Test PDF
Test PDF
Test PDF
Any extra test instructed by the Engineer whose result proves the material to be out
ofspecification shall be carried out at no extra cost. If for any reason the period of storage ofconsignment of
cement exceeds three months, a representative sample of the cement shall be retestedto confirm its suitability
before use at no extra cost.
The Contractor shall provide suitable means of storing and protecting the cement against dampness, Cement
which, for any reason has become partially set or which contains lumps of caked cement shall be rejected.
Cement grout for grouting dowels shall consist of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) and water mixed in the
proportions necessary for the intended purpose.
Cement used for grouting soil nails shall be Type – A, Portland cement complying with (BS196 or
BS197).Grout material should be non-expansive and non-shrinkage material. Therefore, admixture has to be
added to avoid shrinkage effect of cement. The Contractor should be obtained prior approval for the
admixture before use site at site from the Engineer.
The grout shall be mixed until a uniform consistency is obtained and shall normally be used within 45 minutes
of mixing.
Concrete admixture as retarders, accelerators or as plasticizers shall be used with the prior approval of the
Engineer only and they shall be used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
In the use of additives particular attention should be paid to the accurate proportioning of the additive and its
homogeneous introduction in the mix.
1708 SOILS
a. Filling Work
(a) Type IFilling Material and (b) Type IIFilling Material and substitutethe following: