Hydrographic and Tunnel Surveying
Hydrographic and Tunnel Surveying
Hydrographic and Tunnel Surveying
Hydrography is the branch of applied science which deals with the measurement
and description of the physical features of oceans, seas, coastal areas, lakes and
rivers, as well as with the prediction of their change over time, for the primary
purpose of safety of navigation and in support of all other marine activities.
1) Reconnaissance
2) Locate Horizontal Control
3) Locate vertical Control
• The reference plane from which depth soundings are measured is the
water surface. Because of surface fluctuations, its elevation or stage at the
time of survey must be determined with respect to a fixed datum.
• Equipment for Making Soundings
• Multi beam Sonar
Sound Navigation and Ranging (Sonar), is helpful for exploring and mapping
the ocean because sound waves travel farther in the water than do radar and
light waves. Scientists primarily use sonar to develop nautical charts,
locate underwater hazards to navigation, search for and map objects on the
sea floor such as shipwrecks, and map the sea floor itself.
• Multibeam sonar measures the depth of the sea floor by analyzing the
time it takes for sound waves to travel from a boat to the sea floor and
back. It provides amazing detail of the sea floor, especially in rocky and
rough terrain, where it gives a complete picture of the bottom.
• Multibeam sonar is very useful in areas where the sea floor is complex
and often strewn with thousands of rocks.
• Equipment for Making Soundings
• Equipment for Making Soundings
• Side scan sonar creates a picture or an image of the sea floor. It measures
the strength of how "loud" the return echo is, and paints a picture.
• Hard areas of the sea floor like rocks reflect more sound and have a
stronger or louder return signal than softer areas like sand. Areas with
loud echoes are darker than areas with quiet echoes. Objects or features
that rise above the sea floor also cast shadows in the sonar image where
no sound hit. The size of the shadow can be used to guess the size of the
• Singlebeam and multibeam sonar measure ocean depth whereas a
sidescan sonar can produce an image of the ocean floor.
• Equipment for Making Soundings
• Horizontal and vertical control in hydrographic surveying
• .
• Hydrographic Surveying Applications
• Hydrographic surveys and maps are used in a variety of ways. For example
• Engineers employ them for planning and monitoring harbor and river
dredging operations, and to ascertain reservoir capacities for flood control
and water supply systems.
• Petroleum engineers use them to position offshore drilling facilities and
locate underwater pipelines; navigators need them to chart safe
passageways and avoid reefs, bars, and other underwater hazards;
biologists and conservationists find them helpful in their study and
management of aquatic life.
• Tunnels are used in road, sewer, and pipeline construction when the cost
of working at or near the ground surface becomes prohibitive.
• For example, sewers are tunneled when they must be at a depth that
would make open cut too expensive, Roads and railroads are tunneled
through large hills and mountains in order to maintain optimal grade lines.
• Tunnel control surveys use precise traverse survey methods or global
positioning system (GPS) techniques and allow for the computation of
coordinates for all key points. But the GPS cannot work inside the tunnel.
• The basic procedure of tunnel surveying is to align the center line in the
ground and transfer that to the tunnel.
• A number of methods are employed to transfer centerline from ground
surface to tunnel.
• 1) Use of plumb lines from tunnel shafts
• GYROtheodolite
• an instrument composed of a gyroscope mounted to a theodolite. It is
used to determine the orientation of true north. It is the main instrument
for orientation in mine surveying and in tunnel engineering, where
astronomical star sights are not visible and GPS does not work.
• Gyroscope
• A gyroscope is a device used for measuring or maintaining
orientation and angular velocity.