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User Guide To Collection 6 MODIS Land Cover (MCD12Q1 and MCD12C1) Product

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User Guide to Collection 6 MODIS Land Cover (MCD12Q1 and

MCD12C1) Product

Damien Sulla-Menashe and Mark A Friedl

May 14, 2018

The MODIS Land Cover Type Product (MCD12Q1) provides a suite of science data sets (SDSs) that
map global land cover at 500 meter spatial resolution at annual time step for six different land cover legends.
The maps were created from classifications of spectro-temporal features derived of data from the Moderate
Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). This user guide provides the following information related
to the C6 product:

1. An overview of the MCD12Q1 algorithm, with references to published literature where more details
can be found.

2. Guidance on data portals, projections, and formats, to help users access and use the data.

3. Contact information for users with questions that cannot be addressed through information or websites
provided in this document.

4. Tables describing the different data sets and legends provided with the product.

1 Product Overview
The MODIS Land Cover Type Product (MCD12Q1) supplies global maps of land cover at annual time
steps and 500-m spatial resolution for 2001-present. The product contains 13 Science Data Sets (SDS;
Table 1), including 5 legacy classification schemes (IGBP, UMD, LAI, BGC, and PFT; Tables 3- 7) and a new
three layer legend based on the Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) from the Food and Agriculture
Organization (Tables 8- 10; Di Gregorio, 2005; Sulla-Menashe et al., 2011). Also included are a Quality
Assurance (QA; Table 11) layer, the posterior probabilities for the three LCCS layers, and the binary land
water mask used by the product. MCD12Q1 has been Stage 2 Validated based on cross-validation of the
training dataset used to create the maps.
The MCD12Q1 product is created using supervised classification of MODIS reflectance data (Friedl
et al., 2002, 2010). In Collection 5 MCD12Q1, the IGBP scheme was classified using the C4.5 decision
tree algorithm that ingested a full year of 8-day MODIS Nadir BRDF-Adjusted Reflectance (NBAR; Schaaf
et al., 2002) data (MCD43A2 and MCD43A4). In Collection 6, we have made substantial changes to the
MCD12Q1 SDSs, to the algorithm that pre-process and classify the data, and to the input features used in
the classifications. Foremost among these changes is the development of a new legend based on a nested set
of classifications (Figure 1). To create this LCCS legend, we added new class information to the site database

used to train the classifier. The second major change to the product is that we developed new gap-filled
spectro-temporal features by applying smoothing splines to the NBAR time series, using NBAR QA data
to weigh the observations. The smoothed time series were used to generate snow flags and calculate snow-
free metrics including annual quantiles and variances for the spectral bands and several band combinations.
These annual metrics were used as inputs to the RandomForest classifier for each layer of the hierarchy.
Following supervised classification of smoothed NBAR data, a set of post-processing steps that incorpo-
rate prior probability knowledge and adjust specific classes based on ancillary information are applied to the
classification results (McIver and Friedl, 2002; Friedl et al., 2002). The final class-conditional probabilities
have substantial levels of inter-annual variability caused by residual noise in input time series, missing data,
and changes within the training database (Friedl et al., 2010). To reduce interannual variability caused
by classifier instability, we developed an approach based on Hidden Markov Models that post-process map
results for each year, which dramatically reduces inter-annual variability in the product (Abercrombie and
Friedl, 2016). After stabilization, the classifications are condensed into the final set of six legends and associ-
ated QA information. Despite improving the stability to the product, we urge users not to use the product to
determine post-classification land cover change. The amount of uncertainty in the land cover labels for any
one year remains too high to distinguish real change from changes between classes that are spectrally indis-
tinguishable at the coarse 500-m MODIS resolution. For more detailed information about the development
and accuracy of the C6 MCD12Q1 product see Sulla-Menashe et al. (view).
To maximize utility to the science community, six different classification schemes are provided with the C6
MCD12Q1 product. These include the IGBP land cover classification (Loveland and Belward, 1997; Belward
et al., 1999) (Table 3), the University of Maryland classification scheme (Hansen et al., 2000) (Table 4), the
Biome classification scheme described by Running et al. (2004) (Table 6), the LAI/fPAR Biome scheme
described by Myneni et al. (2002) (Table 5), and the Plant Functional Type scheme described by Bonan
(2002) (Table 7). The LCCS scheme contains three layers, the first for land cover, the second for land use,
and the third for surface hydrology (Tables 8-9).
The MODIS Land Cover Climate Modeling Grid Product (MCD12C1) provides a spatially aggregated
and reprojected version of the tiled MCD12Q1 product. Maps of the IGBP, UMD, and LAI schemes are
provided at a 0.05◦ spatial resolution in geographic lat/long projection (Table 2). Also provided are the
sub-pixel proportions of each land cover class in each 0.05◦ pixel and the aggregated quality assessment
information for the IGBP scheme.
Essential information required for accessing and using these data include the following:

