This document provides an overview of various general surgery topics including:
1. Definitions and management principles for conditions like ulcers, sinuses, fistulas, cysts, and tumors.
2. Details on wound care, triage systems, and trauma management principles.
3. Descriptions of different types of shock, blood transfusion safety, and fluid/electrolyte management.
4. Burn treatment principles and pre-operative anesthesia considerations.
5. Explanations of gastrointestinal conditions like Barrett's esophagus, achalasia, dysphagia, peptic ulcer disease, and gastric cancer.
6. Surgical procedures including minimally invasive techniques, inc
This document provides an overview of various general surgery topics including:
1. Definitions and management principles for conditions like ulcers, sinuses, fistulas, cysts, and tumors.
2. Details on wound care, triage systems, and trauma management principles.
3. Descriptions of different types of shock, blood transfusion safety, and fluid/electrolyte management.
4. Burn treatment principles and pre-operative anesthesia considerations.
5. Explanations of gastrointestinal conditions like Barrett's esophagus, achalasia, dysphagia, peptic ulcer disease, and gastric cancer.
6. Surgical procedures including minimally invasive techniques, inc
This document provides an overview of various general surgery topics including:
1. Definitions and management principles for conditions like ulcers, sinuses, fistulas, cysts, and tumors.
2. Details on wound care, triage systems, and trauma management principles.
3. Descriptions of different types of shock, blood transfusion safety, and fluid/electrolyte management.
4. Burn treatment principles and pre-operative anesthesia considerations.
5. Explanations of gastrointestinal conditions like Barrett's esophagus, achalasia, dysphagia, peptic ulcer disease, and gastric cancer.
6. Surgical procedures including minimally invasive techniques, inc
This document provides an overview of various general surgery topics including:
1. Definitions and management principles for conditions like ulcers, sinuses, fistulas, cysts, and tumors.
2. Details on wound care, triage systems, and trauma management principles.
3. Descriptions of different types of shock, blood transfusion safety, and fluid/electrolyte management.
4. Burn treatment principles and pre-operative anesthesia considerations.
5. Explanations of gastrointestinal conditions like Barrett's esophagus, achalasia, dysphagia, peptic ulcer disease, and gastric cancer.
6. Surgical procedures including minimally invasive techniques, inc
11. Keloid 1. Ulcer a. What are the differences between hypertrophic a. What is marjolin ulcer? scar and keloid scar? (81) b. What are the differences between marjolin ul- 12. Abscess cer and ulcer due to squamous cell carcinoma a. Define abscess (90) c. Define granulation tissue. (7) b. What are the principle of treatment of axillary d. Tell the characteristic of granulation tissue (7) abscess? (92) 2. Sinus c. What is clod abscess? Tell the common sites of a. Define sinus. (17) occurrence. (93) 3. Fistula 13. Carbuncle a. Define fistula. (18) a. Define carbuncle. (99) b. Tell 5 important causes/few causes of persis- b. How do you treat a case of carbuncles? (99) tent fistula. (20) 14. Gangrene c. What do you mean by enterocutaneous fistula? a. Define and classify gangrene. (106) 4. Cyst b. What are the factors responsible for diabetic a. Define cyst. (22) gangrene? (108) b. What is pseudocyst? 23 c. What is diabetic foot infection? How will you c. Tell the complications of sebaceous cyst if not manage? treated? (26) 15. Haemorrhage 5. Hemangioma a. What do you mean by reactionary haemor- a. What are the types of hemangioma? 