Oil Field Laborers
Oil Field Laborers
Oil Field Laborers
Mktmgt 2101
The Oil field Laborer's is a short story about a group of workers from an oil derrick. It
features the hardships and trauma of Yazid (one of the workers at the derrick). At the
start of the story, a village was burnt along with other villages around it and Yazid was
living in one of those villages that was burned and Yazid carried an old man out his
cock’s house/cage that was also burned. As the story progressed, Yazid shows signs of
trauma from that experience. Yazid’s friend Jamal who is 42 years old was afraid to die
but believes at the same time that death is necessary. After reading this story, it actually
gave me a few more insights about the importance of death. Yes, all of us fear death
but if we all think about it; death actually gives us purpose, it gives us motivation, and it
makes us dream and strive to achieve those dreams. If we don’t die at all, why would
we do our task, why would we study, why would we even get out of our beds if we can
do it tomorrow or on the next century; we all do what we do because we know
everything will end someday, the reason why we enjoy life is because we know its
limited. Jamal also stated at his conversation with Yazid that we all die in different ways,
which is why death is actually scary, the reason why we fear death is not because it will
end us but is because it is too spontaneous and we have no idea what would be the
cause of it. If we all know when we would die and if we will all die peacefully, we won't
be too afraid die at all. These are my realizations after reading the short story “ The Oil
Field Laborers” and to sum it all up I would like to say that life is too short that we should
enjoy it and not focus just on working and studying, there more than just studying and
working in life, remember that we work to live not live to work; life is also long enough
for us to enjoy so be patient and don’t rush your life because sometimes the greatest
view are the ones enjoyed when we take our time.