Seminar Report: Aerodynamics of An Airplan
Seminar Report: Aerodynamics of An Airplan
Seminar Report: Aerodynamics of An Airplan
ROLL NO.CSJMA17001390267
This is to certify that the seminar entitled “ AERODYNAMICS OF AN AIRPLAN ” is
submitted by MOHD SUFIYA MANSURI bearing roll number CSJMA17001390267 in
partial fulfillment for the award of bachelor of technology in Mechanical Engineering
fromUniversity Institute of Engineering and Technology CSJMU, Kanpur during the
academic year 2019-20.
Engineering Engineering
It is me great sense of pleasure to present the seminar report of the B-TECH (Third year).owe
special dept of gratitude to Assistant Professor Er. Arpit Srivastava, Department of Mechanical
Engineering (UIET CSJM University,Kanpur) for his constant support and guidance throughout
the course of my work. His sincerity, thoroughness and perseverance have been a constant source
of inspiration for me. It is only his congnizant efforts that my endeavors have seen light of the
I also take the opporutunityto acknowledge the contribution of Assistant Professor Er Mukesh
Verma , (project incharge) for his support and assistance during the development of the project.
Heavy Damping…………………………………………………………………...17
Partial Damping…………………………………………………………………...17
Negative Damping…………………………………………………………………18
5. Reference…………………………………………………………………………..19
Aerodynamics is a branch of dynamics concerned with studying the motion of air, particularly when it
interacts with a moving object. Aerodynamics is a subfield of fluid dynamics and gas dynamics , with
much theory shared between them. Judging from the story of Daedalus and Icarus, humans have been
interested in aerodynamics and flying for thousands of years, although flying in a heavier-than-air
machine has been possible only in the last hundred years.
Aerodynamics plays an important role in the performance of an Airplane during flight as well as during
take-off and landing. For this the wings of an airplane must be properly designed to have a smooth and
steady flight. An Airplane having well designed wings according to the aerodynamic modification will
have a very good performance at variable atmospheric conditions.
Aerodynamic problems can be identified in a number of ways. The flow environment defines the first
classification criterion . External aerodynamics is the study of flow around solid objects of various
shapes. Evaluating the lift and drag on an airplane or the shock waves that form in front of the nose of a
rocket are examples of external aerodynamics. Internal aerodynamics is the study of flow through
passages in solid objects. For instance, internal aerodynamics encompasses the study of the airflow
through a jet engine or through an air conditioning pipe.
Chapter 1
Being minimal (about −60°C) at tropopause it rises up to −10°C at stratopause, and then decreases
to the altitude of about 80-85 kilometers (mesopause).
These changes in temperature are very interesting as it is known the temperature of cosmic
background is −455°𝐹𝐹 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜−273𝐾𝐾, but measurement show it depends on place of measurement
– being in shadow or not.
Figure 2. Changes in temperature with altitude
If a 1-in. square column of air extending from sea level to the “top” of the atmosphere could be
weighed, it would be found to weigh about 14.7 lbs. Thus, atmospheric pressure at sea level is 14.7
PSI (pounds per square inch). However, pounds per square inch are rather a crude unit for the
measurement of a light substance such as air. Therefore, atmospheric pressure is usually measured in
terms of inches of mercury (Fig. 3) when measured with a mercury barometer or SI units.
Density is a term that means weight per unit volume. Since air is a mixture of gases, it can be
compressed. If the air in one container is under one-half as much pressure as the air in another
identical container, the air under the greater pressure weighs twice as much as that in the container
under lower pressure. The air under greater pressure is twice as dense as that in the other container.
For equal weights of air, that which is under the greater pressure occupies only half the volume of
that under half the pressure.
The density of gases is governed by the following rules (gas Laws studied previously in M2 Physics):
- Density varies in direct proportion with the pressure (under constant temp);
- Density varies inversely with the temperature (under constant pressure).
Thus, air at high altitudes is less dense than air at low altitudes (Fig. 3), and a mass of hot air is less
dense than a mass of cool air. Changes in density affect the aerodynamic performance of aircraft.
With the same horsepower, turbine aircraft can fly faster at a high altitude where the density is low
than at a low altitude where the density is great. This is because air offers less resistance to the
aircraft when it contains a smaller number of air particles per unit volume.
Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air. The maximum amount of water vapor that air can
hold varies with the temperature. The higher the temperature of the air, the more water vapor it can
absorb. By itself, water vapor weighs approximately five-eighths as much as an equal amount of
perfectly dry air. The last fact is due to difference in water (𝐻2𝑂𝑂) and main air components (𝑁2 and
𝑂2) molecular weights. 𝐻2𝑂𝑂 molecule molecular weight is 18 whereas 𝑁𝑁2 molecular weight – 28
(∼78% of air), and 𝑂2 molecular weight – 32 (∼20% of air). Therefore, when air contains water
vapor it is not as heavy as air containing no moisture.
