Long Questions & Answers: Jurisprudence
Long Questions & Answers: Jurisprudence
Long Questions & Answers: Jurisprudence
Paper – I Jurisprudence
Long Questions & Answers
1Q. Define Jurisprudence? And explain nature, scope and
Nature of Jurisprudence
1. It is Uncodified Law
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LL.B. (3-YDC) Second Year, III Semester, Regular. Paper – I Jurisprudence
2. It is common law in all countries
4. It is also called as legal theory, be those is actual study of the term law in
Scope of Jurisprudence:
There is wide scope of Jurisprudence and it is related with so many other
subjects which can be explained as follows:
Laws are enacted by political parties. Who are elected by people called as
Legislatures. Jurisprudence study law enacted by political parties who are
in power and therefore Jurisprudence is also related with Political Science.
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Ethics or morality is base of Law. Many Laws have been enacted by
considering morality. But it is not in all the laws. Therefore law and
morality are ethics are also correlated.
Importance of Jurisprudence:-
7. It is like engine and all subjects are like bhogis and jurisprudence is helpful
to interoperate every law.
Ans:- School means group of the people who believe and support theory
relating to law. In every school different views have been expressed about the
term law. All these theories are subjected to Criticism. These are seven kinds of
schools specified in Jurisprudence which are as follows:-
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1. Analytical School
2. Historical School
3. Sociological School
4. Philosophical School
5. Realist School
6. Comparative School
1. Analytical School :
There are many laws having no command such as Contract Act,
Constitutional Law, Marriage Law, International Law.
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Many laws found are out dated and it cannot be effective source of
4. Philosophical School :- This school says that law is nothing but morality or
ethics of the people. this school is supported by Gray. There is morality or
ethical values among the people and because of that they have made
rules to govern them self and it is law.
There are many laws which are not based in morality. Such as
Vicarious Liability, Security Laws.
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legislatives is raw material and finishing is given by judiciary. Therefore
this school given importance to judgements of the courts.
Criticism :
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3Q. Define Customs ? And explain essential requisites, Kinds, Merits and
demerits of Customs ?
Ans. There are three main sources of origin and development of law. And these
are Custom, Precedent and Legislation.
7. It should not be social evil or prohibited under Law such as custom of Saty,
Dowry is prohibited under Law.
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Kinds of Customs: There are four kinds of customs
1. General Custom
2. Local Custom
3. Legal Custom
4. Conventional Custom.
Eg: There are many festivals which comes under general customs, in Hindu
marriage saptapadi and kanyadan is general custom, in Muslim marriage
mehar is general custom.
Eg: There are some festivals which are in particular region and become
local Custom, Muta marriage or contract marriage is local custom in Shia
group of Muslims and it is not common all the people.
3. Legal Custom: There are many customs recognised and adopted by law
and it become Legal custom. Many general customs become legal
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4. Conventional Custom : There are many conventional customs which are
unwritten and recognised by the people .
1. There are some customs which are social evils such as Saty, Dowry.
3. Customs waste much time and not convent for developing country
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4Q. What do you mean by Precedent ? Explain kinds of precedent and its merits
and demerits as a source of law ?
Ans. Precedent is source of law. Precedent means all the judgements given by
Supreme court or High court which are recorded in case law reporters. These
judgements have to be followed by all the courts in similar cases. Supreme court
have power to over rule earlier judgement and declare new judgement which is
followed in Subsequent cases. Supreme court judgement is binding on all the
courts in India. And High court judgement is binding all the district courts and
taluka courts. High court judgement is not binding on supreme court, but
supreme court judgement is binding on all high courts. Therefore precedent is
also called as Judgement Law. Judges are not law makers, but, there judgements
have significance as a source of law . Advocates can produce judgements of
superior courts at the time of arguments in support of there cases called as
citation or case Laws.
Kinds of Precedent :
1. Original precedent
2. Declaratory precedent
3. Authoritative precedent
4. Persuasive precedent
Eg : In Shah banu case supreme court held that Muslim women having no
source of income is also entitled for maintenance from husband. It
become new precedent or original precedent but parliament deleted it by
making new amendment in Muslim personal law.
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Eg: A.P high court held that Muslim minority is not entitled for 4%
reservation in education and employment supreme court held that they
are entitled for reservation and it became authoritative precedent.
