Clean by Light Irradiation
Clean by Light Irradiation
Clean by Light Irradiation
Mario Pagliaro
Istituto per lo Studio dei Materiali Nanostrutturati, CNR, Palermo, Italy
ISBN: 978-1-84755-870-1
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
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vi Preface
Figure P.1 Causes and effects of outdoor air pollution: (1) greenhouse effect, (2)
particulate contamination, (3) increased UV radiation, (4) acid rain, (5)
increased levels of nitrogen oxides and (6) increased ozone concentration.
Fresh heating
dry cleaning
range Fireplace
Foam padding
Pesticides Asbestos
Disinfectants insulation
Cleaners Radon
Aerosols Heating
Carbon monoxide
Light Light
VOCs and
Odors Bacteria Germs Fungus
Photocatalytic Reaction
Air purification
Deodorization Sterilization
Water purification
1200 120
1000 100
800 80
600 60
400 40
200 20
0 0
1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008
Figure P.4 Number of papers published (’) and patents (E) related to hetero-
geneous photocatalysis by TiO2 since 1990. (Source: Scopus.)
UV Oil
H H Hydrophilic
Oil Water O O OH group
Ti O Ti O Ti Ti O Ti O Ti
TiO2 TiO2
is worth noting that the presence of TiO2 also improves the opacity and the
Metals such as stainless steel, aluminium alloy, etc. can be functionalized by
means of TiO2 to gain photocatalytic activity, surface superhydrophilicity and
antibacterial activity.
Heterogeneous photocatalysis is one of the most efficient and cost-effective
air purification technologies and scientists estimate that it could be the main
method of air purification in the near future. This method has attracted the
attention of industry devoted to producing apparatuses for air conditioning,
with the main objective of purifying the indoor air of houses, hospitals,
buildings, farms, etc. Chapter 7 describes not only some devices for air pur-
ification but also some field applications of photocatalytic degradation of
pollutants in water.
Finally, Chapter 8 deals with the most relevant standardization methods
reported in the literature for determining figures of merit in heterogeneous
1.1 Working Principles and Thermodynamics of
Heterogeneous Photocatalysis
1.1.1 Conductors, Insulators and Semiconductors
The valence bond theory is useful in explaining the structure and the geometry
of the molecules but it does not provide direct information on bond energies and
fails to explain the magnetic properties of certain substances. The molecular
orbitals (MO) theory solves these drawbacks. It is based on the assumption that
the electrons of a molecule can be represented by wave functions, c, called
molecular orbitals, characterized by suitable quantic numbers that determine
their form and energy. The combination of two atomic orbitals gives rise to two
molecular orbitals, indicated as c1 and c. If an electron occupies the c1
molecular orbital, a stable bond is formed between two nuclei, and so this is
called bonding orbital. Conversely, when an electron occupies the c orbital it is
called anti-bonding orbital and the presence of an electron promotes the dis-
sociation of the molecule. Molecular orbitals of a solid consisting of n equal
atoms are obtained by means of a linear combination of atomic orbitals. The
number of molecular orbitals formed is equal to that of the atomic ones. By
increasing the number of atoms the difference between the energetic levels
decreases and a continuous band of energy is formed for high values of n.
The width of the various bands and the separation among them depends
on the internuclear equilibrium distance between adjacent atoms. If the
energetic levels of isolated atoms are not so different, progressive enlargement
of the bands may lead to their overlapping by decreasing the internuclear
distance. The most external energetic band full of electrons is called the valence
band (VB).
The energy band model for electrons can be applied to all crystalline solids
and allows one to establish if a substance is a conductive or an insulating
material. Indeed, the properties of a solid are determined by the difference in
energy between the different bands and the distribution of the electrons con-
tained within each band.
2 Chapter 1
Figure 1.1 Schematic of the energetic bands for conductors, (a) and (b); insulators (c);
and semiconductors (d).
If the valence band is partially filled or it is full and overlapped with a band
of higher energy, electrons can move, allowing conduction (conductors), as in
the case of metals that have relatively few valence electrons that occupy the
lowest levels of the most external band.
In contrast, the valence band is completely filled in ionic or covalent solids
but it is separated by a high energy gap from the subsequent empty band. In
this situation no electrons can move even if high electric fields are applied and
the solid is an insulator. If the forbidden energy gap is not very high, some
electrons could pass into the energetic empty band by means of thermal exci-
tation and the material behaves as a weak conductor, i.e., as a semiconductor.
The empty band, which allows the movement of the electrons, is called the
conduction band (CB).
The energy difference between the lowest conduction band edge and the
highest valence band edge is called the band gap (EG). A material is generally
considered a semiconductor when EGr3 eV, whereas it is considered a wide
band gap semiconductor when its band gap value ranges between 3 and 4 eV.
Figure 1.1 shows the position of the energy bands of different types of
h h
l¼ ¼ ð1:1Þ
p mv
where p is the momentum and h is the Planck constant. It shows that the
wavelength is inversely proportional to the momentum of a particle and that
the frequency is directly proportional to the particle’s kinetic energy:
f ¼ ð1:2Þ
Fundamentals 3
The wave number corresponds to the number of repeating units of a propa-
gating wave per unit of space. It is defined as:
v ¼ ð1:3Þ
v ¼ ð1:4Þ
v ¼ ð1:5Þ
k ¼ ð1:6Þ
p ¼ hk
¼ ð1:7Þ
where h is the reduced Plank constant also known as the Dirac’s constant
(h ¼ h/2p).
The electron energy is therefore:
p2 h2 k2
E¼ ¼ ð1:8Þ
2m 2m
where the coefficient m is the inertial mass of the wave-particle. As m varies with
the wave vector, it is called effective mass, m*, defined as:
m ¼ ð1:9Þ
@2 E=@k2
Band gap
Band gap
Band gap
in momentum
Momentum Momentum
Figure 1.2 Energy versus momentum for (a) a direct band gap semiconductor and
(b) an indirect band gap semiconductor.
f ðEÞ ¼ ð1:10Þ
EE 0
1 þ exp kB TF
where kB is the Boltzmann constant. The level E0F represents the probability of
50% of finding an electron in it. For intrinsic semiconductors and for insulating
materials, E0F falls inside the energetic gap and its value depends on the effective
mass of electrons present at the end of the conduction band (m*e), on the
effective mass of electrons at the beginning of the valence band (m*h), and on the
amplitude of the band gap (EG) according to the following equation:
EF0 ¼ 12EG þ 34kT ln ð1:11Þ
1 T1 > 0 K
above E0F are occupied, and similarly energy levels below E0F are empty, is not
zero. Moreover, the probability that an energy level above E0F is occupied
increases with temperature (distribution sigmoidal in shape) because some
electrons begin to be thermally excited to energy levels above the chemical
potential, m(E0F). To understand the meaning of the chemical potential some
considerations are presented here.
In determining the surface composition it is important to consider the
thermodynamics of surfaces. The surface contribution to the free energy, G, of
a solid is always positive. To create a new surface, it is necessary to perform a
work on the system, which is employed to break bonds between the surface
atoms. The work required to increase the surface area by dA, by means of a
reversible path, at constant temperature and pressure, depends on the surface
tension g according to the following relation:
dWP;T ¼ g dA ð1:12Þ
For a single-component system, it is possible to express g as a function of the
surface free energy per unit area, GS, as:
S @G
g¼G þA ð1:13Þ
@A P;T
where GS represents the work (per unit surface) done to form a new surface dA
and the second term of the right-hand side is the work done in stretching a pre-
existent surface to increase it by dA. In this last case the number of surface
atoms is fixed, whereas the state of strain of the surface changes. If the surface is
unstrained, the second term of the right-hand side of Equation (1.13) is zero
and g is equal to the surface free energy:
S @G
g¼G ¼ ð1:14Þ
@A P;T
6 Chapter 1
For a multicomponent system the Gibbs equation can be written as:
dg ¼ SS dT Gi dmi ð1:15Þ
were SS is the surface entropy, mi the chemical potential of species i, and Gi is the
number of moles of component i per unit surface (nSi /A) in excess with respect
to those that would be present if the system was homogeneous from bulk up to
the surface.
The chemical potential can be expressed as:
mi ¼ m0i þ RT ln xi ð1:16Þ
Figure 1.5 (a) With an arsenic impurity, silicon has an electron available for con-
duction; (b) with a boron impurity, silicon has a positive hole available.
8 Chapter 1
conduction band is introduced; consequently, electrons can pass more easily in
it. In this case the solid is called an ‘‘n’’ type semiconductor and the Fermi level
will be close to the conduction band (Figure 1.6b). In the second case an
energetic level close to the valence band is formed, in which electrons can be
promoted with the formation of holes. Here, the semiconductor is of ‘‘p’’ type
and its Fermi level will be close to the valence band (Figure 1.6c).
The notion of energetic levels of electrons in solids can be extended to the case
of an electrolytic solution containing a redox system.3 The occupied electronic
levels correspond to the energetic states of the reduced species whereas the
unoccupied ones correspond to the energetic states of the oxidized species. The
Fermi level of the redox couple, EF,redox, corresponds to the electrochemical
potential of electrons in the redox system and it is equivalent to the reduction
potential, V0. To correlate the energetic levels of a semiconductor to those of a
redox couple in an electrolyte, two different scales can be used. The first is
expressed in eV, and the other in V (Figure 1.7a). The two scales differ because
in solid-state physics zero is the level of an electron in a vacuum, whereas in
electrochemistry the reference is the potential of the normal hydrogen electrode
E (eV) EF E (eV) EF E (eV) EF
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 1.6 Energetic levels of a semiconductor: (a) intrinsic semiconductor; (b) ‘‘n’’
type semiconductor; (c) ‘‘p’’ type semiconductor.
E (eV)
Semiconductor Electrolyte
E (V)
E (eV)
Semiconductor Electrolyte
E (V)
Figure 1.8 Formation of a junction between a ‘‘p’’ type semiconductor and a solu-
tion: (a) before contact and (b) at equilibrium.
10 Chapter 1
EF,redox EF,redox
EV E (V) E (V)
(a) (b)
Figure 1.9 Scheme of the energetic levels at the interface semiconductor–electrolyte for
an ‘‘n’’ type semiconductor: (a) at equilibrium and (b) flat band potential.
EC -
(a) +
EC - hν
Figure 1.10 Generation of electron–hole pair due to irradiation of (a) an ‘‘n’’ type
semiconductor and (b) a ‘‘p’’ type semiconductor.
Ox2 Ox2
Ox2 Ox2
Red1 Red1
Red1 Red1
Figure 1.11 Relative positions of the valence and conduction bands and the energies
of two redox couples. Only for case (d) are both reduction and oxidation
reactions thermodynamically allowed. Ox2 and Red1 represent the oxi-
dized and reduced species, respectively, of two different redox couples.
E (eV)
2.0 2.8
Figure 1.12 Positions of the band edges for some semiconductors in contact with
aqueous electrolyte at pH 0.
Ox1 Red1
- CB
Red2 Ox2
OH þ hþ
ðVBÞ ! OH ð1:19Þ
O 2 þ e
ðCBÞ ! O2 ð1:20Þ
O þ
2 þ H ! HO2 ð1:21Þ
2 HO2 ! O2 þ H2 O2 ð1:22Þ
H2 O2 þ O
2 ! OH þ OH þ O2 ð1:23Þ
or transforming them into less noxious species. For example, the reduction of
Cr(VI) to Cr(III) allows the elimination of chromium by means of its subsequent
precipitation as hydroxide.
The deposition of small amounts of noble metals on the particle surface of a
semiconductor can be used to increase its photoactivity. Indeed, the photo-
oxidation rate of organic compounds is generally limited by the rate of transfer
of electrons to oxygen adsorbed on the semiconductor surface. The more
electrons there are available to reduce oxygen, the higher the reaction rate.
It is possible to explain the effect of the presence of a noble metal by com-
paring a photoelectrochemical cell and a process occurring by irradiating an ‘‘n’’
type semiconductor particle partially covered with ‘‘islands’’ of Pt (Figure 1.14).
The photocatalytic activity of a semiconductor powder is based on oxidation
and reduction processes that occur continuously on different zones of the same
particle. In the presence of metals such as Au, Ag, Pd and Pt physically
separated reaction sites for the photogenerated pairs exist, similarly to a cell
consisting of a ‘‘n’’ type semiconductor and a platinum counter-electrode, in
14 Chapter 1
hν hν
n-SC Pt
Pt n-SC
A- A- e
e e -
- A -
D+ D+
Pt D
+ +
(a) (b)
which the reduction of oxidized species occurs on the metallic electrode whereas
oxidation of the reduced species occurs on the semiconductor.
In the modified particles the photogenerated electrons are transferred onto
the metallic islands whereas the holes remain on the semiconductor; this results
in an acceleration of the process kinetics, due to the decrease in electron–hole
recombination rate.
The same beneficial effect can be obtained by partially covering the particle
surface with oxides such as RuO2 or NiO.7
Another way to realize efficient electron–hole pair separation is to use
mixtures of two different semiconductor powders, such as CdS and TiO28 or
WO3 and WS2.9
The coupling of two semiconductors with different energies for the valence
and conduction bands allows the vectorial transfer of electrons and holes from
one semiconductor to the other, thereby decreasing the probability of their
recombination and increasing the efficiency of the charge-transfer process at the
semiconductor–electrolyte interface.
Figure 1.15 sketches the transfer of electrons from the more cathodic con-
duction band of a semiconductor to that of another one, and the con-
temporaneous transfer of holes from the more anodic valence band of the
second semiconductor to the valence band of the first one:
SC1 e þ hþ þ SC2 e þ hþ ! SC1 hþ þ hþ þ SC2 ðe þ e Þ ð1:25Þ
Fundamentals 15
Ox1 +
Red2 SC2
Figure 1.15 Scheme of the charge-transfer processes that occur on two coupled
In the case of CdS and TiO2 holes in excess in CdS can oxidize the organic
substrate, whereas electrons in excess in TiO2 can react with the adsorbed
molecular oxygen.8
Depending on the type of photocatalyst used, different reactions can take
place with the substrate to be degraded. Clearly, the employed photocatalyst
must satisfy some requirements that allow a practical convenient use. First, its
absorption spectrum must include radiations in the near-UV region and pos-
sibly also in a part of the visible region. Second, it must be a common, (pho-
to)stable and not costly compound that can be reused. Finally, the energy
associated with the valence band, EV, must allow the formation of species able
to oxidize most organic molecules and the recombination rate of electrons and
holes should be relatively low so that the photogenerated charges can migrate
to its surface and give rise to redox processes with appreciable rate.
The semiconductor most frequently used is, undoubtedly, titanium dioxide,
which is produced in large amounts as a low cost pigment. The photocatalytic
activity of anatase, rutile and brookite polymorphic modifications of TiO2 is
affected by several factors such as the crystalline structure, the surface area, the
particle size distribution and the density of surface hydroxyl groups. Although
the positions of valence and conduction bands of both anatase and rutile are
positive enough to allow the oxidation of many organic molecules, the anatase
phase shows a higher activity as the level of its conduction band is more
favorable for the electron transfer needed for the complementary reduction
reaction. The poor efficiency of rutile is due mainly to the high recombination
rate of electron–hole pairs and to its low ability to photoadsorb oxygen.10
It can be taken into account, however, that the most common TiO2 photo-
catalysts, e.g., Degussa P25 (ca. 80% anatase, 20% rutile), contain a mixture of
both crystalline modifications.
The high band gap for anatase (EG ¼ 3.2 eV) and rutile (EG ¼ 3.0 eV) phases
allows us to utilize only radiations with a wavelength lower than ca. 400 nm,
which represents ca. 5% of solar light. A method to increase light absorption
in the visible region is to dope TiO2 by the addition of transition metal ions.
16 Chapter 1
The presence of these dopants introduces energetic levels in the band gap of
TiO2, thus allowing the absorption of visible radiation. This effect is particu-
larly important for powders containing chromium species, which shift light
absorption towards the red end of the spectrum.11–14
The photocatalytic activity of doped powders is generally lower than that of
bare TiO2, with the exception of samples containing W or Mo in concentrations
lower than 1%. The negative effect is due to an increase in the recombination
rate of electron–hole pairs and/or a decrease of the free diffusion mean path
length of the charge carriers. The higher photoactivity found in the presence of
W and Mo can be attributed to a lower recombination rate due to redox
processes leading to trapping of photoproduced electrons through the forma-
tion of W(V) or Mo(V) species, from which, successively, the electrons are
transferred to oxygen molecules.15,16
V bP
¼y¼ Langmuir ð1:26Þ
Vm 1 þ bP
V 1
¼ y ¼ ln c0 P Temkin ð1:28Þ
Vm a
A ! B ð1:29Þ
were A and B are the reactant and product, respectively, and Cat is the solid
Photoadsorption is defined as ‘‘adsorption, typically chemisorption, initiated
by ultraviolet, visible, or infrared radiation either by the adsorbate or by the
18 Chapter 1
adsorbent.’’ It can be represented as:
A ! Aads ð1:30Þ
were A is the adsorbate molecule and Aads represents the photoadsorbed spe-
cies. Photoadsorption can be seen as the first step of ‘‘photoexcitation’’ of a
heterogeneous system, i.e., the act by which an excited state is produced in a
molecule or solid catalyst by absorption of UV, Vis or infrared radiation.
For gas–solid and liquid–solid systems the interaction of a species with the
solid surface depends on the chemical nature of the species and on the chemical
and physical nature of the solid. For non-illuminated surfaces of semi-
conductor oxides a thermodynamic equilibrium between a species and the solid
is established only when the electrochemical potential of the electrons in the
entire system is uniform. When the adsorption–desorption equilibrium is
established, an aliquot of the species is located in an adsorbed layer, held at the
surface by either weak or strong bonding forces.
When a photocatalyst goes from dark conditions to irradiated ones, the
radiation absorption causes its surface to undergo the series of changes needed
to eventually allow the occurrence of photoprocesses.18,19 Essentially, the
interaction of a photon with a solid semiconductor gives rise to an increase of
the vibrational state of the lattice or the number of quasi-free charge carriers,
i.e., it generates an excited state of the solid. Illumination with band gap or
greater energy creates a perturbation to this adsorption–desorption equilibrium
established in the dark; under irradiation, the previous equilibrium is displaced,
determining a net photoadsorption or photodesorption of species. A new
equilibrium is achieved when the species and the solid acquire the same elec-
trochemical potential.18,19
Direct observation of photosorption phenomena at the TiO2 surface has
been reported in several earlier studies, focusing on the role played by surface
OH groups in the photoadsorption of oxygen and therefore in regulating the
TiO2 photoactivity. For example, UV illumination stimulates desorption of
oxygen and water molecules adsorbed at the TiO2 surface20–24 while studies by
IR and XPS reveal that the amount of OH groups on the TiO2 surface increases
upon UV illumination.25–29 These changes are generally fast and reversible, i.e.,
once irradiation is stopped the surface recovers its previous features, under
equal initial conditions. A well-recognized indication that irradiation modifies
the surface of wide band gap solids is the post-sorption or memory effect, i.e.,
the adsorption in the dark caused by pre-irradiation of the solid surface.30,31
More recent and clear evidence of this behavior is the phenomenon of
induced superhydrophilicity, i.e., the generation of a highly hydrophilic TiO2
surface by UV illumination.22,32–37 The superhydrophilic property of the TiO2
surface allows water to spread completely across the surface rather than
remaining as droplets. For a film that consists of only TiO2, the contact angle of
water almost becomes zero during UV irradiation. However, the contact angle
increases and is restored comparatively quickly in the dark. One of the most
Fundamentals 19
interesting aspects of TiO2 is that photocatalysis and induced hydrophilicity
can take place simultaneously on the same surface even though the mechanisms
are different. In the case of photocatalysis UV light excites the catalyst and
pairs of electrons and holes are generated; the photogenerated electrons then
react with molecular oxygen to produce superoxide radical anions and the
photogenerated holes react with water to produce hydroxyl radicals. These two
types of radicals work to carry out redox reactions with species adsorbed on the
TiO2 surface. On the other hand, surface hydroxyl groups can trap photo-
generated holes and improve the separation of electrons and holes, which
results in enhancement of photocatalysis.
Chapter 3 gives a more detailed explanation of superhydrophilicity.
For liquid–solid systems, adsorption phenomena involving ions occur with a
transfer of electric charge, causing a significant variation of the electronic band
structure of the surface. The charge transfer is responsible for the formation of
the so-called space-charge layer where the potential difference between surface
and bulk creates an electric field that can play a beneficial role in further
adsorption steps. Most photons are absorbed in the superficial layer of the solid
where the space-charge exists and the photoelectrons straightforwardly interact
with the electric field present there. The consequence is a more efficient
separation of the electrons and holes within the space-charge layer, i.e., an
increase of their mean lifetime.
Photoadsorbed species can act (i) as surface-hole trapping and photoelec-
trons can be trapped in the bulk of the solid or (ii) as surface-electron trapping;
in the latter case holes can react with OH surface groups and/or H2O. Both
alternatives depend on the chemical nature of the molecule to be adsorbed and
on the type of the solid adsorbent. Notably, in the gas–solid regime only gas-
eous species or lattice ions can be involved, whereas in the liquid phase the
interaction with the solvent should also be considered.
All the above considerations allow us to conclude that the electronic surface
modifications created under irradiation eventually induce photoadsorption
both in gas–solid and in liquid–solid regimes, which are the photoadsorption
phenomena strictly related to the photoactivity of the solid photocatalysts.
When the light source is switched off, a reversal of the process could occur,
although reversibility is rarely complete and the achievement of a new equili-
brium depends mainly on kinetics rather than thermodynamic factors.
Photoexcitation of a semiconductor solid is a quite complicated process.
Indeed, the absorption of photons is strictly correlated with the nature of the
crystal sites, which can be regular or with imperfections such as intrinsic and
extrinsic lattice defects. It is possible to distinguish four simplified types of
electronic excitations induced by light absorption. In a perfect lattice absorp-
tion can produce only intrinsic photoexcitations with (i) the promotion of
electrons from the valence band to the conduction band with formation of free
electron–hole pairs (separated electrons and holes); (ii) the formation of free
bulk excitons (the combination of an electron and a positive hole that is free to
move through a non-metallic crystal as a unit). In an imperfect lattice the
presence of defects causes extrinsic absorption of light, in particular (iii) photon
20 Chapter 1
Mgas Mgas
surface (c’)
(d’) (e’)
(a’) Ls, Ds (e-+h+, e0)s (S-+S+)
(e) (b’)
hν1 (c)
(a) Lb (e-+h+, e0)b (F, V)b
hν 2
Db (d)
(b) Q
Ag þ Ss ÐASads ð1:31Þ
Ag þ Ss ÐASads ð1:33Þ
Bg þ Ss ÐBSads ð1:34Þ
Eley-Rideal mechanism
Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism
Ag Bg
BSads Product
nT ¼ nL þ nS ð1:36Þ
1 dnT
rT ¼ k 0 0 ySub yOx ð1:38Þ
S dt
where S is the catalyst surface area, t the time, k00 the second order rate constant
and ySub and yOx are the substrate and oxygen fractional coverage of the surface,
respectively; ySub and yOx are defined as follows:
ySub ð1:39Þ
yOx ð1:40Þ
where nS,Ox is the number of moles of oxygen photoadsorbed on the solid, N*S and
N*S,Ox are the maximum capacity of photoadsorbed moles of substrate and oxy-
gen, respectively, on the unit mass of irradiated solid and W is the mass of catalyst.
Fundamentals 23
By considering oxygen that is continuously bubbled into the dispersion,
during the experimental runs, its concentration in the liquid phase does not
change and it is always in excess. Then the yOx term of Equation (1.38) does not
depend on time, i.e., it is constant. By defining k ¼ k00 yOx, Equation (1.38) turns
a pseudo-first order rate equation:
1 dnT
rT ¼ kySub ð1:41Þ
S dt
where k is the pseudo-first order rate constant. Introducing the liquid volume,
V, and the surface area per unit mass of catalyst, SS, in Equation (1.41), the
following relation is obtained:
1 dnT 1 dCT
rT ¼ V ¼ kySub ð1:42Þ
S dt SS W dt
1 d
V CT ðCL Þ ¼ kySub ðCL Þ ð1:43Þ
SS W dt
Substituting Equation (1.47) into the left-hand term of Equation (1.46), one
" #
1þ ¼ k ð1:48Þ
WSS V 1 þ K CL
2 dt 1 þ KL CL
and, upon rearranging and separating the variables, the following differential
equation is obtained:
Equation (1.49) gives the evolution of concentration in the liquid phase with
the irradiation time of a species in photoadsorption equilibrium on the catalyst
surface, over which the species undergoes a slow transformation process. On
Fundamentals 25
this basis, the integration of Equation (1.49) must be performed with the lim-
iting condition that at t ¼ 0 the substrate concentration in the liquid phase is
that in equilibrium with the initial photoadsorbed amount, CL,0; this initial
concentration is unknown but it may be determined by regression analysis
carried out with the experimental data obtained after the start of irradiation.
