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Damage Behavior of Steel Beam-To-Column Connections Under Inelastic Cyclic Loading

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910 Liu et al.

/ J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2017 18(11):910-926

Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A (Applied Physics & Engineering)

ISSN 1673-565X (Print); ISSN 1862-1775 (Online)
www.jzus.zju.edu.cn; www.springerlink.com
E-mail: jzus@zju.edu.cn

Damage behavior of steel beam-to-column connections under

inelastic cyclic loading*

Xi-yue LIU1,2, Yuan-qing WANG†‡2, Jun XIONG3, Yong-jiu SHI2

(1College of Basic Education for Commanding Officers, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410072, China)
(2Key Laboratory of Civil Engineering Safety and Durability of China Education Ministry, Department of Civil Engineering,
Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)
( Nanjing Jianye District Bureau of Construction and Transport, Nanjing 210019, China)

E-mail: wang-yq@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn
Received July 19, 2016; Revision accepted Mar. 6, 2017; Crosschecked Oct. 12, 2017

Abstract: Brittle cracks were observed in the welded beam-to-column connections of steel frames during an earthquake. The
crack propagation and accumulated damage to the connections can lead to fractures at much lower ductility ratios. Understanding
the connections’ damage behavior during an earthquake is crucial for the design of steel moment frames in seismic areas. Nine full
scale beam-to-column connections were tested under constant amplitude and variable amplitude cyclic loading. The effects of
loading amplitude, loading history, and peak load on the connection damage were analyzed. The damage characters were studied
and three damage evolution models were calibrated and validated based on test results. The damage mechanism was investigated
and an effective plastic strain index was developed to evaluate connection damage based on a ductile fracture mechanism. A
fatigue fracture mechanics-based model, for evaluating the damage process of beam-to-column connections under cyclic loading,
was proposed.

Key words: Beam-to-column connection; Cyclic loading; Connection test; Damage mechanism; Ductile fracture
http://dx.doi.org/10.1631/jzus.A1600520 CLC number: TH161.12

1 Introduction connections had suffered brittle fractures in steel

moment resisting frames (SMRFs). Brittle cracks
Modern earthquake resistant design relies on were observed in the welded beam-to-column con-
structural ductility to absorb seismic energy, which nections of SMRFs, and the connections fractured at
requires that a structure has large inelastic deforma- much lower ductility ratios (Sakano and Wahab,
bility for the dissipation of seismic energy. It had been 2001; Chen, 2007; Saiprasertkit et al., 2012). This
assumed that steel moment connections were able to prompted several studies to investigate the seismic
deform plastically to large rotations, absorbing sig- behavior of the welded connections, for example, the
nificant amounts of energy, until the 1994 Northridge SAC steel project started by the Structural Engineers
earthquake (Toyoda, 2002) and the 1995 Kobe Association of California (SEAOC), the Applied
earthquake (Kuwamura, 1998). Inspection after these Technology Council (ATC), and California Univer-
severe earthquakes revealed that a large number of sities for Research in Earthquake Engineering

Corresponding author A considerable number of experiments were
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of conducted worldwide, to investigate the performance
China (Nos. 51708549, 51678339, and 51378289)
ORCID: Xi-yue LIU, http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1253-2066 of steel connections under cyclic loads (Fisher et al.,
© Zhejiang University and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany 2017 1995; El-Tawil et al., 1998; Su, 2005; Shi W.L. et al.,
Liu et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2017 18(11):910-926 911

2008; Shi Y.J. et al., 2009). A series of monotonic Establishing a methodology to quantify connec-
tensile tests on T-stub welded specimens were carried tion damage is crucial for investigating the connec-
out (Kuwamura and Yamamoto, 1997; Kuwamura tion damage process. At present, material damage is
and Takagi, 2004). The effects of weld fracture on the always calibrated by test, based on the concept that
damage behavior of the connections were analyzed. material damage is in direct proportion to the decrease
The test results indicated that most brittle fractures of strength when subjected to monotonic tensile load.
initiate from welds; a weld’s toughness has a signif- However, the stress state in a connection is hetero-
icant influence on its ultimate deformation and geneous and complicated; the damage level varies at
cracking load. Tateishi and Hanji (2004) conducted different locations. Therefore, the microscopic-based
ultralow cycle loading tests on structural steels and relationship between material damage and bearing
the corresponding weld metals to investigate the ef- capacity needs to be validated when applying the
fects of strain amplitude on material fatigue, life and macro connection analysis, and the relationship be-
damage processes. A damage mechanics-based model tween connection damage and the macro mechanic
to evaluate fatigue life of structural steel and index needs to be established by further investigation
heat-affected zone was also proposed. Most of these for the connection damage model. Besides, the effects
experiments were mainly focused on the effect of the of loading history and loading amplitude on the
welding technology used, or the material toughness or connection damage are not considered by previous
construction details of the connections fracture; related work.
however, they do not investigate deeply the character In this study, nine full scale beam-to-column
of the connection damages (Dexter and Melendrez, connections were tested in which five connections
2000; Anderson et al., 2002; Chi and Uang, 2002; were under variable amplitude (VA) cyclic loading
Wang and Chen, 2005). Only limited mechanical and four were under constant amplitude (CA) cyclic
models for analyzing the behavior of connections loading. Subsequently, three existing damage evolu-
have taken connection damage and deterioration tion models were calibrated and validated based on
processes into consideration at present (Nip et al., the test results. A damage mechanism was introduced
2010). Previous research showed that during severe and an effective plastic strain index was developed to
earthquakes, connection damage was a key factor evaluate connection damage based on ductile fracture
affecting frame strength and stability. The accumu- mechanism. Finally, a fatigue fracture mechanics-
lated damage and crack propagation in welds or the based model for evaluating the crack and damage
heat affected zone of welded connections can lead to processes of welded connections under cyclic loading
fractures at much lower ductility levels. An accurate was proposed.
understanding of the damage and deterioration of
connections under earthquake conditions is crucial for
the design of SMRFs in seismic areas. 2 Beam-to-column connection tests
Recently, more effort has been made to study
2.1 Specimens and materials
connection damage and fractures under severe earth-
quake conditions. A damage model considering the Nine full scale beam-to-column connection
crack effect, which was used for steel mechanical specimens were designed and fabricated according to
components and connections, was proposed (Shen and MOHURD (2003; 2010). These nine specimens rep-
Shen, 2002). Shaking table tests on steel moment resented the exterior beam-to-column connections in
frames were implemented (Li et al., 2004); the SMRFs. The total length of the beam was 1650 mm
Park-Ang model was applied to analyze the steel and the total height of the column was 2300 mm.
moment frame damage and the model was validated by Geometries of the connection specimens are shown in
test results. However, in the field of seismic design for Fig. 1. A strong column-weak beam design philoso-
steel connections research is still mainly concerned phy was adopted to force plastic hinge formation at
with the stiffness and strength of connections; studies the beam end near the column face. The specimen
on the evolution of connections damage and hysteretic consisted of a built-up welded H-shaped beam section
models that incorporate damage are limited. H-400 mm×150 mm×8 mm×12 mm and a welded
912 Liu et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2017 18(11):910-926

