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Block 3 MLI 101 Unit 12

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12.0 Objectives
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Information Society
12.2.1 NEIS Goals
12.2.2 Societal Impact

12.3 Information Management Functions

12.4 Infrastructure Overview: GII and NII
12.4.1 Overall Configuration
12.4.2 Key Issues
12.4.3 Management

12.5 Network Access

12.5.1 Access Links
12.5.2 Access Devices

12.6 Home Networks

12.7 Office Networks
12.8 Corporate Networks
12.9 GII Applications
12.10 Security Issues
12.11 Summary
12.12 Answers to Self Check Exercises
12.13 Keywords
12.14 References and Further Reading



After reading this Unit, you will be able to understand and appreciate:

Networked Electronic Information Society (NEIS);

the five different goals of NEIS;

impact of NEIS on various societal aspects;

different functions of information management;

structure of global information infrastructure (GII);

the five key issues in GII;

management aspects of GII;

how GII is accessed;

different types of access links and the access devices;

emerging home networks and trends in office networks;


Information and Society

Intranet and Extranet;

difference between private and virtual private networks;

different categories of GII applications;

E-commerce; and

security aspects of GII.



Quest for new knowledge is the central theme of human existence. All of us,
whether we realise or not, are in the process of acquiring new knowledge all
the time. When we ask a question, we are seeking knowledge. When we answer
to a query, we give information to the person posing the question. When a
person assimilates the given information, we say that the person has acquired
knowledge. Knowledge is spread via information that is communicated from
one person to another in some form, oral, writing etc. Thus, knowledge,
information and information communication are three entities that are closely
inter-related. Research and development on information and its communication
has led to a new branch of study called Information and Communication
Technology (ICT). ICT comprises two major technologies: computers and
communications. In Unit 8, we learnt about digital information and its preeminence in todays society. Computer technology is the tool for storing and
processing information in digital form. Communication technology helps us
transfer and disseminate digital information.
Developments in ICT are bringing about profound changes in our life-style.
The coming together of computers and communications has led to the
emergence of a worldwide computer network, now known as Internet. Internet
is a network of networks. Today, Internet has around 120,000 computer
networks interconnected. With the evolution of such networks, our life-style
is changing. A number of our day-to-day activities are being carried out on the
networks. ICT plays an important role in almost all areas of our activities. The
society is evolving towards a networked community with electronic information
as the central commodity. One might term the society of the 21st century as
the Networked Electronic Information Society (NEIS). It is a society in
which activities are centred around networks and the main commodity on the
networks is electronic information in digital form.


What we witness as Internet today is only a minuscule of a network that is

envisioned for NEIS. Todays Internet services are predominantly text and
data oriented with only sprinkles of graphics still pictures and slow motion
video. About one-sixth of the world population is connected to the Internet.
Even with this level of service and connectivity, Internet is having serious
problems of address space and bandwidth capacity. Experience shows that
Internet is slow for many network applications and the quality of services is
far from acceptable level in many cases. Internet is designed for data transport,
and real time services like voice and video transmissions have serious quality
problems. Internet is predominantly built over voice grade telecommunication
infrastructure, its protocols have heavy overheads, and there are too many ad
hoc solutions for problems encountered during operations. All these compound

to almost insurmountable difficulties in bringing up Internet to any meaningful

level of performance. The vision of NEIS calls for transportation of high quality
audio including high fidelity music and high quality motion video apart from
high-resolution graphics. With the present level of development and trend,
support of such services on the Internet is almost impossible. The key to the
evolution of NEIS lies in building global information infrastructure that
would have adequate capacity and efficiency to support full-scale services
envisioned for NEIS. Information infrastructure is the backbone for NEIS.
Much as the road infrastructure on which vehicles run, information centred
services and applications run on the information infrastructure. In this Unit,
we discuss the evolving NEIS and the various aspects of information


Information Infrastructure:
National and Global


Advances in ICT are bringing about new perceptions in our ways of living.
The way in which we do our work, the way we produce goods, the way we
trade, the way we manage our wealth, and our entertainment pattern are all
undergoing major changes. In this section, we present a visionary scenario for
various aspects of our life in the context of evolving NEIS. Before that, we
state and discuss a set of goals for NEIS.

12.2.1 NEIS Goals

The goals of NEIS may be stated as five As:




Any information

Any format

The goal anyone implies the existence of a full-fledged networked society in

which every human being on the planet has access to the global network either
from home, office or from a service outlet like a cyber cafe. In NEIS, connecting
homes on the network becomes an essential infrastructural service much as
electricity or water supply connection. When fully developed, it should be
possible for a man from the poorest of the villages in the world to access
resources in the richest of the cities in the world.
The goal anytime implies that network infrastructure is expected to operate 24
hours a day and 365 days a year without any failure. It is the same case with
services on the network. In this context, time zones and holiday patterns may
become unimportant in the life style of people. Further, persons should be
able to access the network on demand providing greater flexibility to
individuals and communities.
The goal anywhere has implication for persons who are accessing information
as well as for the information resources being accessed. For persons, it implies
access from anywhere in the world irrespective of the persons normal place
of residence. For information resources, the implication is that the resources


Information and Society

should be accessible at any place irrespective of where the resources are located
on the planet. To enable persons to access from anywhere, the concept of
location independent access needs to be supported by the network infrastructure.
This calls for a universal identification of individuals, which remains permanent
for the lifetime of the individual. In fact, a child may be assigned a universal
code as soon as he/she is born and is identified by that code throughout his/her
life on the planet.
The modern communication systems are slowly moving towards concept of
location independent access. In 1996, the United States of America introduced
legislation called Local Number Portability (LNP) bill that permits telecom
users to retain their identification numbers irrespective of the network provider
they are attached to. Where there are multiple network operators, they are
identified by a prefix to the telecom identification number (telephone number).
In India, Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL) or Bharat Sanchar
Nigam Limited (BSNL) is identified by the prefix 2, Reliance Infocomm by
3 and Tata Indicom by 5. If one changes the service provider, the telephone
number changes even though the person has not shifted his/her residence. The
U.S LNP legislation allows the user to retain the same telephone number and
only change the prefix. In about a decade from now, it is expected that a person
may be able to retain the same telecom identification within a city irrespective
of where he/she lives in the city. Readers may appreciate that this is not the
case at present. If a person moves residence from one locality to another that is
within the same city, but not in the same telephone exchange area, then the
telephone number changes. This, however, is not the case with mobile or
wireless access systems. The problem does not exist in the case of generic
Internet domain addresses. As long as your domain name belongs to one of
the generic domains, it remains the same even if you change your country of
residence. For example, .com, .org and .net addresses are location independent.
The goal any information is closely associated with the democratic concept of
right to access of information to every citizen of the planet. Such a right can
only be applicable to public information. What information is considered public
and what is not is for the governments of different nations to decide. Information
policies of different nations address this issue. But the emphasis in NEIS is
that any public domain information should be accessible to anyone in the world.
Access to some information may be priced whereas access to some others may
be free of charge. The emphasis is also to make more and more information
available in the public domain either for priced or free access.