33 rhage? (117) b. Tell the management of strawbery hemansi- b. What are the causes of reactionary haemor- oma on the face of a one month old female rhage? (117) baby. c. What is secondary haemorrhage? (118) 6. Tumor d. What are the predisposing factors and causes a. What is staging and grading of malignant tu- of secondary haemorrhage? (118) mor? Give examples. (41) 16. Shock 7. Oncology a. Define and classify shock. (123) a. What is neoadjuvant therapy? Give examples. b. What are the causes of hypovolaemic shock? (55) (123) 8. Wound c. Tell the clinical features of shock in general. a. What do you mean by wound debridement? (125) (61) d. Tell the principle of management of a patient b. Tell the factors that influence wound healing. with hypovolaemic shock. (127) (69) e. What are the organisms causing septic shock? c. What are the possible injuries that can occurs (129) follolwing RTA? f. What is neurogenic shock? 131 9. Triage 17. Blood transfusion a. What is triage? 71 a. What are the indications of blood transfusion? 10. ALTS (136) a. What is ATLs? 74 b. Name some blood fractions which are used b. What are the steps of ATLS? 74 clinically. (137?) c. Describe the standard sequence of Primary c. What are the infective diseases that may be Survey. 74 transmitted through blood transfusion? (141) d. What is secondary survey? RAJIB BISWAS | 1 d. Name some investigators performed for safe 4. Barrett’s esophagus blood transfusion? (143) a. What is Barrett's esophagus? 279 18. Fluid and electrolytes b. Tell it's causes. 279 a. Name some isotonic IV fluid. (150) 5. Achalasia cardia b. What are the uses of normal saline in surgical a. What is achalasia cardia? 279 practice? (156) b. What are the treatment options? 280 19. Burn 6. Carcinoma esophagus a. Tell the principle of management of a burn pa- a. Tell few clinical features of carcinoma of oe- tient. (169) sophagus. 281 20. Anesthesia b. How do you confirm such a case preopera- a. What are the stages of general anaesthesia? 174 tively? 281 b. What are the indications of spinal anaesthesia? c. A 60 years old male presenting with difficulty (181) in swallowing and weight loss. What are the c. What are the complications or spinal anesthe- possible diagnosis and investigation plan for sia? (181) diagnosis? 21. Pre-anesthetic assessment 7. Dysphagia a. Why and how long patient fasted before rou- a. Define dysphagia. Tell the causes. 282 tine operation? (184) 8. IHPS 22. FNAC and biopsy a. Who are the classical sufferer of IHPS? 286 a. What do you mean by FNAC? (196) b. How will you confirm diagnosis? 286 b. Tell few pathology of organ where FNAC c. Tell the name of operation? 286 plays vital role for preoperative diagnosis.196 9. PUD c. What is biopsy? What are the types? (197) a. What are the causes of PUD? (288) d. Name the common preservative of biopsy.198 b. Complications of peptic ulcer? (290) 23. Catheterization c. What is gastritis? Tell some types of gastritis. a. Tell the procedure of per urethral catheteriza- d. What are the types of gastrectomy and compli- tion? 199 cations of gastrectomy. 24. Operative surgery e. Tell the principles of treatment of perforation a. What is minimal access surgery? Mention of duodenal ulcer. (293) some operations that an be done with minimal f. A 30 years male presented with sudden severe access. (234) upper abdominal pain for 02 hours, upper bor- b. How you will prepare patient's skin before giv- der of liver dullness is obliterated. What is your ing incision? clinical diagnosis? How will you manage the c. What layers are traversed during making right case? – Perforated PUD paramedian incision? (238) 10. GOO d. Mention three commonly done operations a. What are the features of GOO? (298) through right upper paramedian incision. (238) b. What do you mean by paradoxical aciduria? e. What are the indications of SPC? 242 (298i) f. What is the procedure of SPC? 242 11. Carcinoma of stomach g. What are the incisions used for open cholecys- a. What is the Troisier’s sign? What does it indi- tectomy? Which one is more cosmetics? 244 cate? b. A 55 years male presented with epigastric lump Alimentary System for 03 months. Moderately anaemic and H/O 1. Haematemesis and malena induced vomiting. What is your clinical diag- a. What is haematemesis and malena? (262) nosis? How will you investigate the case? – b. Tell the important causes of those. (262) GOO due to carcinoma stomach 2. Acute abdomen 12. Meckel’s diverticulum a. What is acute abdomen? (265) a. What is Meckel’s diverticulum? b. Mention 5 causes of it. (265) b. What are the diseases produced by Meckel’s di- 3. GERD verticulum? a. What is GERD? c. How Meckel's diverticulum can produce intes- b. Tell some complications of GERD. 278 tinal obstruction? RAJIB BISWAS | 2 d. What are the complications? (314) e. Mention some postoperative complications of e. Name operations for Meckel’s diverticulum. appedictomy. (360) 13. Typhoid ulcer perforation f. A patient developed -swinging pyrexia and di- a. Tell the surgical complications of typhoid fe- arrhea on 6" POD of appendicectomy— what ver. (314) is the cause? – Appendicular abscess (360) b. In which week of typhoid fever perforation of 22. Per-rectal bleeding ileum may occur? How will you treat such a a. What are the causes of per-rectal bleeding in case? adults? (363) 14. Intestinal obstruction b. Which clinical test is mandatory for such pa- a. What are the causes of intestinal obstruction? tient? (317) c. Mention some causes of P/R bleeding in chil- b. What are the causes of intestinal obstruction in dren. childern? (317) 23. Anorectal malformation c. What are the causes of neonatal intestinal ob- a. How will you classify ARM by radiography? struction? (317) (367) d. Tell the features of acute intestinal obstruction. b. What are the treatment modalities of ARM? (319) (369) e. What are the difference of X-Ray findings be- c. Patient come to you with their 10 days old fe- tween small and large gut obstruction? (321) male child with 2 operations in perineum. f. Name the types of intestinal atresia. Mother complains that stool comes through 15. Intussuception vagina. what is your diagnosis? what counsel- a. What is intussuception? Clinical feature. 324 ling will you do for this patient? b. What its "Red current Jelly" 324 24. Haemorrhoids/ Piles c. How will you differentiate clinically between a. What are the complications of haemorrhoids? prolapsed rectal polyp, rectal prolapse and pro- (377) lapsed intussusception? 25. Anal fissure 16. Volvulus a. What is anal fissure? (378) a. Tell the clinical features of sigmoid colon vol- b. What are the treatment of a case of acute anal vulus. (328) fissure? (379) 17. Paralytic ileaus 26. Fistula in ano a. Tell the causes of paralytic ileaus. (331) a. Classify fistula in ano. (380) 18. HD b. What are the treatment options? (381) a. What is the pathology of HD? How will you 27. Carcinoma of rectum confirm? Tell treatment. 334 a. Tell the clinical features of ca. rectum. (384) b. What are the cardinal signs of HD? 28. P/R examination c. Tell the stages and time of operation. 334 a. Tell the procedure of DRE. 388 19. Appendicitis a. Tell the risk factors of burst appendix. (347) Hepatobiliary System b. Tell the sequels of acute appendicitis. (349) 1. Hepatic infections and abscess 20. Appendicular lump a. Tell the causes of Liver abscess. 398 a. How appendicular lump is formed? (353) b. What are the available treatment options for b. Tell the Ochsner sherren regimen. (354) amoebic liver abscess? 399 c. Is it good or bad? 353 2. Gall bladder 21. Appendicular abscess a. Tell the boundary of Callot's triangle? 406 a. How will you identify appendix after open per- 3. Acute cholecystitis itoneum? (358) a. What are the clinical features of acute chole- b. What are the indications of appendectomy? cystitis? 410 (359) b. What is acalculus cholecystitis? What are the c. Name the incisions for appendectomy. (359) causes of it? d. A young lady needs appendectomy for acute c. What are treatment options of acute calculus appendicitis. What incision you prefer for this cholecystitis? operations? (359) RAJIB BISWAS | 3 4. Chronic cholecystisis 2. Pancreatic pseudocyst a. Tell some advantages of laparoscopic cholecys- a. What is pancreatic pseudocyst? 447 tectomy. 414 b. Tell its complications. 448 b. What are the incisions used for open cholecys- 3. Chronic pancreatitis tectomy? Which one is more cosmetics? a. What investigations will you do for chronic 5. Mucocele gall bladder pancreatitis? 