H-shaped column section H-450 mm×250 mm×

12 mm×16 mm. The stiffness ratio of beam to column
Ib/Ic is 0.42, and the width-thickness ratio of the plate
meets the requirements of MOHURD (2003).
A welded-flange bolted-web detail was used in
the connection, i.e., the beam flanges were welded to
the column flanges with complete joint penetration
(CJP) groove weld (Grade E50) with CO2 gas metal
arc welding procedure (GMAW), which is one of the
common welding practices in constructions in China.
The beam web was linked to the column by four
pretensioned high strength bolts ( 20 Gr. 10.9). The
quality of beam flange to column flange welds
achieved first class classification by ultrasonic test.
Geometries of weld access holes (WAHs) and weld
details around the top and bottom beam flange to
column flange welds are shown in Fig. 1. The weld
backing bars were left in place for all specimens and
no fillet weld reinforcement was added beneath the
backing bars.
All the specimens were fabricated from the
common steel Q345 (nominal yield strength 345 MPa).
The mechanical properties of the Q345 steel plates
(with different plate thicknesses) used in the speci-
mens were obtained by standard tensile coupon tests
and are presented in Table 1.
Fig. 1 Geometries and weld details of the beam-to-column
Table 1 Mechanical properties of Q345 steel plates used connection specimen (unit: mm)
in the test specimens
Young’s Ultimate mentioned above, a small ratio of axial load to column
Thickness, Yield strength,
modules, tensile strength, bearing capacity was adopted to ensure the column
t (mm) y (MPa)
E (GPa) u (MPa)
ductility. The column section was preloaded with
8 208.1 354.5 481.3
500 kN, and the axial load ratio was controlled at 0.18
12 206.1 359.9 524.7
in this test. Another servo-controlled actuator, capa-
16 204.1 393.0 547.3
ble of applying loads up to 500 kN and displacements
up to ±150 mm was employed to provide cyclic loads
at the beam tip. Lateral braces were installed at the
2.2 Test setup, loading protocol, and measurement
beam tip just below the actuator in order to prevent
The specimens were mounted to the strong floor lateral buckling of the beam.
and reaction wall. The schematic plot and general A predetermined cyclic loading protocol was
view of the test setup are shown in Fig. 2. Roller applied to the beam tip of each connection to simulate
supports were provided at both ends of the column to seismic loading. As shown in Table 2, each specimen
ensure the column could deform freely under axial was assigned a different loading protocol in tests.
loading. One end of the column was fixed to the re- Five specimens (i.e., S-1 to S-5) were tested quasi-
action wall, the other end was subjected to axial loads statically under variable amplitude cyclic loading
which were implemented by an actuator with a (load types denoted as VA-1 to VA-5), and four
1000 kN load capacity. In order to achieve the design specimens (i.e., S-6 to S-9) were tested under CA
philosophy of strong column-weak beam as cyclic loading (load types denoted as CA-1 to CA-4).
Liu et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2017 18(11):910-926 913

