Bangladesh University of Professionals (Bup)
Bangladesh University of Professionals (Bup)
Bangladesh University of Professionals (Bup)
1. All the fellows enrolled in MPhil program under the Centre for Higher Studies
and Research (CHSR), Bangladesh University of Professions (BUP) are required to
undergo course works for one (01) year. After successful completion of course works,
they are required to present first seminar (Research Proposal) in the beginning of
second year. Guidelines for presenting first seminar have been mentioned in the
subsequent paragraphs.
4. This paper is a reference and guide to help researchers in ensuring that they
conform to formats which fulfill the requirements of the university. The guideline
contains both specific and general guidelines in preparing of the research proposal,
including clear instructions on matters relating to format, length, footnotes, tables,
appendices, references, citation and referencing styles, the words required for abstract,
permissible languages, publications, plagiarism, submission and presentation.
Research Proposal
5. Research proposals may vary in length, but generally the written paper should
be 10-15 pages. The presentation of the paper should take maximum 20-30 minutes.
There will be at least 10 minutes scheduled for questions and answers, and 20 minutes
for feedback and discussion by research experts. Researcher should submit the
Research Proposal along with a short biography of him/her two (02) weeks prior to the
scheduled presentation date to the CHSR office.
7. MPhil researchers need to publish at least two (02) articles related to their field
of study in recognized peer reviewed journals having ISSN. One (01) such article
needs to be submitted to CHSR before second seminar and one (01) before submitting
thesis for defence.
a. Title
c. Introduction
d. Problem Statement
g. Research Objectives
h. Literature Review
i. Conceptual/Theoretical Framework
j. Research Methodology
(1) Design
(2) Sample
(3) Instruments
(4) Procedure
m. Timetable
n. Concluding Remarks
o. References
10. The title summarizes the main idea or ideas of the study. A good title contains the
fewest possible words needed to adequately describe the content and/or purpose of the
research paper. It is the first part of a research proposal that is seen by the relevant
research committees, and it is essential to give a good impression from the very
beginning. Obviously, at this stage it will not be the final title of finished research -
that will often depend upon the results. However, a working title is needed, and this
working title will summarize the proposed research. Important „key words‟ to be
included which will relate the proposal.
13. Keywords are important words/concepts found in your research and these
should be mentioned at the end of the Abstract under heading Keywords.
14. The introduction leads the reader from a general subject area to a particular field
of research. The introduction provides a brief rationale for why the proposed study is
worth pursuing. It explains why other peoples should care about it (establishes its
importance). It explains the significance of the research. The introduction serves to
familiarize the reader with the topic of the proposal.
15. It also provides a brief summary of the literature on research related to the
problem being investigated. It should briefly outline the objectives of the project and
provide enough background to enable the reader to place this particular research
problem in the context of common knowledge.
Problem Statement
16. The statement of the problem provides the focus and direction of the study. A
good statement of the problem clearly defines the problem, states the concepts to be
related in the study and identifies a feasible solution to the problem. A well-written
problem statement helps identify the variables to be investigated in the study.
17. The rationale of the study explains the potential value of the research and
findings to science or society. It also identifies the target audience of the study and
how the results will benefit them. It explains the ways the study will add to the
scholarly knowledge in the field, how it improves the practice or policy.
18. A research question is a clear, focused and arguable question around which
researcher plan to carry out his/her research. A research question can be answered
directly through the analysis of data. Example Topic: The role of diet on student
performance. Research Question: Is there any relationship between the diet and
student performance in class? A research question is associated with the problem
statement and can be answered directly through the analysis of data, but a hypothesis
is the researcher‟s best guess to the answer of the research question. Hypotheses are
generated from specific theories, but research questions often attempt to
refute/validate various theories through the testing of their associated hypotheses.
