Platts 28 Janv 2013
Platts 28 Janv 2013
Platts 28 Janv 2013
FOB NWE CIF NWE/Basis ARA ICE gasoil settlements (PGA page 702)
Naphtha (Feb) PAAAJ00 941.75–942.25 942.000 +1.500
Gasoil Low Sulfur Gasoil
Naphtha PAAAL00 946.00–946.50 946.250 -2.250
Gasoline 10ppm AAXFQ00 1060.75–1061.25 1061.000 +17.750 Feb AAQSG00 970.75 Feb AAGS001 978.75
Jet PJAAV00 1035.25–1035.75 1035.500 +3.750 PJAAU00 1052.25–1052.75 1052.500 +3.750 Mar AAQSH00 962.00 Mar AAGS002 981.00
ULSD 10 ppm AAVBF00 957.25–957.75 957.500 -0.250 AAVBG00 979.25–979.75 979.500 -0.250 Apr AAQSI00 953.75 Apr AAGS003 978.00
Diesel 10ppm NWE AAWZD00 960.75–961.25 961.000 -0.250 AAWZC00 983.25–983.75 983.500 -0.250 May AAQSJ00 946.00 May AAGS004 974.00
Diesel 10 ppm UK AAVBH00 985.50–986.00 985.750 -0.250 Jun AAQSK00 939.75 Jun AAGS005 968.00
Gasoil 0.1% AAYWR00 948.25–948.75 948.500 +2.000 AAYWS00 972.50–973.00 972.750 +2.000 Jul AAQSL00 936.00 Jul AAGS006 964.00
Fuel oil 1.0% PUAAM00 645.50–646.00 645.750 -1.750 PUAAL00 657.50–658.00 657.750 -1.750
Expiry AAQSM00 NA*
Fuel oil 3.5% PUABB00 594.75–595.25 595.000 -0.500 PUABA00 609.25–609.75 609.500 -0.500
Straight run 0.5-0.7% PKABA00 744.50–745.50 745.000 +1.500 *Value at 12:00 London time will only appear on day of expiry
VGO 0.5-0.6% AAHMX00 800.50–801.50 801.000 +1.500 AAHMZ00 803.50–804.50 804.000 +1.500 ICE gasoil GWAVE (Previous day’s values) (PGA page 702)
VGO 2% max AAHNB00 794.00–795.00 794.500 +1.000 AAHND00 797.00–798.00 797.500 +1.000
Feb PXAAJ00 971.75 Mar PXAAK00 964.50
Northwest Europe barges (PGA page 1112)
FOB Rotterdam Fuel oil hi-lo diff ($mt) NYMEX futures (16:30 London time)
Naphtha PAAAM00 942.00–942.50 942.250 -2.250
Eurobob AAQZV00 1046.75–1047.25 1047.000 +17.750 80 NYMEX WTI (PGA page 703)
98 RON gasoline 10 ppm AAKOD00 1092.75–1093.25 1093.000 +23.000
Premium gasoline 10 ppm PGABM00 1072.75–1073.25 1073.000 +23.000 $/barrel $/barrel
Jet PJABA00 1046.00–1046.50 1046.250 +1.250 Mar AASCR00 96.07 Apr AASCS00 96.53
Diesel 10 ppm AAJUS00 979.00–979.50 979.250 +2.000
NYMEX heating oil (PGA page 703)
Gasoil 50 ppm AAUQC00 976.50–977.00 976.750 +4.000 40
Gasoil 0.1% AAYWT00 970.00–970.50 970.250 +1.500 ¢/gal ¢/gal
Fuel oil 1.0% PUAAP00 646.00–646.50 646.250 +0.250 Feb AASCT00 305.06 Mar AASCU00 304.33
Fuel oil 3.5% PUABC00 613.50–614.00 613.750 -0.500 20
Rotterdam bunker 380 CST PUAYW00 620.00–621.00 620.500 +1.000 NYMEX RBOB (unleaded gasoline) (PGA page 703)
VGO 0.5-0.6% AAHNF00 800.50–801.50 801.000 +1.500 0 ¢/gal ¢/gal
VGO 2% max AAHNI00 794.00–795.00 794.500 +1.000 30-Jul 04-Sep 09-Oct 13-Nov 18-Dec 25-Jan
MTBE* PHALA00 1253.75–1254.25 1254.000 +10.000 Feb AASCV00 293.94 Mar AASCW00 294.94
*FOB Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp
Market Update (PGA page 724) Euro-denominated assessments 16:30 London (€/mt)
NYMEX light sweet crude futures rebounded back Med cargoes (PGA page 1120) Northwest Europe barges (PGA page 1118)
above Friday’s settle heading into US afternoon trade FOB Med CIF Med FOB Rotterdam