All the specimens except S-1 were loaded by dis- and uniaxial strain gauges to measure global and local
placement control, while specimen S-1 was loaded by responses. Moment connections and deformation
a combination of force and displacement control. needed to be measured for the subsequent damage
As listed in the third column of Table 2, the cy- analysis of the connections. The connection rotation
clical loading sequences were subdivided by square was obtained by measuring beam tip displacement, in
brackets. Displacement amplitudes were specified in accordance with the European code EC3-2005 (BS,
multiples of yielding displacement y (which repre- 2005) and previous research (Shi W.L. et al., 2008).
sents the displacement at the cantilever end when the As shown in Fig. 2, the displacement transducer was
maximum beam bending stress reaches its yield installed at beam loading point to measure the beam
strength). The yielding displacement y for all the
tip displacement. The rotation of the plastic connec-
specimens was 15 mm. The symbol denotes the
tion was calculated by
increment of force or displacement amplitude in a
loading sequence (enclosed by a pair of square brack-
( e ) / L, (1)
ets). The specimens were subjected to two cycles
within each increment of displacement amplitude.
where denotes the tested value of beam tip dis-
2.3 Test measurement placement, and e denotes the beam’s elastic defor-
Specimens were instrumented with a combina- mation, e=PL3/(3EI), where L is the length of the
tion of displacement transducers, strain gauge rosettes, beam, and I is the moment of inertia. The histories of
beam tip load P and beam tip displacement of each
specimen were directly measured. Five strain gauges
were also attached to the beam flange surface, 100
mm away from the column flange.

3 Test results
3.1 Phenomenon
A summary of test phenomena for each speci-
men is given in Table 3. The beam tip load Pf and
Fig. 2 General view of test setup, measurement, and beam tip displacement f correspond to the critical
point of beam flange fracture. The number of cycles
Table 2 Loading histories adopted in the experiments
to fracture Nf and the total number of cycles to com-
Specimen Load type Loading scheme plete failure Ntotal were also recorded. Failure modes
S-1 VA-1 [(±50 kN ±150 kN), =+50 kN] are briefly described in the last column of Table 3.
+[(±1.25 y ±2.25 y), =+0.50 y] The test phenomena of the nine specimens are
S-2 VA-2 [(±0.25 y ±2.25 y), =+0.25 y] summarized as follows:
S-3 VA-3 [(±0.25 y ±1.50 y), =+0.25 y]
All the specimens had a similar failure process.
+[(±1.50 y ±1.00 y), = 0.25 y]
+[(±1.00 y ±2.25 y), =+0.25 y] For specimens S-4, S-6, and S-8, cracks initiated from
S-4 VA-4 [(±0.25 y ±2.00 y), =+0.25 y] the toe of the WAH at the top flange, and the cracks in
+[(±2.00 y ±1.00 y), = 0.25 y] the other specimens initiated from the toe of the WAH
+[(±1.00 y ±2.25 y), =+0.25 y] at the top flange. After initiation, cracks propagated
S-5 VA-5 [(±0.25 y ±1.00 y), =+0.25 y]
+[(±2.00 y ±1.00 y), = 0.25 y]
progressively through the thickness of the beam
+[(±1.00 y ±2.00 y), =+0.25 y] flange. The toe of the WAH is defined as the region
S-6 CA-1 CA=2.00 y where the access hole transits into the beam flange
S-7 CA-2 CA=1.75 y (i.e., intersection of the WAH surface and the beam
S-8 CA-3 CA=1.50 y
flange inner surface). When the crack went through
S-9 CA-4 CA=1.25 y
the beam flange thickness and reached the micro
914 Liu et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2017 18(11):910-926

Table 3 Summary of test phenomena

Specimen Pf (kN) f (mm) Nf Ntotal Failure modes description
S-1 +263.30 +34.35 10.25 12 N=10.25 : crack initiated from toe of WAHd at BFe; local buckling of TFf;

(6+6)a N=10.75: crack grew through thickness of TF at the toe of WAH (50 mm
185.13 26.44 10.75
along flange width)
S-2 +276.44 +33.24 16.25 18 N=16.25: crack propagated deep into BF at the toe of WAH (40 mm);
(6+12) N=16.75: crack grew through thickness of TF at the toe of WAH (40 mm);
221.63 25.78 16.75
necking of TF edges
S-3 +245.11 +33.31 21.25 23 N=21.25: crack grew through thickness of BF at the toe of WAH (31 mm),
(6+17) local buckling of TF; N=21.75: crack propagated deep into TF at the toe of
264.70 33.27 21.75
S-4 +264.91 +30.05 31.25 34 N=30.75: crack grew through thickness of TF at the toe of WAH (20 mm);
(6+28) N=31.25: crack propagated deep into BF at the toe of WAH
237.28 29.98 30.75
S-5 +214.20 +26.24 22.25 25 N=22.25: crack grew through thickness of BF at the toe of WAH (50 mm),
(6+19) propagated to 85 mm long in the next cycle; N=22.75: crack grew into TF at
257.73 26.30 22.75
the toe of WAH
S-6 +261.55 +29.96 7.25 10b N=5.75: crack grew through thickness of TF at the toe of WAH (25 mm),
propagated to 50 mm long in the next cycle; N=7.25: crack grew into BF at
250.02 29.89 5.75
the toe of WAH
S-7 +241.62 +26.29 9.25 13 N=9.25: crack grew through thickness of BF at the toe of WAH (40 mm),
propagated to 80 mm in the next cycle; N=11.75: crack grew into TF at the
246.28 26.20 11.75
toe of WAH
S-8 +253.00 +22.47 11.25 17 N=9.75: crack grew through thickness of TF at the toe of WAH (15 mm),
propagated 10 mm long in each cycle; N=11.25: crack grew deep into BF at
243.40 22.50 9.75
the toe of WAH
S-9 +213.57 +18.72 39.25 62 N=39.25: crack grew through thickness of BF at the toe of WAH; N=39.75:
crack grew through thickness of TF at the toe of WAH, propagated to
212.98 18.66 39.75
17 mm long at N=42.75
The expression in the parentheses denotes the number of elastic cycles plus plastic cycles; b All the cycles are in plastic; c N denotes the
current cycles endured by the specimen (one cycle is divided into four quarters); d WAH is short for weld access hole; e BF is short for
bottom flange of the beam; f TF is short for top flange of the beam