Research Objectives
19. Research objectives outline the specific goals the study plans to achieve when
completed. The research objectives are usually divided into: i. General objective/broad
objective ii. Specific objectives. The general (broad) objective or goal and specific
objectives are not the same and should be dealt with separately. The general objective
defines the contribution of the project in a bigger context thereby defining the purpose
of the project. Specific objectives are statements of precise outcomes that can be
measured in support of the project's general objective. The research objective/s must
have relations with the research question/s and/or hypothesis.
Literature Review
20. The purpose of the literature review is to summarize, evaluate and compare the
main developments and current debates in the field, which are specifically relevant to
the subject of research embodied in the thesis. The key objective of the literature
review is to demonstrate that the research will fill an important gap in the current
research on the subject. Literature review serves to answer the following questions:
a. What research has already been done in your field and what is
your understanding of the findings?
c. How has previous research not explained the questions that your
study seeks to address?
21. By evaluating the research idea against the larger context of what has been
explored, the literature review allows to demonstrate that the work is original and
innovative. The literature review should be accompanied by comprehensive
references, which are listed at the end of the proposal. The appropriate referencing
conventions should be followed strictly and it should ensure that the documents
referred to in the body of the proposal are not missing in the final list of references.
Research Methodology
23. Research method provides a description of the exact (specific) actions, plan, or
strategy to be used to answer the research questions. Methodology of a project spells
out in specific steps and procedures how the research will be undertaken. It is
necessary to link each of the specific objectives to the methods so as to account for all
activities of the project. This also outlines the apparatus, instruments and procedures
to be used to answer the research questions. The method section is really the heart of
the research proposal. It has to be indicated whether Qualitative or Quantitative or
Mixed Method to be used. The method section typically consists of the following
b. Sample- Who will take part in the study? What kind of sampling
procedure to be used?
24. Obviously, a researcher does not have results at the proposal stage. However, in
this section a researcher should give a good indication of what he/she expects to get
out of the research. It should join the data analysis and possible outcomes to the theory
and questions that have been raised. It will be a good place to summarize the
significance of the work. It is important to convince the reader of the potential impact
of the proposed research. A sense of enthusiasm and confidence is needed to
communicate the merits of the proposal without exaggeration.
25. Here a researcher should mention his/her limitations what difficulties he/she is
expecting to face in carrying out the study.
26. Estimated time table (in table form) of the research to be framed, indicating the
sequence of research phases and the time that is needed for each phase.
27. The work plan presents the timelines of various activities the researcher plans to
do and the specific milestones of the project. The plan should also anticipate the
conferences and journals, to which the work in progress is expected to be submitted
along the way, and schedule it in a goal for publication section of the work plan.
Concluding Remarks
30. Reference lists are created to allow readers to locate original sources of the
work/s. The following general requirements to be observed:
a. Reference list must include all works cited in the text (including those
included in figures, legends and tables).
31. References should follow the Harvard-like format. In this format, each citation
in a reference list includes various pieces of information including the:
32. Citation of references in the text should be given by author‟s last name (no
initials) followed by the year. When two or more citations of the same author are
given, list them in chronological order (year wise). When there are two authors,
include both names, separate them by putting “&” in between. When there are three or
more names, give only the first author followed by “et al”. If there are two or more
papers by the same author/s in the same year, place them in alphabetical order by the
33. List all the authors (do not use “et al.) in the reference list. When there are two
or more references of the same author/s, list them in chronological order (year wise).
In the reference list, the name of authors (last name and initials) should be followed by
the year within parentheses, title of the article, journal name (in italics) volume
number to be followed by a colon and pages to be numbered first-last page numbers.
Reference to electronic material should include author‟s name/s, date, article title, and
journal (as above); where volume and /or page numbers are not available, substitute
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number.
Last name, First Initial. (Year published). Title. City: Publisher, Page(s).
Citations are listed in alphabetical order by the author‟s last name.
If there are multiple sources by the same author, then citations are listed in order
by the date of publication.
