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Atmospheric Environment 55 (2012) 257e262

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Atmospheric Environment
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Emissions of air pollutants from scented candles burning in a test chamber

Marco Derudi a, Simone Gelosa a, Andrea Sliepcevich a, Andrea Cattaneo b, Renato Rota a,
Domenico Cavallo c, Giuseppe Nano a, *
Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Chimica, Materiali e Ingegneria Chimica “G. Natta”, Via Mancinelli 7, 20131 Milano, Italy
Università degli Studi di Milano, Dipartimento di Medicina del Lavoro, Via San Barnaba 8, 20122 Milano, Italy
Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche ed Ambientali, Via Lucini 3, 22100 Como, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Burning of scented candles in indoor environment can release a large number of toxic chemicals.
Received 18 January 2012 However, in spite of the large market penetration of scented candles, very few works investigated their
Received in revised form organic pollutants emissions. This paper investigates volatile organic compounds emissions, with
4 March 2012
particular reference to the priority indoor pollutants identified by the European Commission, from the
Accepted 9 March 2012
burning of scented candles in a laboratory-scale test chamber. It has been found that BTEX and PAHs
emission factors show large differences among different candles, possibly due to the raw paraffinic
material used, while aldehydes emission factors seem more related to the presence of additives. This
Scented candles
Emission factors
clearly evidences the need for simple and cheap methodologies to measure the emission factors of
Test chamber commercial candles in order to foresee the expected pollutant concentration in a given indoor envi-
Volatile organic compounds ronment and compare it with health safety standards.
PAHs Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction candles are estimated at approximately $2 billion annually, being

by far the fragrance the most important characteristic impacting
Indoor air quality is affected by a number of indoor and outdoor candle purchases.
pollutants sources. However, while several information are avail- In spite of this large penetration of scented candles in indoor
able for outdoor pollutant sources in terms of emission factors environments, a few works investigating pollutants emissions from
(Ravindra et al., 2008; Estrellan and Iino, 2010), only few infor- candle burning (van Alphen, 1999; Fine et al., 1999; Nriagu and Kim,
mation have been published for indoor pollutant sources (Ott and 2000; Guo et al., 2000; Wasson et al., 2002; He et al., 2004; Zai
Siegmann, 2006; Sarigiannis et al., 2011), which include tobacco et al., 2006; Lee and Wang, 2006; Pagels et al., 2009) were
smoke, as well as cooking, heating, and office equipments (e.g., mainly focused on metals and soot emissions rather than on
Tuckett et al., 1998; Long et al., 2000; Fan and Zhang, 2001; organic pollutants, such as Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) or
Destaillats et al., 2008). PAHs (Lau et al., 1997; Maupetit and Squinazi, 2009; Orecchio,
Burning of candles in indoor environments can release a large 2011). However, candle composition is expected to determine the
number of toxic chemicals, including acetaldehyde, formaldehyde, pollutants emissions, possibly leading to important emissions of
acrolein, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (Lau et al., 1997; VOC. Moreover, the priority indoor pollutants identified by the
USEPA, 2001; Lee and Wang, 2006; Orecchio, 2011). It is believed European Commission (EU) mainly refer to VOC (Kotzias et al.,
that regular burning of several candles in indoor environments can 2005).
expose people to harmful amounts of organic chemicals (USEPA, Consequently, the aim of this work has been to characterize
2001). pollutants emissions from the burning of scented candles using
Among the huge variety of candles available on the market, a test chamber. In particular, emission factors for some polycyclic
scented candles have gained popularity over the past 30 years aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), aromatic species (BTEX) and some
resulting in the current abundance of candle shops and aroma- short chain aldehydes have been measured for different scented
therapy candle products. For the sake of example, U.S. retail sales of candles. Among the others, formaldehyde, benzene and naphtha-
lene (which are classified by the EU as “High priority chemicals”) as
well as toluene and xylenes (which are classified by the EU as
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ39 0223993134; fax: þ39 0223993180. “Second priority chemicals”) have been investigated. The obtained
E-mail address: giuseppe.nano@polimi.it (G. Nano). results have been compared with the few data available in the