The integration yields:
V 1 CL;0 V 1 1 NS 1 þ KL CL CL;0
ln þ ðCL;0 CL Þ þ ln ¼t ð1:50Þ
WSS kKL CL WSS k SS k 1 þ KL CL;0 CL
Equation (1.50) contains four unknown parameters, K*L, N*S, k and CL,0,
which may be determined by a best fitting procedure.
nS 1=n
ySub ¼ KF CL ð1:51Þ
where K*F is the Freundlich isotherm constant, which indicates the relative
adsorption capacity of the adsorbent, and n is a dimensionless parameter
indicative of the intensity of the adsorption. The parameter n represents the
mutual interaction of adsorbed species; a value of n greater than unity indicates
the occurrence of repulsion among adsorbed molecules. The Freundlich rela-
tion is an exponential equation that assumes that the concentration of adsor-
bate on the adsorbent surface increases by increasing the adsorbate
concentration in the liquid phase. By using the empirical form of the Freundlich
isotherm, there is no limit to adsorption; this is not in agreement with the
chemisorption theory. Statistical derivation of this isotherm, however, sets a
value of the Freundlich maximum adsorption capacity. Solving Equation (1.51)
with respect to nS and substituting in Equation (1.37), gives:
WNS 1=n
CT ¼ CL þ KF CL ð1:52Þ
26 Chapter 1
Substituting the Freundlich relationship [Equation (1.51)] in Equation (1.42)
affords the following relation:
V dCT 1=n
¼ kKF CL ð1:53Þ
WSS dt
Substituting Equation (1.54) into the left-hand term of Equation (1.53), one
V WNS KF 1 1n dCL 1=n
1þ CLn ¼ kKF CL ð1:55Þ
WSS V n dt
and by rearranging and separating the variables the following differential equa-
tion is obtained:
V 1 n ðn1Þ=n ðn1Þ=nÞ
1 N C
S L;0
CL;0 CL þ ln ¼t ð1:57Þ
WSS kKF n 1 SS kn CL
Equation (1.57) contains five unknown parameters, K F*, N S*, n, k, and CL,0, which
may be determined by a best fitting procedure.
¼ ð1:58Þ
W 1 þ aR-P CLb
Fundamentals 27
where K*R-Pand a*R-Pare R-P isotherm constants that refer to the adsorption
capacity and the surface energy, respectively. The exponent b is the hetero-
geneity factor, which lies between 1 and 0. The equation can be reduced to the
Langmuir equation as b approaches 1 while it becomes the Henry’s law equation
when b ¼ 0. By solving Equation (1.58) with respect to nS and substituting in
Equation (1.37), the result is:
CT ¼ CL þ ð1:59Þ
V 1 þ aR-P CLb
In the cases of Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms it has been assumed that the
total disappearance rate of substrate per unit surface area, rT, follows a pseudo-
first order kinetics with respect to the substrate concentration, which is
expressed by its fractional coverage. The same assumption is made for R-P
isotherm; however, as the R-P isotherm relates an adsorbed amount (and not a
fractional coverage) with the equilibrium concentration in the liquid phase, the
rT term is written as:
V dCT nS
rT ¼ kCSurface ¼ k ð1:60Þ
¼k ð1:61Þ
W dt 1 þ aR-P CLb
Substituting Equation (1.62) into the left-hand term of Equation (1.61), one
2 3
V6 WKR -P 1þ aR-P CLb 1 bKR -P 7 dCL KR-P CL
41 þ 2 5 ¼k ð1:63Þ
1þ aR-P CLb
dt 1 þ aR-P CLb
and, upon rearranging and separating the variables, the following differential
equation is obtained:
28 Chapter 1
V dCL aR-P V 1 dCL
CLb1 dCL þ
WkKR-P CL WkKR -P k CL 1 þ a C b
R- P L
VaR-P 1 bKR -P CLb1 dCL
¼ dt
WkKR -P 1 þ aR-P CLb
ðrÞ ¼ k ð1:66Þ
1 þ KL CL
kER ¼ a I ð1:67Þ
KER ¼ I ð1:68Þ
Fundamentals 29
kLH ¼ ð1:69Þ
eþd I
ðe þ d I ÞKads
KLH ¼ ð1:70Þ
where I is the incident light intensity, Kads is the dark Langmuir adsorption
constant, a, b, d and e are constants; a plot of 1/KLH versus kLH yields a straight
line passing from the origin of the axis. This insight was confirmed for the
photodegradation of phenol but studies with 4-chlorophenol showed a straight
line with a positive intercept.
Ollis61 has explained this behavior by considering that the adsorption/des-
orption kinetics of the key substrate, A, are influenced by the oxidation process
under pseudo-steady state conditions:
Aliquid !
Aads ð1:71Þ
Aads ! products ð1:72Þ
kLH ¼ a I b ð1:73Þ
KLH ¼ ð1:74Þ
k1 þ a I b
This simple model predicts not only the light intensity dependence for kLH and
KLH but also the straight line (of gradient 1/k1) in the plot of 1/KLH versus kLH
with a positive intercept in the case of 4-chlorophenol degradation and a zero
intercept for phenol photodegradation, as previously described.
It is well known that the reaction rate depends in a complex way on the light
intensity; moreover, the reactor geometry influences strongly the ratio between
backward reflected and incident photon flow. The apparent napierian extinc-
tion coefficient for slurries, which is a parameter related to the absorption
photon flow, decreases as the particle size increases.68
30 Chapter 1
Evaluation of the local volumetric rate of photon absorption as well as the
determination of scattering and absorption coefficient have been studied.69 In a
solid–liquid system, photon absorption by the photocatalyst is strictly related
to scattering, which makes the kinetics analysis more difficult.
The rate of backward reflected photon flow can be determined by an
extrapolation method68,70–73 that consists in measuring the rate of transmitted
photon flow as a function of the suspension volume, V:
Nevertheless, when the mean particle size is of the same order of magnitude
as the wavelength used, inelastic scattering phenomena can occur and this
procedure cannot be used.
In photocatalytic reactions, the photons absorbed by the photocatalyst may
be considered as a reactant species. Therefore, the spatial distribution of their
absorption rate is an important issue in order to interpret experimental results,
to develop kinetic models and to optimize or to scale-up a photocatalytic
reactor. The Monte Carlo approach can be employed to obtain values of the
local volumetric rate of photon absorption (LVRPA or ea,v).
In general terms, the Monte Carlo method applied to the radiation field
resolution consists of tracking the trajectory of a great number of photons. In
doing so, the basic laws of geometric optics are applied (such as Snell refraction
law and Fresnel reflectivity equation), as well as the ray tracing technique. The
LVRPA can be constructed out of the series of events that is likely to occur for
each of the photons that take part in the simulated experiment. The Monte
Carlo method has been employed successfully in the analysis and modeling of
photocatalytic reactors.74–80
The above lamps are usually cylindrical, with the arc length increasing as the
pressure decreases and power increases. The power ranges from a few watts to
ca. 60 000 W. Generally, medium- and high-pressure mercury lamps need to be
cooled by circulating liquids.
1.3.4 Lasers
A laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) is a device
that emits light through a specific mechanism. This is a combined quantum-
mechanical and thermodynamic process. A typical laser emits light in a narrow
and well-defined beam and with a well-defined wavelength (or color). This is in
contrast to a light source such as the incandescent light bulb, which
emits in almost all directions and over a wide spectrum of wavelengths. All
these properties are summarized in the term coherence. A laser consists of a
gain medium inside an optical cavity, to supply energy to the gain medium.
The gain medium is a material (gas, liquid or solid) with appropriate optical
Fundamentals 33
properties. In its simplest form, a cavity consists of two mirrors arranged
such that light bounces back and forth, each time passing through the gain
medium. Typically, one of the two mirrors, the output coupler, is partially
transparent. All light that is emitted by the laser passes through this output
Light of a specific wavelength that passes through the gain medium is
amplified (increases in intensity); the surrounding mirrors ensure that most of
the light makes many passes through the gain medium. Part of the light that is
between the mirrors (i.e., in the cavity) passes through the partially transparent
mirror and appears as a beam of light. The process of supplying the energy
required for the amplification is called pumping and the energy is typically
supplied as an electrical current or as light at a different wavelength. In the
latter case, the light source can be a flash lamp or another laser. Most practical
lasers contain additional elements that affect properties such as the wavelength
of the emitted light and the shape of the beam.
light emission
hole electron
p-type n-type
+ -
E (eV) EF
Epoxy lens-case
Wire bond
Reflective cavity
Semiconductor die
Lead frame
Flat spot
+ -
Anode Catode
1.8 1000
Irradiance per wavelength [W·m-2·nm-1]
1.6 900
1.4 Integrated irradiance [W·m-2]
0.4 200
0.2 100
0 0
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Wavelength [nm]
Figure 1.20 ASTM global irradiance standard solar spectrum (AM 1.5) up to a
wavelength of 1000 nm, incident on a plane tilted 381 facing south,
normalized to 1000 W m2 for the whole spectrum.
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42 Chapter 2
Table 2.1 Natural and synthetic TiO2 forms.
Polymorphic form Crystal system Synthesis
Rutile Tetragonal
Anatase Tetragonal
Brookite Orthorhombic
TiO2(II)-(a-PbO2-like form) Orthorhombic
TiO2(OI) Orthorhombic
Baddeleyite-like form Monoclinic
(seven-coordinate Ti)
Cubic form Cubic
TiO2(OII), cotunnite; (PbCl2)-like Orthorhombic
TiO2(B) Monoclinic Hydrolysis of K2Ti4O9
followed by heating
TiO2(H), hollandite-like form Tetragonal Oxidation of the related
potassium titanate
bronze, K0.25TiO2
TiO2(R), ramsdellite-like form Orthorhombic Oxidation of the related
lithium titanate bronze
Ti O
Figure 2.1 Structures and photographs of crystals of the main polymorphs of TiO2.
(Photograph courtesy of
Powders versus Thin Film Preparation 45
the formation under particular experimental conditions of nanorods, nano-
tubes and nanowires.
Polymerization and loss of solvent gives rise to the transition from liquid sol
into a solid gel phase. The formation of the Ti-O-Ti chains is facilitated by a
low content of water, low hydrolysis rate and excess of precursor in the reaction
ambient. The sol-gel method is a versatile approach to preparing TiO2 with
tailored morphological properties and the removal of the organic counterpart
from the TiO2 gels plays an important role in the preparation of TiO2 samples
with physicochemical features strictly related to their photocatalytic proper-
ties.14–22 A gelling process can be carried out by treating the reactant mixtures
under reduced pressure23 and/or by using various additives, such as HCOOH,
HO2CCO2H, CH3COOH, HCl, SnCl2, etc.24–28 Some additives can play the
role of chelating agents, others the role of hydrolysis catalysts (HCl or SnCl2).
In particular, the presence of appropriate chelating agents that modifies the
titanium alkoxide precursor allows one to control the hydrolysis and con-
densation reaction rate.
An example of the synthesis of TiO2 samples is reported in the following.
Titanium isopropoxide in 2-propanol was allowed to react with a stoichio-
metric amount of a chelating ligand (HCOOH or CH3COOH). Subsequently it
was hydrolyzed under strong acidic catalysis (HCl) or with water using SnCl2 as
the catalyst. The gelling process was carried out by either leaving the reactant
mixture in air or treating the pre-hydrolyzed solution under reduced pressure.
The addition of water gave rise to fine emulsions that turned into a clear
solution after ca. 1 day. The pre-hydrolyzed solution was divided in two parts:
the first was treated under reduced pressure until a granular gel was obtained,
while the second was left in the air at 298 K until a monolithic gel was obtained.
The latter was dried in the air for 7 days and then under vacuum for 2 days. The
samples obtained from ligand-modified Ti-alkoxide precursors were white
powders, whereas those prepared in the presence of SnCl2 were pale yellow
materials. The samples gelled under reduced pressure presented low values of
BET specific surface areas compared with those spontaneously gelled in the air,
due to the forced solvent evaporation from incompletely hydrolyzed titanium
oligomers. Both types of crude gels (vacuum or air gelled) were not satisfac-
torily crystallized and they were also subjected to a water reflux treatment or to
heating in air to obtain anatase (688–808 K), rutile (T4923 K) or mixed
48 Chapter 2
anatase–rutile phases. In some cases brookite phase appeared together with
Notably, the photocatalytic activity of such TiO2 nanocrystalline samples
depended not only on the structural, intrinsic electronic and surface physico-
chemical properties of the samples but also on the possible presence of
adsorbed organic impurities, which had detrimental effects by poisoning the
catalytic sites. The most photoactive samples for photodegradation reaction
were those prepared in the presence of formic acid gelled spontaneously in air.
The reflux conditions reported in ref. 29, which describes the synthesis of
anatase nanoparticles, were a 16 h reflux process performed after precipitation
of a white precipitate consisting of amorphous particles. Subsequent cen-
trifugation, evaporation under reduced pressure at 313 K, and redispersion
in toluene gave rise to a sol of ca. 20 wt% of nanoparticles of titania with a
size of a few nanometers. The separated nanoparticles were mixed with
3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,8,-tridecafluorooctyl-1,1,1,-triethoxysilane (FTS) in dry
methyl ethyl ketone to obtain a transparent binder, which is stable in a
refrigerator for at least 2 months, that can be used for the preparation of
photocatalytic coatings.
Other papers report the preparation of polycrystalline or nanostructured
TiO2 by using inorganic salts [TiCl3, TiCl4, Ti2(SO4)3, Ti(SO4)4] as the pre-
cursors and by carrying out the hydrolysis in water and ammonia30,31 or in pure
Pioneering studies on bare and iron-loaded TiO2 photocatalysts by Bickley
et al.30,31 have reported the preparation of polycrystalline TiO2 in the anatase,
rutile or anatase and rutile mixed phases using TiCl3 as precursor. The pre-
paration started with an aqueous solution of TiCl3 to which ammonia was
added dropwise at room temperature. The reaction products were allowed to
stand for 24 h in a vessel and subsequently the resulting solid was filtered off,
washed thoroughly with distilled water until it was free of residual Cl ions and
finally dried at 373 K for 24 h. Various portions of the obtained solid were
calcined for 24 h at 773, 923, 1073 and 1273 K. The presence of rutile phase
increased with increasing calcination temperature up to ca. 1273 K, at which
point only rutile phase was detected by X-ray diffraction measurements.
Another fundamental study32 deals with the preparation of some TiO2
samples both in the anatase and rutile phases by using TiCl3 or TiCl4 (ex TiCl3
or ex TiCl4) as the precursors. The method used to obtain the samples ex TiCl3 is
virtually identical to that employed in 30 and 31, whereas when TiCl4 was used
as the precursor it was allowed to react with pure water at ca. 278 K and the pH
was adjusted by NaOH up to 4.5. Notably, caution is needed in the last case
because the reaction is strongly exothermic and gaseous HCl is released. The
subsequent procedure was the same as described above for samples ex TiCl3.30,31
Both samples ex TiCl3 and ex TiCl4 were tested to carry out the photo-
degradation of phenol in aqueous medium as a probe reaction. The physico-
chemical features as determined by the preparation methods affect the
photocatalytic behavior in addition, of course, to the semiconducting proper-
ties. Rutile phase was active or inactive according to the preparation
Powders versus Thin Film Preparation 49
conditions; in particular, it was completely inactive only when prepared by
calcining at relatively high temperatures (T4973 K) and for long times (t43 h).
The most photoactive samples were those ex TiCl4 that were prepared by cal-
cining 336 h at 823 K, or 24 h at 873 K.
The improved crystallinity beneficially influenced the photoreactivity, but
the presence of surface hydroxyls and the particle size also appeared to be
essential factors. A compromise between these properties seems to be essential
to guarantee an appreciable photoactivity. Irreversible dehydroxylation, the
extent of which depends on the temperature and time of calcination, indeed,
does not favor the adsorption of O2 onto the TiO2 surface. The photoreduction
of O2(ads) by electrons produced under illumination in the conduction band is in
principle possible on both TiO2 modifications. O2 (ads) species may evolve in
various ways, producing further oxygenated species involved in the photo-
oxidation of the organic molecules. On the other hand, the oxidative processes,
which involve the photogenerated holes and adsorbed phenolic species as well
as OH groups, have similar driving forces on anatase and rutile. Therefore,
the photooxidative degradation processes, from a thermodynamic point of
view, should occur for both anatase and rutile.
Consequently, the differences in photoactivity reported in the literature often
do not depend very strongly on the intrinsic electronic characteristics of the two
phases, although the electron–hole recombination rate of rutile phase has been
reported to be higher than that of anatase,32,34 but mainly on the surface
physicochemical properties of the samples.
The influence of one or many of these surface properties can be more or less
significant, depending on the type of molecule to be photodegraded, on the pH
of the medium, the irradiation intensity, etc. Consequently, it is not easy to
straightforwardly correlate all these factors with the photoreactivity, since
interplay between them and the redox reactions takes place, which sets the final
level of photoreactivity.
Route 1:(TiCl4:H2O ratios Route 2:(TiCl4:H2O ratios
From1:1 to 1:10 v/v) From 1:25 to1:100 v/v)
Route 1b:
Gel Solution Dispersion
Dialysis of
1:10 (v/v) samples
Calcination Route 1a:
Suspension +H2O to obtain
Route 1: Boiling for
with good TiCl4: H2O ratios
Boiling for 2h
photoactivity from 1:25 to 1:100
then 2h boiling
Figure 2.2 (I) XRD patterns of samples prepared with various TiCl4/H2O ratios: (a)
1 : 1, (b) 1 : 10, (c) 1 : 50, dialyzed, (d) 1 : 50 and (e) (1:100). A: anatase,
R: rutile. (II) XRD patterns of powders obtained by drying or calcining
the gel (Route 1b in Scheme 2.1): (a) 298, (b) 673, (c) 773 and (d) 873
K. A: anatase, R: rutile. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 50).
Figure 2.3 Band edges (versus NHE) at pH 7 of rutile, anatase and brookite samples.
(Reproduced with permission from ref. 53.)
the other phases and its separation implies an additional peptization process as
above reported.53,57
Moreover, the interpretation of XRD diffractograms is not easy when the
brookite phase is present together with the anatase. In fact the main (101)
diffraction peak of anatase at 2y ¼ 25.281 overlaps with the (120) and (111)
peaks of brookite at 2y ¼ 25.341 and 25.691, respectively. Therefore, it is
advisable to use Raman spectroscopy to demonstrate unequivocally the com-
plete absence of anatase phase, by checking the absence of anatase character-
istic peaks at 391 and 510 cm1.57
Figure 2.4 shows some XRD diffractograms of brookite, and brookite–rutile
mixtures before their separation, while a representative Raman spectrum of the
pure brookite phase is given in Figure 2.5.
Very recently a set of papers has reported the preparation under very mild
conditions of badly crystallized nanocrystalline TiO2 anatase, brookite and
rutile phases that were more selective than Degussa P25 (ca. 30% rutile, 70%
anatase) and Merck (anatase) commercial samples for the photooxidation in
water of some aromatic alcohols (benzyl, 4-methylbenzyl, 4-methoxybenzyl
and 4-nitrobenzyl alcohols) to the corresponding aldehydes.57–63 The photo-
catalysts were prepared by hydrolysis of TiCl4 in water at room temperature.
Scheme 2.2 reports the synthesis of brookite and rutile TiO2 by hydrolysis of
TiCl4 in HCl aqueous solution.
The most selective samples to aldehyde (up to 72% mol with respect to the
transformed alcohol) were rutile samples prepared under very mild conditions
at room temperature from TiCl4.61
A comparative ATR-FTIR study of selected laboratory prepared photo-
catalysts and Degussa P25 has been reported63 together with the determination
Powders versus Thin Film Preparation 53
Figure 2.4 XRD diffractograms of (a) brookite–rutile mixture, (b) pure rutile, (c)
pure brookite and (d) calcined brookite (723 K, 2 h). (Reproduced with
permission from ref. 57.)
Mixtures Pure
Pure Pure
-B Brookite
Scheme 2.2 Synthesis of brookite and rutile TiO2 by hydrolysis of TiCl4 in HCl
aqueous solution.57–63
Figure 2.7 TEM photograph of TiO2 nanotubes. (Reproduced with permission from
ref. 71.)
Figure 2.8 TEM photograph of TiO2 nanowires. (Reproduced with permission from
ref. 76.)
TiO2 nanowires have been prepared from layered titanate particles using the
hydrothermal method.75 The layered structured Na2Ti3O7 was treated with
HCl (0.05–0.1 M) at 413–443 K for 3–7 days in an autoclave and subsequently
the product was washed with water. Before the formation of nanowires, steps
Powders versus Thin Film Preparation 57
involving exfoliation of layered Na2Ti3O7 and the formation of nanosheets
In ref. 83 metal alkoxides were allowed to react for no longer than 5 min with
a hot solution of TiCl4 mixed with trioctylphosphine oxide in heptadecane at
573 K under inert gas atmosphere. The size of the particles was not affected by
the type of alkyl substituent, R, whereas the reaction rate increased upon
increasing the branching of R.
58 Chapter 2
Various titanium halides were tested in addition to TiCl4 and the particles size
ranged from 9.2 nm for TiF4 to 3.8 nm for TiI4, indicating that the size of the
formed nanocrystals of anatase decreased upon increasing the size of the halide.
In ref. 84 the reaction between TiCl4 and benzyl alcohol was performed at
313–423 K for 1–21 days. The product was washed and subsequently calcined
at 723 K for 5 h. The particle size depended strongly on temperature and on the
concentration of TiCl4. In particular, particles in the range 4–8 nm were
obtained by choosing appropriate thermal conditions and the concentration of
TiCl4. Moreover, an almost uniform size and shape of the particles was
observed at low temperatures (e.g., 313 K).
In the presence of surfactants, TiO2 nanorods of different size and shape
were synthesized.85–90 The preparation started with the hydrolysis under
nitrogen flow of titanium tetraisopropoxide in oleic acid at 353–373 K for
5 min. To this solution a 0.1–2 M aqueous base solution was added rapidly and
then the mixture was mixed for 6–12 h. Some of the bases used were tri-
methylamine, trimethylamino-N-oxide, triethylamine, tributylamine, tetra-
methylammonium hydroxide and tetrabutylammonium hydroxide.
0:94ðm UÞ2=3
t¼ 1=6
gLV ðr gÞ1=2
where t is the coating thickness, m the viscosity, U the withdrawal rate, gLV the
liquid–vapor surface tension and r the solution density.
The Landau–Levich equation can be applied only when U41 mm s1; it
cannot be applied to systems in which the particles repel each other.
The atmosphere controls the evaporation of the solvent and the subsequent
transformation of the sol into the film. Moreover, the thickness of the layer
depends on the dipping angle between the support and the liquid surface and
different thicknesses of the layer can be produced at the top and bottom sides of
the surface that has been coated.113
Powders versus Thin Film Preparation 61
(B) (C)
Figure 2.9 (a) Steps of the dip coating process: (i) dipping of the support in the
coating liquid, (ii) formation of the wet layer by withdrawing and (iii)
evaporation of the solvent; (b) formation of the film on the substrate; (c)
apparatus for dip coating. [(b) Photograph courtesy of www.advanced- (c) Photograph courtesy of http://
62 Chapter 2
Reference 107 reports the preparation of photocatalytic TiO2 films by the dip-
coating technique by using sols derived from titanium tetraisopropoxide on glass
substrates previously covered by a SiO2 layer obtained from a tetraethyl
orthosilicate sol. The films, after thermal treatment at 673 K, mainly consisted of
TiO2 anatase with a small amount of rutile (Figure 2.10). The calcinations were
carried out either step-by step or only at the end of the various dip coating steps.
The films subjected only to a final post-deposition calcination were thinner,
probably due to a sintering effect involving the whole mass of TiO2 (154 versus
252 nm for the 15 cycle deposited TiO2 film). The adherence was excellent, unlike
that of a similar film (easily detached by wiping) prepared by coating with TiO2
Degussa P25 suspended in water. The samples were tested under UV illumina-
tion by using as probe reaction the photooxidation of 2-propanol in the gas–
solid regime in the presence of water vapor; the results indicated a satisfactory
efficiency (initial reaction rate, r0, in the range ca. 6–24 109 mol l1 s1), with
CO2 and propanone being the only compounds detected.
