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Service quality of ready-mix concrete & concrete products delivery pattern: A
study on Concord Group

A Thesis
Submitted to the Farhana Yasmin, Lecturer, Department of Finance, FBS, Bangladesh
University of Professionals in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

Under the Supervision of

Farhana Yasmin
Department of Finance

Submitted by

Md. Ali Ahmed Masum

Student ID: B1506087
Registration Number: 100201150087
Session: 2014-2015
I recommend that this thesis has been prepared under my supervision by

Md. Ali Ahmed Masum

Student ID: B1506087
Registration Number: 100201150087
Session: 2014-2015

Service quality of ready-mix concrete & concrete products delivery pattern: A study on
Concord Group

Be accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Business
Administration (BBA) under the Farhana Yasmin, Bangladesh University of Professionals


Farhana Yasmin
Department of Finance
Faculty of Business Studies (FBS)

I hereby declare that except where specific reference is made to the work of others, the contents of
this dissertation are original and have not been submitted in whole or in part for consideration for
any other degree or qualification in this, or any other University. This dissertation is the result of
my own work and includes nothing which is the outcome of work done in collaboration, except
where specifically indicated in the text.

Md. Ali Ahmed Masum

7 April, 2019

The internship opportunity I had at the end of my graduation program was a great chance for learning
and professional development. Therefore, I consider myself as a very lucky individual as I was
provided with an opportunity to be a part of it. I am also grateful for having a chance to meet so many
wonderful people and professionals who led me though this internship period.

At the very beginning, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to almighty Allah for giving me
the strength and the composure to complete my BBA courses and prepare this report within the
scheduled time.

During the period of my internship work, I have received generous help from many quarters, which I
like to put on record here with deep gratitude and great pleasure.

Bearing in mind previous I am using this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude and special
thanks to my departmental supervisor, Farhana Yasmin, faculty of Business Administration, who in
spite of being extraordinarily busy with his duties, took time out to hear, guide and keep me on the
correct path and allowing me to carry out my project to the completion of my internship.

It is my radiant sentiment to place on record my best regards, deepest sense of gratitude to some of my
batch mates for their careful and precious guidance which were extremely valuable for my study both
theoretically and practically.

I perceive as this opportunity as a big milestone in my career development. I will strive to use gained
skills and knowledge in the best possible way, and I will continue to work on their improvement, in
order to attain desired career objectives. Hope to continue cooperation with all of you in the future.

Md. Ali Ahmed Masum

This thesis paper is dedicated to my honorable faculty Md. Golam Talukder Rabby who initially
gave me the strength for conducting this study. And also this study is wholeheartedly dedicated to
my beloved parents, who have been my source of inspiration and gave me strength of finishing
this study, who continually provide their moral, spiritual, emotional, and financial support.

I want to dedicate it to my workplace supervisor who helped me completing my survey and to all
of the employees who have selflessly helped me in completing my research survey. I want to
dedicate it to my friends, and my classmates who shared their words of advice and encouragement
to finish this study.

And lastly, I dedicated this to the Almighty Allah, thank you for the guidance, strength, power of
mind, protection and skills and for giving me a chance of doing this study on this field.

Improving Service quality is the important thing now a day that every companies are trying to
maintain it properly. This research is about the service quality of delivering the ready mix concrete
and concrete products. But the problem is, acquisition of raw materials, scheduling of production
facilities, and the transportation of concrete that faces the suppliers in daily basis. In the broader
view, the objective of this research is to identify or improve the service quality for the products
delivery that concord group perform. This research has conducted on 30 samples in Dhaka city. A
self-administered survey method and probability simple random sampling were used in the
research to obtain information regarding the engineers and their perception about service quality.
The questionnaire has set with the five likert scale method. The study is non-experimental
descriptive research was used to identify the service quality of delivering the ready mix and
concrete products. Concord group is the largest conglomerates in Bangladesh. They are perform
to deliver the concrete products to its potential clients. This research is findings that concord have
some sort of lacking to deliver the concrete products like, their distribution channel is weaker and
less amount of trucks they use to reach the concrete products also they are not conscious more
about the environment pollution while manufacturing the products that maximum respondents in
survey are agreed. But overall they perform very well to improve the service quality and majority
of respondents have positive impression about them.
Table of Contents

DECLARATION........................................................................................................................................ IV
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................................................................... V
DEDICATION............................................................................................................................................ VI
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................................................... VII
INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background of the Study .................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 Problem Statement............................................................................................................................ 3
1.3 Research Objectives .......................................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Research Questions ........................................................................................................................... 5
1.5 Research Hypothesis ......................................................................................................................... 5
1.6 Limitation of the Study ..................................................................................................................... 6
1.7 Development of a model ................................................................................................................... 7
ORGANIZATION OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................. 10
2.1 Historical Background of the Company ....................................................................................... 10
2.2 Product and Services of the Company .......................................................................................... 11
2.2.1 Concrete hollow blocks ............................................................................................................ 11
2.2.2 Concrete paving blocks............................................................................................................ 11
2.2.3 Concrete tiles ............................................................................................................................ 12
2.3 Mission and vision ........................................................................................................................... 13
LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................................................................ 15
INDUSTRY ANALYSIS .......................................................................................................................... 19
4.1 SWOT analysis ................................................................................................................................ 19
4.2 porter’s five forces .......................................................................................................................... 20
METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................................... 22
5.1 Sources of data ................................................................................................................................ 22
5.2 Study Area & Target Population................................................................................................... 22
5.3 Questionnaire Design ...................................................................................................................... 23
5.4 Sample Design ................................................................................................................................. 23
5.4.1 Sampling method ..................................................................................................................... 23
5.4.2 Sampling frame ........................................................................................................................ 23
5.4.3 Sample size and sample unit ................................................................................................... 24
5.5 Research Design .............................................................................................................................. 24
5.6 Data collection ................................................................................................................................. 24
5.7 Data analysis tool ............................................................................................................................ 25
5.8 Conceptual framework ................................................................................................................... 27
DATA ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................................... 29
6.1 presentation of data ........................................................................................................................ 29
6.2 Analysis and Interpretation of data: ............................................................................................. 31
6.3 Descriptive Analysis: ...................................................................................................................... 32
6.3.1 Descriptive statistics ................................................................................................................. 32
6.3.2 one-sample T-test ..................................................................................................................... 33
RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ....................................................................................... 36
7.1 hypothesis testing ............................................................................................................................ 36
7.1.1 The Impacts of product quality for the delivery of ready mix and concrete products ...... 37
7.1.2 Estimation of time is important for the ready mix delivery ................................................. 38
7.1.3 The Impacts of using new model of pumping machines to serve the concrete fast ............ 39
7.1.4 The impacts of concrete manufacturing site over the environment pollution .................... 40
7.1.5 The impacts of Channel of distribution to perform in the ready mix products delivery .. 41
7.1.6 The impacts of the price on the customer satisfaction .......................................................... 42
7.2 Individual Variable Analysis.......................................................................................................... 43
7.2.1 Top 2 variable ........................................................................................................................... 43
7.2.2 Bottom 2 Variables................................................................................................................... 43
RECOMMENDATION AND CONSLUSION ....................................................................................... 45
8.1 Recommendation............................................................................................................................. 45
8.1.1 Clear market and customer focus ........................................................................................... 45
8.1.2 Motivated staff or employee .................................................................................................... 45
8.1.3 Clear understanding of concepts of service quality and factors affecting it ....................... 45
8.1.4 Effective measurement and feedback system ........................................................................ 45
8.1.5 Effective implementation system ............................................................................................ 46
8.1.6 Efficient customer care system ............................................................................................... 46
8.2 Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 46
Appendix .................................................................................................................................................... 47
References .................................................................................................................................................. 54
List of Tables

