Beractant: Drug Class Therapeutic Actions
Beractant: Drug Class Therapeutic Actions
Beractant: Drug Class Therapeutic Actions
RDS; infants with birth weights less than 1250 g Prophylactic treatment: Give first dose of 100
or infants with birth weights more than 1250 g
phospholipids/kg birth weight ( 4 ml/kg) soon
have evidence of pulmonary immaturity after
Rescue treatment of infants who have birth. Four doses can be administered in the first
developed RDS
48 hours of life. Give no more than every 6 hr.
Adverse Effects
1. CNS: seizures
Hypotension, bradycardia
Monitor ECG and transcutaneous oxygen
3. Hematologic: hyperbilirubinemia, saturation
continually during administration.
4. Respiratory: pneumothorax, pulmonary air
Ensure that endotracheal tube is in the correct unused vials warmed to room temperature may
position, be returned to refrigerator within 8 hours of
with bilateral chest movement and lung sounds.
Insert 5 french catheter into the endotracheal
Have staff view manufacturer’s teaching video tube; do not instill into the mainsteam bronchus.
Instill dose quickly; inject one-fourth dose over
regular use to cover all technical aspects of 2-3 seconds; remove catheter and reattach
administration. infant to ventilator at least
Suction the infant immediately before 30 seconds or until stable; repeat procedure
administration, but administering
Do not suction for 1 hour after administration One-fourth dose at a time.
Do not suction infant for 1 hour after
Clinically necessary. completion of full dose; do not flush
Inspect via for discoloration . Vial should contain
off-white Continually monitor patient’s color, lung
To brown liquid. Gently mix. Warm to room sounds, ECG, oximeter, and blood gas
temperature readings during administration and for at
least 30 min. afeter.
Before using – 20 min standing or 8 min warned
by hand. Teaching points: