Second Exam 11
Second Exam 11
Second Exam 11
I. Multiple Choice
Directions: Read and analyse each statement and choose the correct answer from the given
choices. Write the letter of the correct answer on space provided before the number.
A. walk C. jump
B. run D. hop
8. Walter will demonstrate the proper way of jumping. Which of the following will Walter
must follow?
A. spring on one foot, landing on the same foot
B. spring on one or both feet, landing on the both foot
C. walking then hopping on same foot in one motion
D. spring on one foot and landing on the other foot
9. Hopping or hop is _______________________.
A. spring on one foot, landing on the same foot
B. spring on one or both feet, landing on the both foot
C. walking then hopping on same foot in one motion
D. spring on one foot and landing on the other foot
10.All of the following are examples of locomotor skills EXCEPT__________.
A. running C. leaping
B. skipping D. sliding
11.Lee Min – ho is dancing with a pattern of step, cut, and step. He is performing what
type of locomotor skill?
A. gallop C. leap
B. skip D. slide or glide
12.Lee Jung – Suk is moving the foot without lifting off the floor. He is demonstrating what
type of locomotor movement?
A. gallop C. leap
B. skip D. slide or glide
13.Soong Joong-ki is trying to spring on one foot and landing on the other foot. He is
trying to perform what type of locomotor movement?
A. gallop C. leap
B. skip D. slide or glide
14. This refers to be the building blocks necessary for more complex physical activity.
A. movements C. stages
B. positions D. levels
15.It is a body movement that moves the body from one place to another.
A. manipulative C. motion
B. locomotor D. non – locomotor
16.It consist of equal and unvarying actions.
A. uneven rhythm C. manipulative
B. even rhythm D. motion
17.It consist of unequal actions.
A. uneven rhythm C. manipulative
B. even rhythm D. motion
18.All of the following are examples of even rhythm EXCEPT___________.
A. running C. hopping
B. walking D. leaping
19.Non – locomotor movements are also known as_____________.
A. axial C. biceps
B. facial D.triceps
20. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to the group?
A. skipping C. jumping
B. galloping D. sliding/gliding
21.It is a fundamental body movement that does not incorporate travelling.
A. manipulative C. non locomotor
B. locomotor D. motion
22.It involve both the body and an object.
A. manipulative C. motion
B. locomotor D.non–locomotor
II.Directions: For items 23-44 give the following meaning of the given acronym. Write your
answer on the space provided.
Directions: For items 61 – 75, read and analyze the following statements. Choose the letter of
your answer from the given choices and write it on the space provided before the number.
______61. States that the body must work harder than what it is used to in order for it to adapt.
______62. States that the body should experience a gradual increase in workload.
______63. States that the body will adapt specifically to the workload it experiences.
______64. States that no two persons are the same and their rate of adaptation to the same
workload differs.
______65. The adaptations that take place as a result of training are all reversible.
______66. This principle states that if an individual stops to exercise, the body gradually returns to
its initial level of fitness.
______67. This emphasizes the need to create an exercise program that is individual – specific.
______68. It implies that improvements in fitness level will be limited to the activities that are
______69. The application of this principle is not only on the movement or activity performed but
also to the intensity at which it is performed.
______70. This principle asks “How soon?”
______71. This principle asks “How hard?”
______72. It implies that exercise is a controlled form of stress that will stimulate the body to
become stronger.
______73. This principle highlights the importance of performing a variety of activities to improve
overall fitness.
______74. It is another way of stating the principle of disuse.
______75. This principle state that if an individual stops to exercise, the body gradually returns to its
initial level of fitness.
Directions: For items 76 – 100, identify the following movements. Write LM if it is under
Locomotor Movements and NLC if it under Non – Locomotor Movements and write your answer
on the space provided.
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