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Kinematic Bending of Pile Foundations On Layered Liquefiable Soils

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6th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering

1-4 November 2015

Christchurch, New Zealand

Kinematic Bending of Pile Foundations on Layered Liquefiable Soils

A. Prabhakaran 1, C. Sreenivasulu 2 and S. R. Dash 3

Pile foundations are used invariably as a safer foundation system in many problematic soil
profiles, which includes potentially liquefiable soils. An important parameter used for the
structural design of pile foundations is the maximum bending moment induced, which is a
function of the stiffness contrast between the soil layers. Dynamic loads impose high curvatures
on pile foundations inducing large bending moments at the depth of stiffness contrast. The
kinematic effect depends on many parameters such as soil layer stiffness, slenderness ratio of the
pile, flexibility of the pile and the location of the stiffness contrast. Many recent studies have
shown that the initial soil stiffness during liquefaction becomes nearly zero. Hence, the boundaries
between the liquefied and non- liquefied layers make a zone of high stiffness contrast in the soil.
This study is focused on the performance of pile foundations in liquefiable soils subjected to
earthquake loading. Design parameters such as the maximum bending moment induced due to the
stiffness contrast at variable depths is studied in detail using Finite Element Analysis.

The kinematic and inertial modes of failure in deep foundations form a dichotomy in
understanding the bending modes of failure of piles during earthquakes. These kinematic effects
have been especially profound in cases where there exist a stiffness contrast between soil strata.
Various authors (Mylonakis (2000), Nikolau et al. (2001), Tokimatsu et al. (2005), Sica et al.
(2011), Di Laora et al. (2012)) have parametrically studied the kinematic bending moments
induced in pile foundations at the location of stiffness contrast and in many countries, design
codes are well in practice. Some buildings codes (e.g. Eurocode 8 (1998), NEHRP (2000))
enforce that piles should be designed to withstand strains induced from propagation of the
seismic waves through the soil. Even though various codes prescribe studying the kinematic
effects in non-homogenous soil deposits (layered soils), many aspects of this mode of failure are
still uncertain, including the effect of possible layering of soil (even in an initially homogenous
soil deposit) that happens during the progression of liquefaction.
When a homogenous liquefiable soil deposit is excited by seismic waves, possible liquefaction
may occur and in its progression through the deposit, the depth of the liquefied layer will
transiently vary, due to erratic nature of the shear stresses produced during earthquakes. This
may cause even an initially homogenous soil deposit to manifest itself as a layered profile during

UG Student, School of Infrastructure, IIT Bhubaneswar, Bhubaneswar, India, ap14@iitbbs.ac.in

UG Student, School of Infrastructure, IIT Bhubaneswar, Bhubaneswar, India, sc14@iitbbs.ac.in
Assistant Professor, School of Infrastructure, IIT Bhubaneswar, Bhubaneswar, India, srdash@iitbbs.ac.in

the passage of seismic waves. This transient stiffness contrast maybe high (as liquefied soil
offers very little stiffness compared to the non-liquefiable layer) and the interface may develop
large bending moments. As this is not evident during design, comprehensive studies need to be
done in order to understand this complex soil pile structure interaction problem in liquefiable
soils under seismic loading. The scope of this study is focused on carrying out time history
analysis of the system to study kinematic bending moments induced in pile foundations for
various depths of liquefaction.
Model Description
The numerical model used in the present study is developed in three stages as follows.
1) Selection of Spectrally matched time histories (at least 4 cases.),
2) Site response study to find the input ground motion, and
3) A beam on non-linear Winkler foundation (BNWF) model to carryout analysis.
Selection of time histories
In the absence of histrorical groundmotion records in the region, the generation of artificial
ground motion has become a common practice for performing time history analysis. Various
methods exist to generate artificial ground motion histories from existing earthquake records,
from which the widely used methods include: (a) scaling the time history with a uniform factor
(Shome and Cornell (1998)) or (b) scaling the ground motion response spectrum to match a
particular design spectrum for the given period of the structure (Kunnath et al. (2006)) or a
range of periods (Kalkan and Kunanth (2006), Watson and Abrahamson (2006)). More recently,
to incorporate the inelastic behavior for design of structures near faultlines, a MPS (Modal
Pushover Based Scaling) technique has been suggested by Kalkan and Chopra (2010). Also, the
selection of the number of records to be used is a major source of concern for designers. UBC
(1997) and IBC (2000) state that the maximum response should be considered if 3 records are
taken, and the average should be considered if 7 are taken. The ISO 19901-2 (2004) proposes
that a minimum of 4 time histories that comply with the site conditions and faulting style of the
location can be utilized while carrying out analysis.
In this study the pile is considered as free headed and is designed to remain elastic for a
Maximum Considered Earthquake (2% probability of exceedance in 50 years, IBC 2000) in a
potentially liquefiable soil deposit. Four time histories are chosen to represent the ground motion
and are matched with the IS 1893(2002), design response spectrum in medium - hard soil for a
seismic zone - V. The time histories are chosen in such a manner that after spectral matching,
their average response spectrum lies above the design spectrum for the range of 0.2 T-1.5 T
before liquefaction, where T is the fundamental frequency of the pile soil system. The finally
selected four time histories are: (a) Bhuj Earthquake (2001), (b) Kocaeli Earthquake (1999), (c)
Kobe Earthquake (1995) and (d) Loma Prieta Earthquake (1989). Figure 1 illustrates how the
spectral matched time history has been converted to bed rock level and the site response study is
done to estimate the time history at various depths applied to the fixed end of soil springs. The 4
time histories are matched at the rock outcrop location at A. The outcrop acceleration time
history is scaled by a factor of 0.5 to obtain the bedrock time history (Meija et.al, 2006).