(Italy) (Genova/Lavera) Naphtha ABWHF00 700.193
on Monday, bouncing upward from the session low Naphtha* ABWHE00 677.343 ABWHD00 694.063 Eurobob ABWGT00 778.034
of $95.47/b seen at 10:15 a.m. EST (1515 GMT). Prem Unl 10ppm ABWGV00 800.327 ABWGU00 811.474 98 RON gasoline 10 ppm ABWGX00 812.217
Jet ABWGZ00 760.013 AAZBO00 781.006 Premium gasoline 10 ppm AAQCH00 797.355
The NYMEX March crude contract was 30 cents 10ppm ULSD ABWHM00 719.886 ABWHH00 733.076 Jet ABWHC00 777.476
higher than Friday’s settle at $96.18/b, as the front- Gasoil 0.1% ABWGQ00 710.225 ABWGO00 725.645 Diesel 10 ppm AAQCI00 727.688
Fuel Oil 1.0% ABWGH00 483.577 ABWGF00 494.167 Gasoil 50 ppm AAUQF00 725.830
month contract’s discount to front-month Brent fell
Fuel oil 3.5% ABWGM00 451.624 ABWGK00 462.213 Gasoil 0.1% AAYWY00 721.000
below $17/b. ICE March Brent was down 11 cents at Jet FOB Med premium ABWHA00 7.431 Fuel oil 1.0% ABWGI00 480.233
$113.17/b. “WTI is building upon last week’s rebound *Naphtha FOB Med is basis East Med Fuel oil 3.5% AAQCK00 456.082
Rotterdam bunker 380 CST AAUHE00 461.098
from the Seaway Pipeline snag,” Mike Fitzpatrick, of the Northwest Europe cargoes (PGA page 1116)
Kilduff Report, said in a note. “Due to maintenance at FOB NWE CIF NWE/ New York Harbor cargoes 16:30 London (PGA pages 1350 & 1450)
the Phillips refinery at the end of the line, the storage Basis ARA FOB NY Harbor
Naphtha AAQCE00 703.166 (€ cent/gal)
tanks there are full... Last week’s inventory report gave Gasoline 10ppm ABWGS00 788.437 Unleaded 87 AAPYV00 220.47
a preview of the drainage the pipeline can inflict on Jet ABWHB00 769.488 AAQCF00 782.121 Unleaded 89 AAPYW00 228.87
Cushing inventories, but it seems the market forgot ULSD 10 ppm ABWHO00 714.126 ABWHI00 730.846 Unleaded 93 AAPYX00 241.48
Diesel 10ppm NWE ABWHP00 711.526 ABWHK00 727.874 No. 2 AAPYY00 227.96
about the rest of the story.” Last week, Enterprise Diesel 10 ppm UK ABWHJ00 732.518
Products Partners, which operates Seaway, said Gasoil 0.1% ABWGR00 704.838 ABWGP00 722.858
Fuel oil 1.0% AAQCG00 479.862 ABWGG00 488.779
Wednesday that it has reduced nominations on the Fuel oil 3.5% ABWGN00 442.149 ABWGL00 452.924
European clean product barge freight rates
pipeline to 175,000 b/d due to high inventory at the Straight run 0.5-0.7% ABWHG00 553.615
ARA ($/mt) (PGT page 1918)
Jones Creek terminal in Texas. Euro/US$ forex rate: 1.3457. Platts Euro denominated European & US product
Rotterdam — Rotterdam TCAEI00 2.00
assessments are based on market values and a Euro/US$ forex rate at 4:30
PM local London time. Rotterdam — Flushing TCAEJ00 3.00
Rotterdam — Ghent TCAEK00 3.50
Gasoline (PGA page 1399) Rotterdam — Antwerp TCAEL00 3.00
Foreign exchange rates (PGA page 1151) Germany ($/mt) (PGT page 1918)
Northwest Europe gasoline market crack swaps and January 28, 2013 London 16:30 Rotterdam — Duisburg TCAEM00 6.75
spreads surged after Hess announced plans to close Dollar/Swiss franc BCADC00 0.9271 Rotterdam — Cologne TCAEN00 10.00
