Anatomy of The Materials Selection Tables For Cras in Nace Mr0175 / Iso 15156 - 3
Anatomy of The Materials Selection Tables For Cras in Nace Mr0175 / Iso 15156 - 3
Anatomy of The Materials Selection Tables For Cras in Nace Mr0175 / Iso 15156 - 3
Table A.N Environmental and material limits for “material group” used in “equipment or component type”
This column shows the maximum This section indicates the limits of
exposure temperature for the pH, i.e. the pH shall be less acidic
specific material. (ref: NACE that the shown value i.e. larger
MR0175 Part 3 A.1.3). The than or equal to the shown value.
equipment user shall define the To calculate the pH the user can
exposure temperature (ref: NACE refer to NACE MR0175 Part 2
MR0175 Part 3 Clause 5). Annex D and NACE Corrosion
Conference paper No. 10371.
S12345a 121 (250) 10 (1,5) 60,000 ≥ 3.5 NDS pCO2 +pH2S ≤ 100 kPa
The heat treatment of this non-real material shall be special and the material shall have a special microstructure.
Material requirements:
In this section the tables include
material requirements such as
This section is reserved for any
hardness limits, processing
remarks indicated in the
requirements (e.g. process route,
temperature, partial pressure,
heat treatment) , microstructural
chloride, pH or sulfur resistance.
requirements as well as any
footnotes in the main body of the
The content of this infographic is a professional interpretation and shall not be considered an official statement by any referenced or implied organization including the
National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE), International Organization for Standardization (ISO) or the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Oil and Gas
Corrosion is a trading name of GG Bell Limited. GG Bell Limited is registered in England and Wales (08913352). 9 Commerce Road Lynchwood Peterborough PE2 6LR UK.