• Data set characteristics (temporal coverage, spatial resolution, image size, data types, etc.).

• Science data sets included in the MODIS Land Cover Type Product, and their associated definitions.

• Information and specifications related to the MODIS Land Cover Type QA Science data set.

Up-to-date information related to each of these topics including science data sets, data formats, and quality
information are available from the Land Processes DAAC at https://doi.org/10.5067/MODIS/MCD12Q1.
006 for MCD12Q1 and https://doi.org/10.5067/MODIS/MCD12C1.006 for MCD12C1.

2 Data Formats and Projection

MCD12Q1 data are provided as tiles that are approximately 10◦ x 10◦ at the Equator using a Sinusoidal grid
in HDF4 file format. MCD12C1 data are provided as a global mosaic in geographic lat/long projection also

in HDF4 file format (3600 rows x 7200 columns). Information related to the MODIS sinusoidal projection
and the HDF4 file format can be found at:

• MODIS tile grid: http://modis-land.gsfc.nasa.gov/MODLAND_grid.html

• MODIS HDF4: http://www.hdfgroup.org/products/hdf4/

Several parameters are needed to reproject the Sinusoidal HDF4 files to other projections using widely
used software such as GDAL. Here we provide the values used for the upper left corner of the grid, the
size of a single pixel, and the Sinusoidal projection string in Cartographic Projections Library (PROJ4) and
Well-Known Text (WKT) formats.

• ULY Grid = 10007554.677, ULX Grid = -20015109.354

• Pixel Size (m) = 463.312716525

• Number of Pixels per Tile = 2400

• Projection Information
PROJ4: ‘+proj=sinu +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m’

PROJCS["Sinusoidal", GEOGCS["GCS_unnamed ellipse",

DATUM["D_unknown", SPHEROID["Unknown",6371007.181,0]],
PRIMEM["Greenwich",0], UNIT["Degree",0.017453292519943295]],
PROJECTION["Sinusoidal"], PARAMETER["central_meridian",0],
PARAMETER["false_easting",0], PARAMETER["false_northing",0],UNIT["Meter",1]

2.1 Accessing MODIS Data Products

Several ways to access the MODIS data products are listed below. More info about the data sets, data
formats, and quality information are available from the Land Processes DAAC. For MCD12Q1 the link is
https://doi.org/10.5067/MODIS/MCD12Q1.006 and for MCD12C1, https://doi.org/10.5067/MODIS/

• Bulk download: LP DAAC Data Pool and DAAC2Disk.

• Search and browse: USGS EarthExplorer and NASA Earthdata Search.

2.2 Known Issues and Sources of Uncertainty

• Areas of permanent sea ice are mapped as water if they are identifed as water according to the C6
Land/Water mask (Carroll et al., 2009). Some land areas, for example glaciers within permanent
topographic shadows, were mapped as water according to this mask, which introduces isolated errors
in the product.

• Wetlands are under-represented.

• In areas of the tropics where cropland field sizes tend to be much smaller than a MODIS pixel,
agriculture is sometimes underrepresented (i.e., labeled as natural vegetation).

