Series 40 - M46 Tandem Variable Pumps: Service Manual
Series 40 - M46 Tandem Variable Pumps: Service Manual
Series 40 - M46 Tandem Variable Pumps: Service Manual
Tandem Variable
Service Manual
Series 40 M46 Tandem Variable Pumps
Service Manual
Introduction Overview............................................................................................................................................................ 5
Warranty............................................................................................................................................................. 5
General instructions....................................................................................................................................... 5
Safety precautions.......................................................................................................................................... 6
Unintended machine movement........................................................................................................ 6
Flammable cleaning solvents................................................................................................................ 6
Fluid under pressure................................................................................................................................. 6
Personal safety............................................................................................................................................ 6
Hazardous material................................................................................................................................... 6
Symbols used in Sauer-Danfoss literature.............................................................................................. 7
Design................................................................................................................................................................. 8
The system circuit........................................................................................................................................... 9
Pump schematic............................................................................................................................................10
Troubleshooting Overview..........................................................................................................................................................16
Safety precautions........................................................................................................................................16
System noise or vibration...........................................................................................................................16
System operating hot..................................................................................................................................17
System will not operate in one direction..............................................................................................17
System will not operate in either direction..........................................................................................18
Neutral difficult or impossible to find....................................................................................................18
System response is sluggish......................................................................................................................19
Electrical troubleshooting..........................................................................................................................19
Overview This manual includes information for the installation, maintenance, and minor repair of
the Series 40 M46 tandem pump. It includes a description of the unit and its individual
components, troubleshooting information, and minor repair procedures.
Performing minor repairs requires the unit to be removed from the vehicle/machine.
Thoroughly clean the unit before beginning maintenance, or repair activities. Since dirt
and contamination are the greatest enemies of any type of hydraulic equipment, follow
cleanliness requirements strictly. This is especially important when changing the system
filter and when removing hoses or plumbing.
Warranty Performing installation, maintenance, and minor repairs according to the procedures in
this manual will not affect your warranty. Major repairs requiring the removal of a unit’s
rear cover or front flange voids the warranty unless done by a Sauer-Danfoss Global
Service Partner.
General instructions Follow these general procedures when repairing Series 40 M46 tandem variable
displacement closed circuit pumps.
e Keep it clean
Cleanliness is a primary means of assuring satisfactory pump life, on either new or
repaired units. Clean the outside of the pump thoroughly before disassembly. Take care
to avoid contamination of the system ports. Cleaning parts by using a clean solvent wash
and air drying is usually adequate.
As with any precision equipment, all parts must be kept free of foreign materials and
chemicals. Protect all exposed sealing surfaces and open cavities from damage and
foreign material. If left unattended, cover the pump with a protective layer of plastic.
Safety precautions Always consider safety precautions before beginning a service procedure. Protect
yourself and others from injury. Take the following general precautions whenever servicing a
hydraulic system.
Personal safety
W Warning
Protect yourself from injury. Use proper safety equipment, including safety glasses, at all
Hazardous material
W Warning
Hydraulic fluid contains hazardous material. Avoid prolonged contact with
hydraulic fluid. Always dispose of used hydraulic fluid according to state, and federal
environmental regulations.
Measurement required
Flatness specification
Parallelism specification
Torx head
Torque specification
p Pull
P Press
The symbols above appear in the illustrations and text of this manual. They are intended
to communicate helpful information at the point where it is most useful to the reader.
In most instances, the appearance of the symbol itself denotes its meaning. The legend
above defines each symbol and explains its purpose.
Design Sauer-Danfoss Series 40 M46 closed circuit piston pumps convert input torque into
hydraulic power. Rotational force is transmitted through the input shaft to the cylinder
block. The input shaft is supported by bearings at the front and rear of the pump and is
splined into the cylinder block. A lip-seal at the front end of the pump prevents leakage
where the shaft exits the pump housing. The spinning cylinder block contains seven
reciprocating pistons. Each piston has a brass slipper connected at one end by a ball
joint. The slippers are held to the swashplate by a spring washer and charge pressure.