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1. If superior court commit any error in judgement then it is multipled is
subordinate court
4. In order to find out precedent there is much wastage of time and it is like
‘Few grams of gold in one tonne of waste material’
6. Hands of subordinate judges are tied with rope of precedent and they get
less scope to apply there wisdom.
5Q. Define Legal Right ? and explain various kinds of legal rights ? how rights
and duties are corelated?
Ans. Legal right is enforceable in the court. It is stated that ‘Some rights are
legal but not moral’ and ‘Some are moral but not legal’ . The term legal right
has been defined as follows :-
Eg: Husband divorced wife then it is her legal right to claim maintenance
from husband because of law.
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Kinds of Legal Rights:
In Perfect right owner have all the powers. Such as in case of land he has
possession and registration in his favour.
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In Imperfect right there is some defect such as ‘A’ mortgage his land then
he cannot sell it till repayment of loan amount because his right is
Legal right is recognised and protected under common Law. Such as right
of heirs in ancestral property is Legal Right.
Eg :Father gives gift of a house to his daughter then she has vested right.
If father mention in gift deed that she will be given gift of the house
if she performs marriage within the caste. This is contingent right .
because she cannot claim gift of property without performing marriage
within the caste which is a condition.
Right in Rem is recognised by the society and any affected party can take
remedy when right in Rem is violated. Such as when loud speakers used in
locality then it is public nuisance and any person of locality can take
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Right in Persunom is personal right. Such as ‘A’ did not repay loan amount
taken from ‘B’ then remedy is available to ‘B’ or his family member
Because it is right in persunom.
Right in Rey propria is in own property. Such as to use transfer, sale and
destroy the property.
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Rights and Duties are correlated. Every right have corresponding duty. It can be
stated that rights and duties are two sides of same coin.
Eg: Right to perform marriage is private right. But there is duty to pay
maintenance to wife and children. There cannot be right without duty. And
there cannot be duty without right.
This is detail about legal rights, its kinds and it is related with duty.
6Q. Explain the term possession ? and modes of acquisition of possession and
its kind and legal provisions to acquire possession?
3. Adverse possession
4. Concurrent Possession
5. Representative Possession
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In Incorporeal Possession is on immaterial property . Such as trademarks,
copyright, patent right, design.
Eg : ‘A’ sends money order to ‘B’ then the possession of post men is
mediate possession.
Eg: A,B and C are partners then they have concurrent possession of
property of the firm.
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5. Representative Possession: When any one represent other party and
having possession then it is representative possession. There is limited
interest of possessor.
1. By Taking
2. By Delivery
3. By Operation of Law.
Eg : ‘A’ went on the river and catch fishes he got the possession of fishes
by taking.
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2. By Delivery : In this method there are at least two persons one person
makes delivery and another person takes it . it is transaction of possession
between two persons.
Eg : Heir files a partition suit against head of family court gives. Judgement
to give property to the heir he got possession by operation of law.
Possession Ownership
1 Possession is Defacto Ownership is Dejure (by law)
2 Possession in having Legal or illegal Ownership is Legal
3 Possessor is having limited right Owner is having unlimited right
Ownership generally include
4Possession does not include Ownership possession.
Remedies to Protect Possession:
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This is detail about possession, its kinds, modes of acquisition and
distinguish between Possession and Ownership.
7Q. What do you mean by Liability ? Explain various kinds of liabilities and
distinguish between civil and criminal liabilities?
Eg: ‘A’ have taken loan from ‘B’ then it is liability of ‘A’ to repay the loan amount.
1. Civil Liability
2. Criminal Liability
3. Vicarious Liability
4. Absolute Liability
6. In nominate Liability.
1. Civil Liability: Civil Liability arises which is of civil nature and remedy is
given by Civil court. This liability arises because of Law and contracts
between the parties.
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Eg: ‘A’ have borrowed loan from the bank then there is civil liability to
make repayment of loan amount. Otherwise bank can file recovery suit in
civil court.
Eg : ‘A’ have committed murder of ‘B’ then there is criminal liability of ‘A’
3. Vicarious Liability : This liability is of civil nature which arises under tort.
When a tort is committed by one person and other person is liable to pay
damages then it is vicarious liability. This liability arises because of
relationship between the parties.