35. Harvard Reference List Citations for Books with One Author:
The structure for a Harvard Reference List citation for books with one author includes
the following:
Last name, First initial. (Year published). Title. Edition. (Only include the
edition if it is not the first edition) City published: Publisher, Page(s).
If the edition isn‟t listed, it is safe to assume that it is the first addition, and does not
need to be included in the citation.
Patterson, J. (2005). Maximum ride. New York: Little, Brown, pp. 31-32.
Dahl, R. (2004). Charlie and the chocolate factory. 6th ed. New York: Knopf.
36. Harvard Reference List Citations for Books with Two or More Authors:
When creating a citation that has more than one author, place the names in the order in
which they appear on the source. Use the word “and” to separate the names.
Last name, First initial. and Last name, First initial. (Year published). Title.
City: Publisher, Page(s).
37. Harvard Reference List Citations for Chapters in Edited Books: When
citing a chapter in an edited book, use the following format:
Last name, First initial. (Year published). Chapter title. In: First initial. Last
name, ed., Book Title, 1st ed.* City: Publisher, Page(s).
Bressler, L. (2010). My girl, Kylie. In: L. Matheson, ed., The Dogs That We
Love, 1st ed. Boston: Jacobson Ltd., pp. 78-92.
38. Harvard Reference List Citations for Multiple Works By The Same Author
When there are multiple works by the same author, place the citations in order by year.
When sources are published in the same year, place them in alphabetical order by the
The standard structure of a print journal citation includes the following components:
Last name, First initial. (Year published). Article title. Journal, Volume (Issue),
Medical and Mental Disorders. Global Journal of Health Science, 7(5), pp. 183-
When citing journal articles found on a database or through a website, include all of
the components found in a citation of a print journal, but also include the medium
([online]), the website URL, and the date that the article was accessed.
Last name, First initial. (Year published). Article Title. Journal, [online]
Volume(Issue), pages. Available at: URL [Accessed Day Mo. Year].
Last name, First initial. (Year published). Article title. Newspaper, Page(s).
Last name, First initial. (Year published). Article title. Newspaper, [online]
pages. Available at: url [Accessed Day Mo. Year].
Last name, First initial. (Year published). Article title. Magazine, (Volume),
Last name, First initial. (Year published). Page title. [online] Website name.
Available at: URL [Accessed Day Mo. Year].
Website name, (Year published). Page title. [online] Available at: URL
[Accessed Day Mo. Year].
When citing eBooks and PDFs, include the edition, even if it‟s the first edition, and
follow it with the type of resource in brackets (either [ebook] or [pdf]). Include the url
at the end of the citation with the date it was accessed in brackets.
Use the following structure:
Last name, First initial. (Year published). Title. Edition. [format] City:
Publisher, page(s). Available at: URL [Accessed Day Mo. Year].
Zusack, M. (2015). The Book Thief. 1st ed. [ebook] New York: Knopf.
Available at: [Accessed 20 Apr. 2015].
Robin, J. (2014). A handbook for professional learning: research, resources,
and strategies for implementation. 1st ed. [pdf] New York: NYC Department of
Education. Available at [Accessed 14 Apr. 2015].
Archival materials are information sources that are used to provide evidence of past
events. Archival materials are generally collected and housed by organizations, such
as universities, libraries, repositories, or historical societies. Examples can include
manuscripts, letters, diaries, or any other artifact that the organization decides to
collect and house.
Last name, First initial. (Year published). Title of the material. [format] Name
of the university, library, organization, Collection name, code, or number. City.
Conference proceedings are academic papers or presentations that are created or used
for the purpose of a meeting or conference.
If published online:
Last name, First initial. (Conference Year). Title of Paper or Proceedings. In:
Name or Title of Conference. [online] City: Publisher of the Proceedings, pages.
Available at: URL [Accessed Day Mo. Year].