The reciprocating movement of the pistons occurs as the slippers slide against the
inclined swashplate during rotation. Via the valve plate, one half of the cylinder block
is connected to low pressure and the other half to high pressure. As each piston cycles
in and out of its bore, fluid is replenished by charge flow and displaced to the outlet
thereby imparting hydraulic power into the system. A small amount of fluid is allowed to
flow from the cylinder block/valve plate and slipper/swashplate interfaces for lubrication
and cooling. Excess flow across the charge pressure relief also flows through the case and
is used for cooling. Case drain ports return this fluid to the reservoir.
The volume of fluid displaced into the system is controlled by the angle of the
swashplate. The swashplate is forced into an inclined position (into stroke) by the servo
The pump control, by varying the pressure at the servo piston, controls the displacement
of fluid in the system circuit.
Journal Journal
bearing bearing
Swashplate Swashplate
bearing pin bearing pin
Cylinder block
Servo piston
P106 665E
Servo piston Manual displacement Control
Displacement Heat
control exchanger
Cylinder Variable
block displacement
assembly motor
assembly Charge relief
valve Bypass
pump Loop flushing
displacement Suction flow
Check valves
pump w/ high pressure Charge pressure
relief valve
Servo pressure
High pressure
Case flow P106 608E
E M3
M4 A
L1 S
P100 587E
Above schematic shows the function of a Series 40 M46 axial piston variable
displacement pump.
Fluid and filter To ensure optimum life, perform regular maintenance of the fluid and filter.
recommendations Contaminated fluid is the main cause of unit failure. Take care to maintain fluid
cleanliness when servicing.
Check the reservoir daily for proper fluid level, the presence of water, and rancid fluid
odor. Fluid contaminated by water may appear cloudy or milky, or free water may
settle in the bottom of the reservoir. Rancid odor indicates the fluid has been exposed
to excessive heat. Change the fluid immediately if these conditions occur. Correct the
problem immediately.
High temperatures and pressures will result in accelerated fluid aging. More frequent
fluid changes may be required.
Change the fluid more frequently if it becomes contaminated with foreign matter (dirt,
water, grease, etc.) or if the fluid is subjected to temperature levels greater than the
recommended maximum.
Change filters whenever the fluid is changed or when the filter indicator shows that it is
necessary to change the filter. Replace all fluid lost during filter change.
Hazardous material
W Warning
Hydraulic fluid contains hazardous material. Avoid contact with hydraulic fluid. Always
dispose of used hydraulic fluid according to state, and federal environmental regulations.
General Follow this procedure when starting-up a new pump installation or when restarting an
installation in which the pump has been removed and re-installed on a machine. Ensure
pump has been thoroughly tested on a test stand before installing on a machine.
Unintended movement of the machine or mechanism may cause injury to the technician
or bystanders. To protect against unintended movement, secure the machine or disable/
disconnect the mechanism while servicing.
Prior to installing the pump, inspect for damage that may have occurred during shipping.
Start-up procedure 1. Ensure that the machine hydraulic oil and system components (reservoir, hoses,
valves, fittings, and heat exchanger) are clean and free of any foreign material.
2. Install new system filter element(s) if necessary. Check that inlet line fittings are
properly tightened and there are no air leaks.
3. Install the pump. Install a 50 bar [1000 psi] gauge in the charge pressure gauge port
4. Fill the housing by adding filtered oil in the upper case drain port.
5. Fill the reservoir with hydraulic fluid of the recommended type and viscosity. Use a
10-micron reservoir filler filter. Ensure inlet line from reservoir to pump is filled.
After start-up the oil level in the reservoir may drop due to filling of the system
components. Check the level in the reservoir to maintain a full oil level throughout the
Damage to hydraulic components may occur if the oil supply is not maintained.
8. Use a common method to disable the engine to prevent the engine from starting.
Crank the starter for several seconds. Do not to exceed the engine manufacturer’s
recommendation. Wait 30 seconds and then crank the engine a second time as
stated above. This operation helps remove air from the system lines. Refill the
reservoir to recommended full oil level.
Startup procedure 9. When charge pressure begins to appear, enable and start engine. Let the engine
(continued) run for a minimum of 30 seconds at low idle to allow the air to work itself out of the
system. Check for leaks at all line connections and listen for cavitation. Check for
proper fluid level in reservoir.
