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H.J. Park
School of Urban and Environmental Engineering, UNIST, Ulsan, Korea
J.G. Ha
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon, Korea
modeling has advantages of simulating the soil-foundation-structure system easily and observ-
ing the non-linear behavior of a system under a large strain range. In particular, dynamic cen-
trifuge testing is appropriate for assessing SFSI problems. Field stress conditions can be
simulated easily, and the time, cost and effort required for the soil, foundation, and structure
modeling are reduced. Dynamic centrifuge testing for SFSI problems has been conducted in
various studies (Morris, 1981; Chen et al., 2013; Martakis et al., 2017).
The objective of this study is to assess the seismic behavior of DPR through centrifuge tests.
The validity of the dynamic centrifuge test for SFSI problems is discussed through the case
study of a nuclear power plant containment structure. The evaluation of the DPR is divided
into structural and foundation levels. In the structural level of the DPR, the seismic load of
the structure on the DPR and the permanent settlement of the foundation during a strong
earthquake are investigated by comparing with the results of the shallow foundation. In the
foundation level of the DPR, the dynamic bending moment of the DPR is evaluated through
dynamic centrifuge tests; four different models of DPR and a Connected Piled Raft (CPR)
model with aluminum and steel piles are tested.
Figure 1. Performance of an ESB model box for dynamic centrifuge tests: (a) soil models and instru-
mentation layouts for the test; (b) response spectrum; (c) acceleration time histories for input shaking
acceleration (bedrock PGA: 0.235 g in prototype scale) (Lee et al., 2013).
container act as a shear beam having stiffness equivalent to that of the adjacent soil layers.
Moreover, it shows that the free-field motions measured at soil model in the ESB box match
well with the motions estimated by 1-D site response analysis using equivalent-linear program
SHAKE91 (Idriss & Sun, 1992) and thus the ESB model container can provide a reliable lat-
eral boundary for dynamic site response studies (Lee et al. 2013).
Ha et al. (2014) simulated the Hualien large-scale seismic test (LSST) to assess the effective-
ness of centrifuge modeling for SFSI study. The Hualien LSST program was an international
project to observe real SFSI for a 1/4 scale nuclear containment structure and began recording
earthquake data from 1990 with well-investigated soil information. If the centrifuge modeling
can properly simulate the SFSI during an earthquake, centrifuge modeling can be a powerful
tool to understand the SFSI mechanism and can be utilized to simulate the seismic behavior
at a particular site. Figure 2 compares the typical acceleration time histories and frequency
response measured at the foundation and the free-field surface during the Chi-Chi earthquake
and those recorded at the corresponding locations in the centrifuge test. The amplification
characteristics and time-histories are well matched at the soil layer and foundation of the
structure. This shows the potential of dynamic centrifuge test to simulate the Hualien LSST
and validate the reliability of the centrifuge test method for SFSI research.
When the foundation is allowed to rock and slide like a shallow foundation on soft soil, the
structural responses are limited (Kim et al., 2015b). So, allowing rocking motion for founda-
tion has been proposed by several researchers as an effective method of seismic isolation
(Gajan et al., 2005, Gazetas, 2015) and has been applied in the design of a modern bridge
(Rion Antirion Bridge). However, this concept has the potential for permanent settlement and
failure in the foundation. On the other hand, pile foundations are widely used with structures
to control settlement (Eslami et al., 2012). Most pile foundations have a rigid connection
Figure 2. Centrifuge simulation of Haulien LSST (Ha et al., 2014).
between the piles and the raft. This coupling provides a way for transmission of high horizon-
tal shear forces and mobilized moments to the structure when an earthquake occurs (Fiora-
vante & Giretti, 2010).
To solve the challenges of large settlements of shallow foundations and large seismic load of
structure founded on the CPR, the DPR that releases the connection between the piles and
the raft presents an innovative alternative, which has already been used in projects. The foun-
dation system of the Rion-Antirion Bridge pier in Greece is a famous application of DPR. It
is designed to reduce seismic loading and settlement by inserting an interposed gravel layer
between the piles and the raft (Garnier & Pecker, 1999; Pecker, 2006).
The objective of this section is to investigate the behavior of DPR under various conditions
through centrifuge model tests. The influence factors for the tests are the pile head conditions,
the rigidity of the interposed layer and the level of base shaking. A series of centrifuge model
tests were conducted on dry sand with a model consisting of a foundation and a single degree-
of-freedom structure. The seismic performances of the DPR are compared to other foundation
configurations in terms of the seismic load of the superstructure and the permanent settlement
of the ground.
