200 Pages of Mcqs
200 Pages of Mcqs
200 Pages of Mcqs
a) Isoprenaline
b) Adrenaline
c) Procainamide
d) Verapamil
e) Amiodarone
a) ethanol
b) methanol
c) ethylene glycol
d) isopranolol
e) acetaminophen
5. In clinical trials the method of CPR with the best clinical outcome is:
a) conventional CPR
b) simultaneous compression ventilation CPR
c) active compression decompression CPR
d) interposed abdominal compression CPR
e) none of the above is better than the others
a) Hazell
b) Danzl
c) Sellick
d) Tintinalli
e) Meller
a) 1 in 150
b) 1 in 500
c) 1 in 1,000
d) 1 in 3,000
e) 1 in 80,000
9. All of the following drugs can be used in rapid sequence induction except:
a) atropine
b) fentanyl
c) pancuronium
d) atracurium
e) ketamine
10. The likely intact survival rate in paediatric cardiac arrest is:
a) less than 1%
b) less than 10%
c) less than 25%
d) greater than 50%
e) worse if there is associated respiratory arrest
12. The following blood gases pH 7.17, pCO2 59, Bic 21, pO2 130 are most likely
to be consistent with:
a) diabetic ketoacidosis
b) diuretic overdose
c) premature twin baby
d) camphor ingestion with seizures
e) oliguria and renal failure
13. Normal saline contains sodium at:
a) 162 mEq/L
b) 154 mEq/L
c) 145 mEq/L
d) 130 mEq/L
e) 110 mEq/L
14. All of the following are potential reactions to blood transfusion except:
a) hypercalcaemia
b) hyperkalaemia
c) increased haemoglobin oxygen affinity
d) haemolysis
e) hypothermia
15. One of the major differences between morphine and pethidine relates to:
a) analgesic efficacy
b) route of metabolism
c) ability to suppress cough
d) histamine release effects
e) abuse potential
a) 150
b) 140
c) 130
d) 120
e) 110
18. For blood pressure determination in a 6 year old child the cuff width should
a) 3cms
b) 4cms
c) 5cms
d) 6cms
e) 7cms
a) silk
b) prolene
c) chromic cat gut
d) nylon
e) mersilene
21. Tetanus:
a) typically has an incubation period of 2-3 days
b) immunisation status is particularly poor in elderly women
c) toxoid is more effective by S.C. injection
d) IgG will provide passive protection for about a week
e) immunisation is not safe in pregnancy
22. Oesophageal foreign bodies can be treated with all of the following except:
a) Foley catheter
b) sodium bicarbonate
c) papain
d) glucagon
e) tartaric acid
a) coronoid process
b) symphysis
c) condyle
d) ramus
e) body
38. Erysipelas
a) responds to erythromycin
b) is caused strep pneumoniae
c) results from micro-organism exotoxin production
d) typically occurs on the neck
e) shares a similar aetiology to toxic epidermal necrolysis
39. Appropriate first aid management of brown snake envenomation includes:
a) arterial tourniquet
b) suction drainage of the wound
c) wound incision
d) aspirin 300mg orally
e) splinting of the joint above the injury
42. In hypothermia:
a) IV dantrolene
b) cold IV fluids
c) cooling blankets
d) ice packs in the groin and axillae
e) fan and sponge with tepid water
44. The following drugs can be used in the treatment of true heat stroke:
a) chlorpromazine
b) Phenobarbitone
c) mannitol
d) NaHCO3
e) all of the above
48. In a patient with COAD and cor pulmonale, a rapid irregular tachycardia:
49. Regarding pleural effusion all of the following are true EXCEPT:
a) neisseria gonorrhoea
b) Mycoplasma pneumoniae
c) bacteroides fragilis
d) Cytomegalovirus
e) corynebacterium diptheriae
51. Regarding empirical antibiotic therapy in pneumonia:
54. ST segment elevation on a 12 lead ECG could be due to all of the following
a) a pericardiocentesis needle
b) LBBB when seen in V6
c) hyperkalaemia
d) hypothermia
e) subarachnoid haemorrhage
55. The strongest indication for pacing a patient with AMI is:
56. The clinical trial that showed that patients with acute myocardial infarction
manifesting as ST depression on ECG do worse with thrombolysis was:
a) TIMI - I
b) ISIS - I
c) ISIS - II
57. In a patient presenting with possible thoracic aortic dissection the investigation
with the best sensitivity and specificity is:
a) transthoracic echocardiography
b) transoesophageal echocardiography
c) CT scan
d) aortography
e) MRA
a) migratory arthralgia
b) erythema marginatum
c) raised ESR or CRP
d) St Vitus dance
e) valvular heart disease
60 Questions / 60 Minutes
1. C
2. B
3. E
4. E
5. E
6. A
7. C
8. D
9. C
10. B
11. B
12. D
13. B
14. A
15. C
16. E
17. D
18. E
19. A
20. B
21. B
22. C
23. C
24. C
25. A
26. B
27. D
28. A
29. C
30. B
31. E
32. B
33. C
34. C
35. C
36. D
37. A
38. A
39. E
40. A
41. D
42. B
43. E
44. E
45. C
46. C
47. A
48. E
49. E
50. C
51. B
52. A
53. B
54. B
55. D
56. D
57. E
58. B
59. E
a) Multiple sclerosis
b) Wernicke’s encephalopathy
c) Tuberculous meningitis
d) Huntington’s chorea
e) Hepatic encephalopathy
3) Which of the following indicates an especially poor prognosis for a patient with
acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis
5) A 25 year old farm hand was involved in a motor accident and sustains fractures
of the 10-11th rib on the left side. He has no other injuries and after three days, he
complains of abdominal pain, and on reaching casualty is found to have a BP of
70 systolic, pulse 120. The abdomen is a little distended and diffusely tender with
some rebound tenderness. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis
6) In caring for patients in a geriatric ward, you would be conscious that the
commonest cause of diarrhoea in bedridden people is
a) Infection
b) Carcinoma of the rectum
c) Faecal impaction
d) Change of diet
e) Diverticulitis
7) A 40 year old man is admitted to the hospital after having been treated for severe
gas pains in the right lower quadrant. The evening before admission, he had a
rigor. Examination discloses an obviously ill man with a temperature of 40
degrees whose skin is cool, dry and pale, pulse is rapid. He is slightly
hypertensive and there is a tender right lower quadrant mass on palpation. The
greatest immediate concern is
a) Impending hypovolaemia
b) Impending paralytic ileus
c) Early gram-negative septicaemia
d) Impending cardiac failure
e) Perforated carcinoma of the cecum
8) A 42 year old female had diarrhoea, tremor, heart failure and weight loss. 5HIAA
excretion is normal. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis
9) A 37 year old housewife presents with a 2 week history of severe pain in the
rectum after defecating. She has been constipated since the last pregnancy four
months ago when she first developed piles. The most probably cause for her pain
a) Fissure in ano
b) Thrombosed haemorrhoids
c) Perianal haematoma
d) Proctalgia fugax
e) Rectocoele
10) In acute liver disease, which of the following implies the worst prognosis
11) An alcoholic patient is admitted with severe abdominal pain, shock and vomiting.