GB pound/Dollar BCADB00 1.5691 Rotterdam — Karlsruhe TCAEO00 15.25
down its sole refinery at Port Reading, New Jersey, Antwerp — Duisburg TCAEP00 7.25
Dollar/Yen BCACW00 90.7400
market sources said Monday. “The rally today is from Euro/Dollar BCADD00 1.3457 Switzerland ($/mt) (PGT page 1918)
Hess closing its Port Reading New Jersey refinery,” Dollar/Ruble AAUJO00 30.1890 Rotterdam — Basel TCAEQ00 16.00
a trader said. At Monday’s European close, the
February FOB Rotterdam EBOB gasoline crack swap months, the first trader said. “The June-July spread Atlantic Coast, is pulling barrels out of Northwest
was assessed at $13.15/barrel, up from Friday’s is seen in $14.50/mt backwardation which is pretty Europe,” the trader said. So far, no barrels were
$10.75/b. The February-March FOB Rotterdam strong, even for summer.” Typically, the Eurobob confirmed as moving from NWE to the Mediterranean,
EBOB swap spread was assessed at $5.75/mt, up gasoline market is strongest in summer due to the but it made more sense to ship West African blends
from Friday’s $4/mt, Platts data showed. “The first US driving season. Now, with Hess closing down out of NWE than the more expensive Mediterranean
jump was last week with hedge funds entering the its Port Reading refinery, European traders were market, the third trader said.
[NYMEX] RBOB futures contract on the long side,” expecting a rise in exports from the region to the
a second trader said of the recent climb in cracks USAC this summer, the first trader said. In addition, Gasoline deals (PGA page 5)
swaps. “The rest is adjusting up along,” he added, the Eurobob market remained fundamentally strong,
referring to the boost to the FOB Rotterdam EBOB boosted by a bullish Mediterranean market, a third n GASOLINE: MOC SUMMARY: PREM UNL: Trafigura-
market structure last week. For instance, there trader said. “The Mediterranean is still strong. That, TOTSA at $1073/mt MW EBOB: Gunvor-STR at $1045/
was now steep backwardation between the summer in combination with the recent arbitrage to the US mt MW; Gunvor-Trafigura at $1045.25/mt MW; Gunvor-
Cargill at $1046/mt MW; Gunvor-Vitol at $1047/mt MW; Subscriber notes (PGA page 1500)
Rdam, FE; 7) Litasco-Vitol $613.5/mt, 2kt, FOB Rdam, into LSVGO demand expectations. A rising gasoline the same level seen on Friday, the Forties differential
MW; 8) Totsa-Aegean $613.5/mt, 6kt, FOB Rdam, crack is “always supportive of course,” for LSVGO, said remained under pressure from margins. With the sour
FE; 9) Litasco-Vitol $613.75/mt, 2kt, FOB Rdam, BE; one trader. European gasoline fundamentals are largely market staging a slight recovery, some traders saw Urals
10) Litasco-Vitol $613.5/mt, 2kt, FOB Rdam, MW; bullish according to traders. Strong Mediterranean helping to support the Forties market. “Urals certainly
11) Gunvor-Totsa $613.75/mt, 2kt, FOB Rdam, FE; demand, and a recent arbitrage to the US Atlantic provided some support last week,” one trader said.
