Geotechnic Report
Geotechnic Report
Geotechnic Report
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 1
2 METHODOLOGY .............................................................................................. 3
Geotechnical Sub-Surface Investigations and Foundation Recommendation Report for bridge crossing Km 17+386
BEST Consulting Engineers plc May 2018
IDCON Infrastructure development consultants PLC
Appendix 1: Borehole Logs
Appendix 2: Laboratory Test Result
Appendix 3: Allowable Bearing Pressure Analysis Sheets
Geotechnical Sub-Surface Investigations and Foundation Recommendation Report for bridge crossing Km 17+386
BEST Consulting Engineers plc May 2018
IDCON Infrastructure development consultants PLC
1.1 Background
BEST Consulting Engineers private limited company has made a contract agreement with
IDCON Infrastructure Development Consultants plc to perform geotechnical investigation
and provide foundation recommendation for a Bridge to be constructed along Bole Junction-
Waterdino Horticultural and Bole-Abomsa design and build Road Project.
In line with the contract agreement BEST consulting engineers has executed the drilling work
for the bridge crossing site located at station Km 17+386 from April 15 to 19, 2018; this
report presents the findings and results of Geotechnical investigation carried out.
The proposed structure is a single span bridge; accordingly, two (2) boreholes were drilled at
the respective abutments of the bridge. All the coordinates and elevation data in meter
above mean sea level are referenced from the data provided by the client.
The geotechnical investigations comprised of core drilling, insitu test, monitoring of ground
water, collection of representative samples and subsequent laboratory tests on
representative samples to determine the engineering properties of the sub-surface
This report deals with the regional geology, site geology, the methodology employed,
laboratory tests conducted to determine the engineering properties of the subsurface strata
including analyses and interpretations of test results. Finally, the report provides
recommendation on the bearing layer, foundation depth, allowable bearing pressure and
appropriate foundation type for the bridge crossing at station Km 17+386.
Geotechnical Sub-Surface Investigations and Foundation Recommendation Report for bridge crossing Km 17+386
BEST Consulting Engineers plc May 2018
IDCON Infrastructure development consultants PLC
2.1 Rotary Core Drilling
Rotary core drilling was employed using wire line rig having the capacity to perform boring
operation to the required standard and quality in accordance with ASTM D 2113 – 93, ASTM
D 1452 – 80 (95), and BS 5930: 1981. The rigs have a capacity to drill up to 300m and 150m
depth with NQ and HQ size, respectively.
Dry drilling method was employed in soil formations using inner lining single core barrels
fitted with appropriate size tungsten carbide bits at the bottom. This will enable the drilling
to achieve good quality core recovery. In rocky section, double core barrel fitted with
diamond bit was utilized. Water was pumped down to the bit through hollow drill rods to
cool the bit and flushing the cuttings up the borehole.
Equipment to conduct in-situ tests and sampling such as Standard Penetration Test (SPT)
apparatus with automatic hammer and split spoon sampler, Shelby tubes, water pump, rods,
core barrel casings, drill bits and a wide range of heavy-duty tools were used during the
drilling operations. An electric water meter was utilized in monitoring the ground water
Materials recovered from the boreholes were placed in core boxes, labeled, logged and
photographed by digital camera according to their depths of recoveries. Core boxes were
submitted to IDCON for future reference.
2.3 Sampling
Disturbed and undisturbed soil and Rock core samples were collected from the drilled
boreholes at the required depths and locations. Representative soil and rock core samples
were collected as per ASTM and BS standards, using the relevant samplers. Samples were
recovered from split spoon sampler after every SPT, Shelby-Tube and from core box.
Undisturbed Soil Samples were taken from cohesive materials encountered during drilling by
means of Shelby-Tube sampler. The samples were taken by applying static force and
Geotechnical Sub-Surface Investigations and Foundation Recommendation Report for bridge crossing Km 17+386
BEST Consulting Engineers plc May 2018
IDCON Infrastructure development consultants PLC
pressing a Shelby Tube having an internal diameter of 80mm and length of 600mm. The top
and bottom of the Shelby tube samples were immediately wax -sealed and covered with
polyethylene bags and labeled with necessary information for subsequent laboratory testing
to determine the engineering properties which are essential for providing the foundation
recommendations. All undisturbed samples were taken after dry boring and before SPT tests
in order to avoid disturbances.
