XFC 6200/6201 EX: Flow Computer
XFC 6200/6201 EX: Flow Computer
XFC 6200/6201 EX: Flow Computer
XFCG4 6200/6201 EX
Flow computer
2 X F C G 4 6 2 0 0/6 2 0 1 E X F LO W C O M P U T E R | D S/ 2 1 0 4 3 9 0 - E N
Based on ABB Totalflow XSeries technology, the XFCG4 6200EX Standard
series offers an explosion proof product for differential or • Explosion proof enclosure
linear metering and automation systems. The XFCG4 6200EX • LCD display (4 X 16)
series are accurate, reliable flow computers with the • Main electronics board
capability to measure and monitor gas flow in compliance • Engine card with 203 Mhz processor
with AGA, API and ISO standards. These units are expandable, • Termination board
provide exceptional control and meet many automation • 1 10BaseT Ethernet port (RJ45 on main board)
requirements. • 2 RS232/485 software selectable com ports for remote
• 3 local configuration ports are available. Serial or USB are
— available to the optional external PCCU connection and
Description Class I Bluetooth is standard.
• Externally powered from 9 to 30 VDC
The XFCG4 6200EX includes an integrated high accuracy digital • Onboard User IO : 1 AI, 1 DI/PI, 1 DO
sensor (EXIMV) to measure differential pressure, static • Access to optional I/O daughter card
pressure and temperature from a single differential primary • 64MB FLASH (program storage/configuration)
measurement device. The XFCG4 6201EX includes an integrated • 32MB RAM (program execution/data storage)
high accuracy digital sensor to measure static pressure and • Integral multivariable transducer (EXIMV). DP/SP or SP only
temperature plus an onboard pulse input or serial input from a
single linear/ultrasonic or Coriolis primary measurement Optional
device. With the exception of the integrated sensors, both • Twelve (12) I/O point daughter card
models are identical (software, I/O, communications and • Manifold
electronics). • Externally accessible local communications fixture
(USB or Serial)
The XFCG4 6200EX series has multi-tube measurement • 100 ohm platinum RTD
capability. Up to 8 differential measurement applications per • Mounting Kit
RS-485 communications port when utilizing Modbus • Separate battery backup, power supply package
multivariable sensors (plus 1 tube type application utilizing
the integrated sensor) are possible. The number of linear Totalflow consistently provides new and innovative products
meter applications is limited by the available I/O and device and systems in support of accurate, reliable and auditable gas
configuration. Additional ‘tube’ or measurement applications measurement. As such, the XFCG4 6200/6201EX includes
are easily invoked with simple user or factory configuration. features grounded on a thorough understanding of the natural
gas industry’s custody transfer and measurement needs.
The XFCG4 6200EX series feature a powerful 203Mhz ARM920T
32 bit microprocessor, Windows CE operating system and
utilizes a unique ‘engine card’ design. The engine card contains
the processor, application firmware and memory components.
The processing and memory capability of this device, allows
the user to run more applications faster than ever before.
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• Low cost, high reliability design
• Cast aluminum enclosure, powder coated
• Low power consumption
• LCD 4 × 16 character display standard
• Stable time base (accurate integration)
• User selectable simple dual level security code data
protection or enhanced user configurable role based access
control (RBAC)
• Monitors operation limits for detection, and reporting of
abnormal conditions
• Complies with API 21.1 standard for custody transfer devices
• 40+ days historical records (user configurable for additional
hourly and daily data records)
• Full calculation of flow rates, volumes and energy in
accordance with AGA 3-85, AGA 3-92, ISO-5167 and
AGA-5 once per second
• Support for gas orifice, linear, coriolis primary elements
• Super compressibility calculations per NX-19, AGA8-92
gross or detail, ISO 12213-2
• Smart (temperature and pressure compensated) integral,
factory calibrated, multivariable smart sensor
• Flow retention during user sensor calibration
• Selectable 3 or 5 point user calibration; DP, SP and RTD (RTD
also supports single point bias/ offset adjustment).
• 100 ohm platinum RTD resistance curve fit with user
programmable single point offset or 3/5 point user
calibration for RTD input
• 100 ohm platinum RTD
• Programmable DP no flow cut-off
• Software selectable (RS232/RS485/RS422) communications
• Hazardous area certifications: CSA C/US, ATEX and IECEx
• Type 3R/IP53 (with breather-drain option); Type 4X/IP66
without breather-drain option)
• Real time clock (lithium battery powered)
• Advanced embedded data logger
• Multi-tube capability
• Programmable alarm filtering and exception reporting
• Multiple protocol options including Totalflow packet
protocol and various Modbus protocols
• User programmable Modbus registers
• User programmable math and logic (EZ Blocks)
• IEC 61131 user programming environment
• I/O expansion via optional daughter card
• Software control of power to communications equipment
4 X F C G 4 6 2 0 0/6 2 0 1 E X F LO W C O M P U T E R | D S/ 2 1 0 4 3 9 0 - E N
— —
Hardware modularity Software modularity
Hardware functionality of the XFCG4 6200/6201EX can be The software platform represents significant modularization
extended in a flexible and simple way by adding an optional through use of object oriented design principles. Standard
I/O daughter card. The system recognizes the additional I/O Totalflow applications can be enabled in our factory or by the
automatically and configures the I/O Scanner subsystem user, one or more times on the same device. It is this
accordingly. framework that allows the support for multi-tube
measurement and allows the user to enable only the
applications that they may require.