Table No. Title Page

Table 1 Likert scale questionnaire design 23

Table 2 Sampling frame 23

Table 3 Likert scale questionnaire 30

List of Figures

Figure No. Title Page

Figure 1 Servequal model 7

Figure 2 Conceptual framework 27

Chapter - 1



Ready-mix concrete is an important construction material used widely all around the world
prepared according to a set engineered mix design. Ready-mix concrete or majorly referred as
RMC is specifically manufactured for customer's construction projects as per specification
provided by the customer. RMC is a mixture of Portland cement, water and aggregates: sand,
gravel, or crushed stone. Aggregates used in RMC manufacturing should be properly washed.
Ready-mix concrete is bought and sold by volume – usually expressed in cubic meters. (Sohail
Afzal*, 2013)

The ready-mixed concrete (RMC) market is a very complex and challenging environment with
logistics because they involve the delivery planning of the product to the contractor’s construction
site, and subsequently the timely and efficient delivery has a significant impact on service quality
to the point of reducing potential market loss to other well positioned competitors. A good starting
point in the literature comes as a complete overview of the RMC production and delivery
characteristics detailed from the operational perspective and within the context of a just in time
(JIT) production system based on customer’s demand (Tommelein and Li, 1999).

This complexity arises for several reasons, unlike other perishable products that can be produced
and stocked economically as inventory to absorb supply chain uncertainty, concrete must be mixed
on demand lasting approximately two hours after water has been added to the mix of dry materials,
following a hydration process it becomes a fluid that must be delivered to the customer and
discharged from the truck before it hardens, leaving a reduced and strict time window for its
delivery. A high rate between 70-90% of customer orders get cancelled and/or changed on the
same day of delivery, making system recovery a priority on a daily basis relying on overbooking
of orders between 20-40% to reschedule as necessary. Concrete fulfillment activities can be
delayed or suspended if customers are unable to unload concrete. (Wang et al., 2002).

Page 1
The future of RMC in Bangladesh is very bright and RMC is easily available not only in metro
cities of Bangladesh but also in smaller town as well. It is estimated that in the coming ten to
fifteen years, number of mix concrete plants will come up in different parts of the country and
nearly ten to fifteen percent of cement consumption will be through ready mix concrete.
Government in association with many local bodies is planning to make future prospects for
installing new RMC plants all over Bangladesh. In these prospects it includes allotment of lands
at lower rates and giving some relaxation in taxes to RMC owners.

Increased overall industry competitiveness makes relevant to conduct research on methods to

improve delivery and service in a RMC company. Both are key elements in a system of great
complexity subject to a dynamic environment. The paper concentrates on customer knowledge to
improve operational efficiency in the delivery planning stage. The objective of this paper is to
review and examine the evolution of RMC delivery problem, ending with an evaluation of current
advantages and drawbacks from the modeling approaches that have been proposed in this context
or applied in this context. (Daniel Ulises Moreno Sanchez, 2011)

Page 2
1.1 Background of the Study:

Concrete is one of most widely used materials in the construction industry, and its development
from being mixed on site to concrete mixed off site has significantly changed the construction
industry. As with many products, ready-mix concrete Luton arose due to a demand in the market.

Ready-mix concrete was first patented by the German architect Jurgen Heinrich Magens in 1903.
Although he developed the concept of concrete being mixed off site and transported, the notion
could not be fully realized until 1907 when the transportation method had been developed. The
first load of ready mix was delivered in Baltimore, Maryland in 1913. The idea that concrete could
be mixed at a central plant, then delivered by truck to the job site for placement, revolutionized
the concrete industry. (Base concrete, n.d.)

In today’s construction market in Bangladesh, ready-mix concrete is used on a daily basis. The
professional services of Base Concrete are used for the specialist and quality concrete mixes which
are produced. For construction companies, ready-mix concrete reduces labor costs and increases
the amount of space they have on-site. All this has led to ready-mix concrete becoming
exceptionally popular within today’s industry.

1.2 Problem Statement:

There are more problems with ready mix concrete delivery in the construction site in the daily
basis. From an operational point of view, Ready-Mixed Concrete Suppliers are faced with
challenging operational problems such as the acquisition of raw materials, scheduling of
production facilities, and the transportation of concrete. There are some major delivery problem’s
this report will shows in below.

Page 3
1. Long hauls and delays involved while transporting the concrete mixes which can
decrease the workability of concrete that needs to be maintained till pumping.
2. Concrete pump has to maintain its pump able consistency so that it can pump the
concrete mix at desired rate which not only includes the workability but also the pump
ability characteristics.
3. Road & weather condition of Bangladesh is a burning question while its delivery to
the construction site.

1.3 Research Objectives:

General Objective:
The general objective of making this report is mainly to fulfill the Bachelor of Business Administration
(B.B.A) degree requirement under the faculty of Business studies, Bangladesh University of
professionals. The other objective is to identify the service quality for the products delivery that
concord group perform.

Specific Objective:

1. To know the Impacts of product quality for the delivery of ready mix and concrete products.
2. To know the estimation of time is important for the ready mix delivery.