The laboratory-made experimental set-up used to carry out the experimental
runs is sketched in Figure 2.11, while Figure 2.12 shows photoreactivity results
of a selected experiment.
Photoactive films consisting of pure anatase, brookite or rutile have been
prepared108 by dip coating from water dispersions obtained by using TiCl4 as
the precursor (Figure 2.13). Also in this case, the photodegradation of 2-
Powders versus Thin Film Preparation 63
Figure 2.11 Set-up used for the photocatalytic degradation of 2-propanol. (Repro-
duced with permission from ref. 107.)
Figure 2.12 2-Propanol (K) and propanone (m) concentrations versus irradiation time.
Sample: TiO2 film deposited by 15 cycles and calcined after each deposi-
tion. Reaction temperature: 310 K; water vapor concentration: 1.4 mM;
irradiance: 1.3 mW cm2. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 107.)
64 Chapter 2
Figure 2.13 XRD patterns of TiO2 films, deposited in ten steps, constituted of pure
brookite, anatase and rutile phases. (Reproduced with permission from
ref. 108.)
propanol was used as probe reaction and the brookite film was shown to be
more efficient (Figure 2.14) than the anatase one, although a strict comparison
between the photoreactivity results cannot be performed because the mor-
phology and the thickness of the films were different.
Figure 2.14 2-Propanol degradation versus irradiation time in the presence of ten-
step deposited films: (’) pure anatase, (E) pure brookite and (m) pure
rutile. Initial 2-propanol concentration: 60 mM. (Reproduced with per-
mission from ref. 108.)
rA 3mm 1=3
t¼ 1 ð2:5Þ
rA0 2rA0 o2
where t is the final thickness, rA the density of the volatile solvent, rA0 the
initial value of rA, m the viscosity, m the evaporation rate of the solvent and o
the angular speed.
A simpler equation can be used [Equation (2.6)]:
t ¼ A oB ð2:6Þ
where A and B must be empirically determined. Results reported in 115 and 116
concerning the thickness of films obtained by spin coating at different angular
speeds fit Equation (2.6) well and B ranges between 0.4 and 0.7.
Examples of preparation of TiO2 or TiO2 composite films have been reported
in the literature.117–120 Reference 117, for instance, deals with the preparation
and testing of TiO2–methylcellulose (MC) nanocomposite films. A sol sus-
pension was prepared by adding titanium tetraisopropoxide (TTP) to a mixture
of ethanol and HCl (molar ratio TTP : HCl : EtOH : H2OQ1 : 1.1 : 10 : 10) and
66 Chapter 2
Figure 2.15 (a) Steps of the spin coating process: deposition of the fluid, spinning
and evaporation/gelation of the solvent; (b) typical apparatus for
spin coating. (Photograph courtesy of
Powders versus Thin Film Preparation 67
then adding a 2 wt% solution of methylcellulose. A TiO2 nanopowder
was dispersed in the sol and a microscope glass slide was coated with the
mixture by using the spin coating technique. The presence of MC, acting
as a dispersant agent, avoided problems due to film inhomogeneity and
defects that could cause peeling and cracking during calcination carried out up
to 773 K. Photocatalytic activity of the composite film was evaluated by
degrading a textile dye, i.e. Light Yellow X6G (C.I. Reactive Yellow 2), as a
model pollutant, and it was compared with the activity of (i) a similar com-
posite film without MC and (ii) a TiO2 nanopowder. The good mechanical
integrity makes this composite film an interesting candidate for practical
Nanoscale composite TiO2–SnO2 thin films with different ratios have been
deposited from sol-gel TiO2–SnO2 mixtures on quartz substrates by spin
coating.119 XRD and AFM experiments showed that smooth and uniform
anatase, anatase–rutile as well as rutile structural thin films were
formed at 273 K, depending on the Sn ratio. Nanocomposite films with
a Ti : Sn ratio of 3 : 1 showed excellent photocatalytic activity in the UV–Vis
The flow coating process is not usually employed for the preparation of TiO2
films because it is not easy to obtain uniform layers by this method (the coating
thickness increases from the top to the bottom of the substrate), unless it is not
coupled with a spinning process. The coating thickness depends on the incli-
nation angle of the substrate, on the solvent evaporation rate and on the
viscosity of the fluid used (Figure 2.16).
Fluid (sol)
Compressed air
Feedstock suspensions
Figure 2.17 Example experimental set-up used for the plasma-spray technique.
Powders versus Thin Film Preparation 69 Spray Pyrolysis
The spray pyrolysis method is based on the pyrolytic decomposition of an
inorganic or organic precursor of the film dissolved in solution. A spray nozzle,
with the help of carrier gases, gives rise to the formation of fine drops (aerosol)
from the solution. The temperature of the substrate is maintained at a constant
value by using a furnace or a hot plate. The best conditions for the preparation
of the film occur when the droplets approach the substrate just before complete
elimination of the solvent. Films grown at a substrate temperature less than
573 K are generally amorphous or badly crystallized. To obtain polycrystalline
films, one needs to employ either higher temperatures or a post-annealing
Figure 2.18 shows a sketch of a spray pyrolysis set-up.
TiO2 films have also been prepared and characterized by spray pyrolysis.131–136
In some cases the photocatalytic activity has been tested.
The photoelectrochemical behavior of type 304 stainless steel (SUS 304)
coated with a TiO2 thin film with the aim of photoprotecting the material from
cathodic corrosion has been studied under different experimental conditions.131
The photo-potential of TiO2-coated SUS 304 was, for example, –350 mV vs.
Ag/AgCl in an aerated aqueous solution containing 3 wt% NaCl (pH 7) under
illumination with 10 mW cm2 ultraviolet (UV) light, which was more negative
Air Atomizer
O2 C2H2
Heated coating
state of the solid or liquid material to be deposited and the transport of vapor
from the source to the substrate, the condensation of the vapor occurs with
formation of the film (Figure 2.19).
Amorphous TiO2 films were vacuum-deposited on rock salt at room tem-
perature by evaporating small quantities (4–6 mg) of powdered anatase TiO2.
The films crystallized in anatase and rutile forms when they were irradiated by
an intense electron beam.137 Electron microscopy and electron diffraction
studies were performed on these films: rutile crystallites were small granules,
whereas anatase crystals grew to occupy larger areas of several microns in
linear dimension. The structural difference of the crystallized films seemed to
depend on the intrinsic properties of the amorphous films. The generation of
dislocations that constituted small angle grain boundaries was observed in
growing anatase crystals. In these crystals, twins were formed on the (112)
planes and dislocations were also observed in the individual grains.
In another paper138 anatase TiO2 thin films were prepared with deposition
rates equal to 16 nm min1 by a vacuum arc-plasma evaporation (VAPE)
method using sintered TiO2 pellets as the source material (Figure 2.20). The
films appeared to be highly transparent at substrate temperatures from room
temperature to 673 K, regardless of whether oxygen (O2) gas was introduced
during the deposition process.
The photocatalytic activity of the deposited TiO2 thin films was evaluated by
immersing the samples (size 2.5 cm2) in an aqueous methylene blue solution and
irradiating them with a black light lamp. The photo-induced hydrophilicity was
studied by contact angle measurements under UV irradiation. The highest
72 Chapter 2
Figure 2.20 Sketch of the VAPE set-up. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 138.)
Coating - Electron
Electric Lines of force
field of magnetic field + Argon ion
- -
- Plasma Atom sputtered
from target
- - -
- - + -
+ +
- +
+ + + +
Cooling Cooling
plasma near the target, producing a higher sputter rate. The sputtered atoms
are not charged and are not affected by the magnetic field.
The set-up used for RF magnetron sputtering is sketched in Figure 2.22.
Among various types of films, TiO2 films have been prepared by this tech-
Reference 140 reports the preparation of TiO2 films starting from a Ti metal
target and their photocatalytic behavior, although films prepared by spray
pyrolysis are sometimes reported to be more photoactive.136 The films were
deposited on an unheated non-alkali glass (AN, Asahi Glass) by RF reactive
magnetron sputtering. Depositions were carried out under various RF sub-
strate biases and the total gas pressure during deposition was 1.0 or 3.0 Pa. The
oxygen flow ratio [O2/(O2 þ Ar)] and RF sputtering power were kept constant
at 60% and 200 W, respectively. The photocatalytic decomposition of acet-
aldehyde under UV illumination was carried out to test the samples.
Transmission electron microscopy has been used to study the structure,
morphology and orientation of thin TiO2 films prepared by reactive RF
magnetron sputtering on glass slides at different substrate temperatures (373–
673 K).143 The microstructure and photocatalytic reactivity of TiO2 films
depended on the deposition temperature. In the temperature range examined,
all film samples exhibited a porous nanostructure and the dimension of the
particles grew upon increasing the deposition temperature. Films were amor-
phous at 373 K, and anatase phase was found at T Z 473 K. A preferred
orientation was noticed for films deposited between 473 and 573 K, whereas
films obtained at 673 K showed a random orientation. The most photoactive
films to abate Rhodamine B present in waste water were those deposited at
Powders versus Thin Film Preparation 75
523 K, due probably to the high degree of preferred orientation and to the
satisfactory crystallinity and nanoporosity of the anatase phase.
DC magnetron sputtering has been used to form transparent TiO2 thin films
(200–300 nm thick) on glass substrates.145 A semiconducting TiO2–x target in
pure Ar was used at pressures ranging between 0.1 and 1.0 Pa. Post-deposition
heat treatment carried out at different temperatures allowed achievement of the
crystallization of anatase TiO2. Both the as-deposited and heat-treated films
were subjected to UV–VIS, SEM and XRD investigation; it was found that the
pressure of argon during the deposition process influenced the structure
modification that occurred throughout the heat treatment. In addition,
decomposition of ethanol in synthetic air was used as a probe reaction to test
the photocatalytic activity, with the aim of relating it to the microstructures of
the samples.
The existence of a solid–solid interface in TiO2 films produced by the reactive
DC magnetron sputtering147 explained the high photoactivity of mixed phase
TiO2 catalysts. The sputter deposition allows easy control of the phase and
interface formation. Moreover, the influence of oxygen partial pressure, target
power, substrate bias, deposition incidence angle and post-annealing treatment
on the structural and functional characteristics of the catalysts has been stu-
died. The photocatalytic activity of the films for the photooxidation of acet-
aldehyde under UV illumination in the gas phase was higher (normalized for
surface area) than that showed by mixed phase TiO2 samples prepared by other
methods (flame hydrolysis powders and sol-gel deposited TiO2 films), although
the comparison between films prepared by means of very different techniques or
between films and powders is difficult, due to the many variables that could
influence the photoactivity to differing extents.
TiO2 thin films have been deposited very recently on three different unheated
substrates by DC magnetron sputtering.148 The effects of sputtering current
and deposition time on the crystallization of TiO2 thin films were studied. The
TiO2 thin films were deposited at three sputtering currents, 0.50, 0.75 and 1.00
A, with deposition times of 25, 35 and 45 min, respectively. Anatase films were
obtained at low sputtering current values and under all deposition conditions.
The crystallinity of the anatase phase with grain size in the range 10–30 nm
increased as the sputtering current and deposition time increased.
arc spot
Arc plasma
Cathode expansion zone
voltage zone
Negatively biased
Anode substrate to be
Few applications of this technique can be found for the preparation of TiO2
thin films, although one report150 deals with the obtainment of TiO2 films on
glass substrates at various temperatures (from room temperature to 673 K)
using an unfiltered cathode arc device. The films deposited at temperatures
lower than 573 K were amorphous, whereas those obtained at higher tem-
peratures grew as a crystalline anatase phase. The phase transition amorphous-
to-anatase was observed after post-annealing at 673 K. The average transmit-
tance was always higher than 80% and it was slightly higher for films obtained
at the highest temperatures. The size of the grains of the as-deposited crystalline
films was ca. 20 nm and the surface roughness ca. 2 nm.
Port with
quartz window Laser beam
substrate stage
Vacuum chamber
substrate under the fixed laser fluence of 450 J m2.159 The substrate tempera-
tures, laser repetition rates and supply rates of the precursor ranged between
328 and 573 K, 10 and 100 Hz, 60 and 300 mg h1, respectively. Rutile and/or
anatase phases were found in the film for all experimental conditions used. Low
substrate temperature, low laser repetition rate and high supply rate of the
precursor are beneficial for rutile formation.
TiO2 photocatalytic films prepared by low-pressure metal–organic (LPMO)
CVD, by using titanium tetraisopropoxide as the precursor and various reac-
tion temperatures and deposition times, have been characterized.162 The results
indicated that the film thickness was linearly proportional to the deposition
time, while their structure depended not only on the deposition time but also on
the reaction temperature. Moreover, the photocatalytic decomposition of
methylene blue in aqueous solution was chosen as probe reaction to test the
photoactivities of the films. The anatase and rutile TiO2 films showed the
80 Chapter 2
highest photocatalytic activity, whereas the amorphous TiO2 films showed
lower activities. The photocatalytic activity depended on film thickness non-
linearly and the optimum thickness is located between 3 and 5 mm.
Pure brookite phase TiO2 crystals with high specific surface area have been
deposited at room temperature on silicon(100) substrates by means of plasma-
enhanced chemical vapor deposition. Titanium tetraisopropoxide in the vapor
phase and argon–oxygen mixtures, under an applied substrate DC bias voltage
of –250 V, were used.163 X-Ray diffraction analysis for the as-deposited TiO2
confirmed the presence of a crystalline brookite phase.
Thin TiO2 films have been deposited using a RF plasma-enhanced chemical
vapor deposition.164 The optical properties and thickness, determined by means
of UV–Vis absorption spectrophotometry, indicated a good optical quality and
their potential application both as interference optical filters and photocatalytic
surfaces. The structural analysis, carried out by Raman shift spectroscopy,
showed that the coatings posses an amorphous structure. However, Raman
spectra of the same films subjected to thermal annealing at 723 K revealed the
appearance of the anatase crystalline form. Surface morphology of the films
was also investigated by atomic force microscopy, which indicated the presence
of granular, broccoli-like topography.
Temperature probe
probe Substrate holder
Magnetic bar
Hot plate
collected from solutions after film preparation, not for films, and the trans-
formation from amorphous into anatase was hypothesized to occur before
further transformation of anatase into rutile.
+ Anode - Cathode
Diluted H2SO
4 4
The anodic oxidation method allows the generation of an oxide film having
protective, decorative or functional properties on a surface of the corre-
sponding metal.170
This technique has been used to prepare TiO2 films in a diluted H2SO4
solution, and the parameters of their formation have been studied in depth.171
The set-up of this technique (Figure 2.27), which can be used quite easily,
consists of a power generator, an electrolyte, titanium samples that are con-
nected to the positive pole (anode) where oxidation takes place, and another
metal (generally titanium) working as cathode connected to the negative pole of
the generator, where reduction reactions take place.
The electrochemically enhanced oxidation of a metal under some circum-
stances yields solid oxide nanotubes. Anodic oxidation of Ti in electrolytes
containing a small amount of fluoride has been used to convert Ti into TiO2
nanotubes.172 Ordered nanotube arrays have been obtained by anodization of
titanium in fluoride-based baths.173,174 The nanotubes showed various pore
sizes (22–110 nm), lengths (200–6000 nm) and wall thicknesses (7–34 nm).
Nanotubes with different shape (cylindrical, tapered), length and wall thickness
have been produced by varying the anodization parameters such as electrolyte
concentration, pH, voltage and bath temperature. They are of great interest for
use in water photoelectrolysis, photocatalysis, heterojunction solar cells and gas
Very recently nitrogen-doped TiO2 films with amorphous nanotubular
morphology and enhanced specific surface area were produced, inducing the
growth of the oxide layer directly on titanium substrates.175 Anodization was
performed in fluoride-containing electrolytes and the doping was achieved by
means of thermal treatments in a nitrogen atmosphere. The anodically formed
N-doped TiO2 layers showed high efficiency in the photodecomposition of
Rhodamine B under visible radiation.
Powders versus Thin Film Preparation 83
2.4.6 Electrophoretic Deposition
In the electrophoretic deposition process (EDP) colloidal charged particles
suspended in a liquid are forced by a direct current (DC) electric field to move
toward an oppositely charged electrode, onto which they are deposited.176 This
low-cost method not only allows us to easily control the thickness of the
coatings, but also to coat surfaces of conductive substrates with large areas.
EDP has been applied very frequently to produce ceramic layers from powders
dispersions.177–179 Figure 2.28 shows a sketch of the EDP set-up, which consists
of an electrochemical cell.
TiO2 coatings have been produced on glasses,180 stainless steel,181,182 SiC and
carbon fiber.183
The TiO2 coatings were produced on glass foam substrates by EDP and sol-
gel method with the aim of imparting to the surface antibacterial and photo-
catalytic properties.180 Charged TiO2 nanometric particles TiO2 suspended in
acetylacetone were used to obtain coatings on the glass foam substrates. Best
results were obtained by applying 25 V for 4 min and a subsequent thermal
treatment (723 K for 1 h). In addition, multilayer sol-gel TiO2 coatings on glass
foam were also prepared, which were subjected to the same thermal treatment.
Both techniques led to partially microcracked coatings that were, however, well
adhered to the glass foam substrate.
TiO2 films produced on various substrates have been tested for photo-
catalytic degradation of malic acid (hydroxybutanedioic).181 Two TiO2 samples
supported on stainless steel by EPD showed a lower catalytic activity than
those supported on quartz by a dip-coating procedure. The results were
explained by considering the negative role played by some cationic impurities
(Si41, Na1, Cr31 and Fe31) that were present in the TiO2 layer as a
- +
Cathode Particle Anode
+ +
+ + +
+ + +
+ + +
+ +
+ +
+ + + +
+ +
+ + +
+ + +
+ + +
+ + +
+ +
1. X. Chen and S. S. Mao, Titanium dioxide materials: synthesis, properties,
modifications, and applications, Chem. Rev., 2007, 107, 2891–2959.
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Unique Properties of Supported TiO2 99
contact angle, and starts to spread out flat instead of beading up. After a certain
time the water contact angle reaches ca. 01, meaning that the surface became
superhydrophilic, i.e., totally non-water-repellent.3 If the material is then kept
in the dark, a very low contact angle is retained for a certain time. When the
surface is composed of TiO2 coupled to SiO2 or Si-containing compounds with
siloxane bonding the retention of superhydrophilic behavior in the dark is very
high and can last several days. After a given time, however, the angle starts
increasing and the surface becomes hydrophobic again. Simple exposure at
UV-light, though, can impart again the hydrophilic properties to the surface.
This property is permanent and is retained provided that the film is well sup-
ported and does not peel off.
Figure 3.1 shows schematically the steps yielding a superhydrophilic surface:
upon light irradiation, –OH surface groups are produced with high affinity for
water, so that H2O molecules can occupy a thin layer of space, constituting a
uniform sheet rather than forming single drops.
In terms of the chemical mechanism, electrons tend to reduce Ti(IV) cations
to the Ti(III) state, and the holes oxidize the O2 anions. In the process, oxygen
atoms are ejected, creating oxygen vacancies.4 This process can coexist with the
photocatalytic effect, generated by electrons, giving rise to redox reactions
involving the target pollutants rather than Ti cations. Depending on the film
morphology one phenomenon can prevail over the other. Figure 3.2 shows this
mechanism; clearly the hydrophilic behavior depends on the vacancies finally
occupied by H2O molecules. As far as water molecules are concerned, when the
TiO2 surface is irradiated with UV light under ambient conditions, the dis-
tribution of hydrogen bonds in the H2O molecules decreases, along with the
surface tension of H2O clusters. Furthermore, the decrease in the amount of
H2O adsorbed on the TiO2 surface implies a decrease in the outer surface areas
of the H2O clusters. It can be thus stated that the surface relaxation energies of
Figure 3.3 Schematic diagrams of shapes of H2O clusters on TiO2 surfaces: (a) before
and (b) after UV light irradiation. (Adapted with permission from ref. 3a.)
the H2O clusters are stabilized and the surface areas of the H2O clusters
increase spontaneously. A strict consequence of this behavior is the lower
amount of adsorbed H2O molecules, driven by a force behind the H2O clusters
spreading out, thermodynamically, on the TiO2 surfaces (Figure 3.3).
The indicated reactions are, notably, completely reversible. Interestingly, the
hydrophilicity of a TiO2 surface hampers the adhesion of fatty compounds, making
such surfaces very easy to clean, which is highly desirable for example in kitchens.
Unique Properties of Supported TiO2 101
3.2 Antireflection
Composite films containing TiO2 are used to obtain antireflective surfaces. In
particular, some excellent results have been obtained by coupling TiO2 and
silica. This property is almost exclusively used in glass or silicon wafer coatings.
In the former case the coatings allow for a clear view through the glazing by
increasing the light transmittance and avoiding negative effects on visual
observation like double image, reflection of light sources, etc.8 The basis of the
antireflective behavior of TiO2-based glass-coatings is widely discussed in
Chapter 4. Here we report instead the recent application developed by the
German company HEGE Solar, working in the field of photovoltaics.
Unique Properties of Supported TiO2 103
Figure 3.5 Water contact angles on HDPE samples at different stages of fabrication.
The basic sample consisted of a substrate (HDPE), a protective PU
coating, and two layers of TiO2. The images show a sample (A) without a
PU binder, (B) with a PU binder, (C) after a 15 s plasma treatment and 3 h
UV illumination, (D) after the addition of palmitic acid to the surface and
(E) after 24 h UV illumination of the coating with palmitic acid.
Figure 3.6 A worker at HEGE Solar applying a nanocoating based on TiO2 nanor-
ods and silica on a monocrystalline solar module. (Photograph courtesy of
HEGE Solar.)
Figure 3.7 Hemispherical reflectance spectra of uncoated silicon (1) and silicon
coated with TiO2 films (2, 3). Curves 2 and 3 refer to sol-gel solutions
prepared with different alkoxide/ethanol ratios and dip-coated at different
withdrawal rates. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 10.)
Unique Properties of Supported TiO2 105
shift in wavelength minimum, whereas the shift of the reflectance minimum
intensity is determined by the difference in refraction indices.
By calculating the solar averaged reflectance data at the AM1.5 solar photon
spectral distribution,11 it is possible to integrate the values ranging from
wavelengths of 320 to 1120 nm. For uncoated silicon a value of 0.387 was
obtained while 0.120–0.132 was found for TiO2-coated silicon, showing a sig-
nificant improvement in antireflective properties.
Figure 3.8 Change in absorbance, at 3470 cm1, determined from IR spectra, versus
irradiation time. PET: uncoated PET; A100: PET coated by a 100–nm
thick Al2O3 film; T500, T1200: PET coated by a 500– and 1200-nm thick
TiO2 film, respectively; S1-S4: different samples corresponding to TiO2/
Al2O3 coatings. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 13.)
TiO2 bilayers. The effectiveness of these layers in protecting the PET film from
photooxidation is quite evident. While the Al2O3-coated PET shows limited
improvement over uncoated PET, the TiO2-coatings exhibit some protection to
PET photodegradation. However, the effectiveness of these single coatings was
limited with respect to the double-layer coatings.
TiO2 films can yield significant protection against corrosion for metals such
as stainless steel.14 A two-step treatment can be applied to this material. First, a
conversion coating has to be realized, which is obtained by chemical oxidation
of the stainless steel substrate in an acidic solution containing additives such as
thiosulfate and propargyl alcohol to control the growth of the coating and to
obtain a high surface area. Second, a supporting TiO2 layer is formed by the
hydrolysis of titanium(IV) butoxide. A final calcination at 400 1C is required to
guarantee good adhesion and a transition from amorphous to anatase phase.
Corrosion tests of such materials have been performed as follows: in a closed
chamber a salt solution (3% NaCl, pH 6.8) is sprayed by means of a nozzle at a
controlled temperature of 35 1C. The manifestation of the first traces of cor-
rosion or red rust was monitored and the weight was measured at time intervals
to quantify the progress of the corrosion process.
Table 3.1 shows the weight measurements carried out during the corrosion
tests. Clearly, the protection against corrosion provided by the conversion layer
combined with TiO2 coating on stainless steel is very good. Accordingly, the
adhesion of such films was also very good.