• Areas of temperate evergreen needleleaf forests are misclassified as broadleaf evergreen forests in Japan,
the Pacific Northwest of North America, and Chile. Similarly, areas of evergreen broadleaf forests are
misclassified as evergreen needleleaf forests in Australia and parts of South America.

• Some grassland areas are classified as savannas (sparse forest).

• There is a glacier in Chile that is screened as if it were permanently cloud covered and is partially
classified as grassland.

3 Contact Information
User Contact:

• Damien Sulla-Menashe (dsm@bu.edu)

• Mark Friedl (friedl@bu.edu)

4 Science Data Sets

Table 1: MCD12Q1 Science Data Sets.
SDS Full Name Short Description Units Data Type Valid Fill
Name Range Value
Land Cover Type 1 LC Type1 Annual IGBP classification Class 8-bit unsigned [1,17] 255
Land Cover Type 2 LC Type2 Annual UMD classification Class 8-bit unsigned [0,15] 255
Land Cover Type 3 LC Type3 Annual LAI classification Class 8-bit unsigned [0,10] 255
Land Cover Type 4 LC Type4 Annual BGC classification Class 8-bit unsigned [0,8] 255
Land Cover Type 5 LC Type5 Annual PFT classification Class 8-bit unsigned [0,11] 255
Land Cover Property 1 LC Prop1 LCCS1 land cover layer Class 8-bit unsigned [1,43] 255
Land Cover Property 2 LC Prop2 LCCS2 land use layer Class 8-bit unsigned [1,40] 255
Land Cover Property 3 LC Prop3 LCCS3 surface hydrology Class 8-bit unsigned [1,51] 255
layer #
Land Cover Property 1 LC Prop1 Ass LCCS1 land cover layer con- Percent 8-bit unsigned [0,100] 255
Assessment fidence x 100
Land Cover Property 2 LC Prop2 Ass LCCS2 land use layer confi- Percent 8-bit unsigned [0,100] 255
Assessment dence x 100
Land Cover Property 3 LC Prop3 Ass LCCS3 surface hydrology Percent 8-bit unsigned [0,100] 255
Assessment layer confidence x 100
Land Cover QC QC Product quality flags Flags 8-bit unsigned [0,10] 255
Land Water Mask LW Binary land (class 2) / water Class 8-bit unsigned [1,2] 255
(class 1) mask derived from #

Table 2: MCD12C1 Science Data Sets.
Full SDS Short Description Unit Data Type Valid Fill
name Name range Value
Majority Land MLCT 1 Most likely IGBP class Class 8-bit unsigned [0,16] 255
Cover Type 1 for each 0.05 degree value integer
Majority Land MLCT 1 A Majority IGBP class Percent 8-bit unsigned [0,100] 255
Cover Type 1 confidence x 100 integer
Majority Land LCT 1 P Percent cover of each Percent 8-bit unsigned [0,100] 255
Cover Type 1 IGBP class at each x 100 integer
Percent pixel
Majority Land MLCT 2 Most likely UMD class Class 8-bit unsigned [0,15] 255
Cover Type 2 for each 0.05 degree value integer
Majority Land MLCT 2 A Majority UMD class Percent 8-bit unsigned [0,100] 255
Cover Type 2 confidence (filled with x 100 integer
Assessment land/water mask)
Majority Land LCT 2 P Percent cover of each Percent 8-bit unsigned [0,100] 255
Cover Type 2 UMD class at each x 100 integer
Percent pixel
Majority Land MLCT 3 Most likely LAI class Class 8-bit unsigned [0,10] 255
Cover Type 3 for each 0.05 degree value integer
Majority Land MLCT 3 A Majority LAI class Percent 8-bit unsigned [0,100] 255
Cover Type 3 confidence (filled with x 100 integer
Assessment land/water mask)
Majority Land LCT 3 P Percent cover of each Percent 8-bit unsigned [0,100] 255
Cover Type 3 LAI class at each pixel x 100 integer

