Howtomakebetterdecisions3quicktips Teacherguide
Howtomakebetterdecisions3quicktips Teacherguide
Howtomakebetterdecisions3quicktips Teacherguide
Part 1. - Part 4. Discussion activities about decisions and decision-making. Answers will vary.
For Parts 2 - 4, you can have students refer back to these after watching the video to check
their answers and how similar they were.
Viewing Activity
Preview Discussion. Your brain’s bandwidth refers to the energy your brain has or its capacity.
It refers to the limited capacity of your brain’s attention and cognitive resources (the amount of
mental effort and focus you can use on different tasks or processes)
Part 1. Tips from the video:
Tip 1: Free up your brain’s bandwidth by eliminating small decisions
Tip 2: Give it the fuel it needs
Tip 3: Get honest advice from a friend.
Part 2. Short Answers.
(1) When he was in office, Barack Obama removed one decision from his daily life — what
to wear. It was always a grey or blue suit and a white shirt because he knew the science
behind decision-making. The reason this is discussed in the video is to make the point that
that by eliminating the small decisions from your life, you save bandwidth for the really
important ones.
(2) If you’re very hungry neurotransmitters can’t be produced which results in
communication between the brain’s 86 billion neurons breaking down.
(3) Food can affect your ability to make decisions. Research shows that drinking plenty of
water and having a slow-release carbohydrate breakfast like porridge will help you think
clearly. Omega-3 is also a brilliant brain food. You can find it in oily fish and pumpkin and
sunflower seeds.
(4) Daniel Kahneman found that in big decisions we’re generally more afraid of loss than
we are motivated by gain. According to his research, this means we often pick the safest
option rather than the one that will have the most positive impact on our lives.
Part 3. True / False / Not given. (1) True (2) False (3) Not given
Viewing Follow-Up
Part 1. Students read the quotes from the video and then match the words / phrases in bold with
their definitions.
(1) drop some truth bombs (4) weighed down
(2) objective (5) roughed up
(3) vigilant
Part 2. Discussion about the agree/disagree statements. Answers will vary.
Part 3. Definitions of the phrases in the quote from the man calling his friend. Teacher’s answers:
tricky situation: complicated situation with several factor to consider
I’m torn: I’m undecided or it’s very hard for me to decide / I don’t know how to decide
take (taking) a toll on: have a negative impact on
My gut tells me: My instincts tell me
gain clarity: to become clear or feel sure/certain about something
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How To Make Better Decisions | 3 Quick Tips (B2)
Decision-making Advice
Allow students to choose whether they want to do option 1 (just the discussion), option 2 (the
role play), or both. If they choose the role play, and the lesson is one-to-one, take/assign the
roles and conduct the activities with the students.