crack in the welds at the backing bar, the crack grew 3.3 Strength and ductility
along the edge of weld backing bar, which led to the
whole section fracture of the beam flange. The typical failure modes of the tested connec-
All cracks in the specimens initiated from the toe tion specimens are shown in Fig. 4.
of the WAH, and the fracture positions were located The strength and the deformation capacity of
at the top edge of weld backing bar. When the crack each specimen are summarized in Table 4 (p.916),
where the ultimate strength Fu denotes the maximum
grew across the width of one beam flange, the crack at
beam tip load over the whole loading history and u is
the other flange would stop propagating. All the
the corresponding beam tip displacement. Mu denotes
specimens fractured at the beam flange accompany-
the maximum moment applied to the specimen and u
ing with larger WAH except specimen S-7.
is the corresponding connection plastic rotation. max
Some of the specimens were observed to have
and max denote the maximum beam tip displacement
local buckling and necking of the beam flanges after and the maximum connection rotation during the
crack initiations in the experiments. whole loading process, respectively. The positive or
3.2 Hysteretic curve negative sign represents the half cycle within which
the bottom flange or the top flange is in tension,
The hysteretic behavior of connection moment respectively.
versus rotation curves are shown in Fig. 3. The shape
of the hysteretic curves for each specimen seem to be 3.4 Connection stiffness
symmetrical until three or four cycles before speci- A bilinear model was adopted to calculate the
men failure, and the hysteretic curves become un- specimen stiffness based on the connection skeleton
symmetrical when approaching failure. curves, and the damage phase was not taken into
Liu et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2017 18(11):910-926 915
Connection moment, M (kN·m)

Fig. 3 Hysteretic curves of connection moment versus rotation

Fig. 4 Typical failure modes of the test specimens (S-3, S-5, and S-7)

consideration. The yield points were obtained from bilinear model is shown in Fig. 5b by taking specimen
the strain gauges attached to the beam flange edge. S-2 as an example. The stiffness values of each
The value of the ultimate moment in the model was specimen are given in Table 5, where Ke denotes the
assumed to be the average value of those obtained at elastic stiffness, and Kp is the hardening stiffness. The
the tension cycle and the compression cycle, and this connection yield moment My, ultimate moment Mu,
approach of assumption is also applied for the value and their corresponding rotations y, u for the bi-
of ultimate rotation in the model. linear model are also listed in Table 5.
The parameter definition of this bilinear model is As listed in Table 5, for CA loaded connections
somewhat different from the European code. Fig. 5 S-6–S-9, the ductility coefficient u/ y and hardening
shows the comparison between the simplified bilinear coefficient Mu/My all decreased with the decreasing
model and the European code model. Sj,ini in the fig- loading amplitude. This shows that the deformation of
ure denotes the initial tangent rigidity of connection. the plastic connection becomes smaller under rela-
The schematic of parameter calibrations for the tively small loading amplitudes.
916 Liu et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2017 18(11):910-926

Table 4 Loading capacity and deformation

Specimen Fu (kN) u(mm) Mu (kN·m) u (rad) max(mm) max (rad)
S-1 +271.1 +34.2 +406.6 +0.017 +34.7 +0.018
255.1 25.8 382.7 0.012 34.7 0.019
S-2 +285.6 +33.6 +428.3 +0.016 +33.6 +0.017
276.0 29.7 414.0 0.014 33.6 0.021
S-3 +265.4 +26.1 +398.1 +0.012 +37.3 +0.023
276.5 29.7 414.7 0.014 33.6 0.017
S-4 +288.5 +30.2 +432.8 +0.014 +34.2 +0.018
285.1 30.0 427.7 0.014 34.1 0.020
S-5 +287.6 +30.1 +431.4 +0.014 +30.3 +0.018
288.3 30.2 432.4 0.014 30.2 0.015
S-6 +286.5 +30.3 +429.8 +0.014 +30.4 +0.016
288.8 30.2 433.3 0.014 30.3 0.018
S-7 +273.7 +26.3 +410.6 +0.012 +26.5 +0.016
274.9 26.5 412.3 0.012 26.5 0.013
S-8 +270.0 +22.4 +405.0 +0.009 +22.7 +0.010
270.0 22.6 405.0 0.009 22.7 0.014
S-9 +240.7 +18.8 +361.1 +0.007 +18.9 +0.009
237.7 18.9 356.6 0.008 18.9 0.011

(a) (b)

Fig. 5 Connection stiffness calculation

(a) Schematic of connection stiffness calculation; (b) Comparison between simplified stiffness curve and skeleton curve

