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8086 Interrupts and Interrupt Responses

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 8086 Interrupts and Interrupt Responses

 Introduction to DOS and BIOS interrupts

8086 Interrupts and Interrupt Responses:

 Sometimes it is necessary to have the computer automatically execute one of a collection of special routines
whenever certain conditions exist within a program or in the microcomputer system.
 For example,, it is necessary that microcomputer system should give response to devices such as keyboard,
sensor and other components when they request for service.
 The most common methods for servicing such device are

 Polling Method

 Interrupt method

Polling Method:

 In this method the processor must test each device in sequence and in effect ‘ask’ each one if it needs
communication with the processor.
 It easy to see that a large portion of the main program is looping through this continuous polling cycle.
 Such a method would have a serious and decrementing effect on system throughput.

Interrupt Method:

 Another method would be the one that allows the microprocessor to execute its main program and only stop
to service peripheral devices when it is told to do so by the device itself.
 In this method the processor would provide an external asynchronous input that would inform the processor
that it should complete whatever instruction that currently being executed and fetch a new routine that will
service the requesting device.
 Once this servicing is completed, the processor would resume exactly where it left off.
 This method is called Interrupt Method.
 This method increases the system throughput
 When a microprocessor is interrupted, it stops executing its current program and calls special routine which
services the interrupt.
 The event that causes the interruption is call interrupt and the special routine executed to service the
interrupt is called interrupt service routine (ISR) / Procedures.
 The interrupt can came from any of the three sources


1. By external signal

2. By a special instruction in the program

3. By the occurrence of some condition

 An interrupt caused by an external signal is referred as Hardware interrupt.

 A condition interrupts or interrupts caused by special instructions are called software interrupts.

 Other type of interrupts are

1. Vectored and Non vectored interrupts

 The interrupts which are having fixed address location for ISR are called vectored interrupts.

 The interrupts which are not having fixed address location for ISR are called non vectored

2. Maskable and Non maskable interrupts

 The interrupts which can be ignored are called maskable interrupts.

 The interrupts which cannot be ignored are called non maskable interrupts.

 An 8086 interrupt can come from any one the three sources:

1. Exernal signal: An 8086 can get interrupt from an external signal applied to the nonmaskable interrut
(NMI) input pin, or the interrupt (INTR) input pin.

2. Special instruction: An execution of the Interrupt instruction (INT). This is referred as software

3. Condition produced by Instruciton: An 8086 is interrupted by some condition produced in the

program by the execution of an instruction.

4. For example divide by zero: program execution will automatically be interrupted if you attempt to
divided an operand by zero.

 At the end of each instruction cycle, 8086 checks to see if any interrupts have been requested.

 If an interrupt has been requested, the 8086 responds to interrupt by stepping through the following series of
major steps:

1. It decrements the stack pointer by 2 pushes the flag register on the stack.

2. It disables the 8086 INTR interrupt input by clearing the interrupt flag(IF) in the flag register.

3. It resets the trap flag (TF) in the flag register.

4. It decrements the stack pointer by 2 and pushes the current code segment register contents on the stack.

5. It decrements the stack pointer again by 2 and pushes the current instruction pointer contents on the

6. It does an indirect far jump to start of the procedure by loading the CS and IP values for the start of the
interrupt service routine.


 An IRET instruction at the end of the interrupt service routine returns execution to main program.

 The 8086 gets the new values of CS and IP register from four memory addresses.

 When it responds to an interrupt, the 8086 goes to memory locations to get the CS an IP values to start of the
interrupt service routine.

 In an 8086 system the first 1 Kb of memory from 00000H to 003FFH is reserved for storing the starting
addresses of interrupt service routines.

 This block of memory is often called the INTERRUPT VECTOR TABLE or the INTERRUPT POINTER TABLE.

 Since 4 bytes are required to store the CS and IP values for each interrupt service procedure, the table can
hold the starting addresses for 256 interrupt service routines.


 Each interrupt type is given a number between 0 to 255 and the address of each interrupt is found by
multiplying the type by 4 e.g. for type 11, interrupt address is 11×4=4410=0002CH

 Only the first five types have explicit definitions.

 The next 27 interrupt types, from 5 to 31, are reserved by Intel for use in future microprocessors.

 The upper 224 interrupt types, from 32 to 255, available for user for hardware or software interrupts.

 When 8086 responds to an interrupt, it automatically goes to specified location in the interrupt vector table to
get the starting address of interrupt service routine.

8086 Interrupts Types:

1. Divide by Zero Interrupt (Type 0):

When the quotient from either a DIV or IDIV instruction is too large to fit in the result register; 8086 will
automatically execute type 0 interrupt.

2. Single Step Interrupt (Type 1):

The type 1 interrupt is single step trap. In the single step mode, system will execute one instruction and wait for
further direction from user. The user can examine the contents of registers and memory locations and if they are
correct, user can tell the system to execute the next instruction. This feature is useful for debugging assembly
language programs.