Unique Properties of Supported TiO2 107
Table 3.1 Mass variation measured during corrosion tests performed on
stainless steel untreated, treated with a conversion layer and trea-
ted with a conversion layer subsequently covered by a TiO2 film
(double coating).14
Steel t ¼ 168 h t ¼ 500 h
Bare steel þ 1.5 g þ 5.0 g
With conversion layer þ 0.83 g No measurement (too high)
With double coating –0.01 g –0.03 g
MDA [mmol·mg cell dry wt-1]
Dark Light Dark+TiO2 Light+TiO2
Figure 3.9 Effects of light and TiO2 on lipid peroxidation of Escherichia coli. MDA
stands for malondialdehyde, which is the main product generated during
lipid peroxidation.
Figure 3.10 Survival of intact cells and spheroplasts of Escherichia coli on a TiO2 film
under UV illumination. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 17.)
Figure 3.11 AFM (atomic force microscopy) images of Escherichia coli cells on a TiO2 film: (a) no illumination, (b) illumination for 1 day and
(c) illumination for 6 days. Radiation flux was 1.0 mW cm2. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 17.)
Chapter 3
Unique Properties of Supported TiO2 111
0 30 45 60 90 120
UVA irradiation time [min]
Survival ratio [%]
0 30 45 60 90 120
UVA irradiation time [min]
Figure 3.13 Appearance of a dental mirror surface with different tetraethyl orthoti-
tanate hydrolysis times: (a) 10, (b) 30 and (c) 60 min. (Reproduced with
permission from ref. 19.)
112 Chapter 3
thickness, for both visible and UV wavelengths. Even the transparency of films
was very high (Figure 3.13).
An antibacterial effect is often needed in areas that are poorly irradiated; for
example, the areas in a room that are screened by furniture. In these cases it is
possible to load TiO2 with a small amount of doping cations that are per se able
to impart a sterilizing effect, such as Ag1 and Cu21. After an initial irradiation
with UV light these cations are reduced to the metal state in the form of
nanopowders finely adherent to TiO2 nanoparticles. This approach is extremely
efficient, especially in ensuring a permanent action, even when light does not
reach the photocatalytic material for different reasons. Some experimental
results have shown that photocatalytic tiles loaded with Ag or Cu can degrade
significant amounts of bacteria for several hours even in the dark.15
Figure 3.14, thus, shows the results obtained with the installation of pho-
tocatalytic tiles in an operating room: it is possible to see that the bacteria
present in air were reduced to negligible amounts and that the sterilizing effect
is fully retained for several months. Practically, it is possible to obtain an effect
that lasts for 24 h, which is ideal for instance in a hospital.
Following the same principles it is possible to sterilize toilets, reducing the
bad smell resulting from the ammonia and ammonia-derivatives arising mainly
from the decomposition of urine carried out by different bacteria.
Accordingly, algae and moulds growth is prevented in TiO2-covered tiles,
even under natural conditions favoring their development. It is important to
stress once again that TiO2 not only kills bacteria, but also completely
decomposes cells, unlike typical bactericidal agents such as silver that leave the
cell intact. This is clearly evident in Figure 3.11.
Antimicrobial polymers for food packaging applications can be prepared
by implementing a certain amount of TiO2 in an isotactic polypropylene
matrix.20 A polypropylene partially modified with maleic anhydride is
added as a compatibilizing agent to improve interfacial adhesion between the
isotactic polypropylene and TiO2. These composite materials display maxi-
mum activity for samples containing 2 wt% of anatase-TiO2 irrespective
of the microorganism. Two bacteria with different features were tested: a Gram
negative (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and a Gram positive one (Enterococcus
114 Chapter 3
faecalis). Interestingly, both bacteria are antibiotic resistant. In both cases, the
antibacterial activity decreased with increasing TiO2 amount up to 2 wt%
(Figure 3.15). Tests performed with plain irradiation with UV-light exhibited a
negligible degradation (‘‘Control: iPP’’ in Figure 3.15).
Such functionalized polymers can open the way to a new class of materials,
i.e., photoactive food packaging, that could help in avoiding bad smells typi-
cally deriving from fish deterioration (mainly caused by trimethylamine) or
from fruits and vegetables.
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5. K. Guan, Relationship between photocatalytic activity, hydrophilicity
and self-cleaning effect of TiO2/SiO2 films, Surf. Coat. Technol., 2005, 191,
6. See, for example, Hydro-Klean Mirror by Sekisui Jushi Corporation online
7. J. Kasanen, M. Suvanto and T. T. Pakkanen, Self-cleaning, titanium
dioxide based, multilayer coating fabricated on polymer and glass surfaces,
J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 2009, 111, 2597–2606.
8. C. Battaglin, F. Caccavale, A. Menelle, M. Montecchi, E. Nichelatti,
F. Nicoletti and P. Polato, Characterisation of antireflective TiO2/SiO2
coatings by complementary techniques, Thin Solid Films, 1999, 351,
9. Details on TOP-NANO-HEGEs Coating are available online at http://
10. G. San Vicente, A. Morales and M. T. Gutierrez, Preparation and char-
acterization of sol-gel TiO2 antireflective coatings for silicon, Thin Solid
Films, 2001, 391, 133–137.
Unique Properties of Supported TiO2 115
11. The air mass (AM) coefficient characterizes the solar spectrum after the
solar radiation has traveled through the atmosphere. For a full explanation
12. TiPEt:
13. K. O. Awitor, A. Rivaton, J.-L. Gardette, A. J. Down and M.B. Johnson,
Photo-protection and photo-catalytic activity of crystalline anatase tita-
nium dioxide sputter-coated on polymer films, Thin Solid Films, 2008, 516,
14. L. Bamoulid, M.-T. Maurette, D. De Caro, A. Guenbour, A. Ben Bachir,
L. Aries, S. El Hajjaji, F. Benoı̂t-Marquié and F. Ansart, An efficient
protection of stainless steel against corrosion: combination of a conversion
layer and titanium dioxide deposit, Surf. Coat. Technol., 2008, 202,
15. A. Fujishima, K. Hashimoto and T. Watanabe, TiO2 Photocatalysis,
Fundamentals and Applications, BKC, Tokyo, 1999.
16. P.-C. Maness, S. Smolinski, D. Blake, Z. Huang, E. J. Wolfrum and
W. Jacoby, Bactericidal activity of photocatalytic TiO2 reaction: toward an
understanding of its killing mechanism, Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 1999, 65,
17. K. Sunada, T. Watanabe and K. Hashimoto, Studies on photokilling of
bacteria on TiO2 thin film, J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem., 2003, 156,
18. K. Shiraishi, H. Koseki, T. Tsurumoto, K. Baba, M. Naito, K. Nakayama
and H. Shindo, Antibacterial metal implant with a TiO2-conferred pho-
tocatalytic bactericidal effect against Staphylococcus aureus, Surf. Interface
Anal., 2009, 41, 17–22.
19. K. Funakoshi and T. Nonami, Photocatalytic treatments on dental mirror
surfaces using hydrolysis of titanium alkoxide, J. Coat. Technol. Res., 2007,
4, 327–333.
20. A. Kubacka, M. Ferrer, M. L. Cerrada, C. Serrano, M. Sánchez-Chaves,
M. Fernández-Garcı́a, A. de Andrés, R. J. Jiménez Riobóo, F. Fernández-
Martı́n and M. Fernández-Garcı́a, Boosting TiO2-anatase antimicrobial
activity: polymer-oxide thin films, Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 2009, 89,
Photocatalytic Glass
4.1 Improving Glass Performance by
Functionalization with TiO2
The development of transparent thin coatings that impart various properties to
different kinds of glass is one of the main goals of applied research in the glass
industry at present. Typical examples are car glass and building glasses for
windows, facades, roofs, etc.
In this context, titanium dioxide is a material with outstanding properties,
such as its high optical index, refraction and transparency across the visible
wavelength range, cut-off effect towards highly damaging UV light, intrinsic
semiconducting properties, compatibility with the environment and complete
atoxicity, along with photocatalytic, anticlouding and antifogging properties.1
TiO2 thin films can also adsorb species and, hence, degrade organic and
inorganic (chemically present in a reduced form) pollutants, eventually dis-
charging their oxidation products by easy washing with plain water (even
through naturally occurring rain), thus preventing glass from fouling. In
addition, a superhydrophilic surface cannot adsorb organic oily liquids but,
instead, strongly expel them. Since TiO2 films are both photocatalytically active
and superhydrophilic, they can work in both ways (photocatalytic degradation
of pollutants on one hand and rejection of organic liquid species caused by the
superhydrophilic characteristic on one other hand). These properties arise due
to light-induced redox reactions and superhydrophilicity, the latter avoiding
the formation of rain-droplets or water vapor (Figures 4.1 and 4.2) and
favoring the free flowing of water, which washes away both dirt (such as fine
dusts) and oxidation residuals of polluting environmental agents. Environ-
mental malodorous species in air, both indoors and outdoors, are typically
present in very low concentrations, even when human sensitivity notices a very
strong smell. This is why TiO2 is an ideal species for deodorization of air;
photocatalysis works indeed unselectively by degrading almost all organics
present in the environment if adsorbed on its surface, although reaction rates
are typically very low, so that large amounts of pollutants cannot be degraded
Photocatalytic Glass 117
Figure 4.1 The glass shown on the left-hand side is prevented from fogging even
in a water vapor saturated environment such as the represented room.
(Photograph courtesy of Toto Ltd.)
Figure 4.2 The right-hand part of a side-view mirror (a) and the curvet mirror on the
right in (b) are covered with Hydrotect and, hence, clouding and the
formation of water droplets are prevented. (Photograph courtesy of Toto
Ltd.) (c) The glass cover of a lamp (produced by Toshiba Lighting &
Technology Corporation) is covered with a TiO2 film. (Reproduced with
permission from ref. 1.)
It is ideal for application in areas were hygiene matters are relevant, such as
lavatories, swimming pools and hospitals. Hydrotect has been implemented by
several companies for many ceramic and polymeric products, such as in
polycarbonate-made soundproof walls for the sides of roads.
Standard soda-lime glass, mainly made of SiO2, Na2O, CaO, Al2O3 (Table 4.1),4
amounting to more than 90% of the globally manufactured glass, can be warmed
to 500 1C, without any modification in structure. The glass transition temperature
is in fact always higher than 540 1C, depending on the treatments undertaken.
Hence supporting a TiO2 thin transparent film on glass is a rather easy matter,
because one can achieve both crystallization to the photocatalytically most active
crystalline phase (anatase) and mechanical adherence through particle sintering
and agglomeration at only 350 1C.
Films as thin as a few hundred nanometers are enough to ensure a significant
improvement in self-cleaning performance, without forgetting TiO2 intrinsic
bactericidal effect. This is particularly relevant where a sterilized environment
must be guaranteed, such as in hospital, especially in surgery rooms, laboratory
clean rooms, etc. Moreover, the antibacterial effect can be increased greatly by
doping TiO2 with noble metals.
Photocatalytic Glass 119
Table 4.1 Soda-lime glass: typical composition and approximate limits
(mol.%). (Reproduced with permission from ref. 4.)
Typical container glass Typical float glass Approximate limits
SiO2 74.42 71.86 63–81
Al2O3 0.75 0.08 0–2
MgO 0.30 5.64 0–6
CaO 11.27 9.23 7–14
Li2O 0.00 0.00 0–2
Na2O 12.9 13.13 9–15
K2O 0.19 0.02 0–1.5
Fe2O3 0.01 0.04 0–0.6
Cr2O3 0.00 0.00 0–0.2
MnO2 0.00 0.00 0–0.2
Co3O4 0.00 0.00 0–0.1
TiO2 0.01 0.01 0–0.8
SO3 0.16 0.00 0–0.2
Se 0.00 0.00 0–0.1
Figure 4.3 Preparation processes for TiO2 films on glass substrates. (Reproduced
with permission from ref. 1.)
Photocatalytic Glass 121
barrier film, and without negatively altering the photocatalytic activity, is
possible only when a highly pure glass (such as quartz) is used. Conversely,
diffusion of Na1 into TiO2 has to be prevented in the case of common glass.
Clearly, moving to high TiO2 film thickness or performing a low-temperature
preparation can assure the absence of Na1 diffusion but usually the quality (in
terms of adherence, transparence and activity) of the resulting film is not
comparable with a high-temperature preparation.
Silicon nitride has been used recently as a better barrier film than silica. For
example, a three-fold improvement in photocatalytic film activity can be
obtained by interposing a 100 nm thick SiNx film between a soda-lime glass
substrate and an anatase film. The amount of sodium present in the cross-
sectional profile of a TiO2 film is 7–8 at.% when no barrier film is present,
4 at.% when interposing a SiO2 film, and decreases to under 2 at.% when using
a SiNx film.12 Figure 4.4 shows scanning electron micrographs of the top TiO2
films before and after calcination. The TiO2 film was deposited by direct current
sputtering of a metallic titanium target in argon–oxygen reactive mixtures,
whereas the barrier films (both SiNx and SiO2) were deposited by reactive
magnetron sputtering, using a conductive boron-doped silicon target. Nitrogen
or oxygen is added to Ar for the deposition of the nitride and oxide barriers,
respectively. Calcination at 450 1C resulted in crystallization to anatase phase
and particle aggregation (Figure 4.4b and c).
Figure 4.4 SEM micrographs of cross-section (a) and top surface (b) of an amor-
phous TiO2 coating, and the cross-section (c) and top surface (d) of the
coating after annealing at 450 1C. (Reproduced with permission from
ref. 12.)
122 Chapter 4
A TiO2-modified glass has to meet different criteria to be suitable for
industrial manufacturing and commercial access to the market. Some impor-
tant attributes are needed for both application in cars and also for building
facades and windows, or for indoor applications, as previously mentioned.
The main concerns regarding a glass to be used in everyday life are listed
Figure 4.6 Transmittance of bare glass and a glass coated with a double-layer TiO2–
SiO2 film. The maximum transmittance for the coated glass is over 99%.
(Reproduced with permission from ref. 15.)
of the glass to more than 97% for visible light (490–92% is usual for
glass) (Figure 4.6).13–15
Photocatalytic activity: photocatalytic sites have to be able to both adsorb
and oxidize inorganic and organic pollutants, washed out by natural water
or human clean up. Glass stains under outdoor conditions usually derive
from salts, silicates, carbonates, soots (inorganic species) and polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons, fatty acids, and long-chain alkanes. Pollutant
degradation becomes possible when TiO2 is present in an active crystalline
phase and if it is accessible to pollutants present in the gas phase. X-Ray
diffraction, along with Raman spectroscopy, can be used to identify and
quantify the crystalline phases. Biological tests can yield specific infor-
mation on the bactericidal effects of the active coating. Specific tests under
conditions simulating real ones can be carried out to study photocatalytic
activity in gas-phase reactors by degrading target compounds. Solar
(direct or diffuse) light in outdoor application is always sufficient to
activate the redox reactions, whereas a study of indoor lighting is needed
to understand if natural light is enough for activation or a specific lamp is
required. The study of photocatalytic activity is somewhat complex, since
it is influenced by many other factors, such as relative humidity, tem-
perature, kind of catalyst, irradiation type and intensity, etc.
Superhydrophilicity: this is probably the most important property for
glasses, since it allows the avoidance of fogging and droplet formation, as
previously explained, hence imparting self-cleaning features to glass.
Superhydrophilic surfaces also have another (often forgotten) property,
one that is particularly relevant for surfaces where organic liquids of
124 Chapter 4
various types can accidentally spill or be left by recondensation from air:
they are highly averse towards absorption of organic liquids, thus being
easily cleanable by plain water. This is highly desirable in kitchens or
lavatories, and also in very environmentally polluted areas, such as
industrial sites. Measurement of the water contact angle during irradiation
is important as this parameter is needed to understand the hydrophilic
properties of a film. As noted above, the study of irradiation field is
important in understanding whether superhydrophilicity is induced in a
specific environment and in glasses with a certain inclination angle (from 0
to 901).
Retention of self-cleaning properties: in a typical environment where photo-
catalytic glasses are used, their ability to keep their self-cleaning feature
should be carefully checked. Cleaning has to be performed without
aggressive detergent and avoiding strong mechanical friction that could
damage the surface. Conversely, a particularly polluted or dirty environ-
ment could result in coverage of the functionalized surface, thus hindering
physical contact between TiO2 and external agents. These phenomena are
usually easily reversible by plain cleaning, although prolonged deposition
of fine organic/inorganic particulates over the glass, left unwashed for a
very long time, could cause a temporary deactivation that is solvable only
by a significant warm-up.
Figure 4.7 Hydroxyl content (a) and contact angle variation in light and dark conditions (b) upon introducing various amounts of PEG in a
sol-gel preparation. Samples a–e were prepared by ten coating cycles from precursor solutions containing 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 g
PEG, respectively. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 16.)
126 Chapter 4
enhanced. In particular, very limited Ag-doping can give bactericidal properties
to a TiO2 film even in the absence of light.
Iron-doped TiO2 films can also yield better superhydrophilic attributes.17
Both films shown in Figure 4.8, deposited through spray pyrolysis, present a
smooth surface, although the 5 at.% Fe-doped surface is less smooth than the
undoped one. Interestingly, contact angles, even under dark conditions, are
quite small (o51) both for doped and undoped samples, due to the deposition
Figure 4.8 SEM images of the surface morphology of (a) undoped and (b) 5 at.%
Fe-doped TiO2 thin films deposited by spray pyrolysis. (Reproduced with
permission from ref. 17.)
Photocatalytic Glass 127
method, while the 5 at.% Fe-doped sample reaches 01 upon irradiation much
faster than the undoped TiO2 film.
ðn0 nG Þ2
R¼ ð4:1Þ
ðn0 þ nG Þ2
where n0 is the refractive index of the medium the light is coming from (usually
air, and water in some cases) and nG is the glass refractive index. Moreover,
since light is reflected not only on the front of the glass but also on its back, and
can travel back and forth several times as well, the total reflectance through a
window is expressed as:
RTOT ¼ ð4:2Þ
Table 4.2 Rough refractive index of some common substances under visible
irradiation. (Accurate values can be found in ref. 18.)
Substance Refractive index
Air 1.0
Water 1.3
Soda-lime glass 1.5
Pure silica 1.4
Titanium dioxide (anatase) 2.3
128 Chapter 4
1 3 5 7 9 11
Figure 4.9 Reflectance and total reflectance versus refractive index [see Equations
(4.1) and (4.2)].
Figure 4.9 plots R and RTOT values against nG, assuming that the medium is air
with n0 ¼ 1. It can be seen that for nG ¼ 1.5, the characteristic value of common
windows glass, the total reflectance, is ca. 8%. If we neglect absorption, non-
reflected light is transmitted, i.e., T ¼ 1 – R, and soda-lime glass reflectance is
about 92%, assuming that light rays are perpendicular to the glass.
Sol-gel methods can easily yield a low refractive index, resulting in a maximal
transmittance of 99%, which is much more than plain glass (characteristic values
are ca. 90–92%). SiO2–TiO2 films can be obtained by depositing first a silica film
from a colloidal solution and afterwards doing the same with TiO2.20 The
resulting transmission spectra are reported in Figure 4.10. Notably, silica itself
plays the role of antireflection layer with respect to nude glass (Figure 4.10b
versus a). In contrast, TiO2 alone strongly increases the glass reflection, espe-
cially in the 380–600 nm visible range, whereas for higher wavelength the dif-
ference in performance is quite low. The presence of a double-layered film,
instead, strongly enhances the transmittance of visible light, and ensures that all
the other properties typical of TiO2 films are present, resulting in self-cleaning
surfaces, which are not available with monolayered silica films.
The coupling of SiO2 with TiO2 films, however, is not the only way to attain
good antireflective properties. Extensively used as substitutes for diamonds in
their cubic phase single-crystal form, zirconium dioxide can also be coupled to
TiO2 to yield films with a low refractive index.21 Films can be prepared by a
sol-gel method, allowing the optical properties to be tailored over a wide range
by simple control of the sol composition. Figure 4.11 shows a clear decrease,
from ca. 2.3 to ca. 1.9 (at 630 nm), for films with different percentages of ZrO.
In the weak and medium absorption region, the refractive indices of the
composite ZrO2–TiO2 thin films were calculated through some relationships
employing parameters mainly derived from transmission spectra.
Photocatalytic Glass 129
Figure 4.10 Transmission spectra of a bare glass substrate (a), SiO2 film (b), SiO2–
TiO2 layered films with an increasing amount of TiO2 (c)–(f ) and TiO2
films on a glass substrate (g). (Reproduced with permission from ref. 20.)
Figure 4.11 Refractive index versus wavelength for composite ZrO2–TiO2 film sam-
ples: (a) 100% ZrO2; (b) 90% ZrO, 10% TiO2; (c) 70% ZrO2, 30% TiO2;
(d) 50% ZrO2, 50% TiO2; (e) 30% ZrO2, 70% TiO2, (f ) 10% ZrO2, 90%
TiO2; and (g) 100% TiO2. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 21.)
130 Chapter 4
Figure 4.12 The Fioravanti Hidra is the first car that will not have windscreen wipers
(a), thanks to its windshield (b), which is functionalized by a four layer
film that prevents the formation of droplets and fogging, thus ensuring
perfect visibility for the driver. (Photograph courtesy of Fioravanti S.r.l.,
ref. 23.)
Table 4.3 Global market share of flat glass industry in 2008. (Source:
Pilkington, ref. 24.)
Company Country Percentage of world capacity
AGC Japan 17.5
NSG Group Japan 17.0
Saint-Gobain France 15.5
Guardian United States 12.0
Others 38.0
132 Chapter 4
Figure 4.14 Matsushita Denso building covered with Pilkington self-cleaning glass.
(Photograph courtesy of Nippon Sheet Glass.26)
self-cleaning properties are retained for a long time even in the presence of
cloudy weather and during the night. The second stage takes place when
rainwater hits the glass. The coatings react with ultraviolet rays present in
natural daylight to break down and disintegrate organic dirt. During the third
stage Activt Clear works as a superhydrophilic coating, thus impeding droplet
Photocatalytic Glass 133
Figure 4.15 The three working stages of Pilkington Activt: (1) the coating is acti-
vated by solar light (typically, 5–7 days required); (2) light destroys
organic and many inorganic pollutants, reducing their adherence to the
glass thanks to photocatalytic effect; (3) rain washes dirt away by
forming a uniform water ‘‘sheet’’. (Reproduced with permission from
ref. 25.)
formation, so that water can spread evenly over the surface and, while running
off, take the dirt with it (Figure 4.15). Moreover, water dries off very quickly,
with respect to conventional glass, without leaving unsightly drying spots. The
reduction of glass cleaning maintenance is also a significant economic advan-
tage, especially in buildings where glass is a major component of the structure,
as in the case of skylights or conservatories. A light mechanical cleaning with a
soft cloth is sufficient and no abrasive cloth or aggressive detergents are needed.
The coating of Pilkington Activt glass, deposited during the installation
phase, is designed to last as long as the glass and re-application is not needed.
Ideal working conditions start with sloping angles of at least 101, and optimal
inclination values are around 301, but Pilkington Activt can be also used in
vertical façades and with slopes lower than 101.
Activt Blue is an attractive self-cleaning glass that evolved from Activt
Clear. It offers attractive aesthetics with its blue color and allows for solar
control and heat transmission. Compared with Activ Clear it has a significant
shading coefficient, thanks to its color, which permits indoor light regulation
also for long-wavelength light. The UV cut-off effect is comparable in both
cases. Activ Blue is, for example, ideal for conservatory roofs (Figure 4.16).
Activt Neutral is a newly developed product that is ideal even for roofs
and vertical façades. Its neutral, though slightly darker, appearance, which
134 Chapter 4
Figure 4.16 Pilkington Activt Blue allows for solar control performance and light
transmission even at long wavelengths. Its slightly blue color keeps the
inside environment cooler. (Photograph courtesy of Pilkington.25)
helps to reduce heat and light transmission, gives this product superior per-
formances to Activt Clear, especially in well irradiated areas.
Activt Blue and Neutral can be combined with a thermally insulating glass,
thus functioning as both UV and IR cut-off (Figure 4.17). This configuration
yields a comfortable temperature throughout the year in highly exposed closed
environments. In this way high energy savings for thermal conditioning can be
readily achieved. Figure 4.18 reports the performance of composite glasses
(with argon-filled cavities) of this kind compared with normal double glazing
and polycarbonate sheets. The former present much more limited light trans-
mittances, cutting the UV and IR radiation. Accordingly radiant heat trans-
mittance is low too, meaning that the warming effects caused by solar rays
are not so significant. Moreover, by considering the heat transmittance
coefficient, U, the superior performance of double glazing employing
Pilkington self-cleaning glass together with Optithermt and K Glasst, which
are two thermally insulating glasses, is obvious.
Finally, the self-cleaning features are present neither in polycarbonate nor in
normal double glazing configurations.
Photocatalytic Glass 135
Figure 4.17 Pilkington Activt Blue or Neutral in double glazing configuration with a
thermally insulating glass. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 25.)
Figure 4.18 Pilkington Activt versus normal double glazing and polycarbonate performances in terms of light and heat transmittance.
(Reproduced with permission from ref. 25.)
Chapter 4
Photocatalytic Glass 137
Figure 4.19 PPG SunCleans compared with regular windows during raining. Water
sheeting is well apparent here. (Photograph courtesy of PPG.)
2. The glass is hydrophilic, so that the coating allows water sheeting action.
3. It offers improved thermal/optical qualities compared to regular clear
4. The self-cleaning coating is applied using PPG’ patented process.
1. UV rays work to slowly break down and loosen organic dirt on the glass
2. the glass surface dries more quickly with minimal spotting and streaking;
3. 40% reduction in UV transmittance;
4. outward appearance of the glass is slightly brighter than regular glasses;
5. solar heat gain coefficient is improved by about 0.05 points;
6. the coating is durable and long-lasting.
Figure 4.20 Scheme of PPG SunCleans working steps and comparison with regular glass. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 27.)
Chapter 4
Photocatalytic Glass 139
This glass can similarly be integrated together with an appropriate inner
glass, yielding SGG Bioclean Cool-Lite ST, ideal for contemporary solar
radiation and heat transfer control. This outstanding product can hamper heat
radiation transfer from the sun to the inside of a conservatory, keeping it cooler
in warmer months (Figure 4.21). The advantages of applying such a glass can
be listed as follows:
1. neutral appearance of the roof glass matches naturally with the rest of
the conservatory glazing without compromising performance;
2. permanent dual-action SGG BIOCLEANs self-cleaning coating stays
on the glass for the lifetime of the window;
3. much easier cleaning as less dirt and grime adhere to the glass;
Figure 4.21 SGG Biocleans Cool-Lite ST is ideal for conservatory roofs. (Repro-
duced with permission from ref. 28.)
140 Chapter 4
4. ideal for hard to reach areas such as conservatory roofs and overhead
5. saves on the cost of window cleaning;
6. up to 23 of heat from the sun is reflected by the advanced solar control
7. keeps conservatories cooler during sunny periods without costly air
conditioning or blinds;
8. reduces uncomfortable glare from the sun by over 50%, whilst letting in
lots of natural light;
9. 100% noise reduction compared to polycarbonate roofs;
10. provides year round comfort when combined with SGG PLANI-
THERM, a glass ensuring heat gain from the sun during cold seasons.
Figure 4.22 Wet plain glass compared with Neatt glass (left-hand panels); visible
transmittance and reflectances of Neatt glass compared to other com-
mercial glasses (right-hand panel). (Reproduced with permission from
ref. 29.)
Photocatalytic Glass
Figure 4.23 These AFM images show that Neatt coatings (left) are much smoother than pyrolytic photoactive coatings typically used glass
surface (right). (Reproduced from ref. 30.)
142 Chapter 4
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19. E. Hecht and A. Zajac, Optics, 4th edn, Addison Wesley, 2002.
20. Z. Liu, X. Zhang, T. Murakami and A. Fujishima, Sol–gel SiO2/TiO2
bilayer films with self-cleaning and antireflection properties, Sol. Energy
Mater. Sol. Cells, 2008, 92, 1434–1438.
21. L. Liang, Y. Sheng, Y. Xu, D. Wu and Y. Sun, Optical properties of sol–gel
derived ZrO2–TiO2 composite films, Thin Solid Films, 2007, 515, 7765–
22. Geneva Motor Show, online at
23. Fioravanti S.r.l. online at
24. Pilkington and the Flat Glass Industry, 2008 report, available online at
25. Pilkington ActivTM range is presented online at http://www.
26. Nippon Sheet Glass is distributor of Pilkington Active in Japan and South
East Asia (
27. PPG URL:
28. SGG Bioclean is presented online at
29. Cardinal Glass Industries:
30. Cardinal Glass Industries Neat Glass, description online at http://
TiO2-modified Cement
and Ceramics
5.1 Keeping Structures and Air Clean Indoors and
Urban buildings are often fouled by several volatile pollutants and fine dusts of
any kind present in our crowded towns. When used in a blend with a concrete
structure, TiO2 decomposes such organic fouling species, which include not
only soot, grime, oil and particulates but also biological organisms, such as
mold, algae, bacteria and allergens, and air-borne pollutants, i.e. VOCs,
including, for instance, benzene, tobacco smoke, and all the nitrous oxides
(NOx) and sulfuric oxides (SOx) that are significant factors in smog. Nitric and
sulfuric acids, formed by oxidation of NOx and SOx, respectively, are even-
tually washed away as nitrate and sulfate salts by rainwater. Chemicals causing
strong odors should not be forgotten, especially in residential areas with several
restaurants or in industrial districts.
Photocatalytic pollutant degradation can be also exploited to significantly
reduce air pollution via application of TiO2 on pavers. These modified concrete
materials are already widely used (Figure 5.1); some hundreds of square meters
have been installed in Japan, and a preliminary calculation in Harris County in
Texas estimates that a paving area costing ca. $200 is enough to destroy 1 ton of
NOx, assuming a quite limited paver duration (5 years).1
Fabrication of ceramic tiles has been another major field of application in
construction materials, both for external walls and for indoor applications
(Figure 5.2).2 In the latter case, properties such as antimicrobial and deodor-
izing ones are valuable when paving, for instance, lavatories. It has been clearly
demonstrated indeed that compounds from urine, and in particular urea, can
be degraded, and bacteria propagation inhibited. In addition, kitchens are
typical rooms where photocatalytic tiles can play an important role, by facil-
itating removal of oily compounds.
TiO2-modified Cement and Ceramics 145
Figure 5.2 Photocatalytic ceramic tiles (a) in a dormitory shower room and (b)
comparison between outdoor photocatalytic/superhydrophilic (A) and
ordinary painted (B) wall tiles. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 2.)
Figure 5.3 Paving blocks used in Antwerp city centre (Belgium). (Reproduced with
permission from ref. 5.)
Table 5.2 Comparison between Mitsubishi and Italcementi patents on photocatalytic concrete materials. (Adapted from ref. 8.)
Mitsubishi Materials Corporation Italcementi S.p.A.
Patent title NOx-cleaning paving block. Paving tile consisting of a hydraulic binder and
photocatalyst particles.
Field of the NOx-cleaning paving block with enhanced efficiency of Cement composition made of a hydraulic bin-
invention fixing NOx from the air and increased pluvial NOx der dry-premixed with an additive, having
cleaning efficiency. improved property to maintain the brilliance
and color quantity, to prevent aesthetic
degradation and to degrade environmental
Working NOx-cleaning paving block consisting of a surface layer Use of a photocatalyst, which can oxidize in
principles that contains TiO2 and a concrete made base layer; the presence of light and air environmental
NOx-cleaning paving block with or without adsorbing polluting substances, for the preparation of a
material in the surface layer; hydraulic binder for manufacturing paving
replacement of the sand used with 10–50% of glass tiles that maintain after installation, for a
grains or silica sand having a particle size of 1–6 mm; longer time, brilliance and color quantity;
surface layer having a void fraction of 10–40% and use of a dry premix containing a hydraulic
water permeability of 0.01 cm s1; binder and a photocatalyst that can oxidize
NOx-cleaning paving block roughened with a surface in the presence of light and air environ-
roughening tool. mental polluting substances, for manu-
facturing paving tiles that maintain after
installation, for a longer time, brilliance and
color quantity.
Chapter 5
Binder Cement Hydraulic binder; white, grey or pigmented
cement; cement used for debris dams;
hydraulic lime.
Photocatalyst TiO2 without any further requirement TiO2 or a precursor thereof, mainly in the
form of anatase;
TiO2 with anatase structure for at least 25%,
50% and 70%;
blend of anatase and rutile TiO2 (70 : 30);
TiO2 doped with one or more atoms other
than Ti
TiO2 doped with one or more atoms selected
from Fe(III), Mo(V), Ru(III), Os(III), Re(V),
V(V), Rh(III);
TiO2-modified Cement and Ceramics
Figure 5.4 Compressive strength, flexural strength and modulus of elasticity versus
TiO2 percentage in cement mortars. CM-a, CM-b and CM-c refer to
different TiO2 types (see text). (Reproduced with permission from ref. 9.)
a cement mortar all the mechanical properties gradually worsen, but are
still adequate for practical application.9 Conversely, the capability of NOx
adsorption shows an opposite trend. The three different curves refer to anatase
TiO2 in dry powdered form of 7 nm (CM-a) and 21 nm (CM-b) average particle
diameters, and in a colloidal suspension (CM-c) with a particle diameter of
20 nm and a density of 40%. CM-a showed the best performance in terms of
NOx adsorption, probably because of its higher specific surface area. A com-
mercial Portland was used as cement with a density of 3.13 g cm3.
TiO2-modified Cement and Ceramics 151
Combining the traditional bituminous pavement with the proficient photo-
catalytic action of the discussed cement mortars is also possible, as recently
shown in a demonstration test.10 Common asphalt, characterized by granulo-
metry, has a degree of compactness giving rise to ca. 20% void content, with a
distribution compatible with the penetration of photocatalytic cement mortar
in the upper part of the asphalt layer; 1–1.5 cm has been found as the ideal
thickness of photocatalytic concrete over asphalt. Both manual and automatic
deposition are possible – the mortar can be induced to penetrate into the
asphalt sub-layers through scrapers working on the surface, which also ensure a
uniform distribution of the paste (Figure 5.5). The temperature has to be
lowered to 30 1C to avoid rapid evaporation that would prevent mortar pene-
tration into asphalt voids.
Compression tests made on these materials suggested that accelerants were
needed, since the mechanical performances increased slowly throughout tens of
days. Hundred cycles of water freezing/melting leave the mortar in the original
form, and no difference in performance is noticeable.
Finally, the product shown in Figure 5.5 is characterized by similar prop-
erties to that of a common asphalt (provided that an accelerant is added before
deposition), guaranteeing efficient degradation of pollutants, too.
Photocatalytic concrete has the big advantage of maintaining its clear color
for a very long time, even if the corresponding building is situated in a
very crowded and polluted town. Thus, a white cement containing TiO2
(TX Active), commercialized by Italcementi at ca. 1 h kg1, has already been
used in the construction of the ‘‘Cité de la Musique et des Beaux Arts’’ in
Chambéry, France (2001), the ‘‘Dives in Misericordia’’ church in Rome (2003)
(Figure 5.6) and for other applications in Italy and France such as the Roissy
airport in Paris and the Saint John’s Court Hotel in Monte Carlo. The
imposing structure and complex construction features of the ‘‘Dives in Miseri-
cordia’’ church built in Rome’s Tor Tre Teste district were designed by US
architect Richard Meier. The structure resembles three great sails apparently
Figure 5.6 The Dives in Misericordia church (Rome) was built using photocatalytic
cement. (Photograph courtesy of Italcementi.)
swollen by an easterly wind, and consists of the actual church and the com-
munity center.
TX Active is presented by Italcementi as the perfect means to optimize the
aesthetic durability of top quality, cement-based elements.11 Once the white
cement has hardened in the form of paste, mortar or concrete, the photocatalytic
particles contained inside can oxidize organic and inorganic air pollutants in the
presence of air and light. Pollutants that can easily come into contact with the
cement, i.e., exhaust fumes, emissions from residential heating systems, indus-
trial emissions of aromatic chemical substances, and pesticides, do not adsorb
stably onto TX Active since they are oxidized to carbon dioxide. Moreover,
liquid organic pollutants do not adhere to the building materials but are washed
away by rain thanks to the light-induced superhydrophilicity of TiO2.
The use of this photocatalytic cement does not require particular caution or
specific procedures: the mortar and/or concrete preparation requires a suitable
water/cement ratio to enhance strength and prevent shrinkage; correct binder
content and adequate mixing to ensure uniform color; correct granulometric
curve; use of clean aggregates since dust particles adhering to the aggregates
can cause their removal from the binding matrix; suitable mixing time and
correct curing of casts. The concrete mix design, along with a continuous
TiO2-modified Cement and Ceramics 153
assistance provided by Italcementi to all the customers using its photocatalytic
cement, is suitable for a wide range of applications, such as restoration projects,
building projects with complex static and aesthetic specifications, high-quality
flooring, elements produced with or without steam curing, architectural con-
crete casts, stuccos and sealings.
Recently, the two main buildings realized with TX Active have been mon-
itored to check the prolonged stability of the original color. The results for both
the Italian church and the French construction are excellent. The colorimetric
measurements were performed through a CIE L*a*b* method.12 This method
allows us to determine the colorimetric parameters for quantitative evaluation
of surface color changes. In particular, the L* parameter refers to the lightness
of luminance (included in the 0–100 range) whereas a* and b* indicate the red-
magenta and blue-yellow color-opponent dimensions, respectively. In the case
of white cement the main reference parameter is L*, which is equal to 0 for
black and 100 for diffuse white.13
Measurements were carried out during the building of Dives in Misericordia
church (in 2000) until 2006 on different points of the three sails and of the
northern wall (Figure 5.6). The differences in lightness of luminance were very
low in all cases: Table 5.3 reports in particular the values corresponding to the
external sail. The difference in b* is due to inorganic inert materials mainly
caused by sand deposition carried from the Sahara through sirocco wind. This
is confirmed by the absence of b* variation in the northern wall protected from
Finally, the white color of the building was preserved for 6 years with less
than 1% variation in lightness. Analogous results were recorded in Chambéry.
Table 5.4 reports the L* values along with the standard variations for the
ground floor of the main building façades. Similar results were obtained in the
other buildings and on first floor walls. Finally, a* and b* values did not change
and the sand phenomenon recorded in Rome was indeed absent.
Italcementi offers two products containing TX Active:14 the first is the binder
TX Aria, which is ideal for the preparation of paints, mortars, plasters and
concretes and can be applied in horizontal or vertical structures and in tunnels
to promote the abatement of air pollutants and improve safety. It is especially
suitable in urban and highly polluted areas. TX Arca cements are, instead, ideal
for prestigious architectural buildings, allowing preservation of both top
Table 5.3 Mean values of L*, a* and b* values corresponding to the external
sail of Dives in Misericordia church. (Taken with permission from
ref. 13.)
Year 2000 September 2003
February 2005 June 2006
(building period) (end of works)
External Internal External Internal
L* 91.75 90.81 89.37 90.44 89.68 90.31
a* –0.41 –0.11 0.30 0.06 0.44 0.05
b* 2.53 4.51 7.75 3.10 7.83 3.35
154 Chapter 5
Table 5.4 Mean values of L* and standard deviations (s.d.) corresponding to
the main building (ground floor) of Cité de la Musique et des Beaux
Arts in Chambéry. (Taken with permission from ref. 13.)
Facade orientation
West North East South
No. of measurements
Service life 26 30 26 30
(months) L* s.d. L* s.d. L* s.d. L* s.d.
t0 ¼ 0 71.5 1.8 72.0 1.6 71.6 2.0 71.3 1.6
t1 ¼ 7 71.5 1.7 71.7 1.7 71.0 1.8 71.3 1.4
t2 ¼ 15 71.7 1.7 71.6 1.1 71.8 1.4 72.0 1.4
t3 ¼ 19 71.6 1.3 71.9 1.5 71.5 1.6 71.2 2.4
t4 ¼ 26 71.3 1.6 71.4 2.0 70.8 1.5 70.4 2.0
t5 ¼ 40 71.4 2.1 71.1 1.6 70.8 1.7 70.7 1.8
t6 ¼ 56 71.3 2.1 71.5 1.9 71.3 1.5 71.1 2.0
Figure 5.7 Aesthetics salon with exterior and indoor walls covered with a TiO2 sol.
(Photograph courtesy of Kon Corporation.)
Table 5.5 Kon Corporation TiO2 sol series. (Reproduced with permission
from ref. 16.)
Name Description Weight content (%)
PTA-85 Amorphous condition aqueous sol 0.85
PTA-170 Amorphous condition aqueous sol 1.70
TO-85 Photocatalytic active sol 0.85
TO-240 Photocatalytic active sol 2.40
TPX-85 Photocatalytic active sol 0.85
TPX-220 Photocatalytic active sol 2.20
TPX-HL Visible activated photocatalytic active sol 0.85
TPX-VB Hybrid type sol for sterilizing 0.85
TPX-AD Hybrid type sol for odor reduction 0.85
TPX-HP Hybrid type sol for superhydrophilicity 0.85
TPX is a mixed solution of PTA and TO. A film coated by TPX achieves a
photocatalytic effect and hardness of film after drying at room temperature.
TPX is a neutral solution that can be allied to various materials including metal
and resin. The photocatalytic effect and hardness of the film can be further
increased by heating the film. The resulting film is very stable over time.
The other solutions are visible-light activated (TPX-HL), hence they exploit
not only the solar UV fraction but also the visible one, which is ideal for
sterilization even in dark conditions (TPX-VB), or for destroying high amounts
of volatile organic compounds thanks to their strong adsorption on this kind of
film (TPX-AD), and, finally, the ideal film for window glass, with the highest
hydrophilicity (TPX-HP).
Many patents have been registered that describe the preparation of TiO2
colloidal solutions, even metal-doped ones to ensure a good absorption of
156 Chapter 5
visible light. For instance, colorless colloidal solutions can preserve the ori-
ginal appearance of a material’s surface, without altering the characteristics,
and can be applied on cementitious, marble or stone supports. The doping
agent represents an atomic percentage ranging from 0.1 to 1% with respect to
titanium atoms. Many precursors can be used, such as titanium tetrachloride,
oxysulfate or alkoxides. The hydrolysis of TiO2 precursors can take place
directly in the presence of salts containing the doping metal by co-precipitation
or mixing. The resulting liquid can be deposited by spraying or by using a
brush. Repeated depositions can be performed to reach the desired thickness.
Similarly, in 2008 A*STAR (Singapore) developed a TiO2 sol to be used as
coating for building exteriors, which has been patented and licensed to
In Europe, the Italian company Global Engineering S.p.A.19 is the leader in
the development, production, certification and application of materials with
photocatalytic properties. Founded by the Milanese entrepreneur Claudio
Terruzzi, Global Engineering has launched the Ecorivestimentos trademark
into the Italian and international markets as ideal for use as a cement photo-
catalytic covering. These photocatalytic coverings have been developed with
the exclusive PPSs technology (Proactive Photocatalytic System), which was
derived from research activity carried out by the scientific partner of Global
Engineering, i.e., Millennium Inorganic Chemical (Group Cristal Global – a
worldwide leading company in the treatment of titanium). This collaboration
between the two companies has led to the development of photocatalytic water-
based paints, internationally marketed under the trademarks of Ecopitturas
and Ecopaints.
Areas where the tiles can be applied with great benefits (Figure 5.8) are:
Figure 5.9 shows how dirt is washed away by natural water (rain) or wiped
off easily by manual cleaning since it does not adhere to the ceramic. This is also
true for oil and grease, which show a natural inclination to detach from the
Self-cleaning and stain-free performance were confirmed by many experi-
ments on site, outdoors.22 Likewise dirt and stains of oily pollutants deposited
on interior tiles used in lavatories or kitchens are always a problem. For
example, the fatty acids from soap can form chemical bonds with calcium and
magnesium in hard water and adhere to the tile surface, which are difficult to
clean after the accumulation of dirt.23 Hence the role of the TiO2 film inter-
posed between the ceramics and the organic dirt surface can break their
binding, rendering the washing process much easier (Figure 5.10).
Photocatalytic activity has to be checked with care since (i) the catalyst
properties have to be preserved during the manufacture and (ii) its accessibility
to both the organic compounds and to sufficient UV-light have to be verified.24
Superhydrophilicity, on one other hand, is promptly promoted when
exposing the surfaces to light, but can be highly prolonged even in dark con-
ditions by combining TiO2 with SiO2 or other silicon compounds with siloxane
Chapter 5
Figure 5.8 Application areas of ceramic tiles. (Photograph courtesy of Deutsche Steinzeug/brand Agrob Buchtal.)
TiO2-modified Cement and Ceramics 159
Figure 5.9 Functionalization of simple ceramic tiles (a) with TiO2 (b) ensures superior
performances by avoiding drop formation and promoting the abatement
of air pollutants. (Photograph courtesy of Toto Ltd.)
Figure 5.10 Dirt does not adhere to the photocatalytic tiles and is easily wiped off
(a); oily liquids that do not have any affinity with the TiO2 film readily
detach (b). (Photograph courtesy of Deutsche Steinzeug/brand Agrob
Figure 5.11 Bactericidal activity of photocatalytic tiles is clear for all three bacteria
shown. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 2a.)
on its surface. This effect becomes much stronger when TiO2 is doped with
silver or copper nanoparticles. Doping with silver and copper ensures, more-
over, a modest antimicrobial activity even in the absence of light, so it is
strongly advised when the bactericidal effect is important even in shadowed
surfaces such as in hospitals.
Other useful properties, verified indoors, are the decomposition of
cigarette smoke and of organic compounds present in urine. On this basis, the
Italian company Gambarelli has developed a complete series of ceramic tiles
made of porcelain stoneware for all rooms of a flat and for outdoor use. Their
brand name Oxygena26 refers to the role played by the active oxygen that
promotes the bactericidal and antismog effects. Oxygena ceramics are protected
by an international patent deposited in 2003, where the major innovation lies in
the firing system. Indeed, while TiO2 loses its photocatalytic properties at
900 1C Gambarelli has succeeded in creating a firing system that prevents the
loss of anti-pollution properties, enabling the tiles to be fired at 1130 1C, thus
ensuring the best qualities of mechanical strength along with those of anti-
A test protocol has been drawn up that demonstrates that 1 m2 of Oxygena
tiles exposed to daylight eliminates in eight hours pollutants such as NOx,
purifying a volume of air as high as 72 m3.
The only by-products are very small quantities of salts that are easily
removed by wind and rain outside or a simple washing indoors. Several hotels,
touristic villages, fitness centers, airports and also privates have already chosen
TiO2-modified Cement and Ceramics 161
Before entering the market, these ceramics were tested by simulating the air
quality of towns such as Rome or Milan in the laboratory. Gas containing
nitrogen monoxide and dioxide was fed into glass domes placed over a titanium
dioxide tile. The concentrations were in the 1–10 ppm range, corresponding to
medium-high and very high pollution levels. Lamps reproducing the solar spec-
trum were used to simulate radiation by sunlight. The clear result has been that
the quantity of pollution left was by far lower than the gas pumped in at the
beginning of the experiment. This gives a direct and clear relation between the
effect of the tiles and the reduction of pollution. Regarding indoor application, the
activating effect lies in daylight and works when windows are present in a room. It
is, however, possible to install a lamp emitting near-UV light in the case of rooms
without windows. When turned on for a few hours during the night it manages to
clean the tiles and air through activation of photocatalytic reactions. Even
ordinary lamps used for lighting activate the reaction, even if in a limited way.
Figure 5.12 shows some of the porcelain stoneware tiles proposed by
Gambarelli. Both the glazed version and the more traditional full body type are
produced and sold under the Oxygena brand.
Figure 5.12 Porcelain tiles of the Oxygena series range from traditional style to
modern and parquet-like. (Photograph courtesy of Gambarelli.)
162 Chapter 5
Figure 5.13 Dahlia Designs ceramic tiles are ideal in kitchens and bathrooms.
(Photograph courtesy of Dahlia.)
Dahlia produces and sells in Singapore ceramic and glass tiles functionalized
with nanosized anatase TiO2 with particular emphasis towards application in
baths and kitchens.27 After spending many years on research, Hongsheng
Ceramics (Suzhou Industrial Park) Co. Ltd. has successfully developed tita-
nium dioxide coated ceramic tiles (Dahlia Designs), without compromising the
exquisite finish of the ceramic tiles. They claim that the photocatalytic coating
gave rise to a new generation of self-cleaning, antibacterial, antifungal crystal
glass tiles and ceramic tiles, meeting expectations of a high standard of living,
environmental quality of the surrounding space and everyone’s wish to live in a
comfortable, clean and healthy environment. These tiles, which show major
anti-abrasion properties, also proved to be bactericidal and to degrade volatile
benzene under solar irradiation. Figure 5.13 shows an application of Dahlia
tiles in a cooking area. Dahlia has also recently launched a new series of pro-
ducts with highly vibrant colors in the shape of crystal glass mosaics, and
sparkling glass.