3. To know the Impacts of using new model of pumping machines to serve the concrete fast.

4. To know the impacts of concrete manufacturing site over the environment pollution.

5. To know the impacts of Channel of distribution to perform in the ready mix concrete delivery.

6. To know the impacts of the price on the customer satisfaction.

Page 4
1.4 Research Questions:

A. Does quality matter for the delivery of ready mix and concrete products?
B. Does traffic and weather condition affect in the product workability?
C. How much important to use good quality pumping machine?
D. Does concrete manufacturing site affect our environment?
E. Which distribution channel is important for the mix delivery?
F. How price determine the customer satisfaction?

1.5 Research Hypothesis:

Hypothesis 1: The Impacts of product quality for the delivery of ready mix and concrete products.

Factor 1: Concord deliver the quality products.

Factor 2: Get high quality materials as the demand.
Factor 3: Get bad conditioned product sometimes.

Hypothesis 2: Estimation of time is important for the ready mix delivery.

Factor 1: Concord deliver the right products in the right time.

Factor 2: Traffic and weather condition affect the product transportation and workability.
Factor 3: Concord ready mix dry fast.

Hypothesis 3: The Impacts of using new model of pumping machines to serve the concrete fast.

Factor 1: Concord ready mix & concrete products made by the good quality of machine and plant.
Factor 2: Using various type of pumping machines for the mixture.
Factor 3: Using new model of pumping machine.

Page 5
Hypothesis 4: The impacts of concrete manufacturing site over the environment pollution.

Factor 1: Maintain a safe environment for producing the product.

Factor 2: Keeping clean the product manufacturing site.

Hypothesis 5: The impacts of Channel of distribution to perform in the ready mix products

Factor 1: Have enough channel for delivering the products.

Factor 2: All trucks can bear 4000-5000 PSI mixture.
Factor 3: All trucks are good conditioned for the mix delivery.

Hypothesis 6: The impacts of the price on the customer satisfaction.

Factor 1: Concord charge a consistent price for their products.

Factor 2: Have different price category for the different products.

1.6 Limitation of the Study:

It couldn’t be claimed that this study was 100% based on impractical data. Undoubtedly it has got
some limitation regarding the representation of the factors which are collected from customers and
people of the company. At the data collection for the study, I have been facing following problems.

 Time limitation:

Time limitation is one of the major problem for most researchers to diagnose the problem. Like
the other study it has the limitation to identify the actual problem and provide some

 Sample size:

Though the sample size was fixed for the study, whit this sample size it is very difficult to get the
better result.

Page 6
 Lack of interest:

All the time of data collection it has been observed that most of the engineer did not pay attention
in answering the questionnaire.

1.7 Development of a model:

Servequal model: A model to measure the service quality for delivering the products and services.
Below the model there are five gaps that has been shown:
Gap 1: The listening gap
Gap 2: The service design gap
Gap 3: The service performance gap
Gap 4: The communication gap
Gap 5: The customer gap

Figure 1: Servequal Model

Page 7
Concord ready mix and concrete products has two gaps in products delivery to their customer.
First one is the listening gap that they cannot maintaining it. Basically this gap is the difference
between customer expectation and company understanding of those expectation. Concord is not
meet with their customer expectation or they have lack of understanding what their customer
expectation is. There have some reason behind that gap is, concord may not interact with their
customer directly and they may be unprepared to address their customer.

Other gap is the communication gap which is create for the difference between service delivery
and provider external communication. There are two reason for widening this gap is ineffective
management of customer expectation and inappropriate pricing. Their management system in the
external communication is not up to the mark also their pricing category is slightly high and their
pricing category is not tied with their customer perception of value.

For this two major gaps concord does not improving their service quality as much and more of
the customers are switching to other providers for better service quality.

Page 8
Chapter - 2


Page 9


2.1 Historical Background of the Company:

The relentless pursuit of quality, tagline of concord group of companies.

Concord is Bangladesh’s leading real estate and conglomerates with over 1000 well known
projects with their name since 1973. The industries under this conglomerate include construction,
real estate, architecture & design, communication, entertainment, hospitality, and garments.

Concord Group was founded in 1973. It started its journey toward re-building Bangladesh with
construction of 6 war damaged bridges in the Dhaka-Chattogram highway. Naval Officers Mess
of Naval Headquarter Complex of Bangladesh Navy, Renovation of Bangabhaban (Preident
Complex of Bangladesh), and International Conference Centre at Prime Minister’s Secretariat at
Dhaka was constructed by the Concord Group.

Concord ready mix & concrete products ltd. Establishes in 1991, was the first in Bangladesh to
provide ready mix concrete which gave benefits, which hardly anybody in Bangladesh thought at
the time. Over 250 projects of different magnitude have been served by concord ready mix &
concrete products ltd. So far.

Concord Real estate dev. Concord Entertainment ltd. Concord Construction ltd.

Page 10
2.2 Product and Services of the Company:

Concord has made lots of concrete products like concrete hollow blocks, concrete paving blocks,
roof tiles, engraved tiles etc. Products list is given below:

2.2.1 Concrete hollow blocks:

Load bearing blocks are specially developed to constructs tall

buildings without column beam framers.

For external and internal walling in framed buildings,

Partition blocks are used in places of clay burnt bricks
To reduce the total weight of building.

2.2.2 Concrete paving blocks:

Unipaver Trihexagonal paver Rectengular paver

Concrete paving blocks consist of small individual high strength Concrete paving blocks consist
of small individual high strength concrete units manufactured to accurate dimensional standards.
The blocks are one hand sixed and are laid with our mortar on sand laying courses.

Page 11
2.2.3 Concrete tiles:

Roof tiles Ornamental Block

Double layer terrazzo tiles Parking tiles

Concrete tile is an outdoor staple that has become an indoor favorite, especially for floors and
countertops. This are made of natural materials, and high-quality tiles also include natural
pigments to create their patterns Made one at a time, concrete tiles are made using a hydraulic
press method.

Concrete is a tough man-made mix of stone, sand, water and cement. It is long-lasting, water-
shedding, and hail-resistant and can be made to mimic the look of other building materials. It can
be a good roofing choice for harsh climates.

Because it requires specialized tools and knowledge, and because you must ensure that the
structure being covered can withstand the weight, concrete tile should be installed by trained
professionals only.

Page 12
2.3 Mission and vision:
Concord is Bangladesh’s leading real estate & construction conglomerate with over 1,000 well
known projects to their name. They have undertaken some of the most prestigious and technically
challenging projects in the country and are known for setting standards in their field. Concord has
one aim - to improve the quality of life of the people of Bangladesh.