Eg: A is walking on the road and wall of the house collapsed and there is
death of ‘A’ owner of the house have absolute liability to pay
Eg : A postmen enters into the house to deliver letter and a pet dog bites
him. Owner of pet dog have absolute liability to pay compensation.
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5. Quasi contractual Liability: This liability arises with out actual contract
between the parties. Quasi Contract is recognised under law and it is
relation as if created between parties.
This detail about kinds f liabilities and distinguish between civil and criminal
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8Q. What are the objects of administration of Justice? Explain Various theories
of punishments and criticism level against it?
Theories of Punishments:
State have to spend lot of funds to administer criminal justice. There are
five theories of punishment specified in jurisprudence which are as follows:
1. Preventive Theory
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2. Deterrent Theory
3. Reformatory Theory
4. Retributive Theory
5. Expiatory Theory
This theory does not applied to persons who have adopted crime as a
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We should have crime and not criminal. Therese punishment is given to
reform the criminals.
This theory is not much effective because criminals are committing more
crimes and there is no repentance.
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Ans. The term law is having broad meaning. Law means any rule of common
action. It is classified as follows.
1. Customary Law :- These laws are based on customs and many customs
have no clarification. Such as Saptapadi, Kanyadan, Idaat period, Mehar.
2. Scientific Law: These laws are related to science called as physical law or
scientific law.
3. Practical or Technical law: There are some laws which are practical in
nature. Such as law of Swimming, Typing, Acting, Singing and Dancing.
4. Moral Laws: Moral laws are based on ethical values. And these are
followed by the people but court may not enforce it.
2Q. Sovereignty ?
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5. Every country can have its own policies
1. Supreme Legislation
2. Subordinate Legislation
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4. Autonomous Legislation: These rules are made by autonomous
bodies such as bank, LIC, university , Railway and Airlines.
1. Company or Corporation
2. Institutions
3. Wakf or Trust
3. Wakf or Trust is also legal person. Only money or property is not a legal
Legal person is having name, property in the name of legal person and it
can be sued or be sued.
5Q. Codification?
Ans. Codification means division of law in sections, sub sections and clauses. It is
having following advantages
1. It brings certainty
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3. It is convenient to deliver judgement and make argument when there are
particular sections.
Ans. Legal person is imaginary person. Unborn person have contingent legal
personality depend on his birth. Without birth unborn person cannot be called
as legal person. Even though he has following rights.
2. Injury :- When any child caused injury before birth then after birth
compensation can be claimed.
4. Partition:- when there is partition of joint family property among the heirs
and after that child have taken birth it is right of the child to claim his
share in the property by filling suit called as reopening of partition.
Ans. Dead person is having rights under the law. But dead person is not a legal
person. These rights are as follows:-
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1. Will :- When a person has enacted a will then after his death property is
given to heirs according to will.
Ans. Obligation means Legal duty. There are two kinds of Obligation.
Eg : ‘A’ have taken loan then it is simple obligation of ‘A’ to repay the loan
amount . After death of debtor it has to be paid by the heirs which is
Solidary obligation.
2. Solidary Obligation: In this obligation act is done by one party and there is
obligation from other party.
Eg : ‘A’ have taken loan and made default then there is solidary obligation
of surety to make payment of loan amount.
9Q. Mensrea?
Ans. Mensrea is mental element which includes bad intention, negligence. There
is a maxim in criminal law ‘Actus Facit Reum Nisi Mens Sit Rea’ it means ‘Act is
guilty when mind is guilty’. Mensrea is considered in deciding criminal cases.
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Eg : ‘A’ catch hand of women with bad intention. It is crime u/s 354 called as
outraging modesty of the women. If women fell in river and ‘A’ removed her in
any condition then it is not a crime because there is no mensrea or guilty mind.
Mensrea does not apply in accident cases. There is liability of the person
who caused accident when though there is no mensrea.
10Q. Negligence?
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1. Corporeal Ownership and Incorporeal Ownership: Corporeal
ownership is in material property. Such as ownership of Car, house and
11Q. Sanction ?
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Ans. Sanction means punishment which is given when any crime is committed.
According to criminal law. Following are the different kinds of sanctions.
Ans. When any one commit crime and abscond then court may order to forfeit
his property and by selling it amount can be deposited in Government Treasury.
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