Tiles indoor and on façades are not the only applications of photocatalytic
ceramic materials. Roof-tiles have indeed been commercially developed by the
German company Erlus, in a vast variety, different in shape, size and color (red,
brown and black) (Figure 5.14).28 The product name is Erlus Lotus, and it is
the first self-cleaning clay roof, destroying organic dirt particles such as fat
deposits, grime, moss and algae using sunlight. Rain washes away the residuals
produced from reaction. In 2004 this product line won the Materialica Design
Award in the category of ‘‘materials.’’
TiO2-modified Cement and Ceramics 163
Figure 5.14 Erlus available roof-tiles (a) and an example of a roof with Erlus Lotus
self-cleaning tiles (b). (Photograph courtesy of Erlus.)
Figure 5.15 Pathways of light and activation of TiO2 in a concrete surface layer using
glass as aggregate. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 30.)
which can undergo damage, and (ii) only a small fraction of the employed TiO2
truly works photocatalytically, since most of it is not reached by irradiation.
The former problem can be solved by using a thin layer of inert silica that can
work as a proper barrier against ionic and molecular compound diffusion.29 To
enlarge the active semiconductor surface and hence the amount of pollutants
destroyed in a given area, we should work to make solar rays reach as much
catalyst as possible.
The replacement of the high amount of sand used in the preparation of
concrete with recycled glass cullets is surely an interesting way to achieve this
aim.30 Thanks to the transparency of glass, light rays can indeed penetrate
through a higher thickness with respect to normal concrete, where SiO2 particles
give rise to significant light scattering. Light is thus reflected by glass and the
pathway of rays is longer than in the presence of sand (Figure 5.15). Moreover,
the use of recycled material is of sound added value to this composite material.
The positive influence of transparence has been confirmed by comparing
performances of colored and transparent glass of similar sizes. Hence, lightly/
mildly colored glass or clear glass performs better than strongly colored ones
and brown glass performs even worse than sand (Figure 5.16).
Finally, glass particle size is not an important factor, probably because
compaction is necessary in concrete preparation.
TiO2 can be efficiently supported by impregnation on porous supports such as
pumice stone.31 Such techniques allow one to adsorb as much as 50 g m2 of
catalyst on pumice stone pellets. The latter, being soft materials, have to be fixed
on a hard matrix such as cement before its hardening. The resulting materials
can easily constitute construction materials and degrade air pollutants. The
porosity of the described pellets is a smart means of enhancing photoreactivity.
On one other hand, deposition of TiO2 over glazed ceramic tiles can be
achieved through screen-printing, a very cheap technique that is well estab-
lished in different manufacturing fields, from textile to glass and ceramics
industry. TiO2 nanoparticles can be firstly suspended in an organic solvent and
TiO2-modified Cement and Ceramics 165
safety and security: highly durable structures ensuring safety with their
high earthquake resistance, obtained by using special kinds of strong steel-
frame structures;
health and comfort: by using wind power and natural materials, the quality
of air is improved, combining mechanical and natural ventilation, whereas
humidity is controlled by means of natural materials absorbing and
emitting moisture;
166 Chapter 5
energy generation and conservation: solar power generation systems are
integrated in roofs or façades, and a self-cleaning effect brought about by
the photocatalytic technology keeps the outer wall of the house clean, at
the same time degrading air pollutants.
1. D. H. Chen, K. Li and R. Yuan, Photocatalytic Coating on Road Pave-
ments/Structures for NOx Abatement, presented to Houston Advanced
Research Center, available online at
2. (a) A. Fujishima, K. Hashimoto and T. Watanabe, TiO2 Photocatalysis.
Fundamentals and Applications, BKC, Tokyo, 1999; (b) A. Fujishima,
X. Zhang and D. A. Tryk, TiO2 photocatalysis and related surface phe-
nomena, Surf. Sci. Rep., 2008, 63, 515–582.
3. A. Fujishima and X. T. Zhang, Titanium dioxide photocatalysis: present
situation and future approaches, C. R. Chim., 2006, 9, 750–760.
4. L. Cassar, A. Beeldens, N. Pimpinelli and G. L. Guerrini, Photocatalysis,
Environment and Construction Materials, ed. P. Baglioni and L. Cassar,
RILEM, 2007, p. 131, ISBN: 978-2-35158-056-1.
5. A. Beeldens, ed., Photocatalysis, Environment and Construction Materials,
P. Baglioni and L. Cassar, RILEM, 2007, p. 187.
6. Y. Murata, H. Tawara, H. Obata and K. Murata, NOx-cleaning paving block,
EP-patent 0 786 283 A1, Mitsubishi Materials Corporation, Japan, 1997.
7. L. Cassar and C. Pepe, Paving tile comprising an hydraulic binder and photo-
catalyst particles, EP-patent 1 600 430 A1, Italcementi S.p.A., Italy, 1997.
8. G. Hüsken, M. Hunger and H. J. H. Brouwers, Experimental study of
photocatalytic concrete products for air purification, Build. Environ., 2009,
44, 2463–2474.
9. M. Kawakami, T. Furumura and H. Tokushige, Photocatalysis, Environ-
ment and Construction Materials, ed. P. Baglioni and L. Cassar, RILEM,
2007, p. 163.
10. M. Crispino and S. Lambrugo, Photocatalysis, Environment and Con-
struction Materials, ed. P. Baglioni and L. Cassar, RILEM, 2007, p. 211.
11. Details of TX Active cement are presented (in Italian) online at http://
12. Report of Committee on Colorimetry, J. Opt. Soc. Am., 1944, 34, 633.
13. G. L. Guerrini, A. Plassais, C. Pepe and L. Cassar, Photocatalysis, Environ-
ment and Construction Materials, ed. P. Baglioni and L. Cassar, RILEM,
2007, p. 219.
14. TX Arias and TX Arcas are presented at
15. ESSROC Cement:
16. Kon Corporation products are described online at http://www.saga-kon.
TiO2-modified Cement and Ceramics 167
17. R. Amadelli, L. Cassar and C. Pepe, Use of photocatalytic preparations of
colloidal titanium dioxide for preserving the original appearance of
cementitious, stone, or marble products, US Patent 6824826, Italcementi
S.p.A., Italy, 2004.
18. A*STAR press release at ¼
19. Information about Global Engineering products is available online at ¼ prodotti
20. Toto Ltd. patents:
21. A products brochure is available online at http://www.deutsche-steinzeug.
22. See, for example, R. Wang, K. Hashimoto, A. Fujishima, M. Chikuni,
E. Kojima, A. Kitamura, M. Shimohigoshi and T. Watanabe, Photo-
generation of highly amphiphilic TiO2 surfaces, Adv. Mater., 1998, 10, 135.
23. J. Chen and C. Poon, Photocatalytic construction and building materials:
from fundamentals to applications, Build. Environ., 2009, 44, 1899–1906.
24. D. M. Tobaldi, A. Tucci, G. Camera-Roda, G. Baldi and L. Esposito,
Photocatalytic activity for exposed building materials, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc.,
2008, 28, 2645–2652.
25. M. Shimohigoshi and Y. Saeki, Photocatalysis, Environment and Con-
struction Materials, ed. P. Baglioni and L. Cassar, RILEM, 2007, p. 291.
26. Information about the Oxygena brand can be found online at http://
27. Information about the Dahlia Designs brand can be found online at http:// ¼ com_content&
view ¼ article&id ¼ 128:photocatalyticproperty&catid ¼ 58:setsco-test-
report&Itemid ¼ 182
28. Information about the Erlus Lotus brand can be found online at http://
29. T. Yuranova, V. Sarria, W. Jardim, J. Rengifo, C. Pulgarin, G. Trabesinger
and J. Kiwi, Photocatalytic discoloration of organic compounds on out-
door building cement panels modified by photoactive coatings, J. Photo-
chem. Photobiol. A: Chem., 2007, 188, 334–341.
30. J. Chen and C.-S. Poon, Photocatalytic activity of titanium dioxide mod-
ified concrete materials – influence of utilizing recycled glass cullets as
aggregates, J. Environ. Manage., 2009, 90, 3436–3442.
31. K. V. Subba Rao, A. Rachel, M. Subrahmanyam and P. Boule, Immobi-
lization of TiO2 on pumice stone for the photocatalytic degradation of dyes
and dye industry pollutants, Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 2003, 46, 77–85.
32. P. S. Marcos, J. Marto, T. Trindade and J. A. Labrincha, Screen-printing
of TiO2 photocatalytic layers on glazed ceramic tiles, J. Photochem. Photo-
biol. A: Chem., 2008, 197, 125–131.
33. Information about Eco-life homes can be found online at http://www.
TiO2 on Plastic, Textile, Metal and Paper 169
Figure 6.1 PVC material manufactured by Taiyo Kogyo and kept outdoors. The left-
hand half part of the tent material was coated with TiO2. Picture taken: (a)
22 July 2004; (b) 23 April 2007. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 1.)
drastically affecting the final polymer characteristics; on one other hand, TiO2
particles, even if surrounded by a thin polymeric films, do not come into
contact with target pollutants present in air or water and no redox reaction
occurs. Another effect that should not be neglected is the thermal catalytic
activity of TiO2, which can radically affect the reaction of monomers if the
polymerization is carried out at certain temperatures.
It is, however, possible to spray-coat room temperature curable resins with
TiO2 particles to obtain a photocatalytic external layer. For instance, Smooth-
On Crystal Clears 202, a low viscosity urethane resin that cures at room
temperature with negligible shrinkage, can be functionalized by spraying with
Degussa P25 particles during resin curing.3 Samples had to be washed because a
significant amount of excess powdered TiO2 remained on the resin surface.
SEM images revealed that the TiO2 layer was quite thick, up to 70 mm, and it
depended on the application moment with respect to curing development. The
described coating method works mechanically rather than through chemical
bonding, and thus requires a certain degree of TiO2 particle encapsulation. By
tailoring experimental conditions it should be possible to avoid encapsulating
all of the TiO2, which would prevent it participating in reactions with pollutants
in the reaction medium (either air or liquid phases). These materials have been
tested for propene gas phase oxidation under UV irradiation, performed with a
medium-pressure mercury lamp. Acetone, CO, H2O and CO2 were detected as
oxidation products. Even though this process has been applied to room curable
polymer resins, it could be similarly extended to other polymeric materials. A
key factor influencing the properties of the final material is the time at which the
coating is applied during the resin curing process, which eventually determines
the thickness (Figure 6.2) and quality of the TiO2 layer.
If we choose to support a film by, for example, means of a sol-gel method,
this implies that the deposited titanium dioxide film has to be either crystalline
or warmed at 400 1C to obtain a crystalline photoactive structure, and the same
temperature should be reached if we use titanium dioxide crystalline particles
170 Chapter 6
30 40 50 60 70 80
Coating time [min]
Figure 6.2 Thickness of TiO2 film spray-coated on Smooth-On Crystal Clears 202
resin with respect to coating time. Time zero is represented by the
beginning of resin curing. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 3.)
along with an organic gluing template, in order to get rid of the organic species
and to obtain, mainly, particle sintering. Nevertheless, the hydrolysis of tita-
nium alkoxides, carried out at moderate temperatures (40–100 1C), can yield a
crystalline anatase structure without the need for calcination. For instance,
acrylonitrile–butadiene–styrene polymer (ABS) and polystyrene (PS) substrates
have been covered by means of a TiO2 transparent nano-sol.4 The latter was
obtained by hydrolysis of titanium tetraisopropoxide in isopropanol, acet-
ylacetone and water. The eventual addition of nitric acid and warming at 80 1C
made the hydrolysis complete, modifying the complexing power of the inhi-
biting ligand (acetylacetone) and providing some thermal energy favoring the
structural reorganizations needed for crystallization of TiO2 nanoparticles. The
final transparent sol (applied by dip-coating) showed different transmittance
spectra depending on TiO2 amount (ranging between 0.3 and 3 wt%) and
acetylacetone/Ti ratio (Figure 6.3).
Film quality is strongly influenced by some parameters, such as the
number of coating cycles. By increasing this number from 5 to 10, the
surface starts to crack and deep pores appear with increasing film thickness.
This behavior can be ascribed to the large mass change during volatilization of
solvent and acetylacetone. Similarly, the increase of TiO2 content pro-
duces severe cracks and pores on the surface of the films. The adhesion of films
was tested in various ways and found to be satisfactory. Indeed,
even treatments with organic solvents did not give rise to film peeling. The
photocatalytic activity of these films was evaluated by decomposing Methylene
Notably, methods involving the hydrolysis of a titanium alkoxide to yield a
transparent sol with a certain degree of crystallization hardly ever permit TiO2
amounts higher than 10%.
Polycarbonate and poly(methyl methacrylate) substrates have also been
functionalized by spin-coating of a sol derived from titanium tetraisopropoxide
TiO2 on Plastic, Textile, Metal and Paper 171
Figure 6.3 Variation of UV–Vis spectra of TiO2 hybrid sols with complexing ratio
(acetylacetone/Ti ¼ x); x ¼ (a) 0, (b) 1, (c) 2 and (d) 3. Inset: corresponding
optical absorption spectra. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 4.)
hydrolysis in ethanol, water and hydrochloric acid.5 Once deposited, the films
were heat-treated in an autoclave placed inside a tubular furnace at 90–140 1C.
This treatment was carried out in the presence of ethanol–water vapors. Water/
ethanol ratios (rwe) between 0 and 100 were tested. Anatase crystals (ca. 10 nm)
were obtained along with traces of brookite, detected by means of selected area
electron diffraction patterns, and, notably, autoclaving time strongly influences
both refractive index and thickness (Figure 6.4). As crystallization proceeds,
the refractive index was observed to decrease. This behavior is related to a
continuous increase in porosity. Moreover, it should be underlined that the
refractive index value of autoclaved films was very low compared to the value
measured on films heat-treated in air.
The photocatalytic activity of these films was studied through malic acid
photodecomposition tests. All the autoclaved films showed a constant rate of
malic acid disappearance over a period of 3 h, thus indicating apparent zero-
order kinetics. To obtain a proper indication of photoactivity, films autoclaved
for 5 h in the range 90–140 1C were compared with others of similar thickness
that had been heat-treated in air for 1 h at 300 and 500 1C by using a silicon
substrate (instead of a polymeric one). The anatase crystallized film heat-
treated at 500 1C transformed about 30% of the malic acid after 3 h UV
exposure. With respect to this film, the photocatalytic yield of autoclaved films
was about 50%.
172 Chapter 6
Figure 6.4 Thickness and refractive index versus autoclaving time for TiO2 films spin-
coated as described in the text. Untreated film accounts for a film dried
only at room temperature for 24 h. The drawn lines simply show the trends
and do not represent any studied model. (Reproduced with permission
from ref. 5.)
The low affinity between the polymeric substrate and TiO2 can be moderated
by implementing chemical treatments to perform a surface functionalization of
the polymeric interface or by choosing a polymer with appropriate functional
moieties. For instance, sulfonic groups of a Nafion film were reported to
enhance TiO2 anchoring thanks to the mutual electrostatic interaction.6 Thus,
the resulting thin film photocatalyst showed stable performance during long-
term operation, without TiO2 leaching from the polymer surface, providing
acceptable kinetics during the photocatalytic degradation of an azo dye.
TiO2 can also be bound on inert thin polymer films without charged groups
(such as sulfonic, carboxylic or phosphonic) able to interact electrostatically
with the TiO2.7 Thus, heating Tedlars, Parylene or low density polyethylene
films, inside an alcoholic suspension of TiO2 particles, introduces oxidative
binding sites on the polymer surface that properly anchor TiO2. The resulting
materials are shown in Figure 6.5 in which Degussa P25 TiO2 nanoparticles are
clearly visible. Notably, the layer of TiO2 particles on the polymeric film after
ca. 6 h reaction was found to be quite stable, thus explaining the long-term
activity of the materials under irradiation. Photocatalytic degradation of two
dyes (Methyl Orange and Orange II) was tested in aqueous solution irradiated
by simulated solar light. Significant differences were found, depending on the
polymeric substrate used; the kinetics of the Tedlar/TiO2 and Parylene/TiO2
photocatalyst for azo-dyes degradation were about twice that of polyethylene/
TiO2. These materials were able to resist highly oxidizing hydroxyl radicals and
to give rise to photocatalytic reactions. However, many aspects of either phy-
sical or chemical binding have still to be investigated.
Polycarbonate substrates can be functionalized with TiO2 by direct current
reactive magnetron sputtering. This method has several benefits, such as
TiO2 on Plastic, Textile, Metal and Paper 173
pure TiO2 films deposited at low sputtering pressure was prominent. Such films
exhibit small grain size, indicating that the lifetime of free electron–hole pairs
are particle-size dependent. Hence the number of free charges on the TiO2
surface should be reduced, resulting in improved photocatalytic activity.
Moderate concentrations of iron dopant yield a slight increase in photo-
catalytic activity with respect to pure TiO2 films deposited under the same
experimental conditions. Conversely, a high iron concentration is detrimental
for photocatalytic efficiency. Finally, comparison between the photocatalytic
activity of TiO2 films deposited on polycarbonate and glass substrates shows
that the polymeric material is more active. Hence, polycarbonate appears a
promising material in terms of its photocatalytic properties, with a view to
industrial application as a low-weight ‘‘self-cleaning’’ material.
As mentioned briefly already, a key aim when preparing a photocatalytic
polymer is to retain its mechanical properties. Films deposited through room
temperature magnetron sputtering on polycarbonate have been tested by
applying a test velocity of dl/dt ¼ 0.2 mm min1 on the sample strips. Similarly,
some samples were prepared for the photocatalytic experiments after strain
deformations of 0.5%, 1% and 5%.9 Figure 6.7 shows typical stress–strain
curves for polycarbonate substrates. Young’s modulus for polycarbonate
substrate was measured as B8.4 MPa and for the composites materials 8.9–
9.5 MPa. Hence, the mechanical performance of the composite materials
improve, because the Young’s modulus of TiO2 is rather high if compared to
TiO2 on Plastic, Textile, Metal and Paper 175
Figure 6.7 Stress–strain curves for polycarbonate samples nude and functionalized by
TiO2. The different curves correspond to the maximum strain deformation
applied to each of the samples for the photocatalytic experiments.
(Reproduced with permission from ref. 9.)
polycarbonate one. Its value ranges in fact between 0.7 and 1.8 GPa for
deposited films that are ca. 600 nm thick and poorly crystalline.
Variations in microstructure with the applied axial strain were observed by
an optical microscope connected to a CCD camera (Figure 6.8). In all cases
visible cracks only appeared for samples deformed at strains larger that 0.75%.
Samples prepared with oxygen flow rates before the threshold conditions (A-
type) had a better mechanical performance than those prepared with a com-
position slightly above it (B-type). In the A-type samples the cracks appeared,
indeed, at quite larger deformation (B1.5%) than for B-type samples
Interestingly, in the degradation of Rhodamine B the most deformed sam-
ples showed the highest degradation rates. In fact, as the material is deformed
and cracks propagate it exposes more surface area than previously and, thus,
the UV-generated electron–hole pairs have more sites at which to reduce/oxi-
dize the pollutant.
A multilayer spin-coating procedure has been applied to deposit TiO2 on
thermoplastics such as high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and poly(vinyl
chloride) (PVC).10 These polymers are among the most widespread worldwide:
HDPE is processed, by blow molding or injection molding, for instance, into
bottles, toys, food containers and plastic bags, while PVC finds use in buildings
and construction (450% of all PVC), automotive industry, and medical
devices. The prominent resistance to degradation of PVC is the reason why it is
often preferred in long-life applications such as outdoor tubes and floor
176 Chapter 6
Figure 6.8 Images of surfaces of an A-type sample for 0.5% (a) and 5% (b) strain
deformations, and for 5% strain deformations in a B-type sample (c).
(Reproduced with permission from ref. 9.)
+PU binder
PU binding layer
TiO2 TiO 2
Figure 6.9 Scheme of multilayer films deposited on PVC (PU stands for
Samples were tested in the degradation of palmitic acid in the gas phase under
UV irradiation. HDPE samples exhibited a higher activity than PVC ones,
which can be related to photocatalytic inhibition caused by PVC plasticizers.
Nanostructured titanium dioxide, modified on its surface with silanes con-
taining organic or fluoro-organic side chains, constitutes a smart transparent
coating applicable on the surface of plastics.11
The coating can be obtained starting from a TiO2 anatase sol (obtained
through the hydrolysis of titanium tetraisopropoxide by a conventional
method); further drying of the powder by rotovapor, dispersion in toluene,
followed by mixing with a fluorosilicate and centrifugation to separate the
particle agglomerates affords a fluorosilane-modified TiO2 with moderate
polarity (Figure 6.10). These particles are then added to a binding sol (made of
pre-hydrolyzed methyl-silica) in methyl ethyl ketone. The coating can be
applied on PVC through spray, dip, spin or flow coating. The best performing
thickness of the resulting film was 1–2 mm. It should be underlined that the
transparency of the coating is guaranteed only if the particle size of the anatase
is significantly below 20 nm (since TiO2 has a refractive index of ca. 2.5).
Accordingly the so-prepared sol affords particle sizes of 5–10 nm.
Interestingly, while coating-sols containing modified TiO2 nanoparticles
look completely homogenous, after application of the coating sol and sub-
sequent evaporation of the solvents from a wet film a gradual change of the
178 Chapter 6
Figure 6.11 Modified TiO2 nanocoating before and after activation. (Adapted with
permission from ref. 11.)
balance between polar and nonpolar compounds in the film take place that,
finally, leads to a thermodynamically driven diffusion of TiO2 nanoparticles
towards the interface between coating and air.
During the first hours of UV irradiation, film activation takes place, in which
the organic side chains at the surface of the TiO2 particles are oxidized,
revealing the active form of the particles. During activation the contact angle is
reduced from 90–1001 to below 101, i.e., to superhydrophilic behavior. This
leads to the formation of a SiO2 protective layer between the polymeric sub-
strate and the catalyst (Figure 6.11).
Figure 6.12 SEM images of untreated (a), TiO2-padded (b) and TiO2-coated (c)
cotton fabrics. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 13.)
180 Chapter 6
distribution on the fiber surface was not quite even, probably owing to
aggregation of some fine TiO2 particles. The morphological features of TiO2-
coated cotton fabric surface differ greatly from those of the TiO2-padded
cotton fabric, with few TiO2 particles since they probably aggregate with the
binder layer.
Gaseous ammonia decomposition was proven to take place by using these
materials. Both padded and coated fibers were active, but in the former case the
TiO2 loading had a primary influence on reaction rate, probably because of the
much greater exposed surface than in the coated material. Hence, the padded
textile was ca. 2.5-fold more effective than the coated one, in terms of kinetic
constants. On the other hand, the TiO2-coated cotton fabric showed relatively
strong adsorption of ammonia molecules due to the presence of the acrylic
binder layer partially covering TiO2 particles on the surface.
Sol-gel methods at low temperature (o100 1C) can be surely applied in the
preparation of TiO2-modified cotton.14 Cellulose fibers, previously cleaned
with acetone, can be covered by using a titanium isopropoxide (TIP) sol, pre-
pared through mixing with isopropanol and triethylamine as stabilizer of the
solution. The addition of an acidic aqueous solution then yields a TiO2
transparent sol, with which the cellulose fibers can be impregnated. After
drying, a boiling treatment in water can remove all the unattached TiO2 par-
ticles from the surface of the fibers.
SEM images of such materials (Figure 6.13) show how the folds running
parallel to the elongation direction, present in the pure fibers, are covered by a
continuous and homogeneous TiO2 thin film, which obscures the surface folds
below. The formation of some aggregates is also clearly visible. The presence of
a badly crystallized anatase phase was shown by X-ray diffraction.
Accordingly these TiO2-covered cellulose fibers show high photocatalytic
efficiency in decomposing adsorbed Methylene Blue and heptane-extracted
bitumen fraction under solar-like light. Furthermore, the TiO2 film, although
highly efficient in pollutant degradation, does not promote simultaneous fiber
A metal doping agent, such as gold, can be introduced in the above pre-
paration by soaking in a HAuCl4 aqueous solution with subsequent irradiation
to promote reduction of Au cations, thus yielding Au nanoparticles on a TiO2
film.14b The resulting cotton fibers are, hence, covered by a thin Au/TiO2 film
consisting of anatase nanocrystallites that strongly adhere to the support, with
a purple color and a significantly improved photocatalytic activity under solar
light with respect to undoped samples.
Fibrous proteins, such as keratins, which are also the main structural con-
stituents of animal tissues, are present for instance in wool, silk, hemp and
spider silk. Self-cleaning keratin fibers can be realized following a bottom-up
nanotechnology approach in which anatase nanocrystals of TiO2 are prepared
and carefully applied to the fibers via a low temperature sol-gel process to
maintain their intrinsic properties, which would be drastically affected by
warming at high temperature. The sol-gel process consists of a procedure
similar to the previously described ones, based on titanium tetraisopropoxide
TiO2 on Plastic, Textile, Metal and Paper
Figure 6.13 SEM images of pure cellulose fiber (a, b), and TiO2-impregnated fiber (c, d). (Reproduced with permission from ref. 14a.)
182 Chapter 6
Figure 6.14 Red wine stain degradation on pristine keratin fibers (PO) and on two
TiO2-modified fibers (TO and TS) under UV irradiation. (Reproduced
with permission from ref. 15.)
Figure 6.15 Succinylation of keratins and the binding action of TiO2 to the modified
agent. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 15.)
Plasma POSS TiO2 TiO2
Shear stress at 51 2HG5 [N/m] 1–3 1.41 1.03 ( 27.0 %) 1.07 ( 24.1 %)
Bending properties
Bending rigidity (warp) BI [x[04 N-m] 0.04–0.10 0.090 0.059 ( 34.4 %) 0.075 ( 16.6%)
(weft) B2 [xl04 N-m] 0.04–0.10 0.052 0.042 ( 19.2%) 0.059 ( þ 13.5%)
Bending moment 2HB[xl02N] 0.015–0.50 0.043 0.014 ( 67.4 %) 0.024 ( 44.2 %)
Compression properties
Compression energy WC [N/m] 0.1–0.5 0.135 0.135 (0.0 %) 0.101 ( 25.2 %)
Compression resilience RC [%] 35–60 40.85 47.29 ( þ 15.8%) 51.37 ( þ 25.8 %)
Linearity LC[-] 0.265 0.301 ( þ 13.6%) 0.337 ( þ 27.2 %)
Fabric thickness at 49 N/m2 To [mm] 0.332 0.396 ( þ 19.3 %) 0.270 ( 18.7%)
Fabric thickness at 4900 N/m2 Tm [mm] 0.130 0.216 ( þ 66.2 %) 0.150 ( þ 15.4%)
Surface properties
Coefficient of friction MIU [-] 0.15–0.30 0.173 0.351 ( þ 202.9 %) 0.280 ( þ 61.9%)
Mean deviation of MIU MMD [-] 0.010–0.05 0.0121 0.0148 ( þ 22.3 %) 0.0157 ( þ 29.8 %)
Geometrical roughness SMD [mm] 2–15 2.855 3.421 ( þ 19.8%) 3.298 ( þ 15.5%)
186 Chapter 6
Though ensuring a complete distribution of TiO2 throughout the sheet, the
major challenge of wet-end addition of TiO2 is the retention of nanometer-
scale, anionic and stable colloidal TiO2 particles in the paper sheet during the
rapid filtration process on a paper machine. The implementation of high
molecular weight cationic water-soluble polymers make, on the one hand, the
TiO2 particles deposit on the wood fibers before paper sheet formation, while,
on the other hand, they can also cause the TiO2 particles to flocculate with
themselves and with other fillers, giving rise to the formation of large aggre-
gates (5 mm). Owing to the covering effect of the cationic polymers the paper
surfaces are likely to have a lower TiO2 content than the inner part of the sheet.
Wet-end addition can be performed though by synthesizing TiO2 particles in
the presence of fibers, heating to only 97 1C, via titanium tetraisopropoxide
In size press treatment, dry paper is impregnated with TiO2 by passing it
through a size press where the paper surface is exposed to an aqueous sus-
pension of TiO2 and a binder, typically starch.
The papermaker can control the extent of penetration of the size press dis-
persion into the paper, by varying the base paper hydrophobicity and porosity.
This process allows for TiO2 concentration near the paper surfaces; because
TiO2 is coated with a binder, the local environment around the TiO2, along
with porosity and hydrophobicity extents, can be strictly controlled and dif-
ferentiated from the untreated regions of the paper sheet.21
The presence of TiO2 can be responsible for major photodegradation of
paper compared with TiO2-free papers. Methods to protect cellulose have been
reported and are based on the co-precipitation of TiO2 with colloidal silica,21a
aluminium silicates or polymeric binders.22
Although information on paper composition and the influence of structure
on photocatalytic activity has not been completely clarified, it is known that
lignin works as photosensitizer and thus could perhaps be used to enhance TiO2
Photoresistant non-woven paper, produced by the company Ahlstrom21 by
using TiO2 Degussa P25 and Millennium PC500, has used to degrade diuron in
aqueous solution.24 This flexible photocatalytic paper is prepared by using
colloidal silica as binder. Figure 6.17 reports the experimental set-ups used to
analyze TiO2 supported both on paper and in slurries; for comparison purposes
the same amount of TiO2 was employed in each case. The reaction mixtures
were irradiated by means of a 125W UV-lamp in both cases.
The nature of the TiO2 particles (P25 or PC500) deposited on Ahlstrom
paper NW10 does not seem to influence the kinetics of the photocatalytic
degradation of diuron, in contrast to results obtained with suspended powders
(Figure 6.18). The efficiency of C500 deposited on paper is, however, very close
to that obtained with unsupported PC500. The difference in shape between the
two disappearance curves in the first tens of minutes of degradation could be
caused by additional diuron adsorption in the dark on the paper and on the
silica binder. Conversely, P25/NW10 presents an efficiency that is two times
lower than that of P25 powder. These differences in behavior for P25 and
TiO2 on Plastic, Textile, Metal and Paper 187
Figure 6.17 Photoreactor scheme used to test the activity of TiO2 supported on paper
(a) and of the corresponding slurries for comparison (b). (Reproduced
with permission from ref. 24.)
treatment cycle than films obtained from the sol without powder addition. The
prepared thick films were smooth and free of macrocracking and fracture. The
aggregate size of these films was in the range 100–150 nm and films containing
both anatase and rutile phases can be obtained. Moreover, the so-prepared
films are much harder than films obtained from unmodified sols, and displayed
excellent adhesion to the substrate.26 These catalysts were found to be photo-
catalytically active in the degradation of 4-chlorobenzoic acid.
An efficient nanoparticle deposition system (NPDS) applicable to metal
surfaces consists in spraying nano- and micro-sized TiO2 powders through a
supersonic nozzle at room temperature under low vacuum conditions.27 The
accelerated particles can be thus deposited on many substrates without thermal
TiO2 on Plastic, Textile, Metal and Paper 189
treatments. Figure 6.19 shows the components of an NPDS, including the air
compressor, powder supplier, vacuum chamber, vacuum pump and controllers.
The nozzle accelerates particles to a supersonic flow, which then impacts
against the substrate. Commercial rutile TiO2 powder was used to apply TiO2
coatings on stainless steel (Figure 6.20) and on polymeric substrates with a
thickness of ca. 300 nm. The TiO2-covered stainless steel showed hardness and
modulus values ca. 10% higher than the uncovered ones. This method was
found to be applicable also to Al and Cu alloys.
A uniform and active TiO2 film can be coated on stainless steel substrates by
using a microemulsion of an organic surfactant (Triton X-100) in cyclohexane–
water solvents mixed with titanium isopropoxide. Finally, the TiO2 sol (con-
tained in water droplets) can be deposited by dip-coating.
Figure 6.20 Images of a 5 5 mm TiO2 coating on stainless steel: (a) optical image
and (b) SEM image. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 27.)
190 Chapter 6
Calcination at 500 1C to both remove organics and crystallize TiO2
completes the procedure.28 Increasing amounts of Fe(II) and Fe(III) ions
diffuse from the stainless-steel substrate to TiO2 films with increasing calcina-
tion time.
The films were superhydrophilic. Water contact angles for freshly prepared
anatase TiO2 films on stainless steel were indeed about 15–201 due to the
Figure 6.21 (a) Contact angle of TiO2 films coated on stainless steel with different
calcination times versus UV illumination time (540 mW cm2, 22 1C, RH
80%, in air); (b) change in water contact angles versus storage time in
the dark under ambient conditions. (Reproduced with permission from
ref. 28.)
TiO2 on Plastic, Textile, Metal and Paper 191
presence of some surface defects. However, when these samples were kept in the
dark, the water contact angles increased to 50–601. To turn these slightly
hydrophilic films into photo-induced hydrophilic ones, they were illuminated
with a UV lamp under normal conditions. Figure 6.21(a) shows that water
contact angles sharply decrease from 45–501 to 10–181 within 60 min and then
gradually decrease to 2–81 after 300 min irradiation. Keeping the same films in
the dark for 20–30 days results in the re-establishment of the previous
Figure 6.22 TiO2-treated plastic films are stain-proof and can be cleaned easily with
plain water. (Photograph courtesy of Nippon Soda Corporation.)
Figure 6.24 TiO2-treated polycarbonate for application in road signals and sound-
proof road barriers. (Photograph courtesy of Sekisui Jushi Corporation.)
TiO2 on Plastic, Textile, Metal and Paper 193
Figure 6.25 Two examples of TiO2-coated PVC: (left-hand side) an ecology museum
in Taiwan; (right-hand side) an external chapel in Osaka. (Photograph
courtesy of Taiyo Kogyo Corporation.)
Figure 6.26 Scheme of the four photocatalytic products proposed by Taiyo Kogyo.
(Photograph courtesy of Taiyo Kogyo Corporation.)
Figure 6.27 Photographs and SEM image of fibers for textiles by Kuraray Trading
Co. (Photograph courtesy of Kuraray Trading Co.)
Figure 6.28 Self-cleaning and self-sterilizing paper applied in window blinds and in
dresses. (Photograph courtesy of MOLZA Corporation.)
TiO2 on Plastic, Textile, Metal and Paper 195
etc.) and has superb self-cleaning performances. The other products are white,
except for ‘‘Sky See-Through’’ that shows a high transmittance (ca. 65%).
Figure 6.26 shows the structure of these membranes.
Kuraray Trading Co., experts in polyester filament manufacture, has
developed unique polymer products such as an antibacterial deodorizing fiber
and the ethylene vinyl alcohol-based ‘‘Sophista.’’ These products were the
results of extensive and original development of composite materials incor-
porating Kuraray polyester and other fibers, along with secondary products.32
Figure 6.27 shows some pictures of the self-cleaning textiles developed and a
SEM image of the fiber used to manufacture them.
Even in the case of photocatalytic paper materials, the examples are
very few and mainly by Japanese companies. Ahlstrom started working on
photocatalytic nonwoven products in 1996, describing them in conferences
and to the press and now they propose these products as efficient devices with
which to purify air and water.33 Nippon Paper (Tokyo, Japan), on one other
hand, developed a few years ago the ‘‘Light Catalytic Newsprint’’ (PDASHt)
with Yomiuri, one of Japan’s largest newspaper publishers.34 These newsprints
(containing TiO2) deodorize the surrounding air when irradiated by UV and
ambient light. The Japan Synthetic Textile Inspection Institute Foundation
confirmed that PDASHt successfully led to a reduction of more than 99% in
the concentration of acetaldehyde, i.e., the main component of cigarette
odors, in ca. 20 h. Moreover, the developed technology allows for the
196 Chapter 6
production of coated paper that is compatible with any type of printing
machine in high-speed printing. The virgin pulp source to produce this paper is
made from PEFCC (Pan-European Forest Certification Council) certified
Figure 6.28 shows other commercial products produced from photocatalytic
paper by the MOLZA Corporation.35 Finally, Figure 6.29 shows an alumi-
nium-siding coated with TiO2 by the YKK Corporation, in a building
constructed in 1999 in Sendai.36
1. A. Fujishima, X. Zhang and D. A. Tryk, TiO2 photocatalysis and related
surface phenomena, Surf. Sci. Rep., 2008, 63, 515–582.
2. (a) M. P. Paschoalino, J. Kiwi and W. F. Jardim, Gas-phase photocatalytic
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19. H. Matsubara, M. Takada, S. Koyama, K. Hashimoto and A. Fujishima,
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29. Nippon Soda Corporation:
30. Sekisui Jushi Corporation :
31. Details of products from Taiyo Kogyo Corporation are available online at
32. Details of photocatalytic products from Kuraray Trading Co. are available
online at
33. Details of photocatalytic paper produced by Ahlstrom can be found online
34. Details about photocatalytic paper produced by Nippon Paper can be
found online at
35. Details about photocatalytic paper produced by Molza Corporation can be
found online at
36. Details about photocatalytic paper produced by YKK Corporation can be
found online at
200 Chapter 7
Figure 7.1 View of the solar CPC collector field (Arganda del Rey, Madrid, Spain).
(Reproduced with permission from ref. 7.)
Photocatalyst Oxidant
Solar UV
Filter Pump
Photoreactor CPC
solar collector field
<100 ppm >100 ppm
(irrigation WASHING
Water) CYCLE
GAC filter
Industrial bottles
Washing process
effluent of the industrial plant. Figure 7.5 gives a block diagram of the
decontamination process; blocks other than the photoreactor represent existing
units of the water treatment system of the plant. The photoreactor was designed
to treat a flow rate of 1 m3 h1 of the liquid effluent feeding the ozonization
reactor and to perform a 98% conversion of cyanides.
202 Chapter 7
Figure 7.4 Industrial solar photocatalytic water treatment plant for pesticide-bottle
recycling (La Mojonera, Almerı́a, Spain) (150 m2 of total collector
Primary Ozone
Effluent settler oxidation
Figure 7.5 Block diagram of the decontamination process; blocks other than that for
the photoreactor represent existing units of the water treatment system of
the IGCC plant.
electric motor
support inlet 1500
Pyrex tubes
Pyrex 500
Sedimentation zones
(A) (B)
Figure 7.6 (a) Scheme of the pilot plant photoreactor; (b) photoreactor top view,
showing the distribution of Pyrex tubes containing the lamps. The figures
indicate millimetres.
diameter of the photoreactor is 1800 mm. A rotating pump feeds the liquid flow
to the photoreactor while the exit stream leaves the photoreactor by gravity.
The irradiating system consists of 16 Pyrex cylindrical tubes (ca. 2 m long), each
of which contains eight fluorescent actinic lamps (40 W, 60 cm high). The
Devices for Water and Air Purification 205
reacting mixture is mixed by a turbine impeller (500 mm diameter) with inclined
blades in order to obtain a high axial flow. The impeller is positioned at about
1/6 of the liquid height from the bottom in order to better suspend the catalyst
particles. Figures 7.7 and 7.8 are photographs of the photoreactor and of some
Figure 7.7 Picture of (a) the photoreactor; (b) view of the external vessel and jacket of
the photoreactor; (c) the photoreactor cover; (d) view of the outlet of the
206 Chapter 7
Figure 7.8 Picture of (a) the control system panel used to check the correct working
order of the lamps; (b) view of the opening that allows the reacting volume
to be in contact with the atmosphere; (c) stainless steel support of the
Pyrex tubes; (d) Pyrex tube with the support containing eight lamps.
The catalyst was TiO2 supported on Al2O3 particles. The supported catalyst
had a TiO2 content of 53 wt%; it exhibited a high reactivity while maintaining
long-term mechanical stability. The reactivity runs carried out on the power
plant wastewater showed a cyanide conversion higher than 98%.
The main merit of this pilot plant investigation has been the demonstration
of the feasibility of a process for cyanide degradation by mean of heterogeneous
photocatalytic method at the industrial level. The good performance of the
pilot plant photoreactor allows one to obtain a liquid effluent with a con-
centration of free cyanide far below the 0.5 ppm that is the maximum allowable
value according to EC environment protection law.
Devices for Water and Air Purification 207
7.1.3 Photo-CREC-Water Reactors
Researchers at the Chemical Reactor Engineering Centre (CREC)13 of the
University of Western Ontario (Canada) have designed and constructed
photocatalytic reactors (either for gas–solid or liquid–solid regime) under
the optimality criteria of improved efficiency and improved irradiation of the
Three photocatalytic reactors for water treatment have been produced:
internal sensor to measure the radiation field; and (iv) internal irradiation to
make uniform the radiation field in radial directions. The reactor is irradiated
externally by UV lamps. The external illumination permits the simulation of
solar irradiation whereas the combination of internal and external illumination
allows the increase of irradiation efficiency.
The bench-scale Photo-CREC reactors maximize the catalyst–liquid contact
and the efficiency of light–TiO2 interaction;17 on this basis they facilitate the
study of important reaction engineering parameters such as the adsorption and
the reaction rates of model compounds, the photodegradation mechanisms and
the photocatalyst performance.
Photo-CREC Water reactors have been successfully used in the photo-
conversion of many organic and inorganic pollutants, as well as the inactivation
of microorganisms contained in water. A semi-commercialized version of the
Photo-CREC unit (Figure 7.12) has a water treatment capacity of 300 l,
addressing the basic daily needs of a community of 500 people (around 1200 l
day1). Research is underway to increase the Photo-CREC reactor’s capacity,
with the goal of supplying drinking water to communities of 3000 people.
Figure 7.13 Set-up of the UBE photoreacting system. (Reproduced with permission
from ref. 18.)
detrimental compounds that in big cities are in large excess over permissible
rates. It is, therefore, of great concern to purify, as much as possible, the air of
enclosed sites.
Heterogeneous photocatalysis is one of the most efficient and cost-effective
air purification technologies, and scientists predict that it would be the main
method of air purification in the near future. Photocatalytic methods for indoor
air purification have considerable advantages over other methods. Unlike air
purification by adsorption, photocatalytic oxidation leads to complete neu-
tralization of air pollutants, forming CO2 and H2O as final products, and no
regular regeneration of the photocatalyst is usually required. Almost any
212 Chapter 7
Figure 7.14 Cell concentrations versus irradiation time for a run with Legionella
without catalyst (B) and for photocatalytic runs with Legionella (J) and
with aerobic bacteria (&); K and ’ indicate the initial concentration of
Legionella and aerobic bacteria, respectively. (Reproduced with permis-
sion from ref. 20.)
Figure 7.15 UBE photocatalytic device: (a) fiber module; (b) fiber cartridge.
(Reproduced with permission from ref. 18.)
Devices for Water and Air Purification 213
organic substance, even at low concentration, can be oxidized under ambient
conditions using air oxygen. Owing to these favorable features, the photo-
catalytic method has attracted the attention of industry devoted to producing
apparatuses for air conditioning; here the objective is purify the indoor air of
homes, hospitals, farms, etc.
In some purifying apparatuses the photocatalytic method is coupled
with the generation of negative or positive air ions.21 These charged particles,
such as O2, O, OH, (H2O)x, N21, O1, O2þ , NO1, CH4þ , NH4þ , and so on,
are widely distributed in natural air and are generated by radioactive elements
in the soil, cosmic rays, radioactive aerosols, UV radiations, and many other
phenomena. Temperature and humidity strongly affect the mean lifetimes
of air ions; in most cases lifetimes vary from several seconds to thousands of
seconds.22 This feature is beneficial as a high concentration of negative
air ions is conducive to microbial sterilization. Moreover, it is known that air
ions may affect the moods of people; a high proportion of negative ions
in the air makes people feel lively, uplifted and enthusiastic, while too many
positive ions will leave people feeling depressed, lethargic and full of aches,
pains and complaints. Negative air ions are considered to be a living resource
for human beings, leading to the widespread use of air ionizers. The following
presents some commercial apparatuses, both photocatalytic and photo-
Figure 7.17 Details of the AirSteril air purifier. (Reproduced with permission from
ref. 27.)
organic and inorganic contaminants that are then decomposed into CO2 and
H2O under the influence of the UV lamp, which irradiates with mild ultraviolet
light at a wavelength less than 300 nm (A-range). The reaction runs at room
Airlife Purifiers have been tested in degradation experiments of organic and
inorganic substances at the Novosibirsk Institute of Catalysis. In addition,
experiments on the pathogenic viruses and bacteria elimination have been
carried out at the Novosibirsk Scientific Research Institute of Tuberculosis.
Figure 7.18 Working scheme and photograph of the Airlife Purifier device. (Repro-
duced with permission from ref. 28.)
Figure 7.19 Daikin air purifier models. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 29.)
Figure 7.20 Scheme of the working principle of Daikin air purifiers. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 29.)
Devices for Water and Air Purification
Figure 7.21 Scheme of the flash streamer unit of Daikin air purifiers. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 29.)
220 Chapter 7
bacteria, mold and mildew. Airwises needs no fan and it has no grid or filter,
so it requires no cleaning or filter replacement.
Figure 7.24 Wall mounted or portable reduced size gaming special unit. (Photograph
courtesy of ref. 30.)
wards, laboratories, drugstores, isolation wards), and also in all other premises
that require a high degree of decontamination and cleaning of air.
Aero Super devices are designed for continuous working and they guarantee
a high efficiency of decontamination and cleaning of air. The decontaminating
agent provides a high degree of air decontamination, two and more times larger
than existing methods of air decontamination (bactericidal lamps). The ultra-
violet radiation band (320–400 nm) used and low noise level (up to 32 dB)
permit comfortable use of device for 24-hour action.
into the air conditioning enclosure. The units may be unplugged for removal
and servicing outside of their frame structures.
Figure 7.33 shows a system suitable for clean air inside laboratories.
Figure 7.27 Luch-22 photocatalytic air cleaner produced at the Luch NPO (Novo-
sibirsk, Russia): 1, UV lamp; 2, contaminated air; 3, ventilator; 4, pur-
ified air; 5, case; and 6, filter with photocatalyst. (Reproduced with
permission from ref. 32.)
Air outlet
UV lamps
Electrostatic Filter
Air inlet
Figure 7.28 Working scheme of Luch-60 Air cleaner. (Reproduced with permission
from ref. 32.)
226 Chapter 7
Figure 7.29 Photograph of Luch-22 and Luch-60 Air cleaners. (Photograph courtesy
of ref. 32.)
Figure 7.30 Photograph of an Aero Super Element air cleaner. (Photograph courtesy
of ref. 34.)
Figure 7.33 A zIVF-AIRe 100C CLEAN AIRt unit, a system that provides air fil-
tration and purification for IVF laboratories. (Photograph courtesy of
ref. 35.)
claimed 99.97% HEPA efficiency may be achieved. Figure 7.35 gives a picture
and working scheme of an Airpura 600 Series purifier.
The core of the apparatus is the TitanClean reflector, the surface area of
which is coated with an optimized amount of TiO2. The angled reflector design
maximizes the range of photocatalytic oxidization within the filter chamber.
The location of the TitanClean reflector and the UV light in the centre of the
filter chamber allows them to work in concert with the HEPA filter. Particulate
pollution is stopped by the HEPA filter before reaching the reflector. This keeps
the coated surface cleaner and more effective.
The UV germicidal lamp does not generate ozone and it maintains 98% of its
antigen and pathogen destruction effect due to the interior position of the
reflector. Contact time of airborne chemicals is increased as they slow down on
passing through the HEPA. Diffusion of the germicidal dosage from the UV
lamp is enhanced in the confined chamber.
Devices for Water and Air Purification 229
Figure 7.34 Photograph of a Comefresh air cleaner. (Photograph courtesy of ref. 36.)
Figure 7.35 Picture and working scheme of an Airpura 600 Series purifier. (Photo-
graph courtesy of ref. 37.)
Figure 7.36 Picture and working scheme of an Air Oasist purifier. (Photograph
courtesy of ref. 38.)
Figure 7.37 Picture of an Air Sterilizer ‘‘Medicare.’’ (Photograph courtesy of ref. 39.)
Devices for Water and Air Purification 231
The Air Oasist purifiers utilize a high-performance TiO2 catalyst placed
on an advanced hydrated photocatalytic oxidation (AHPCOTM) cell. The
AHPCO cell consists of a high-intensity broad spectrum UV tube in a
hydrated catalytic matrix cell that generates hydroperoxides, superoxide ions,
hydroxyl ions, negative ions and ozonide ions that are released to air
circulating through the cell, providing protection against airborne fungi, bac-
teria, viruses, odors and volatile organic compounds. Low-level ozone is pro-
duced in the cell, most of which is converted into airborne hydroperoxides and
hydroxyl ions via the metallic catalyst. The photogenerated ions treat indoor
air by suppressing bacteria and fungi growth, volatile organic compounds and
reducing odors. Figure 7.36 shows a picture and working scheme of an Air
Oasist purifier.
Figure 7.38 A photocatalytic cold fluorescent lamp. (Photograph courtesy of ref. 40.)
232 Chapter 7
that is maintenance-free as there are no air filters to replace or collecting grids
to clean.