Rayleigh damping is considered 5% for the site response analysis and a global damping of 5% is
considered for the time history analysis. Since the bedrock for the site is assumed to be the same,
the bedrock motion is then convoluted through the deposit using a site response analysis program
Cyclic1D (Elgamal et al. (2006)) and time histories at different depths obtained. The Soil
Structure Interaction is then modelled through the application of the time histories at the far end
of the Winkler springs as defined by API code (2010).
Far field behavior (Site Response Analysis)
The far field behavior is modeled through a site response analysis software called Cyclic 1D,
which uses an advanced constitutive model for the liquefiable soil developed by Parra et al.
(1996) and Yang (2000). A 1D time history analysis is done through direct integration to
simulate the kinematic response of the free headed pile. The thickness of the liquefiable layer is
parametrically varied and the model is run against the 4 ground motion accelerograms to obtain
the maximum bending moment due to each ground motion. This process would not represent the
actual field condition, as this layering (due to liquefaction) happens transiently with the ground
motion and not in discrete steps. Hence in this study, an assumption is made that the soil remains
liquefied throughout the entire ground motion duration for each configuration.
Near field behavior (Soil Structure Interaction)
In present study, the soil-pile system is modeled as a beam on nonlinear Winkler foundation
(BNWF) where soil elements are modeled as discrete non-linear springs as per API (2010). The
BNWF model combines the far field behavior and near field behavior of the soil through a series
of springs. The post liquefaction behavior of the soil is obtained by the use of a p-multiplier on
strength and stiffness, keeping the nature of the curve same as the non-liquefied case. It is also
noted that various authors have also studied the post liquefaction behavior of soils through full
scale models (Rollins et al. (2005)) and laboratory testing. Dash (2010) noted that the liquefied
soil offers very less or zero initial strength and stiffness. Hence the degradation of the strength
and stiffness of the API p-y curves through multipliers (Brandenberg (2005), JRA 2002) may
sometimes prove unconservative in modelling the behavior of liquefied soils. Various other
calibrated BNWF models exist in practice, for which the frequency dependent springs and
dashpots were calibrated against theoretical models provided by Novak et al. (1978) or numerical
solutions (Kavvadas and Gazetas (1993)).
Numerical Modeling
The pile is modeled as a linear elastic concrete member with a characteristic compressive
strength of 25 MPa and is designed to remain elastic for the maximum considered earthquake in
the region. The pile head is considered to be free head. In this paper the aim was to investigate
the bending response for possible variation in the depth of liquefaction. The pile tip is modelled
as a roller support to allow translation and rotation at the pile tip. The settlement has not been
considered in this model. Soil-pile Interaction is modeled through nonlinear springs at regular
intervals according to the API (2010) code. Since only the lateral pile response is studied, soil
springs are provided only in the horizontal direction (i.e. the direction of earthquake motion). A
modal analysis is performed to study the mass participation factors of various modes and

damping of 5 % is defined at the first and Nth frequency, where N was the frequency where the
cumulative mass participation factor for all modes before N was 0.85 (Chopra (2007)). To study
possible effects of geometric nonlinearity (P - Effects), the allowable axial load is back
calculated for a 40 cm diameter pile resting on the given soil conditions through end bearing and
skin friction springs in the longitudinal direction of the pile. The axial load of 1073.7kN is
applied to the top of the pile while performing the time history analysis. For kinematic study, the
top mass is ignored, however for studying the inertia and kinematic effect, the top mass
equivalent to the top axial load is provided at the pile head. The analysis is performed through
Hilbert-Hughes-Taylor direct time integration method in SAP2000 (2014). Figure 2 shows the
BNWF numerical model used in this study representing the considered field condition.