Dry silica sand, a fine and uniform sand artificially produced by a hammer crusher, was
used in the experiments. The soil model was made using sand pluviation method at 45% rela-
tive density. The bender elements were installed in the testing box during model preparation
to obtain the shear wave velocity profiles of the soil layer. The initial average shear wave vel-
ocities were about 200 m/s in 50 g-level. The site period of the prototype soil was estimated as
0.53 s. Accelerometers and LVDTs were installed for measuring the seismic behaviors of soil,
foundation and structure, and the schematic diagram of the centrifuge tests are depicted in
Figure 3.
Several real earthquake motions were utilized for the base input motion such as Northridge,
Hachinohe, and Ofunato earthquakes, and the response spectrum of input motions was
described in Ha et al. (2018). At the beginning of the test, strong earthquake motions larger
than 0.3 g intensity were applied for observing the initial settlement during the earthquake.
Then, earthquake intensity in terms of peak ground acceleration increased from about 0.03g
to about 0.3g in stages. These variations in input motion intensity could show the effect of the
soil nonlinearity on soil-foundation-structure interaction.
Figure 3. Schematic diagram for the centrifuge tests in prototype scale (unit: m).
Figure 4 shows the displacement time history of the fixed and the flexible base motion
during the initial strong earthquake; Northridge earthquake with peak acceleration of about
0.35 g. The gray line is the fixed base motion and the black line is the flexible base motion. In
Figure 4c, the peak values of the fixed base motion and flexible base motion for the case of
CPR are similar. However, for the other three cases, the flexible base motions are smaller than
the fixed base motion, and the amplitudes of peak values are near 0.08 m. These results indi-
cate that the foundation movement can reduce the seismic load on the structure resting on the
flexible foundation. This is because these three foundation types permit foundation move-
ment, especially the foundation rocking phenomena. This is a similar trend with previous
research about the rocking foundation and the DPR (Kim et al., 2015b, Allmond et al., 2014.)
After initial strong earthquake test, stage tests with increasing the intensity of the bedrock
motion were performed. To observe the variation trend in the fixed and the flexible base
motion, the peak value of pseudo-acceleration during Northridge earthquake tests are plotted
as shown in Figure 5. The pseudo-accelerations were determined from the net lateral displace-
ment by multiplying the structural stiffness and dividing by the lumped mass. The hollow
markers are the results of the stage tests and the solid markers are those of the initial strong
earthquake test.
In the connected foundation case, both the fixed and the flexible base acceleration were
increased with an increase in input motion intensity, so the markers are on 1 to 1 line, which is
denoted by a dotted line. On the other hand, the other three cases show different trends for
different input earthquake intensities. The fixed and flexible base accelerations are similar for
the weak input motion, but the flexible accelerations are quite smaller than the fixed base
motion for the strong input motion and they converge to about 0.7g. The results from the
initial strong earthquake follow the general trend. When the foundation rocks, the overturn-
ing moment from the superstructure cannot exceed the ultimate moment capacity of soil-foun-
dation system, so that the flexible base acceleration converged to this limitation. It means that
the seismic load of structure dramatically reduced during strong earthquakes when foundation
rocking is permitted.
Figure 4. Displacement time history of the fixed and flexible motion during initial strong earthquake
(Northridge, Bedrock PGA = 0.35g)
Figure 5. Comparison of maximum pseudo-accelerations between fixed base motion and flexible base
capacity. However, in the case of CPR, the overturning moment increases to 7000 kNm and a
linear behavior is achieved despite strong earthquake input motion.
Figure 7. Rocking stiffness and damping ratio versus rotation angle of each foundation system from
the all stage test data; (a) Rocking stiffness and fitted curves depending on the factor of safety in Paolucci
et al. (2013) (b) Damping Ratio (Ha et al., 2018)
similar to the fitted curve. The relationship between the hysteresis damping ratio and the foun-
dation rotation angle is shown in Figure 7b along with the fitted curve introduced by Paolucci
et al. (2013). The damping ratio is very difficult to obtain from the experiment using actual
recorded seismic motion due to the scattered data. For the foundations on which rocking is
allowed, a similar tendency with Paolucci et al. (2013) was observed in which the damping
ratio increased with increasing rotation angle. In the case of the CPR, the damping ratio was
limited to 5 % and the rotation angle was less than 0.001 rad; only small rotation occurred
during the strong earthquake.