5 Classification Legends
5.1 MCD12Q1 Legends

Table 3: MCD12Q1 International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) legend and class descriptions.
Name Value Description
Evergreen Needleleaf Forests 1 Dominated by evergreen conifer trees (canopy
>2m). Tree cover >60%.
Evergreen Broadleaf Forests 2 Dominated by evergreen broadleaf and palmate
trees (canopy >2m). Tree cover >60%.
Deciduous Needleleaf Forests 3 Dominated by deciduous needleleaf (larch) trees
(canopy >2m). Tree cover >60%.
Deciduous Broadleaf Forests 4 Dominated by deciduous broadleaf trees (canopy
>2m). Tree cover >60%.
Mixed Forests 5 Dominated by neither deciduous nor evergreen
(40-60% of each) tree type (canopy >2m). Tree
cover >60%.
Closed Shrublands 6 Dominated by woody perennials (1-2m height)
>60% cover.
Open Shrublands 7 Dominated by woody perennials (1-2m height)
10-60% cover.
Woody Savannas 8 Tree cover 30-60% (canopy >2m).
Savannas 9 Tree cover 10-30% (canopy >2m).
Grasslands 10 Dominated by herbaceous annuals (<2m).
Permanent Wetlands 11 Permanently inundated lands with 30-60% water
cover and >10% vegetated cover.
Croplands 12 At least 60% of area is cultivated cropland.
Urban and Built-up Lands 13 At least 30% impervious surface area including
building materials, asphalt, and vehicles.
Cropland/Natural Vegetation Mo- 14 Mosaics of small-scale cultivation 40-60% with
saics natural tree, shrub, or herbaceous vegetation.
Permanent Snow and Ice 15 At least 60% of area is covered by snow and ice
for at least 10 months of the year.
Barren 16 At least 60% of area is non-vegetated barren
(sand, rock, soil) areas with less than 10% veg-
Water Bodies 17 At least 60% of area is covered by permanent wa-
ter bodies.
Unclassified 255 Has not received a map label because of missing

Table 4: University of Maryland (UMD) legend and class definitions.
Name Value Description
Water bodies 0 At least 60% of area is covered by permanent wa-
ter bodies.
Evergreen Needleleaf Forests 1 Dominated by evergreen conifer trees (canopy
>2m). Tree cover >60%.
Evergreen Broadleaf Forests 2 Dominated by evergreen broadleaf and palmate
trees (canopy >2m). Tree cover >60%.
Deciduous Needleleaf Forests 3 Dominated by deciduous needleleaf (larch) trees
(canopy >2m). Tree cover >60%.
Deciduous Broadleaf Forests 4 Dominated by deciduous broadleaf trees (canopy
>2m). Tree cover >60%.
Mixed Forests 5 Dominated by neither deciduous nor evergreen
(40-60% of each) tree type (canopy >2m). Tree
cover >60%.
Closed Shrublands 6 Dominated by woody perennials (1-2m height)
>60% cover.
Open Shrublands 7 Dominated by woody perennials (1-2m height)
10-60% cover.
Woody Savannas 8 Tree cover 30-60% (canopy >2m).
Savannas 9 Tree cover 10-30% (canopy >2m).
Grasslands 10 Dominated by herbaceous annuals (<2m).
Permanent Wetlands 11 Permanently inundated lands with 30-60% water
cover and >10% vegetated cover.
Croplands 12 At least 60% of area is cultivated cropland.
Urban and Built-up Lands 13 At least 30% impervious surface area including
building materials, asphalt, and vehicles.
Cropland/Natural Vegetation Mo- 14 Mosaics of small-scale cultivation 40-60% with
saics natural tree, shrub, or herbaceous vegetation.
Non-Vegetated Lands 15 At least 60% of area is non-vegetated barren
(sand, rock, soil) or permanent snow and ice with
less than 10% vegetation.
Unclassified 255 Has not received a map label because of missing

