Unit-Ii - MCQ
Unit-Ii - MCQ
Unit-Ii - MCQ
a. Townsend theory
b. Streamer theory
c. Clump theory
d. Only (a) and (b)
2) Inelastic collisions are those in which internal changes in energy take place
within an atom or a molecule at the expenses of total kinetic energy of the
colliding particle. Suitable example for inelastic collisions is/are
a. Ionization
b. Attachment
c. Excitation
d. All of these
ANSWER: Insulator
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
5) The Townsend mechanism explains the phenomenon of breakdown
ANSWER: Polyolefins
a. Negligible
b. Equal
c. High
d. Very high
ANSWER: Negligible
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
10) In equipment filled with liquid dielectric, heat is transferred mainly by
a. Conduction
b. Convection
c. Radiation
d. No heat transfers take place
ANSWER: Convection
a. Solid dielectrics
b. Liquid dielectrics
c. Gases dielectrics
d. Equal in all
ANSWER: Solid dielectrics
a. 10-5 s
b. 105 s
c. 10-8 s
d. 108 s
ANSWER: 10-8 s
13) Within dielectric, an electron starting from the cathode will drift towards the
anode and during this motion
ANSWER: Gains energy from the field and loses during collision
15) The spreading of spark channels during tracking, in the form of the
branches of a tree is called
a. Bunching
b. Treeing
c. sparking
d. none of these
ANSWER: Treeing
a. 33 kV
b. 66kV
c. 480 kV
d. 800 kV
ANSWER: 800 kV
18) For insulators and bushings of power transformers, circuit breakers and
instrument transformers, the suitable materials is
a. Epoxy resin
b. Polyesters resins
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
c. Porcelain
d. Silicon rubber
ANSWER: Porcelain
20) Formative time lag depends on the mechanism of the avalanche growth in
gap. The formative time lag is usually
21) For the high voltage conductors at high pressures, if the voltage is positive
then the corona appears as a
22) According to the Paschen’s Law, the breakdown voltage of a uniform field
gap is
a. Size of gap
b. Quantity of radiation that produces the primary electrons
c. Amount of pre-ionization preset gap
d. All of these
ANSWER: All of these