Page 13
Chapter - 3


Page 14


This research include related some other research main theme which focus on the thematic aspect
of the research are:

Ready-mixed concrete (RMC) industry has averycomplex and challenging environment due to the
perishable nature of the product, dependable of the weather conditions and managing traffic and
truck scheduling within a 30 minute window. It requires high skills to respond to a very
dynamic market that possesses 70% of changes in customers’ orders. (Moreno-Sanchez, 2017)

A model for costing production and transportation of ready-mix-concrete (RMC) based on type of
the mix and customer site information. The on-floor cost of the mix is based on the type of concrete
and is estimated using activity based costing (ABC). The cost of transporting RMC to customer's
site is obtained as a function of traveling distance, traffic factor, and demand. Volume-based
discounts, penalty for late delivery, and cost of mix spoilage are considered. Moreover, the paper
provides a cost ground for improving the RMC production system using activity based
management (ABM) to improve the financial performance of the company. (Al-Hadeethi, 2016)

Ready-mixed concrete and total quality management are first considered in general, followed by
an examination of the applicability of quality management systems to the ready-mixed concrete
industry. A survey of 18 ready-mixed concrete plants in Turkey is reported. The survey used a
questionnaire consisting of 35 questions directed to managers, engineers, and other technical staff
of the plants. The results are evaluated by means of several statistical methods. (Kazaz, A., Ulubeyli,
S., & Turker, F. 2004)

Page 15
The ready mixed concrete industry is an important part of today's construction business
environment. This industry provides the required quality of concrete used in construction works.
The production of this concrete has many different operation parts and it is highly essential to
obtain the required quality in these operations. The new trend; web-based management, has the
characteristics of developing the business methods in any business environment as well as in ready
mixed concrete industry. Arıöz, Ö., Arslan, G., Tuncan, M., & Kıvrak, S. (2007)

High-strength concrete is becoming increasingly popular in the greater Seattle area. Testing labs
and consultants in the area claim that because of the high quality of aggregate available, concrete
with a strength of 20,000 psi (140 MPa) should not be difficult to produce. Results of many
laboratory tests have proven this to be true, but much of this research has one on without fully
considering the ready-mixed concrete supplier? Howard, N. L., & Leatham, D. M. (1989)

Just-in-time production systems as implemented by Toyota are pull systems in which ‘kanban’
convey the need to replenish the right inventory at the right time and in the right amount. symbols
from manufacturing are introduced to map resource flows in order to help distinguish traditional-
from lean production processes. These symbols are then applied to construction. Ready-mix
concrete provides a prototypical example of a just-in-time construction process. Ready-mix
concrete is a perishable commodity, batched to specifications upon customer demand. This makes
just-in-time delivery necessary. Tommelein, I. D., & Li, A. (1999, July)

Ready-mixed concrete is a product as well as a service. This implies that the supply of ready-
mixed concrete should satisfy the customers’ needs in relation to both quality and supply. Due to
the peculiar characteristics of the product which has a ‘shelf life’ of only a few hours and the
dynamic nature of the operating environment, the planning and scheduling problems of ready-
mixed concrete supply are usually unstructured and complicated. Lam, Y. T., Alum, J., & Neale, R.
H. (1994)

The problem is a complex scheduling or vehicle routing problem where we have to schedule the
tours of concrete mixer vehicles over a working day from concrete-producing depots to concrete-
demanding customers and vice versa. Asbach, L., Dorndorf, U., & Pesch, E. (2009)

Page 16
Demands on concrete structures are more severe than ever. Engineers, contractors, and material
suppliers are being asked to design and construct buildings that are taller, larger, and last longer
than in the past. Traditional prescriptive specifications for concrete are no longer effective and the
concrete construction industry is moving towards performance-based specifications. Here will
explore how performance-based specifications are being used to implement innovative products
such as high-performance concrete, self-consolidating concrete and high-strength concrete. Lobo,
C., Lemay, L., & Obla, K. (2006)

There are many ways to reduce the carbon footprint of concrete including reduction in its portland
cement clinker content by methods including: (a) optimization of total aggregate gradations, (b)
use of water-reducing admixtures, (c) intergrinding clinker with limestone, and (d) use of
supplementary cementing materials (SCMs). Hooton, R. D., & Bickley, J. A. (2014)

Page 17
Chapter - 4


Page 18


4.1 SWOT analysis:

1. Concord have more powerful pumping machines for speed up the concrete.
2. Maximum time they can deliver timely the ready mix and all concrete products to their
3. They deliver the products through easiest route that’s why their customer get the products
4. They have more expert engineer for mixing the concrete materials.

1. They have total highest corporate clients in that industry.
2. They can provide the BUET certified test report within 3 days of products delivery.
3. In the market they have more dominance power to get the work order.

1. Their ready mix concrete and all concrete product prices is slightly high than other competitors.
2. Sometimes the pumping machines do not work properly to seed up the concrete.
3. Some of the employees have deficiency in maintenance the machines.
4. They have communication gap with their customers.

1. There decreasing the workability of pumping machines.
2. For the communication gap some customers are cancel the work order.

Page 19
4.2 porter’s five forces:

Competitive rivalry:

In the ready mix concrete all the companies in this industry has similar dominance in the market
and also their strength is almost same just few differences does exists. But recently new companies
have strong equipment’s and their products price is slightly less that old one that’s why their market
opportunities is pretty more. Overall, ten to twelve competitor competing in that industry.

Supplier power:

Though there are few numbers of companies who serve the ready mix in the market, they have
more power or they can dictate to drive up the price instantly.

Buyer power:

Buyers are very powerful here in the ready mix market. Today’s RMC market is more competitive
because of every companies trying to gather more buyer or clients with their business. That’s why
customers also have the power to demand lower price or higher product quality.

Threat of substitution:

Here for concord ready mix they have the potential threats because of customers should find out
more substitute products with little cost in the market. New companies can do it to lower the
concrete prices with the same quality because of they have little maintenance and overhead cost.

Threat of new entry:

For the new born companies it’s truly hard for them to enter in this industry because of the barrier
for existing companies. From that side concord has the opportunities to impose more barriers in
the entrance for new companies in the market.

Page 20
Chapter - 5


Page 21


The methodology describes the procedures to organize the scattered ideas & views to conduct a
study. Proper working procedure helps to capture the right things during study periods & finally
fulfills the objective of the study. Generally a method involves a technique in which various stages
of collecting data or information are interpreted. So, adoption of methodology is an important step
in performing any study. In this study a methodology is followed for the achievement & successful
accomplishment of the dissertation work. Relevant data from reliable sources have used while
preparing the report.

