Heat-Transfer Enhancement of Nanofluids in A Car Radiator
Heat-Transfer Enhancement of Nanofluids in A Car Radiator
Heat-Transfer Enhancement of Nanofluids in A Car Radiator
3 ISSN 1580-2949
Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 52(4)507(2018)
Prejem rokopisa – received: 2017-10-07; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2018-02-22
In recent times, enhancing the efficiency of automobiles has become very important. As part of this effort, increasing the
efficiency of the heat transfer in the radiator of an automobile is also crucial. The present approach involves an addition of
nanoparticles to the cooling liquid. Most of the current results were obtained using a few types of nanoparticles. Only a limited
amount of work involved hybrid nanofluids including several types of nanoparticles. Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT)
were used along with aluminium-oxide nanoparticles to form a nanofluid with the base fluid (ethylene glycol (EG) + distilled
water (DW) – 1:1 ratio) having volume concentrations of (0.03, 0.06, 0.09 and 0.12) %. The characterization of the
nanoparticles was carried out. The experiments were carried out at inlet temperatures of 40–75 °C, with increments of 5 °C. The
volume flow rate was varied from 0.6 m3/h to 0.96 m3/h, with increments of 0.12 m3/h. An increase in the heat transfer of 35 %
was achieved.
Keywords: computational fluid dynamics, nanofluids, alumina, multi-walled carbon nanotubes
V zadnjem ~asu je postalo zelo pomembno pove~anje zmogljivosti avtomobilov, hkrati s tem pa tudi pove~anje u~inkovitosti
prenosa toplote v avtomobilskih radiatorjih. V prispevku so avtorji dodali nanodelce v hladilno sredstvo (kapljevino). Ve~ina
podanih rezultatov se nana{a na uporabo nekaj razli~nih vrst nanodelcev. Delno pa so avtorji raziskovali tudi hibridna hladilna
sredstva oziroma vpliv isto~asnega dodatka ve~ razli~nih vrst nanodelcev. Uporabili so dodatek ve~stenskih ogljikovih nanocevk
(MWCNT; angl.: Multi Walled Carbon Nano Tubes) v kombinaciji z nanodelci Al oksida k osnovnemu hladilnemu sredstvu
(Etilen Glikol (EG) + destilirana voda (DW) – v razmerju 1:1) v volumskih koncentracijah (0,03, 0,06, 0,09 and 0,12) %. Izvedli
so karakterizacijo nanodelcev. Preizkuse so izvajali pri vstopnih temperaturah hladilnega sredstva od 40 °C do 75 °C v korakih
po 5 °C. Hitrost volumskega pretoka je varirala od 0,6 m3/h do 0,96 m3/h v korakih po 0,12 m3/h. Dosegli so pove~anje prenosa
toplote do 35 %.
Klju~ne besede: ra~unalni{ka dinamika teko~in (kapljevin in plinov), nanoteko~ine, aluminijev oksid, ve~stenske ogljikove
Figure 3: XRD test result for: a) Al2O3, b) MWCNT Figure 5: SEM image of MWCNT
Nanofluids with various volume concentrations were Table 3: Viscosity values for the samples
prepared. Then they were tested with the experimental S. No. Name of the sample Viscosity (cP)
set-up and the readings were taken. The thermal 1. 0.03 % hybrid nanofluid 23.5
properties of various samples were tested and the results 2. 0.06 % hybrid nanofluid 20.5
are shown below. 3. 0.09 % hybrid nanofluid 22.5
4. 0.12 % hybrid nanofluid 20.5
4.1 Analysis of thermal properties 5. EG+DW (1:1 ratio) 18.5
4.1.1 Measurement of viscosity values 6. DW 1.5
The viscosity of the nanofluids was measured using a For the 0.03 % sample, the thermal conductivity
Brookfield cone and plate viscometer (DV-E Visco- increases by 5 % where the heat transfer at a higher tem-
meter), supplied by Brookfield Engineering Labora- perature is considered to be the molecular-level diffe-
tories, USA, as shown in Figure 8. The device is rence of the sample. At the mean time for the 0.06 %
sample, the thermal conductivity increases by 11 %. It is
concluded that with the increasing volume concentration
of nanofluids, the heat transfer also increases. Thus, at
the 0.12 % volume concentration of nanofluids, a high
heat-transfer rate is achieved. It is also concluded that
with the hybrid nanofluids containing the base fluids, a
high heat-transfer rate is achieved. With the increasing
volume concentration of nanofluids, there is also a
Figure 7: UV spectroscopy result chance for pumping. This issue requires further research.
Figure 9: Thermal-conductivity instrument Figure 10: CFD analysis for 0.09 % Al2O3 with 1 % MWCNT
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