Geotechnical Sub-Surface Investigations and Foundation Recommendation Report for bridge crossing Km 17+386
BEST Consulting Engineers plc May 2018
IDCON Infrastructure development consultants PLC
Geotechnical Sub-Surface Investigations and Foundation Recommendation Report for bridge crossing Km 17+386
BEST Consulting Engineers plc May 2018
IDCON Infrastructure development consultants PLC
Geotechnical Sub-Surface Investigations and Foundation Recommendation Report for bridge crossing Km 17+386
BEST Consulting Engineers plc May 2018
IDCON Infrastructure development consultants PLC
Geotechnical Sub-Surface Investigations and Foundation Recommendation Report for bridge crossing Km 17+386
BEST Consulting Engineers plc May 2018
IDCON Infrastructure development consultants PLC
The zones specified in the above seismic map of Ethiopia are under earthquake magnitude
of 7.4 to 6.5 on Richter scales and with ground acceleration 10.0 to 4.6% g (Table 3-1), based
on the Previous Local Code of Practice.
Geotechnical Sub-Surface Investigations and Foundation Recommendation Report for bridge crossing Km 17+386
BEST Consulting Engineers plc May 2018
IDCON Infrastructure development consultants PLC
Due to the active tectonic processes in the East African Region, several earth quake
occurrences were recorded in the Afar depression in the 20th century. Assessment of
seismic zones by seismologists suggests very high ground acceleration to the main Ethiopian
Rift even though it is not higher than the Afar depression. Accordingly, the mean Peak
Ground Acceleration (PGA in gals) values computed for 10% probability of exceedance in 50
years ranges between 2-2.40 m/s2, in the Afar depression.
According to Seismic Hazard Map of Ethiopia as per Ethiopian Standards based on Euro
Norms (ES EN 1998:2015), the Seismic hazard map is divided into 5 zones and the project
site is located within seismic zone 4 (Figure 3-3). Where the ratio of the design bedrock
acceleration to the acceleration of gravity g = αo for the respective zone is located in Table 3-
Figure 3-3: Ethiopia Seismic Hazard Map in terms of Peak Ground Acceleration (ES EN 1998:2015)
Geotechnical Sub-Surface Investigations and Foundation Recommendation Report for bridge crossing Km 17+386
BEST Consulting Engineers plc May 2018
IDCON Infrastructure development consultants PLC
The field geotechnical investigation had been performed with the help of rotary core drilling,
sampling, insitu and laboratory testing. A total of two (2) boreholes were drilled at KM
17+386, the coordinates and elevation data provided by the client and depths of the drilled
boreholes are presented in Table 4-1, below.
Table 4-1: Coordinate and Depth of Boreholes
Coordinate, UTM Elevation, Drilled
Easting, m Northing, m m a.s.l. Depth, m
BH-1(Bole side abutment) 590354.1930 941003.9600 1522.415 20.00
BH-2(Abomsa side Abutment) 590354.236 940991.824 1522.479 20.00
4.2 Summary of the Geotechnical Investigation
The detail geotechnical investigation carried out including drilling, insitu tests, and
laboratory tests were summarized and presented in Table 4-2.
