Refrigeration System Using Nano Fluid: A Review Article
Refrigeration System Using Nano Fluid: A Review Article
Refrigeration System Using Nano Fluid: A Review Article
Abstract— Refrigeration is a process of removing heat from cost, high volume production of stable green nanofluids
one place to another place.The refrigeration process is done by suitable for refrigeration application is one of the most
using a special device is known as refrigerator. Researchers are challenging objectives.
trying to use new generation heat transfer fluids called nano
fluids in refrigeration systems. This research mainly focuses on
cuO-nano lubricant in the refrigeration systems. cuO nano Nanofluids are engineered colloidal suspensions of
particles introduced into the system through lubricant to nanoparticles in base fluids at modest concentrations showing
improve its heat transfer performance. A concentration of 0.05 significant enhancement of their properties. Compared to
to 1% of cuo polyester oil was tested along with suitability and normal solid liquid suspensions nanofluids have 1) higher heat
environmental friendly refrigerant R134a. Results show that transfer between particles & fluids due to high nanoparticles
cuO nano particles concentration of 0.05 to1% is optimal and surface area 2) better dispersion stability with predominant
gives highest heat transfer enhancement and improve the Brownian motion 3) reduced particle clogging & 4) reduced
coefficient of performace (cop), reduce the power consumption pumping power compared to base fluid. Nanoparticles can be
and comparing thermal conductivity, dynamic viscosity. added to the lubricant (compressor oil) and the lubricant
nanoparticles mixture is known as nanolubricant. Similarly
Keywords— Nano lubricant, Refrigeration ,Cop, cuO,
nanoparticles can be added to the refrigerant and the refrigerant
Polyester oil
nanoparticles mixture is known as nanorefrigerant.
I. INTRODUCTION Nanolubricant-refrigerant can be prepared by mixing pure
refrigerant with nanolubricant. Nanolubricant, nanorefrigerant
The most common refrigerant in current time is R134a in all
& nanolubricant-refrigerant are type of nanofluids. In
the refrigeration systems like vapour compression refrigeration
refrigeration systems, nanolubricant improves tribological
system, domestic refrigerators and air conditioners. But the
characteristics improving compressor performance;
only problem with this type of refrigerant is they need the large
nanorefrigerant improves thermo-physical properties,
amount of electric power. Now for the time demand we need
improving refrigerating effect. Presence of nanoparticles
something new that will be able to replace alternative
enhances solubility between oil & refrigerant and returns more
refrigerant with some advanced thermo-physical properties like
oil back to the compressor.
high heat transfer, low power consumption in order to make
the refrigeration process more effective and efficient so that we III. PREPARATION OF NANOFLUIDS
will have a chance to save the environment. The new
Cuo nanoparticles are added to refrigerant by dispersing in the
technology is being introduced in present time that is,
host lubricant POE (Poly Ester) in the compressor of the air-
nanotechnology by the help of technology nano refrigerants are
condition unit. POE is widely used in the industry for
refrigeration and air-condition. Cuo Nanoparticles with
Since refrigeration deals completely with the transfer of heat, concentration of 0.01wt%, 0.05wt% and 0.1wt% were
to better understand how the refrigeration process works, these measured by digital weight balance. Each mass fraction of
necessary to first understand the nature of heat. Then we can nanoparticles is mixed with base lubricant and the amount of
control the transfer and removal of heat reduce and maintain each sample of nanolubricant prepared was 700 grams.
the temperature of a space or material below its natural Resultant nanolubricant was homogenized for 15 minutes
surrounding temperature. While evaluating performance of followed by sonication for up to 4 hours using a water bath
refrigeration system, effect of nanofluid preparation method, sonicator.
effect of various types of nanoparticle materials, variation of
Refer Table 1 below, CNT has highest thermal conductivity.
sizes of nanoparticles, variation of concentration of
Aligned CNTs are easier to disperse. However it is most
nanoparticles, variation of suspension concentration in
expensive option. Natural Diamond has second highest thermal
refrigerant needs to be investigated. Available nanoparticle
conductivity with no significant health risks but is second most
materials are limited, however there are too many
expensive option. CuO & ZnO can be dangerous for health.
combinations of base fluid (refrigerants & oils) with
Al2O3 reacts with water & heat is generated. Oil has low
nanoparticles and too many variables (sizes, concentration) &
thermal conductivity whereas refrigerant has very low thermal
alternatives to explore & research. Development of
conductivity. For other nanoparticles study is limited.
nanoparticle production & dispersion technique will further
enhance nanofluid research possibilities. Any new Table 1: Thermal conductivity of different materials
development of nanoparticle material shall also go through all
production, research, & experimentation steps. Public concern
about nanoparticles safety both in production and in use shall
also be required to be considered. Possibility of using non-
toxic or biodegradable nanoparticles can also be explored. Low
National Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering and Technology (RIET -2017) organized by G Pullaiah College of
Engineering & Technology, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh on 15 th & 16th Dec-17 476 | P a g e
Special Issue Published in International Journal of Trend in Research and Development (IJTRD),
ISSN: 2394-9333,
pressure and temperature. Some of the liquid refrigerant
evaporates as it passes through the expansion valve, but the
greater portion is vaporized in the evaporator at the low
pressure and temperature.
e. Evaporator
An evaporator usually consists of coils of copper pipe in which
the liquid-vapour refrigerant at low pressure and temperature is
evaporated and changed into vapour refrigerant at low pressure
and temperature. In evaporating, the liquid vapour refrigerant
absorbs its latent heat of vaporization from the medium (air,
water or brine) which is to be cooled.
f. Actual Test Setup
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Engineering & Technology, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh on 15 th & 16th Dec-17 477 | P a g e
Special Issue Published in International Journal of Trend in Research and Development (IJTRD),
ISSN: 2394-9333,
POE Polyester oil NPVF Nanoparticle volume fraction (%)
SWCNH single wall carbon nanohorns COP Coefficient of performance
NPMFL Nanoparticle mass fraction in lubricant (%)
National Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering and Technology (RIET -2017) organized by G Pullaiah College of
Engineering & Technology, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh on 15 th & 16th Dec-17 478 | P a g e
Special Issue Published in International Journal of Trend in Research and Development (IJTRD),
ISSN: 2394-9333,
National Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering and Technology (RIET -2017) organized by G Pullaiah College of
Engineering & Technology, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh on 15 th & 16th Dec-17 479 | P a g e
Special Issue Published in International Journal of Trend in Research and Development (IJTRD),
ISSN: 2394-9333,
compared to other nano particles. but its application is hindered
by many factors like poor long term stability, high pressure
drop, high pumping power, low specific heat and high
production cost.
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with the usage of CuO nano particles with R134a refrigerant
National Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering and Technology (RIET -2017) organized by G Pullaiah College of
Engineering & Technology, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh on 15 th & 16th Dec-17 480 | P a g e