His appendix was removed two years earlier, minimal tenderness and guarding is
present on examination of his abdomen. Which of the following is the most likely
13) A 70 year old male presented with lassitude. The spleen is palpable to the level of
the umbilicus. The blood count is: Hg 9.0, PCV .290, and total leukocytes
150,000,000,000/L platelets normal. Differential count blasts 5%, promyelocyte
8%, myelocyte 15%, metamyelocytes 25%, neutrophil 32%, eosinophil 6%,
basophils 4%, lymphocytes 5%/ Which of the following is the most likely
15) A 56 year old right handed male presented with sudden onset of severe right sided
hemi paresis involving his face, arm and leg, but no sensory loss or dysphasia.
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
a) Phenobarbitone 100mg IM
b) Phenytoin sodium 100mg SC
c) Diazepam 10mg IV
d) Paraldehyde 10ml deep IM
e) None of the above
17) A 50 year male presented with a 3 month history of progressive muscle weakness,
increased skin and mucosal pigmentation and some peripheral oedema. Plasma K
2.6 mmol/L (normal 3.5 – 5) and bicarbonate 35 mmol/L (normal 24 – 29). CXR
suggests a hilar mass. It is most probably that he has
18) A diabetic develops a third nerve palsy. Which of the following findings would
favour diabetes as being the cause
a) Ptosis
b) Downward and inner looking eye
c) Normal pupil
d) Enophthalmos
e) Lack of sweating
21) A 30 year old man previously in good health over three days develops headache,
fever and becomes drowsy. Examination shows signs of meningeal irritation and
a routine CXR shows a well rounded opacity approximately 2cm in diameter in
the right lung. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
a) Torullosis (cryptococcosis)
b) Sarcoidosis
c) Primary pulmonary neoplasm
d) Disseminated tuberculosis
e) Multiple secondaries from a melanoma
a) A primary host
b) An intermediate host
c) Only accidental host
d) Infested by the parasite entering via unbroken skin
e) Found to excrete ova for 3-6 months after infestation
23) A 5 year old male presents with an acutely painful left leg and temperature of
39.5. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
a) Scurvy
b) Rickets
c) Synovitis of the hip
d) Osteomyelitis
e) Perthe’s disease
24) An 8 year female presents with a fever of 39. Physical examination reveals
membranous tonsillar exudates, generalised lymphadenopathy,
hepatosplenomegaly, and faint macular rash. Which of the following would most
likely be found
a) Bronchiolitis
b) Inhaled foreign body
c) Cystic fibrosis
d) Asthma
e) Bronchiectasis
a) Aplastic anaemia
b) Severe infantile eczema
c) Minimal change nephritic syndrome
d) Acute post streptococcal glomerulonephritis
e) Exercise induced asthma
28) A 3 year old child who has recently been adequately immunised cut his wrist on a
clean broken glass. One examination 3 hours later, the child was able to flex the
wrist weakly, flex the metacarpophalangeal joints of the index and long fingers,
the ring and little fingers completely and extend all digits completely but could
NOT flex the interphalangeal joints, the distal phalanx of the thumb or abduct the
thumb. The skin of the volar aspect of the thumb, index and long fingers felt drier
to touch than the ulnar border of the palm. It was impossible to test sensation.
Which is most appropriate?
a) Remove the dressing and examine the wound in the emergency room to
determine the extent of the injury
b) Begin antibiotic therapy and suture the skin in the emergency room
c) Prepare the child for repair of the injury in the operating room
d) Begin antibiotic therapy and have the child brought back in 4 days for
delayed primary repair of the injury
e) Delay definitive repair for 6 weeks
29) A 28 year old male has suffered for 6 years from a recurrent ulcer in the medial
aspect of his left lower leg. 8 years ago he suffered a fractured femur. The cause
of this ulcer is mot likely to be?
a) Diabetes
b) Syphilis
c) Perforator vein incompetence
d) Arterial injury
e) Osteomyelitis
30) X-ray of a 45 year old man shows an expanding rarefying bone lesion of the right
humerus which is diagnosed as anaplastic carcinoma on biopsy. No other bony
lesions are found. The patient has a continuous fever for the past three weeks.