Figure 1: Spectrally matched time history estimated at Rock Outcrop (A), TH Converted to bed
rock motion (B), Site Response study is done to find TH at various depths (B to C).
Axial Load

time histories
which are
obtained from
the site response
study are
assigned at these

Figure 2: (a) The pile and soil condition (LL: Liquefied Layer, NL: Non liquefied layer),
(b) The BNWF model implemented in SAP 2000.

Modal analysis
By varying the depth of liquefaction, the model is analyzed for its first 12 modes of vibration.
The fundamental frequency of the system is observed for two soil conditions, a) considering no
soil spring for the liquefied soil zone, and b) considering a reduced strength soil spring (8% API
p-y spring value). The no soil spring condition is in fact the representation of negligible initial
stiffness of the p-y curve of liquefied soil, as the modal analysis is linear. The variation of
fundamental frequency with respect to increasing depth of liquefaction is plotted in Figure 3. As
expected, the frequency constantly decreases with increase in depth of liquefaction, making the
soil-pile system flexible. However, the frequency for the model with reduced soil spring has
shown an initial decrease up to a depth of 6m and the change is frequency is very minimal for
larger depths. This could be due to the high initial stiffness of the liquefied soil layer, even after
the strength is reduced by 92% that of the non-liquefied soil layer, at deeper depths. This may
overestimate the spectral acceleration but underestimate the lateral drift at pile head, for the
flexible system.

Figure 3: Variation of Natural Frequency with depth of liquefaction.

Time history analysis
Kinematic effect
The response of pile in terms of bending strain is investigated for four spectrally matched time
histories without considering the superstructure mass. Figure 4 shows the envelope of bending
strain with depth for the 4 time earthquake motions for different depths of liquefaction. For each
pile soil configuration, as shown in the figure 4, the plot of the maximum strain envelop with
depth is displayed adjacent to it. The maximum strain is always observed at the boundary
between the liquefied and non-liquefied soil strata. The maximum bending strain for nonliquefied case was 0.0037% which increased to a value of 0.16% for liquefaction depth of 14m.
For further increase in depth of liquefaction, there was no significant change observed. However,
the location of maximum strain always remained at the boundary of stiffness contrast. Figure 5
plots the bending strain for four time histories with respect to various depths of liquefaction. It is
observed from the figure that the strain induced by Kocaeli earthquake is higher for all depths of
liquefaction. This might be due to the fact that the response spectrum obtained from the matched
Kocaeli earthquake time history was above all other time histories, when compared with IS1893.

Figure 4: Envelop of maximum bending strain in the pile for different depths of liquefaction.

Figure 5: Variation of bending strain with depth of liquefaction.

Kinematic and Inertial Effect

To investigate the combined effect of kinematic bending response along with the inertia effect,
the model was analyzed with top mass at pile head. The bending strain obtained from the
analysis for the critical case of peak kinematic response (i.e. for depth of liquefaction of 14m) is
studied for this combined effect. Figure 6 shows the bending strain envelops for four different
It is clearly seen from the figure that the effect of inertial loads is more towards the top layer of
the soil, which attenuates quickly with depth. For non-liquefied soil condition, the differentiation
between inertia and kinematic effect is not evident, however, for liquefied soil condition there
are two peak bending strains observed. This observation is same for all four time histories. One
of the peak bending strains close to the top is due to inertia effect, whereas other peak strain at
the interface of stiffness contrast signifies the kinematic effect. There could be possibility of any
of these two responses to become dominant. Two time histories (i.e. Bhuj and Kocaeli) gave
larger kinematic bending strain with respect to inertial bending strain.

Figure 6: (a) Inertial interaction for no liquefaction case, (b) Kinematic and Inertial Interaction
for Kocaeli time history with depth of liquefaction 14m
The performance of a pile foundation system, when subjected to earthquake loading, in
liquefiable soils is presented in this paper through time history analysis. The depth of
liquefaction is parametrically varied to study the kinematic bending moment for four ground
motions, spectrally matched to the IS 1893 design spectrum. The study signifies that the use of
multipliers on the API p-y curves for liquefied soils may overestimate the spectral acceleration or
forces in the pile but underestimate the lateral drift at pile head, for the flexible system. Sharp
rises in bending moments are observed near the depth of stiffness contrast, even for an initially
homogeneous liquefiable soil deposit, which can exhibit layering arising due to the progression
of liquefaction. However, this important consideration for the kinematic effect could be easily
missed by designers for a homogeneous liquefiable soil deposit. It is also observed that in certain
cases the maximum bending moment due to kinematic effect may be higher than that due to the
inertial effect. Hence, there could be possibility of either inertial or kinematic responses
governing the design in liquefiable soils, even though initially homogeneous.

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