Flow Computer: XFC 6200/6201EX
Flow Computer: XFC 6200/6201EX
Flow Computer: XFC 6200/6201EX
XFCG4 6200/6201EX
Flow computer
Based on ABB Totalflow XSeries technology, the XFCG4
6200EX series offers an explosion proof product for differential
or linear metering and automation sys-tems. The XFCG4
6200EX series are accurate, reliable flow computers with the
capability to measure and monitor gas flow in compliance with
AGA, API and ISO standards. These units are expandable,
provide exceptional control and meet many automation
XFCG4 6200/6201EX
Flow computer
Description Standard
The XFCG4 6200EX includes an integrated high accu-racy − − Explosion proof enclosure
digital sensor (EXIMV) to measure differential pressure, static −− LCD display (4 X 16)
pressure and temperature from a single differential primary − − Main electronics board
measurement device. The XFCG4 6201EX includes an −− Engine card with 203 Mhz processor
integrated high accuracy digital sensor to measure static − − Termination board
pressure and tem-perature plus an onboard pulse input or −− 1 10BaseT Ethernet port (RJ45 on main board)
serial input from a single linear/ultrasonic or Coriolis primary − − 2 RS232/485 software selectable com ports for re-mote
measurement device. With the exception of the inte-grated communications
sensors, both models are identical (software, I/O, − − 3 local configuration ports are available. Serial or USB are
communications and electronics). The XFCG4 6200EX series available to the optional external PCCU connection and
has multi-tube measurement capability. Up to 8 differential Class I Bluetooth is standard.
measurement applications per RS-485 communications port −− Externally powered from 9 to 30 VDC
when utilizing MOD-BUS multivariable sensors (plus 1 tube − − Onboard User IO : 1 AI, 1 DI/PI, 1 DO
type applica-tion utilizing the integrated sensor) are possible. −− Access to optional I/O daughter card
The number of linear meter applications is limited by the − − 64MB FLASH (program storage/configuration)
available I/O and device configuration. Additional ‘tube’ or −− 32MB RAM (program execution/data storage)
measurement applications are easily in-voked with simple − − Integral multivariable transducer (EXIMV). DP/SP or SP only
user or factory configuration.
The XFCG4 6200EX series feature a powerful 203Mhz Optional
ARM920T 32 bit microprocessor, Windows CE operating − − Twelve (12) I/O point daughter card
system and utilizes a unique ‘engine card’ design. The engine −− Manifold
card contains the proces-sor, application firmware and − − Externally accessible local communications fixture
memory components. The processing and memory capability (USB or Serial)
of this device, allows the user to run more applications faster − − 100 ohm platinum RTD
than ever before. −− Mounting Kit
− − Separate battery backup, power supply package
Hardware modularity
Hardware functionality of the XFCG4 6200/6201EX can be Analog and Digital points. The analog point configuration is
extended in a flexible and simple way by adding an optional I/O comprised of three (3) 0-10V (10K ohm impedance) inputs
daughter card. The system recognizes the additional I/ O and one (1) 0 to 20mA output. (The analog output is a
automatically and configures the I/O Scanner subsystem „SINK“ mode and must be used in conjunction with an
accordingly. external power source) The digital point configuration is
The I/O Daughter Card provides an additional 12 I/O points to comprised of four (4) digital inputs and four (4) digital
the XFCG4 6200/6201EX. The I/O is fixed with a combination of outputs. The digital inputs also function as event counters
and are capable of accepting NAMUR type sensor signals.
The digital outputs are optically-isolated type 1A switches
capable of switching 200 mA of 48 VDC or 40 VAC at 60 °C
(140 °F).
Power AGA-3/AGA-7/ISO5167/VCone calculations
External DC voltage 9 to 30 VDC Calculations are tested to be within ± 50 ppm (parts per
million) as stated in API 14.3.4
−− Program execution and data stored in 32MB PSRAM
(lithium battery backup) Integral Multivariable (EXIMV)
− − Windows® CE operating system, application programs, and
configuration files stored in 64MB Flash Specifications
Multivariable unit
Communications ports Temperature limits
− − 3 - dedicated PCCU local configuration Ports;1- RS232, Compensated –20 to 140°F (–29 to 60°C)
1- USB (both ports available internally:
− − user must specify which of these ports is to be utilized at
the optional external MMI connectiowhen ordering), and
standard Class I Bluetooth wireless
− − 2 - remote: RS232, RS485 or RS 422 (software selectable)
− − 1 - 10BaseT Ethernet
LCD interface
Dedicated interface for 4 x 16 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
Security switch
On/Off dual-level on-board security switch; also supports
enhance role based access control (user configurable,
multilevel, multi-user security)
Scan rate
All Inputs Sampled at 1Hz Rate
Resolution + 0.1% of reading per 1500 PSI (103.42 bar); 3200 PSI
24 Bit analog-to-digital conversion (0.000012% FS) (220.63 bar) maximum
(0.0012% FS effective signal resolution)
Mounting specification Process range
Change from perpendicular (front to back / around x-axis) ≤ –80 to +750°F (–62 to 399°C)
0.5% URL (can be corrected with calibration)
Accuracy (as shipped from factory)
Static Pressure ± 0.35°F (± 0.2°C) over operating range
Accuracy (including linearity, hysteresis, & repeatability at
reference conditions) Accuracy (after single point field calibration)
± 0.075% of User Calibrated Spans from 20% to 100% of ± 0.2°F (± 0.12°C) repeatability over operating range
Available Ranges
Ambient temperature effect within the operational XFCG4 6200EX (differential version)
temperature limit DP
± 0.075% of URL ± 0.06% of Reading (inches H2O)
AP (psia) 500 1500 3200
Reproducibility 250 8 8
± 0.1% 400 future future future
800 8 8 future
Differential pressure (XFC 6200EX differential version
± 0.1%
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