1352-2310/$ e see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
258 M. Derudi et al. / Atmospheric Environment 55 (2012) 257e262

literature in terms of emission factors, as well as with the emission air is sampled far enough from the stack inlet to avoid entrance
factors measured for raw paraffin used to manufacture candles in effects.
order to identify the contribution of added fragrances and dyes to As shown in Fig. 1, the test chamber consists of three parts: the
the pollutants emissions. room itself is a cylinder (diameter 0.6 m, height 0.4 m) covered by
These results could be used to protect people health by a conical cap (height 0.6 m) and a stack (internal diameter 0.07 m
comparing the expected pollutant concentration in a given indoor and height 1.5 m). The cylindrical chamber is equipped with two
environment with health safety standards, while the test chamber portholes to observe the candles behaviour during the tests.
designed for performing the reported measurements could be The internal walls of the chamber have been blackened to
useful to perform further measurements in an easy-to-build stan- minimize radiation phenomena from the chamber walls to the
dardized environment. candle leading to uncontrolled rise of the candle temperature. The
test chamber has been equipped with an air sparger at the bottom
2. Materials and methods to supply air to the chamber environment with minimum turbu-
lence and very low velocity. Such an air sparger is constituted by
2.1. Experimental setup a perforated coil covered by a bed of small glass spheres. For all
experiments, pre-cleaned air through a charcoal trap has been
A crucial point in the determination of the pollutants emissions used. To verify the trap effectiveness, a blank measure on the air fed
from burning candles is the simulation of realistic burning condi- to the chamber has been carried out before each test.
tions. Different approaches have been proposed in the literature, The air flow rate to the test chamber has been adjusted
ranging from sampling ambient air close to a candle burning in to 10e15 NL min1 to obtain realistic burning conditions with
a real room (Orecchio, 2011), to sampling of the exhaust air from a burning rate close to the values measured in some preliminary
a real-scale ventilated room (Maupetit and Squinazi, 2009) or from burning tests in real rooms.
a ventilated environmental chamber (Lee and Wang, 2006) where Four candles have been burned simultaneously for each test;
the burning candle is located. These methods provide some pro and they have been placed upright at the centre of the chamber bottom,
some contra, the latter being mainly related to the cost of a real-size spaced enough to avoid undesirable thermal influence from one
instrumented room or to the lack of reproducibility of a non- candle to the others. The locations of the individual candles inside
controlled environment. the chamber have been recorded and kept equal for all the tests.
To overcome these problems, a laboratory-scale test chamber Burning four candles simultaneously allows for both increasing the
has been designed to ensure well defined and reproducible pollutant production rate and averaging the possible differences
burning conditions as well as the possibility of sampling easily among candles of the same kind, thus reducing the uncertainties in
the exhausts (Gelosa et al., 2007). The final geometry, defined on the estimation of the pollutants emission factors.
the basis of some preliminary Computational Fluid Dynamics To determine the candle burning rate, each candle has been
simulations and sketched in Fig. 1, creates a smooth air flow weighted before and after the burning experiment and the corre-
around the candle an a large vortex above it, which mixes candle sponding burning time has been recorded.
fumes with the incoming air providing well-mixed conditions Five different kinds of coloured (about 30 mg of dye) and
and uniform concentration at the inlet of a long stack, from which scented (about 2% by weight of fragrance) commercially available
candles with a cotton wick have been tested. The candles had an
approximate weight of 150 g without any container. More details
on such candles can be found elsewhere (Gelosa et al., 2007), where
some preliminary results were also discussed.
Moreover, candles made only from three different kinds of
commercially available paraffins (which are used as raw materials
by candles makers) with a cotton wick have been investigated. They
had an approximate weight of 100 g and were contained in a glass
beaker. The results of these last experiments allow investigating the
contribution of fragrance and dye to the pollutants emissions. Main
features of the investigated candles are summarized in Table 1.

2.2. Analytical methods

At the beginning of each experimental run the candles were

burnt for about 15 min before to start the exhaust sampling. This
initial burning period was used to check that individual candles
reached proper burning conditions, without atypical burning

Table 1
Main features of the investigated candles.

Sample Container Color Fragrance

A No Brown Cedarwood
B No Blue Plumeria
C No Navy blue Oriental spices
D No Red Rhubarb
E No Pale green Aloe vera
W1 Glass No No
W2 Glass No No
Fig. 1. Sketch of the test chamber. Arrows inside the chamber roughly represent air W3 Glass No No
M. Derudi et al. / Atmospheric Environment 55 (2012) 257e262 259

Fig. 2. Aldehydes emission factors for the investigated scented candles (filled bars) and pure paraffin candles (empty bars). Dashed line represents the quantification limit.