Air entrapment in oil under high pressure may damage hydraulic components.
Do not run at maximum pressure until system is free of air and fluid has been thoroughly
10. When adequate charge pressure is established (as shown in model code), increase
engine speed to normal operating rpm to further purge residual air from the system.
12. Continue to cycle between forward and reverse for at least five minutes to bleed all
air and flush system contaminants out of loop.
Normal charge pressure fluctuation may occur during forward and reverse operation.
13. Check that the reservoir is full. Remove charge pressure gauge. Re-install charge
pressure plug. The pump is now ready for operation.
Required tools The service procedures described in this manual can be performed using common
mechanic’s hand tools. Special tools, if required, are shown. When testing system
pressures, calibrate pressure gauges frequently to ensure accuracy. Use snubbers to
protect gauges.
Port locations and The following tables and drawing show the port locations and gauge sizes needed.
gauge installation
Port information
Port identifier Port size Wrench size Pressure obtained Gauge size, bar [psi]
L1, L2, L3 1-1/16 12 SAE 9/16 internal hex Case drain 10 [100]
MA, MB, MC, MD 9/16 18 SAE 11/16 hex System pressure 600 [10,000]
M3 9/16 18 UNF 11/16 hex Charge pressure 50 [1000]
M4, M5 9/16 18 SAE 11/16 hex Servo pressure 50 [1000]
System valves
Port identifier Relief Port size Wrench size
RA A port pressure relief valve 1-5/16 12 UNF 1-1/4 hex
RB B port pressure relief valve 1-5/16 12 UNF 1-1/4 hex
RC C port pressure relief valve 1-5/16 12 UNF 1-1/4 hex
RD D port pressure relief valve 1-5/16 12 UNF 1-1/4 hex
R Charge pressure relief valve 3/4 16 UNF 7/8 hex
BP Bypass valve 5/8 18 UNF 1 inch hex
System ports
Port identifier Port size
A system pressure port 1-5/16 12 SAE
B system pressure port 1-5/16 12 SAE
C system pressure port 1-5/16 12 SAE
D system pressure port 1-5/16 12 SAE
S (charge pressure inlet) 1-5/16 12 SAE
Port locations
L2 C
L3 B
A P106 663E
Overview This section provides general steps to follow if undesirable system conditions are
observed. Follow the steps listed until the problem is solved. Some of the items will be
system specific. For areas covered in this manual, a section is referenced. Always observe
the safety precautions listed in the Introduction section, page 6, and related to your
specific equipment.
C Caution
Contamination can damage internal components and void the manufacturer’s warranty.
Take precautions to ensure system cleanliness when removing and reinstalling system
Bypass valve A partially activated bypass valve Verify that the bypass valve is fully
may result in heat generation within closed and that the valve is seating
the system. properly. Repair or replace it as
SCR (System Check / Relief ) A partially activated SCR valve or Verify that the SCR valve is seating
Valves SCR valves with relief settings too properly and is at the correct relief
low may result in heat generation setting. Repair or replace it as
within the system. necessary.
Oil filters Clogged oil filters may result in an Inspect the oil filters and verify that
insufficient supply of cool oil to the they are still operable. Replace them
system. if necessary.
Machine load Excessive loads or extreme duty Verify that the machine is operating
cycles could result in the pump and within the parameters for which it
/ or motor operating at speeds and was designed. If necessary, reduce
pressures beyond system design the load on the machine.
Pump control A damaged or biased pump Verify that the pump’s control is
control may be sending a signal functioning properly. Repair or
commanding the pump to stroke replace it as necessary.
only in one direction.
Servo pressure The drain or supply path to one side Verify that the servo supply and
of the servo piston may be blocked. drain paths are unobstructed and
that each orifice is of the correct size
and free of debris. Clean or repair
them as necessary.
Displacement limiters (if The displacement limiters may be Verify that the displacement limiters
equipped) improperly adjusted such that the are adjusted properly.
servo piston is prevented from
moving in one direction.