The global nature of the information society makes the goal of any format
important. A networked society cuts across transborder barriers of nations, as
the access is worldwide. Considering that many hundreds of languages are in
use throughout the world, access to information is facilitated by a translation
mechanism. In this context, real time machine translation assumes significance.
Ideally, a text stored in one language should be readable in any other language.
Or, what is spoken in one language should be heard in any other language. For
example, a person accessing a Japanese database from USA may see the
information presented in English. Or, a Russian may converse with an Indian,
both using their respective native languages. Of the 5 As, any format
requirement is the most difficult one to be met. Machine translation being

important in the context of NEIS, we look at certain aspects of machine

translation in the following.

Information Infrastructure:
National and Global

Machine translation is better done using an intermediate language than directly

from one language to another. For translation of 500 languages directly from
one another, we require 500 499 translation programs. For each language,
we need 499 conversion programs. With intermediate language, this number
reduces to 1000. We need only two programs for each language. One program
is required to translate from the native language to the intermediate language
(IL) and the other for translating from IL to the native language. A machine
translation model based on IL is depicted in Fig. 12.1. If we have to translate
Japanese into English, first we translate Japanese into IL and then from IL to
English. The question then arises as to what should be the characteristics of
such an intermediate language. In an article in AI (Artificial Intelligence)
magazine in 1984, Briggs, a NASA scientist, states that Sanskrit is better suited
as an IL for machine translation than English or many other Western languages.







L = Language
Fig. 12.1: Intermediate Language Based Translation Model

When compared to English, Sanskrit has many advantages. For example,

Sanskrit is free from word ordering whereas English is not. The following
Sanskrit sentences mean only one thing irrespective of the order in which the
words appear:
Lisa pustakam pattati
Pustakam Lisa pattati
Pustakam pattati Lisa
Pattati pustakam Lisa
Pattathi Lisa pustakam
Lisa pattati pustakam
The above sentence in English is Lisa reads a book. The meaning of the sentence
changes completely if the word order is changed in English. For example, A
book reads Lisa! This one property of Sanskrit alone leads to significant
simplification in language processing on the computer. There are also other
properties of Sanskrit that make it suitable for computer processing. Sanskrit
words are self-expressive as they all are derived by combining two or more of
about 4000 basic roots. Once the meanings of the roots are known and a word


Information and Society

is split into its basic roots the meaning of the word becomes derivable and thus
is self-expressive. In effect, this amounts to saying that the dictionary of Sanskrit
can be limited to 4000 words as long as the rules for combining roots and
splitting words are unambiguous which, in fact, is the case. In contrast, a
dictionary for English language may contain as many as 200,000 words or
Clearly, there is a need to search for or design a suitable intermediate language
for machine translation. English does not appear to be the ideal language. The
structural, grammatical and semantic properties of Sanskrit make it a better
candidate than English for machine communication.

12.2.2 Societal Impact

Advances in information technology are changing and shaping the basic
structure of our societal life. New perceptions are placing knowledge,
information and connectivity at the centre-stage of human endeavour. What
would life be like in the networked society? What occupations will people
pursue? Will there be offices for people to go and work? Will there be schools
for children to gather and learn? Will the networked society automatically
solve some of the problems of environment such as pollution that threaten the
very existence of humanity at the present time? What will be the impact of the
networked information society on the culture of people all over the world?
With the networks spanning the entire globe, will the concept of border-less
nations become a reality? These are major societal issues to be addressed and
debated, but certain macro shifts appear to be visible. We discuss some of
these in the following paragraphs.
In the networked society, homes rather than offices are likely to be the activity
centres. The NEIS is expected to bring about radical changes in the work culture.
Persons may be able to receive or render services on the network without
having to attend office everyday. Such of those persons are termed
telecommuters. The trend of telecommuting is already visible in countries like
the United States where about 40% of the corporate workers are estimated to
be telecommuters as on year 2004. Telecommuting tends to promote homecentred activities. In telecommuting environment, the physical location is
unimportant to receive or render services. A direct result of networking and
telecommuting is the emergence of a less-travel society if not a travel-less
society. It is estimated that, on an average, working persons in the world spend
over 20% of the active time in a day on travel. With travel time saved, homecentred activities would lead to better creativity, innovation and productivity.
Home centred activities can be carried out in a relaxed atmosphere in the absence
of the stress of daily travel and strict timing constraints. Flexible hours of
working coupled with innovative management of resources and manpower
promise to enhance productivity. Telecommuting culture with home-centred
activities would eventually lead to a home-centred economy.


The very concept of education as understood today may change. From the
institution-based education, the emphasis may shift to home-based education
with every home connected to a variety of educational resources, libraries and
teachers. In other words, distance education via the network may become a
way of life rather than commuting to colleges and schools. For example, you
may pursue MLIS course via a network from the Indira Gandhi National Open

University in New Delhi irrespective of where you are located physically in

the world. True education as a personalised process of gaining knowledge in
the area of direct interest may become a reality.

Information Infrastructure:
National and Global

Let us now turn our attention to environment. The direct impact of less-travel
society is less polluted cities in the world. In major cities of the world, about
two-third of the atmospheric pollution comes from vehicular traffic. If there
were a reduction of 25-30% in vehicular traffic on account of telecommuting,
the people in the major cities of the world would breathe much cleaner air.
Home-centred occupation would leave much time for the people to turn their
attention to plantation, gardening and environment. A natural concern for
environmental protection may re-emerge and the environmental problems
addressed through more efficient use of resources and energies. Sustainable
human development while preserving the Ecosystems may become a way of
life. Telecommuting also opens up the much-desired possibility of women
being able to contribute to national development without having to sacrifice
family responsibilities.
The present society is characterised by community formation based on work
centres. Persons who work in the same office or factory tend to form a bond
such as an association, a union or a club. Social activities are usually centred
on such formations. In a home-centred environment, the communities will
comprise groups from among people pursuing different vocations and
professions in life. Under those circumstances, a true social community is
likely to emerge.
The last few centuries have been characterised by mass production with large
industrial houses being set up. This has led to power brokering between work
force and the management characterised by strikes, lock outs etc. In NEIS,
small community dwellings that are self-contained may emerge. The
community needs may be met locally from products available in its natural
surroundings. The concept of associations and unions may vanish in the
networked society. This would also imply that production would take place
locally with a large number of persons engaged in producing goods that are
required. This is an interesting scenario for large-scale employment and for
overcoming the present problems of unemployment.
There is a variety of other perceptible macro shifts that may be discussed at
length. We, however, list only some of these and leave the discussions to the

Centralised to Distributed

Driven Society to Driving Society

Competition to Co-operation

World as a Corporate

Libraries as Electronic Knowledge Storehouses

Broadcast to Interactive

Readers are advised to exercise their minds about possible scenario in the
areas listed above.