Table 5 Stiffness of specimens

Ke Kp
Specimen y (rad) My (kN·m) u/ y Mu/My (Ke(S-i) Ke(S-2))/Ke(S-2) (Kp(S-i) Kp(S-2))/Kp(S-2)
(kN·m/rad) (kN·m/rad)
S-1 0.0058 309 3.0 1.3 57 125 9.6% 9372 18.8%
S-2 0.0052 312 3.2 1.3 63 193 0.0% 11 549 0.0%
S-3 0.0052 322 2.8 1.3 67 109 6.2% 13 041 12.9%
S-4 0.0051 311 2.8 1.4 63 468 0.4% 11 966 3.6%
S-5 0.0052 323 2.7 1.3 63 027 0.3% 13 198 14.3%
S-6 0.0056 310 2.6 1.4 60 611 4.1% 14 559 26.1%
S-7 0.0057 313 2.2 1.3 63 118 0.1% 17 147 48.5%
S-8 0.0054 311 1.9 1.3 68 094 7.8% 17 166 48.6%
S-9 0.0056 305 1.3 1.2 60 105 4.9% 13 260 14.8%
Average 62 872
Liu et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2017 18(11):910-926 917

Comparing the stiffness of the specimens shows earthquake, while the first peak load values in the
that their elastic stiffness values were almost the loading history for these two specimens were differ-
same, while their plastic stiffness values were quite ent. For specimens S-4 and S-5, the first peak load
different at approximately 18%–27% of the elastic values were the same, specimen S-4 was loaded to
stiffness values. peak value step by step, while specimen S-5 was
loaded to peak value directly.
1. Effects of peak load value and appearing time
4 Discussion The bearing capacity and the maximum rotation
of these four specimens (S-2–S-5) are close to one
4.1 Effect of loading amplitude range
another as listed in Table 4. The skeleton curves of
Comparing the strength and deformation capac- these four specimens are compared, and appear to be
ities of specimens S-1 and S-2, which were subjected almost the same (Fig. 6).
to the cyclic load of a different amplitude range as
listed in Table 4, it can be seen that the bearing ca-
pacity of specimen S-1 endured a larger load ampli-
tude than that of specimen S-2 by 6.7% (the average
value of Mu in the positive cycle and negative cycle is
taken as the connection bearing capacity), and their
deformation capacities are almost the same, which
indicates that the effects of the load amplitude range
on specimen strength and deformation capacity are
not obvious. The hardening stiffness of S-1 was Fig. 6 Comparison of skeleton curves of S-2–S-5
smaller than S-2 by 18.8% as listed in Table 5, indi-
cating a certain influence of load amplitude range on Specimens S-2, S-4, and S-5 reached bearing
the connection hardening extent. capacity at the stage of first peak load, while speci-
men S-3 attained bearing capacity when the penulti-
4.2 Effects of loading history and peak load
mate stage of load was applied, reaching its end state
The effects of loading history and peak load on before the maximum load had been achieved, which
connection bearing and deformation capacity were indicates that the accumulated damage lead to the
studied by analyzing the performance of specimens weakening of the specimen’s performance. Specimen
S-2–S-5. These four specimens were tested under S-4 reached its end state just at the first peak load, and
various loading protocols which simulated the dif- its bearing capacity decreased thereafter, which in-
ferent earthquake conditions as listed in Table 6. The dicates that the medium seism (S-3) and the strong
load on specimen S-2 simulated an earthquake var- seism (S-4) accelerate the specimen damage process.
ying gradually from weak to strong. The loads on Comparing the performances of specimens S-3 and
S-3 and S-4 both simulated an earthquake growing S-4 in this test, the influence of peak load value does
stronger until reaching the first peak load, and then not appear to be obvious. From the damage process
the emerging aftershock, finally reaching the analysis of specimens S-7 and S-8, which were tested
maximum amplitude which represents a severe under a CA load, it can be seen that for the specimens

Table 6 Comparison of the loading factors between specimens

Specimen Peak value Peak load appearing time Strength degradation Corresponding earthquake condition
S-2 2 y+ The last stage of plastic Progressive Weak-strong
S-3 1.5 y The third stage of plastic Progressive Weak-medium-weak-strong
2 y+ The last stage of plastic Progressive
S-4 2 y The fourth plastic stage Progressive Weak-strong-weak-strong
2 y+ The last stage of plastic Progressive
S-5 2 y The first stage of plastic Sudden Strong-weak-strong
2 y The last stage of plastic Progressive
Note: 2 y
is the loading amplitude when specimen failure occurs
918 Liu et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2017 18(11):910-926