The metastatic lesion most likely arises from the.
a) Kidney
b) Liver
c) Testis
d) Stomach
e) Prostate
31) Which of the following statements is true with regard to fibro muscular dysplasia
of the renal artery
32) 1% lignocaine with 1/100,000 adrenaline should NOT be injected into the tissues
to produce
33) 36 hours after a moderate myocardial infarction, a 60 year old man develops
abdominal pain without abdominal tenderness. Over the next 36 hours the
abdomen becomes tender, he develops diarrhoea and mild jaundice, fever of 38C
and hypotension. Plain x-ray examination of the abdomen reveals distended loops
of small intestine with some fluid levels. Which of the following is the most
likely diagnosis?
35) A 70 year old male presents with pain in the left calf after walking a distance of
two blocks. The pain is relieved promptly by rest. The most common cause of
this symptom complex is
36) A 20 year old man is brought to the accident centre after a motor car accident. His
only injury involves his left leg which is seen to be shortened, flexed at the hip
and internally rotated. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
37) A 25 year old female presents with a 2 month history of painless mass appearing
in the neck. Examination shows a 5cm fluctuant smooth round mass in the upper
anterior triangle of the neck partly covered by the upper one third of the
sternomastoid. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
a) Hodgkin’s’ lymphoma
b) Thyroglossal cyst
c) Salivary gland tumour
d) Branchial cyst (lateral lymphoepithelial cyst)
e) Tuberculous lymphadenitis
38) 5 days after anterior resection for carcinoma of the rectum, a 55 year old man was
found to have copious serosanguinous discharge from his abdominal wound.
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
39) A primigravida at 36 weeks gestation presents with a history of NOT having felt
foetal movements for 24 hours. Which of the following statements is most
40) A woman 35 weeks pregnant is admitted to hospital having lost a small amount of
blood per vagina. The foetal heart rate is normal on admission. Having carried
out cross matching of blood what is the next step in management
41) A 40 year old woman complains of being 14 days overdue with her period.
Pregnancy as a cause can be reliable excluded by
a) Vaginal examination
b) Plasma B HCG
c) Urinary HCG assay
d) Ultrasonography
e) Plasma FSH
42) A woman with a twin pregnancy at 35 weeks gestation comes into labour
unexpectedly and you are required to conduct the delivery. After delivery of the
first twin, the next step in management would include
a) Methyl dopa
b) Diazoxide
c) Hydralazine
d) Isoprenolol
e) Thiazide diuretics
44) A patient consults you in early weeks of her pregnancy and is unsure of the
duration of amenorrhea. Which of the following would enable you to estimate
most accurately the date of her confinement
45) A woman 6 weeks post partum presents with persistent and sometimes heavy
vaginal bleeding. What is your first step in management
a) Administration of iron
b) Inspection of the cervix
c) Dilation and curettage
d) Ergometrine tablets
e) Administration of the contraceptive pill
46) The most common mode of presentation of a patient with uterine fibroids is
a) Ulcerative colitis
b) Carcinoma of the rectum
c) Villous adenoma
d) Diverticular disease
e) Haemorrhoids
a) Toxocara canis
b) Toxoplasma gondii
c) Campylobacter jejuni
d) Shigella sonei
e) Salmonella typhimurium
49) A 3 year old male presents with fever and unilateral swelling over his
temporomandibular joint. After a few days this swelling disappeared but another
one appeared on the other side. The most common complication of this condition
a) Meningoencephalitis
b) Orchitis with sterility
c) Myocarditis
d) Blocked parotid ducts
e) Pancreatitis
a) Cholestatic jaundice
b) Vesico-colic fistula
c) B12 deficiency
d) Peptic ulceration
e) Aphthous stomatitis
51) In a patient with carpal tunnel syndrome, you are most likely to find
a) Auscultation
b) ECG
c) X-ray
d) Loud first heart sound
e) Echocardiography
53) The first step necessary for the resuscitation of the asphyxiated infant at birth is
a) 2nd day
b) 14th day
c) 22nd day
d) 35th day
e) 60th day
55) Which of the following is the safest route for the administration of oxytocic drugs
for the induction of labour
a) Oral
b) Buccal
c) Nasal
d) Intramuscular
e) Intravenous
a) Eisenmenger syndrome
b) Arterial septal defect
c) Patent ductus arteriosus
d) Ventricular septal defect
e) All of the above
57) A child presents with bitemporal hemianopia. Which of the following is the most
likely site of the lesion
a) Tuberosity of tibia
b) Tarsal navicular
c) Patella
d) Medial tibial condyle
e) Metatarsal
a) Osgood-Schlatter disease
b) Subluxation of the head of the radius
c) Legg-Calve-Perthe’s disease
d) Slipped femoral epiphysis
e) Congenital Subluxation of the hip
a) Nerve injury
b) Soft tissue infection
c) Arterial injury
d) Deformity which can NOT be reduced by manipulation on GA
e) Osteomyelitis of the fracture site
1. b 31. b
2. e 32. a
3. e 33. e
4. a 34. c
5. b 35. e
6. c 36. e
7. c 37. d
8. a 38. d
9. a 39. c
10. d 40. c
11. b 41. b
12. d 42. b
13. c 43. e
14. c 44. d
15. c 45. c
16. e 46. b
17. b 47. c
18. c 48. d
19. c 49. a
20. a 50. a
21. a 51. b
22. c 52. e
23. d 53. d
24. b 54. b
25. e 55. e
26. d 56. a
27. c 57. b
28. c 58. b
29. c 59. c
30. a 60. c
a) Isoprenaline
b) Adrenaline
c) Procainamide
d) Verapamil
e) Amiodarone
a) ethanol
b) methanol
c) ethylene glycol
d) isopranolol
e) acetaminophen
65. In clinical trials the method of CPR with the best clinical outcome is:
a) conventional CPR
b) simultaneous compression ventilation CPR
c) active compression decompression CPR
d) interposed abdominal compression CPR
e) none of the above is better than the others
a) Hazell
b) Danzl
c) Sellick
d) Tintinalli