Item Description Action
Control operates pump in one Control coil failure Measure resistance at coil pins.
direction only Resistance should be 14.20 ohms
(24V) or 3.66 ohms (12V) at 20°C
[70°F]. Replace coil
No pump function No power to controller Restore power to controller
Erratic pump function Electrical connection to pump is bad Disconnect connection, check wires,
reconnect wires
Filter bypass indicator switch Filter switch may be bad Check/replace filter switch. Add
gauge to filter bypass port to verify
proper fluid flow and verify switch
operation by measuring resistance.
open resistance=510 ohms, closed
resistance=122 ohms
Standard C Caution
procedures, Contamination can damage internal components and void the manufacturer’s warranty.
inspections, and Take precautions to ensure system cleanliness when removing and reinstalling system
adjustments lines
1. With the prime mover off, thoroughly clean all dirt and grime from the outside of the
2. If removing the pump, tag each hydraulic line connected to the pump. If hydraulic
lines are disconnected, plug each open port, to ensure that dirt and contamination
do not get into the pump.
3. Ensure the surrounding areas are clean and free of contaminants such as dirt and
5. Look at the hydraulic fluid for signs of system contamination, oil discoloration, foam
in the oil, sludge, or small metal particles.
6. Drain and flush the hydraulic system and replace all filters.
7. Before re-installing the pump, perform a leakage test per Sauer-Danfoss leakage test
HPP 112.
Warranty Performing installation, maintenance, and minor repairs according to the procedures in
this manual will not affect your warranty. Major repairs, requiring the removal of a unit’s
rear cover or front flange, voids the warranty unless done by a Sauer-Danfoss Global
Service Partner.
Pump adjustment This section offers instruction on inspection and adjustment of pump components.
Read through the entire topic before beginning a service activity. Refer to Pressure
measurements page 14, for location of gauge ports and suggested gauge size.
Charge pressure The following procedure explains how to check and adjust the charge pressure relief
relief valve valve.
Measure charge pressure at 2. Install a 50 bar [1000 psi] pressure gauge in charge pressure gauge port M3. Install a
1775 RPM. Charge pressure 10 bar [100 psi] gauge in one of the case pressure ports L1 or L2. Operate the system
is found by subtracting case with the pump in neutral (zero displacement) to measure charge pressure.
pressure from the pressure
measured at the charge 3. To adjust charge pressure, shut down prime mover.
pressure gage port M3.
4. Using a 1 inch hex wrench, remove charge pressure relief plug (102). Add or remove
shims (101) in relief valve. Adding shims (101) increases charge pressure, while
removing shims decreases charge pressure. Refer to pump model code for the unit’s
proper charge pressure setting.
6. Using a 1 inch hex wrench, reinstall plug (102). Torque to 108 Nm [80 ft•lb].
1 in. 101
11/16 in
Charge pressure
gage port
P106 666E
Engaging the bypass Test bypass function with pump installed on machine. The bypass function is engaged by
function unscrewing the bypass valve. Do not open the bypass valve when machine is operating.
1. To engage the bypass function, use a 5/8 hex wrench to unscrew the bypass valve.
Rotate the bypass valve approximately three turns counterclockwise. Do not rotate
more than 3 revolutions, as additional rotation will permit external leakage.
2. To close the bypass valve, rotate the bypass valve clockwise until seated. Torque to 20
N•m [15 lbf•ft].
3. If machine is towable with bypass valve opened three turns, and if wheels are locked
(not towable) with bypass valve closed, bypass function is working correctly.
C Caution
Avoid excessive speeds and extended load/vehicle movement. Do not move the load or
vehicle more than 20 % of maximum speed or for more than 3 minutes. Damage to drive
motor(s) is possible.
Bypass valve
5/8 in P106 667E
System check/relief The SCR valve is a high pressure relief valve and a system check valve in combination.
(SCR) valves Whenever an SCR valve has been replaced or opened, the pump should be operated
in its full range of functions to ensure proper machine operation. The SCR valves are
pre-set at the factory, no adjustment is possible. Pressure code is marked on the valve
To adjust max. system (1103). Refer to the model code for pressure designation. If SCR malfunction is suspected,
pressure, replace SCR replace valve and test operation of pump.
valve with one set for the
desired pressure setting. The following procedure explains how to replace the SCR valves.