449 a. Tell the pathogenesis of mucocele gallbladder. b. What are the surgical options to treat chronic 414 pancreatitis? 449 6. Gall stone 4. Pancreatic neoplasm a. Tell the pathogenesis of gall stone. (SRB/702?) a. Clinical features of Ca head of pancreas. 450 b. What are the factors associated with gallblad- 5. Splenic rapture der stone formation? 419 a. Tell the clinical features of splenic rupture. 457 c. What are the effects of gall stone? 421 b. How will you manage a case of traumatic rup- d. What is the ‘Gold standard’ treatment of ture of spleen? 457 symptomatic gall stone? c. A 30 years male patient sustained left sided 7. Biliary system lower chest trauma following RTA. His pulse a. What are the available imagining techniques is 120/ m, BP is 80/50mm Hg and chest Xray for diagnosing extra hepatic biliary obstruc- shows left sided 9th and 10th rib fractures. tion? 423 What is your clinical diagnosis and how will b. What are the indication of exploration of bile you manage this case? 458 duct? 424 6. Splenectomy c. Tell the management of choledocolethiasis. a. Tell the indication of splenectomy. 459 424 b. What organisms are responsible for post sple- d. What is charcoat's biliary triad? 425 nectomy infections? How will you prevent e. Tell the management of T tube. 425 them? f. What do you mean by ERCP and MRCP? c. What are the post operative complications of Tell advantages and disadvantages of them. splenectomy? 460 427 8. Obstructive jaundice The peritoneum a. What are the causes of surgical jaundice? 429 1. Pneumoperitoneum b. What is Courvoisier's Law? 390 a. What are the causes of pneumoperitoneum? c. A 45 years patient present with painless fluctu- (472) ating jaundice and itching of whole body for last 03 months. Abdominal examination re- Urogenital system veals a palpable smooth mass on right hypo- chondrium. What is your clinical diagnosis? 1. Congenital anomalies What investigations do you suggest for this a. What are the congenital abnormalities of kid- clinical conditions? 434 ney? 484 2. Hematuria Pancreas and spleen a. Tell the causes of painless haematuria. 487 b. What are causes of painful haematuria? 487 1. Acute pancreatitis c. What investigations you suggested for diag- a. What is acute pancreatitis? 443 nosing pathology of painless haematuria. 490 b. What are the clinical features of acute pancre- 3. Anuria, oliguria atitis? 444 a. Define oliguria and anuria. 492, 493 c. What investigations will you do for the patient? b. Tell few causes of oliguria. 493 444 4. Retention of urine d. What biochemical testes are done for acute a. Tell the causes of acute retention of urine. 497 pancreatitis and how much increase is indica- b. Mention some operations where post operative tive? retention is common. e. Tell some differential diagnosis of acute pan- c. How will you manage a case of postoperative creatitis. 445 urinary retention? 500
5. Renal injury worse by movement with bright red haematu- a. What are the clinical features of closed renal ria, what is your diagnosis investigations and trauma? Tell it's management. 506 treatment plan? – Urinary bladder stone (526) 6. Hydronephrosis 11. Benign enlargement of prostate a. What is hydronephrosis? 506 a. What are the LUTS? 531 b. Tell the causes of unilateral hydronephrosis. b. What are the types of prostatectomy? (534) 507 c. What are the methods of prostatectomy? 534 c. What are the causes of hydronephrosis? 507 d. Which one is the best and why? 535 d. What are the causes of PUJ obstruction? 507 e. Tell what types of saline used for bladder irri- e. What is your plan in case of unilateral hy- gation after prostatectomy. (535) dronepnrosis due to congenital PUJ obstruc- f. Tell the management of clot retention. (537) tion? – Pyloplasty (508) g. A patient undergo prostatectomy at 10 am and f. A 20 years female presented with swinging py- at 10 pm he developed severe lower abdominal rexia, abdominal tenderness and fullness in pain; On examination you revealed distended right loin. What is your diagnosis and manage- abdomen and no urine in catheter channel. ment plan? – Perinephric abscess (511) What is your diagnosis? How do you manage g. What is pyelonephritis? Tell the clinical fea- such a case? 537 tures of it. (Medicine) 12. Carcinoma prostate 7. Renal stone a. What are the differences between the DRE a. What are the causes of renal calculi? 