Assuming that the temperature and pressure remain the same, the density of the air varies inversely
with the humidity. On damp days the air density is less than on dry days. For this reason, an aircraft
requires a longer runway for takeoff on damp days than it does on dry days.
Absolute Humidity
The number of grams of water vapor per 1 𝑚𝑚3 of the atmosphere.
Having a jar of dry air, and poured some water into the bottom of it, water molecules on the
surface will evaporate from the surface and periodically condense back into the surface until it
reaches some equilibrium value where evaporation and condensation is equal. At that point the air
in the jar will
Chapter 2
Aerodynamics is the way objects move through air. The rules of aerodynamics explain how an airplane is
able to fly. Anything that moves through air is affected by aerodynamics, from a rocket blasting off, to a
kite flying. Since they are surrounded by air, even cars are affected by aerodynamics.
An airfoil is a surface designed to obtain a desirable reaction from the air through which it moves. Thus,
we can say that any part of the aircraft which converts air resistance into a force useful for flight is an
airfoil. The blades of a propeller are so designed that when they rotate, their shape and position cause a
higher pressure to be built up behind them than in front of them so that they will pull the aircraft forward.
The model of a wing (Fig.5) gives an excellent example of streamlines around airfoil.
Although the top surface of the conventional wing profile has greater curvature than the lower surface, the
principal thing is the larger density of streamlines above the wing. The larger density of streamlines
means the greater velocity of air.
According to Bernoulli’s principle (previously studied in Module 2 Physics) an increase in the speed of
the fluid occurs simultaneously with a decrease in pressure or a decrease in the fluid's potential energy.
This is equivalent to the principle of conservation of energy. This states that in a steady flow the sum of
all forms of mechanical energy in a fluid along a streamline is the same at all points on that streamline.
According Bernoulli’s principle the product 𝑃×𝑣=cost.
that if the wing area is doubled, all other variables remaining the same, the lift and drag created by the
wing is doubled. If the area is tripled, lift and drag are tripled
The shape of a wing (Fig. 6) consequently affects the efficiency of the wing.
planform. A wing may have various airfoil sections from root to tip, with taper, twist, and
sweepback. The resulting aerodynamic properties of the wing are determined by the action of each
section along the span.
Efficiency of a wing is measured in terms of the lift over drag (L/D) ratio. This ratio varies with the
angle of attack but reaches a definite maximum value for a particular angle of attack. At this angle,
the wing has reached its maximum efficiency. The shape of the airfoil is the factor which determines
the angle of attack at which the wing is most efficient; it also determines the degree of efficiency.
Research has shown that the most efficient airfoils for general use have the maximum thickness
occurring about one-third of the way back from the leading edge of the wing.
High-lift wings and high-lift devices for wings have been developed by shaping the airfoils to
produce the desired effect. The amount of lift produced by an airfoil will increase with an increase in
wing chamber. Camber refers to the curvature of an airfoil above and below the chord line surface.
Upper chamber refers to the upper surface, lower camber to the lower surface, and mean camber to
the mean line of the section. Camber is positive when departure from the chord line is outward, and
negatives when it is inward. Thus, high-lift wings have a large positive camber on the upper surface
and a slight negative camber on the lower surface. Wing flaps cause an ordinary wing to approximate
this same condition by increasing the upper chamber and by creating a negative lower chamber.
It is also known that the larger the wingspan as compared to the chord, the greater the lift
obtained. This comparison is called aspect ratio. The higher the aspect ratio, the greater the lift In
spite of the benefits from an increase in aspect ratio, it was found that definite limitations were of
structural and drag considerations.
Dihedral Angle
The upward inclination of the wing to the plane through the lateral axis (Fig. 7).
Anhedral Angle
The downward inclination of the wing to the plane through the lateral axis (Fig. 8).
The total amount of drag on an aircraft is made up of many drag forces with three main:
The total amount of drag on an aircraft is made up of many drag forces with three main:
- Parasite drag;
- Profile drag and
- Induced drag.
Parasite drag is made up of a combination of many different drag forces. Any exposed object on an
aircraft offers some resistance to the air, and the more objects in the airstream, the more parasite
drag. While parasite drag can be reduced by reducing the number of exposed parts to as few as
practical and streamlining their shape, skin friction is the type of parasite drag most difficult to
reduce. No surface is perfectly smooth. Even machined surfaces when inspected under magnification
have a ragged uneven appearance. These ragged surfaces deflect the air near the surface causing
resistance to smooth airflow. Skin friction can be reduced by using glossy flat finishes and
eliminating protruding rivet heads, roughness, and other irregularities.
