Activity Title: Assessment Learning Competency/Code: En5Wc - Iij - 3.J Directions
Activity Title: Assessment Learning Competency/Code: En5Wc - Iij - 3.J Directions
Activity Title: Assessment Learning Competency/Code: En5Wc - Iij - 3.J Directions
You have a savings bank account and you want to put an amount of Php2,000 into it,
with the following cash breakdown: two 500 pesos and ten 100 pesos. Using the bank
account number 0344-5555-22, complete a cash deposit slip. Fill out the form provided
to you.
Complete the school form shown below. Use the form provided to you.
Student Name
______ _________ ________
Last First Middle
School Name: _____________
LRN: ____________________
Birthdate: ________________
Sex: _____________________
Complete Address:
Father’s Name: ___________
Mother’s Name: ___________
Signature over Printed Name
You will be traveling with the family and you need to withdraw from your savings
bank account to cover the expenses of your airfare and hotel. You need Php5,000 to
pay for these. Using the bank account number 0344-5555-22, complete a withdrawal
slip. Fill out the form provided to you.
You are looking for a job and one of the requirements is a personal data sheet.
Accomplish the following sheet by writing legibly and accurately.