behaviour, and to ensure that steady conditions are obtained within a gas pump and passed through a charcoal cartridge (Carbotrap
the chamber; for this reason, an on-line measure of the residual 349). According to the sampling capacity of the charcoal cartridge,
oxygen concentration within the stack was performed. Once a sampling flow of about 0.05 L min1 allows for collecting a total
a steady oxygen concentration was obtained the sampling was volume of about 12 L in 4 h. After sampling, the charcoal cartridge
started. Then, exhaust gases were sampled and analysed to evaluate was thermally desorbed and analysed with gas chromatography e
the concentrations of PAHs, BTEX, as well as short chain aldehydes mass spectroscopy (CG/MS) equipped with Restek Rxi-5Sil-MS
such as formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, propionaldehyde and benz- chromatographic column. The average extraction yields of the
aldehyde. Considering both the initial transient phase and the BTEX ranged from 86% to 100% and the relative standard deviations
sampling period, the overall duration of each experiment was less on the corresponding measurements were less than 10%. The
than 4.5 hours. detection limit for the various BTEX has been estimated equal to
For the short chain aldehydes the DNPH (2,4- about 0.01 mg g1 of candle burnt.
dinitrophenylhydrazine) method was used (Sesana et al., 1991). By PAHs were sampled with a combined particle/gas phase system:
means of a gas sampling pump a well defined volume of exhaust is a well defined volume of exhaust gas was sampled by means of a gas
passed through a cartridge containing the DNPH sorbent (LpDNPH pump and passed through a PTFE filter (TE 35, pore size of 0.2 mm)
S10 cartridge). The aldehydes react quantitatively with DNPH to the and an adsorption Tenax cartridge (Supelco XAD Orbo Tube).
corresponding hydrazone compounds which can be measured Particles were collected on the PTFE filter surface, while gas phase
through HPLC. According to the sampling capacity of the DNPH PAHs were sampled on the XAD2 sorbent. Both filter and cartridge
cartridge, a sampling flow of about 1.5 L min1 allows for collecting were extracted with dichloromethane coupled with a sonication
a total volume of about 45 L in 30 min. The DNPH cartridge can be treatment of 30 min. According to the sampling capacity of both the
desorbed using acetonitrile, and aldehydes analysed using HPLC filter and the cartridge, a sampling flow of about 0.5 L min1 allows
(C18 column, 5 mm 250 mm, detector UV@360 nm). The extraction for collecting a total volume of about 120 L in 4 h. After vacuum
yield of the aldehydes has been always close to 100% and the rela- concentration, the desorbed solution was analysed using gas
tive standard deviations on the corresponding measurements were chromatography coupled with a mass-spectrometry (GC/MS).
less than 5%. The detection limit for the various aldehydes has been Considering the measurements of all the samples, extraction yields
estimated equal to about 0.1 mg g1 of candle burnt. of the PAHs were never less than 85% and in most cases almost
For measuring benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes, 100%, while the relative standard deviations on the corresponding
a well defined volume of exhaust gas was sampled by means of measurements were less than 15%. The detection limit for the

Fig. 3. BTEX emission factors for the investigated scented candles (filled bars) and pure paraffin candles (empty bars). Dashed line represents the quantification limit.
260 M. Derudi et al. / Atmospheric Environment 55 (2012) 257e262

Fig. 4. PAHs emission factors for the investigated scented candles (filled bars) and pure paraffin candles (empty bars). Dashed line represents the quantification limit.