e) Meller
70. All of the following drugs can be used in rapid sequence induction except:
a) atropine
b) fentanyl
c) pancuronium
d) atracurium
e) ketamine
71. The likely intact survival rate in paediatric cardiac arrest is:
a) less than 1%
b) less than 10%
c) less than 25%
d) greater than 50%
e) worse if there is associated respiratory arrest
72. In paediatric resuscitation:
73. The following blood gases pH 7.17, pCO2 59, Bic 21, pO2 130 are most likely
to be consistent with:
a) diabetic ketoacidosis
b) diuretic overdose
c) premature twin baby
d) camphor ingestion with seizures
e) oliguria and renal failure
74. Normal saline contains sodium at:
a) 162 mEq/L
b) 154 mEq/L
c) 145 mEq/L
d) 130 mEq/L
e) 110 mEq/L
75. All of the following are potential reactions to blood transfusion except:
a) hypercalcaemia
b) hyperkalaemia
c) increased haemoglobin oxygen affinity
d) haemolysis
e) hypothermia
76. One of the major differences between morphine and pethidine relates to:
a) analgesic efficacy
b) route of metabolism
c) ability to suppress cough
d) histamine release effects
e) abuse potential
a) 150
b) 140
c) 130
d) 120
e) 110
79. For blood pressure determination in a 6 year old child the cuff width should
a) 3cms
b) 4cms
c) 5cms
d) 6cms
e) 7cms
a) silk
b) prolene
c) chromic cat gut
d) nylon
e) mersilene
82. Tetanus:
a) typically has an incubation period of 2-3 days
b) immunisation status is particularly poor in elderly women
c) toxoid is more effective by S.C. injection
d) IgG will provide passive protection for about a week
e) immunisation is not safe in pregnancy
83. Oesophageal foreign bodies can be treated with all of the following except:
a) Foley catheter
b) sodium bicarbonate
c) papain
d) glucagon
e) tartaric acid
a) coronoid process
b) symphysis
c) condyle
d) ramus
e) body
99. Erysipelas
a) responds to erythromycin
b) is caused strep pneumoniae
c) results from micro-organism exotoxin production
d) typically occurs on the neck
e) shares a similar aetiology to toxic epidermal necrolysis
100. Appropriate first aid management of brown snake envenomation includes:
a) arterial tourniquet
b) suction drainage of the wound
c) wound incision
d) aspirin 300mg orally
e) splinting of the joint above the injury
103. In hypothermia:
a) IV dantrolene
b) cold IV fluids
c) cooling blankets
d) ice packs in the groin and axillae
e) fan and sponge with tepid water
105. The following drugs can be used in the treatment of true heat stroke:
a) chlorpromazine
b) Phenobarbitone
c) mannitol
d) NaHCO3
e) all of the above
109. In a patient with COAD and cor pulmonale, a rapid irregular tachycardia:
110. Regarding pleural effusion all of the following are true EXCEPT:
a) neisseria gonorrhoea
b) Mycoplasma pneumoniae
c) bacteroides fragilis
d) Cytomegalovirus
e) corynebacterium diptheriae
112. Regarding empirical antibiotic therapy in pneumonia:
115. ST segment elevation on a 12 lead ECG could be due to all of the following
a) a pericardiocentesis needle
b) LBBB when seen in V6
c) hyperkalaemia
d) hypothermia
e) subarachnoid haemorrhage
116. The strongest indication for pacing a patient with AMI is:
117. The clinical trial that showed that patients with acute myocardial infarction
manifesting as ST depression on ECG do worse with thrombolysis was:
a) TIMI - I
b) ISIS - I
c) ISIS - II
118. In a patient presenting with possible thoracic aortic dissection the investigation
with the best sensitivity and specificity is:
a) transthoracic echocardiography
b) transoesophageal echocardiography
c) CT scan
d) aortography
e) MRA
a) migratory arthralgia
b) erythema marginatum
c) raised ESR or CRP
d) St Vitus dance
e) valvular heart disease
60 Questions / 60 Minutes
60. C
61. B
62. E
63. E
64. E
65. A
66. C
67. D
68. C
69. B
70. B
71. D
72. B
73. A
74. C
75. E
76. D
77. E
78. A
79. B
80. B
81. C
82. C
83. C
84. A
85. B
86. D
87. A
88. C
89. B
90. E
91. B
92. C
93. C
94. C
95. D
96. A
97. A
98. E
99. A
100. D
101. B
102. E
103. E
104. C
105. C
106. A
107. E
108. E
109. C
110. B
111. A
112. B
113. B
114. D
115. D
116. E
117. B
118. E
119. B
5. With respect to vaginal bleeding in the second half of pregnancy, which of the
following is correct
10. All of the following are risk factors for pneumonia EXCEPT
a. Urinary catheter
b. Alcoholism
c. Valvular heart disease
d. Congestive heart disease
e. Sarcoidosis
12. The major component of hymenoptera venom in terms of dry weight is:
a. Heparin
b. Mellitin
c. Histamine
d. Vespidine
e. Formic Acid
a. The threshold blast wave pressure for fatal injuries is approximately 200
b. The negative pressure wave of blast wave never exceeds negative 1
c. The commonest type of injuries are tertiary blast injuries
d. Cutaneous burns are primary blast injuries
e. Most blast deaths result from chemical toxins
a. Deadly nightshade
b. Oleander
c. Autumn crocus
d. Pokeweed
e. Lily of the valley
21. Regarding soft tissue foreign bodies, which of the following is true
33. Which of the following will not cause a low anion gap
a. Penicillin overdose
b. Hypercalcaemia
c. Hypermagnesaemia
d. Myeloma
e. Lithium overdose
34. Which of the following ECG changes best fit with hypercalcaemia
a. QT lengthening
b. QRS widening >0.12S without bundle branch block
c. T wave peaking
d. Second or third degree heart block
e. Torsades de points
37. Which of the following statements are correct regarding alternative methods of
38. Which of the following drugs are not noted for causing hypocalcaemia
a. Cimetidine
b. Heparin
c. Glucagon
d. Glucocorticoids
e. Thiazides
39. Which of the following are the commonest cause for an acute abdomen in the
>50 years of age group
a. Diverticular disease
b. Appendicitis
c. Bowel obstruction
d. Biliary tract disease
e. Malignancy related
40. With perforated peptic ulceration, what percentage of patients will not have
free air visible on initial x-ray series?