Profile drag may be considered the parasite drag of the airfoil. The various components of parasite
drag are all of the same nature as profile drag. The combination of induced and profile or form drag
is shown on Fig. 9
Figure 9 Drag
The action of the airfoil that gives us lift also causes induced drag. Remember that the pressure above
the wing is less than atmospheric, and the pressure below the wing is equal to or greater than
atmospheric pressure. Since fluids always move from high pressure toward low pressure, there is a
spanwise movement of air from the bottom of the wing outward from the fuselage and upward
around the wing tip. This flow of air results in “spillage” over the wing tip, thereby setting up a
whirlpool of air called a vortex .
Chapter 3
Aviation mechanic must understand the relationships between the atmosphere, the aircraft, and the
forces acting on it in flight, in order to make intelligent decisions affecting the flight safety of both
airplanes and helicopters.
Understanding why the aircraft is designed with a particular type of primary and secondary control
system, and why the surfaces must be aerodynamically smooth, becomes essential when maintaining
today’s complex aircraft
1. Gravity, or weight, the force that pulls the aircraft toward the earth;
2. Lift, the force that pushes the aircraft upward;
3. Thrust, the force that moves the aircraft forward;
4. Drag, the force that exerts a braking action.
Common Considerations
Lift acts through the centre of pressure and weight through the centre of gravity. For simplicity,
thrust and drag forces are considered as acting parallel to the longitudinal axis, and their
displacement from carried out by actually transferring fuel from the main tanks in the wings to fuel
tanks in the tail of the aircraft as in the A380. The CoG changes slightly as passengers move about
the aircraft.
Arrangement of the Four Forces
The aircraft is designed so the four forces are arranged to make it reasonably stable. In straight and
level flight at constant speed with no turning moments the aircraft is said to be in equilibrium. This
Each pair is equal and opposite in direction. Nevertheless they are not usually opposite in position.
For straight and level flight the AA is adjusted by the pilot to make the lift equal to the weight, if it is
greater the aircraft will climb. If lift is less than weight the aircraft will descend. The engine thrust is
adjusted by the throttles to make it equal to the drag, if it is greater the aircraft will increase airspeed
- if it is less the aircraft's airspeed will decrease.
What Is Weight?
Gravity is a force that pulls everything down to Earth. Weight is the amount of gravity multiplied by the
mass of an object. Weight is also the downward force that an aircraft must overcome to fly. A kite has
less mass and therefore less weight to overcome than a jumbo jet, but they both need the same thing in
order to fly -- lift.
What Is Lift?
Lift is the push that lets something move up. It is the force that is the opposite of weight. Everything that
flies must have lift. For an aircraft to move upward, it must have more lift than weight. A hot air balloon
has lift because the hot air inside is lighter than the air around it. Hot air rises and carries the balloon with
it. A helicopter's lift comes from the rotor blades. Their motion through the air moves the helicopter
upward. Lift for an airplane comes from its wings.
bottom. As a result, less air pressure is on top of the wing. This lower pressure makes the wing, and the
airplane it's attached to, move up. Using curves to affect air pressure is a trick used on many aircraft.
Helicopter rotor blades use this curved shape. Lift for kites also comes from a curved shape. Even
sailboats use this curved shape. A boat's sail is like a wing. That's what makes the sailboat move.
What Is Drag?
Drag is a force that pulls back on something trying to move. Drag provides resistance, making it hard to
move. For example, it is more difficult to walk or run through water than through air. Water causes more
drag than air. The shape of an object also affects the amount of drag. Round surfaces usually have less
drag than flat ones. Narrow surfaces usually have less drag than wide ones. The more air that hits a
surface, the more the drag the air produces.
What Is Thrust?
Thrust is the force that is the opposite of drag. It is the push that moves something forward. For an aircraft
to keep moving forward, it must have more thrust than drag. A small airplane might get its thrust from a
propeller. A larger airplane might get its thrust from jet engines. A glider does not have thrust. It can only
fly until the drag causes it to slow down and land.
Chapter 4
Axes of an Aircraft
Whenever an aircraft changes its attitude in flight, it must turn about one or more of three axes.Fig.
12 shows the three axes, which are imaginary lines passing through the center of the aircraft. The
axes of an aircraft can be considered as imaginary axles around which the aircraft turns like a wheel.
