) selection and acquisition of multi-media sources of
(2) cataloguing and classification;
(3) indexing and abstracting;
(4) reference, bibliography and information services;
(5) organization and, management and development
and maintenance of multi-media based library or information
service, laws, trends and practices affecting the profession; and
(6) information technology.

The Board is hereby authorized to modify or add to the

subjects listed above as the needs and demands in the library
profession may require.
SEC. 17. Rating in the Board Examination. – To be
qualified as having passed the licensure examination, a
candidate must obtain a weighted general average of seventy-
five percent (75%), with no grade lower than fifty percent
(50%) in any subject.

SEC. 18. Registration Without Examination. – Upon

application and payment of the required fees, the Board shall
issue a Certificate of Registration and Professional
Identification Card to an applicant who, on the date of
effectivity of Republic Act No. 6966, is:

(a) a practicing librarian who has completed at least a

bachelor’s degree and a librarian or supervising librarian
(b) a practicing librarian who has completed at least a
bachelor’s degree, eighteen (18) units in Library Science, five
(5) years experience in librarianship, and a first grade eligible
or its equivalent;
(c) a practicing librarian who has completed a masteral
degree in Library Science or Library and Information Science,
and a first grade eligible or its equivalent; or
(d) a practicing librarian who has completed at least a
bachelor’s degree, eighteen units in Library Science, and seven
(7) years experience in librarianship.

Those who qualify under this section shall be given

three(3) years within which to apply for registration upon the
effectivity of this Act.
Practice of Librarianship

Sec. 26. Illegal Practice of Librarianship. – A person

who does not have a valid Certificate of Registration and
Professional Identification Card or a temporary/special permit
from the Commission shall not practice or offer to practice
librarianship in the Philippines or assume any position, which
involve performing the function of a librarian as provided
under Section 5 of this Act.
SEC. 27. Certificate of Registration/Professional
Identification Card and Professional Tax Receipt. – the
Certificate of Registration, Professional Identification Card and
Professional Tax Receipt number of the librarian shall be
reflected in any document issued/signed in connection with the
practice of the profession.
SEC. 28. Foreign Reciprocity. – A librarian from
another country shall be admitted for licensure examination, be
issued a Certificate of Registration and Professional
Identification Card and be entitled to the rights and privileges
appurtenant to this Act, if the country or state he/she is a
citizen of or subject, permits Filipino librarians to practice
librarianship on an equal basis as the librarians of said country
or state: Provided, That the requirements for Certificate of
Registration in said country or state are substantially the same
as the requirements under this Act: Provided, further, that the
law of such country or state grants Filipino librarians the same
privileges as the citizens/subjects of that country/state.

SEC. 29. Vested Rights: Automatic Registration of

Practicing Librarians – All practicing librarians who are
registered at the time this Act takes effect shall automatically
be registered.
SEC. 30. Integrated and Accredited National
Organization of Librarians. – All registered librarians shall be
integrated under a single organization recognized and
accredited by the Board and approved by the Commission.

A librarian duly registered and licensed by the Board

and the Commission shall automatically become a member of
the integrated and accredited professional organization and
shall receive the benefits and privileges appurtenant thereto
upon payment of the required fees and duties. Membership in
the integrated and accredited professional organization shall
not be a bar to membership in any other association of
SEC. 31. Employment of Librarians. – Only qualified
and licensed librarians shall be employed as librarians in all
government libraries. Local government units shall be given a
period of three (3 years) from the approval of this Act to
comply with this provision.
SEC. 37. Repealing Clause. – Republic Act. No. 6966
is hereby repeated and all other laws, decrees, orders, rules,
regulations, ordinances or parts thereof which are inconsistent
with this Act are hereby repealed or amended accordingly.
SEC. 3. Effectivity. – This act shall take effect fifteen
(15) Days following its publication in the Official Gazette or a
national newspaper of general circulation.
No. _________________________
Series of 2004



Policies and standards in Library and Information Science

program are the desirable criteria of quality in a course
that aims to prepare graduates to be highly competent
and global competitive.
In accordance with pertinent provisions of Republic Act
(RA) 7722 otherwise knows as the “Higher Education Act
of 1994,” vesting the Commission on Higher Education
(CHED) through its Office of Programs and Standards
(OPS) the power to set minimum standards for programs
and institutions of higher learning and pursuant to the
provisions provided for under RA 9246 otherwise known as
‘The Philippine Librarianship Act of 2003,” the following
policies and standards, as recommended by the Task
force on Library and Information Science, are hereby
adopted and promulgated by the Commission, thus:
Section 1. Rational and background
Policies and standards in library and Information Science
(LIS) programs are necessary for the highest level of
quality desired for the education and training of library and
information science professional. They are meant to
institutionalize the professions’ central function of providing
quality information service to library clientele or users.
Its purpose is to make LIS education responsive to the
challenges of society’s changing information needs brought
about by rapid technology changes, and in keeping with the
need to make LIS professionals globally competitive.