Table 4-2: Summary of the Geotechnical Investigation Carried Out
Geotechnical investigations carried out Quantity
Inter borehole movement and setup of drilling equipment 1
Drilling in all formation up to 10m depth 20
Drilling in all formation 10-20m depth 20
Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) 13
Undisturbed soil sampling 2
Rock sampling 5
Ground water level measurement 2
Core boxes and photographing of cores in core boxes (colored)
and log data
Laboratory Tests
Grain size analysis 10
Atterberg Limits 10
Specific gravity 8
Unit weight 6
Free swell 4
Natural Moisture Content (NMC) 8
Compressive strength of Soil 2
consolidation 1
Compressive strength of rock 5
Geotechnical Sub-Surface Investigations and Foundation Recommendation Report for bridge crossing Km 17+386
BEST Consulting Engineers plc May 2018
IDCON Infrastructure development consultants PLC
Geotechnical Sub-Surface Investigations and Foundation Recommendation Report for bridge crossing Km 17+386
BEST Consulting Engineers plc May 2018
IDCON Infrastructure development consultants PLC
Geotechnical Sub-Surface Investigations and Foundation Recommendation Report for bridge crossing Km 17+386
BEST Consulting Engineers plc May 2018
IDCON Infrastructure development consultants PLC
4.5 Sampling
A total of seventeen representative samples were collected from all drilled boreholes for
subsequent laboratory tests.
4.5.1 Disturbed Samples
A total of ten (10) representative disturbed soil samples were collected from split spoon
sampler and core box. At the end of each SPT operation, the sampler tube is removed and
disassembled to collect representative disturbed sample for further laboratory tests.
– Drilled pier and beam: Drilled pier and beam systems are designed to isolate
the structure from expansive soil movements.
– Stiffened slab-on-grade: Designed to provide a rigid foundation to protect
the structure from differential soil movement.
– Monolithic wall and slab: Designed to provide a rigid foundation to resist
differential soil movement.
– Modified continuous footings, walls, and basement construction. Design to
provide a rigid foundation to resist differential soil movement.
5.1 Introduction
Foundation analysis refers to the determination of the bearing layer and depth, allowable
bearing pressure and type of foundation that could be adopted safely and economically.
Factors such as the load to be transmitted to the foundation and the subsurface condition of
the soil have been considered in selecting the foundation type.
As can be observed from the geotechnical logging, the subsurface formation of the project
site comprises of different geotechnical layers, from top to bottom:
Layer 1: Stiff to very stiff Silty CLAY
This layer is characterized by Stiff to very stiff, dark to brownish gray, highly plastic
Silty CLAY. It is encountered in all the boreholes drilled with a maximum thickness of
4.70m around BH-1.
Layer 2: Very stiff to hard Sandy SILT with little gravel
This layer is characterized by Very stiff to hard, yellowish brown Sandy SILT with little
gravels. It is encountered in boreholes drilled with thickness ranging from 1.75m
around BH-1 to 2.20m around BH-2.
Layer 3: Slightly weathered IGNIMBRITE
This layer is characterized by Brownish grey, slightly weathered, dominantly closely
space jointed IGNIMBRITE. It is encountered from 6.45m to 15.80m around BH-1 and
from 6.00m to 16.30m around BH-3.
Layer 4: Very Dense Silty SAND with gravel
This layer is characterized by Very dense, dark to light grey, Silty SAND with gravels. It
is encountered from 15.80m and 16.30m to 20.00m around BH-1 and BH-2
The following allowable bearing pressures are calculated from a depth of 2.5 to 5.0m below
the ground level for different widths settlement limited to 25mm; for other depths see
Annex 3.
Table 5-2: Allowable Bearing Pressures Based on SPT N-Value
Depth of Width of foundation (B), m
BH-ID foundation below 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
NGL (m) Allowable Bearing Capacity (Qall) in Kpa
2.5 413 486 492 480 468 449
3.0 381 486 514 516 482 460
4.0 546 592 585 550 508 562
5.0 726 667 585 577 561 555
2.5 497 477 533 511 493 472
3.0 566 497 556 543 507 484
4.0 669 619 647 579 535 530
5.0 737 701 647 627 610 564
5.2.2 Bearing Capacity of Rock mass based on the Hoek- Brown Failure Criterion
The site investigation revealed that the bridge site is underlain by thick rock layer. This rock
layer is considered as safe bearing layer for the seat of foundation footings due to its
strength and exposure at convenient depth. The following bearing capacity analysis was
presented on the basis of the visual observation (rock type, fracture, weathering and other
factor) and Hoek-Brown Criterion.
When the rock mass forming the unit is considered, it is inferior to that of rock material due
to the joint spacing and variation in weathering. In order to consider the overall behavior of
the rock mass rather than the detailed failure of the individual intact rock specimen, the
main geotechnical parameters of the Basalt have been evaluated in accordance with the
Hoek-Brown Criterion, 2002, using minimum values measured insitu and RocLab software
developed for this purpose by Rocscience.
The criterion starts from the properties of intact rock and then introduces factors to reduce
those properties on the basis of the characteristics of the joints, and then estimate
acceptable equivalent frictional angle and cohesive strength for a given rock mass.
The criterion correlates the parameters as:
UCS = Uniaxial Compressive Strength
GSI = Geological Strength Index
mi = Material constant
D = Disturbance factor
Ei = intact modules = Material Ratio (MR) x UCS
c = Cohesion
φ = Frictional angle
The assessment of the characteristics of the rock masses that form foundation ground of the
crossing is done on the basis of:
• Borehole core logs, RQD, AFS, weathering condition and field observations as
described in the previous section and
Geotechnical Sub-Surface Investigations and Foundation Recommendation Report Km 17+386
BEST Consulting Engineers plc May 2018
IDCON Infrastructure development consultants PLC
To determine the global rock mass strength, minimum UCS value among the boreholes is
taken to consider the worst condition of the site.
Based on field description, Hoek – Brown Classification data, the Hoek - Brown Criterion
material constants, Mohr-Coulomb Fit and Rock Mass Parameters are derived and shown
in Figures, below.
Compressibility and stiffness of cohesive soil is strongly strain level dependent. But in
addition, it is also influenced by the relative rates of loading and drainage of excess pore
pressure. Compressibility and stiffness of cohesive soil is commonly expressed in a number
of ways:
• Compression Index (Cc)
• Coefficient of volume compressibility (mv)
• Undrained Young’s Modulus (Eu)
• Drained Young’s Modulus (E’)
The Compression Index (Cc) is routinely used in the calculation of settlements of normally
and lightly over-consolidated clays. The predicted compression of such materials is strongly
dependent on the value of pre-consolidation pressure used in the calculation.
In the design of any foundation, one must consider the safety against bearing capacity
failure as well as against excessive settlement of the foundation. In the design of most
foundations, there are specifications for allowable levels of settlement.
The settlement of a foundation can have three components: (a) elastic settlement Se, (b)
primary consolidation settlement Sc, and (c) secondary consolidation settlement Ss. The
total settlement St can be expressed as:
St= Se + Sc + Ss
For any given foundation, one or more of the components may be zero or negligible.
Consolidation settlement, Sc, is a time-dependent process that occurs due to the expulsion
of excess pore water pressure in saturated clayey soils below the groundwater table and is
created by the increase in stress created by the foundation load.
Table 5-4: Bearing Pressure analysis using settlement criteria around BH-1
Footing resting at depth of 2.50mbgl.
q, in
KN 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000
∆H, P, ∆H, P, ∆H, ∆H, P, ∆H,
P, in ∆H, in P, in in in in in in P, in in in in
B, in m Kpa mm Kpa mm Kpa mm Kpa mm Kpa mm Kpa mm
2 875 138 750 118 625 99 500 79 375 59 250 39
3 389 55 333 47 278 39 222 31 167 23 111 16
4 219 25 188 21 156 18 125 14 94 11 63 7
5 140 20 120 17 100 14 80 11 60 9 40 6
6 97 17 83 14 69 12 56 9 42 7 28 5
Consolidation Settlement
The consolidation settlement Sc due to the average stress increase can be calculated as
Consolidation test had been conducted on one undisturbed soil sample collected from BH-01
and used for consolidation settlement analysis. Tables below show settlements estimated
based on consolidation test result for different square footings with width, B and at a depth
of 2.50m. The settlement is computed for Allowable Bearing Capacities ranging from 100 to
540Kpa around as shown in the Table below.