If not published online:
Last name, First initial. (Conference Year). Title of Paper or Proceedings. In:
Name or Title of Conference. City: Publisher of the Proceedings, pages.
Palmer, L., Gover, E. and Doublet, K. (2013). Advocating for Your Tech
Program. In: National Conference for Technology Teachers. [online] New
York: NCTT, pp. 33-34. Available at:
[Accessed 11 Jan. 2014].
Fox, R. (2014). Technological Advances in Banking. In: American Finance
Association Northeast Regional Conference. Hartford: AFA, p. 24.
Technical Specifications
3. The paper must be printed on a letter quality or laser printer. Only the original
copy of a paper or good and clean photocopies will be accepted. Copies with
correcting fluid will not be accepted. Print should be with dark black characters that
are consistently clear and dense.
Page Layout
4. The text should be presented in the portrait layout. The landscape layout may be
used for figures and tables.
Type of Paper
6. The text of the paper must be produced with the same font or typeface. Times
New Roman font size should be 12-point and should not be scripted or italicized
except for scientific names and terms in a different language. Footnotes and text in
tables should not be less than 8-point.
7. The left margin should be at least 40 mm, and the right, top and bottom margins
at least 25 mm. Margin specifications are meant to facilitate binding and trimming.
8. The paper should be 1.5-spaced, with four spaces between paragraphs and
sections. The following, however, should be single spaced:
i. Footnotes (if absolutely necessary);
ii. Quotations
iii. References
iv. Multi-line captions (tables, figures);
v. Appendices, such as questionnaires, letters; and
vi. Headings or subheadings.
9. All pages (except title fly) should be numbered consecutively throughout the
paper, including pages containing tables, figures and appendices. Page numbers should
be centred either centrally or right flushed at either the top or bottom margins. Page
numbers should appear by themselves and should not be placed in brackets, be
hyphenated or be accompanied by decorative images. Text, tables and figures should
be printed on one side of each sheet only. Preliminary pages preceding Introduction
must be numbered in lowercase Roman numerals (i, ii, iii etc). Page 1 is the first page
from where introduction begins.
10. Before making the required number of copies and binding the paper, ensure that
all University requirements have been met and necessary signatures have been
obtained. Check that all pages are in the correct order. The paper should be of a fixed
kind in which pages are permanently secured. The researchers should not use rank,
designation, degree etc., before or after his/her name.
i. Submit ten (10) hard copies of the paper at least two weeks prior to
12. Theses should be divided as appropriate into sections, sub-sections and sub-
subsections. The system of headings must be consistent and should provide a clear
indication of changes in content, emphasis and other features that occur at each stage
of the work.
13. Numbering Arabic numerals should be used in the format 1, 2 etc (for section),
1.1 etc for sub-sections and 1.1.1 etc for sub-subsections. There should be no further
14. It is recommended that all headings should be Bold. The recommended style is:
14 points with capitalized initial letters for section headings; 12-point with capitalised
initial letters for sub-section headings; 12-point italicised for sub-subsection-headings.
All headings should be on separate lines from the text.
The font will be 14-point with Bold. Footers must be used only for pagination.
16. Tables and Figures shall be numbered consecutively throughout the paper–
Table 1, Figure 1 etc. Within the text tables should be referred to as table 1 etc. For the
table/s caption and number should be written top of the table. And for figures the
caption and number must be written bottom of the figure/s. This procedure (caption
and numbering) is applicable in all the places where table and figures are available in
the paper.
17. Equations placed on separate lines from the text should be numbered whether or
not they are referred to in the text. Numbering should appear in round brackets at the
right-hand side of the page and be ordered consecutively either throughout the paper
(1) etc, or in each sections (1.1) etc. Equations should be referred to in the text as
equation (1) etc.
Use of Colour
18. Colour may be used in diagrams and figures. However, it is recommended that
such use be kept to a minimum, being reserved for situations where it is essential for
clarity. The use of colour must be the same in all presentation copies of the paper.