a. 5%
b. 10%
c. 20%
d. 30%
e. 40%
44. The single most common chief complaint of children presenting to the ED is
a. Fever
b. Vomiting and/or diarrhoea
c. Traumatic limb injury
d. Rash
e. Cough and/or SOB
45. The most common cause of stridor in a neonate, often presenting as worsening
with crying, is
a. Sub-glottic stenosis
b. Croup
c. Tracheooesophageal fistula
d. Laryngomalacia
e. Vascular ring
46. A child, born at term, presenting in congestive cardiac failure aged 2 weeks is
most likely to have
a. VSD
b. Hypoplastic left ventricle
c. Coarctation of the aorta
d. PDA
e. Cardiomyopathy
47. Regarding anticonvulsants
48. A 3-year-old female presents to the ED with 2 days of vomiting and diarrhoea.
She has dry mucous membranes and looks a little unwell. However, she cries
during your exam (producing tears) and has a normal capillary refill.
50. A 6-year-old boy presents to the ED. He has been unwell for the last 3 days
and is now concerning his parents because of his rapid breathing, abdominal
pain and altered conscious level. The house officer who has seen the patient
brings you the following set of electrolytes:
51. At 5 minutes a newborn baby has a heart rate of 120, with blue peripheries,
weak flexion, weak cry initially, but strong cry when irritated. The APGAR is
a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d. 7
e. 8
52. CSF findings most consistent with early viral meningitis in a child are
a. Rubella
b. Roseola infantum
c. Hand, foot and mouth disease
d. Pityriasis rosea
e. Rubeola
a. Echovirus
b. Coxsackie virus
c. Parvovirus
d. Varicella virus
e. Mad cow disease
55. Which of the following is NOT COMMONLY associated with Group A Strep
a. Toxic shock syndrome
b. Impetigo contagiosum
c. Erysipelas
d. Scarlet fever
e. Impetigo
59. A lady who is 35 weeks pregnant presents with BP 150/105. She is mildly
confused, but says she has a headache and is seeing “2 of you”. She has
haemorrhages and exudates on fundoscopy and very brisk tendon reflexes.
There’s no urine result back yet. The following include acceptable treatment
options EXCEPT
1. C
2. D
3. E
4. E
5. A
6. C
7. C
8. E
9. B
10. E
11. C
12. B
13. E
14. D
15. E
16. A
17. B
18. C
19. B
20. B
21. D
22. C
23. D
24. D
25. C
26. C
27. D
28. E
29. D
30. C
31. D
32. A
33. A
34. C
35. C
36. C
37. A
38. E
39. D
40. E
41. E
42. C
43. C
44. A
45. D
46. C
47. E
48. C
49. E
50. B
51. D
52. D
53. D
54. B
55. A
56. A
57. D
58. D
59. E
60. E
a) Pernicious anaemia
b) Organophosphate poisoning
c) Anti malarial Rx
d) Xuccinylcholine
e) Oxalate blood tubes
a) Atropine
b) Glucagons
c) Intra aortic balloon pump
d) Adrenaline
e) Amrinone
4. Regarding PE
a) Hypercalcaemia
b) Hypoglycaemia
c) Pancoast’s
d) Clubbing
a) CML
b) Malaria
c) Hodgkins lymphoma
d) ALL
e) Hypersensitivity reactions
13. A patient with known CML presents to the ED with fever, and recent onset of
significant weight loss. On examination no obvious cause for the fever is found,
however marked splenomegaly is noted with generalised lymphadenopathy.