Information and Society



With electronic information being the central commodity in NEIS, information

management functions become the core of technological capability in networks.
There are seven functions of information management that are important:














In general, information is generated by human thought process, human acts

and by happenings in nature. Whether technology generates information is a
debatable point. When data is processed in a computer, the output is considered
as information. In that sense, it may be said that computers generate information.
But the basic data comes from nature or human activity. Information
acquisition is done by instruments, sensors and transducers. Instruments
measure quantities like temperature, wind speed and voltage and current.
Sensors record as well as detect variations in quantities such as temperature
exceeding a certain threshold value. Transducers are used for conversion of
energy from one form to another for certain purpose. For example, microphone,
which is a transducer, converts speech energy to electrical energy for
transmission over a communication system. A major class of sensors is remote
sensing satellites, also known as earth observation satellites. Remote sensing
satellites are a major source information. The quantum of data collected by
remote sensing satellites in a day runs into terabytes (1012 bytes). This is roughly
equivalent to 300 million pages of printed information.
Storage, retrieval and processing functions are well known. In ICT, current
storage devices are capable of storing tens of gigabytes of information in a
small disc using blue laser optical technology. A new storage device based on
a technology called electronic beam technology is capable of storing 800 GB
of information on CD-ROM like disc. The transmission and distribution
functions may be collectively called as information dissemination. Transmission
refers to bulk transfer between two main points. Distribution refers to transfer
to end points like user terminals.




Information infrastructures are evolving at three different levels:




Concrete plans to construct National Information Infrastructure (NII),

Regional Information Infrastructure (RII) and to interconnect them to form
a Global Information Infrastructure (GII) are being launched by a number
of countries at present. While considering information infrastructure, one speaks
of information pipes that are classified as highways and super highways. The
speed with which information can be transported defines a highway or a super
highway. Table 12.1 gives the different categories of information highways
according to the speeds supported by them. It may, however, be kept in mind
that there is no agreed or standard definition of these categories. What is
presented in Table 12.1 is a category definition evolved by the author over the

Information Infrastructure:
National and Global

Table 12.1: Classification of Information Pipes

Super Highway
Ultra Highway

Nominal Speed
9.6 kbps
128 kbps
2 Mbps
155 Mbps

Maximum Speed
64 kbps
2 Mbps
155 Mbps
>10 Gbps

Depending upon the economic conditions, different nations have varying

proportions of different types of information pipes suitably interconnected.
Poor developing countries have a long proportion of information footpath and
a small or no segment of ultra highways. The situation may be the reverse in
the developed countries. Incidentally, the concept of information footpath was
first advocated by India in its own context and in the context of the poor
developing nations.

12.4.1 Overall Configuration

At an overview level, the GII may be considered a 4-layered one. At the
foundation is the telecommunication infrastructure that spans the globe.
All other layers rest on it. At the second level, there is the application
infrastructure such as the Internet. At the third level is the access
infrastructure. At the fourth level, we have the user infrastructure. The
overview configuration of the global information infrastructure is shown in
Figure 12.1. There are five different types of user infrastructure as shown in
Figure 12.1. A mobile station may be a simple mobile phone, a Personal Digital
Assistant (PDA), or a laptop, notebook or palm-size computer. Cybercafe is a
well-known service outlet with computers that are part of GII. A user may
access GII services via one of these computers on payment basis. We discuss
in detail other user infrastructural components, home networks, office networks
and corporate networks, in later sections. All user infrastructural components
access the GII via access networks to which they are connected via a variety of
access links. The access link options are discussed in Section 12.5.1. Access
networks are basically the end segments of telecommunication networks. They
are connected to the high-speed infrastructure via transmission links.
Transmission links are high-capacity links and run at much greater speed than
access links. It is important to recognise that Internet is an applications network
that is built over the traditional telecommunication infrastructure. It is one of
the main application infrastructures that exist today. Another example of
application infrastructure is the SMS and downloads facility offered by mobile


Information and Society

networks. In NEIS, we may have many more such application infrastructures.

The telecommunication infrastructure is in the form of four major networks:

Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)


Packet Switched Data Network (PSDN)


Mobile Network


Integrate Services Digital Network (ISDN)

Telecom Networks





Application Networks


Access Networks






Fig. 12.1: Configuration of Information Infrastructure

The most stupendous telecommunications network in existence today is the

public switched telephone network (PSTN) or sometimes known as Plain Old
Telephone System (POTS). In standards documents, PSTN is often referred to
as General Switched Telephone Network (GSTN). PSTN has evolved over a
period of 120 years since the beginning of telephony in 1879. There are over a
billion telephones in the world connected via landlines (copper cables) to the
network as of year 2004. The length of wiring in the telephone network is
estimated to be over 12 times the distance between the earth and the sun. In
other words, the world is estimated to have buried about 1.8 billion kilometres
of copper cable in the earth since the beginning of telephony in 1879.


The principle of switching is central to all telecommunications networks.

Switching signifies the fact that a connection is established between two chosen
ends by turning on one or more switches. Telephone networks use the technique
of circuit switching where a communication path is established between the
source and destination before the actual information transfer takes place. This
path and the associated resources remain dedicated between the source and
destination for the entire duration of information transfer. When one of the
two communicating entities initiates a disconnection, the information transfer

Packet Switched Data Networks (PSDN) are sometimes referred to as Public

Switched Data Networks. They are also known as computer networks. They
are relatively of recent origin (45 50 years old) and have emerged as a result
of coming together of computer and communication technologies. These
networks enable sharing of hardware, software and data resources of computer
systems. Data networks may be viewed as telephone networks where telephone
instruments are replaced by computers that are then made to communicate
with each other. However, making computers communicate demands much
more than mere physical connection. It needs a set of protocols and software
mechanisms to exchange data, files and programs and to route data traffic.
Switching technique used by data networks is different from the one used by
telephone networks. Circuit switching is designed for continuous traffic. Data
traffic is generally bursty in nature. To suit this traffic pattern, data networks
adopt another switching technique, known as packet switching.

Information Infrastructure:
National and Global

At this point, a few words about Internet are in order. Internet is an applicationoriented network built over the infrastructure of data networks. It is conceived
to be a network of all data networks scattered all around the globe. The rapid
growth of Internet was made possible because of the massive
telecommunication infrastructure that existed when Internet was conceived
and Internet was built over it. Rapid expansion in Internet introduced problems
of scale unanticipated in the original design. In particular, management of
names and unique addresses of all computers connected to the Internet turned
out to be a serious problem. New protocols were developed and a naming
system, known as Domain Name System (DNS) was put in place to enable any
user to resolve the name of a remote machine automatically. DNS runs on
machines called name servers located in various parts of the world. The current
Internet addresses are part of the definition of version 4 of the Internet Protocol
(IPv4) which uses a 32-bit address providing for four billion Internet host
computers. This was considered a large number when IPv4 was defined about
20 years ago. But the way in which address space is structured has resulted in
serious wastage of address space. Today, Internet is running out of address
space. The latest version of IP, Version 6, (IPv6) provides for an address space
of 128 bits. IPv6 is likely to replace IPv4 all over the world in the next one or
two decades.
Mobile communications have emerged in a big way in the 1990s. The first
thing to recognise about mobile communication is that the concept of mobility
is applicable only to the end segments of the telecommunication infrastructure.
Beyond the end segment, the communication takes place via the normal
terrestrial telecommunication infrastructure. Mobile networks are based on
the principle of cellular communication. Here, a geographical region is divided
into smaller areas called cells. Each cell has a radio station called base station
through which users are connected to the telecommunication infrastructure.
Over a period of time, it became clear that management and maintenance of
separate telephone and data networks were turning out to be expensive. Out of
this experience, arose a natural question: Is it possible to design a single
switched network that can carry many services? The current trend in
telecommunications is to design multi services networks. The core idea in
multi services networks is the digital representation of information signals, be
it voice, video or data. If all the signals are in digital form, a network capable