511 findings of BPH and Prostate cancer? 539 b. What are the treatment modalities of renal cal- b. Is it possible to develop prostate cancer after culi? 513 prostatectomy for BPH? 540 c. A plain X-Ray of KUB A/P view show a radio c. What is PSA? What is normal range and opaque shadow on right sacro-iliac joint.What causes of raised PSA? 541 are the possibilities? 514 d. What are the treatment modalities available d. What measures should you take to prevent re- carcinoma prostate? 541 currence of renal stone? 514 13. Stricture urethra e. What is PCNL? 515 a. Tell the causes of urethral stricture. 542 8. Ureteric stone 14. Rupture urethra a. What are the anatomical narrowing sites of a. A 30 years old male with pelvic fracture present ureter where a stone may be arrested? 516 with retention of urine and bleeding per ure- b. What are the common anatomical narrowing thra. What is your diagnosis and treatment of ureter? 516 plan? 545 c. A male 30 years present with right lumbar pain b. You are an intern doctor in evening duty in pe- radiating to right groin, what is the diagnosis? diatric surgery ward. A boy 8 years came with What are the investigation plan? 517 retention of urine. He was succumbed accident d. What are treatment modalities of ureteric when he was ryding bicycle at evening. What is stone? 518 your possible diagnosis? What will you do? e. What are the indications for surgical removal (545) of a ureteric calculus? 518 15. Penis 9. Renal neoplasm a. Tell some congenital defect of penis. a. Classify renal neoplasms. 520 b. What are the problems in proximal hypo- b. What is the clinical features of hyper- spadias chordee? What is your plan for this pa- nephroma? How will you treat the case? tient? 548 c. What is Wilm's tumour? Tell it clinical fea- c. What is phymosis? 548 tures and prognosis. 522 d. What are the complications of phymosis? 10. Urinary bladder e. What are the indications and contraindications a. What is bladder rupture? Tell the treatment of of circumcision? (550) bladder injury. f. Tell the complication of circumcision. 550 b. A 45 years of male presented with sensation of g. Which local anesthetic drug used for circumci- incomplete bladder emptying, pain at the end sion? (550) of micturition, radiating to the tip of penis and h. Causes of dribbling of urine in children. How RAJIB BISWAS | 5 will you asses this patient by investigation? e. What is cretinism? Tell clinical feature. Medi- 16. Testis and scrotum cine a. What is the difference between retractile testis f. Tell the investigations for diagnosing thyroid and undescended testis? which one in worse? pathology. 613 Why? 553 g. What is Myxoedema? b. What do you mean by undescended testis and h. What are the types of thyroidectomy? 616 ectopic testis? (553) i. What are the immediate complications of thy- c. What is the usual time of operation? What is roidectomy? 617 the mane of the operation? j. A patient undergone thyroidectomy at d. What is the surgical treatment of incompletely At 7 pm during complaints of severe respira- descended testis? What is the ideal time for op- tory. distress. What is the cause? How will you eration of incompletely descended testis? (553) manage it? 618 e. What are the hazards of incompletely de- k. What is thyrotoxic crisis? What are the treat- scended testis? (554) ment modalities of it? 617 f. What are the complications? 554 2. Goiter g. What is the etiology of torsion testis? What in- a. Classify thyroid swelling. 619 vestigations will you do to confirm the diagno- b. What is goitrogens? sis? What will you do? 557 c. What are the causes of simple goiter? 619 h. What are the sequel of torsion testis? 558 d. Describe the stages in goiter formation in i. What are the differences between torsion of short. 