12) Litasco-Vitol $613.75/mt, 2kt, FOB Rdam, BE; Coast (now closed) took volumes out of the market, “It will always provide a floor, it just depends where
13) Litasco-Vitol $613.5/mt, 2kt, FOB Rdam, MW; and traders said it looked increasingly profitable to that floor is... If it stays at current levels, I wouldn’t be
14) Litasco-Vitol $613.75/mt, 2kt, FOB Rdam, BE; ship volumes to West Africa from NWE. There was also surprised to see some usual buyers looking at Forties
15) Litasco-Vitol $613.75/mt, 2kt, FOB Rdam, BE; an uptick in the number of hedge funds going long this week.” The Buzzard oilfield is scheduled to undergo
16) Litasco-Vitol $613.5/mt, 2kt, FOB Rdam, MW; on RBOB, said traders, adding to bullish sentiment. a week of planned maintenance in early March, several
17) Litasco-Totsa $613.75/mt, 2kt, FOB Rdam, FE; However on the US demand front for feeds, Hess North Sea traders said. Although the reason for the
18) Litasco-Vitol $613.75/mt, 2kt, FOB Rdam, BE; announced Monday it was closing its New Jersey possible maintenance was unclear, several traders said
19) Gunvor-BP $613.25/mt, 2kt, FOB Rdam, FE; 20) refinery, which buys about 250,000 mt of feedstocks that it could be due to pigging. However, one North
Gunvor-Cargill $613.75/mt, 2kt, FOB Rdam, FE; 21) per month consisting of both high quality LSSR (less Sea trader noted that, with no official comment from
Litasco-Vitol $613.75/mt, 2kt, FOB Rdam, BE; 22) than 0.5% sulfur) and LSVGO, according to trade Nexen, the currently-talked about March date could well
Litasco-ArgosBunk $613.75/mt, 2kt, FOB Rdam, FE; sources. The reaction was mixed from European traders; be pushed back -- indeed, the current March date was
23) Gunvor-Vitol $613.75/mt, 2kt, FOB Rdam, BE; some saw a sizeable impact on the European market deferred from January. One trader said that the move
24) Litasco-Vitol $613.5/mt, 2kt, FOB Rdam, MW; 25) from reduced demand pull from the US. “It’s not so would be unusual, given the large-scale maintenance
Litasco-Vitol $613.75/mt, 2kt, FOB Rdam, BE. bullish is it,” said one. However another trader said the in September and October 2012. “More Buzzard
impact was not significant. maintenance seems a bit weird,” a trader said. “They
n HSFO cargo MOC deal summary: Lia-Cepsa, Platts had maintenance very recently. I can see them doing
HSFO Med Crg CIF bss Algeciras 10-25, February VGO deals (PGA page 5)
something again in August, but I would think that after
7-February 11 100% 3.5% CIF Med cargoes at $4.00 last year’s monster turnaround, that would be all for
for 27000-27000, Terminal: Berth B, Main volume No deals now.” Trafigura also came to the MOC, offering a cargo
pricing: 27kt pricing 1-28 February 2013, 3.5% HIGH of Brent-Ninian Blend loading February 14-16 at Dated
CIF Med cargoes Optol: 0-6kt: pricing 10 days after North Sea crude (PGA page 1299)
Brent plus $1.25/b. The parcel, number B0203, has
COD, same as main volume differential, Spec: RMG been deferred by a day from February 13-16, making
380; 2010 RMG 380 CST bunker fuel, CP: Full med The Forties crude differential to Dated Brent continued it the first February Brent cargo to move dates. Three
(Excl. israel/syria/libia/albania/yugo former yugo) and to fall Monday, losing ground from a two week high cargoes were deferred in the January program, with
the Canary Islands, Vessel acceptable to: CEPSA/ reached Thursday. Total returned to the Platts Market one dropping into February. Elsewhere, other North Sea
Repsol/ENI on Close assessment process bidding for a Forties grades were heard largely stable, with little remaining
cargo loading on February 9-11. Although the bid was on offer for February loading following active trading
VGO (PGA page 1597)
the previous week. “The market dipped a bit in the Asia products
second decade,” a trader said, “but overall it’s ending Code Mid Change Code Mid Change
at about the same level it started at. The weakness Singapore (PGA page 2002)
before was due to very strong bidding in Dated Brent, FOB Singpore ($/barrel)
Naphtha PAAAP00 107.09–107.13 107.110 -0.050
which sent the margins very low. The market reverted Gasoline 92 unleaded PGAEY00 121.27–121.31 121.290 -0.670