Section 2. All private higher education institutions (PHEIs)

and local colleges and universities (LCUs) intending to offer the
Bachelor of Library and Information Science (BLIS) Program
must secure proper authority from the Commission in
accordance herein. State universities and colleges (SUCs)
including local colleges and universities (LCUs) should
likewise adhere to the provision herein.
Section 4. Program Description
4.a Objectives
The BLIS curriculum shall include a body of
knowledge, skills, attitudes, values and experiences
that will provide prospective information professionals
with the necessary competencies essential for effective
provisions and delivery of library and information
services, the systematic organization,
conservation, preservation and restoration of
books, historical and cultural documents and
other intellectual properties.
The specified body of knowledge, skills, attitudes,
values and experiences shall include the following:
•A general education component which is consistent with
the CHED issuances will consist of the humanities, social
sciences, science and technology, natural and behavioral
sciences and computer literacy, mathematics, logic and
ethics aimed at developing broadly educated, creative,
cultured, morally upright and productive persons.
•A professional studies component to include:
•Philosophy and aims of LIS;
•The systematic study of LIS principles and
theories with immediate appropriate observation
and laboratory experiences to provide students
with first-hand knowledge in the appreciation and
interpretation of these theories, and

•A direct substantial participation in librarianship to

provide library and information science experience over
a period of time, under the supervision of qualified
professionals from both the LIS institution and the
cooperating Library and Information Center.

A minimum of 158 academic units is required for

graduation for the BLIS degree.
4.b. Career opportunities in Librarianship
A library and Information Science graduate has a great
opportunity to be employed as:
Director of Libraries
Chief/Head Librarian
Acquisitions Librarian
College or University Librarian
Community Outreach Librarian
Corporate Librarian
Bookmobile Librarian
Information Scientist
Information Specialist
Law Librarian
Library Science Faculty/Educator
Library Technician
Media or Audio Visual Specialist
Medical Librarian
Public Librarian
School Librarian
Special Librarian
Teacher Librarian
Section 5. The LIS program provides for the study of
theory, principles, and practices necessary for the
provision of quality and professional library and
information services. Within that context, competence
standards would be measured in terms of the following
core competencies:

1. Professional competencies which relate to the

student’s knowledge of information sources, access,
technology and management, and the ability to use this
knowledge as a basis for providing the highest quality
information services.

2. Personal competencies which represent a set of

attitudes, skills and values that will enable students to
work effectively and contribute positively o their future
organizations, clients and profession.
Section 6. Curriculum Description
The LIS curriculum is designed to equip the professional with
the composite knowledge, skills and tools to enabled him/her to
be responsive to the changing information needs of society.
Among its salient features are:

1. Provision for the mastery of the basic subjects such as

Library and Information Organization and Management,
including Laws and Related Practices and Trends, Information
Technology, Selection and Acquisition of Library Materials,
Cataloging and Classification, Reference, Bibliography and
User Services, and Indexing and Abstracting, as called for in
the library and information professional licensure examination:
2. Addition of subjects in vital information and communication
technologies crucial in the LIS program, like telecommuni-
cations, networking, and database design;
3. Enriched specialization component such as law, health
and medical, academic, special, school and public

4. Provision for community exposure through field-based

experiences through its library practicum subjects; and

5. Total immersion in library and information science

practice towards the end of the LIS program.

Section 7. Course Outline

Summary of the LIS curriculum (see transparencies)
1. The implementation of the LIS curriculum shall start on
the SY 2004-2005 and shall be gradually effected as follows:

2004-2005 For incoming freshmen

2005-2006 For incoming freshmen and
2006-2007 For incoming freshmen,
sophomores and seniors
2007-2008 All year levels
2. Institutions with government permit or recognition to
offer the BSE programs will use the same authority to
offer this program without the need for new application.
3. Team teaching is encouraged for teaching any course
which calls for special expertise.
4. Practicum in the professional courses should be done by
the LIS institutions in cooperation with Library and
Information centers within and outside the campus.
5. Library Practicum should be offered during the
Fourth Year.
The student’s performance will be evaluated using the
following criteria:
a. Performance in the assigned tasks, e.g.
cataloging, indexing, management,
information service, acquisitions work, etc. 60%
b. Preparation and submission of a journal
or narrative report of the experiences
and insights gained in the practicum. 30%
c. Other requirements, e.g. test,
attendance, etc. 10%
TOTAL 100%
6. A thesis project or thesis track is required to develop the
skills of LIS students in conducting future research studies on
library and information service. Topics of the thesis project
will cover existing problems, issues and concerns about
Philippine librarianship and other related fields.

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