Soul Mates
Soul Mates
Soul Mates
Soul Mates
A. Warm-Up Questions
B. Vocabulary Preview
Copyright 2019, Red River Press Inc. For use by ESL Library members only. ( I N T / V E R S I O N 2 .1) 1
Soul Mates
Discussion Starters
Does each person have one true love?
1. Do you believe in love at first sight? Does every human have “I feel like a part
a soul mate? A soul mate is a person who was destined to be of my soul has
your romantic partner for life. You share a very deep love and
you are highly compatible.
loved you since
2. Relationship experts say it isn’t ideal to search for your soul mate.
the beginning
If you are true to yourself, you will meet your soul mate naturally. of everything.
In other words, hang around people you enjoy and do things you Maybe we’re from
are passionate about. Your chances of finding your soul mate will the same star.”
be better if you are living a genuine life.
—Emery Allen, author
3. Can you picture your soul mate in your mind? This might be your
stumbling block. A soul mate is more likely to appear when you
least expect it. You’ll know by your heart when you’ve met him or her.
In fact, you may already have met your soul mate. Is there someone
from your past who you shared a special connection with?
5. Some people believe that a soul mate is actually a part of you. Without
your “twin flame,” you are only half a soul. What is your definition of a
soul mate? Is it possible to have more than one soul mate in a lifetime?
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Soul Mates
Discussion Starters
Discuss these questions in pairs and write the answers in your notebook.
3. According to the reading, what is the best way to find your soul mate?
Vocabulary Review
A. Complete the Sentences
1. My is that I work late hours. I’ll never meet my soul mate with this job.
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Soul Mates
Discussion Starters
Choose the word or phrase that does NOT belong in the group.
1. Were humans designed to have one partner in life?
Copyright 2019, Red River Press Inc. For use by ESL Library members only. ( I N T / V E R S I O N 2 .1) 4
Soul Mates
Discussion Starters
Fill in the blanks as you listen to the recording.
Does each person have one true love?
1. Do you believe in love at first sight? Does every human have a soul
mate? A soul mate is a person who was to be
your partner for life. You share a very deep love
and you are highly .
3. Can you your soul mate in your mind? This might
be your block. A soul mate is more likely to appear
when you least expect it. You’ll know by your heart when you’ve met
him or her. In fact, you may already have met your soul mate. Is there
someone from your past who you shared a special connection with?
5. Some people believe that a soul mate is actually a part of you. Without
your “twin ,” you are only half a soul. What is your
of a soul mate? Is it possible to have more than
one soul mate in a lifetime?
Copyright 2019, Red River Press Inc. For use by ESL Library members only. ( I N T / V E R S I O N 2 .1) 5
Soul Mates
Discussion Starters
Answer Key
In this lesson, students read about See Discussion Starters Teaching Guide TIME: 1–2 hours
soul mates and discuss their opinions (
TAGS: discussion, soul mate,
about having one true love. Students for a variety of ways to use the reading.
love, relationships,
are encouraged to take or make their
Valentine’s Day, marriage
own soul mates quiz.
Have students work in small groups or as a class. 1. stumbling block 3. picture 5. compatible
2. obsessed 4. destined
1. c 3. g 5. f 7. h 9. e 11. j
2. a 4. d 6. b 8. i 10. k 1. c 2. a 3. c 4. a 5. d 6. c
Read individually, in small groups, or as a class. You can also play Answers will vary.
the listening as your students read along. A gap-fill version of the Can be done individually or in small groups or pairs.
reading is available on page 5. Help your students with vocabulary
and expressions that they are unfamiliar with. Soul Mates Quiz
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