619 testis and acute epididymo-orchitis? 558 e. What is toxic goiter? j. How will you differentiate clnically between f. A 14 years old girl presented with swelling on torsion testis & acute epididymoerchities? 558 thyroid region for at least 6 months. What is k. Classity testicular neoplasm. 558 the possibilities and tell treatment plan? 619 l. What are the treatment modalities of testicular g. What is retrosternal goiter? 621 neoplasm? 558 h. What is Grave’s disease? Tell the clinical fea- tures. Medicine Hernia and hydrocele 3. Thyroid neoplasm 1. Hernia a. Classify thyroid neoplasms.622 a. What is the management of inguinal hernia? b. What is most common type of thyroid carci- (576) noma? b. Tell the management of obstructed inguinal c. What is hot nodule? hernia? 576 d. Tell the indication for operation in thyroid c. Tell the complications of inguinal hernia (579) swelling. 624 d. Mentions the steps of herniotomy. (580) e. What are the causes of solitary thyroid nodule? e. What are the early complications of hernia op- 622 eration? (580) f. What is autoimmune thyroiditis? f. Tell the usual time of operation in umbilical g. What are the clinical features of thyroid can- hernia? cer? 623 2. Hydrocele h. What is Orphan Annie-eyed nuclei? 625 a. Name the operation for hydroclele. (585) b. What are the common complications of hydro- The breast cele operation? 1. Diseases of breast a. Classify benign breast disorder. 644 Thyroid diseases b. What are the congenital abnormalities of 1. Hyperthyroidism breast? a. Tell the classification of hypothyroidism. 2. Mastitis b. What are the clinical types of hyperthyroidism? a. What is bacterial mastitis? What organisms are c. What are eye signs in thyrotoxicosis? 613 most commonly responsible? 646 d. Tell the clinical features of adult hypothyroid- b. What are the treatment plan of breast pain? ism. 646
3. Breast lump k. What is Galeazzi fracture dislocation and a. A 20 years female present with a lump in her Monteggia fracture. left breast, What are possibilities? 650 l. How will you treat a case of simple rib fracture b. What is triple assessment? 653 without any … 4. Fibrocystic disease 2. Immobilization a. What is ANDI? Tell clinical features of a. What is the general rule of duration of immo- ANDI. 654 bilisation for major limb bone fractures in chil- 5. Fibroadenoma breast dren and adults? a. What are the clinical features of fibroadenoma b. Name 5 implants used for internal fixation. breast? 657 c. b. What is phyllodes tumour? 657 3. Reduction 6. Carcinoma breast a. What do you mean by skeletal traction? a. What are the aetiological factors of Ca. breast? b. What are the methods of reduction of fracture? 658 c. What do you mean by surface traction? b. What are the treatment modalities of Ca. 4. Frozen shoulder breast? 661 a. What is frozen shoulder? How to treat? (740) c. What are the types of mastectomy? 663 5. Fracture clavicle d. What is Patey mastectomy 663 a. What is the conservative method treatment of e. What is peau d'orange? How it is form? 665 fracture clavicle in children and adults? (741) f. What are the ways of spreading breast cancer? 6. Fracture humerus 665 a. Tell some complications of supra condylar frac- 7. Diseases of nipple ture humerus. (745) a. What are the differences between paget's dis- b. What is VIC? (746) eases of nipple and eczema of nipple? 668 c. What are the causes of compartment syn- b. What are the causes of nipple discharge? 669 drome? (746) 8. Gynaecomastia 7. Colle’s fracture a. What is gynaecomastia? Tell some causes. 670 a. What is Colle’s fracture? Who are the victims and how it occurs? (749) Cleft lip and palate b. What are the features occur around elbow? 1. What is the rule of 10 in cleft lip and palate? 682 8. Osteomyelitis 2. What is the problem in cleft lip and cleft palate? a. What is acute pyogenic osteomyelitis? What 3. What counselling will you do for the patient of a baby are the usual organisms? (763) with cleft lip and palate? b. What are the usual causal organisms of pyo- genic osteomyelitis? 