06 Ret. Judge Alpajora v. Atty. Calayan
06 Ret. Judge Alpajora v. Atty. Calayan
06 Ret. Judge Alpajora v. Atty. Calayan
Prior to this case, an intra-corporate case docketed as Civil Case No. 2007-10
and entitled "Calayan Educational Foundation, Inc. (CEFI), Dr. Arminda Calayan, Dr.
Bernardita Calayan-Brion and Dr. Manuel Calayan vs. Atty. Ronaldo A.V. Calayan, Susan
S. Calayan and Deanna Rachelle S. Calayan," was led before the Regional Trial Court
(RTC) of Lucena City designated as commercial court and presided by Judge Adolfo
Encomienda. Respondent was President and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of
CEFI. He signed and led pleadings as "Special Counsel pro se" for himself. Court
proceedings ensued despite several inhibitions by judges to whom the case was re-
ra ed until it was nally re-ra ed to complainant. Thereafter, complainant issued an
Omnibus Order, 4 dated July 11, 2008 for the creation of a management committee and
the appointment of its members. That Order prompted the ling of the administrative
case against the Judge Alpajora.
The administrative case against complainant was dismissed. The Court, however,
referred the comment/opposition with counter-complaint led by complainant in the
administrative case against him to the O ce of the Bar Con dant (OBC) for
appropriate action.
The OBC deemed it proper to re-docket the counter-complaint as a regular
administrative case against respondent. Thus, in a Resolution, 5 dated June 3, 2009,
upon recommendation of the OBC, the Court resolved to require respondent to submit
his comment on the counter-complaint.
In its Resolution, 6 dated September 9, 2009, the Court noted respondent's
comment and referred the administrative case to the Integrated Bar of the Philippines
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(IBP) for investigation, report and recommendation.
After a mandatory conference before the IBP, both parties were directed to
submit their respective verified position papers.
Position of complainant
Complainant alleged that he partially tried and heard Civil Case No. 2007-10, an
intra-corporate case led against respondent, when he later voluntarily inhibited himself
from it on account of the latter's filing of the administrative case against him.
The intra-corporate case was previously tried by Presiding Judge Adolfo
Encomienda (Presiding Judge Encomienda) until he voluntarily inhibited after
respondent led an Urgent Motion to Recuse and a Supplement to Defendant's Urgent
Motion to Recuse on the grounds of undue delay in disposing pending incidents, gross
ignorance of the law and gross ine ciency. 7 The motions came after Presiding Judge
Encomienda issued an order appointing one Atty. Antonio Acyatan (Atty. Acyatan) as
receiver, who was directed to immediately take over the subject corporation.
After Presiding Judge Encomienda inhibited himself, the case was re-ra ed to
the sala of Executive Judge Norma Chionglo-Sia, who also inhibited herself because she
was about to retire. The case was referred to Executive Judge Eloida R. de Leon-Diaz
for proper disposition and re-raffle. 8 The case was finally raffled to complainant. 9
Complainant averred that the administrative case against him by respondent was
brought about by his issuance of the omnibus order, dated July 11, 2008, where he
ordered the creation of a management committee and appointment of its members.
Meanwhile, the RTC resolved that Atty. Acyatan continue to discharge his duties and
responsibilities with such powers and authority as the court-appointed receiver. The
trial court also authorized the foundation to pay Atty. Acyatan reimbursement expenses
and professional charges. Complainant claimed that his order was not acceptable to
respondent because he knew the import and effect of the said order — that he, together
with his wife and daughter, would lose their positions as Chairman, Treasurer and
Secretary, respectively, and as members of the Board of Trustees of the CEFI. 1 0
Complainant further claimed that before the records of Civil Case 2007-10 was
transmitted to his sala and after he had inhibited from said case, respondent led
thirteen (13) civil and special actions before the RTC of Lucena City. 1 1 Atty. Calayan
also led two (2) related intra-corporate controversy cases — violating the rule on
splitting causes of actions — involving the management and operation of the
foundation. According to complainant, these showed the propensity and penchant of
respondent in ling cases, whether or not they are baseless, frivolous or unfounded,
with no other intention but to harass, malign and molest his opposing parties, including
the lawyers and the handling judges. Complainant also revealed that respondent led
two (2) other administrative cases against a judge and an assisting judge in the RTC of
Lucena City, which were dismissed because the issues raised were judicial in nature. 1 2
Complainant also disclosed that before his sala, respondent led eighteen (18)
repetitious and prohibited pleadings. 1 3 Respondent continuously led pleadings after
pleadings as if to impress upon the court to nish the main intra-corporate case with
such speed. To complainant's mind, the ultimate and ulterior objective of respondent in
ling the numerous pleadings, motions, manifestation and explanations was to prevent
the takeover of the management of CEFI and to nally dismiss the case at the pre-trial
In his Position Paper, 1 5 respondent countered that the subject case is barred by
the doctrine of res judicata.
