Judicial Department What Is Judicial Department?
Judicial Department What Is Judicial Department?
Judicial Department What Is Judicial Department?
The following are the qualification of the members of the Supreme Court as provided by Article VIII,
Section 7, paragraph 1:
• Natural – born Filipino citizen
• At least 40 years old
• Must have been for 15 years or more a judge of a lower court or engaged in the practice of law
in the Philippines
• Of proven competence, integrity, and probity
The judicial branch of the government is the primary agency that handles matters concerning the
settlement of issues regarding the rights and interpretation of law. The power of the judiciary rests on
the Supreme Court and the lower courts, which include the Court of Appeals, Sandiganbayan, down to
the Regional Trail Court, the Metropolitan Trial Court, and Municipal Trial Court.
Some of the functions of supreme court as follows:
1.The Supreme Court primarily handles the cases of ambassadors, others public minister, and consuls.
2. Review, affirm, reverse or amend the decision of lower courts on certain cases that may concern the
constitutionality or validity of international agreement and presidential decrees, questionable decisions
or processes of the lower courts, cases which are punishable by lifetime imprisonment, error or question
of law, among others.
3. Appointments of judges, officials, and employees of the Judiciary.
4. Create and disseminate rules and procedures concerning the processes in legal courts as well as the
membership to the Bar.
The Supreme Court is composed of a Chief Justice and fourteen Association Justices appointed by the
president from a list of qualifiers from the screening process done by the Judicial and Bar Council.
The Court of Appeals, the second highest tribunal or legal court in the country, is composed of a
Presiding Justice and sixty-nine Association Justices who are appointed by the President. Aside from
having power on the issuance of certain legal documents and orders, the Court of Appeals mainly
receives, reviews, and resolves appeals on decisions of Regional Trial Courts, as well as that of the Office
of the Ombudsman in cases wherein one of the parties is not satisfied with the decision.