Power Supply
9-30 Vdc power
Power supply
9-30 VDC power
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General specifications
Nominal diameter: 6 inches (15.24 cm)
Nominal length: 8 inches (20.32 cm) Power
External DC voltage 9 to 30 VDC
Nominal: 16.5 pounds (7.48 kg) Memory
• Program execution and data stored in 32MB PSRAM
(lithium battery backup)
Type 3R / IP53 with breather drain installed; Type 4X / IP66
• Windows® CE operating system, application programs,
without breather drain
and configuration files stored in 64MB Flash
Communications ports
CSA C/US Class 1, Div 1, Groups C, D T6; IECEx Ex d IIB T6;
• 3 - dedicated PCCU local configuration Ports;1- RS232,
1- USB (both ports available internally:
Mounting • user must specify which of these ports is to be utilized at
Pipe Mount the optional external MMI connection when ordering), and
standard Class I Bluetooth wireless
Operating temperature (ambient)
• 2 - remote: RS232, RS485 or RS 422 (software selectable)
-40 to 140 °F (-40 to 60 °C)
• 1 - 10BaseT Ethernet
Mechanical vibration
EX device current draw
Tested according to procedures derived from IEC 60068-2-6.
• Basic single differential measurement application without
Meets or exceeds 10-60 Hz 0.075 mm displacement
additional I/O ~25 mA @ 13.8 V (~345 mW)
amplitude / 60-500 Hz 1g specifications taken from IEC
• Bluetooth device enabled but not paired with host device:
~0 ma (~0 mW)
• Bluetooth device enabled and paired with host (not
EMC requirements
transferring data) ~8 mA @ 13.8 V (~110 mW)
Emissions: European regions: • Bluetooth device enabled, paired and communicating
EN55022 Class B emissions (radiated) with host ~15 mA @ 13.8 V in short bursts; not continually
(~207 mW)
Emissions: North America regions:
• Ethernet enabled: ~18.6 mA @ 13.8 V (~257 mW)
CFR 47, Part 15, Subpart B, Class B, FCC emissions
• I/O Daughter Card DO are optically isolated. ~5.1 mA
ICES-003 Issue 2, Rev. 1, Class B ITE emissions
@ 13.8 V per DO when closed (~71 mW)
Immunity: European regions:
LCD interface
EN 61000-6-1 Immunity:
• Dedicated interface for 4 x 16 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
EN61000-4-2:95, ESD, ±8 k V Air, ±4 k V Contact
EN61000-4-3:95 RF Immunity, 10 V/m Security switch
EN61000-4-4:95 EFT, 2 k V • On/Off dual-level on-board security switch; also supports
EN61000-4-6:95 conducted susceptibility, 10Vrms enhance role based access control (user configurable,
EN61000-4-8:93 power frequency magnetic field 3A/m multilevel, multi-user security)
Scan rate
• All Inputs Sampled at 1Hz Rate
AGA-3/AGA-7/ISO5167/VCone calculations
Calculations are tested to be within ± 50 ppm (parts per
million) as stated in API 14.3.4
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Integral Multivariable (EX IMV)
Multivariable unit Differential pressure (XFCG4 6200EX
Temperature limits differential version only)
Compensated -20 to 140°F (-29 to 60°C)
Accuracy (including linearity, hysteresis & repeatability
Operational -40 to 140°F (-40 to 60°C)
at reference conditions)
Storage -40 to 185°F (-40 to 85°C)
± 0.075% of User Calibrated Spans from 20% to 100% of URL
Ambient temperature effect within the operational
24 Bit analog-to-digital conversion (0.000012% FS)
temperature limit
(0.0012% FS effective signal resolution)
± 0.075% of URL ± 0.06% of Reading
Mounting specification
Stability (for 12 months)
Change from perpendicular (front to back / around x-axis)
± 0.1% of URL
≤ 0.5% URL (can be corrected with calibration)
Static pressure ± 0.1%
Accuracy (including linearity, hysteresis, & repeatability at Static pressure effect (DP Zero)
reference conditions) ± 0.03% of URL per 1500 PSI (103.42 bar); 3200 PSI
± 0.075% of User Calibrated Spans from 20% to 100% of URL (220.63 bar) maximum
Ambient temperature effect within the operational Static pressure effect (DP Span)
temperature limit ± 0.1% of reading per 1500 PSI (103.42 bar); 3200 PSI
± 0.075% of URL ± 0.06% of Reading (220.63 bar) maximum
± 0.1%
Process range
-80 to +750°F (-62 to 399°C)
Available ranges
XFCG4 6200EX (differential version)
DP (inches
H 2 O)
AP (psia) 500 1500 3000
EX IMV sensors
Single seal rated (ANSI/ISA 12.27.01)
6200EX (DP/SP): PMax = 3000 psi
6201EX (SP): PMax = 1450 psi
• Wetted materials meet NACE MR0175/ISO 15156
• Process fluids: -62°C to 110°C
ABB Inc. California Office Texas Office – Houston
Measurement & Analytics 4300 Stine Road 3700 West Sam Houston
Quotes: totalflow.inquiry@us.abb.com Suite 405-407 Parkway South, Suite 600
Orders: totalflow.order@us.abb.com Bakersfield, CA 93313 Houston, TX 77042
Training: totalflow.training@us.abb.com Ph: +1 661 833 2030 Ph: +1 713 587 8000
Support: totalflowsupport@us.abb.com
+1 800 442 3097 (opt. 2) Kansas Office Texas Office – Pleasanton
2705 Centennial Boulevard 150 Eagle Ford Road
Main Office Liberal, KS 67901 Pleasanton, TX 78064
7051 Industrial Boulevard Ph: +1 620 626 4350 Ph: +1 830 569 8062
Bartlesville, OK 74006
Ph: +1 918 338 4888 Texas Office – Odessa
8007 East Business 20
Odessa, TX 79765
www.abb.com/upstream Ph: +1 432 272 1173
DS/2104390-EN – Rev. AG 05.2017
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