subjected to loads with amplitudes of 22.5 mm and Table 4 that the specimen strength decreases with the
26.25 mm, obvious damage started to appear after decreasing loading amplitude. Apparently, the
enduring 10 cycles. Specimen S-4 endured two more specimen tested under a load with a smaller amplitude
cycles at these two load stages than specimen S-3 did, entered the inelastic phase repeatedly and was dam-
so damage distinctive to these two specimens is not aged without taking full advantage of the material
obvious. Therefore, the effect of load amplitude on strengthening effect.
specimen bearing capacity needs certain accumulated
hysteric cycles to manifest.
2. Effect of peak load onset time 5 Damage analysis of beam-to-column
Comparing the deformation capacity and test connection
phenomena of specimen S-5 with that of the other
specimens, it can be observed that when S-5 was 5.1 Connection damage process
subjected to the peak load (30 mm) for the second Based on damage mechanics and previous re-
time, the specimen completely fractured at the first search (Xiong, 2011), the reduced bearing capacity
cycle, while the other specimens endured two cycles and the stiffness of the connection after damage are
and were subsequently loaded by 33.75 mm, which calculated by Eq. (2) as follows, and the connection
shows the worst deformation of specimen S-5 at the damage index D can be obtained accordingly.
later stage of loading. The bearing capacity of spec-
imen S-5 decreased to 217 kN and 172 kN in the last
MD M u (1 D). (2)
two cycles of load with an amplitude of 26.25 mm as
shown in Fig. 7, and the beam flange cracked show-
ing the obvious damage. In contrast, the bearing ca- In this study, the bearing capacity of specimens
pacity of specimen S-4 was 259 kN and 255 kN in S-6–S-9 subjected to a CA load is taken as the non-
the last two cycles of the load with the same ampli- destructive moment resisting capacity Mu, and the
tude, which reflects the slow damage process. connection bearing capacity MD of each specimen is
Therefore, the load type of burst strong seism applied normalized by dividing Mu at every corresponding
to specimen S-5 is detrimental for the connection loading stage. Fig. 7 shows the normalized curves of
performance. Some conclusions can be drawn based the bearing capacity versus the cycle numbers, which
on the analysis above: exhibits the damage evolution process of the connec-
(1) When specimens are subjected to the load tions. The positive or negative sign represents the half
with the same amplitude and cycle numbers, the in- cycle within which the bottom flange or the top flange
fluence of peak load onset time on their bearing ca- is in tension, respectively.
pacity is small. Specimens reach their ultimate ca-
5.2 Connection damage features
pacity at the first peak load, and the specimens’
bearing capacity decreases gradually thereafter. From the analysis of the damage evolution pro-
(2) The effect of peak load values on specimen cess of the specimens, some features of connection
performance has a close relationship with the number damage can be observed as follows:
of load cycles; if the cyclic number is small, the in- (1) The progression of the damage accelerates.
fluence is small. The bursting peak load is more det- Once a crack has grown through the thickness of a
rimental to the connection performance than the pro- beam flange, the bearing capacity of the connections
gressive loading. being subjected to CA load progressively decreases,
especially during the last two or three cycles of CA
4.3 Effect of loading amplitude
loading, and the damage correspondingly increases.
In order to validate the ultra-low cycle fatigue Fig. 8 shows the curves of the damage index of each
(ULCF) characters of beam-to-column connection cycle versus accumulated plastic rotations, clearly
under plastic cyclic loading, and provide reference for demonstrating that the damage in each cycle increases
the investigation under variable amplitude loading, during the last two or three cycles of loading. The
specimens S-6–S-9 were treated with CA load with damage indices at the inflexion point of the curve
different loading amplitudes. It can be seen from are approximate, showing the correlation between
Liu et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2017 18(11):910-926 919

damage development and the current accumulated which indicates the connection damage is mainly
damage. The larger the extent of the accumulated caused by the crack of metal in the plastic phase.
damage, the more damage will be caused by the (2) The loading amplitude has an obvious effect
plastic deformation of the same amplitude in the next on damage evolution. The damage evolution curves
cycle. That curve inflexion point is close to the point of the four CA specimens (tested under CA cyclic
where the crack propagates through the beam flange, loads) are shown in Fig. 9. When the beam tip load

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Fig. 7 Damage evolution process

(a) S-1; (b) S-2; (c) S-5; (d) S-6; (e) S-7; (f) S-9

Accumulated plastic rotation, p (rad)

Fig. 8 Curves of damage within each cycle versus accu- Fig. 9 Curves of damage versus accumulated plastic
mulated plastic rotation under constant amplitude loads rotation under constant amplitude loads
920 Liu et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2017 18(11):910-926

amplitude exceeds 1.5 y (for specimens S-6–S-8), the 1

Di , (3)
damage to the connections becomes evident. When N fi
the load amplitude is below this value (for specimen
S-9), the damage caused under ultra-low cycle load- where Nfi denotes the cycle numbers of CA load with
ing is negligible and can be ignored. amplitude i. The damage caused by cyclic loads with
(3) The damage process curves of each specimen different amplitudes is added linearly to calculate the
are approximate to the power function. Power func- damage of a specimen subjected to VA load as
tion axb is adopted to fit the tested results as shown in
Fig. 10. Fitting parameters are listed in Table 7. The N
fitting results show good agreement with test data, D . (4)
i 1 N fi
which indicates the power function is reliable for
describing the course of the damage.
Table 7 Fitting parameters of damage process curves
5.3 Validation of connection damage evolution Specimen a b R2
equation S-1 35.4 1.98 0.9798
S-2 280.6 4.30 0.9735
1. Linear cumulative damage evolution equation
S-3 44.1 3.35 0.9270
The linear cumulative damage law is a com- S-4 21.7 5.18 0.8685
monly used damage model in the field of low cycle or S-5 310.4 5.09 0.9878
ultra-low cycle fatigue. Based on the Miner linear S-6 24.2 3.29 0.9924
damage assumption, the influence of the sequence of S-7 420.5 5.76 0.9546
CA cyclic load is not taken into consideration. The S-8 58.0 3.56 0.9928
total damage is obtained by adding the damage caused S-9 4.3 3.88 0.9421
by each load with the same amplitude linearly. The Average 133.24 4.04
damage corresponds to the specific load amplitude COV* 1.19 0.29
and can be calculated by *
COV: coefficient of variance