Table 5-5: Bearing Pressure analysis using settlement criteria around BH-01
Remark: table 5-4 and table 5-5 show the result of immediate and consolidation settlement around BH-01, respectively. The settlement analysis is done
for foundation footings resting at a depth of 2.50m below the natural ground level, for different widths and possible contact pressures; the
orange shaded parts in table 5-5 show the total consolidation settlement and the blue shaded part in table 5-4 shows the immediate settlement
for the different widths and possible contact pressures. It is highly recommended to consider both immediate and consolidation settlements.
While selecting the foundation width and depth, it is highly recommended to
consider the total settlement, both immediate and consolidation settlements, to
avoid excessive settlement; the maximum settlement is recommended not to
exceed 60mm.
6.3 Material backfill and compaction criteria
In general, materials for the backfilling should be non-expansive granular, not containing
rocks or lumps over 150mm in greatest dimension, free from organic matter, with plasticity
index (PI) not more than 10. The backfill material should be laid in lifts not exceeding 250mm
in loose thickness and compacted to at least 95% of the maximum dry density at optimum
moisture content as determined by modified compaction test (Proctor) (ASTM D-1557).
In case of improving the foundation by imported selected material, following any excavation
activity, and prior to any fill placement, proof rolling should be performed. It is commonly
recommend to a vibratory roller use with appropriate static weight. Compaction of the fill
materials should continue until the roller has made at least ten passes over all areas of the
site and the soils appear to be relatively firm and unyielding. Half of the roller passes should
be perpendicular to the direction of travel of the other passes. Proof rolling should be
closely monitored by the concerned engineers to observe for unusual deflection of the soils
beneath the compacting equipment. If unusual or excessive deflection is observed, then the
areas should be undercut to firm soils and backfilled with structural fill placed in maximum
one-foot thick lifts. Backfill soils should be of the same composition and be compacted to
the same criteria as structural fill soils.
In confined construction areas, proof rolling and compaction of fill materials can be
compacted with manually operated vibratory compaction equipment. But, it should meet
the compaction criteria.
The following issues should also be addresses in the compaction processes:
- The compaction work shall be checked by inspecting or testing in order to insure
that the nature of the fill material, its placement water content and the
compaction procedures are consistent with those prescribed. The common
insitu compaction checking tests are dry density and moisture content.
- The procedures for fill placement and compaction shall be selected in such a
way that stability of the fill is ensuring during the entire construction period and
the natural subsoil is not adversely affected.
The source of fill material shall be appropriately tested to ensure that it is suitable and
adequate for the intended purpose. The type, number and frequency of the tests shall be
selected according to the type and heterogeneity of the material.
6.4 Settlement consideration
In the design of any foundation, one must consider the safety against bearing capacity
failure as well as against excessive settlement of the foundation. In the design of most
foundations, there are specifications for allowable levels of settlement.
Settlement analysis was done for both immediate and consolidation settlements and
presented in Tables 5-4 and Table 5-5. It is highly recommended to consider the total
settlement (immediate and consolidation settlements) while selecting the foundation
depth and the foundation widths; the maximum settlement is recommended not to
exceed 60mm.
Based on settlement analysis, generally, the foundation ground fails by settlement before
shear; therefore, to avoid any excessive settlement, it is highly recommended to make the
seat of the foundation footings to be either Layer 2 or Layer 3.
6.5 Seismic Consideration
In Ethiopia the afar depression and the Main Ethiopian Rift (MER) which is part of the East
African rift is where earthquake epicenters were aligned. The current volcanic activities and
the resulting geologic phenomena’s in Afar Depression and Main Ethiopian Rift (MER) are
good manifestations for tectonically dynamic nature of the zone.
Though seismic activity in the region (Addis) has not witnessed any serious earthquakes, the
project site is situated in a seismically medium dangerous part of the country. So that it
cannot rule out of the possibility of damaging earthquake from the adjacent rift.
To generalize, the project site is located within the western rift margin of the country with
major seismic activity. Based on the Ethiopian Seismic Hazard Map (as per ES EN 1998-
1:2015), the area falls under Zone 3.