Information and Society

of transporting digital signals can carry a multitude of services. This approach

is leading to the evolution of the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)
which is the first major multi services network being planned and implemented
all over the world. ISDN is capable of carrying multi media services like voice,
data, video and facsimile. ISDN is pioneered and guided by International
Telecommunications Union (ITU). ISDN as envisioned in 1984 provides for a
digital pipe at the customer premises with a minimum capacity of 144 kbps
and a maximum of 2048 kbps. The realisation of the inadequacy of these rates
in the context of NEIS soon led to the definition of broadband ISDN (B-ISDN).
Although ISDN is just moving from planning stage to prototype and
implementation, ITUs vision of the networked society has resulted in much
of the present planning and design being directed towards broadband ISDN. It
appears that some parts of the world may skip the implementation of ISDN
and move directly to B-ISDN. The switching technique used in B-ISDN is
known as cell switching. B-ISDN also uses an information transfer mode,
known as Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) that is well suited for a
variety of services including real time audio and video transmissions. It is
important to recognise that cell switching in B-ISDN, and cellular
communication in mobile systems are very different.
Managing multiple services on a single network calls for sophisticated
signalling facilities. The common channel signalling proposed in mid 1970s
has now grown into a full-fledged signalling network. The large scale use of
computers in B-ISDN coupled with a powerful signalling network is leading
to the concept of intelligent networks which are pre-programmed to be
adaptive, algorithmic, resourceful, responsive and intelligent. As an example
of the possible capabilities of such intelligent networks, one may cite real time
machine translation. A telephone conversation originating in German may be
heard in French at the receiver end and vice versa. A telex sent in Hindi in
Delhi may be delivered in Kannada in Bangalore. Such examples, although
somewhat far fetched now, may become a reality in the coming decades. The
switching techniques, telecommunication networks and Internet are discussed
in detail in Units 5 and 6, Block 2 of MLII-103.
Self Check Exercise
1) Present a layered architecture for GII and discuss the different layers
Note: i) Write your answer in the space given below.
ii) Check your answer with the answers given at the end of the Unit.
Global Information Infrastructure


What does this expression Global Information Infrastructure (GII) connote?

Let us try to understand its meaning and significance.

The presence of a global information infrastructure is that government; business,

communities, and individuals can cooperate to link the worlds
telecommunication and computer networks together into a vast constellation
capable of carrying digital and analog signals in support of every conceivable
information and communication application. The premise is that this
constellation of networks will promote an information society that benefits
all: peace, friendship, and cooperation through interpersonal communications;
empowerment through access to information for education, business and social
good; more productive labour through technology-enriched environments; and
stronger economics through open competition in global markets.

Information Infrastructure:
National and Global

Of course, the premise is exciting and appears somewhat rational. Information

technologies are advancing at a very rapid rate and ubiquitous. Many scholars,
policy makers, technologists, business people contend that these changes caused
by these new technologies are revolutionary and will result in profound
transformations of society. It is stated that physical location will cease to matter.
More and more human activities in learning, conducting commerce, and
communicating will take place via information technologies. Online access to
information resources will provide a depth and breadth of resources never
before possible. Most print publications will cease; electronic publication and
distribution will become the norm. Libraries, archives, museums, publishers,
bookstores, schools, universities, and other institutions that they rely on artefacts
in physical form will be transformed radically or will cease to exist.
Fundamental changes are predicted in the relationship between these
institutions, with authors less dependent on publishers, information seekers
less dependent on libraries, and universities less dependent on traditional models
of publication to evaluate scholarship. Networks will grease the wheels of
commerce, improve education, increase the amount of interpersonal
communication, provide unprecedented access to information resources and
to human experience, and lead to greater economic equity.
It must be mentioned here that the scenario described above is vehemently
contested by many who argue that we are in the process of evolutionary, not
revolutionary, social change towards an information- oriented society. People
make social changes, which lead to the development of desired technologies.
They contend that computer networks are continuation of earlier communication
technologies such as telegraph, telephone, radio and television and similar
devices that rely on networked infrastructures. All are dependent on institutions,
and these evolve much more slowly than do technologies. Digitised and digital
media are extensions of earlier media, and institutions that manage them will
adapt them to their practices as they have adapted many media before them.
They agree that electronic publishing will become more important, but only
for certain materials that serve certain purposes. Print publishing will co-exist
with other forms of distribution. Although relationships between institutions
will evolve, publishers, libraries and universities serve gate-keeping functions
that will continue to be essential in future. More activities will be conducted
online, with the result that face-to-face relationships will become more valued
and precious. The new ICTs will supplement but not supplant the traditional
way of conducting all activities. It is felt that communication technologies
increase, rather than decrease, inequalities, and we should be wary of the
economic processes of a global information infrastructure. Which of the two


Information and Society

scenarios depicted above is more likely to occur? It must be emphasised that

the arguments for these scenarios, the underlying assumptions, and the evidence
offered must be examined. Upon close examination, it will be found that strong
claims about the effects of information technologies on society, and vice- versa
are based on simplistic assumptions about technology, behaviour, organisations,
and economics. None of these factors exist in a vacuum; they often interact in
complex and often unpredictable ways. In fact, it is stated that the future scenario
lies somewhere between the two scenarios. People select and implement
technologies that are available and suit their practices and goals. As they use
them, they adapt them to suit their needs, often in ways not anticipated by
their designers.
In summary access is among the primary arguments for constructing a global
information infrastructure. Information resources are essential for manner of
human affairs, including commerce, education, research, participatory
democracy, and government policy and leisure activities. Access to information
for all these purposes is at the centre of the global information infrastructure.
An information infrastructure is built upon an installed upon an installed base
of telecommunication lines, electrical power grids, and computing technology,
as well as available information resources, organisational arrangements, and
peoples practices in using all these aspects. When information infrastructure
works well, people depend on it for critical work, education, and leisure tasks,
taking its reliability for granted. When it breaks down, then people may resort
to alternative means to complete the task, if those means exist.
National Information Infrastructure
In recent years the subject of National Information Infrastructure (NII) has
been receiving greater attention in both scholarly and trade publications. The
issue is expected to have significant implications for the use of electronic
communication in education, business, industry, and government. The NII is
expected to provide for the integration of software, hardware and skills that
will make it easy and affordable to connect people with each other, with
computers, and with a vast array of services and information resources (form
Information Infrastructure Executive Order 1993). It is anticipated to be
seamless web of communication networks, computer databases, and consumer
electronics that will put vast amounts of information at users fingertips.
(Information Infrastructure Task Force, 1993). This seamless web of
communication networks including computers, televisions, telephones and
satellites is expected to forever alter the way people live, learn, work and
communicate with each other both within the country and around the world.
The U.S. administration has indicated its commitment to build NII to meet the
information needs of its citizens. This infrastructure is expected to expand the
level of interactivity, enhance communication and allow access to various kinds
of services. It is expected to accelerate the transformation of this society to the
Information Age, and provide increased accessibility to a vast array of electronic
information resource and services.