According to him, the counter-complaint was integrated with the
Comment/Opposition of complainant in the administrative case docketed as A.M. OCA
I.P.I. No. 08-2968-RTJ led by respondent against the latter. He stressed that because
no disciplinary measures were levelled on him by the OCA as an outcome of his
complaint, charges for malpractice, malice or bad faith were entirely ruled out; moreso,
his disbarment was decidedly eliminated. 1 6 Respondent argued that the doctrine of
res judicata was embedded in the OCA's nding that his complaint was judicial in
nature. 1 7 He likewise averred that the conversion of the administrative complaint
against a judge into a disbarment complaint against him, the complaining witness, was
hideously adopted to de ect the charges away from complainant. Respondent insisted
that the counter-complaint was not sanctioned by the Rules of Court on disbarment and
the Rules of Procedure of the Commission on Bar Discipline. 1 8
Respondent also claimed that the counter-complaint was unveri ed and thus,
without complainant's own personal knowledge; instead, it is incontrovertible proof of
his lack of courtesy and obedience toward proper authorities and fairness to a fellow
lawyer. 1 9
Further, respondent maintained that complainant committed the following: (1)
grossly unethical and immoral conduct by his impleading a non-party; 2 0 (2) betrayal of
his lawyer's oath and the Code of Professional Responsibility (CPR); 2 1 (3) malicious
and intentional delay in not terminating the pre-trial, 2 2 in violation of the Interim Rules
because he ignored the special summary nature of the case; 2 3 and (4) misquoted
provisions of law and misrepresented the facts. 2 4
Lastly, it was respondent's submission that the counter-complaint failed to
adduce the requisite quantum of evidence to disbar him, even less, to cite him in
contempt of court assuming ex gratia the regularity of the referral of the case. 2 5
Report and Recommendation
of the IBP Commission on
Bar Discipline
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In its Report and Recommendation, 2 6 the Investigating Commissioner noted
that, instead of refuting the allegations and evidence against him, respondent merely
reiterated his charges against complainant. Instead of asserting his defense against
complainant's charges, the position paper for the respondent appeared more to be a
motion for reconsideration of the Resolution dated March 2, 2009 rendered by the
Supreme Court, dismissing the administrative case against complainant. 2 7
In any case, based on the parties' position papers, the Investigating
Commissioner concluded that respondent violated Section 20, Rule 138 of the Rules of
Court, 2 8 Rules 8.01, 10.01 to 10.03, 11.03, 11.04, 12.02 and 12.04 of the CPR 2 9 and,
thus, recommended his suspension from the practice of law for two (2) years, 3 0 for the
following reasons:
First, respondent did not deny having led four (4) cases against the counsel
involved in the intra-corporate case from which the subject administrative cases
stemmed, and nine (9) criminal cases against the opposing parties, their lawyers, and
the receiver before the O ce of the Prosecutor of Lucena City — all of which were
subject of judicial notice. The Investigating Commissioner opined that such act
manifested respondent's malice in paralyzing these lawyers from exerting their utmost
effort in protecting their client's interest. 3 1
Second, respondent committed misrepresentation when he cited a quote from
former Chief Justice Hilario Davide, Jr. as a thesis when, in fact, it was a dissenting
opinion. The Investigating Commissioner further opined that describing the supposed
discussions by the judge with respondent's adverse counsels as contemplated crimes
and frauds is not only grave but also unfounded and irrelevant to the present case. 3 2
Third, respondent grossly abused his right of recourse to the courts by the ling
of multiple actions concerning the same subject matter or seeking substantially
identical relief. 3 3 He admitted ling pleadings indiscriminately, but argued that it was
within his right to do so and it was merely for the purpose of saving CEFI from
imminent downfall. 3 4 The Investigating Commissioner opined that the ling of multiple
actions not only was contemptuous, but also a blatant violation of the lawyer's oath. 3 5
Fourth, respondent violated Canon 11 of the CPR by attributing to complainant ill-
motives that were not supported by the record or had no materiality to the case. 3 6 He
charged complainant with coaching adverse counsel on account of their alleged close
ties, ine ciency in dealing with his pleadings, acting with dispatch on the adverse
party's motions, partiality to the plaintiffs because he was a townmate of Presiding
Judge Encomienda, and arriving at an order without predicating the same on legal
bases under the principle of stare decisis. 3 7 According to the Investigating
Commissioner, these charges are manifestly without any basis and also established
respondent's disrespect for the complainant. 3 8
Based on the findings, the Investigating Commissioner ultimately concluded:
As a party directly involved in the subject intra-corporate controversy, it is
duly noted that Respondent was emotionally affected by the ongoing case. His
direct interest in the proceedings apparently clouded his judgment, on account
of which he failed to act with circumspect in his choice of words and legal
remedies. Such facts and circumstances mitigate Respondent's liability. Hence,
it is hereby recommended that Respondent be suspended from the practice of
law for two (2) years. 3 9
Consequently, the IBP Board of Governors issued a Resolution 4 0 adopting and
approving the report and recommendation of the Investigating Commissioner. It
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recommended the suspension of respondent from the practice of law for two (2) years.
Aggrieved, respondent moved for reconsideration.
