This document discusses barriers to effective communication and how to overcome them. It identifies several types of barriers including physical, physiological, technical, emotional/psychological, cultural, and sociological barriers. To overcome barriers, the sender should be knowledgeable, well-prepared, and have strong communication skills. The message should be well-organized, concise, and relevant. The communication channel should be appropriate for the message and audience. The receiver should listen actively without distractions and provide feedback to ensure understanding.
This document discusses barriers to effective communication and how to overcome them. It identifies several types of barriers including physical, physiological, technical, emotional/psychological, cultural, and sociological barriers. To overcome barriers, the sender should be knowledgeable, well-prepared, and have strong communication skills. The message should be well-organized, concise, and relevant. The communication channel should be appropriate for the message and audience. The receiver should listen actively without distractions and provide feedback to ensure understanding.
This document discusses barriers to effective communication and how to overcome them. It identifies several types of barriers including physical, physiological, technical, emotional/psychological, cultural, and sociological barriers. To overcome barriers, the sender should be knowledgeable, well-prepared, and have strong communication skills. The message should be well-organized, concise, and relevant. The communication channel should be appropriate for the message and audience. The receiver should listen actively without distractions and provide feedback to ensure understanding.
This document discusses barriers to effective communication and how to overcome them. It identifies several types of barriers including physical, physiological, technical, emotional/psychological, cultural, and sociological barriers. To overcome barriers, the sender should be knowledgeable, well-prepared, and have strong communication skills. The message should be well-organized, concise, and relevant. The communication channel should be appropriate for the message and audience. The receiver should listen actively without distractions and provide feedback to ensure understanding.
Barriers of communication Overcoming barriers to communication
The sender should:
Barriers to communication may occur at o Have sufficient knowledge of the any stage in the process. A barrier is any subject about which they are condition that interferes with the effective communicating. transfer of ideas or information. o Be well prepared and organize Barriers to communication include: thoughts before communication is attempted. Biases, such as cultural, personal or o Have effective communication skills, perceptual bias such as knowledge of the language, Language and semantics, such as adequate vocabulary, appropriate speaking a different language, tone, good body language. differences in understanding the The message should: meaning of the words, spelling, o Be well organized and free of errors. punctuation and grammatical errors. o Be long enough to adequately Literacy skills communicate the idea, without being Time constraints, such as insufficient so long that it bores or confuses the time to properly prepare, receive or receiver. interpret the message. o Contain only relevant information. Type of barrier Examples The channel should: Physical/environme Noisy equipment, crowded o Be appropriate for the message nt workspaces, loudly speaking o Be appropriate to audience colleagues, closed doors, o Be free of failures, distortions or isolated offices distance. interruptions. Physiological Deafness. Poor eyesight, impairments speech impairment, tiredness, o Be appropriate, so the sender and feeling unwell. receiver can both use the equipment Technical Malfunctioning equipment, as needed. electrical outages, unfamiliarity o Use more then one communication with the equipment used. medium, where possible, especially Emotional/psycholo Mistrust, suspicion, for important messages. gical resentment ,lack of self- The receiver should: confidence, anger, stress o Listen actively and attentively Cultural Lack of understanding of the without criticizing the sender beliefs and practices of other o Give feedback, asking for clarification religious or ethnic groups, if necessary. stereotyping, prejudices. o Avoid interrupting the speaker Sociological Differences in gender, o Be open-minded, not allowing age,education,attitudes,values, understanding to be hindered by status. preconceptions. o Ignore distractions and focus on the message being delivered.