12.4.2 Key Issues


Whenever a major development takes place, a number of issues crop up. NEIS
is no exception. The main issues concerning NEIS may be characterised by
five Cs:




Culture; and


Information Infrastructure:
National and Global

At present, less than one-sixth of the world population is connected to

telecommunication infrastructure for some service or the other. The connection
may be for a simple service like telephone, dial-up Internet access or a multitude
of services offered by ISDN. A parameter called teledensity is used to express
the connectivity level in a country. Teledensity is the number of teleconnections
per hundred in the population. It is not the percentage of the population that
has connectivity. It is because one person may have more than one connection
or one connection may be shared by more than one person. The connectivity
level is fairly high in developed countries and it is very low in developing and
under-developed countries. For example, in the United Kingdom, the teledensity
is 143 whereas in India it is 6.6 as of year 2003. How do we then increase the
connectivity level? Laying cables to every village, home and office in the
world is a formidable task and it may take many centuries if this were to be
achieved. Clearly, it is not the approach to achieving connectivity in a short
time frame. There are two communication technologies that offer solution to
the connectivity problem: short-haul radio for urban areas and satellite
communication for rural areas.
Mobile communication is the forerunner of short-haul radio technology. Since
the introduction of mobile telephony in 1992, over one billion mobile
subscriptions have been registered as of 2004. There is a discernible trend that
indicates that new users prefer mobile connectivity to landline connectivity.
Today over 90% of the countries in the world have mobile networks and over
100 countries have more mobile subscriptions than fixed landline subscriptions.
Three reasons may be identified for the rapid growth of short-haul technology.
First, the radio links are fairly reliable. Second, once the radio network is in
place, adding a new subscriber involves very little installation effort and time.
The third reason is commercial. The availability of prepaid card facility without
having to be a regular subscriber is extremely attractive to small time users or
masses. Thus, clearly, short-haul radio technology is raising access to
telecommunication networks significantly. It must, however, be remembered
that mobile or short-haul radio connectivity is feasible only if there is a radio
network in place. At present, radio networks are being installed only in urban
areas where there is a concentration of population. Habitation in rural areas is
spread out with thin population. Radio networks are not suitable for rural areas
for two reasons. First, they have a limited range, typically a radius of 50 kM.
Second, they depend on landline infrastructure for interconnecting base stations.
In the context of remote area connectivity, ITU had suggested that every village
in the world be brought on to the connectivity map by the end of year 2003.
This has not happened. Satellite communication presents a practical solution
for connecting remote areas. Establishing connectivity via satellite links is by
far the quickest. Even remotest areas can be brought on to the world network
map in a matter of a few hours by installing a satellite terminal. Local cabling


Information and Society

may distribute information from the satellite terminal to houses in the village.
Satellite links do not need any landline infrastructure. At present, efforts are
on to develop satellite mobile systems wherein a hand-held device may connect
to a satellite directly without the help of a terminal. This also offers an elegant
solution to rural area connectivity even though the capacity of the hand-held
terminals may be very limited.
Let us now turn our attention to capacity issue. We have seen that satellite
communication provides quick remote area connectivity and short haul radio
instant connectivity in urban areas. But, are these technologies capable of
providing the required bandwidth? A typical present day communication
satellite offers a bandwidth of about 800 - 1000 MHz. Similarly, a commercial
short haul radio link may offer data rates of the order of a few Mbps. The
actual bandwidth required is dependent on the services that are to be supported
on the network. The services envisaged for the NEIS are placed under two
categories: interactive and distributive. They demand transmission and
distribution of high fidelity voice, high quality video and other forms of
information on interactive basis. This calls for a broadband communication
pipe supporting data rates of the order of 100 Mbps or more to be extended to
the customer premises. Only high speed copper cables and optical fibres can
offer such high bandwidths. The bandwidth capacity of optical fibres is, of
course, orders of magnitude higher than that of copper cables.
We now have a paradoxical situation. Short-haul radio and satellite
communication enhance connectivity but have limited bandwidth capabilities.
High speed copper cables and optical fibres can offer very high bandwidth but
have serious connectivity limitations. Hopefully, these technologies are poised
to play complementary roles in shaping the networked information society of
tomorrow. Clearly, the goal of telecommunications in the years to come is to
establish a wide band multi-services network reaching out to as large a
population of the world as possible.
There is no use having a large infrastructure without applications to run on it.
Content, applications and services creation is an area that is receiving wide
attention at present. Standardisation in media coding is an important requirement
for content development. With the likelihood of transborder barriers being
broken in NEIS, serious concern is being expressed about the cultural impact
on the nations. In particular, some nations are worried about their tradition and
culture being swarmed by that of other powerful nations. The cost aspect of
GII has two aspects: capital cost and operating cost. Realisation of GII requires
large capital investment. The cost of services on the GII must be affordable by
a large section of the population.
Self Check Exercise

Given the population of India as 1024 million, calculate the number of

teleconnections in India.


Given the population of France as 59.7 million and the number of

teleconnections as 75.2 million, calculate the teledensity of France.

Note: i)

Write your answers in the space given below.

ii) Check your answers with the answers given at the end of the Unit.


Information Infrastructure:
National and Global


12.4.3 Management
The global and national information infrastructure is being conceived as a
massive network with very high capacity and capability. Evolution of such a
massive infrastructure calls for important managerial processes that must be
set in motion. For ICT based systems, some important components of
management process have been identified:

System availability


Performance and tuning


Change management


Network management


Configuration management


Capacity planning


Strategic security


Disaster management


Facility management

System availability is a critical parameter in GII. Reliability and availability

of GII systems are highly demanding. As a matter of routine, people would
expect the GII systems to work, much as the way they expect a bulb to light up
when they turn on the switch. They would also expect the systems to work
year after year for many decades. To meet this requirement, GII systems are
designed as high availability systems with an availability figure of over 99.99%
and a life span of about 30 years. The availability figure of 99.99% means that
the system may be down for 36 seconds in a week.



In GII, network access is expected to be in digital form. A basic assumption is

that all devices at the subscriber end are digital devices. However, the access
networks may be analog. Access to GII is obtained via any of the
telecommunication networks, viz. landline telephone network, landline packet
switched data network, mobile telephone network or ISDN. In many parts of
the world, the traditional telephone network has been changed to digital mode
of operation with the installation of digital exchanges. However, the subscriber
end may not be digital. The Subscriber Line Interface Card (SLIC) at the
exchange may be still designed for receiving analog signals.
Mobile networks have undergone two generations of development and the
third generation is evolving. The first generation mobile systems are analog


Information and Society

systems and are already being phased out. The most commonly used mobile
communication system today is the second-generation system that follows a
standard called Global System for Mobile communications (GSM). These
systems are inherently digital cellular systems. An integrated system of personal
communication via satellites and mobile networks supporting subscriber access
both via satellites and base stations would result in a truly universal
communication facility. Such systems are categorised as third generation
mobile systems and are currently being studied and standardised.
Connectivity to data network is usually via dedicated lines, as the data switches
operate in store and forward mode and not in connection-oriented mode. There
is nothing like direct dial up access with data switches. If there is a dial-up
access, it goes via a conventional telephone exchange. ISDN, as the name
implies, is a digital network end-to-end. Subscriber end equipments are digital,
access to ISDN exchange is digital, transmission throughout the network is
digital and signalling is also digital. Thus ISDN is an out and out digital network.
Access to any of the above said four-telecommunication networks is via access
links, which we discuss next.