5.1 Sources of data:

The data for the study have been collected from both primary sources and secondary sources.
Primary data have been collected through Physical (face to face) Interview and telephone interview
to the potential customer.
Secondary data or information have been collected through prospectus of RMC of the company
and different desk employees of RMC department for applying some model and finding out the
research question.

5.2 Study Area & Target Population:

This research consists of all the customers situated in the Dhaka city from which 30 potential
Engineer taking for the purpose of finding the result of this studies in a very short time. During
this short period, several areas were covered in an aim to carry out interviews with probable
The areas that taken into consideration are listed below.
 Banani
 ECB chattor, cantonment
 Mirpur 10
 Mirpur (kalshi road)

Page 22
5.3 Questionnaire Design:

For conducting the survey this research, design the questionnaire with 5 Likert scale method.
Respondents here may be offered a choice of five to seven pre-coded responses with the neutral
point being neither agree nor disagree. In its final form, this research survey the Likert Scale is a
five point scale which is used to allow the individual to express how much they agree or disagree
with a particular statement.

No. Statement Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

agree (5) (4) (3) (2) disagree

Table 1: Likert scale questionnaire design

5.4 Sample Design:

5.4.1 Sampling method:
In this survey, probabilistic simple random sampling methods were selected because the survey
time is very short for conducting the survey in this research and this sampling technique is very
useful for small population from the sample frame. Besides, the simple random sampling is very
easy to conduct the survey for selecting the sample population and small sample is represent the
whole population.

5.4.2 Sampling frame:

Basis Sample frame
 Banani (chairman bari)
 ECB chatter, cantonment
 Mirpur 10
 Mirpur (kalshi road)

Table 2: Sampling frame

Page 23
5.4.3 Sample size and sample unit:
For the study a sample of 30 potential customers was selected on the basis of simple random
sampling for the purpose of the research.

5.5 Research Design:

This study was conducted in non-experimental descriptive research design. Descriptive
research describes market characteristics or functions and it’s a formal and well structured.

Method: There are 4 methods in this research design.

First, for sampling design it takes probabilistic simple random sampling. Second, for statistical
design it makes pre-planned hypothesis and T-test design for the analysis. Third, for
observational design it prepares with well-structured and well thought out instruments for
collection of data. And lastly, for operational design it takes advanced decision about operational

There has relationship between the dependent and independent variables that is shown in below:

Ẏ = a + bẊ

Service quality = a + (b1 + product quality) * (b2 + time estimation) * (b3 + machines type) * (b4 -
environment) * (b5 - distribution channel) * (b6 + price)

5.6 Data collection:

A detailed structured questionnaire with open ended as well as some closed questions was
developed and used to collect data. For the data collection this study applying some following

 Face to face / direct personal interview.

 Interview over the telephone.

Page 24
5.7 Data analysis tool:
After a successful survey the researcher got more data and information that were gathered and be
recorded in SPSS and later on data analysis will be performed.

Below, there is showing hypothesis test method using SPSS analyze tool.

Data entry:

First from the variable view in SPSS there need to be input the factors serially then need to be data
coding for the factors decision or answer. Then going to the data view for input all the sample
respondent answer.

For example,

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Page 25
Analyze (descriptive statistics): Mean
Go to the Analyze from the toolbar top of the head > Descriptive statistics > Descriptives >
Transform all the factors in the variables field > options > select std. deviation and mean > select

Analyze (compare mean): One sample t-test

Go to the Analyze from the toolbar top of the head > compare mean > one sample t-test >
transform all the factors in the test variables field > type test value 3 > select ok.

Page 26
5.8 Conceptual framework:

This is the framework where shown the major factors that affect the ready mix concrete
transportation or delivery process. Each of the factors even after influenced by some of the other

Figure 2: Conceptual framework

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Chapter - 6


Page 28


In the concrete industry there all the companies are trying to perform better in product delivery.
There most important thing is making the concrete with good materials. Customers will see the
materials quality then they will giving the order for the ready mix concrete. This report will show
the data in various way that how people measures the service delivery that are companies are
performed. Though in this report several variables will be measure for the service delivery with
the graphical and tabular data presentation.

6.1 presentation of data:

Below the table will show the analysis of the various aspects of the impact of service quality on
the ready mix concrete and concrete products by asking these 16 survey statement asked to the 30
potential target customers.

N Statement Variables Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

o. agree (5) (4) (3) (2) disagree
1. Concord deliver the quality

2. Get high quality materials as the

3. Get bad conditioned product
4. Concord deliver the right products in
the right time.
5. Traffic and weather condition affect

the product transportation and

6. Concord ready mix dry fast.

Page 29
7. Concord ready mix & concrete
products made by the good quality

Machines type
of machine and plant.
8. Using various type of pumping
machines for the mixture.
9. Using new model of pumping
10. Maintain a safe environment for

producing the product.
11. Keeping clean the product
manufacturing site.
12. Have enough channel for delivering

Distribution channel
the products.
13. All trucks can bear 4000-5000 PSI
14. All trucks are good conditioned for
the mix delivery.
15. Concord charge a consistent price
for their products.

16. Have different price category for the

different products.

Table 3: Likert scale questionnaire

Page 30
6.2 Analysis and Interpretation of data:

T-test value will be analyze for the testing of these hypothesis:

1. The Impacts of product quality for the delivery of ready mix and concrete products (Quality)

2. Measurement of time is important for the ready mix delivery (Time)

3. The Impacts of using new model of pumping machines to transform the concrete (Machines

4. The impacts of concrete manufacturing site over the environment pollution (Environment)

5. The impacts of Channel of distribution to perform in the ready mix products delivery
(Distribution channel)

6. The impacts of the price on the customer satisfaction (Price)

Page 31
6.3 Descriptive Analysis:

6.3.1 Descriptive statistics:

N Mean Std.
Concord deliver the quality products. 30 4.30 .952

Get high quality materials as the demand. 30 4.37 .718

Get bad conditioned product sometimes. 30 3.47 1.252

Concord deliver the right products in the right time. 30 3.87 1.042

Traffic and weather condition affect the product 30 4.10 1.155

transportation and workability.

Concord ready mix dry fast. 30 3.57 1.073

Concord ready mix & concrete products made by the 30 3.87 .973
good quality of machine and plant.