3. Remove spring (165) and relief valve (1103) from pump housing.
4. Insert new relief valve (1103) and spring (165) into pump housing.
6. Using a 1-1/4 hex wrench install relief valve plug (166). Torque to 174 Nm [128 ft•lb].
106 166
1-1/4 in
174 Nm [128 ft•lb]
P106 668E
Displacement limiter Pump may have a displacement limiter on each side of the servo. Each limiter may be
adjustment adjusted to a different setting.
2. Hold the adjusting screw (913) in place using a flat screw driver. Use a 9/16 hex
wrench to loosen the locking nut (927).
3. Rotate the displacement limiter (913) based on the table below.
Rotating the adjusting screw clockwise decreases the maximum displacement of the
pump while rotating the adjusting screw counterclockwise increases the maximum
5. One full turn of the adjusting screw will change the maximum displacement
approximately as shown in the table below.
9/16 in
P106 672E
Swashplate neutral With the pump properly plumbed, primed and mounted on a vehicle or test stand,
adjustment use the following procedure to adjust the pump to mechanical neutral. If pump is on a
vehicle, block the wheels to prevent movement.
Measured data:
• System pressure at MA or MC
• System pressure at MB or MC
• Pressure differential between MA and MB or MC and MD (optional)
Pump Setup
1. Attach 600 bar [10,000 psi] gauge to system pressure gage ports MA and MB or MC
and MD
2. Using a hydraulic line and fittings, connect servo pressure ports (M4 and M5).
Connecting servo ports M4 and M5 removes the effects of any control pressure on the
servo piston by creating zero pressure differential between the two sides of the servo.
3. Using a 1/4 hex wrench and a 9/16 hex wrench, loosen servo lock nut (2115).
4. Using a 1/4 hex wrench, turn neutral adjustment screw (908) until one system
pressure gage begins to show an increase in pressure. Turn the neutral adjustment
screw (908) in the opposite direction until the other system pressure gage begins to
show an increase in pressure. Turn the neutral adjustment screw half way between
the two positions.
5. Using a 1/4 hex wrench to hold the servo adjustment screw in place, and a 9/16 hex
wrench, tighten servo lock nut (2115). Torque to 37 Nm [27 ft•lb].
M5 908
1/4 in
Servo pressure port
9/16 in
P106 669E
Manual displacement With the pump properly plumbed, primed and mounted on a vehicle or test stand, use
control bracket the following procedure to adjust the pump displacement control to neutral position. If
neutral adjustment pump is on a vehicle, block the wheels to prevent movement. Check swashplate neutral
adjustment before adjusting control bracket. If swashplate neutral is properly adjusted
and system is not in neutral, adjust MDC bracket as described below.
Verify swashplate neutral adjustment (see page 25) before performing control neutral
Measured data:
• Servo pressure at M4
• Servo pressure at M5
• Pressure differential between M4 and M5 (optional)
1. Attach 20 bar [300 psi] gauge to each servo gage port.
2. Using a 3/8 hex wrench, loosen screw (1210) to allow the neutral adjustment bracket
to move, but not freely.
4. Using your hand, press neutral adjustment bracket towards the pump housing,
and rotate adjustment bracket until both servo gages read equal pressures. Rotate
adjustment bracket until one of the servo pressure gages indicates an increase in
pressure. Rotate adjustment bracket in opposite direction until the other servo
pressure gage indicates an increase in pressure. Rotate neutral bracket until it is half
way between the two positions.
5. While holding the neutral adjustment bracket in place, use a 3/8 hex wrench to
tighten screw (1210). Torque to 14 Nm [10 ft•lb].
M5 Neutral bracket M4
P106 670E
Electronic With the pump properly plumbed, primed and mounted on a vehicle or test stand, use
displacement the following procedure to adjust the pump displacement control to neutral position. If
control/hydraulic pump is on a vehicle, block the wheels to prevent movement.
control neutral Verify swashplate neutral adjustment (see page 25) before performing control neutral
adjustment adjustment.