12.5.1 Access Links

Access links are those communication lines between the subscriber premises
and the nearest point of telecommunication infrastructure. The nearest point is
called the Point-Of-Presence (POP). The POP may be an analog or a digital
telephone exchange, a data switch, a mobile base station or an ISDN exchange.
It may be remembered that a basic assumption in GII is that subscriber end
equipments are digital and as such generate digital data. A variety of access
links are available for connecting subscriber premises to the POP:



Analog lines with modems


Leased lines


Digital subscriber lines (DSL)


Asymmetric DSL (ADSL)


High speed DSL (HDSL)


Cable modem

Analog lines are used for connecting customer premises with analog telephone
exchanges. Digital transmission via analog lines calls for the use of modems
at both ends. At the subscriber end, digital to analog conversion is done for
transmission and analog to digital conversion for reception. Inverse functions
are performed at the exchange end. Since the cable infrastructure is available
throughout the telecommunication infrastructure a user may obtain on lease
between two end points a dedicated or private line on which point-to-point
information transfer can be organised. These lines are non-exchange lines and
are permanently available for the user. Leased lines can be obtained for different
speeds of operation and charges vary accordingly. A user may also obtain a
leased line between his premises and POP. Such lines are generally used for
connection to data switches that operate in packet switched mode without
establishing source-destination connection.

In the last couple of decades, signal processing techniques have been developed
by which it is now possible to send high speed digital data over voice grade
lines that are normally available between the subscriber premises and POP.
Such lines are called digital subscriber lines (DSL). The standard interface in
the case of ISDN is DSL. In a variety of applications on the GII, the data rate
from the user to the application server is much lower than the data rate between
the server and the user. Taking this fact into account, technology has been
developed to provide an economical solution that offers high download speeds
up to 2 Mbps but limited upload speeds, typically 64 or 128 Kbps. Lines used
for this purpose are known as Asymmetric DSL (ADSL) lines. High Speed
Digital Subscriber Lines (HDSL) are symmetric ones supporting high bit
rate data transmission both ways.

Information Infrastructure:
National and Global

Yet another way of accessing GII is via the television cable infrastructure. A
device called cable modem connects a personal computer to the television
cable. This connectivity offers very high speeds. Once again asymmetrical
configuration can also be obtained on television cables. Such a configuration
typically offers upload speeds up to 256 kbps and download speeds up to 10

12.5.2 Access Devices

Access devices are the devices that need to be installed at user premises in
order to access POP. These devices are different for different types of POP. In
the case of a data switch POP, the access device comprises two components:
Channel Service Unit (CSU) and Data Service Unit (DSU). Channel service
unit protects the POP from improper voltages and signals that a subscriber
might accidentally transfer. The data service unit interfaces with the user system
and formats the user data to suit the type of line (line speed, asymmetric
transmission, etc.).
In the case of ISDN, access devices are of two types: network termination
Type1 (NT1) and network termination Type 2 (NT2). NT1 performs the
functions similar to that of CSU and DSU. NT2 device additionally handles
errors and also performs certain routing functions. This is useful for connecting
a LAN to the POP. Non-ISDN devices may be connected to NT2 interface via
devices known as Terminal Adapters (TA).



Traditionally, we are used to different levels of telecommunication facilities

at home and in the office. While the house has a simple telephone, the office
has a PABX, a fax machine, an e-mail facility and so on. In the last few years,
we have seen computers entering homes and many households have Internet
connection these days. Some have fax machines too. Slowly,
telecommunication facilities are being added to homes. This has led to the
idea of home networks. Home networks are a vision at this time and it would
be a couple of decades before they become a reality in a big way.
The central idea behind home networks is that all electrically operated devices
at home can be networked and made accessible on the data network
infrastructure. They can then be controlled remotely. Home networks open up


Information and Society

very interesting possibilities in our life-style. For example, a person on way to

home can turn on the air conditioner from his car. A baby left alone at home
may be monitored via cameras by parents in an adult party. Burglar alarms
may alert a nearby police station in case any part of the house is break opened.
To realise home networks, it is predicted that most homes in future will be
built with networking infrastructure. Home appliances will be designed with
networking interfaces.
Significant enhancements to home telecommunication facilities come with
ISDN. Usually, the minimum configuration of network termination units (NTU)
of ISDN allows eight devices to be connected to it. The minimum data rate is
144 kbps configured as two basic channels of 64 kbps each and one signalling
channel of 16 kbps. The basic channel is called B-Channel and the signalling
channel as D-Channel and the configuration itself as 2B + D basic rate interface
(BRI). The B-channels can be dynamically configured to operate as circuit
switched or packet switched channels. Circuit switched channels may be used
for real time services like voice and slow motion video and packet switched
channels for data services. If there is spare capacity in D-channel, the same
may be used for data transfer. A variety of interesting combinations of services
are possible. Two telephone conversations and many data transfer applications
may be active simultaneously. A telephone conversation, a fax transmission,
and two Internet connections can co-exist. One telephone and many Internet
connections may be active. More than one telephone can be connected to the
NTU with each having different access permissions. For example, a teenagers
phone may debarred for STD and may be set for a maximum phone amount
per month. Telephone instruments may come with magnetic card facility to
accept credit or debit cards so that payments can be effected from home. Truly,
ISDN introduces the concept of home networks. Home networks may also be
configured as local area data networks.
There are certain characteristics that are essential for home networks:



Easy installation: Home networks must be such that a householder can

easily install new appliances on the network. Plug-and-play approach is
essential for network connectivity. It must be as easy as plugging in an
electrical appliance.


Reliability: Once installed, the network and the associated devices must
operate without failure for many years. The level of reliability must be
the same as one gets from general household appliances. Only then, the
concept of networks at home will be acceptable by householders.


Affordability: The cost networking must be at an affordable level for the

average householder.


Durability: The network standards and interfaces must be durable over

long years. For an average householder, investments in home appliances
are one-time or at best two-time investments in lifetime. Hence, home
networks must remain stable for 20-30 years.


Multimedia support: The most likely application at home is multimedia

entertainment in addition to day-to-day activities like utility bills payment
etc. Hence, good quality multimedia support is called for.


Security: People need safe and secure homes. Privacy at home is also
important. It should not be possible for intruders to interfere with the
operation of networked devices. Home networks must be designed taking
these factors into account.

Information Infrastructure:
National and Global

Home networks may be wired or wireless. Wireless networks are less secure
than wired networks. It is fairly easy to jam or to eavesdrop on a wireless
communication. Frequency allocation without interference between adjacent
residential buildings is also a problem of management. As it is, the frequency
band is a scarce resource. While future homes may be wired for networking,
the existing ones may go in for wireless networks.



At present, office networks are predominantly Local Area Networks (LAN).