Using various type of pumping machines for the mixture. 30 3.37 1.159

Using new model of pumping machine. 30 3.50 1.042

Maintain a safe environment for producing the product. 30 3.63 .999

Keeping clean the product manufacturing site. 30 3.07 .980

Have enough channel for delivering the products. 30 2.77 1.278

All trucks can bear 4000-5000 PSI mixture. 30 2.87 1.525

All trucks are good conditioned for the mix delivery. 30 3.20 1.270

Concord charge a consistent price for their products. 30 3.73 1.112

Have different price category for the different products. 30 3.27 1.285

Page 32
6.3.2 one-sample T-test:

One-Sample Test
Test Value = 3
t df Sig. (2- Mean 95% Confidence Interval of
tailed) Difference the Difference
Lower Upper
Concord deliver the 7.477 29 .000 1.300 .94 1.66
quality products.
Get high quality 10.420 29 .000 1.367 1.10 1.63
materials as the
Get bad conditioned 2.041 29 .050 .467 .00 .93
product sometimes.
Concord deliver the 4.557 29 .000 .867 .48 1.26
right products in the
right time.
Traffic and weather 5.216 29 .000 1.100 .67 1.53
condition affect the
product transportation
and workability.
Concord ready mix 2.894 29 .007 .567 .17 .97
dry fast.
Concord ready mix & 4.878 29 .000 .867 .50 1.23
concrete products
made by the good
quality of machine
and plant.
Using various type of 1.733 29 .094 .367 -.07 .80
pumping machines for
the mixture.
Using new model of 2.628 29 .014 .500 .11 .89
pumping machine.
Maintain a safe 3.471 29 .002 .633 .26 1.01
environment for
producing the product.

Page 33
Keeping clean the .372 29 .712 .067 -.30 .43
product manufacturing
Have enough channel -1.000 29 .326 -.233 -.71 .24
for delivering the
All trucks can bear -.479 29 .636 -.133 -.70 .44
4000-5000 PSI
All trucks are good .862 29 .396 .200 -.27 .67
conditioned for the
mix delivery.
Concord charge a 3.612 29 .001 .733 .32 1.15
consistent price for
their products.
Have different price 1.137 29 .026 .267 -.21 .75
category for the
different products.

Page 34
Chapter - 7



Page 35


7.1 hypothesis testing:

The analysis of the impact of the different variables has been done by calculating the mean score
for each variable, the standard deviation for each variable, and the significant value that is returned
when we run a one-sample t-test with 3 as the test value.

The results are given in the table below:

No Statement Vari N Mean Std. Dev. 2 tailed Sig. 2 tailed Sig.

. ables (p-value) (p-value)

1. Concord deliver the quality products. 30 4.30 .952 .000


2. Get high quality materials as the 30 4.37 .718 .000

demand. 0.016

3. Get bad conditioned product sometimes. 30 3.47 1.252 .050

4. Concord deliver the right products in the 30 3.87 1.042 .000

right time.

5. Traffic and weather condition affect the 30 4.10 1.155 .000 0.002
product transportation and workability.
6. Concord ready mix dry fast. 30 3.57 1.073 .007

7. Concord ready mix & concrete products 30 3.87 .973 .000

Machines type

made by the good quality of machine

and plant. 0.036
8. Using various type of pumping 30 3.37 1.159 .094
machines for the mixture.
9. Using new model of pumping machine. 30 3.50 1.042 .014

10. Maintain a safe environment for 30


3.63 .999 .002

producing the product. 0.357

11. Keeping clean the product 30 3.07 .980 .712

manufacturing site.

Page 36
12. Have enough channel for delivering the 30

Distribution channel
2.77 1.278 .326
13. All trucks can bear 4000-5000 PSI 30 2.87 1.525 .636 0.452
14. All trucks are good conditioned for the 30 3.20 1.270 .396
mix delivery.
15. Concord charge a consistent price for 30 3.73 1.112 .001
their products. 0.013

16. Have different price category for the 30 3.27 1.285 .026
different products.

7.1.1 The Impacts of product quality for the delivery of ready mix and concrete products.

Concord deliver the quality products.

Using a test value of 3, we get a t-calculated value of 7.477. The significant value for this test was
0.000 which is less than the significance level of 0.05. Therefore, we can reject the null hypothesis.
Therefore, we accept the claim and conclude that concord deliver the best quality products to their

Get high quality materials as the demand.

Using a test value of 3, we get a t-calculated value of 10.420. The significant value for this test
was 0.000 which is less than the significance level of 0.05. Therefore, we can reject the null
hypothesis. Therefore, we accept the claim and conclude that their customers get the high quality
materials as their demand as well.

Get bad conditioned product sometimes.

Using a test value of 3, we get a t-calculated value of 2.041. The significant value for this test was
0.050 which is equal than the significance level of 0.05. Therefore, we can reject the null
hypothesis. Therefore, we accept the claim and conclude that the customers do not get bad
conditioned products in maximum time.

Page 37
Here we tested this hypothesis of 3 factors under the specific objective of the impacts of product
quality for the delivery of ready mix and concrete products. So, this hypothesis came out to be true
from our survey and analysis.

Overall the significant value for this hypothesis is 0.016, which is also less than the
significance level of 0.05. Therefore, we can conclude that, product quality is a variable that
really measure the service quality of ready mix and concrete products delivery.

7.1.2 Estimation of time is important for the ready mix delivery.

Concord deliver the right products in the right time.

Using a test value of 3, we get a t-calculated value of 4.457. The significant value for this test was
0.000 which is less than the significance level of 0.05. Therefore, we can reject the null hypothesis.
Therefore, we accept the claim and conclude that concord deliver the right products in the right
time to their customers.

Traffic and weather condition affect the product transportation and workability.

Using a test value of 3, we get a t-calculated value of 5.216. The significant value for this test was
0.000 which is less than the significance level of 0.05. Therefore, we can reject the null hypothesis.
Therefore, we accept the claim and conclude that really traffic and weather change is greatly affect
the products transportation and its workability.

Concord ready mix dry fast.

Using a test value of 3, we get a t-calculated value of 2.894. The significant value for this test was
0.007 which is less than the significance level of 0.05. Therefore, we can reject the null hypothesis.
Therefore, we accept the claim and conclude that concord ready mix dry fast, that is very essential
for any building construction.

Here we tested this hypothesis of 3 factors under the specific objective of estimation of time is
important for the ready mix delivery. So, this hypothesis came out to be true from our survey and

Page 38
Overall the significant value for this hypothesis is 0.002, which is also less than the
significance level of 0.05. Therefore, we can conclude that, Time estimation is a variable that
really measure the service quality of ready mix and concrete products delivery.