Table 5: Leaf Area Index (LAI) legend and class definitions.
Name Value Description
Water Bodies 0 At least 60% of area is covered by permanent wa-
ter bodies.
Grasslands 1 Dominated by herbaceous annuals (<2m) includ-
ing cereal croplands.
Shrublands 2 Shrub (1-2m) cover >10%.
Broadleaf Croplands 3 Dominated by herbaceous annuals (<2m) that
are cultivated with broadleaf crops.
Savannas 4 Between 10-60% tree cover (>2m).
Evergreen Broadleaf Forests 5 Dominated by evergreen broadleaf and palmate
trees (>2m). Tree cover >60%.
Deciduous Broadleaf Forests 6 Dominated by deciduous broadleaf trees (>2m).
Tree cover >60%.
Evergreen Needleleaf Forests 7 Dominated by evergreen conifer trees (>2m).
Tree cover >60%.
Deciduous Needleleaf Forests 8 Dominated by deciduous needleleaf (larch) trees
(>2m). Tree cover >60%.
Non-Vegetated Lands 9 At least 60% of area is non-vegetated barren
(sand, rock, soil) or permanent snow and ice with
less than 10% vegetation.
Urban and Built-up Lands 10 At least 30% impervious surface area including
building materials, asphalt, and vehicles.
Unclassified 255 Has not received a map label because of missing

Table 6: BIOME-Biogeochemical Cycles (BGC) legend and class definitions.
Name Value Description
Water Bodies 0 At least 60% of area is covered by permanent wa-
ter bodies.
Evergreen Needleleaf Vegetation 1 Dominated by evergreen conifer trees and shrubs
(>1m). Woody vegetation cover >10%.
Evergreen Broadleaf Vegetation 2 Dominated by evergreen broadleaf and palmate
trees and shrubs (>1m). Woody vegetation cover
Deciduous Needleleaf Vegetation 3 Dominated by deciduous needleleaf (larch) trees
and shrubs (>1m). Woody vegetation cover
Deciduous Broadleaf Vegetation 4 Dominated by deciduous broadleaf trees and
shrubs (>1m). Woody vegetation cover >10%.
Annual Broadleaf Vegetation 5 Dominated by herbaceous annuals (<2m). At
least 60% cultivated broadleaf crops.
Annual Grass Vegetation 6 Dominated by herbaceous annuals (<2m) includ-
ing cereal croplands.
Non-Vegetated Lands 7 At least 60% of area is non-vegetated barren
(sand, rock, soil) or permanent snow/ice with less
than 10% vegetation.
Urban and Built-up Lands 8 At least 30% impervious surface area including
building materials, asphalt, and vehicles.
Unclassified 255 Has not received a map label because of missing

Table 7: Plant Functional Types (PFT) legend and class definitions.
Name Value Description
Color Hex Code
Water Bodies 0 At least 60% of area is covered by permanent wa-
ter bodies.
Evergreen Needleleaf Trees 1 Dominated by evergreen conifer trees (>2m).
Tree cover >10%.
Evergreen Broadleaf Trees 2 Dominated by evergreen broadleaf and palmate
trees (>2m). Tree cover >10%.
Deciduous Needleleaf Trees 3 Dominated by deciduous needleleaf (larch) trees
(>2m). Tree cover >10%.
Deciduous Broadleaf Trees 4 Dominated by deciduous broadleaf trees (>2m).
Tree cover >10%.
Shrub 5 Shrub (1-2m) cover >10%.
Grass 6 Dominated by herbaceous annuals (<2m) that
are not cultivated.
Cereal Croplands 7 Dominated by herbaceous annuals (<2m). At
least 60% cultivated cereal crops.
Broadleaf Croplands 8 Dominated by herbaceous annuals (<2m). At
least 60% cultivated broadleaf crops.
Urban and Built-up Lands 9 At least 30% impervious surface area including
building materials, asphalt, and vehicles.
Permanent Snow and Ice 10 At least 60% of area is covered by snow and ice
for at least 10 months of the year.
Barren 11 At least 60% of area is non-vegetated barren
(sand, rock, soil) with less than 10% vegetation.
Unclassified 255 Has not received a map label because of missing