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234 Chapter 7
8.1 Introduction
Standardization is defined as ‘‘the activity consisting of the processes of for-
mulating and implementing documents (the standards) that provide rules or
characteristics for activities or their results, aimed at the achievement of the
optimum degree of order in a given context.’’ Science, technology and experi-
ence contribute to issue standards, whose main benefits are improvement of the
suitability of products, processes and services, prevention of technical barriers
to trade and facilitation of technological cooperation.
Three bodies are responsible for the planning, development and adoption of
International Standards: the International Electrotechnical Committee (IEC) is
responsible for electrotechnical sector, the International Telecommunication
Union (ITU) for most telecommunications technologies and the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) for all the other sectors, including
heterogeneous photocatalysis.
ISO1 is a legal association, the members of which are the National Standards
Bodies representing social and economic interests at international level. The
principal deliverable of the ISO is the International Standard, the main features
of which are openness and transparency, consensus and technical coherence.
These principles are followed by the ISO Technical Committee (ISO/TC),
which is the technical body responsible for the planning and execution of the
In the field of heterogeneous photocatalysis, even though the photocatalysis
industry has grown very much in the last 10 years, the lack of standard eva-
luation methods for photocatalytic products hinders consumer understanding
of the performance of photocatalytic products and the ability to compare
correctly the products from several producers. The establishment of standard
evaluation methods for photocatalytic products is therefore a challenge for
increasing their diffusion in industrial and private fields.
Japan has been a pioneer in this field, working since 2002 through the
Photocatalysis Standardization Committee dedicated to proposing standard
evaluation methods for (i) self-cleaning products; (ii) air purification products;
236 Chapter 8
There is a general agreement in the literature that the quantum yield, a para-
meter in the form of a ‘‘number ratio,’’ is the most convenient estimator of
photocatalytic efficiency. The other parameters used for quantifying photo-
catalytic activity (such as the time needed to achieve a certain percentage of
degradation, the degradation rate, the half-life of a model compound, etc.) are
strongly dependent on the experimental conditions used so that it is difficult to
employ them for comparing different photocatalytic systems.
Importantly, even the quantum yield is not an absolute parameter. In fact in
the quantum yield definition [Equation (8.3)] both the terms of the ratio, the
rate of reaction and the rate of photon absorption, depend on intrinsic and
operative features of the photoreacting system. The reaction rate depends
heavily on parameters such as the intensity of the irradiation, the amount of the
catalyst, the nature and concentration of the reacting molecules, the con-
centration of dissolved oxygen, etc. Only for zero-order kinetics should the
reaction rate be uniquely defined at a given wavelength; often, to simplify the
evaluation, the quantum yield is based on the initial rate of molecule photo-
conversion. The absorbed photon flow depends on photoreactor geometry, the
relative position of photoreactor with respect to radiation source, the physical
and chemical characteristics of the absorbing particles, the particle agglom-
eration determined by the properties of the surrounding fluid, etc.
Proper definition of quantum yield requires careful assessment of photons
absorbed by the photocatalyst in the heterogeneous reactor. Even if the photo-
reactor set-up is standardized, the photon absorbed flow is a difficult parameter
to evaluate due to the reflection, transmission and scattering phenomena
occurring inside the photoreactor due to the presence of the semiconductor
particles.3 The extent of light scattered by the particulate matter in the dis-
persion may be very significant; according to some accounts, it may range from
20 to 80% of the total incident photon flow. Methods based on chemical
actinometry are limited as they provide only the total rate of photons entering
the reactor and do not account for various light scattering losses. In fact
semiconductor surfaces are highly reflective and therefore the light incident on
them can easily be back-scattered or forward-scattered. To overcome the dif-
ficulties encountered in the determination of the number of photons absorbed
by the photocatalyst, and given that the rate of photons entering the reactor is a
parameter much simpler to measure, researchers frequently consider an
‘‘apparent quantum yield’’ or a ‘‘photonic efficiency’’ as the parameter to be
evaluated in standardization procedures.
Photonic efficiency is defined as the number of reacting molecules divided by
the number of photons, at a given wavelength, incident inside the front window
of the cell (flat parallel windows). Given that the rate of photons entering the
238 Chapter 8
reactor is always smaller than the rate of photons absorbed, the apparent
quantum yield provides an underestimated value of the quantum yield. Even if
the photonic efficiency overcomes the difficulty of determining the absorbed
photon flow, it is a parameter that other investigators can use for comparing
their results with those of others provided that reactor geometry and light
source, together with the properties of the photocatalytic material used, are
To standardize the efficiencies of mineralization process of various organic
substrates for a given set of conditions, Serpone et al.4 propose to refer all
results to an equivalent experiment carried out under identical conditions for a
standard process and standard photocatalyst. The efficiency parameter used to
cross-reference the photocatalytic experiments is the ‘‘relative photonic effi-
ciency,’’ which is defined as the rate of disappearance of the substrate divided
by the rate of disappearance of a standard molecule in a standardized process.
Phenol photodegradation was suggested as the standard process and Degussa
P25 TiO2 as the standard photocatalyst. The method consists of determining
photon efficiencies by measuring the initial degradation rate of a test substrate
and the rate of photons incident on the front window of the reactor. When the
photonic efficiencies for the test substrate, and for the standard one (i.e.,
phenol), are obtained under identical experimental conditions there will be no
need to measure the absorbed photon flow. Moreover, if the quantum yield of a
standard process is determined correctly, knowledge of relative photonic effi-
ciency would allow the determination of the quantum yield of the test process.
This method has the advantage of simplicity and it overcomes all the diffi-
culties encountered in the definition of heterogeneous photocatalytic process
(determination of the absorbed photon flow, utilization of different light
sources, different reactor geometries, etc.). The main drawback of this meth-
odology is that the quantum yield of a standard process would vary enormously
with different reaction conditions, and the value would have to be determined
for each set of specific reaction conditions.
To compare different photocatalytic systems the use of quantum efficiencies
requires calculation of the incident photons in reactor media, while the use of
quantum yields requires assessment of the absorbed photons by TiO2. Quan-
tum yields and quantum efficiencies entail the implicit hypothesis that all the
energy of the used photons contributes to the formation of dOH groups.
Careful consideration of this matter is required for a proper evaluation of the
energy efficiencies.
performed on the whole suspension under the assumption that it does not lose
radiation through the lateral wall:
where Fi is the incident photon flow, Fr the backward scattered photon flow, Fa
the absorbed photon flow and Ft the transmitted photon flow.
It was found7,8 that the dependence of transmitted photon flow on mass
of catalyst is best expressed by the following relationship when the mass of
catalyst is higher than the critical one (the amount of photocatalyst sufficient
to cover the cross section of the photoreactor):
where F 0 is a constant whose value is always less than that of Fi, E the napierian
extinction coefficient and mcat the mass of catalyst.
The energy balance under the limiting condition of mcat ¼ 0 allows the
determination of Fr:
Fr ¼ Fi F0 ð8:6Þ
PTEF ¼ ð8:7Þ
rrad DHrad W
PTEF ¼ ð8:8Þ
where rrad represent the formation rate of dOH radicals per unit mass of catalyst,
DHrad the formation enthalpy of an dOH radical and W the total mass of catalyst.
The PTEF is a function of the formation rate and of the formation enthalpy
of dOH radical. The latter was estimated by Serrano and de Lasa12 in aqueous
media, starting from H2O and dissolved oxygen, as 94.6 kJ mol1. Concerning
rrad, by considering that the dOH radical species is very reactive, it may be
assumed that its rate of formation is equal to its rate of consumption as
determined by the reaction with both the adsorbed model pollutant and the
adsorbed intermediates. At the very beginning of the photoconversion the
surface concentration of all chemical species equals the surface concentration of
the model compound, which acts as the only dOH scavenger; under these
conditions it may be assumed that the rate of dOH consumption is equal to the
consumption rate of model pollutant, so the following relationship holds:
rrad r0MP
¼ ð8:9Þ
vrad vMP
where r0MP represents the rate of disappearance of the model pollutant at time
t ¼ 0 (a directly measurable parameter) and nrad and nMP are the stoichiometric
coefficients for the consumption of radical and model pollutant, respectively.
The PTEF increases by increasing the initial rate of disappearance of the
model pollutant, i.e., by increasing the pollutant concentration. The driving
force of the disappearance rate of model pollutant on the catalyst surface is its
fractional site coverage, whose highest value is one. Therefore, an upper limit
Standardization 241
exists for the PTEF values; this upper value is an intrinsic characteristic of the
photodegraded pollutant as well as of the photoreactor. The PTEFmax may be
considered to be the product of two yields:
EEM ¼ ð8:11Þ
VMðCi Cf Þ
Pt Pt Pt
EEO ¼ ¼ ¼ ð8:12Þ
V log10 CCfi V Ci
log10 0:1C V
where k1 is the first (or pseudo-first) order rate constant for the decay of
the pollutant concentration. For a 90% variation of final concentration of
pollutant the required time of irradiation is:
t¼ ð8:14Þ
EEO ¼ ð8:15Þ
Standardization 243
which is a parameter that may be easily calculated provided that the reaction
kinetics and the kWh of electricity required to reduce the pollutant con-
centration by one order of magnitude are measured.
Efficient photocatalytic processes exhibit low values of EEO, indicating that less
energy is required to achieve a fixed drop in concentration of model pollutants.
The EEO is an overall parameter based on electrical lamp power requirements
and, as such, it does not take into account the transformation efficiency of elec-
trical into useful radiative energy, radiation absorption by the photoreactor walls,
etc. Furthermore, de Lasa et al.16 outline that (i) the EEO efficiency parameter is
not dimensionless, as required by thermodynamics, (ii) the EEO definition holds
only for first-order reaction kinetics and (iii) the EEO is focused on the decrease
of the model pollutant concentration and it neglects the photoconversion of stable
intermediate species, thereby underestimating photocatalytic efficiency.
To carry out an economic analysis of various water pollutant degradation
processes, the figure of merit ‘‘energetic efficiency of degradation’’ (EED) has
been proposed.17 The EED is defined as:
parts per million of degraded organic carbon in irradiated solution
kWh of used electrical energy
The EED describes the efficiency of a given process and it is a useful parameter
to determine the economic viability of different processes involving different
reactors, different light sources, etc.
In an industrial environment, process efficiencies described by EEO, EEM
and EED are useful in comparing the economics of different industrial strate-
gies. They are macroscopic parameters, which, however, do not give infor-
mation on the efficiency of an absorbed photon in inducing the photocatalytic
process, as the quantum yield does in homogeneous photochemistry and het-
erogeneous photocatalysis. Trends in EEO (or the equivalent EEM) and EED
inversely reflect the trends in quantum yields; however, they fail to provide a
relatively simple method to establish photon efficiencies.
1. dyestuffs,18,19
2. organic compounds like volatile organic compounds (VOCs),20
3. inorganic gases.21,22
244 Chapter 8
Dyes are degraded by TiO2 under the influence of UV or solar light. The
decomposition is assessed by decolorization measurements as well as chromato-
graphic investigations. The widespread application of dyes originates from the
mainly nontoxic and convenient use of these dyes. However, the decomposition
process of dyes is still a subject of discussion as these substances only show a
limited resistance to UV light, independently of the existence of a catalyst.
Therefore, the decolorization of a dye is not an unambiguous criterion for the
assessment of photocatalytic efficiency.
VOCs are prominent representatives for modeling the degradation of pol-
luted air for indoor situations. Commonly used organic compounds are:
1. trichloroethylene (C2HCl3);23
2. acetone (C3H6O), 1-butanol (C4H10O), butyraldehyde (C4H8O) and
m-xylene (C8H10);24
3. 1,3-butadiene (C4H6) and toluene (C6H5CH3);25
4. formaldehyde (CH2O).24,25
Stearic Acid Test. The stearic acid (SA) test27–30 consists in depositing a thin
layer of SA onto the photocatalytic film under test and in monitoring
its degradation rate under strictly defined operative conditions. The dis-
appearance rate of SA is the parameter used for comparing the performances
of different samples. The stoichiometry of SA mineralization is:
CH3 ðCH2 Þ16 COOH þ 26 O2 ! 18 CO2 þ 18 H2 O ð8:17Þ
Methylene Blue Test. The Methylene Blue (MB) test31–37 is a widely used
method for assessing the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 films or powders.
MB, a cationic dye, is mineralized through a photobleaching process descri-
bed by the stoichiometry:
2 C16 H18 N3 Sþ þ 51 O2 ! 32 CO2 þ 6 HNO3
hn ð8:18Þ
þ 2 H2 SO4 þ 2 Hþ þ 12 H2 O:
When the MB test is used for assessing photocatalytic activity, generally only
the dye decoloration, which is assumed to be due to dye oxidation, is
Standardization 247
This method is simple, easy and able to provide an impressive demonstration
of the efficacy of semiconductor photocatalysis through dye decoloration
(Figures 8.3 and 8.4).
The main drawback of this method is that a measurable degradation of
Methylene Blue may occur38 within a few hours of UV exposure in the absence of
any catalyst. Moreover, the MB test method has been questioned39 because MB,
Figure 8.3 Methylene Blue test on un-coated and TiO2-coated solid surfaces.
(Photograph courtesy of
Figure 8.4 Methylene Blue test on an aqueous TiO2 suspension. (Photograph cour-
tesy of
248 Chapter 8
which is an indicator for redox reactions, may be easily decolorized by the
reduction reaction to leuco-Methylene Blue (LMB) which is colorless. As this
reaction is reversible, the reduced Methylene Blue can also be oxidized again and
obtain its original color. This reduction is thermodynamically possible because the
redox potentials of the MB/LMB couple and of photogenerated electrons are ca.
0.53 and 0.32 V, respectively, versus NHE at pH 0. The relative importance of MB
photooxidation with respect to photoreduction to LMB is affected by kinetic
factors. In neutral or slightly alkaline solution, the MB photobleaching is dom-
inantly determined by photooxidation. Under acidic conditions the photooxida-
tion reaction becomes slow and, as a result, the photobleaching of MB by TiO2 is
more likely to show some evidence of LMB production. MB does not work in air
since its reduced form, leuco-Methylene Blue, is highly oxygen sensitive.
Since MB shows no absolute resistance to UV-induced degradation and
decolorization by reduction reaction, it appears not to be an ideal model pol-
lutant. The ambiguity existing for the MB test must be solved before this
method of assessment can be accepted as a standard one.
Resazurin Ink Test. The major problem with the SA and MB tests is that the
photooxidation reaction is usually a slow process. Such tests are adequate
for assessing the performances of very active, usually thick, titania films,
where the kinetics of photomineralization are rapid but they are inappropri-
ate for photocatalytic products that exhibit slow degradation rates.
An innovative solution to this problem has been proposed by Mills’ research
group.40–43 The core of the test is an indicator ink that can be easily coated onto
the semiconductor film and which changes color within a few minutes upon
irradiation of the photocatalytic film.
The formulation consists of a redox dye, resazurin, a sacrificial electron donor,
glycerol, and a polymer, hydroxy ethyl cellulose, all dissolved in water. Whether
wet or dry, upon irradiation of the ink on a photocatalytic surface with ultra-
bandgap radiation the photogenerated electrons reduce the blue resazurin to the
pink resorufin (an irreversible reaction, see Figure 8.5), while the photogenerated
holes oxidize glycerol, which acts as a hole-trap preventing electron–hole
recombination, to glyceraldehyde. The reduction process is accompanied by a
color change from blue to pink; the color change indicates completion of the
photoreduction reaction and it occurs in a few minutes even for very thin TiO2
hν, TiO2
Na+ -O O O Na+ -O O O
Resazurin (Rz) Resorufin (Rf)
(Blue) (Pink)
Figure 8.5 Structure of the redox dye resazurin and its reduced form, resorufin.
Standardization 249
films. The dye is stable also upon prolonged UV irradiation in the absence of a
photocatalyst; conversely, the ink changes rapidly from blue to pink upon UV
irradiation if TiO2, film or powder, is present. The process rapidity makes this test
particularly suited to ‘‘on the spot’’ tests. Moreover, this test does not need a
skilled operator or expensive analytical equipment as the eye is sufficient for a
qualitative indicator, or a semi-quantitative assessment, of photocatalytic activity.
Figure 8.6 (a) 2,6-Dichloroindophenol (DCIP) ink and (b) DCIP ink test on TiO2-coated (left-hand side) and un-coated (right hand side) solid
surfaces. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 44.)
Chapter 8
Standardization 251
Figure 8.7 (A) Contact angles, y, for (a) a hydrophobic surface, (b) a hydrophilic
surface and (c) a strongly hydrophilic surface. (B) Contact angle gonio-
meter with camera and software to capture and analyze the drop evolution
with time. [Part (A): photograph courtesy of
Part (B): photograph courtesy of]
80 ml/min box
25% O2 Solar lamp
62.5% R.H.
75% N2
Inlet Outlet
sampling sampling
20 ml/min port
BTEX in N2 port Vent
Air mixing
Mass flow
controller fan Sample
Figure 8.8 Schematic diagram of the experimental set-up used to measure the cata-
lytic activity of cementitious materials.
254 Chapter 8
Air mixing inside the chamber is ensured by a stainless-steel fan operated
at 350 rpm. The independence of experimental BTEX concentration data from
the fan speed is verified by performing a series of measurements operating at
catalytic conditions under irradiation at different fan speeds.
The reaction chamber is contained inside an irradiation box provided with a
300 W solar lamp (Ultra Vitalux, Osram) placed 50 cm from the sample surface.
The irradiation box shields the reaction chamber from possible interference by
the ambient light, and two fans ensure reaction chamber cooling. The actual
irradiance value at the sample level is controlled for each determination,
because the lamp shows a considerable irradiation drift, particularly in the early
life period. During irradiation, the reaction chamber warms up because of the
strong visible and infrared components of the lamp radiation.
The BTEX concentration measurements are taken under steady-state con-
ditions, so it is possible to acquire multiple samples separated in time for ver-
ification and statistical data processing. The catalytic activity determination
proceeds as follows. The catalytic specimen is placed in the reaction chamber,
which is then closed inside the exposure system in dark conditions. A purified
air flow is established and maintained for 24 h, to allow possible pollutants to
be desorbed from the specimen. A first air sample is taken to check the
cleanliness of the system. The BTEX test flow is then established, connecting
the chamber to the synthetic atmosphere generator. The system is allowed to
equilibrate for at least 18 h and a series of six or more air samples are taken with
a sampling interval of at least 1 h. These samples give the non-irradiated steady-
state concentration for each VOC under study. The irradiation source is then
activated, and the system is allowed to equilibrate for at least a further 18 h. A
new series of at least six air samples are taken, giving the irradiated steady-state
concentrations. If the analyses show that the concentration is not stabilized, the
sampling is repeated after 1 day until the steady-state equilibrium is reached.
After that the lamp is turned off and, if required, the system is allowed to
re-equilibrate to the non-irradiated condition, a last sample is taken to confirm
the previously measured dark concentration levels. The BTEX concentration of
the supply air is then measured by taking a series of samples at the air inlet port
at the end of the experiment.
This photocatalytic reactor system is characterized by the specific
photocatalytic oxidation rate, measured with the following relationship:
FðCin Cirrad Þ
rox ¼ ð8:19Þ
where rox is the area specific oxidation rate (mmol m2 h1), F is the air
flow rate (m3 h1), Cin is the reactant concentration in the supply air flow
(mmol m3), Cirrad is the steady-state reactant concentrations in the reactor
during irradiation and A the sample area exposed to the irradiation (m2).
This method, proposed by Strini et al.,45 allows determination in a
reliable way of the surface catalytic activity in the photodestruction of
organic micropollutants in air, at ppb concentration levels. The oxidation
Standardization 255
rates of cementitious samples are linearly dependent on the air concentration
of the reactant and the catalytic activity is also linearly dependent on the
irradiation in the measured ranges. However, the catalytic activity is not
linearly dependent on the TiO2 content in the samples. Possible causes
of this are, among others, the formation of catalyst clusters in the cementitious
paste at higher concentrations or segregation processes in the poured
paste influenced by the different viscosity of the paste itself due to the presence
of the catalyst.
Figure 8.9 Schematic diagram of the test set-up: (1) synthetic air; (2) NOx source; (3)
gas-washing bottle; (4) temperature and relative humidity sensor; (5) flow
controller; (6) reactor cell; (7) paving block; (8) side stream for bridged
flow; (9) light source; (10) NOx analyzer; and (11) computer. (Reproduced
with permission from ref. 47.)
By considering that the standard ISO 22197-1:2007 also satisfies the need for
photoactivity measurements on concrete specimens, Hüsken et al.47 have pro-
posed an appropriate test set-up as well as a reliable measuring procedure for
determining the performance of photocatalytic active paving blocks. The used
set-up is designed by following the recommendations given by ISO 22197-
1:2007 standard and it is scaled according to the requirements on photo-
catalytic concrete products. The test set-up, which uses the UV-A induced
degradation of NO, is schematically depicted in Figure 8.9 and it consists of:
The core of the experimental set-up is a gas reactor that allows a planar sample
of size 100 200 mm2 to be embedded. Figure 8.10 gives a schematic repre-
sentation of the reactor cell.
The reactor is made from materials that do not absorb the applied pollutant
and do not degrade under the high irradiation of UV-A light. On top, the
reactor is tightly closed with a glass plate made from borosilicate glass, which
allows the UV-A radiation to pass through with almost no absorption. Within
the reactor the planar surface of the specimen is fixed parallel to the covering
glass, leaving a 3 mm gap for the gas to pass through. The active sample area
used for the degradation process is higher than that suggested by the ISO
standard. The area is enlarged from 50 100 mm to 100 200 mm, to adjust
for the standard paving block dimensions. By means of profiles and seals, the
sample gas only passes the reactor through the gap between the sample surface
Standardization 257
Figure 8.10 Schematic diagram of the reactor cell used for the paving block test.
(Reproduced with permission from ref. 47.)
and the glass cover. All structural parts inside the box are designed to enable
laminar flow of the gas along the sample surface and to prevent turbulence.
The light source is chosen in order that its spectrum fits the cut-off wave-
length of the applied powder. TiO2 photocatalyst may be used as doped or
undoped powder. For undoped TiO2 the use of UV-A light is required as the
cut-off wavelength of conventional TiO2 is 388 nm;12 fluorescent tubes are
suitable lamps as they emit highly concentrated UV-A radiation in the range
300–400 nm with maximum intensity at about 345 nm. For doped powders,
having a broader spectrum covering also the visible light spectrum, standard
fluorescent lamps may be used as light source as they emit cool daylight in the
420–650 nm range with three prominent peaks at 460, 560 and 600 nm.
Warming of the reactor by the light source is prevented by the spatial
separation of light source and reactor and a cooling of the lamps by means of
fans. The irradiance of fluorescent tubes is adjusted by a dimmer to exactly
10 W m2 at the sample surface for the use of UV-A irradiation with the help of
a calibrated UV-A radiometer. A lead time of about 15 min has to be con-
sidered for fluorescent tubes to obtain a stable UV-A radiation.
As previously reported, the model pollutant chosen for conducting the
experiments on photocatalytic concrete products is NO. According to the
requirements given in standard ISO 22197-1:2007,46 the concentration of NO in
the gas feeding the photoreactor is 1 ppmv. The model contaminant, contained
in a nitrogen flow at a concentration of 50 ppmv, is mixed with synthetic air to
obtain the desired concentration and flow rate. A high precision valve is used to
adjust the concentration of the model pollutant to 1 ppmv NO. While adjusting
the concentration, the photoreactor is bypassed to avoid pollution of the
sample surface. During adjustment of the flow, the NO concentration is
monitored by the NO analyzer, connected to the outlet of the gas supply unit.
The overall gas flow rate is 16.67 cm3 s1 and the relative humidity is 50%.
258 Chapter 8
For the sake of repeatability and accuracy, a defined measuring procedure
using constant experimental conditions is also established. This procedure
distinguishes a bridged and non-bridged flow and allows therefore for a much
shorter period of adjusting the volumetric flow, pollutant concentration and
humidity. When a stable pollutant concentration is achieved, the bridge is
closed and the gas flows along the surface of the concrete sample. Initially, the
pollutant concentration decreases since the air inside the photoreactor does not
contain any NO and adsorption of NO at the sample surface takes place. After
a certain time the surface is saturated and the NO concentrations at the
photoreactor outlet and inlet show the same value.
For standard flow conditions a period of 5 min is needed to reach steady-
state conditions. At this moment, the sample is exposed to irradiation. This
leads to an immediate decrease in the NO concentration. This process of active
degradation is conducted for 30 min. Finally, the light source is switched off
and the NO concentration returns to the original inlet concentration.
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Subject Index
References to figures are given in italic type. References to tables are given in
bold type.