Figure 8. Settlements of various foundation types for the initial strong earthquake in prototype scale
(Northridge, Bedrock PGA = 0.35g)
the case of floating pile groups, the settlement is due to the subsidence of the ground during
the earthquake. In the case of disconnected piles with interposed layers, the settlement was
less than the free-field settlement because of the interposed layer. The effect of the stiffness of
the interposed layer on the DPR can be clearly seen from the comparison with the settlement
of the free-field surface. The settlement of the DPR with a stiff gravel layer was smaller than
the settlement with the loose sand layer having low stiffness. This demonstrates that utilizing
an intervening layer such as a stiff gravel layer in the DPR design, like in the Rion-Antirion
Bridge (Pecker, 2006), is more advantageous with respect to vertical settlement performance.
In conventional design, a group of piles is used to ensure the bearing capacity of the founda-
tion, where each pile carries a small amount of the applied load. However, if the pile founda-
tion does not require a safety margin, the piles can be designed to reduce the settlement of the
raft, where each pile carries a large amount of the load. To reduce the number of piles com-
pared with the conventional design, Randolph & Clancy (1993) studied the proportion of the
load carried by the piles acting to reduce the settlement and the raft. Because the vertical load
is directly applied to the top of the pile and a large amount of the load is carried by each pile,
the pile material has to endure an axial load.
In contrast to conventional design, DPR has been introduced as an effective design for pile
foundation; piles disconnected from the raft support the vertical load not as a structural com-
ponent but as reinforcement of the subsoil. The load transfer platform (LTP) is a granular soil
layer between the raft and piles that prevents the vertical load from being applied directly to
the piles. This makes the vertical load transfer mechanism of the DPR slightly different from
that of the connected piled raft (CPR) foundation. In the case of the DPR, the difference
between the settlements of the piles and soil near the surface causes negative skin friction on
the upper part of the piles. This changes the distribution of the axial load on the piles (Fiora-
vante & Giretti, 2010; Tradigo et al., 2015). However, most of studies on DPR has been
focused on the pile behavior under the static condition.
On the other hand, Azizkandi et al. (2018) compared the dynamic performance of DPR and
CPR using 1 g shaking table tests and numerical analysis, but did not focus on the dynamic
behavior of piles. DPR piles generally would not be subjected to large bending moment
during earthquakes; however, experimental evaluation of the dynamic bending moment of
piles in DPR is required to enhance the reliability of DPR for practical construction.
In this study, centrifuge test models were designed using the virtual prototype model of a
bridge pier. With respect to the single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) structure, four group pile
models (i.e., DPR with aluminum, CPR with aluminum, DPR with steel, and CPR with steel)
were subjected to centrifuge tests. To observe variations in pile bending moment with associ-
ated conditions, DPR and CPR (two cases) with the same pile material were tested in one
model box. In DPR, the LTP layer was inserted between the piles and the raft. The effects of
pile location and material (aluminum and steel) on the dynamic behavior of DPR and CPR
were evaluated using dynamic centrifuge tests (Ko et al., 2018c).
DPR. A sand raining system was used to pour dry silica sand into the equivalent shear beam
(ESB) box for the dynamic centrifuge tests.
Mp ¼ εp ð1Þ
Figure 9. Plan and cross section of foundation model [prototype scale (model scale)]: (a) front and side
view of pile model; (b) plan view of raft model (Ko et al., 2018c).
where Mp is the bending moment of the pile, εp is the strain variation of the pile, and y is
the pile radius.
Figure 10. Schematic diagram and pictures of dynamic centrifuge test: (a) sectional view; (b) plan view
(Ko et al., 2018c).
Figure 11. Time history of dynamic bending moment of aluminum pile for each depth during the
Hachinohe earthquake: (a) peak acceleration of bedrock: 0.137 g; (b) peak acceleration of bedrock: 0.36
g (Ko et al., 2018c).
moment was represented in three dimensions. Figure 11a and 11b represent the dynamic bend-
ing moments of the piles during weak and strong earthquakes, respectively. The absolute
values of the dynamic bending moments of the piles vary according to the PGA of the input
signal, but the general trends in the variation of the bending moment are similar regardless of
the PGA.
In CPR, the dynamic bending moment is largest at the top of the pile. Since the pile is con-
nected to the foundation as a fixed condition, a larger bending moment occurs at the top of
the pile. In addition, the end condition of the pile is a fixed-free (top-bottom) condition, so
that the bending moment at the bottom of the pile is smaller than at other depths. On the
other hand, the dynamic bending moment of the pile at the edge is larger than that in the
middle. Since the outside piles take a greater seismic load than the inner piles along the shak-
ing direction, the bending moment of the piles at the edge of the foundation is larger. This is
known as the shadow effect of group piles (Brown et al., 1988; Ruesta & Townsend, 1997).
