Super Tracker Reflection
Super Tracker Reflection
Super Tracker Reflection
Professor Knott
07 October 2020
During my 3 days tracking, I stayed within a good caloric intake. However, I did notice
that the Total Fat and Sodium went over the daily recommendations. Some changes that would
lower the total fat and sodium would be not to have the prepacked salad kit. Instead it would be
best to add steam vegetables to my meal. I went ahead and tracked a meal with the change I
suggested, and it was a success. I was able to stay under the recommendations for things that are
recommended to keep at a minimum, like saturated fat, sodium and added sugars (to name a
few). And things that you need to have more of like protein, fiber, and vitamins, I was able to
reach the recommendations. I have continued to track my meals since I am currently in the
process of losing weight for surgery. I meet with a nutritionist one a month to review my
progress, which this class is helping me to achieve. The goals I have created are based not only
on the RDA standards but also on the changes I need to do for weight lose surgery.
My first goal is to eat between 1200 to 1500 calories a day. At first, I thought this would
be exceedingly difficult to achieve but if I eat the correct kinds on food, I find that I can stay
within my caloric goal. Which leads me to my second goal of eating certain foods. The kinds of
food I want to focus on eating are lean proteins, vegetables, whole grains, and getting my fats
from (avocados, nuts, flax and chia seeds). I have realized that if I focus on what I want to eat
rather than what I cannot eat, I will stick to the diet. My third goal is to limit the amount of
simple carbohydrates to the bare minimum. This has been the most difficult goal because they
are the kind of food, I eat the most of in the past. However, I think that this goal will make the
biggest difference in my success with by weight and health. My next goal is to cook for the
family more often, at least 4 times a week. I live with family that also cook but the healthiest of
options, if I cook for the family, I can control the food I eat and I can help them eat healthier.
Lastly, my goal is to make these goal a lifestyle change. This will be my ongoing goal because I
do not want the changes to be temperately and I want to be able to teach other how to eat
healthier too.