Measured data:
• Servo pressure at M4 (refer to port and gage locations page 15)
• Servo pressure at M5 (refer to port and gage locations page 15)
• Pressure differential between M4 and M5 (optional)
1. Attach 20 bar [300 psi] gauge to each servo gage port.
2. Use a 5/32 internal hex wrench to hold the adjusting screw in place.
5. Rotate adjustment screw until both servo gages read equal pressures. Rotate
adjustment screw until one of the servo pressure gages indicates an increase in
pressure. Rotate adjustment screw in opposite direction until the other servo
pressure gage indicates an increase in pressure. Rotate adjustment screw until it is
half way between the two positions.
6. While holding the neutral adjustment screw in place, tighten locknut. Torque to 3 Nm
[27 in•lb].
Lock nut
1/2 in
P106 643
Standard Before working on the pump, clean all dirt and grime from the outside of the pump.
procedures, If the pump has an auxiliary pump attached, remove all pumps as a single unit.Tag all
removing the pump hydraulic lines as they are disconnected and plug all open ports, to ensure that dirt and
contamination do not get into the pump.
C Caution
Contamination can damage internal components and void the manufacturer’s warranty.
Take precautions to ensure system cleanliness when removing and reinstalling system
1. With the prime mover off, thoroughly clean all dirt and grime from the outside of the
2. Tag and disconnect each hydraulic line connected to the pump. As hydraulic lines
are disconnected, plug each open port, to ensure that dirt and contamination do not
get into the pump.
C Caution
Be careful not to damage 3. Remove the tandem pump and its auxiliary pump (if applicable) as a single unit. C
solenoids and electrical
connections when using Inspection
straps or chains to remove 4. Ensure the work surface and surrounding area are clean and free of contaminants
pump from machine. such as dirt and grime.
5. Look at the hydraulic fluid for signs of system contamination, oil discoloration, foam
in the oil, sludge, or small metal particles.
6. Before replacing the pump on the machine, replace all filters and drain the hydraulic
system. Fill the system with the correct hydraulic fluid.
For repair part information, see Sauer-Danfoss publication Series 40 M46 Variable Pump
Parts Manual BLN-2-41702 for your model.
Mark the location of 2. Use a flat screw driver to hold displacement limiter in place. Use a 9/16 hex wrench
displacement adjustment to remove lock nut (927).
and neutral adjustment
screws before disassembly. 3. Using a 3/8 hex wrench, remove five bolts (921) from servo cover (902).
This will save time during
re-assembly. 4. Turn servo cover (902) counter clockwise to remove it from neutral adjustment
screw. Remove and discard gasket (2161).
6. Inspect all parts for damage. Inspect the mating surfaces of the servo cover (902) and
motor housing for scratches, grooves, and other damage. Inspect threads of screws
and nuts for damage. Replace any damaged parts.
7. Turn displacement limiter (913) into servo cover (902). Install new gasket (936) and
turn servo cover (902) onto neutral adjustment screw.
8. Using a 3/8 hex wrench, install five bolts (921). Torque to 15 Nm [11 lb•ft].
9. Use a flat screw driver to hold displacement limiter. Use a 9/16 hex wrench to
install seal nut (927) onto displacement limiter (913) at the position noted during
disassembly. Torque to 12 Nm [9 lb•ft]. Install sleeve (929) and snap ring (928).
10. Using a 1/4 hex wrench to hold neutral adjustment screw and a 9/16 hex wrench,
install hex nut (2115) onto neutral adjustment screw at the position noted during
disassembly. Torque to 37 Nm [27 ft•lb].
9/16 in
P106 671E
3. Remove pressure filtration cover (801). Remove and discard gasket (805).
4. Inspect the machined surface on the control. If any nicks or scratches are found,
replace the damaged component.
5. Install new gasket (805) and filtration cover (801).
6. Using a 1/2 hex wrench, install three bolts (806). Torque to 30 Nm [22 ft•lb].
7. Lubricate and install O-ring (810A) onto plug (810). Using a 11/16 hex wrench, install
plug (810). Torque to 37 Nm [27 ft•lb].
11/16 in 805
P106 673E
1/2 in
Charge pump If the pump has an auxiliary pump attached, remove the auxiliary pump and connecting
shaft before removing the auxiliary pad.