A LAN is distinguished from other data networks in three aspects. LAN
communication is usually confined to a moderate-sized geographic area such
as a single office building, a warehouse, or a campus. Data communication is
via physical or wireless communication channels that can support moderate to
high data rates. The communication channels must have consistently low error
The most popular LAN configuration used in offices is Ethernet that comes in
three speeds: 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps and 1 Gbps. There are many options with
regard to medium of transmission and modulation techniques. The most widely
used transmission medium is Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) cables. They are
cheap and come in different categories to support different speeds. Category
(Cat) 3 cables are used for 10 Mbps rate, Cat 5 for 100 Mbps and Cat 6 for 1
Office networks are characterised by three features:

Distributed computing

Server environment

Managed devices

Distributed computing emerged in a big way with the advent of personal

computers (PCs) in early 1980s. PCs brought computing power to the desks of
office workers. An office functions in a co-ordinated manner. Therefore, soon
after the PCs arrived on the desks, a need was felt for interconnecting them.
Thus was born office networks. There are many centralised functions in an
office. This led to the idea of servers on the office networks. Adding managed
devices to office networks is a recent development and is yet to catch on in a
big way. Managed devices are items like air conditioning units, water coolers,
Xerox machines etc. which are connected to the network and managed via the
network. Typical servers in an office include the following:

Printer server (laser)

Printer server (colour)

E-mail server


Information and Society

File server

Database server

Fax server

Directory server

Internet Access server

Web server

The functions of the above servers are self-explanatory. Servers are centralised
resources and, in general, are accessible to everyone on the network. Access
to server resources may, however, be restricted under certain access permission
policy put in place by the management. Whenever an expensive resource is
added to the network, a server is associated with it either to make the resource
sharable or to control the access to it. Access to servers is done normally using
client-server architecture. Servers may be implemented using a personal
computer, a workstation or a mainframe. Mainframe based servers are
sometimes called enterprise servers .



A Corporate body is different from an office. It is a group of offices that are

geographically far apart. It has a head office and a number of regional or branch
offices. Each office has a LAN. A corporate network is a set of interconnected
LANs, all belonging to the same management and working to meet a set of
corporate objectives. There are three types of corporate networks:



Virtual Private Network

All the above three corporate networks are community networks in the sense
they serve a particular user group. Security is an important consideration in all
these networks. As a result the community is often called closed user group.
The word closed implies a secure network that is not open to persons outside
the group.
In Intranet, a corporate uses Internet technology including transmission
standards and applications to interconnect the LANs at different corporate
sites. The corporate sites are geographically far apart. In this case, the corporate
staff and the employees of the company at different locations form the
community. Persons from outside the corporate community cannot access the
Intranet. Intranets may also include a web server. However, for security reasons
the corporate may have a separate web server that is not part of the Intranet.


Extranet is an extension of Intranet. Here the community not only includes the
employees of the corporate but also suppliers and distributors of the corporate.
Extranet involves multiple companies that have some business association
under a set of rules or a contract. This network is also secure and serves a
closed user group.

Prior to the emergence of Intranet, corporate bodies used leased lines to

interconnect their sites. These networks were known as private networks.
Private networks were very secure, as the physical access was totally restricted
to authorised corporate users only. But the cost of leased lines turned out to be
too expensive for corporate bodies to afford. Intranet uses Internet instead of
leased lines for interconnecting different corporate sites. Intranet solution is
very cheap, as the Internet communication costs are low. But the problem is
that Internet is a public network that could be accessed by anyone and hence,
on Intranet, the corporate faces information security risks. Risk avoidance has
come in the form of Virtual Private Network (VPN). The term virtual implies
that the network uses shared public infrastructure and yet acts like a private

Information Infrastructure:
National and Global

VPNs are either Intranets or Extranets with additional security mechanisms.

Intranets and Extranets have security built in them by way of access permission
or access denial policy. But, when the data moves on the Internet there is no
security. Anyone can easily intercept the data on the Internet. VPN ensures
that the data that moves amongst corporate sites on the Internet is also secure.
A process called tunnelling that is implemented in secure Internet Protocol
(IPsec) accomplishes the required security level. In tunnelling, the data delivered
to the Internet at one corporate site is encapsulated with additional header and
some form of encryption. Such encapsulated data is then moved on the Internet
without access to the original packet and using only the additional header
information. This is like using two envelopes while communicating confidential
information. Only the outer envelope is used for address processing. At the
receiving end, the data is de-capsulated.
Self Check Exercises

Define Internet, Intranet and Extranet.


Distinguish between private networks and VPNs.


What is tunnelling?

Note: i)

Write your answers in the space given below.

ii) Check your answers with the answers given at the end of the Unit.



GII applications may be placed in the following categories:



Information Repository

Trading and Commerce

Information Distribution


Information and Society

Video on demand and music on demand are examples of entertainment

applications on GII. Quality services in this regard can only come when the
information pipes have very high capacity. In this context, B-ISDN
infrastructure is very important. Information repository involves both
information storage and retrieval. This is broadly achieved by World Wide
Web type technology. High capacity is required to support multimedia
information services. Electronic commerce (e-commerce) is a major
commercial and trading application envisaged on GII. We present more details
of e-commerce in the following paragraphs.
Electronic commerce may be defined as a mode of business in which business
transactions like selling and buying, and commercial activities like advertising
and marketing take place via telecommunication networks. It must be possible
to carry out the complete range of business activities on the network. These







After sales service

Business on the GII may deal with tangible products, information products or
services. Tangible products can not be delivered on the network. Similarly,
purchase of certain items may require a visit to the concerned showroom. Taking
such factors into account, the products may be placed under four categories.
Table 12.2 summarises these categories with example products.
Table 12.2: Product Categories on GII

Product Category
Online advertising and marketing
Online advertising, marketing,
sales and payments, but physical
Online advertising, marketing,
sales, payments and delivery

Cars, Furniture, etc.
Books, CD-ROMs, music & video
CDs, branded items, etc.
Electronic products like music, ejournals, software, etc.

Benefits of e-commerce are many in number and include the following:


Reduced cost;

Reduced cycle time;

Increased revenues;

Elimination of intermediaries;

New sources of revenue;

Large customer base;

New and innovative products and services; and

Improved customer satisfaction.

Information Infrastructure:
National and Global

Four types of e-commerce have been identified and each one of them has
some special requirements. The types of e-commerce businesses are
summarised in Table 12.3. B-to-B e-commerce is built around Extranets. The
business details are determined in advance and the business represents an
ongoing relationship involving multiple transactions.
Table 12.3: E-commerce Business Types

B2B or B-to-B
B2C or B-to-C
C2C or C-to-C
C2B or C-to-B

Business Type
Business to Business
Business to Consumer
Consumer to Consumer
Consumer to Business

B-to-C type is based on electronic market infrastructure built around public

access networks. There is no fixed or long-term relationship between the
business and the customer. The number of business transactions is limited to
one or a few. C-to-C type is carried out on market makers infrastructure such
as online service providers. The infrastructure may be an auction site or productadvertising site. C-to-B type is a new business type envisaged in e-commerce.
Here, a consumer advertises his requirements and business houses respond to
the requirements by making offers.
Self Check Exercise
7) Give an example of C-to-B type of e-commerce.
Note: i) Write your answers in the space given below.
ii) Check your answer with the answers given at the end of the Unit.