Table 8: FAO-Land Cover Classification System land cover (LCCS1) legend and class definitions.
Name Value Description
Barren 1 At least of area 60% is non-vegetated barren
(sand, rock, soil) or permanent snow/ice with less
than 10% vegetation.
Permanent Snow and Ice 2 At least of area 60% is covered by snow and ice
for at least 10 months of the year.
Water Bodies 3 At least 60% of area is covered by permanent wa-
ter bodies.
Evergreen Needleleaf Forests 11 Dominated by evergreen conifer trees (>2m).
Tree cover >60%.
Evergreen Broadleaf Forests 12 Dominated by evergreen broadleaf and palmate
trees (>2m). Tree cover >60%.
Deciduous Needleleaf Forests 13 Dominated by deciduous needleleaf (larch) trees
(>2m). Tree cover >60%.
Deciduous Broadleaf Forests 14 Dominated by deciduous broadleaf trees (>2m).
Tree cover >60%.
Mixed Broadleaf/Needleleaf Forests 15 Co-dominated (40-60%) by broadleaf deciduous
and evergreen needleleaf tree (>2m) types. Tree
cover >60%.
Mixed Broadleaf Evergreen/Deciduous 16 Co-dominated (40-60%) by broadleaf evergreen
Forests and deciduous tree (>2m) types. Tree cover
Open Forests 21 Tree cover 30-60% (canopy >2m).
Sparse Forests 22 Tree cover 10-30% (canopy >2m).
Dense Herbaceous 31 Dominated by herbaceous annuals (<2m) at least
60% cover.
Sparse Herbaceous 32 Dominated by herbaceous annuals (<2m) 10-60%
Dense Shrublands 41 Dominated by woody perennials (1-2m) >60%
Shrubland/Grassland Mosaics 42 Dominated by woody perennials (1-2m) 10-60%
cover with dense herbaceous annual understory.
Sparse Shrublands 43 Dominated by woody perennials (1-2m) 10-60%
cover with minimal herbaceous understory.
Unclassified 255 Has not received a map label because of missing

Table 9: FAO-Land Cover Classification System land use (LCCS2) legend and class definitions.
Name Value Description
Barren 1 At least 60% of area is non-vegetated barren
(sand, rock, soil) or permanent snow/ice with less
than 10% vegetation.
Permanent Snow and Ice 2 At least 60% of area is covered by snow and ice
for at least 10 months of the year.
Water Bodies 3 At least 60% of area is covered by permanent wa-
ter bodies.
Urban and Built-up Lands 9 At least 30% of area is made up of impervious sur-
faces including building materials, asphalt, and
Dense Forests 10 Tree cover >60% (canopy >2m).
Open Forests 20 Tree cover 10-60% (canopy >2m).
Forest/Cropland Mosaics 25 Mosaics of small-scale cultivation 40-60% with
>10% natural tree cover.
Natural Herbaceous 30 Dominated by herbaceous annuals (<2m). At
least 10% cover.
Natural Herbaceous/Croplands Mo- 35 Mosaics of small-scale cultivation 40-60% with
saics natural shrub or herbaceous vegetation.
Herbaceous Croplands 36 Dominated by herbaceous annuals (<2m). At
least 60% cover. Cultivated fraction >60%.
Shrublands 40 Shrub cover >60% (1-2m).
Unclassified 255 Has not received a map label because of missing

Table 10: FAO-Land Cover Classification System surface hydrology (LCCS3) legend and class descriptions.
Name Value Description
Barren 1 At least 60% of area is non-vegetated barren
(sand, rock, soil) or permanent snow/ice with less
than 10% vegetation.
Permanent Snow and Ice 2 At least 60% of area is covered by snow and ice
for at least 10 months of the year.
Water Bodies 3 At least 60% of area is covered by permanent wa-
ter bodies.
Dense Forests 10 Tree cover >60% (canopy >2m).
Open Forests 20 Tree cover 10-60% (canopy >2m).
Woody Wetlands 27 Shrub and tree cover >10% (>1m). Permanently
or seasonally inundated
Grasslands 30 Dominated by herbaceous annuals (<2m) >10%
Shrublands 40 Shrub cover >60% (1-2m).
Herbaceous Wetlands 50 Dominated by herbaceous annuals (<2m) >10%
cover. Permanently or seasonally inundated.
Tundra 51 Tree cover <10%. Snow-covered for at least 8
months of the year.
Unclassified 255 Has not received a map label because of missing