1. Using a 3/4 hex wrench remove nut (2144). Remove bracket (2146).
2. Using a 1/2 12 point hex wrench, remove bolts (2147). Pull to separate front and rear
pump housings.
2404 2403
3/4 in
102 Nm 2150
[75 ft•lb] 2142
2146 1/2 in
2145 102 Nm
[75 ft•lb]
P106 674E
7. Install pin (2405) into coupling (2142). Install coupling (2142) into gerotor (2403) with
pin (2405) aligned in groove.
9. Install pin (2404) into front pump housing and gerotor cover (2304) onto gerotor
12. Mate two pumps together to install rear pump shaft into coupling (2124). Using a
pipe wrench or pliers, rotate front pump shaft to align coupling with rear pump shaft
and then push two pump housings together. Use a rubber mallet if necessary.
Position the pumps vertically with the front housing on top of the rear housing to make
alignment easier.
13. Using a 1/2 12 point hex wrench, install bolts (2147). Torque to 102 Nm [75 ft•lb].
14. Install bracket (2146). Using a 3/4 hex wrench install nut (2144). Torque to 102 Nm
[75 ft•lb].
Shaft seal The shaft assembly is serviceable without removing the front cover of the pump. Orient
the pump on the work surface so the shaft is pointing up.
2.75 in
0.750 in
0.370 in
1.24 in
1.5 in
2.45 in
3 in P106 652E
SCR valves The SCR valves are factory set and are not field adjustable.
1. Using a 1-1/4 hex wrench, remove relief valve plug (166). Remove and discard O-ring
2. Remove spring (165) and relief valve (1103) from pump housing.
3. Inspect the sealing surfaces of the pump for nicks or scratches. Inspect the relief
valve (1103) sealing surface for nicks or scratches. If the relief valve (1103) is
damaged, replace it.
4. Lubricate and insert relief valve (1103) and spring (165) into pump housing.
5. Lubricate and install new O-ring (106) onto plug (166). Using a 1-1/4 hex wrench
install relief valve plug (166). Torque to 174 Nm [128 ft•lb].
106 166
1-1/4 in
174 Nm [128 ft•lb]
P106 668E
Charge pressure Replace the charge pressure relief valve components if they are damaged or otherwise
relief valve suspected of failure. See Charge pressure relief valve adjustment page 21, for adjustment
1. Using a 1 inch hex wrench, remove charge pressure relief plug (102). Remove and
discard O-ring (103).
2. Remove shims (101), spring (104), and charge pressure relief valve (105).
3. Inspect the sealing surfaces of the pump for nicks or scratches. Inspect the relief
valve (105) sealing surface for nicks or scratches. If the relief valve (105) is damaged,
replace it.
4. Install charge pressure relief valve (105), spring (104), and shims (101).
5. Lubricate and install O-ring (103) onto plug (102). Using a 1 inch hex wrench, install
plug (102). Torque to 108 Nm [80 ft•lb].
1 in
P106 676E
3. Inspect the sealing surfaces of the pump for nicks or scratches. Inspect the bypass
valve (1001) sealing surface for nicks or scratches. Replace any damaged parts.
4. Lubricate and install new O-ring (1003) and seal (1002) onto bypass valve (1001).
5. Using a 5/8 hex wrench, install bypass valve (1001). Torque to 20 Nm [15 ft•lb].
Bypass valve
5/8 in
1002 20 Nm [15 ft•lb]
5/8 in 1002
20 Nm
P106 677E
[15 ft•lb]
Mark the location of neutral 2. Using a 1/2 hex wrench, remove lock nut (1213). Remove tooth lock washer (1235),
return bracket (1216) handle (1215), neutral return bracket (1216), and spring (1214) from spool (1207).
before disassembly.
3. Remove and discard backup ring (1209) and O-ring (303) from spool (1207).
4. Remove sleeve (1402). Remove and discard backup ring (1208) and O-ring (302).
5. Inspect all parts of control assembly. Replace any damaged parts. Inspect spools for
grooves, scratches, and other damage. If spools are damaged, replace them. Inspect
sleeve bore in housing for damage.
When installing sleeve 6. Lubricate and install O-ring (302) and backup ring (1208) onto sleeve (1402).