(c) (d)

Fig. 10 Damage evolution curves obtained by linear and power functions under VA loads
(a) S-1; (b) S-2; (c) S-3; (d) S-4
Liu et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2017 18(11):910-926 921

The damage evolution curves of the VA loaded c

max y pi
specimens obtained by this linear assumption based D , (8)
model and the corresponding test results are shown in u y i 1 u y

Fig. 10. The damage process produced by this model

is quite different from the test results, so the linear where the constant parameter is taken as 0.23 ac-
cumulative damage law is not suitable for simulating cording to the previous study (Xiong, 2011), and the
the bending moment connection damage process. parameter c is regressed by the test data obtained in
2. Power function damage evolution equation this study. The fitting results are listed in Table 9.
The accelerating rate of damage progression can
be embodied by the power function-based damage Table 8 Fitting results of power function damage evolu-
law according to the previous analysis. The macro tion model
connection damage evolution equation is Specimen c D
S-1 8.08 0.82
c S-2 7.74 0.73
Di , (5) S-3 7.07 0.73
u y S-4 7.84 0.56
S-5 4.57 0.65
where pi represents the plastic rotation of every half S-6 6.75 0.81
cycle, u represents the ultimate rotation of a connec- S-7 4.48 0.70
tion subjected to monotonic load, and y denotes the S-8 3.17 0.76
S-9 2.84 0.69
connection rotation at yield point. Combined with the
Average 5.84
concept of Miner linear cumulative damage, the
Standard deviation 2.08
damage can be expressed by the linear combination of
COV 0.36
the power function-based model as

Table 9 Fitting results of modified Park-Ang damage
N evolution model
D . (6)
i 1 u y
Specimen c D
S-1 5.04 0.82
S-2 5.80 0.73
The test results of connection damage regressed 4.76 0.73
by Eq. (6) are shown in Fig. 10, and the fitting pa- S-4 6.80 0.56
rameter c is given in Table 8. S-5 3.12 0.65
3. Modified Park-Ang combination model S-6 4.39 0.81
Park and Ang (1985) proposed a damage evolu- S-7 3.00 0.70
tion model combining the displacement and energy S-8 2.12 0.76
index as S-9 2.07 0.69
Average 4.12
max Standard deviation 1.65
D dE , (7)
u Fy u
COV 0.40

where max is the maximum deformation under cyclic The damage evolution curves for some of the
loading, u is the ultimate deformation under mono- specimens obtained by Eqs. (6) and (8) are compared
tonic loading, Fy is the yield strength, dE is cumu- in Fig. 11. The damage evolution curves obtained by
lative dissipated energy, and is a constant. In this these two models are approximate. The fitting results
model, displacement and energy are combined show that these two models are more suitable for
linearly. simulating the damage process for specimens
The Park-Ang model can be modified to the S-1–S-3, which were subjected to variable amplitude
expression of exponent function as load, compared with CA loading specimens S-7–S-9
922 Liu et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2017 18(11):910-926

as shown in Fig. 11. However, the calibration for the (1997) have demonstrated that fatigue and tensioned
parameters of these models is all dependent on test ductile cracks are the major causes for crack devel-
data regression; thus, a more general and accurate opment in these types of connections.
damage evolution model needs to be established. 1. Metal fatigue theory
According to the Manson-Coffin relationship
5.4 Damage mechanism and ductile fracture-
and Paris equations, which describe fatigue crack
based damage evolution equation
propagation, Solomon (1972) and Krawinkler and
Based on the analysis above, for a connection Zhorei (1983) proposed the relationship between
designed with the philosophy of strong column-weak crack length and connection cycle numbers under CA
beam, the connection damage is mainly caused by a loads (Xiong, 2011):
crack in the metal in the plastic phase at the beam end,
and the damage course is the crack process of the da
a( ) , (9)
beam flange at the beam end. Skallerud and Zhang dN

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Fig. 11 Comparison between power function model and modified Park-Ang model
(a) S-1; (b) S-2; (c) S-3; (d) S-7; (e) S-8; (f) S-9
Liu et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2017 18(11):910-926 923