In a Resolution, 4 1 dated May 4, 2014, the IBP Board of Governors denied
respondent's motion for reconsideration as there was no cogent reason to reverse the
findings of the Commission and the motion was a mere reiteration of the matters which
had already been threshed out.
Hence, pursuant to Section 12 (b), Rule 139-B of the Rules of Court, 4 2 the
Resolution of the IBP Board of Governors, together with the whole record of the case,
was transmitted to the Court for final action.
The Court adopts the ndings of the Investigating Commissioner and the
recommendation of the IBP Board of Governors.
It bears stressing that membership in the bar is a privilege burdened with
conditions. It is bestowed upon individuals who are not only learned in law, but also
known to possess good moral character. Lawyers should act and comport themselves
with honesty and integrity in a manner beyond reproach, in order to promote the
public's faith in the legal profession. 4 3
When lawyers, in the performance of their duties, act in a manner that prejudices
not only the rights of their client, but also of their colleagues and offends due
administration of justice, appropriate disciplinary measures and proceedings are
available such as reprimand, suspension or even disbarment to rectify their wrongful
The Court, however, emphasizes that a case for disbarment or suspension is not
meant to grant relief to a complainant as in a civil case, but is intended to cleanse the
ranks of the legal profession of its undesirable members in order to protect the public
and the courts. 4 4 Proceedings to discipline erring members of the bar are not
instituted to protect and promote the public good only, but also to maintain the dignity
of the profession by the weeding out of those who have proven themselves unworthy
thereof. 4 5
In this case, perusal of the records reveals that Atty. Calayan has displayed
conduct unbecoming of a worthy lawyer.
Harassing tactics
against opposing counsel
As noted by the IBP Investigating Commissioner, respondent did not deny ling
several cases, both civil and criminal, against opposing parties and their counsels. In his
motion for reconsideration of the IBP Board of Governors' Resolution, he again
admitted such acts but expressed that it was not ill-willed. He explained that the
placing of CEFI under receivership and directing the creation of a management
committee and the continuation of the receiver's duties and responsibilities by virtue of
the Omnibus Order spurred his ling of various pleadings and/or motions. 4 6 It was in
his desperation and earnest desire to save CEFI from further damage that he implored
the aid of the courts. 4 7
The Court is mindful of the lawyer's duty to defend his client's cause with utmost
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zeal. However, professional rules impose limits on a lawyer's zeal and hedge it with
necessary restrictions and quali cations. 4 8 The ling of cases by respondent against
the adverse parties and their counsels, as correctly observed by the Investigating
Commissioner, manifests his malice in paralyzing the lawyers from exerting their
utmost effort in protecting their client's interest. 4 9 Even assuming arguendo that such
acts were done without malice, it showed respondent's gross indiscretion as a
colleague in the legal profession.
Unsupported ill-motives
attributed to a judge
As o cers of the court, lawyers are duty-bound to observe and maintain the
respect due to the courts and judicial o cers. They are to abstain from offensive or
menacing language or behavior before the court and must refrain from attributing to a
judge motives that are not supported by the record or have no materiality to the case.
8. Id.
9. Id. at 388.
10. Id. at 385-386.
11. Id. at 388.
12. Id. at 389.
17. Id.
18. Id.
19. Id. at 148.
20. Id. at 141.
21. Id. at 147.
Rule 10.03 — A lawyer shall observe the rules of procedure and shall not misuse them to
defeat the ends of justice.
Rule 11.03 — A lawyer shall abstain from scandalous, offensive or menacing language
or behaviour before the Courts.
Rule 11.04 — A lawyer shall not attribute to a Judge motives not supported by the record
or have no materiality to the case.
Rule 12.02 — A lawyer shall not file multiple actions arising from the same cause.
Rule 12.04 — A lawyer shall not unduly delay a case, impede the execution of a
judgment or misuse Court processes.
30. Rollo, Vol. 2, pp. 430-431.
36. Id.
37. Id.
42. Rule 139-B. Section 12. (b) If the Board, by the vote of a majority of its total membership,
determines that the respondent should be suspended from the practice of law or
disbarred, it shall issue a resolution setting forth its ndings and recommendations
which, together with the whole record of the case, shall forthwith be transmitted to the
Supreme Court for final action.
43. Spouses Amatorio vs. Attys. Dy Yap and Siton-Yap, 755 Phil. 336, 345 (2015).
44. Atty. Yumul-Espina vs. Atty. Tabaquero , A.C. No. 11238, September 21, 2016, 803 SCRA
571, 579.
48. Avida Land Corporation vs. Atty. Argosino , A.C. No. 7437, August 17, 2016, 800 SCRA 510,
50. In Re: Supreme Court Resolution dated 28 April 2003 in G.R. Nos. 145817 & 145822, 685
Phil. 751, 777 (2012).
54. Judge Madrid vs. Atty. Dealca, 742 Phil. 514, 529 (2014).
59. Id.
60. Social Security Commission, et al. vs. Court of Appeals, 482 Phil. 449, 450 (2004).
61. 379 Phil. 251 (2000).
70. Rural Bank of Calape, Inc. Bohol vs. Florido, 635 Phil. 176, 180-181 (2010).