At the center, where all three axes intersect, each is perpendicular to the other two. The axis which
extends lengthwise through the fuselage from the nose to the tail is called the longitudinal axis. The
axis which extends crosswise, from wing tip to wing tip, is the lateral axis. The axis which passes
through the center, from top to bottom is called the vertical axis.
Motion about the longitudinal axis resembles the roll of a ship from side to side. In fact, the names
used in describing the motion about an aircraft’s three axes were originally nautical terms. They have
been adapted to aeronautical terminology because of the similarity of motion between an aircraft and
a ship.
Thus, the motion about the longitudinal axis is called roll; motion along the lateral (cross-wing) axis
is called pitch. Finally, an aircraft moves about its vertical axis in a motion which is termed yaw.
This is a horizontal movement of the nose of the aircraft.
Roll, pitch, and yaw - the motions an aircraft makes about its longitudinal, lateral, and vertical axes -
are controlled by three control surfaces. Roll is produced by the ailerons, which are located at the
Fig. 13 shows a simplified aileron control system using push/pull rods, pulleys and cables and
Fig.14shows a simplified elevator control system using the same basic control system components.
The control systems of smaller aircraft are very similar to those shown but for larger /faster aircraft
the controls are powered (usually with hydraulically powered units at the control surface end being
signalled by a mechanical control system from the flight-deck end).
Some systems are fully computer controlled with signals to the computer coming from the pilot's
flight-deck controls. The powered units (usually hydraulic) get their signals from the computers.
Fig. 13 to Fig.14 help memorize the pilot's control movement, the control system movement and the
subsequent control surface/surfaces movement.
the control surfaces as fitted to an airliner. The slats are fitted to the complete length of the outer
wing leading edge and the leading edge flaps are fitted to the inboard leading edge. The trailing edge
flaps are fitted in-board of the ailerons.
The ailerons are used for roll control (to bank the aircraft) - also to assist in improving the L/D ratio
of the wing during take-off and landing by being drooped (automatically).
When selected to the drooped position they are moved symmetrically (both sides move down
together). Any movement as ailerons (asymmetric movement) is achieved about the new drooped
neutral position.
Directional Stability
This is assisted by the fin and rudder and the side area of the fuselage aft of the Centre of Gravity -
taken all together called the Effective Keel Surface (Fig. 15).
If the aircraft is caused to yaw then, like a weather-cock or weather vane on a church spire, the
airflow will „blow“ it back to it's original position.
When aircraft yaws it will tend to fly in it's original direction for a short time due to it's momentum
(Newton's 1st law – Law of inertia, as described in Module 2 Physics) - thus for a short time the
airflow will be acting on the side of the fuselage. This correcting moment is also assisted by the small
sideways „lift“ produced by the fin.
This correcting action may set up an oscillating motion which is corrected by fitting powered
automatic yaw dampers to the rudder control system.
For most aircraft the fin is vertical and its chord line is parallel to the aircraft's longitudinal datum
line. For some single engined propeller driven aircraft, however, the fin chord line is set at a small
angle to the longitudinal datum line to counter the effect of the swirling propeller slipstream
Longitudinal Stability
This is associated with the tail-plane or horizontal stabiliser. For many large passenger aircraft the
tailplane may be designed with its maximum camber on the underside thus producing downwards
lift. On some aircraft the chordline is set at a small negative angle to the longitudinal datum line
angle of incidence) also to produce negative lift
Figure 16Longitudinal stability
Heavy Damping
An aircraft is said to be dynamically stable when it returns to it's original trimmed position with no
overshoot (Fig. 17A). It's movement is said to be heavily damped. There are no oscillations and the
aircraft returns steadily to it's original flight path. Because of the damped nature of the return it may
take some time to get back to its original position
Partial Damping
This is where the aircraft returns to it's original trimmed position but overshoots (Fig. 17B). It is
stable enough to correct this overshoot but moves back passed it's original position. These
oscillations gradually decrease in amplitude until the aircraft regains it's original flight attitude.
In this case (Fig. 17C) called neutral dynamic stability the aircraft returns to it's original flight path
and overshoots. It corrects this overshoot to return back to the same overshoot position but on the
other side.
These overshoots either side of the original flight path do not decrease or increase in amplitude but
remain the same. This is not an uncommon condition with some aircraft stabilities and may require
the fitment of auto-stabilising systems within the flying control system.
Negatively Damped
This is similar to the undamped dynamic stability but the amplitude of the oscillations get worse
(Fig. 17D). The amplitudes get greater until there is a mechanical failure or the pilot or some
automatic stability system takes a hand in correcting the situation. In the past there have been
catastrophic failures caused by this type of instability.