to higher levels because of the fundamental supply- Gasoline 95 unleaded PGAEZ00 124.48–124.52 124.500 -0.620
demand [balance].” Meanwhile, Shell entered the Forties Gasoline 97 unleaded PGAMS00 126.13–126.17 126.150 -0.600
Kerosene PJABF00 128.37–128.41 128.390 -0.960
parcel F0216, loading February 22-24 into the 10-25 Gasoil 0.05% sulfur AAFEX00 127.09–127.13 127.110 -0.740
day nomination procedure. The cargo, which was also Gasoil 0.25% sulfur AACUE00 126.09–126.13 126.110 -0.790
Gasoil POABC00 127.09–127.13 127.110 -0.740
Shell equity, was kept by Vitol. Shell did not immediately
Fuel oil 180 CST 2% ($/mt) PUAXS00 647.22–647.26 647.240 -2.880
respond to a request for comment on why the cargo had HSFO 180 CST ($/mt) PUADV00 634.46–634.50 634.480 -2.010
been advanced from its original dates of February 23-25. HSFO 380 CST ($/mt) PPXDK00 630.82–630.86 630.840 -3.900
Indonesia (PGA page 2516)
FOB Indonesia ($/barrel)
LSSR (PGA page 1598) LSWR Mixed/Cracked PPAPU00 111.81–111.85 111.830 -0.440
Gasoline components (PBF page 2010)
In Monday’s Northwest European low sulfur straight
FOB Singapore ($/mt)
run market, FOB NWE LSSR cargoes were assessed MTBE PHALF00 1169.00–1171.00 1170.000 -9.000
up $0.10/barrel at a discount of $3.10/b to March Singapore Swaps (PPA page 2654)
ICE Brent crude futures, with continued good draw from February ($/barrel) March ($/barrel)
European refineries, as improved crude margins took time Naphtha Japan ($/mt) AAXFE00 958.25–958.75 958.500 -1.000 AAXFF00 944.25–944.75 944.500 -1.250
Naphtha PAAAQ00 105.83–105.87 105.850 -0.050 PAAAR00 104.28–104.32 104.300 -0.050
to translate into reduced demand for straight run, and
Gasoline 92 unleaded AAXEL00 120.98–121.02 121.000 -0.400 AAXEM00 119.98–120.02 120.000 -0.350
with higher floor provided by an increased low sulfur fuel Reforming Spread AAXEO00 15.13/15.17 15.150 -0.350 AAXEP00 15.68/15.72 15.700 -0.300
oil crack this month. In the Mediterranean, the Ras lanuf Kerosene PJABS00 128.02–128.06 128.040 -0.880 PJABT00 127.41–127.45 127.430 -0.850
Gasoil POAFC00 127.22–127.26 127.240 -0.710 POAFG00 127.21–127.25 127.230 -0.630
refinery in Libya was temporarily shut Monday due to a HSFO 180 CST ($/mt) PUAXZ00 638.73–638.77 638.750 -3.050 PUAYF00 641.38–641.42 641.400 -4.150
power failure, a manager confirmed to Platts. However, Middle East (PGA page 2004)
traders underplayed any impact on the LSSR market. FOB Arab Gulf ($/barrel)
“Seems like its just a one-day issue, I don’t think it will Naphtha ($/mt) PAAAA00 933.85–944.35 939.100 -0.250
Naphtha LR2 ($/mt) AAIDA00 941.01–951.51 946.260 -0.500
affect anything apart from demurrage,” said one trader.
Kerosene PJAAA00 125.95–125.99 125.970 -0.940
Regarding the news that Hess was closing its New Jersey Gasoil 0.005% sulfur AASGJ00 125.02–125.06 125.040 -0.730
refinery, which buys only feedstocks, European traders Gasoil 0.05% sulfur AAFEZ00 124.52–124.56 124.540 -0.730
Gasoil 0.25% sulfur AACUA00 123.12–123.16 123.140 -0.730
tended to underplay any impact on European LSSR Gasoil POAAT00 124.52–124.56 124.540 -0.730
prices. “It’s not a great deal, as a percentage of the HSFO 180 CST ($/mt) PUABE00 619.70–619.74 619.720 -1.920
total market,” said one trader. Traders said the refinery Japan (PGA page 2006)
had bought about 250,000 mt of feedstocks per month, C+F Japan ($/mt) Premium/Discount
consisting of both high quality Algerian LSSR of less than Naphtha PAAAD00 967.00–977.50 972.250 -0.500
Naphtha MOPJ Strip AAXFH00 938.25–938.75 938.500 -1.500 AAXFI00 33.50/34.00 33.750 +1.000
0.5% sulfur, and LSVGO. The Algerian LSSR from Skikda Naphtha 2nd 1/2 Mar PAAAE00 986.75–987.25 987.000 -0.500
they used to buy would not have trouble finding a home, Naphtha 1st 1/2 Mar PAAAF00 977.00–977.50 977.250 -0.500
Naphtha 2nd 1/2 Apr PAAAG00 967.00–967.50 967.250 -0.500
according to one trader. “It’ll get swallowed up,” he said.
Gasoline unleaded ($/barrel) PGACW00 123.93–123.97 123.950 -0.670
Kerosene ($/barrel) PJAAN00 130.28–130.32 130.300 -0.990
Gasoil ($/barrel) POABF00 130.10–130.14 130.120 -0.580
LSSR deals (PGA page 5) HSFO 180 CST PUACJ00 647.19–647.23 647.210 -2.090
No deals
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