7.1.3 The Impacts of using new model of pumping machines to serve the concrete fast.

Concord ready mix & concrete products made by the good quality of machine and plant.

Using a test value of 3, we get a t-calculated value of 4.878. The significant value for this test was
0.000 which is less than the significance level of 0.05. Therefore, we can reject the null hypothesis.
Therefore, we accept the claim and conclude that Concord ready mix & concrete products made
by the good quality of machine and plant.

Using various type of pumping machines for the mixture.

Using a test value of 3, we get a t-calculated value of 1.733. The significant value for this test was
0.094 which is more than the significance level of 0.05. Therefore, we can accept the null
hypothesis. Therefore, we accept the claim and conclude that they are not using various type of
pumping machines for the concrete mixture.

Using new model of pumping machine.

Using a test value of 3, we get a t-calculated value of 2.628. The significant value for this test was
0.014 which is less than the significance level of 0.05. Therefore, we can reject the null hypothesis.
Therefore, we accept the claim and conclude that concord using the new model of pumping

Here we tested this hypothesis of 3 factors under the specific objective of the impacts of using new
model of pumping machines to serve the concrete fast. So, this hypothesis came out to be true from
our survey and analysis because maximum factors are significant by the test value.

Page 39
Overall the significant value for this hypothesis is 0.036, which is also less than the
significance level of 0.05. Therefore, we can conclude that, using new model of pumping
machines is a variable that really measure the service quality of ready mix and concrete
products delivery.

7.1.4 The impacts of concrete manufacturing site over the environment pollution.

Maintain a safe environment for producing the product.

Using a test value of 3, we get a t-calculated value of 3.471. The significant value for this test was
0.002 which is less than the significance level of 0.05. Therefore, we can reject the null hypothesis.
Therefore, we accept the claim and conclude that they are maintain a safe environment for
producing the product.

Keeping clean the product manufacturing site.

Using a test value of 3, we get a t-calculated value of 0.372. The significant value for this test was
0.712 which is more than the significance level of 0.05. Therefore, we can accept the null
hypothesis. Therefore, we accept the claim and conclude that they don’t keeping clean their
product manufacturing site.

Here we tested this hypothesis of 2 factors under the specific objective of the impacts of concrete
manufacturing site over the environment pollution. So, this hypothesis came out to be false from
our survey and analysis.

Overall the significant value for this hypothesis is 0.357, which is more than the significance
level of 0.05. Therefore, we can conclude that, environment is a variable that cannot measure
the service quality of ready mix and concrete products delivery.

Page 40
7.1.5 The impacts of Channel of distribution to perform in the ready mix products delivery.

Have enough channel for delivering the products.

Using a test value of 3, we get a t-calculated value of -1.000. The significant value for this test was
0.326 which is more than the significance level of 0.05. Therefore, we can accept the null
hypothesis. Therefore, we accept the claim and conclude that don’t have enough distribution
channel for delivering the products.

All trucks can bear 4000-5000 PSI mixture.

Using a test value of 3, we get a t-calculated value of -0.479. The significant value for this test was
0.636 which is more than the significance level of 0.05. Therefore, we can accept the null
hypothesis. Therefore, we accept the claim and conclude that their all trucks cannot bear 4000-
5000 PSI mixture.

All trucks are good conditioned for the mix delivery.

Using a test value of 3, we get a t-calculated value of 0.862. The significant value for this test was
0.396 which is more than the significance level of 0.05. Therefore, we can accept the null
hypothesis. Therefore, we accept the claim and conclude that all trucks are not that much good
conditioned for the mix delivery.

Here we tested this hypothesis of 3 factors under the specific objective of the impacts of Channel
of distribution to perform in the ready mix and concrete products delivery. So, this hypothesis
came out to be false from our survey and analysis.

Overall the significant value for this hypothesis is 0.452, which is more than the significance
level of 0.05. Therefore, we can conclude that, distribution channel is a variable that cannot
measure the service quality of ready mix and concrete products delivery.

Page 41
7.1.6 The impacts of the price on the customer satisfaction.

Concord charge a consistent price for their products.

Using a test value of 3, we get a t-calculated value of 3.612. The significant value for this test was
0.001 which is less than the significance level of 0.05. Therefore, we can reject the null hypothesis.
Therefore, we accept the claim and conclude that Concord charge a consistent price for their

Have different price category for the different products.

Using a test value of 3, we get a t-calculated value of 1.137. The significant value for this test was
0.002 which is less than the significance level of 0.05. Therefore, we can reject the null hypothesis.
Therefore, we accept the claim and conclude that they have different price category for the
different products.

Here we tested this hypothesis of 2 factors under the specific objective of the impacts of the price
on the customer satisfaction. So, this hypothesis came out to be true from our survey and analysis.

Overall the significant value for this hypothesis is 0.013, which is more than the significance
level of 0.05. Therefore, we can conclude that, price is a variable that really measure the
service quality of ready mix and concrete products delivery.

Page 42
7.2 Individual Variable Analysis
There were 12 questions in the survey that were measured with the aid of the Likert Scale. We
ranked those variables according to how strongly the respondents felt about them. The ranking was
done on the basis of the mean score each variable attained in the survey.

7.2.1 Top 2 variable

These are the variables that had the highest mean in our survey. These were the variable that
respondents had the strongest positive impression about.

Table: Top 2 Variable

factors Mean Std. deviation

Products quality 4.04 0.974

Time duration 3.84 1.09

7.2.2 Bottom 2 Variables

These are the variables that had the lowest mean in our survey. These were the variable that
respondents had the weakest positive impression about.

Table: Bottom 2 Variable

factors Mean Std. deviation

Distribution channel 2.94 1.357

Environment 3.35 0.9895

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Chapter - 8


Page 44


8.1 Recommendation:

Service quality is the topic that has attracted attention of the researchers as several model have
been proposed over the last 30 years. Though the service quality is the main priority to deliver any
kind of product but this is noted in this research the changes in the process of delivery of services
from conventional to IT-based services and that listed some key components to service quality

8.1.1 Clear market and customer focus:

There needs to be clear market and customer focus that what’s their main priority and how they
will expect getting the product from the company. If this will be catching, service quality will
possibly be given as per customer requirements.

8.1.2 Motivated staff or employee:

In the company staff and employee is the components to perform in the service quality of products
delivery. They are directly involved at the products delivery to the customer so there, really needs
to be motivated them to perform better in the service quality to deliver the final products.