Blood tests reveal Hb of 8g/dl, platelets 98, a raised calcium, and a white cell
count 15x1010 /L. Differential reveals blasts 5%, promyelocyte 8%, myelocyte
15%, metamyelocyte 25%,neutorphil 32%, eosinophil 6%, basophils 4%,
lymphocytes 5%. What is the most likely diagnosis
a) Blastic crisis
b) Leukaemic meningitis
c) Liver cirrhosis
d) Pancreatitis
e) Richter’s syndrome
a) Bitamin A intoxication
b) Multiple myeloma
c) Paget’s disease
d) Hyperparathyroidism
e) Renal tubular acidosis
16. Characteristic findings in thrombotic thombocytopaenic purpura include all but
a) Steroids
b) Azathioprine
c) Platelet transfusions
d) Plasma exchange
e) Aspirin
18. A 60 year old alcoholic presents with acute onset of severe central abdo pain of
several hours duration. On admission you find that he has a WCC of 18,000 /
mm2, pO2 of 89, LDH of 500 IU / L, AST of 650 IU/L, amylase of 990 and a
glucose of 23. Using Ranson’s criteria, what is the estimated mortality risk for
this man on admission
a) 1%
b) 15%
c) 100%
d) 40%
e) No risk at all
19. Extra intestinal manifestations of inflammatory bowel disease include all but
a) Optic neuritis
b) Pyoderma gangrenosum
c) Erythema nodosum
d) Ankylosing spondylitis
e) Episcleritis
a) Renal carcinoma
b) Rheumatoid arthritis
c) Polymyalgia rheumatica
d) Polycythaemia rubra vera
e) SLE
21. Which of these results would be used to determine his mortality risk at 48 hours
a) Hypoglycaemia
b) Hypercalcaemia
c) Fat embolism
d) Hyperlipidaemia
e) Diabetes insipidus
23. Regarding Diarrhoea
25. The most common cause of massive lower GI bleeding in a 62 year old patient is
27. Pralidoxime
a) Anal fissure
b) Internal haemorrhoids
c) Vibrator in situ
d) Radiation proctitis
e) Thrombosed external haemorrhoids
31. A 45 year old man presents to ED c/o abdo pain, nausea and vomiting of acute
onset. He gives you a history of chronic alcohol intake spanning 30 years. He
appears dehydrated, jaundiced, with spider angiomata and gynaecomastia evident.
Blood results reveal a raised bilirubin, moderately raised AST and ALT, slightly
prolonged INR and hypoglycaemia. What is the most likely diagnosis
a) Tetralogy of Fallot
b) PDA
c) Eisenmenger’s syndrome
d) Coarctation of the aorta
e) VSD
34. A patient with which one of the following is most likely to be cyanosed
a) Ebstein’s anomaly
b) PDA
c) VSD
d) ASD
e) Endocardial fibroelastosis
36. A 5 year old presents to the ED with a respiratory tract infection. The CBC result
is as follows; Hb 95, MCV 76, MCHC 28, showing target cells, marked
hypochromia, basophilic stippling. The most likely diagnosis is
a) Thalassaemia
b) Fe deficiency anaemia
c) Malabsorption
d) Liver failure
e) Mercury poisoning
a) Toxic megacolon
b) Carcinoma
c) Rectal fistula
d) Bowel obstruction
e) Fulminant colitis
a) Colchicines toxicity
b) Sarcoidosis
c) Toxic shock syndrome
d) Ethylene glycol intoxication
e) Alkalosis
39. The most common cause of osteomyelitis resulting from puncture wounds to the
sole of the foot is
a) Staph aureus
b) Pseudomonas
c) Haemophilus Infl B
d) Strep pneumoniae
e) E. coli
a) Mannitol
b) Phenytoin
c) Acetazolamide
d) Lignocaine
e) Diazepam
a) Hypocalcaemia
b) Hyperkalaemia
c) Hypermagnesaemia
d) Superficial burns
e) Coagulation necrosis by the fluoride ion
a) Uncal herniation classically results in ipsilateral fixed and dilated pupil with
ipsilateral hemiparesis
b) 5% of HI’s have an associated C/spine #
c) Epidural haematomas commonly have a severe underlying brain injury
d) The Cushing refles is seen in raised ICP with bradycardia and hypotension
e) Most intracerebral bleeds are evident on initial CT shortly after injury
a) Dubutamine
b) Adrenaline
c) Dopamine
d) Metochlopramide
e) Morphine
a) Methanol poisoning
b) Lead poisoning
c) Ispropanol poisoning
d) Lindane ingestion
e) Digoxin toxicity
a) Diarrhoea
b) Barters syndrome
c) Addison’s disease
d) Renal tubular acidosis
e) Toluene poisoning
a) Transverse myelitis
b) Horner’s syndrome
c) Angiothrombotic pulm hypertension
d) Pseudomonas septic arthritis
e) Polyneuropathy
a) Lead – DMSA
b) Arsenic – Ca EDTA
c) Iron – Dimercaprol
d) Hydrofluoric acid - MgSO4 infiltration
e) Cyanide – Ca EDTA
56. The most accurate radiographic sign of traumatic rupture of the aorta is
31. d 61. c
32. b 62. d
33. a 63. d
34. c mortality 0.6% 64. a
35. e 65. e
36. a 66. a
37. e mortality 51% 67. e
38. d 68. b
39. e tends to be bilateral 69. b
40. d 70. c
41. c 71. c causes incr CSF acidosis
42. d 80% 72. a
43. a 73. a
44. b 74. b
45. e 75. c
46. c 76. d
47. c 77. c
48. d 78. e
49. a 79. d
50. d 80. e mononeuropathy
51. e 81. e
52. d 82. d
53. b 83. a
54. e 84. d only with IV
55. b 85. e
56. e 86. a
57. d 87. b
58. a 88.
59. b 89.
60. b 90.