where a is the crack length, N is the cycle number, p t

p [e1.5Tt t (t ) e|1.5Tc | c (t )]dt ,
denotes the half of the amplitude range of plastic 0 (12)
strain, and are the material property related e1.5Tt t (t ) e|1.5Tc | c (t ) 0,
2. Metal ductile fracture theory where t and c represent the strain when tensioned
Under cyclic loading, when the stress amplitude and compressed, respectively.
exceeds the material yield strength, the material turns 3. Ductile fracture based damage evolution
into plastic repeatedly, leading to the initiation of equation for connection
ductile fractures in metal. It is assumed that ductile Studying the connection damage behavior to-
fracture initiation results from void growth and coa- gether with the fracture mechanism, the evolution of
lescence, which is related to plastic strain and stress connection damage can be captured by investigating
triaxialities surrounding the void. A brief review of crack development in beam-to-column connections.
the cyclic void growth model (CVGM) developed by To relate the ductile fracture micro mechanism to the
Kanvinde and Deierlein (2004) based on the previous macro connection fracture analysis, it was assumed
work of Rice and Tracey (1969) is given here. It is that the initial defect distributed uniformly in the
postulated that voids expand and shrink under cyclic beam flange at the beam end. The effect of crack
loading due to altering excursions of positive and location in the beam flange was not taken into con-
negative mean stresses or stress triaxialities. The sideration in this study. The initial crack can be pre-
driving force behind void growth is the cumulative sumed to be the surface crack of the beam flange
tension plastic strain; ductile fracture initiation occurs according to the equal defect area. Based on the
when the void reaches a critical size. For a single fundamental assumptions of damage mechanics,
spherical void in an infinite continuum, the void crack propagation through the thickness of the beam
growth rate under monotonic tensile loading can be flange can be regarded as a reduction in the effective
expressed as (Kanvinde and Deierlein, 2004; Wang et
area of the beam flange. Therefore, the damage pro-
al., 2011; Liu et al., 2016)
cess can be obtained by analyzing crack propagation.
Considering the main driving force of crack growth is
dr / r C e1.5TR d p , (10) *
the ductile strain range p within each cycle, the
crack growth rate expression is rewritten as
where r is the instantaneous void radius; TR= m/ e is
the stress triaxiality (ratio of mean stress m to effective da *
stress e); C is a material constant; d p is the incre- a( p ) . (13)
mental equivalent plastic strain. Therefore, a ductile
fracture caused by void growth is proportional to As the stress triaxiality is related to the geome-
e1.5TR d p , and the ductile strain p* is defined as the tries of a specimen, numerical computation is needed
to calculate the triaxiality for a connection with
index to describe the ductile fracture accordingly
complicated geometries. Previous study indicates that
the theoretical value of triaxiality can be taken as 1/3
p e1.5TR p . (11)
and 1/3 when a beam flange is subjected to tension
and compression, respectively (Xiong, 2011).
Under cyclic reverse loading, when the triaxial- Therefore, Eq. (12) can be simplified as
ity is positive, the void expands under plastic strain-
ing, and if it is negative, the void shrinks. The mag- t
nitude of triaxiality TR and the equivalent plastic
p e1.5TR [ t (t ) c (t )]dt , t (t ) c (t ) 0. (14)
strain govern the rate of void growth or shrinkage. Tt
and Tc represent the stress triaxiality when tensioned The summation term of the equation can be de-
and compressed, respectively. Integrating Eq. (10) fined as effective plastic strain EPS:
over tensile and compressive loading excursions re-
spectively, the term p* during cyclic loading can be t
[ t (t ) (t )]dt. (15)
expressed as EPS 0 c
924 Liu et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2017 18(11):910-926

When stress triaxiality distributes uniformly, the The relationship between connection damage and
effective plastic strain range EPS is the key factor crack length within each cycle can be quantified as
influencing the connection fracture. Therefore,
Eq. (13) can further be simplified with the term of b a ( x, i )
Di dx. (19)
EPS: 0 bt

da This equation is suitable for the CA loading, and

ae1.5TR ( EPS ) . (16)
dN it can be employed approximately in the situation of
variable loading according to the Miner linear cu-
The growth in crack length in each cycle under mulative concept. Compared with the power function
CA loads can be obtained by integration of Eq. (16): model and the Park-Ang model mentioned above, this
fracture mechanism-based model has some ad-
e1.5 TR ( EPS )
ai 1 ai e . (17) vantages as follows:
1. This model is based on fatigue damage me-
Based on the assumption of a surface crack, the chanics and the ductile fracture mechanism, and ef-
bearing capacity of the connection after a crack ap- fective plastic strain is adopted as the damage evolu-
pears in the beam flange can be calculated as Fig. 12 tion index in this model. The parameters of the model
shows. In this study, a beam flange that has com- have definite physical meanings.
pletely fractured is regarded as being in its end state, 2. It can reflect the accelerating damage evolu-
and the plane-section assumption is adopted to cal- tion of connection. By relating the damage of the
culate its ultimate strength. current cycle to the crack length in last cycle, the
effect of accumulated damage on damage develop-
ment is described.
3. The different influence of tension and com-

pression load on connection damage has been taken

into consideration by adopting the effective plastic
strain to evaluate the damage process, which better

conforms to the practical damage mechanisms of

metal material.
4. The effect of loading history is considered by
including the accumulated damage of each cycle.

Fig. 12 Schematic of calculation for connection bearing

capacity after flange crack 6 Conclusions

The bearing capacity of a connection with crack In order to investigate the damage behavior of
area s can be obtained approximately by beam-to-column connections in SMRFs during se-
vere earthquakes, a series of tests were carried out on
MD y (bt s )(h t ), (17) nine full scale specimens of connections, in which
five specimens were tested under variable cyclic
where b and t represent the beam flange width and loading and four specimens were tested under con-
thickness, respectively, h is the height of the beam stant cyclic loading. Based on the test results, three
section, and y denotes the material yield strength. damage evolution models were validated, and a
The crack area s can be obtained by integration of model that captures the underlying mechanisms of
every crack length at different locations: damage was proposed according to fatigue fracture
mechanics. The following conclusions can be drawn:
b 1. In the connection tests, the cracks initiated
s a( x)dx. (18)
0 from the toes of the WAHs in the beam flanges and
Liu et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2017 18(11):910-926 925

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