8.1.3 Clear understanding of concepts of service quality and factors affecting it:

Service quality is the concept where many things is related that’s need to have clear understanding
on it and most importantly the factors affecting on it. Because, if these factors are not manage
clearly then the service quality might not be maintain as well.

8.1.4 Effective measurement and feedback system:

Effective measurement and feedback system should have in the products (ready-mix) delivery,
because if customer get something missing or wrong that’s why they can notify it to the company
and after all the provider may not doing same thing in the future delivery.

Page 45
8.1.5 Effective implementation system:

There should have effective implementation system of products delivery. Ultimately an effective
implementation system of products delivery measures that companies improve to the service

8.1.6 Efficient customer care system:

For improving service quality this is very importation to have efficient customer care system. If
this can be maintain to care the customer’s request and their demands then service quality will
improve earlier.

8.2 Conclusion:

This research is giving a positive impression to the service quality of ready mix and concrete
products delivery. Though some of the lacking that could be observe in service quality but the
majority of factors are working better here. For the ready mix and concrete products delivery
concord group improve better in service quality. But some of the factors that are noticeable in the
research that their distribution channel is not perform as well also for protecting the environment
from the pollution they need to careful more.

The dynamic nature of the delivery planning is considered in SD simulation but none of the
reviewed approaches for modeling the RMC delivery process has focused on getting a better
understanding of the RMC market even though the literature on service quality models has
identified that a clear market and customer focus are key to improvements in service quality.

Further research is required to supplement current implementation of SD simulation in the RMC

industry that focuses on attaining a better understanding of the market based on statistical
knowledge and with the purpose of increasing internal operational efficiency and quality of

Page 46

Appendix 1:
Frequency table:

Concord deliver the quality products.

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Valid disagree 2 6.7 6.7 6.7
neutral 4 13.3 13.3 20.0
agree 7 23.3 23.3 43.3
strongly 17 56.7 56.7 100.0
Total 30 100.0 100.0

Get high quality materials as the demand.

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Valid neutral 4 13.3 13.3 13.3
agree 11 36.7 36.7 50.0
strongly 15 50.0 50.0 100.0
Total 30 100.0 100.0

Get bad conditioned product sometimes.

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Valid strongly 3 10.0 10.0 10.0
disagree 3 10.0 10.0 20.0
neutral 8 26.7 26.7 46.7
agree 9 30.0 30.0 76.7
strongly agree 7 23.3 23.3 100.0
Total 30 100.0 100.0

Page 47
Concord deliver the right products in the right time.
Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Valid disagree 4 13.3 13.3 13.3
neutral 6 20.0 20.0 33.3
agree 10 33.3 33.3 66.7
strongly 10 33.3 33.3 100.0
Total 30 100.0 100.0

Traffic and weather condition affect the product transportation and workability.
Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Valid strongly 1 3.3 3.3 3.3
disagree 3 10.0 10.0 13.3
neutral 3 10.0 10.0 23.3
agree 8 26.7 26.7 50.0
strongly agree 15 50.0 50.0 100.0
Total 30 100.0 100.0

Concord ready mix dry fast.

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Valid disagree 5 16.7 16.7 16.7
neutral 11 36.7 36.7 53.3
agree 6 20.0 20.0 73.3
strongly 8 26.7 26.7 100.0
Total 30 100.0 100.0

Page 48
Concord ready mix & concrete products made by the good quality of machine
and plant.
Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Valid disagree 4 13.3 13.3 13.3
neutral 4 13.3 13.3 26.7
agree 14 46.7 46.7 73.3
strongly 8 26.7 26.7 100.0
Total 30 100.0 100.0

Using various type of pumping machines for the mixture.

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Valid strongly 1 3.3 3.3 3.3
disagree 8 26.7 26.7 30.0
neutral 5 16.7 16.7 46.7
agree 11 36.7 36.7 83.3
strongly agree 5 16.7 16.7 100.0
Total 30 100.0 100.0

Using new model of pumping machine.

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Valid strongly 1 3.3 3.3 3.3
disagree 3 10.0 10.0 13.3
neutral 12 40.0 40.0 53.3
agree 8 26.7 26.7 80.0
strongly agree 6 20.0 20.0 100.0
Total 30 100.0 100.0

Page 49
Maintain a safe environment for producing the product.
Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Valid strongly 1 3.3 3.3 3.3
disagree 2 6.7 6.7 10.0
neutral 10 33.3 33.3 43.3
agree 11 36.7 36.7 80.0
strongly agree 6 20.0 20.0 100.0
Total 30 100.0 100.0

Keeping clean the product manufacturing site.

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Valid strongly 2 6.7 6.7 6.7
disagree 6 20.0 20.0 26.7
neutral 11 36.7 36.7 63.3
agree 10 33.3 33.3 96.7
strongly agree 1 3.3 3.3 100.0
Total 30 100.0 100.0

Have enough channel for delivering the products.

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Valid strongly 7 23.3 23.3 23.3
disagree 4 13.3 13.3 36.7
neutral 11 36.7 36.7 73.3
agree 5 16.7 16.7 90.0
strongly agree 3 10.0 10.0 100.0
Total 30 100.0 100.0

Page 50
All trucks can bear 4000-5000 PSI mixture.
Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Valid strongly 7 23.3 23.3 23.3
disagree 8 26.7 26.7 50.0
neutral 4 13.3 13.3 63.3
agree 4 13.3 13.3 76.7
strongly agree 7 23.3 23.3 100.0
Total 30 100.0 100.0

All trucks are good conditioned for the mix delivery.

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Valid strongly 4 13.3 13.3 13.3
disagree 4 13.3 13.3 26.7
neutral 9 30.0 30.0 56.7
agree 8 26.7 26.7 83.3
strongly agree 5 16.7 16.7 100.0
Total 30 100.0 100.0

Concord charge a consistent price for their products.

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Valid strongly disagree 1 3.3 3.3 3.3
disagree 3 10.0 10.0 13.3
neutral 8 26.7 26.7 40.0
agree 9 30.0 30.0 70.0
strongly agree 9 30.0 30.0 100.0
Total 30 100.0 100.0

Page 51
Have different price category for the different products.
Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Valid strongly 4 13.3 13.3 13.3
disagree 4 13.3 13.3 26.7
neutral 7 23.3 23.3 50.0
agree 10 33.3 33.3 83.3
strongly agree 5 16.7 16.7 100.0
Total 30 100.0 100.0

Appendix 2:
Respondent sheet:

Page 52
Page 53

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