various PAHs has been estimated equal to about 0.01 ng g1 of For what concerns PAHs, two scented candles show emission
candle burnt. factors close to the detection limit of the analytical procedures,
Sampling was always stopped before the blow out of the candles while the other ones show not negligible emission factors (Fig. 4).
so as to avoid the collection of pollutants produced during the last Most of the PAHs detected are constituted by 2- to 4-ring PAHs; in
transient stage of the burning process. particular, naphthalene (2-ring PAH), phenanthrene (3-ring PAH),
fluoranthene and pyrene (4-ring PAHs), which are known as
3. Results and discussion precursors of particulate matter, evidenced average emission
factors above the detection limit.
As previously mentioned, four scented candles have been Finally, aldehydes emissions are quite similar for all the candles,
burned in the test chamber for each test, leading to an average as expected if such emissions would be mainly related to the
candle burning rate of about 4.5 g h1 for all the investigated presence of a fragrance rather than to the other candle parameters.
candles. In particular, formaldehyde shows always the highest emission
Apart from the beginning of the test, when a calm flame factors, followed generally by acetaldehyde; on the other hand,
gradually formed a cup rim surrounding the so-called burn bowl, other short chain aldehydes do not show a clear behaviour,
the flame burned without visible release of smoke and the candles evidencing several individual emission factors below the detection
did not drip. In particular, scented candles have been burnt in limit (Fig. 2).
a single step, but to verify if the emissions were constantly This has been confirmed by the experiments carried out using
released few experiments have been also carried out in different candles made by pure paraffin and enclosed in a glass beaker,
burning cycles of about 4 hours, followed by a 1 hour stop whose results are also summarized in Figs. 2e4. These candles
between the cycles. No significant differences were found for the showed an average burning rate lower than the previous one and
two procedures. equal to about 2.5 g h1, as expected due to the presence of the
Measured emissions have been calculated as emission factors glass container that hinders the air flow towards the flame.
with reference to 1 g of candle burnt. These values allow a direct The results summarized in Fig. 2 clearly show that burning pure
comparison between different types of candles; as shown in paraffin candles does not produce any detectable amount of alde-
Figs. 2e4, emission factors can change significantly from one candle hydes, whose production in the commercial candles investigated
type to another one: variation as large as one order of magnitude should be consequently ascribed to the presence of additives.
have been recorded for individual pollutants. Moreover, a data scattering among the three paraffins investi-
The measured emission factors show that large differences can gated even larger than that found for the scented candles is evident
be found also in similar candles; moreover, no clear correlations can for BTEX and PAHs emission factors. Differences as large as two
be deduced from these data, because one candle can show large orders of magnitude can be seen from Figs. 3 and 4, especially for
emission factor for one pollutant and small emission factor for 2e3 ring PAHs. This seems to indicate that the kind of raw material
another one. Moreover, we can see that large emissions of BTEX are rather than the additives determines BTEX and PAHs emissions.
not necessarily related to high levels of PAHs, and even within the Studying the distribution of different PAHs isomers into the
BTEX no clear relations exist. One candle clearly show lower levels exhausts it is possible to hypothesize if they are released by evap-
of BTEX and PAHs, while evidencing emission factors for aldehydes oration and pyrolysis phenomena at relatively low temperature,
similar to the other candles. The other candles evidenced that more due to the overheating of the candles constituents, or produced by
than 34% of the emitted BTEX is constituted by ethylbenzene while an incomplete combustion (Yunker et al., 2002; Orecchio, 2010).
xylenes formation is negligible. Usually, values of anthracene to anthracene plus phenanthrene

Table 2
Isomeric ratios for the investigated candles (legend as in Table 1).

Isomeric ratios Scented samples Waxes Mean scented Mean waxes

A B C D E W1 W2 W3
Ant/(Ant þ Phe) 0.19 0.33 0.07 0.27 0.25 0.95 0.63 0.83 0.22 0.80
Fla/(Fla þ Pyr) 0.50 0.50 0.40 0.43 0.60 0.09 0.20 0.11 0.49 0.13
B[a]A/(B[a]A þ Chr) 0.76 0.67 0.50 0.01 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.49 0.50
Total index 6.96 7.92 4.18 3.86 6.50 12.19 9.25 11.11 5.89 10.85
M. Derudi et al. / Atmospheric Environment 55 (2012) 257e262 261

Ant/(Ant þ Phe) ratio < 0.10 are an index of low temperature Table 4
sources while values larger than 0.10 indicates a dominance of Airborne concentrations of pollutants estimated for the considered exposure
combustion (Yunker et al., 2002). As reported in Table 2, most of the
investigated samples evidenced high values of this index; consid- Pollutant Scented candles Guidance Reference
ering the average values, Ant/(Ant þ Phe) is equal to 0.22 (Max. value) limit