MCQ Paper 7
60 Questions in
1. Which of the following is false regarding pediatric airways anatomy?
a) To estimate correct size oral airway should extend from corner of the
mouth to the tragus of the ear
b) In children <2 yrs curved(Macintosh) blade is superior to straight(Miller)
c) Formula to determine ETT size is 14+age/4
d) Laryngeal mask(LMA) prevents supraglotic obstruction, gastric
insufflations and aspiration
e) Complication of nasopharyngeal airway include laryngospasm
7. All of the drugs used in CPR of pregnant patient are category “C” except
one which is “B” :
a) Adrenaline
b) Atropine
c) Lidocaine
d) Dopamine
e) Sodium bicarbonate
a) Correct tube placement for adult male is 23 cm from the incisor teeth
b) Correct tube size foradukt female is 7-8 cm
c) Correct tube placement is about 2 cm from the carina
d) Correct pressure of the endotracheal tube cuff is 20-30 cm H20
e) Sellick maneuver refers to laryngeal lift
a) Hyperglycaemia
b) Diuretic use
c) Mannitol excess
d) Hyperlipidaemia
e) Hyperproteinaemia
a) Hyporeflexia
b) Metabolic acidosis
c) Increased gastrointestinal motility
d) Bradyarrhythmias
e) Hypoglycaemia
a) Atropine 0.2mg/kg
b) Dopamine 2-20 ug/kg/hr
c) Adrenaline 0.1mg/kg
d) Sodium bicarbonate 1 meq/kg
e) Adenosine 0.1-0.2mg/kg
16. Digoxin
a) Onset for oral and IV doses is equal due to its high bioavailability.
b) Volume of distribution is low
c) Is inactivated by the liver and excreted unchanged in the urine.
d) Toxicity is increased with hyperkalaemia
e) Atropine can be used to reverse the bradyarrhythmia caused by
digoxin toxicity.
a) Heart rate
b) Blood pressure
c) Capillary refill
d) Urine output
e) Serum lactate
20. In the early stages of septic shock
a) Sinus bradycardia
b) Delta waves
c) Osborn waves
d) Prolongation PR and QT
e) VF
26. All the following are well known to cause Methaemaglobinaemia EXCEPT
a) Amyl nitrate
b) Doxycycline
c) Prilocaine
d) Cotrimoxazole
e) Methylene blue
28. A 56 year old farmer rings for the emergency department saying he has
been bitten by a Brown snake on his ankle. He is not in any discomfort.
You recommend
29. A man is pulled from a house fire. Both legs are blistered, charred and
pale. The rest of his body appears unscathed. He is coughing but
maintaining his airway.
31. Of the following criteria, which is the BEST for throombolytic therapy?
a) Carotid
b) Vertebrobasilar
c) Anterior communicating artery
d) Anterior cerebral artery
e) Posterier communicating artery
35. A 44-year-old man complains of recurrent syncope associated with the
upper extremity exercise. What is the MOST likely cause?
a) Trigeminal neuralgia
b) Hypoglycemia
c) Cartoid sinus hypersensitivity
d) Subclavian steal syndrome
e) Vasovagal syncope
36. Which of the following conditions is NOT associated with a risk of aortic
a) Aortic reguritation
b) Aortic stenosis
c) Bicuspid aortic valve
d) Marfan's syndrome
e) Coarctation of the aorta
38. How quickly and to what level should the blood pressure be lowered in a
patient with a hypertensive emergency?
39. All of the following statements are TRUE regarding the treatment of vavlar
emergencies EXCEPT
40. All of the following statements are TRUE with regard to treatment of
pulmonary edema EXCEPT
a) Amoxycillin
b) Paracetamol
c) Erythromycin
d) St. John’s Wart
e) Phenytoin
a) Causes tachycardia
b) Causes urinary incontinence
c) Inhibits anticholinesterases in the blood
d) Has no effect on cardiac rhythm
e) Classically cause mydriasis
49. All are recognized treatments for B blocker overdoses EXCEPT
a) Glucagon infusion
b) Whole bowel irrigation
c) Intra-aortic balloon pump for refractory shock
d) Calcium infusion
e) Amrinone infusion
a) Unknown causation
b) May improve with removal of cow’s milk
c) Presents with paroxysmal crying
d) Normally occurs up to 6 months of age
e) Incidence of colic is about 13%
53. All of the following are admission criteria for children with pneumonia
a) Hypoxia(02 sat<90)
b) WBC>15
c) Dehydration
d) Hx of apnoeic episodes
e) Social situation
54. 4 year old presents to the emergency department with URTI and sore ear.
What is the most important diagnostic clue confirming Otitis Media?
