Ch.2 Purchase Requisition
Ch.2 Purchase Requisition
Ch.2 Purchase Requisition
Ch 2. Purchase Requisition.
․ The purchasing department is usually notified of the need by one of two basic
methods :
(1) A standard purchase requisitions, or
(2) A material requirements planning (MRP) schedule.
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■ Purchase Requisitions
[TASK 102]
Electronic Requisition.
․ Electronic requisition eliminates the need for paper-based systems, and it often
enhances decision process and recordkeeping.
․ Intranets are often used as the mechanism to link the internal customer and
purchasing in today's information environment.
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■ Purchase Requisitions
[TASK 102]
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■ Purchase Requisitions
[TASK 102]
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■ Purchase Requisitions
[TASK 102]
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■ Some Considerations.
[TASK 102]
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■ Some Considerations.
[TASK 102]
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■ Some Considerations.
[TASK 102]
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■ Some Considerations.
[TASK 102]
2. Leadtimes.
Two Components of Purchasing Leadtime.
․ The first time is the time it takes purchasing to process the request from the
customer, and is measured as the time between when the internal customer
submits the request and when purchasing issues the purchasing order.
․ The second component is the time from when the purchasing orders is placed
until the goods or services are received.
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■ Some Considerations.
[TASK 102]
3. Availability of Funds.
Materials Budget. This type of budget covers an organization's need for production
materials and components.
Capital Budget. This type of budget covers the acquisition of equipment and
construction that is capitalized as a depreciable asset on an organization's balance
Maintenance, repair, and operating supplies (MRO) Budget. This type of budget
covers items needed for the operation of a facility, but are not part of the finished
Administrative Budget. This type of budget generally includes items for internal
use such as office equipment and computers.
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■ Some Considerations.
[TASK 102]
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■ Some Considerations.
[TASK 102]
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■ Some Considerations.
[TASK 102]
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■ Some Considerations.
[TASK 102]
Base Top
200 023
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■ Some Considerations.
[TASK 102]
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■ Statement of Work (SOW)
[TASK 102]
Roles of SOW.
․ SOW is the major means internal customers have of communication
requirements to both purchasing and the potential supplier.
․ Specifications can take the form of description by brand, specification of
physical or chemical characteristics, specification of materials, specification of
performance, specification of method of manufacture, engineering drawings, or
market grade.
․ When purchasing services, specifications are usually stated in the form of
․ The SOW provides potential suppliers with a clear description of the work to
be performed, including inspection, testing and acceptance, quality, support
services, documentation, maintenance, results to be achieved, and so on.
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Performance Check.
1. Purchasing in the ___________sector is usually tightly limited by the annual budget.
A. Private. B. Public. C. Non-profit. D. Institutional.
A. I, II and III B. II, III and IV C. I, III and IV D. I, II, III and IV
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Performance Check.
4. Materials consumed in the operations process, but which are not part of the final
product are known as
A. Capital expenditures. B. Operating expenses.
C. MRO supplies. D. Components.
5. Requirements for purchasing components for stock come from all of the following,
A. Production plans. B. Specific orders from an internal customer.
C. Bill of material. D. Administrative staff
6. Who is MOST likely to be responsible for maintaining signature dollar limit lists ?
A. Purchasing. B. Quality Assurance.
C. Finance. D. Marketing.
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Performance Check.
7. Essential information on standard purchase requisitions includes all of the following
A. A price quote from a supplier. B. A description to be charged.
C. The account to be charged. D. The quantity and date required.
8. The PRIMARY reason that different signature approval levels are required for a
purchase requisition is to
A. Comply with accounting/audit procedures. B. Authorize the expenditure of funds.
C. Authorize the purchase of goods. D. Establish accounting codes.
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Performance Check.
10. All of the following are needed in order for a Kanban system to work EXCEPT
A. The resolution of all quality problem. B. An approved purchase agreement.
C. A dependable supply source. D. A stable leadtime.
11. Which of the following is LEAST likely to be of benefit to a large organization using
credit cards to purchase travel and living services ?
A. A reduction in the number of purchase orders.
B. Improved cash flow.
C. An elimination of cash advances for travel.
D. Purchase leverage based on travel statistics.
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Performance Check.
12. The success of credit card purchasing depends on the assumption that all of the
following are true EXCEPT
A. Both parties are trustworthy and reliable.
B. The buying organization will realize considerable saving.
C. Most of the items purchased are from local sources.
D. The paper trail is reduced.
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Performance Check.
14. Which of the following are commonly used to purchase indefinite quantities of an
item or items over a stated period of time at established unit prices ?
A. Purchase order drafts. B. Blanket orders.
C. Purchase orders. D. Delivery orders.
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Performance Check.
17. What type of problems arise from unauthorized buying (non-agents making direct
commitment with a supplier) ?
Ⅰ. Dollars committed to non-qualified suppliers.
Ⅱ. By-passes the budgeting systems.
Ⅲ. Approval levels are skipped
Ⅳ. Loss of volume with approved suppliers.
18. In a typical organization, which of the following budgets does not make funds
available for purchases ?
A. MRO. B. Salary. C. Materials. D. Capital.
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Performance Check.
19. Using a priority sequence based on need date to place purchase orders, results in
A. Ignoring supplier's lead time. B. An element of fairness to all.
C. Allowance for seasonal variations. D. Orders with large value placed first.
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Performance Check.
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