(1402), ensure that sleeve Lubricate and install sleeve (1402) into motor housing.
groove engages spring pin
on swashplate 7. Lubricate and install O-ring (303) and backup ring (1209) onto spool (1207).
8. Install neutral return spring (1214), neutral return bracket (1216), handle (1215), and
washer (1235) onto spool (1207).
Install control spool (1207)
with alignment slot facing 9. Using a 1/2 hex wrench, install lock nut (1213). Torque to 15 Nm [11 ft•lb].
servo piston.
10. Lubricate and install spool (1207) into sleeve (1402).
Alignment slot
11. Using a 3/8 hex wrench, install screw (1210). Torque to 14 Nm [10 ft•lb]. See MDC
Servo piston bracket adjustment, page 26, for adjustment procedure.
P107 958E
1210 1209
3/8 in 1207
15 Nm
[11 ft•lb]
1213 1215
1/2 in
P106 678E
15 Nm [11 ft•lb]
Electronic Removal
displacement 1 Using a 3/16 internal hex wrench, remove screws (1203 and 1204) or (1226 and
control/hydraulic 1224).
control 2. Remove control housing (1201) or control housing (1223) and manifold (1225).
Remove and discard O-rings (1220 and 304) or (1227, 1228, and 1229).
5. Using a 3/16 internal hex wrench, install screws (1203 and 1204) or (1226). Torque
to 14 Nm [10 ft•lb]. If necessary, install control housing (1223). Using a 4 mm internal
hex wrench, install screws (1224). Torque to 14 Nm [10 ft•lb].
3/16 in 304
1220 1220
1204 1203
3/16 in 3/16 in 1220
HDC 1227
3/16 in
3-Position Control
2. Inspect orifice for damage,
contamination, and correct size.
Replace orifice if necessary. 1401
1/8 in
3. Inspect orifice for damage,
contamination, and correct size.
Replace orifice if necessary.
4. Using a 7/32 internal hex wrench,
install orifice plugs (1403 and 1404). 1404
Torque to 3 Nm [2 ft•lb]. P106 681E
3/8 in
9/16 in
Plug size and torque Item O-ring plug Wrench size Torque
chart 102 3/4 16 UNF 1 inch hex 108 Nm [80 ft•lb]
2107 1-1/16 12 UNF 9/16 internal hex 115 Nm [85 ft•lb
2148 9/16 18 UNF 11/16 hex 37 Nm [27 ft•lb]
2110 9/16 18 UNF 11/16 hex 37 Nm [27 ft•lb]
2111 9/16 18 UNF 11/16 hex 37 Nm [27 ft•lb]
2155 7/16 20 UNF 9/16 hex 20 Nm [15 ft•lb]
810 9/16 18 UNF 11/16 hex 37 Nm [27 ft•lb]
1001 5/8 18 UNF 5/8 hex 20 Nm [15 ft•lb]
166 1-5/16 12 UNF 1-1/4 hex 176 Nm [130 ft•lb]
Hardware locations
2107 2147
4135 (3X)
927 921
920 2111
166 102
2111 1210
2144 2148 2110 1213
927 4135
4135 (3X)
2107 4115
P106 664E
Orbital motors
Electrohydraulic power steering
Hydraulic power steering
Hydraulic integrated circuits (HIC) Sauer-Danfoss (US) Company Sauer-Danfoss ApS
2800 East 13th Street DK-6430 Nordborg, Denmark
Cartridge valves Ames, IA 50010, USA Phone: +45 7488 4444
Phone: +1 515 239-6000 Fax: +45 7488 4400
Directional spool valves
Fax: +1 515 239-6618
Proportional valves Sauer-Danfoss-Daikin LTD
Sauer-Danfoss GmbH & Co. OHG Shin-Osaka TERASAKI 3rd Bldg.6F
Postfach 2460, D-24531 Neumünster 1-5-28 Nishimiyahara, Yodogawa-ku,
Krokamp 35, D-24539 Neumünster, Germany Osaka 532-0004, Japan
Phone: +49 4321 871-0 Phone: +81 6 6395 6066
Fax: +49 4321 871 122 Fax: +81 6 6395 8585
520L0958 • Rev AC • March 2010