56. Rocky mountain spotted fever presents with a rash that is described as
a) Sandpaper rash
b) Target lesions
c) Sunburn rash
d) Painful erythroderma
e) Petechial rash
a) Hydrocolpos
b) Sarcoma botryoides
c) Sexual abuse
d) Urethral prolapse
e) Lichen sclerosis atrophica
a) Metaclopramide
b) Ergotamine
c) Digoxin
d) Phenytoin
e) Morphine
59. The criteria for bacterial vaginosis are listed below except:
a) Truncus arteriosus
b) Tetralogy of Fallot
c) Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
d) Aortic stenosis
e) Prolonged QT syndrome
ANSWERS – 5th edition
1. D ( page 65/66 )
2. E (page 66/67)
3. A ( page 68)
4. C (page 70)
5. C (page 73)
6. B (page 74)
7. B (page 75)
8. E ( page 77/76)
9. C (page 86/87)
10. C (page 88/90)
31. C
32. D
33. C
34. B
35. D
36. A
37. D
38. D
39. E
40. C
41. b Ed 6 chap171
children at less risk because more hepatic sulphuration
toxic exposure suspected if >140mg/kg or 7.5g/24hr
NAC is assoc with lower risk of hepatotox even if given >24hr
Rasied PR, pH <7.3, hepatic encephalopathy, and renal
impairment assoc with poor Px
60 questions in
61. In brachial neuronitis
a) Venous thromboembolism
b) Trauma
c) Respiratory failure
d) UTI
e) Suicide
a) Airway compromise
b) Evidence of perforation
c) Button batteries
d) Multiple foreign body
e) Cylindrical battery
a) Internal haemorrhoids
b) Fissure in ano
c) Perianal abscesses
d) None of the above
e) External haemorrhoids
75. The risk factors for developing gallstones include all expect
a) Female sex
b) High spinal cord injury
c) Liver disease
d) Asthma
e) Pregnancy
76. Which of the following is true about renal calculi?
a) ATN
b) Diuretics
c) Renal calculi
d) Volume loss
e) Ace inhibitors
a) Incarcerate frequently
b) Usually close spontaneously
c) Should be referred to the GP if smaller than 2 cm
d) Has a genetic predisposition
e) Is associated with femoral hernia
a) Anorexia
b) Nausea
c) Vomiting
d) Pain before vomiting
e) Fever
a) Psoas sign
b) Guarding
c) Jump test
d) Rectal tenderness
e) Rebound tenderness test
81. The following have been implicated in causing priapism EXPECT
a) Hydralazine
b) CA channel blocker
c) Thioridazine
d) Chlorpromazine
e) Pseudo ephedrine
a) Didanosine
b) Indinavir Sulfite
c) Abacavir
d) Zalcitabine
e) Zidovudine
83. The urine sample collected on a 56 year old patient is noted to be cloudy
by the nurse. The most likely reason is
a) White cells
b) Protein and Crystals
c) Glucose
d) Stap.Aureus
e) E.Coli
a) Abdominal CT
b) IVP
c) US
d) Plain abdominal X-Ray
e) MRI
a) 1%
b) 10%
c) 20%.
d) 0.1%
86. PD related peritonitis is commonly due to which organism?
a) Staphylococcus epidermidis
b) E. Coli
c) Staphylococcus aureus
d) Anaerobic bacteria
e) Streptococcus species
a) Chlamydia
b) Klebsiella
c) Proteus
d) E- Coli
e) Staphylococcus saprophyticus
a) Terbutaline.
b) Aspiration of corporeal blood
c) Ice water enema
d) Exchange Transfusion
e) Phenyl ephrine
a) Haemodialysis.
b) Frusemide
c) ACEI.
d) Morphine
e) Clopidrogel
a) Dialysis disequilibrium
b) Air embolism
c) Hypercalcimia
d) Hypotension
e) Hemolysis
91. On consumption of household bleach
92. Phenytoin
a) Tachycardia
b) Sweating
c) Hypertension
d) Pyrexia
e) Urinary retention
a) Ehrlichia sp.
b) Leptospira sp.
c) Yersinia pestis
d) Aeromonas sp.
e) Capnocytophaga
102. A young man presents with bilateral intersitial lung infiltrates. Which of
the following is true for PCP?
a) Scabies
b) Respiratory syncytial virus
c) Hepatitus A
d) Clostridium difficile
e) Parvovirus B19
a) Malaria
b) Hansen's disease
c) Rubella
d) Toxoplasmosis
e) Streptococcus Group A
105. A 24 year old presents to ED with fever and hx of 3 weeks ago being in
Africa with no antimalarial protection. What specifically diagnoses P
107. Clinical tetanus can be divided into four forms. Which of the following is
not one of the categories?
a) Local
b) Neonatal
c) Generalised
d) Encephalitis
e) Cephalic
109. Children with Downes syndrome are associated with all of the following
cardiac defects except
a) Doycycline
b) Ofloxacin
c) Azithromycin
d) Erythromycin
e) metronidazole
111. The correct DSM IV Axis diagnoses are
113. Schizophrenia
a) Lorazepam 2mg IM
b) Haloperidol 10mg IV
c) Lorazepam 10mg oral
d) Droperidol 10mg IV
e) Midazolam 5mg IV
a) Hyperkaleamia
b) Metabolic alkalosis
c) Elevated serum amylase
d) Parotid gland atrophy
e) Intermenstrual bleeding
81. e
82. b
83. b
84. a
85. a
86. a
87. d
88. e
89. e
90. d
91. 1.d
Chapter 181 p1130
92. 2.b
chap 178
not used in absence
multidose charcoal useful in first 24hr because poor oral absorpt
safe rate iv admin <25mg/min
cardiac tox rarely seen with oral Od cardiac toxicity due to
propylene glycol that dilutes it for iv admin
93. 3. e
toxidrome table 156-3p1018
95. 5.e
levels don’t predict toxicity as don’t predict CNS level. Can be toxic
with normal levels
n&v common
whole bowel irrigation useful esp SR tablets
may in effects of sux and vec
96. 6a
Barbiturate overdose - multidose charcoal, alkalization of urine and
haemo all useful section163
neither naloxone nor flumazenil has been effective in reversing
coma in GBH od p1060
Isolated BDz overdoses notable for their lack of signif M&M deaths
have been reported with short acting BDZs like temazepam
triazolam and alprazolam p1055
diazepam and chlordiapoxide & quazepam have active metabolites
midaz and lorazepam don’t table 164-1
97. 7b
Methanol is well absorbed but sx of toxicity may be delayed 12-
18hr after ingestion because take times for metabolites to
Methanol toxicity inc anion gap and in osmolar gap (can get normal
osmolar gap)
metb to formic acid
do give folate needed as cofactor in metb of formic acid
98. 8.c
A colourless odourless and sweet tasting
Only 50% have crystals
hypoCa seen in 1/3
fomepizole admin does not alter indications for dialysis in ethylene
glycol or methanol poisoning p1068
99. 9d
naloxone ineffective in reversing seizures
heroin 5mg : morphine 10mg table 167-1 p1071
miosis not always present may get mydriasis if hypoxic injury or
other drugs
Withdrawal sx being 12hr with heroin and after 30hr with
101. D pg 993
102. C page956-957
103. E pg 1018
104. Dpg1008
107. D page965