Security in GII concerns physical resources like network devices, network

nodes, computers and communication systems and intellectual resources like
software, knowledge, data and information bases. It also concerns
communication security, i.e. protection of data while being transferred from
one place to another. The main aspects of security may be listed as:

User authentication;

Message authentication;

Communication security;


Information and Society

Storage security;

Access security;

Application security; and

Protection from malicious contents like viruses.

User authentication is done via information keys like password and personal
questionnaire, physical keys like magnetic cards and smart cards, and
biometric keys like voiceprints and fingerprints. A variety of user
authentication protocols have been developed for this purpose. Some among
them are challenge handshake authentication protocol (CHAP) of Microsoft
and Kerberos of MIT. While CHAP authentication takes place directly from
the server that the user wishes to access, Kerberos authentication takes place
via a central Kerberos server.
Message authentication is done via digital signatures. Digital signature is a
technique for digitally signing a digital document much as the way a
conventional document is affixed with a signature. The contents of the digital
document are in plain text and can be read by anyone. The document contains
an encrypted signature that authenticates the signer, the contents and a proof
of dispatch by the signer.
Communication security deals with protection of data while in transit. Secure
communication systems use cryptology for ensuring confidentiality of messages
transported through them. Cryptology or cryptography involves three aspects:
encryption, decryption and crypt analysis. Encryption is a form of coding
that transforms the original understandable message into a bit string that does
not make any sense. The encrypted bit string is transmitted over the
communication system. Decryption is the inverse process of encryption, which
extracts the original message from the encrypted bit string. Crypt analysis is
used to study the efficacy of the encryption scheme and by intruders to decipher
the encrypted message. Both encryption and decryption processes use a key
along with their respective algorithms. If the encryption and decryption keys
are identical, the cryptosystem is said to be symmetric. If the keys are not the
same, the system is asymmetric. Symmetric crypto systems are also known
as private key cryptography systems, and the asymmetric ones as public key
cryptography systems. A widely used symmetric system is Data Encryption
Standard (DES) and asymmetric system is RSA algorithm. The asymmetric
system is named after its inventors Rivest, Samir and Adleman. Storage security
also uses cryptography. In fact, many encryption/decryption algorithms have
been developed and they are used in a wide variety of applications like secure
e-mail etc.
Access security is applicable to databases and networks. Databases are protected
by access control mechanisms and networks by firewalls. A firewall sits
between a public access network and a private protected network. It examines
the incoming messages, permits legal messages to enter the protected network,
and discards suspicious or illegal ones. Application security is enforced by
using application firewalls that are also known as proxies.

Malicious contents enter networks in three forms: viruses, worms and Trojan
horses. Viruses infect programs and files. Worms creep across systems. Trojan

horses are programs that promise to do one thing, like a new game, but actually
execute undesirable functions on the victim system. Finally, there is spam
that arrives as email containing unsolicited commercial information. Malicious
contents are rejected by using suitable inspection and screening programs like
anti-virus and anti-worm programs.

Information Infrastructure:
National and Global

Self Check Exercise


Name any two biometric keys other than fingerprint and voiceprint.

Note: i) Write your answer in the space given below.

ii) Check your answer with the answers given at the end of the Unit.



This Unit is about the information infrastructure that is required at the national
and global level to support the emerging electronic networked information
society (NEIS). First, the emerging NEIS is placed in perspective. The five
goals of NEIS, viz. anyone, anytime, anywhere, any information and any format
are discussed. Possible impact of NEIS on various societal aspects like
education, work culture and environment are discussed. Different information
management aspects like acquisition, storage, dissemination etc. are
enumerated. The overall architecture of the GII is then presented. The five key
issues of GII like connectivity, capacity, contents etc. are brought out.
Management components of GII are then enumerated. Different components
of GII like access networks, home networks, office networks are discussed.
The three types of corporate networks, viz. Intranet, Extranet and VPN are
placed in perspective. GII applications, in particular e-commerce, are then
discussed. The Unit closes with a discussion on the security aspects of GII.



GII architecture has four layers as shown below:

Layer 4
Layer 3
Layer 2
Layer 1

User infrastructure
Access infrastructure
Application infrastructure
Telecommunication infrastructure

Discussions as in Section 12.4.1


Teledensity of India is 6.6 as given in Section 12.5. Population is given as

1024 million.
Therefore, the number of teleconnections = 1024 6.6/100 = 67.58 million.


Information and Society


Teledensity of France = 75.2/59.7 100 = 126


Internet is a network of networks. Intranet is a corporate network

interconnecting networks at different corporate sites via Internet. Intranet
serves a closed user group and is not open to outsiders. Access to Intranet
resources is governed by the security policy of the corporate. Extranet is
an extension of Intranet, which includes the Intranets of the business
associates of the corporate. Access by business associates is governed by
a set of business rules.


Private networks use leased lines for interconnecting different sites. PVNs
use Internet infrastructure instead of leased lines.


Tunnelling is the process by which corporate information is whisked

through Internet in a secure manner.


A consumer states his holiday tour requirements and tours & travels
companies respond.


Palm structure and eye features.



Access Devices

: Devices used at user premises to access


Access Infrastructure

: Comprising access links, access devices

and networks through which users access

Access Links

: Communication lines used between

subscriber and telecommunication pointof-presence.

Closed User Group

: Community of users whose network is not

accessible to others.


: The art and technique of transforming a

legible message to a meaningless binary

Digital Subscriber Line

: An access link in which information is

transferred in digital form.

Intermediate Language

: A language used in machine translation,

which acts as an intermediary.

Leased Line

: A dedicated or private line hired by a user

from a network provider.

Machine Translation

: Translation from one language to another

using computers.

Malicious Contents

: Program code or data that enter computers

or networks and affect the normal

Media Coding

: Representation of multimedia information

in electronic form.

Point-of-Presence (POP)

: The
telecommunication infrastructure to which
a user is connected.

Remote Sensing

: A technique of information acquisition

using satellites.

Telecom Infrastructure

: Infrastructure provided by telecom



: Rendering and receiving services on the

networks without having to attend offices.


: Number of teleconnections per hundred

persons in the population of a country.


: The process of transporting information on

Internet in a secure manner.

User Infrastructure

: Mobile stations or networks at homes and



Information Infrastructure:
National and Global


Chen, Ching-Chih (1995). Planning Global Information Infrastructure. New

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India. Ministry of Finance. Economic Division (2005). Economic Survey. New
Delhi: Government of India.
Panko, Raymond R. (2002). Business Data Networks and Telecommunications.
New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India.
Schiesser, Rich (2003). IT Systems Management. New Delhi: Prentice Hall of
Schneider, Gary P. and Perry, James T. (2000). Electronic Commerce.
Cambridge: Course Technology.
Tanenbaum, Andrew S. (2002). Computer Networks. 4th ed.. New Delhi:
Prentice Hall of India.
Viswanathan, Thiagarajan (2004). Telecommunications Switching Systems and
Networks. New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India.


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