Table 11: Quality Assurance (QA) legend and class descriptions.
Name Value Description
Classified land 0 Has a classification label and is land according to
the water mask.
Unclassified land 1 Not classified because of missing data but land
according to the water mask, labeled as barren.
Classified water 2 Has a classification label and is water according
to the water mask.
Unclassified water 3 Not classified because of missing data but water
according to the water mask.
Classified sea ice 4 Classified as snow/ice but water mask says it is
water and less than 100m elevation, switched to
Misclassified water 5 Classified as water but water mask says it is land,
switched to secondary label.
Omitted snow/ice 6 Land according to the water mask that was clas-
sified as something other than snow but with a
maximum annual temperature below 1◦ C, rela-
beled as snow/ice.
Misclassified snow/ice 7 Land according to the water mask that was clas-
sified as snow but with a minimum annual tem-
perature greater than 1◦ C, relabeled as barren.
Backfilled label 8 Missing label from stabilization, filled with the
pre-stabilized result.
Forest type changed 9 Climate-based change to forest class.
No data 10 Missing label from the water mask.

5.2 MCD12C1 IGBP Legend

Table 12: MCD12C1 International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) legend and class descriptions.
The other class legends of the MCD12C1 product are identical to the MCD12Q1 product above.
Name Value Description
Water Bodies 0 At least 60% of area is covered by permanent wa-
ter bodies.
Evergreen Needleleaf Forests 1 Dominated by evergreen conifer trees (canopy
>2m). Tree cover >60%.
Evergreen Broadleaf Forests 2 Dominated by evergreen broadleaf and palmate
trees (canopy >2m). Tree cover >60%.
Deciduous Needleleaf Forests 3 Dominated by deciduous needleleaf (larch) trees
(canopy >2m). Tree cover >60%.
Deciduous Broadleaf Forests 4 Dominated by deciduous broadleaf trees (canopy
>2m). Tree cover >60%.
Mixed Forests 5 Dominated by neither deciduous nor evergreen
(40-60% of each) tree type (canopy >2m). Tree
cover >60%.
Closed Shrublands 6 Dominated by woody perennials (1-2m height)
>60% cover.
Open Shrublands 7 Dominated by woody perennials (1-2m height)
10-60% cover.
Woody Savannas 8 Tree cover 30-60% (canopy >2m).
Savannas 9 Tree cover 10-30% (canopy >2m).
Grasslands 10 Dominated by herbaceous annuals (<2m).
Permanent Wetlands 11 Permanently inundated lands with 30-60% water
cover and >10% vegetated cover.
Croplands 12 At least 60% of area is cultivated cropland.
Urban and Built-up Lands 13 At least 30% impervious surface area including
building materials, asphalt, and vehicles.
Cropland/Natural Vegetation Mo- 14 Mosaics of small-scale cultivation 40-60% with
saics natural tree, shrub, or herbaceous vegetation.
Permanent Snow and Ice 15 At least 60% of area is covered by snow and ice
for at least 10 months of the year.
Barren 16 At least 60% of area is non-vegetated barren
(sand, rock, soil) areas with less than 10% veg-
Unclassified 255 Has not received a map label because of missing

Figure 1: A diagram showing the nested classifications used to produce the LCCS scheme. Each set of
arrows that originates from a parent node represents a single classification with the children nodes the
output classes. Each color represents a different layer of the classification hierarchy. The surface hydrology
and land use layers contain different information than land cover but overlap in certain definitions. The
hierarchical nature allows for users to create their own custom legends.

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