762 Orthopedics c. What is septic arthritis? What are the risk fac- tors? (765) 1. Fracture d. What is the treatment of chronic osteomyeli- a. What is Gustilo and Anderson classification of tis? (769) open fracture? e. What is sequestrum? How sequestrum is b. Classify fracture based on fracture line. formed? (771) c. What is compound fracture and comminuted 9. Bone tumor fracture? (716) a. Classify bone tumour. (773) d. Define open fracture. 716 b. Name some benign bone tumours. (773) e. What are the basic principles of fracture man- c. What are the imaging techniques used in trau- agement? (719) matology/used for diagnosis of bone tumour? f. What are the immediate complications of frac- (774) ture? 720 d. Which age groups and which sites commonly g. What are the steps of treatment of a severely affected by classic osteosarcoma? (777) contaminated open fracture? (722) e. What is typical X-Ray findings of giant cell tu- h. Name 2 causes of stress fracture. (722) mour? i. What is pathological fracture? (723) j. What are the goals of fracture treatment? (725)
Cardio-thoracic surgery Neurosurgery 1. Flail chest 1. Raised ICP a. What is flail chest? 792 a. Tell the causes of raised intracranial pressure. b. What is the danger? 815 2. Pneumothorax b. What are the clinical features of it? 815 a. Classify pneumothorax. 793 c. How will you investigate this case? b. What are the clinical features of it? d. Causes of brain abscess. c. What is tension pneumothorax. 794 2. Brain tumor d. Tell the principle of treatment. 795 a. Name some brain tumor? 818 e. A patient comes to emergency dept. with se- b. Mention the primary sites for cerebral metas- vere respiratory distress and H/O RTA half tasis. hours back. O/E, it is found that pulse is c. What are the features of brain tumours? 820 120/min, BP is 90/50 mm Hg, Trachea is 3. Hydrocephalus shifted towards right side and tympanitic per- a. What is hydrocephalus? Aetiology of cussion sound on left side of chest. What is hydro-cephalus. 822 your clinical diagnosis? What is the first aid you 4. Head injury have to give for saving life of this patient? 795 a. What is head injury? 825 3. Haemothorax b. Define primary and secondary brain injury 825 a. Tell some causes of hemorrhagic pleural effu- c. What is primary and secondary brain sion. 796 injury?825 4. Pyothorax d. Name the types of intracranial haemorrhage. a. What is pyothorax (empyema)? Tell few 826 causes. 798 e. What are the classical presentation of extradu- 5. Water sealed drain ral haematoma? 827 a. What are the indications of chest drain inser- f. What are the principles of management of tion? 800 head injury following road traffic accident? 830 b. Tell the site of insertion of a chest drain. (801) g. How will you manage airway and cervical spine 6. Lung neoplasm of severely injured patient? a. What are the histological types of the Ca. lung? h. Mention the indication of CT scan in head in- 803 jury. 832 b. Tell the treatment modalities of Ca. lung. i. What are the sign indicate basal skull c. A 50 years smoker present with recent onset fracture in head injury? 833 haemoptysis. What is your clinical suspicion? j. What are the presentation of What test you suggest for this patient? intracerebral haemorrhage? d. A 50 years smoker present with recent onset k. What do you mean by "Golden hour(s)" of hemoptysis. What is your clinical suspicion? trauma? What test you suggest for this patient? l. What do you mean by term (Lucid interval)? 7. Cardiac diseases 834 a. Name some surgically correctable heart dis- m. Classify head injury according to GCS. 835 eases. 804 n. How will you assess the consciousness level of b. What is fallot’s tetralogy? 804 a head injured patient with the help of GCS 8. CABA 833 a. What is CABG? What are the indications? 807 o. What are the components of GCS? 835 b. Which vessels are used as graft? 808 p. What is FAST?
Extra missing questions:
1. What is tongue tie, what are the complications and treatment? 2. What is colostomy and iliostomy? What are the indicators? 3. What are the clinical features of achalasia cardia?