E Lab: Design Services Overview
E Lab: Design Services Overview
E Lab: Design Services Overview
e lab
Design Services Overview
Firms just like yours use our state of the art technology for
new product development, cost reducing circuitboard redesign,
existing product enhancement, and electrical engineering support.
"Embedded Control & Integrated Circuit Solutions"
Your Questions Answered
Please allow us to answer some of the more commonly asked
questions we have received from firms considering the
outsourcing of their engineering design work:
Q. We'd like to work with an outside engineering group, but what about costs?
A. The majority of the design work that we perform is bid up front, so all costs are known by you
prior to the project's commencement. Because we're familiar with tomorrow's technologies, we
can quickly provide you with engineering solutions, oftentimes at a lower final cost than an in-
house engineering team could. In addition, our EDE-1 Program (see pricing section) is an ideal
solution to pilot runs that mandate a low non-recurring engineering (NRE) design investment.
Q. Since we would not be developing our circuitry entirely in-house, how can we be cer-
tain it will function exactly as we desire?
A. Once you've described the desired functionality, we will review your requirements and clarify
any points. We will then issue a project bid that will detail all circuit operation. Following your
approval we'll design your schematics & firmware, then wire-wrap a prototype circuit to be fully
tested by ourselves and you. Finally, a printed circuit board (PCB) layout will be created, and a
production-level prototype assembled. We will fully evaluate this final circuit and then sent to
you for final verification. Phone, fax, and e-mail combine to form an effective communication
system for the exchange of ideas and information between your firm and ours.
A. That depends upon the design complexity. For an average design the process (specifica-
tion, proof-of-concept, prototyping, coding, de-bugging, client testing, and schematic capture/
PCB production) takes approximately 6-8 weeks. This, of course, this varies with design param-
eters such as the duration of client prototype evaluation. Note that this is not to say that an
average design requires 6-8 billing weeks, just that the engineering, component acquisition,
PCB manufacturing, and shipping to client for testing, etc. spreads the process over this period
of time.
Q. We have an engineer/ technician on staff that we would like you to work with on the
project. How is this best accomplished?
• Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Screen & • Optical Readouts & Displays
7-Segment Displays • User I/O Interfacing
• Keypad, Pushbuttons, Membrane • Wireless Datalink
Switches • Shaft Encoders & Pulse
• Various Analog & Digital Sensors (light, Counters
heat, pressure, torque, fluid level) • Fiber Optic Data Transmission
• Serial Protocols (232/485, SPI, I2C, USB) • PWM Outputs
• NMEA/ GPS Protocol • Analog & Digital I/O
• GPIB/ IEEE-488 Protocol • Solenoid & Relay Actuation
• Motor Control (Stepper, DC, AC, Servo) • Real-Time Clock (Y2K Compliant)
• Solid State AC DeviceControl • Tone Decoding
• Bar Code Readers • Audio Sampling & Frequency
• PC Interface Generation
Inputs Outputs
To aid in the rapid development of your custom IC we have created a simple four-page
design worksheet that covers the needs of most IC designs. Take a look at our Easy-ASIC
Fabless Integrated Circuit Design Worksheet(available from our website or by request) to
see how the creation of a custom IC can benefit your product. Check your desired features,
fax it back to us and within 48 hours you'll have a quote for the proposed design.
Example of an 18-Pin
Custom IC's Pinout.
Using a Custom IC in
Your Product Can
Save Money, Reduce
Board Size, and In-
crease Reliability!
One: Specification
Contact us concerning a particular design you are considering for development. After you describe the
desired functionality to us, we prepare a project bid which details the proposed design's operation and
specifies cost. Once approved with a purchase order, a design contract is signed and work com-
Two: Prototyping
E-Lab designs the schematics and firmware for your project. A wire-wrap prototype is built and the
microcontroller firmware is written. This stage is typically the most time consuming as all design details
must be worked out here. Once completed, E-Lab verifies the prototype for correct operation.
Three: Evaluation
The wire-wrap prototype is sent to you for evaluation. If you detect any failure to perform consistently
with the written specifications in the project bid, E-Lab will make the corrections at this stage. Also,
any desired functionality enhancements are re-bid at this time.
Note: As mentioned previously, you may choose as many of these design stages as you require.
Also, please note that the Easy-ASIC™ Design Service does not require stages Three, Four & Six.
Our hourly design rate is an affordable $95. Once work is completed, you will be given
all engineering files such as C/ Assembly source code, schematic capture files, PCB artwork,
etc., as well as ownership of all copyrights to the delivered files. From this point either E-Lab,
yourselves, or a third party can produce your designs from the files we provide you.
A second option you may wish to consider is our EDE-1 Program. We understand that
often it is difficult for a firm to expend capital for circuit design, prototyping, testing, etc. prior to
ever receiving a dollar of profit from product sales. In an effort to remedy this problem for our
clients, we have developed our exclusive EDE-1 Program, which shifts some of the up front
engineering design cost to post production, thereby allowing firms to have their product de-
signed for less up-front investment.
We are able to offer the EDE-1 Program because in addition to being an engineering
design firm we are also experts in final assembled circuit board production. The EDE-1 Pro-
gram offers a lower hourly rate ($65), in which E-Lab maintains copyright to all design work.
With E-Lab manufacturing the circuit boards (at an estimated cost known during bid time),
there are no additional charges involved. Should you for any reason choose to produce the
assembled circuit boards yourselves or via a third party, the copyright must be purchased from
E-Lab at a cost of $75 x the total number of engineering design hours. For example, a pro-
posed design taking 30 hours, at our ordinary hourly rate, would cost $2850. With the EDE-1
Program, the design cost would only be $1950. Then, should you later choose to own the
copyrights the additional expense to you would be $2250 ($75 x 30).
We think you'll agree that E-Lab works hard to help your project succeed. We look
forward to being of service to you!
© 1999 E-Lab Digital Engineering, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
(816) 257-9954 • FAX: (816) 257-9945 • www.elabinc.com • engineering@elabinc.com Page 7