3. Non Maskable Interrupt (Type 2):

As the name suggests, this interrupt cannot be disabled by any software instruction. This interrupt is activated by
low to high transition on 8086 NMI input pin. In response, 8086 will do a type 2 interrupt.

4. Break Point Interrupt (Type 3):

The type 3 interrupt is used to implement breakpoint function in the system. The type 3 interrupt is produced by
execution of the INT 3 instruction. Breakpoint function is often used as debugging aids in cases where single
stepping provides more details than wanted.

5. Overflow Interrupt (Type 4):

The type 4 interrupt is used to check overflow condition after any signed arithmetic operation in the system. The
8086 overflow flag, OF, will be represented in the destination register or memory location.

Software Interrupts (Type 0-255):

 The 8086 INT instruction can be used to cause 8086 to do one of the 256 possible interrupt types.

 The interrupt type is specified by the number as a part of the instruction.

 You can use an INT 2 instruction to send execution to NMI interrupt service routine.

 This allows you to test the NMI routine without needing to apply an external signal to the NMI input of the

Maskable Interrupt (INTR):

 The 8086 INTR input can be used to interrupt a program execution.


 This interrupt is implemented by using two pins INTR and INTA

Introduction to DOS and BIOS Interrupts:

 In IBM PC, part of the operating system is located in the permanent memory (ROM) and part is loaded during
power up.

 The part located in ROM is referred to as ROM-BIOS (Basic Input/ Output System).

 The other part which is loaded in RAM during power-up from hard disk is known as DOS(Disk Operating

 BIOS is located in a 8 Kbyte ROM at the top of memory, the address range being from FE000H to FFFFFH.

 The programs with ROM-BIOS provide the most direct, lowest level interaction with the various devices in the

 The ROM-BIOS contains routines for

1. Power-on self test

2. System configuration analysis

3. Time of the day

4. Print screen

5. Boot strap loader

6. I/O support program for

a. Asynchronous communication

b. Keyboard

c. Printer

d. Display

 Most of these programs are accessible to ALP through software interrupt instruction (INT).

 The design goal for the ROM-BIOS programs is to provide a device-independent interface to the various
physical devices in the system.

 Using ROM-BIOS one can output characters to various physical devices like the printer or display, one can read
character from keyboard.

 But still few things are not possible with ROM-BIOS

1. It is not possible to provide ability to load and execute programs directly.

2. It is not possible to store data on the diskette organized as logical files.

3. ROM-BIOS have no command-interpreter to allow copying files, print files, deleting files.


 It is the DOS that provides these services.

 When we turn ON our computer, we expect to see message or a prompt.

 We expect to be able to look at the diskette directory to see what data files or programs the diskette contains.

 We expect to run a program by typing name.

 We want to copy programs from one diskette to another, print programs and delete programs.

 All these services are provided by group of programs called DOS.

 The services provided by DOS can be grouped into following categories.

1. Character Device I/O

2. File Management
3. Memory Management
4. Directory Management
5. Executive Functions
6. Command Interpreter
7. Utility Programs


1. DOS is loaded from the bootable diskette. BIOS is located in an 8 Kbyte ROM.

The programs within the ROM-BIOS provide the most

DOS program offer different degree of
direct, lowest level interaction with the various devices in
2. flexibility, portability and hardware
the system. Using these programs require hardware

DOS has ability to load and execute ROM-BIOS does not have ability to load and execute
programs directly. programs directly.

DOS can store data on the diskette ROM-BIOS cannot store data on the diskette organized as a
organized as a logical files. logical files.

DOS has command interpreter to allow us to ROM-BIOS have no command interpreter to allow us to
copy files, print files and delete files. copy files, print files and delete files.

 The MS-DOS API is an API which originated with 86-DOS and is used in MS-DOS/PC DOS and other DOS-
compatible operating systems. Most calls to the DOS API are invoked using software interrupt 21H (INT 21H).

 By calling INT 21h with a sub function number in the AH processor register and other parameters in other
registers, one invokes various DOS services.

 DOS services include keyboard input, video output, disk file access, executing programs, memory allocation,
and various other things.


AH Description AH Description

01 Read character from STDIN 02 Write character to STDOUT

05 Write character to printer 06 Console Input/ Output

07 Direct char read (STDIN), no echo 08 Char read from STDIN, no echo

09 Write string to STDOUT 0A Buffered input

0B Get STDIN status 0C Flush buffer for STDIN

0D Disk reset 0E Select default drive

19 Get current default drive 25 Set interrupt vector

2A Get system date 2B Set system date

2C Get system time 2D Set system time

2E Set verify flag 30 Get DOS version

35 Get Interrupt vector

36 Get free disk space 39 Create subdirectory

3A Remove subdirectory 3B Set working directory

3C Create file 3D Open file

3E Close file 3F Read file

40 Write file 41 Delete file

42 Seek file 43 Get/Set file attributes

47 Get current directory 4C Exit program

4D Get return code 54 Get verify flag

56 Rename file 57 Get/Set file date



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