for scented candles and to 0.8 for the scentless ones. Concerning Formaldehyde, mg m3 3.49 100 (World Health
Organization, 2010)
Fla/(Fla þ Pyr) and B[a]A/(B[a]A þ Chr) ratios, values of 0.4 and 0.2
Benzene, mg m3 0.15 5 (EU, 2000)
respectively can be assumed as common threshold between low Benzo(a)pyrene, ng m3 0.41 1 (EU, 2004)
temperature sources and intermediate conditions or combustion
sources (liquid and solid fossil fuels). For the samples analysed in
this paper, scented candles exhibited average values equal to 0.49
for both the isomeric ratios confirming that PAHs are mainly
emitted by combustion, while the paraffinic waxes evidenced levels when four scented candles are burnt simultaneously in
discordant average values of Fla/(Fla þ Pyr) < 0.4 and B[a]A/(B[a] a 30 m3 room, considering an air exchange rate of 0.5 h1. In a well-
A þ Chr) > 0.2. To overcome this problem, as suggested by Orecchio mixed environment, the steady-state concentration for the i-th
(2010), a total index, defined as the sum of the above mentioned pollutant (Css) has been computed as follows:
isomeric ratios, normalized to the limit values reported in literature
(Yunker et al., 2002), has been evaluated as: Css;i ¼ (2)
Ant Fla with n ¼ number of candles, m ¼ candle burnig rate, EFi ¼ emission
Total index ¼ þ
ðAnt þ PheÞ$0:1 ðFla þ PyrÞ$0:4 factor of the i-th pollutant, V ¼ room volume, and AER ¼ air
B½aA exchange rate.
þ (1) The resulting indoor air concentrations, computed for the
ðB½aA þ ChrÞ$0:2
maximum emission factors found for formaldehyde, benzene and
When the total index is >4, PAHs are mainly originated from benzo[a]pyrene, respectively, are summarized in Table 4, together
high temperature processes (combustion) while lower values with the corresponding air quality standards. It can be seen that
indicate prevalently low temperature emissions. In this study, the formaldehyde and benzene concentrations are well below the
average total index is equal to 5.89 for scented candles and 10.85 for standards considered, while the concentration of benzo[a]pyrene is
paraffins, thus confirming that PAHs are emitted by high temper- about 40% of the recommended value; obviously a much more
ature processes. detailed toxicological study should be performed to critically
Finally, the scented candles results have been compared with evaluate the obtained data.
the few data concerning scented candles available in the literature
(Maupetit and Squinazi, 2009; Orecchio, 2011), as summarized in 4. Conclusions
Table 3. We can see that most of the emission factors reported in
Figs. 2e4 lie inside the ranges measured in these previous works. The main aim of this work has been to characterize pollutants
However, we can also see that such ranges are quite wide, emission factors, with particular regard to VOC identified by the EU
therefore confirming that emission factors can change significantly as priority indoor pollutants, from the burning of scented candles.
from one candle type to another one without any self-explaining All the experiments have been carried out using a laboratory-
reason. This clearly evidences the need for simple and cheap scale test chamber, which allows for performing these measure-
methodologies to measure the emission factors of commercial ments in a controlled environment avoiding the large investments
candles in order to foresee their health hazard level, possibly before required by a full-scale environmental room.
they can reach the market. It has been found that the BTEX and PAHs emission factors show
Emissions of few high priority pollutants have been then large differences in similar candles without any clear correlations.
compared to the corresponding ambient air quality standards; on On the other hand, aldehydes emission factors are quite similar for
the basis of the determined emission rates of the candles, a simple all the candles, leading to the conclusion that such emissions are
indoor air scenario was used to determine resulting indoor air mainly related to the presence of a fragrance rather than to the
other candle parameters. This has been confirmed by the experi-
ments carried out using candles made by pure paraffin, where
Table 3 almost no emissions of aldehydes have been found. Moreover,
Comparison among emission factors measured for different scented candles.
a data scattering among the three paraffins investigated even larger
This work Maupetit and Orecchio, 2011 than that found for the scented candles is evident for BTEX and
(maximum value) Squinazi, 2009 PAHs emission factors. This seems to indicate that the kind of raw
Formaldehyde, mg g1 2.91 7.09e141.30 material rather than the additives determines BTEX and PAHs
Acetaldehyde, mg g1 1.12 1.77e8.48 emissions.
Benzaldehyde, mg g1 0.55 0.00e11.30
Benzene, mg g1 0.13 <1
A comparison with the few data concerning scented candles
Toluene, mg g1 0.23 <1 available in the literature confirmed that the emission factors of the
Xylenes, mg g1 0.04 <1 scented candles lie inside the ranges measured in these previous
Naphthalene, ng g1 0.04 <2800 0.48e15.00 works, which are indeed quite wide.
Fluorene, ng g1 0.04 0.06e4.70
This clearly evidences the need for simple and cheap method-
Phenanthrene, ng g1 0.14 0.05e3.00
Anthracene, ng g1 0.02 <15 ologies to measure the emission factors of commercial candles in
Fluoranthene, ng g1 0.07 0.005e1.20 order to foresee the expected pollutant concentration in a given
Pyrene, ng g1 0.10 0.005e1.00 indoor environment and compare it with health safety standards.
Chrysene, ng g1 0.75 0.007e3.00 In this regard, the laboratory-scale test chamber realized in this
Benzo(a)anthracene, ng g1 0.03 0.01e0.40
Benzo(a)pyrene, ng g1 0.33 0.01e1.40
study could be useful to perform measurements in an easy-to-build
standardized environment.
262 M. Derudi et al. / Atmospheric Environment 55 (2012) 257e262

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