In general, the dynamic bending moment of DPR is large at the middle of the pile. Since the
end condition of the pile for DPR is a free-free (top-bottom) condition, the bending moment
at the middle of the pile is larger than the bending moment at the ends (top and bottom) of
the pile. The peak dynamic bending moment of the pile does not vary depending on the loca-
tion of the pile in the group due to the disconnected condition between the foundation and the
pile group. At the edge pile for DPR, although there is a larger bending moment at the middle
depth of the pile, a large bending moment also occurs at the top of the pile, and this phenom-
enon is clearly observed for the strong earthquake (Figure 11b).
The peak bending moment of DPR and CPR are not very different, except at the edge pile
for CPR (CPR edge > CPR middle ≈ DPR edge ≈ DPR middle). As expected, the dynamic
bending moment of the pile located at the edge of the foundation can be reduced by effectively
disconnecting the pile and the foundation. However, owing to the shadow effect, the dynamic
bending moment of the CPR pile in the middle of the foundation is reduced, and is not very
different from that of the DPR pile. Moreover, if the number of piles increases as in large
group piles, the shadow effect of the CPR would be significant.
Figure 12. The depth of peak bending moment of pile (upper row: aluminum pile, lower row: steel pile)
(Ko et al., 2018c).
Figure 13. Peak bending moment of pile for DPR and CPR with PGA at surface (upper row: aluminum
pile, lower row: steel pile) (Ko et al., 2018c).
Figure 14. The variation of the peak strain of the pile for the DPR with PGA at surface (Ko et al., 2018c).
As shown in Figure 13, the bending moment of the steel pile is higher than that of the alu-
minum pile. Since the flexural rigidity of the steel pile is much larger than that of the alumi-
num pile, the latter is expected to be subjected to a larger bending moment. This can be
explained through the peak strain in the pile. Figure 14 represents the variations in the peak
strain in the pile with surface PGA. The peak strain is important in determining the dynamic
bending moment of the pile as given in Eq. 2. As shown in Figure 14, the peak strain increases
as the surface PGA increases. For the DPR, the peak strain does not depend on the pile
material. This implies that the deformation of the pile is predominantly determined by the
dynamic soil behavior. Consequently, the dynamic bending moment of the steel pile, which
has a larger flexural rigidity, is greater than that of the aluminum pile. Of course, this effect
may differ depending on the pile condition (e.g., end bearing pile, embedment in foundation).
The dynamic centrifuge test, which can simulate the field stress condition and real earthquake
motion, is one of the effective tools to study soil-foundation-structure-interaction (SFSI). In
this study, the seismic response of the disconnected piled raft (DPR) was studied through the
dynamic centrifuge tests. The results are summarized as follows:
(1) In this study, the performance of equivalent shear beam (ESB) box was verified using
dry silica sand; the end walls of the ESB box behave in accordance with the dynamic response
of the soil deposit. In addition, a dynamic centrifuge test was performed to simulate the SFSI
behavior of a Hualien large-scale seismic test during the Chi-Chi earthquake using the ESB
box. This study showed the potential of utilizing dynamic centrifuge tests as an experimental
modeling tool for site-specific SFSI analyses.
(2) DPR has been introduced as an effective seismic design approach for pile foundations
because it reduces the seismic load on the structure, the permanent deformation of the founda-
tion, and the dynamic bending moments on the piles, simultaneously. In this study, the seismic
behavior of the DPR was evaluated by focusing on both the structure and soil-foundation
system using dynamic centrifuge tests. The dynamic centrifuge tests were performed with the
single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) structure on a shallow foundation, a CPR, and a DPR.
From the structural point of view, using the soil-foundation yielding mechanism, especially
during rocking behavior of shallow foundation, reduced the seismic load on the superstructure
during a strong earthquake. The test results showed the seismic load on the structure was
limited by the ultimate moment capacity of the shallow foundation.
(3) The dynamic bending moment on the piles for the DPR was evaluated using centrifuge
tests. The dynamic bending moments on the pile were evaluated for not only the connected
and the disconnected conditions between pile and raft but also the material of the pile. DPR
reduced the dynamic bending moment on the piles, and the peak bending moment occurred at
mid-depth of the piles. Dynamic deformation of the pile for the DPR was predominantly
determined by not the pile material but the soil behavior. Consequently, DPR appears to be
an appropriate method for safe and effective seismic design.
This research was a part of the project titled ‘ Development of performance-based seismic
design technologies for advancement in design codes for port structures‘, funded by the Minis-
try of Oceans and Fisheries, Korea. This research was supported by an R&D project of Hyun-
dai Engineering & Construction.
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